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Associated Press Report Published Daily opah Daily Bonanza METAL QUOTATIONS SILVER 99 5-8c SILVER (FOREIGN) 64 5-8e LEAD - - $7-20 COPPER - 1 TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY FAIR VOLUME XXIII. NO. 157. T0N0PAH, NEVADA, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 19, 1922 PRICE TEN CENTS iEGED C Ton ONFFSStiN ORGc REBUTTAL EVIDENCE INTRODUCED AND CASE NEARLY READY FOR JURY Fascisti-Commimists in Squabble tr.t nun ,lii.i jurv lli-i Mm in-; si I'll up at 11 o'clock next day. Hail nothing to to. Williams was not to breaklast 1 he car was out in front of the Olobc. Had told my wife he would not use the ill car Expected him to go out I of "bate go still ami thought he got Williams had a letter ar not having a license, to still alone and found and more to run e-k- Williams didn't md I went to still. Williams run one h and awav. h to leave- 1 liams to go to still w itl W L'lth lid not expect him to it he had no reasons .ranked car for Wil to the hospital. Went Hios on August 2-"th. at the still alone on the is it was not ni'ei'ssar for Mil' I a v i tr town IllIM I n to make the rn never had a gun out then it is customary for a hootl to carry a 1:1111. Kios had threats to Fred liaivn who tue h'ios had threatened me. went out with 111c on the I hail a nun and lims had Kios was at wash pultun; 1, I . 1-tit j 'Hirer made told KioS J.'.t li mine. ! sand in I . tin 1 I'll-' meant ! started toward shot over his h I then started what In ; and In n-d him threat me. 1 fired ; ad to scare him awav from him it In nil probability the fate of l,eor"e anl Lena Dillon w ill he. ; ; the hands of the jury some 'in time tonight. At -i :-w o elocK this afternoon the proseuution ..cinpleted its introduction of re- lni:al testimony whereupon Dis- to tin Attorney frank i. I Minn an- pmcm c-ed that the state closed. I about re Averill then ordered the I went into etirement wlnie t lit six ouaits run id attorney and Joseph T. Then cam phy for tlie defendants were show Ki .-led. to present their 111' I Am positive .1.. . '1M... ions 10 nit com 1. 1 ne ,., t thought that- it woiilii re-,U:,-e about two hours before the iiis"-a -tions would be ready to ,e n ad to the jury. A night session of the court t 11 - mi : . . . .... lie Held- l lie opening in-,- , ,., ,t will be made by Deputy. Iw trict Attorney uyianu u. 1 1 ...:lt I . .ll ...I r aim ne win oe iouohiu vttornev Murphy for the de- lV,ise. The closing adders will he made by District Attorney Ihiim- With the opening of court this niiirning Attorney -los.'ph T. Mnrphv, in the Dillen murder . ' ' 111.. Hill.... recalled ITCOIge iniini 10 the stand for tnther 1I11 1 ex animation. The defendant testi-fi-, where he worked at tlie roan. I house in Baker-field and v. !i, iv his wife worked ill a store at tie time of thei arrest in that He said the ottn-ers asked In' knew anything of the 1 .1 . .1 V..,,. iiriler ana mm me e.-v.uooe-. if 1 - 1 1 :,. several tunes He Hcuieii ,v knowledge of the crime. 1 1. i : 1 in no- euo 1 im.i " "'. "No. answ.-nd ilelenilant i.aKeisnc.u, -v. ,, ' never saw W illiams alter August 1 1 1.. Ion l.'los el.. " . I tile Mil tit lie was to go ami o-irh it into tlie (il'.lie rooming ri , .v,.,. ,.,,, a,v use and gave it to 1,10 I was ,iU.Mi,lt Vll )uull) Ulat the second tier ot the .tail ,,j()i tnj VnU Viij.1Ills was i.- Zampatti was 111 the l"''' , ,,,,.,,,. u l,h I11V W,f,. ,,n't l.nv me. I talked to Zam patt 1 j kluu .mWiim,, .,,m ,u. wat,., above- My wile was 111 In' ,. ,,,,,,,,, ,,, Williams- 1 never i"om and 1 dd hear her m , stjl ,u .,,. Itli whrn : 1 went with officers and , - , ,. , , stl)! to the still, and heard Kms )h, 1o) lljni. .11V u in that I wa the one wholV()ir .,, Vl, was I Williams- 1 denied 11 be , friendly " the officers and Rios " le-, ... you y. ftm ,nt then told ot visits ot iiiiii.n-iir v. ,ty Sheriff Van Vieet to his, . Ma( and to visit in sher.f Is "J j , , Vl)u loav-.. and ot talking to Sheriff ' ; -ri tt 1 1 e t.; .;. t o 1 icii iic-rtuv- j naiiu-u o-- Iho'i,as. He told ot his visit to . tie- .lis.riet attorney's offiiv with nm;le ."ith K,os. saw unn.v Van Vleet- lie said a. this poi,,.!" "''' that his alleged confession as tes- .1e,v, Kios o lea the 1 , ise , , . t ' -l.,,i in- tiim 'III'1 be eould act like a gentle tilled 1) by van Icet h lum - . . -i 1 -.i ,1 ,.,-, man Went to Bishop because viioihtari v and without yiomise ...... -. ... , . i- 1' . 1 , ....,1 tti it m).s broke jail there Did not "' reward, was made up ami tnat ,, 1 1 . -. it . . "I change name, he ilidnt say it. He sanl : 1 ii.l md kill Wallaee Williams." redirect examination de Witness was thereupon turn, d j l. mlant Mated m answer to over to District Attornev Dunn ituestmns trom Attorney Murphy 1 cross-examination- He stated, that when In- started to tell Williamsl I Mmn ami van Meet anoui jvios Hid that 'and what Kios said they stopped t!i"v started to make moonshine me ami saiu w uai ano, . . , !,,( it 1.1,11., f .lone. "Both is not evidence- Was atrani m "She . l.'eorgt had received home that his mother id- Mrs. Dilh-n said that, was having because hc telegram from i was very and that town. " die took I ieorge out The stale next called in re-: huttal Mike Woolridge, the hoist-i inir eii''iiiecr and realty owner and a resident of Tonopah for many years. He testified that he was part owner of the upper; Frazil r wells, and rented this I'laee to I IVll who collected the rent. The rent was paid on Inly t! and on August between the 14th and Mth; in Septem ber between the 4th ami Nth. The rent was not paid after An" irust . probably the tit it. Lee, Bell paid the rent. ' called in i' for the rent." statis wit aliil Bill told me the poo EXECUTIONS BY FREE STATERS STILL IN ORDER Four Railway Men and Three Laborers Pay Death Penalty for Train Robbery TRACE IS LOST OF HOLDUPS IN AIR MAIL PILOTiFASCISTI ARE FOUND MAROONED GREAT ROBERYIN DEEP SNOW I Hill T ENEMY ( Id lies had plrt-c III' eai ccipt lid m c SI pie the 4th a t'i "in- an. I ha. I given up The relit was up the h month never gave the' rent was alwavs Til ehllt ipatl 1 1.-', lit went to cabin, got his and started for town Sn did I. " "Did you not say to me that the main thing that wa.s bother" nig you was whether your wife vas true." witness Has ak''d. t a fact that the story iiio is the same as -told 111 1 Zai ing at t lol I'hh told was D..11 Fhoiiias was n.-xt called: I and testified that Jim! wits never in iail dur-' ef and S.-i.i.im1hT. and1 time doing his a.lininistra-1 PHARMACY a. 1 .anipa : 1 1 ev.-r 11 eon-. in tl unity jail. Wit- j stated that ampatti had1 urn he knew where watch. Ill'ied. .ewers was the next wit" DI'l'.Ll.V, Dec ln.-Four rail way men and three laborers were exc.-uted here today for inter fering with trains in the County Kildarc atid seven men were captured November 13 by the Free State Troops With them a quantity of stolen goods, rifles and ammunition was found. The men were tried by a military committee and sentenced to i death on the charge of tram wrecking. All are reported to have been members of the Re publican army. Federal, County and City Of ficers at Denver Fail to Find Any Clues HEAVY REWARD IS OFFERED It is Not Believed That Robbery Was Committed by Profes sional Robbers Salt Laker Discovered to Be Alive and Well at Ranch Near Rock Springs Ten Deaths Have Already Re sulted and Ambushinsr Parties Are Much in Evidence PUNISHMENTS ARE INFLICTED BOARD IS PROBING SALE OF DOPE Is It III toll bv nu ll- 'n 11, Hies suv Kill-, fere fcinl IV e.-l fie I iiess called in rebuttal, and tcs : t ifu'd that he had been around the jail considerable during Sep tember and 1 ictober, ".lim Zam ! pal t i was not in the jail " stated j vv it iiess. "during t hat time, and to my knowledge had never been in jail." When asked if Dill.-n had aked for an attorni y at any time, witness stated he had. "lie asked for an attorney after they were returned from Bakcrsfield. and 1 told defendant, said wit ness, "that I saw Murphy at li'oiind Mountain and delivered message to Murphy that they de sired him for their attorney, and he told me to tell them he would j be hack shortly. They said they j were willing to wait for the return ot Attorney .Murpliy. "Did you ever ask the Dillens for a receipt to make gin?'' An swer: "I never did." Witness stated she and that 0. at In-r resid The cross Lena Dilli-n o'clock vest' stated that Zampatti lie called knew dim cisionallv eiiee. examination of Mrs was concluded at 4 rday afternoon. She on August J-'f she tha !) he met Wallace the 8th of April of us made money. 1 did not I make iinv confession to 1 nomas- Was trying to find out if they; knew anything about the crime. Bidn't eonfess to Thomas or Van Vleet. Next day was taken be fore district attorney and intro duced to Mr- Dunn. Thomas eame in and left Van Fleet said. 'Ho ahead with your story.' 1 told Kios story. ' Relieved that they were keeping attorney from me- Had no eallers. Don't know what became of WallaeV Williams. We ran several batches together as the trade de manded Nobody ran still but Williams and I." "Did you run any the day of the fire?" Answer: "N' Someone run one batch that I'iglit. Williams was to have run ' I stayed home the night of the fire- I went to bed and got 0000000000000000 THE WEATHER 0 0 0 0 Local ohsrver United 0 0 Statei weather" bureau: 0 0 Temperatures 5 a.m. Noon 0 Current . 33 30 Wet bulb 32 35 o Relative humidity ...87 70 0 Temperature, Extreme 0 1922 1921 0 Maximum veiterdav ...44 - 34 0 Minimum ytiterdav ...31 2t jail. W;t alraid ot being tried without a counsel. Didn't know of death of Williams when 1 was ill liaKersiie in- At this juncture the birth eer tificate of Dillen wa.s introduced in evidence, which was October l'i. 11102. Witness stated he had never been arrested before. Said he tolJ l.ios to try and find out what lie could- .Mimiueu lie said he had three defenses. Made 110 statement that Kios had unloaded the shells. Stated Van Vleet gave him a drink after the confession- At this point de fendant stated he never told how many defenses he han. This ended tl ro-,vcx m illa tion and Van Vleet was called in rebuttal Admitted giving de fendant a drink after Dillen had been taken to Dunn's office Told of visit of Dillen and wife and himself to Krazier well. Said he was told of liios giving Mrs. Dillen watch by placing it in her pocket and that later Rios dug a hole and Mrs- Dillen put the watch in the hole and Kios covered it 1- Annie IVreglio was the first lied in rebuttal by the ...,t slie testified that 'knew Mrs Dillen. I ,uL o a in statement to ! and Dillen and Kios talked over I the disappearance of Wallaee j Williams, and concluded that he I had gone out blind baggage as j he had often threatened to do. 'she stated that (ieorge then ! asked Kios to go out to the still I and help run off a barrel of mash hut the she objected .by I saying she thought he would ihave had enough of partnership I as every partner he had asso ! ciated with had become indebted to them. As was expected Attorney . Murphy for the defense c-tlled ; Ieorge I iillen one of the de- i t'end.-inls to the wit iiess stand r h SAN FKAN'LTSCO Dee. l'J Investigation by the State Phar macy board into the sale of nar" eotics to prominent members of the Hollywood movies colony has been progressing for three weeks, according to a statement by Louis Zeh, secretary of the board. "We arc not concent rat ing so much on users as we are on sellers," Zeh said. "While we have determined drugs are being supplied to prominent members of the motion picture industry, it would be a libel on Hollywood to say there was any concentration of selling and consumption of narcotics there." said Zeh's statement. As a matter of fact evil may be far worse in other places in South ern California and elsewhere be cause our investigations are meeting with great difficulties in other places, while we have been given more nr less a free hand in Hollywood. The board is inves" tigating the Wallaee Keid case, but only in connection with the sale of dugs to those in the mo tion picture colonyl who use them It must be emphasized the colony as a whole is not under investiga" 'Hon. and with the advent Mr. Will Hays into motion picture industry the drug evil in Holly wood has been abated to some considerable degree. GOLDEN EAGLE LEASE MAKING FINE SHOWING jumped to Oakland where he worked in the shipyards- In a short time he proceeded to Pa.s adena where he was employed in a garage for six weeks. His next' move was to Taft where he was employed from May 1111" til September on pipe line work. Wa.s thrown out of work at the time of the strike of oil workers, and got work digging cesspools- He then got acquainted with Jim water DENVER. Dec- 19 Eighteen hours of searching by Federal, county and citv officers and the questioning of 1(5 persons at po- had been marooned .7 lice headquarters, had failed up! by deep snow. to early today to reveal any trace of the identity of the ban dits who yesteday robbed the Federal Reserve bank truck of .f2(VOl0 after a gun battle in front of the I'nited States mint in which Charles T. Linton, one of the guards, -was fatally wounded. The city and county of Den ver has offered a reward of 10.01)0 for the capture, dead or alive, of the bandit:. Chief of Police Williams is still of the opinion that the men 'who committed the robbery are not pofessional bandits, and in formed the Associated Press he was conducting his search along that line. lie believes the rob bers have not left Denver. Last night and during the early hours today the' police made a thorough search of rooming houses and small hotels and there was gen" eral checking up of all charac ters known to the police- SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 19 Ai Mail Pilot Henry G. Boon stra, missing since last Friday morning when he became last I in a blizzard eti route to Rock ! Springs, Wyo., has been found alive and well at Rigby Ranch,; . four miles of where the wrecked; TIRIN, Dec l'J plane was discovered late yes --onflict.s between tli t'erday, according to advises' re-! 811,1 ''"mmunists hen ceived bv air mail officials- He suited in the killing Judgment Rendered According to Relative Guilty of All Communists Arrested lleneVVC'l Fascist! have re tell per- Canadian Leasing Company Has Resumed Ore Extraction and Shipments to Sart the ranch sons- including two t-as-isti I Not long ago the local Com munists resumed an openly hos tile attitude toward the l-'ascisti. Yesterday two Fascist i parties were ambushed, one man killed and sveral wounded The Fns eisti thereupon mobilized , at tacked the chamber of labor an 1 stormed or set fire to the In ad quarters other than subversive organizations, inflicting punish ments according t" what they ad judged would he relative guilt of Communists. The punishments administered by the Fncisti. in cluded clubbing and giving doses of nauseaous medicine. VETS RECEIVE INCREASED PAY HUGH ACTIVITY NOW MANIFEST OLD REPUBLIC It is Reported that Operations Will Shortly Be Resmed on Orizaba Mine There is a great deal of activ ity in the old Republic district situated norwest of Tonopah and resumption of work on a number of promising properties has al ready been started or will be started in the near future. It is reported upon very good au thority that Wier Rrothers of New York City, who are m con trol of the Orizaba mine, are making arrangements for the in stallation of a heavier plant of machinery in order that the encountered previous to BY THIS BILL Work is again going forward at the lease of tin Canadian Leasing company on the Golden Eagle claim at Royston after two weeks spent in making repairs to buildings and in preparing for the winter campaign of devel opment It is expected to have another shipment of high grade ore ready for market within a comparatively short time. Op erations are being prosecuted to the south of the 5.'5-foot level of! the incline shaft, and a body of ore having a width of from four to seven feet is exposed that is expected to mill better than . WASHINGTON. Dec. if 100 a ton- I Veterans of the Civil war The show-in.' 011 this i-mm,! erans' widows ami Civil which was formerly known as the nurses, probably will receive Hctts lease, is renorte) to be so. Christmas present from the gov- i Widows and Nurses Would Also ! Benefit if Christinas Measure Enacted 19.--vet-war perior to that of over a year ago eminent in the form of when Rovstnn aarnna into ttm Ipensioiis as a result ot an agree- limelight,"and the camp enjoved meent .vlmd by the conferees a mushroom growth for several 011 ,he Bursum pension bill. The months. pensions of veterans are to be increased under the measure from .-foO to if 72 a month fur widows and the nurses pensions from tfoO to ifoO. MURDER POLISH r'her husband' (Ieorge she Did she you that Dillen, wa.s Answer: Witness started out by in detail the history of his life, lie said he was born in Atvuack county, Michigan. October Li. lllirj. He lived 011 a farm with his parents until 101-" when be went to Delroit to make his home with two sisters. He re mained three years in that city working at various lines of employment- He then returned to the farm for a short time, when he decided to ,, 1 ... . i. I...V .1 . ... 1 ' . . . . . . . citing; iiiiin. Known as iuiiaio, auuitne closing down ot the property . tormcd a moonshine partnership, mav be handled successfully and . I . 1 1. 1.1 I. I' .. . ' insisieii ne imu never oeioit- economically. 1 1ns mine was a been mixed up in any scrape, good producer of good grade ore Business did not lbmrish and for quite a long period, the prod they quit making illicit whisky. He then heard of still for sale in the country and it was at that he met his present wife- PRESIDENT IS DEEP MYSTERY Searches and Arrests Among a? Nationalists and Many Are Being Investigated PEACE TREAY READY j LASSAL'N'l-:, I I!". Tt was reported here that a complete draft of the peace treaty drawn up as a result of the deli'n rati-nis oi the far east conference would i be presented to the Turks Sat - I" She made Ifim a partnership of for in the whisky business on a rtl-."0 basis and he accepted. her and thev net having been hauled to Millers and from there shipped to Ilazen. John llyland. owner of the (Sold Exchange group of seven claims, left Monday for the dis trict and resume development. fell: Operations are to he were through the 200-foot go to Chicago. 1 in love with went to Omaha 1 married at Bakcrsfield, on Dec. has been sunk on Gold Exchanged TONOPAH PEOPLE ARE WARSAW, Dec. 19 The gov ernment in efforts to determine whether a plot existd for the fiimrder of President Narutowicz (is continuing the searches and arrests among nationalists and tuanyhigh officers and official have been arrested or dismissed. Extraordinary precautions again st possible disorders are being t'iken here Hinl in flip milliner re. prosecuted 1 i(ns shalt thati Butler t Theater tH M Today l-'i-iini there h , ,. ., . i . w: i: . ' ) 10'1 II.. nn.l lnu lit fa nan.o in Vn 1 ,.lt,.. If U Oil1 ailll 1 rOlll IHCre lO .HIIIIH il'll. . -' mo vnm v ..u. i eiailll. lllf ilAI-lWIl U the latter place he worked ; 1 onopah on .March 1, this yea. point a ledge having a width of -pi, 1 for a tM'in handling supplies for hind lived at the Capitol rooming 20 feet is exposed, the ore being Thrw' Tonopah people were: railroad camps. Shortly there-j house for two weeks, later rent- of a low grade, but adaptable ' awarded prizes in the essay con; after he went to Devils l.ake,:ing ine iiione. ami ne iormen a to mining. Sinking at this point " 1,1 """' " " v. ii o.l (V,.i. i there went to iiartnei's ill) with Wallaee W ii. was ilisenntinnwl iwiw in n 1 enstein company upon me Minneapolis. Eom there went to. liams- Stated he and Williams flow of water having been en-'-i00' "Why Butte, remaining one night, and f never had any trouble. Said countered, but this does not in then nroceeded to Spokane His Williams and Rios were continu-, terefere with drifting. next move took him to Yakama. i ally getting into trouble. gen- Lew Miller and William Young second prize ot iff;) cash; Mrs. Wash., where he picked apples erally about the socialists and are prosecuting work on their J- Wigglesworth was awarded and did railroad work He then T . . of which Rios was a claims which adjoin the Orizaba ioni" Pru(x of sixth rnllrds 1 J i . i . T 1 - . AWARDED ESSAY PRIZES sub- M. J. B in the Qual ity Coffee of America Sirs. IClori Sucetti Spiers wa.s awarded W went to l'otland. and later to, champion. of The two men would mine, and they have a shaft down J- I- of sixth pounds of coffee. The first prize Jefferson- w here he secured four Iget ready to fight frequently, but to a depth of 100 feet with a fair of $200 cash wag awarded to Mrs. l T"l m It i . ' a ... .TAftA-l--T"X-ll days worn, rrora mere ne witness wouia separate tnem- snowing oi ore in evidence. ij- Myies oi raiion- BUTLER THEATER TODAY MARION DAVIES in "THE YOUNG DIANA" From Marie Corelli's start ling novel. How to be young and beau tiful always this strange, fascinating romance by one of the world's greatest writers will tell you Topics of the Day and Aesops Fables. TOMORROW Buck Jones in "WEST OF CHICAGO" and Two-reel Christie comedy, "SISTER SUSIE" leaving Tonopau. 000000000000000