Newspaper Page Text
u Associated Press Report Published Dally opah Daily Bonanza TONIGH AND FRIDAY FAIR METAL QUOTATIONS SILVER 89 6-80 SILVER (FOREIGN) 64 6-8c LEAD - $7-20 COPPER 14 Ton VOLIME XXII. NO- '59 BAN ON SEARCH j OF MOTORISTS j KNFWRIIIINfi til IlLrfSI IIJL111U 1 S. Attorney Burke Says Agent Must Not Frisk Peo ple for any Kind of Liquor BODIES OF AVIATORS ARE FOUND IN OASI8 SACRAMENTO. Dee. 21. -The' charred bodies of the mii,.,. j aviators, Colonel Frauds f. yrdl shall and Lieutenant i hai ;, , ' Webber, have been found mi Hi,- ! Papain Indian nerval inn. 7;, unit's west nf Tiirs.,1, 'a.'ifie offices her. war, 1 ill dispatches 1 1- ecu liny, advi.-. s Upon III.- Indies near j known the In. liana Oasis The li. idles I iv in the wr-ekag. l-of an airplane. TONOPAH, NEVADA, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 21, 1922 PRICE TEN CENTS DIAMONDFIELD BEING WATCHED southern advised 'sen. A d, eimie what is BY OPERATORS Preliminary Work at Black Butte Has Been Completed, Development Starts SAN III Hie r,.;l -h i I i llHUllhs FRANCISCO, Dec. 20. niust important and far g 1 iipior ruling of recent I'ldted States Attorney i ke ut' San Francisco yes plaeed a ban on the nulls searching of mo uld individuals hy federal tits. ivcriimeiu auuruey nt work lias been com ic limn. parent ly whieh tin was sn a mm; l-ell lerisl drv Th that ...,.. I. ter to be eonsHlcrei ; . and that enforcement Mlt'd I'm- his ,,;,,, must j" "" St'lir''1' WOMEN'S CLUB "OBJECTS pc'soi, uiiti.-v- iui .iii.'j.v.i nil ,.rseii has first been placed uu- ,lr .ir:v-t. ESCAPES JAIL SAN I'U A N ( 1 Si i. j),.,.. 21 dnlin llnl'l'. alias II, de, being held on the chai-ee ,,f burglary, sawed his way tiir..n t!ie iron liars ot Ills eel! m the eltv prison to the earlv-dnv lniniinr nf .1,. fi.lg Ills escape WEATHER OF TONOPAH FINEST IN THE WORLD There is a wonderful differ ence in atmosphere conditions of today and that of a year ago. From December IS to 2G cloudy weather prevailed throughout this district, according to the records of the local weather bu reau, and on Clyistmas day of a year ago there was two and one half inches of snow on the ground a year ago, with a pre cipitation of 1.08 of an inch dur ing that period. It looks like we were to nave a creen NDO TRIALS TO NvADE SOUTHERN CITYOF COAST Officers Plan to Fill Jails With Those Who Start Any New Trouble I i '", persons of motorists , burglaries at lailll. . hell roof h, il is situated ! "!' a mniil Eureka and h "arrant was UTe-t. I in lie r of Uak- is- CIIICAUO, Dec 21. Another movement of footloose I. W. W. was said to be directed westward to'ith Los Angeles the objetive as a result of appeals to I. W. W. headquarter here from the ma rine transport workers TO ARB'JCKLE DECISION l an: ,,;! p'Sll!'' s when illllts ram i: ately lW.'H t s lis 1 .I.Tllsl llli.lile' U'liell .! p. iipaiii v-Iii-1. heision means that scores Pl'FFAI.O. N. V., Dee. 21, iiniihiles that have been A mooting ,,f the city ('.-deration during raids on popular .f nvoituiis clubs has heu called and in individual eases, to consider the ivmstat inent ..f lie or more of the ..ecu- Fatty Al'hticklc in the movies. i the machines was fi I nd Mr- t. hailes S,-;! ,,, chair a flask, will immcdi 'man ut' th- inning picture mm be returned to their mittee I' t ,e federal i, in. dcebired the orgatila! i"U would oppose ;e's order, which was at the return f Artu-kl. " We ..niniiuiicated to all local have I. . en dee, ie, by Will II incut officials and agents, Hays " said. ade alter a caretul study b'gal points involved, fore dry agents have been eiied to seize every auto. or vehicle of any kind i'.pmr could be found in ssessjioii of any of the oc s of the machine r Surt'aci I at the lilaek Hutte. in,, according to the old 'he Diamond held section of the ! sayint, district, which recently was op-j ' . tinned by (iuv Millard, one of HARNPCC PrtMDAUV le list rid u-ho returned here r- ,U UtF ENDAMT eelltlv from Hostnn where lie WASHINGTON FW 91 I had been for several years Tim Civil or criminal units mm ! NEW RAILROAD RATES machinery was in bad condition hoth, against the United States and bad to be reassembled and Harness company of Ranson, repaired. The shaft has been put , W. Ya., will be ready fo insti in good condition and a station tute by the government within lwn been cut1 so that eveything 1 :10 das. Colonel Henry T An is in readiness for starting work dorsum special assistant to the mi the crosscut to the viii, attorney general, testified before which will be driven an esti- the house judiciary committee, mated 27" feet to cut the vein The harness company was or at a depth of lii.i feet. gunized largely bv fo'rnipr irmv The crosscut will In cut the lilaek Hutte of anv of the earlv-dav The i-iji. in which the great Me Kaiie slope was opened, was lost at a fault south ut the stupe, and Millard worked tor three vears to find the vein bc ond 1 1 1 - fault. l-'malU, he savs. Albert ISiiivh. driven to olfieers to dispose of surplus war ein south harness. work . wmtE UAFS SHIPMENT WORTH ELEVEN THOUSAND MOUNTAIN LION KILLED WITH BOW AND ARROW W. L, "Dick" Taylor, super intendent of the White Caps mine and mill- arrived this niorn- illL' from Mflnllflttnn Krinm'nrr formerly general manager for,,,.;,!, l,;, u il;u ....u ...... (1 luii I7,n. iv n ut lu i 11,111X1. w hich was deposited with the Tononah First N'ation- al bank of Tonnpnli. This was th tile (ens ideas for Ulg the found o idate.l. Lrave him new lis work. and. follow-' nh ie,. of liiirch. lit the siirface the lost ON NEVADA NORTHERN The Nevada Northern railway company has worked out a new list of freight rates on ores ranging in value from $15 to $300 per ton to Utah smelters which will become operative on January 20. These rates are in terstate in nature and were the result of volunteer action on the part of the railroad. Last July the Nevada public service com mission ordered a general re duction in freight rates of ten per cent, so the new ore rates effective January 20 will con stitute a material reduction from what the rates on ores were something over six months ago. Owing to the length of the table it will not be possible to CONSPIRACY ALLEGED SEATTLE, Pec. 21. An al leged coftiir8y to steal thou sands of doljars worth of govern mnt property from the navy yard at Hreiueitou has beeu uncov ered by federal agents, they an nounced here after the federal grand jury return au indict ment charging Clifford G. Me keel, navy yard employe, and Gerald Lee Clark' a Bremerton merchant, with stealing the equipment from the government warehouses. reparations"meeting IS ABRUPTLY ENDED LAUSANNE, Dec. 21. A wordy altercation between ex premier Venizelos of Greece ana Kiza Nur Hey, Turkish national ist delegate, caused Signor Mon- taona, president of the near east commission on minorities, to be brought abruptly to an end the morning session of the commis sion. The' dispute was over the question of liberty of ernniigra- tion. Venizelos bitterly attacked the Angora government and pro tested against alleged deporta tion of Greeks by the thousand from Anatolia. Riza Nur replied in the same vein, charging Ven izelos with being responsible for the Turco-week war and the consequences. EXTENSION SHIPMENTS GRADUALLY INCREASING DELEGATION OF CITIZENS WILI PROBE GERMANY Economic Conditions to Be In vestigated by Hoover and a Number of Others wap'!, It ha makiii s"!'. Iiiiicr his b, pel's.. 1'.. : I'est t new ruling will ln'v on the general practi I ug automobiles for liquor t he effect, boweve.'. of ; the automobile safe from it the transporter of the has the foresight to carry : ir in his pocket or on tp HOSTilN. De, lion killed with row in ik' big hold! eniiuly. Calf added to his tl'op Jt assails II. M,.s Vermont, an ariuv 21. Mountain a bow and ar lands of Mum iomia lias been dies by Captain of South Hero, 111' service ol- i.irt if the listrict ilore th, I t! fio-r. now on leave froin Mitchell Field, to his father-in law tain Stl,s said the ot absence in a letter here, Cap- aii!! lailc C's ledge, one imsi productive in the Vow Millard will ex v iii at depth and mill ing men familiar with the Dia miiinlfielil section say he .should unci with some degree of success and may find or,, similar to the bonanza bodies of years ago. No doubt exists that th faulted segment of the vein has ty seat, been found. In his work years' newt Cltl'.MI.KY rfcannr e an illiictrllt inn nf esult- of the last cleanup at ! ,, -Hm.H.,.', .....I, 'il ,.., f,.-,,,, the mill covering the first fifteen , Kimberlv and"is reduced days of Decinher. (from $".;:! to $4.50, from Lane City from $4.4S to $4.00; from Tha Tonnpah Extension Mining company sent out a shipment of bui- publish it today, but will up-. lion worth !1.1IM. This was an iu pear later in an issue of the Urease rtf ft 100 over that of the last IS days of November, and was with J t PERSONAL I.. S. CLAR, mineral surveyor ot i .Manhattan, is a business to the coun- in $51i'if) of reaching the tnpnoteli made by the Tonnpah Itelmont emu pauy of t7,ni0. Th production for t lie first half East Ely and McGill, $4.28 to of December from the five mills of $:.50; from Cherry Creek, $4.2S the district was as follows: to $;i.20. THIRD SHIFT PUT ON AT DEEP MINES SHAFT Iv ..,.. which IlcUi ,. ilfl.l a the dry agents can ar person thus carrying iiiUi.r i hey must have reason to ' him guilty of violating the 1; : :.! law, and must formal- him under arrest, alter, they may search him. r, as federal agents arc oiintable for false arrests anil their treatment of sits-; "cted persons, local prohibition i ffi.ii! pointed out. agents wmild lie instructed to be sure f tie-ir ground before arresting iH'.'itpants of automobiles. banksuTn giv'e'aid I TO BETTER READING a lug one anil the his heart Styes few arrow liuiit.r trv lb- makes his arrou picr.-ci Is one of till in the coun own weapons SENATOR BORAH HAS CONFERENCE PROGRAM d was '"'en ioun.l. in in.s worn veins; .sr.wi 11U..V11.M leu tnis moin- i ; ago .Millard crosscut west on toe inK ror K.-uu, wliere lie will spoiwl , ; 1 ill 1-foot level of u lease shalt, the yuletide sa.son with his family. thinking the lault action lia.l HAltKV MOOUK. superint.indent of thrown the vein in this direc- ihe Rescue Kul.i mine, left tills morn lioii. Not finding the vein in the .ing for San Francisco, vhori) he west, he drove east, but stopped will spend tha holidays, work because of fear of apes : THOMAS A. LINDriAY leit y-iater- Kxtonsion .... i Dnlinont . I West End Tonopah Mining .White Taps .. $ 92,500 . 93.55S . 67.96S 55,000 . 11.000 Word from Goldfield is, in el 'Total lect, that the third shift of1 miners went on ut the Deep! TAX COLLECTIONS ARE Mines company's shaft Tuesday j AWAY ABOVE AVERAGE morning. The work is to Uel rushed with oil possible speed. I important one that . the stock-1 holders mav be assured that the Nye county treasurer's collections for tha last half of the year, end- lien, m prospecting day morning for Reno on a business . - J .. ling December 20. as reported today rf'ace. be found the mission and will arrive home tomor-l V au""u"l-c"J' "1 "-"7" WASlllNGTuN Dec 21.--A collfel'eliee nf World powers to coiLsidcr economic quesl'oiis is to be called by rrcstdent Hard ing for discussion of possible agreements to establish a more stable financial and business con dition and alo to bring about re duction in land and sea arma ments, was proposal by Senator Borah n a amendment offered to the pending naval appropriation bill. trouble. Then on the surtace, be found tlie mission and will arrive home tomor-' v. .w.s,,,., v i by Larry E, Glass, treasurer, was as object of his long search. Mm- row morning. I " "ul lu "c toUowa: in- men ,.oint out that there is, w. D. HATTON, the attorney. WM 1 1 announcement . s bewg sent ,J20 Tax ro "s 1 . ntit hi' On nt ason why ore a passenger this morning for Los " " "J .."."-'" 1 1921 Tax roll aiparetit ri the MILWAUKEE, Wis., Dec. IS. -The part that banks can play in bringing attention of their ''iistoiiiers the desirability, pleas ure, and profit to be gained by reading good books, is shown in an art id,, bv J. H. l'llelidier. MANY ARRESTED ON CHARGE OF DOPE USE should not be touild south otjAmjelos where he will spend this fault and as rich as was , holidays with his family. mined to the north. j FRANK CAVA.NAL'GH leaves on j Saturday morning for Los Angles, PROHIBITION BOOMING whore he will spend the yudetide sea- ...., TDine ci ncire aon wltl1 uia w,te aal daughter. POCKET TRADE FLASKS WILLIAM F0RMAN., well kno,a attorney, laft this morning for Yuma, NEW YORK. Dec 21. If the j Ariz., wher he will spend the yule Christ mas nun fleet reported to ti, 8f.ason with his wife and son. be bound lor New York from j HENRY ROSE, one of the pioneers the Bahamas succeeds in run- of Tonopah, but who Is now a pros nin to atoplclml.tirs nn.l tu miit.i au ... . t ,192 Tax nll important to them as the iufor-:192, p, mation that the shaft has gone to down in 75 feet of ore giving .9 Bu(on "'.'.Z assays oi irom o to a a ion. to the statement 3.05 420.45 S.2C1.40 According made. , the shaft from the 112." foot level to the 1200-foot level went all the way in this low grade ore. The object of sinking the Deep Mines shaft was to ex 1922 Apiary tax 1922 Sheep inspection tax 1922 Stock inspection tax 1922 Concert hall license 1922 Justice court fines .. Total, collected for the period June 20-Dec. 20 $36,3C6.46 Said amount was less proportion 2,4.15.55 6,614.97 6.02 154.74 1.090.03 106.2s 274.00 LOS ANGELES- Dec. 21.--, Four men comprising the nar 1 eotie squad of the Lus Angeles j Wltll plore the lower levels from the the blockade ot the dry ; porous rancher near Marysvllle, is ; -oou-ioui levei oi me yeep Junes of 0fncers' salaries and percentage navy it should find New York- spending a few duys in Tonopah re-,nit, aoi 10 mucn wi;n tne ex- tor coit0ctioa payable to tho county ers'amplv supplied with recep-; newlng old friendships. j peetation of opening into bodies general fund, will be trau&mittod to hides for toting the forbidden. LOUIS D. GORDON, president or;I high grade ore such as made;thtt state treasurer as a Christmas liri-s:. .-ut ,.f tln ,m..r eiin 1, 11 Ilk- i tllllli'e ( CDar inctii, WOlhllll crs' association. appearing in j one inspector of the state board tic hulletin of the American Li-! of pharmacy, have arrested ihJ l.r.iry association I persons on charges of violation "A list ,.f h,vnlrB mi iiiitioiiaDof the narcotic control laws and iiit,.ri,i.H...,ul f.ffirs could ! since July 1 last. The '" placed in the nav book of the j u,,r i the Round Mountain Mining companv j uoiuneiu tamous, out 10 get ; eTe gun. Several manufacturers de-1 left yesterday morning for Los An-j into large bodies of low grade j dared todav that the demand forties to spend the holidays with his j milling ore. That is the quality KQ0IES RESCUE SANTA flasks had trobled since the ail- family. ula tllul "as mM.UL wle 01S vent of U'ohibition. Shop win-1 HEINIE HEINKDE. who has been mines of the country and paid d'ows with their Christmas dec- dn-re for the last three days looking' the biggest, returns to stock-ui-itioiis feature clandestine! after business matters, departed this 1 holders. mm drinking Vessels Which in wet ' .morning ior none un ii, ni.-j hiisiin-ss man." snd Mr. I'm 'idler "A list of books con cerning modern accountancy, business law and practi ould he given out with the accoilllt "iit 's pass book, while a list on '"inposition and letter writing "light be handed the steno srapher. At the savings win dow, lists of books on literature ''""Id be distributed and lists of miscellaneous books might be ested In the Hotel Golden cafe. MISS MARION LUCE who been visiting In Los Angeles for the state ment was given out uy i met nf Police Oaks to controvert at tacks made on 1ini yesterday be fore the city council when in the question of s i.d funds to fisrht the growth of drug dcil- imi her,, was being heard. mtainers of silver , K. ..i ...1.1 .,,! ...eaner ones GOV-1 v"al t.e " ui"" anil i;oiu (- ered with imitation leather. has CHALLENGE ISSUED We the undersigned accept the challenge of the Young Mar- lavs brought a shudder from so ciety. Stores are selling inousanus , ,,.,.. , , , . j p , , . enMee n ! lr.'. ones for roomy lat several weeks, arrived home,:"-" tul"e 8 ;oc."- w engage "l lusk!1T 11 ." ' sSi oes this morning. Her father and moth- j ln baseball ,-,,at pockets and si.i II onto tomorrow. I Um an-v P'- "' where ......In V elirVCl ior Hie "i.. i - - fw.ntm CLAUS IN STATEN ISLAND NEW YORK, Dec, 21 Children ot Staten Islatid are looking forward to bulging stockings Christmas morning for they saved la Santa Glaus from dire things in Thompklnsville court yesteilday where some rude police men had taken him on the charge ,,, f... the bin !e- will arrive home by auto tomorrow. j""-' -,.. i-n... , ..,. '"-' nf blocking traffic. City Magistrate , ' n...r . silver! F. A. VOLLMER. Sr., who is any amount .of marbles. Bud Kether9on dUrharsod Kris Kringie ! mine at xr..;u e u , tsn. Silver Peak, is a business ",u,' VCT im"', ,- mine1' l)(0K llal'v'' Lydon, Dan incut." WANT HARDING'S HELP . wiiiAii '' 1 i i 1- ! tddtor tr Tivn.vTah Thil Tm- TU iur CACUi.ui", Flasks are not tn .v u bhe Luckr BoDh-Mei'". Turrie Camousae Glen PARIS. Dec. 21. An appeal mg apparatus on disp av SI ion j diaxtcs Joe Fuetsch, Slip O'N'eil. several pr.iniiii.ui in almndance aii . .-.. . GIUSON BERRY, superintendent oiC ' '"V Uomm. Irelanil vas uionu muni , "V"" . , ..... .......I the Round Mountain Mining company. I act" .'lied llolloW .,1' 111 e in .- ndoseil with the monthly slate- ,,.,,, France to President Hard- for milk, ami elaoorat ex ' in shake ing protesting against tne ;, t;,. ,,f nrisnncrs of war DAUGHERTY IMPEACHMENT, Ir(.,(lll(, WViilllVPTnv n . . oi The "Such executiion are unpare houle ' llelled ,n history., vdating all Miss Lois McLeod. daughter nf ompanied by his wife and children D- fl. i M p D M(,rjeoa. ttr. returned yesterday morning from San lT:vwi i.Kt frnm In. ROYAL YACHT READY Francisco, and left shortly thereafter 1 Keles w'here she has beeu at- rap COMPETITIVE TESTS ; for th,'lr home at Round Mountain- I tending school, and will remain FOR COMPfcllMVt , IRA MunD0CK of MAmi who unti, aKfter the h()lidays I.O.NUO.N. .M)V. . ' ....... i I......1, .... OPPOSITION OP AMERICA ' N '"'aMU f thu ""l'1""''" ! " ' .1 , s,,I nrisoners. men : George has defi.u dv anno unce , arrived .a Tonopah TO CONTROL OF STATES uges against Daugherty al'!' i ; ar(. mw at the mer-is itont,.m o . ' - lMt niRht hy allto, and coaUa.Hl on! LAUSANNE. Dec. 21,-American probably report alter hoh- aii.l ffov.finM.nt . . famous yacht Drittania tor. opposition to proposal of the allied IZ : vui A, neiva stand for this while racing next year j AL L0RENZ0N who has been Powers for commission ot control fjr oooooooooooooooo iiHlignant at Turkish atrocit ies." BR0THER IS COMING THE WEATHER 0 lluSSa,ge declared. i BURY HIS RELATIVE 0 0 ZTTwrTtK-PT V I Tonv Corak, a friend of the o Local observer United o SKIN-GRAFTING , John Siksich, who died at Bute, weather bureau: o TO BE NECESSAKV in ju .w Mim, 0peMtor,' hospital with ia warning to provide himself with a permit. The kiddles gave cheers and hurried home. o Temperatures 5a.m. Noon 0; J. Jacks..., w ,o was M))ml),y. received a wire th.s o Current 35 Wet bulb 31 " lem-oerfttnrca. Extreme o 43 o!to the Mine Operators from a brother of the in Reno for a few days, arrived home lh Turkish traits took a concrete night by auto. He was fcccom- form ' memorandum presented by pan led by Robert Burnham, who was Ambassador ChIM to the aecrotary called to Reno on account of thejKeneral of the near east conference, death of his baby. "Representative of the United States ARTHUR RAYCRAFT. cashier ofj011 behalf of their government, take the Tonopah First National bank.!'6" position that full freedom of the UNION TRAINMEN ARE CONVICTED IN U. S. COURT LOS A NOBLES, Dec. 21. Eight union trainmen leaders were con victed of conspiracy to obstruct in terstate commerce U'or their activities in connection with thair strike last August against the Santa Fe by a verdict of a Jury in the United Staies court. In this strike some twenty trains were abandoned in the California-Arizona desert, leaving the passengers stranded. MASSES DENIED RIGHTS AS RE8ULT OF PROHIBITION WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. All high officials of federat and state gov ernments were called upon by Rep resentative Upshaw of Georgia, in a speech to the bouse, to sacredly de clare "that they will not themselvo o u,.o "i . iv,.,,, I morning irom tm" . "".- "-" i i.,. 11 unfit-ring troni i u.oi .loir .... , :..., , . .ii. n .iu. .i,h( i. 3H O;on lieifiiu" i --- . i i nlJin tnat ne was ira.ius m irava iut tarn oniuruay morn-1 -.v-u K9 n burns, it not reeoveiuig u- i' .. . cn.:n "Wyoming, and to Ing and will spend Christmas with crimination, win Dwt be served by-hulld up a bootleggers barparous dus- . , I ,1... Hi" n . , " " mid the attend-! IWK .-pr.n. ""r Extreme o,iy V,,- ihit it will hold the nony uiuu ... . .1922 1921 o'ingl'hyician.klKcs um n for the funeral has o Maximum yesterday 42 46 oibe necessary to r,,','buied! therefore ben deferred for the relatives. He expects to return by auto with his wtfe who has been vis iting In that city for the last thr months. reliance on treaty rights and agree- Iness by drinking illicit liquor," at menta rather than on a Joint or Inter-! the same tima they are denying the national commission of the straits," (privilege to th "poor devils among , LONDON, Dec. 21. Request made by the Cerman trade com mission that Hie commission f American business men, beaded by Herbert Hoover, will visit Germany to undertake thorough survey of economic conditions that it may be used as a basis for the new reparations treaty, was seen here as perhaps tie starting point of flock. As ru mors as to American interven tion in the reparations problem. Great Britain, it was seini-offi-cially learned, has informed the American state .hqyirtment of its consent, to such a plan. FINGERPRINTSLIKELY TO SOLVE BIG ROBBERY DENVER. Dee 21. Photo graphs of prints w.-re found mi a bloody shotgun dropped by masked bandits .Monday in mak ing their escape following (lie shooting and killing of Charles T. Linton, federal reerve guard and the theft of .2iiu.i"!i), were forwarded today to Chief ,,f 1, lice Andesnn at Vancouver. I!, C. Anderon requested photographs, believing the Denver bandits to be the one who pel'pl'el I'.'l t c. tile .s7.,.illliHMHi robbery at N'att- tographic copies of prints found ouver. At. the same time pho m an abandoned automobile be lieved to have been b'1't at i advantage point by the baudits were seni to Anderson. LOCAL LODGE OF ELKS HAS NEW EXALTED RULER Rav V. Pietw, exult'-d ruler of foliopah lodge of F.Iks No 1002. tendered his resignation this morning and will r.-tire im mediatclv in favor of Ray V. I'icivy, Jr., who pul in his up pcaranee last night at the family home at the "toast hour'' of 11 lock. Mr. Pie rev is always iideV.'ciidiiig and his wife in sisted that the new exalted ruler issutiie the father's responsibili ties immediately. It was agree able to bis brother Elks. Mother and new exalted ruler are reported as getting along nicely, but the father is being relegated to the roar at the l'amilv home. ROYAL SHOE SALE IS PRONOUNCED SUCCESS The sale of boots and shoes being conducted by A. Guintini- proprietor of the Roya! Sho store, is proving a huge suc cess. Joe Stenson, who is as sisting in the sale, says that he never befor saw such bargains as are now nemg ottered. Not only has the price of goods, that were slightly injured by water been slashed unmercifully, but the entire stock is being is icing disposed of at greatly re duced prices. There is a gen eral reduction along ail lines and the fact that the Rmianza called the attention of the people to the slaughter sale is min-h ap preciated by the buying public. Butler Theater Today said the memorandum. The American Beauty KATHERINE M DONALD In "THE WOMAN S SIDE'' Just a girl forced to fictit, a wnman's hat.tlp for the love of the boy t brought strangely into I life. t The American beauty of her loveliest. and Latest Pathe News 'THE TOMORROW Dorothy Dalton in ' SIKElf CALL f Coming Mary Pickford t Xmas I o Minimum yesterdar 27 36 o :-afT!L rTXs ds lrre-t. 1 000000000000000 aooui mc in"