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Associated Press Report Published Dally Tonopah Daily Bonanza METAL QUOTATIONS SILVER - 99 5-8c SILVER (FOREIGN) 64 S-8c LEAD $7-20 COPPER .14 TONIGHT FAIR VOLUME XXII. NO. 162. TONOPAH, NEVADA, T JESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 26, 1922 PRICE TEN CENTS IN MURDERED By KIDNAPERS SAYS OFFICIALS Open Hearings Will Be Con ducted January 5 at Mer Rouge URWPERS TO BE IDENTIFIED Southern State Aroused Over Brutality of Masked Men Who Commited Crimes NEW ORLEANS. Dee. 2i.-,- findings of the coroner's at Mer Rouge in the Mor ,iv' kidnaping ease will he dis , d and plans for open hear- at Itastrop January ." will outlined at a meeting of the ;' legal forces and special -,.;igators here Thursday. .,. report of pathologists who ait.ined the bodies of Watt o.-is and Thomas Richards '! reveal, it was stated, that . im-u came to their death fob u ;ug indescribable tortures Ti M AliKSVll.I.K, La., Dec 2'i. At bast six nr seven more ar s will be made and the state acting on tin- assumption that h is enough evidence to eon- the memliers of the More- it Vie llrtl. Gr! . kidnaping mob, Attorney nil Coco annoiineed here rday. HA-sTROP. La . Dee 2li.- Th; .l ite will be able to establish til id.Mi'v of several members oi th.- masked mob which last Au gusi kidnaped five Mer r-eieiits. including Watt Dan i. U and Thomas Riekar Is were found last w. ii si igatnrs who have ,..!'! ing on the ease for mouths announced today, ilication will be made, s. i-M-.- men si.-)!, thr.ui w.i '.e k. the been veral Idell- Seeret tl the t-o ::, my at "pi i hearings or dered by Governor Parker to be gin here on January " by a f irmer whose home is near dak Ridge, Morehouse parish They -;iid he told them he witnessed ti:.- seizure and spiriting away ot tii iuintet and r giii'-.l some of their abductors. ihe fanner, according to the inv-siijrators. was held up by the band on Mer Rouge-1'..istrop hiahway the night of the kill ing, and commanded to go f. the nearby ranch and get a Imeh.-t of" water. When he re turned, he is said to have dc i1 .!!-. 1 ho recognized several members of the nan.l wneu hum fa s.'- their masks to drink from the I ucket. The ail to disclose investigators the present farmer but is solllewher dec !! uhouts of the "as intimated he in Mississippi under protc 't lOH of government officers. , DIVINE SARAH BERNHARDT SHOWS AN IMPROVEMENT I 'A IMS, Dec. 2-..-A pro-1 noiiiieed improvement was noted: yesterday in the condition ot, Sarah Bernhardt. While not at-1 tempting; to minimize the sen-' ousiicss of her ease the attending physicians exprcsed the beliet that she wan out of danger fort 1hi preent at least. The condition of Sarah I'.ern hardt showed further improve-1 ment today, physicians said, and Hiey tentatively considered lief1 out of danger PRESIDENT REMEMBERS coarser meshes produced by the WHITE HOUSE EMPLOYES plant. The distribution contract has ben purchased by ( . L WASHINGTON Dec. 2li-Cliambcrlain ami before the , . " ' .i ..i,;t. . .!.,. t:.rt mi again at least r-very employe or me ...v i i ... ... .1.., U.i ims - uouse uown lO His." -s. i- - - , .. , ,.... .;.i r...i.ietu wi I lie contracted lot. senger ana Kiienen nmi... . . -eived a five-dollar gold least one carload a day t air with th nersioioil eniilplilliellts ol i. ri ..i ll.r.loor The remendjrances were virtually I i-i'Mi. lerii u rii i . ih,i'""b- the ,ilv Christmas presets material, n - -iv.. ;..:i;:.i..i- hv the execu- loads have 1 n used m Los An s -ii muuiu i . . . i . 1.. tlw. nve and tlift lirsi iauy n i land. ooooooooooooooooo o TTTT. WEATHER 0 0 o o Local observer United o State weather bureau: . Vnnn o SivT huinioity 76 46 o Temperatum, Extreme "uixi... 1922 1921 " 1 29 Maximum yesterday 40 29 o .tects say ' - k d. Minimum esterday 31 29 o; all ""iAngeleV. 00000000o0000uct exhibited in ijo a s VCTkCJUBT - 0 0 0 '"loh'kSm in fibe TOCKTON, Deo. 2tl.-Instead .'t awakening to the cheer of ' gift-laden Christmas trees. 24 'families in the Bennett apart-: ment house were stirred from their sleep at 3:-'ti a. m. yester day by a 1'i r- that forced them to flee for their liv.-s in. their 'night elothes. Fire department reports indicated all were saved i without injury. Many were res-! ! cued by ladders. The nnart.i 'ment house was destroyed with I of iw ,000. ' BAR ARBUCKLE FILMS IOWA CITY, Dec. R,. coe Arbuekle pictures will I barred from Iowa t "it v im.v houses, .Mayor Emma' llar; has announced. She is the woman mayor in the state SUPER SILICA Los Angeles People Will vide Funds to Permit Large Operations To- E D. Foster, vie. and technologist f u-Sili.-a corporation, wh preid th- S O Is HI ipel I.os oiii nis tlie Angeles on business for the r pany, indict, , that arangem are Hearing completion for ret inanei a much rg of tiic ciirporati. larger scale than 'ii telliplated. It is said that one ot t successful industrial lea I.os Angeles has been .-. ie m. i.-rs nvine in of the extenive application of the coarser m.-slie to the build ing iii.lustris and is going to not only i'inane tie- needs of the com pany here to covtr tl.- local ob ligations and finish the plant to capacity of a ear a day of air float, but w ill use from three to five ears a day of coarse mesh materials. Ii miction with the air float it is said that the fines meshes will be dressed in water float plant to be erected in Los Angeles. It is believed that in this way the more x- pelisive pi esses can be handled cheaper in Eos Angeles than on the but the fust dressing . will he done at the preent plant. It is also contemplated that a COMPANY WIL BE REFINANCED plant will be built at Chicago for. him m solitary confinement for water-floating for the mid-west-1 years to come. Judge Averill ern trad". Recently a rate of i told young Pillen with good be only $12.20 was published tolhnvior that there was still hope Milwaukee and Points f.o- him. he being a young man. wesj4 ancJ $u to Cleveland an.r ineiunati. The water-float i plant in Los Angeles will supply Pacific and Atlantic coast points at minimum rates w ith a fancy ! material now quoted in the mar-; of tlia u-,,rl.l at il I n t An ' -l,,.I.ul, TIim ChieioM iilimt . u-ill sih.i.Iv the central section i in the same way, says the Gobi field Tribune. More than carloads of air land water float are now being 'shipped into Californa each 'month from eastern points, Mr. i Foster says. It is expected to divert all this trade to the Cu prite deposit and the difference in freight rate alone will accom plish this once the Super Silica plant is put in cu'Vinous oper ation, with all of its products marketed, he says. The trouble in which the local ..Monition found itself was caused by the inability of the ! distributors to market the ,.oo..o - iooo tons a day ot coarse prod- and float. 1 Mr Foster savs the liu narket i -. very receptive to b;"PI."ejTW0 MEN COMPELLED . - i ;k 1 r- ,J o it ni foii TMrninr v u the corporation, ua .h brick plant in Los Angel, ana has proou.e. : . 'rau o ever shown -"ofg o, Angeles. A fu 1 ' - . n'c Hmi nresseu nricn no-s o at Seventh and ana ,o o thene wil he Jf.'trch - 0 tile, plastics and statuary. ' o ects say that these products are - i - -. . t in o ISP DTOU- man killed and HID! COLORADO DANCE Assassin Fired From Ambush As Young Couple Leaves Christmas Dance PEER TRAIL. Howard llauiill and Piari C'.eiii. t- ! dying as th I'. on, 1- r r 24. . is suit fir. is .bad. .-lieved f shots 1 from aid to have b been iv'i a tln-v wi-r -.aving a Chi dav tmas dance 1,1-ri- earh morning, Hamilton w m- I'Vlei Illan ale' a t-.'lmi. .-tin.'iit of rails' bui' t'o.-ur is n.'h.-r livm took into '. (J. -org,. i ve. 1 Xray Stat. 1 ver. It'T ot I 'The I piles, ' guest I Jake dep. Vet. Miss a M inli.-e Ollilli ii. d in I),. laugh- ar here. '! Griffith, a 1'e.nie. and an laborer told 1 1 the dam- t th.- Cvur eel, a M Ni thorities a scene .i' lli' to the e. ail. in whieh I'iilieihg he place Uiib-s. Tl -r ol the 'Id. ot l-N Uj I'l'. Lin GEORGE DILLEN GETS 10 YEARS TO LIFE IN Tlrs at the eoui! d net. presiding sentenced OOI1 til at 2 o' c fifth m u :c Dill lock m judicial Averill n was murder ot lud. if !! of Wallace day of An for winch Williams on the 2!r.l ust at Fraier's we'd, lie was found guilt v of tile s.ond .rime ..f murder in the degree, bv a jurv on IV- eeiniier '.'Otii, 1!"22. to ment Hi the state pris. sta'e of for a not less than ten y. which may be etendc imprisonment therein. The prisoner showed of feeling and scenic imprison 01 of the t.rm of ars. and d to life no signs . uncon- ..rued as the jud the sentence that pronounc.'d will place' ana atter ten nr iniaii. cos he might regain his liberty and become a Usetnl citizen and do much good for his country, Sheriff Thomas expects to leave for Carson in a day or two with 1 1 i I len where he Will be (le- livered to the warden ot the1 state prison. No motion was made tor was entii'i verdict of a new trial ly satisfied the jurv. as Dillen with the REWARD OF DILLENS ORDERED PAID BY COURT The reward of .)iKl offered by Nye county for the arrest and eo"nviction of George Dillen has been paid to the Nye county commissioners to D. 1. Newell, sheriff of Kern county. Califor nia, and his deputies Roy New- i.dl and J. P. Dupes ot i;aiors I field. Judge Averill also cer Itified to Governor Iioyle that the above named persons ware 'entitled to one-third each of the sum of ."!H) of the reward of i fered by the state of Nevada for the arrest and conviction ot the Dillcns. No doubt this re ward by the state will lie paid ,o,tl'v The liakersfield of ficers will ach receive 'M. TO VIEW VICTIM ,1 SHELBY. O., Dee. 2ti, For i'hilip Weignott Alston stood at the I five minut, "i:, i tli. , - wjth g()bs Wordless ,t'h ey gazed of Lo,liriey still form yesterday , . -. . ,,., ,P which and c ell d them , ' to gaze upon the body ot i . as a "moral example, j IRley as a j The tw0 m. of murder. i "v ID AT u n PRISON agreement on SHIP PROGRAM IS PROPOSED Admiral Ide Tells Peers of j Japan His Idea of Ship Building Program WILL FOLLOW LEAD OF II S. Japan Will Pursue Policy Out lined at Washington Dis armament Conference ToKIo. and Italv D.-c 2'i If France fail to ratify the n naval treaty an for carrying it out arranged among Eng- Washing! agl'.-t lu.-n h Am. an.i Japan, the bv Admiral Ide. t. ); K..; m;r place of l'remier s indisposed. Ad- plained that such will be made easier that Jawan already f; was pi "e bug with prepara tions ;.,r luU.d reorganization, lb- added, as long as America del not aiu-r tier program for aaxdoiiy ships. Japan would pursue h.-r revised scheme as an nounced last summer, in main taining the hip ratio of six to Americas ten. Questioned as to wheth.r there was any .Jiiiger fhat the Japanese navy will be overbalanced bv the American uavv, Japan the admiral 's navy was ..f ships and .f dockvards. rep. d that superior ommoda ING LIFE Next Cleanup in January Ex pected to Bring Substantial Realization With the next mill elean-up; scheduled for early January, the' new cyanide plant of the Can-' .lelaria Mines company is now treating !2i tons of ore daily and its mechanical operation is said to one ball be perfect. With only mill in commission dur - CANDELARIA IS SHOW m MINING ing the earlier period oi opera--saia : 1 saw n-ugie rouaj . iie tion the capacity was broucht up 'pure (gets on my nerves. I be to more than lo'O tons without j lieve I will have it out with difficulty, and since starting the'him." second ball mill it is indicated! ,. that the present equipment oanVpl,T , . j . . i..,...n -5-.o ,-, .taitv! otnH i c OC llliiilr Le ii.iiioic I'.i.a i with satisfactory results. The transportation system is func - tioning as expected, delivering ore from all parts of the hig anj tmj e .ieir e . ml1 for the Northern Belle shaft wilCate, aitnougn generauy be working stiortiy, aiioruin t",'"""'" outlet for or.- from ttie ueep; levels, wh.-rc there are se vcrai , poae rencuons pU i ! laree Mocks of high-grade ore.; shipping, indicated tin would. ! President D. Kaeduig, who .oppose two ng M amend- left this week for San hraneiseo, after having spent more u m.i a, week at the mine expressed "" isfaction over the condition of (Hon of congress the mine workings and the av- ; erage grade of ore exposed iARRESj REQUESTED OF the various sections ot TO. ui wjR i property. The recent disco-.. FORMER MER H0UG6 ery on the main tunnel level in j I the Northern Helle has main. I,,... 2ti -Local' tamed its cany lonuagc " '"-" rade ore It is believed that his ore can be correlated with the famous Yankee stope that' nro.luced .(MK10W from levels ! ' ' I H'TF Thorn a widdv known engineer and at one time gen- eral manager for the Ooldfieldi Consolidated Mines company, has! ecu retained to supervise the engineering work for the Can-i during the ab- f President Kaeding. sence EX-KAISER CANT (iET I 10 KU, u. uc.- giatl Court - BRUSSELS, Dec. 26.-The de- cision of the lower Belgian courts MEREST ON BRITISH BONDS NOTED MAN OF SWITZERLAND IS DEAD AT OLD AGE Served With Union Forces Dur- ing Civil War, Was Captured By Confederates BERNE, Pee. 2t5.-Emil Frey, former president of the Swiss Confederation and the first Swiss ambassador to the United States, died at his birth place near Basle, at the age of S3 years, He represented Switzerland in the United States from 1S2 to lsS. His mission to Washington, however, was not his first visit to the United tate as he took an active part in the Civil war, serving as a volunteer in the twenty-fourth Illinois infantry. His record in this war was one of his proudest memories... lie was captured by the ronf.'der ates and was h-bl as hostage un til President Lincoln consented to the exchange of Captain Gor don who previously had been sentenced to death SEATTLE FAMILY KILLED BY MAN Christmas Party Becomes Trag edy When Crazed Man Kills Three Young People SEATTLE, illg suddenly and Mrs I) Engel faun p.c 2h. Apjiear at the home of Mr. (' Engel, while th , was gathered around a N'euriter, shot and Lilly Em Christmas tree. Emit .1 ferry boat operator, killed Anna. Hans and el. th. a himself. Let- ters f.jund in Neiiritcrs jeicket were devoted mainly to supposed troubles with Kngel. hut did not reveal soecifieallv the cause of Neuriters euemity. A partly full bottle of whisky was found in Neuriters pocket, He brought three pistols to the house with him. His pockets were filled with cartridges. In j one of his pockets was found a j memorandum diary. An entry ' , Tsl ..J T T . LEADERS OPPOSE TWO SHIPPING BILLS j WASHINGTON, Dee. 26. Ad ui.u. tui.v.i u UilUI3U"Lvli is.u'-iv. i - .l 1. C commercial i.rann u ments ; j r t "., ' -? ,;" . v.. . , ' " 2ti. Local' : . , f ponce recen.-u a Governor Parker, ot Irfuwwnii., re. nesting the arrest ot Dr. K M. McKoin, former mayor ot Mer Rouge, on a charge ot niur- der. Detective with warrant started at once for Johns Hop-, kins hospital. , BOOTLEG HOOTCH KILLS SIX IN NEW YORK NEW YORK, Dec. 2G. While the poliee records show yester day was the. "dryest" Christmas in Vow Vnrlf 'a history Kit deaths were attribute,! to bootleg liquor. . . i.. ...,,.. .-.a Autopsies err iu ne ii-nuiuuu on sis. five men and one woman. " , ' loaay- " that former Emperor William! has no right ) IiaS IIO riS'll . . ' t . v "."". ,s .o.nyir mioivivi Ion British bonds. on nritisn doiius, nas ur,-u u has been sus The court ordered a Brussels ,V,. Kmlor in refund to WHISKY CRAZED the British bank involved sev-;well as to keep abundant sup eral million franca paid on cou- plies for our own URe, thereby irhih tun imnK later learned belong to the ex-kaiser, UUUB 11 - -" JAILfeB PRESENTED WITH PRESENT SY PRISONERS LOS ANGELES, Dec. 26. Ten prisoners on tank number 9 f the county jail presented their jailer with a Christmas gift. They gave him sis saws with homemade handles. Inasmuch as several priouers. including Clara Phillips, have departed from jail of late after utilizing saws to sever the bars and ; screens the jailer began an in-! quiry to learn how the sis saws were smuggled in. ARBUCKLE'S RETURN IS AGAIN PROTESTED NEW YORK. D eC. -'-. Fro- test against reappearance of Fat- ty Arbuekle in motion pictures was telegraphed to Will H. Hays by Mrs. Wuodallen Chapman, chairman of the committee on motion pictures of the general federation of women's clubs. with a membership of 2,o'llXl.j DEEP MINES IS GREAT INTEREST TO INVESTORS Circular Expluins Just llo Matters Are to Be Handled in the Future Tiie G .ldfie'ld D eep Min com ,1! :V Is .lilt With rter t' stockholders that s ems siden1 le ' to It c. mt. a h -m ano 'h. pu . vera. First ant a'liioiiiiceni. .tit statement thst 'arrange have been completed with eur.ty Transfer and Reg uupany of tii! Hroadway. York, t" ad as transfer ister New agents for cur stock, both an eastern and transfer office, New This giv.s a western York Hi most 'Oil lioldfi.-ld, which.- cr i- venienf. '' Anoth.-r very inter. ment is. in effect, that ments made with east' are u -h that we arc ling stale "arrange rn cap. tal confident that, with th... funds what will be siippl: have enough to c sinking of our shaft foot level without more assessments holders." in hand and ed. we shall .mipb-tc the to the 24'." luakiug any on stock- Regarding the work, the circular "Pur shaft has depth of 1400 feet p regress says : reached the with firm da- cite formation in the bottom As we gain depth this favorable da cite is becoming firmer. In this rock hanging wall veins may be encountered at any time, in which event ore should be en countered, as the country rock is comparable to that in which the rich veins of the district have been found." Regarding the progress of , be looked tor e circular from U IK LI U I11U f"" n0 :h ! Secretary II. G. MeMahon says: the to operate in the shaft with three era , u t we U and whib m xl . I of det-th each 24 hours in the ifuU 9 bv t, opening continuous- v for weeks without intcrrup- will not be able to keep u this rate at present, owing to the hardening of the rock, indicative of neanng a vein, and the fact that greater depth usiiab ,v sl(UVS up operations." ' Secretary MeMahon also u uo,t,er snbi.vt of luu.iiea in1"" interest W lth the decline ot i mining operations after the Gold field boom came the natural shrinkage in volume of business and the merchants began to limit the stocks of goods carried. Par ticularly was this trip' in the matter of mine supplies. At .one time is was only possible to pur chase in Goldfield such supplies as of every day use, such as pow der, candles, fuse and caps. Of ten the long delays were expen 'enced in waiting for parts of ma etonorv etc The Dei) Mines ; company, as it was consumer, laid in itself a large ( a complete - , , , '"1" ,""'''" ,t,,i eome of the venture was watched i with interest. Of this branch oL$ the business the circular says: j "Our plan of empoying sur I'.u-' -- n ,,c nnvn Keen . v nil an I'.c r,ii. - uv in '..." i - ply ot stores on nana nas able to sell supplies to omer com- nnnips at a modest profit. BS avounmr ine u"sii""o uc- , . lays for want of supplies. CHICAGO MAYOR DIG GRAFTER IS LEAGI'SOIARGE Millions of Dollars Stolen From City Treasury is the Startling Charge GEM OF BRIGANDAGE Suits Filed to Recover Large Sums Said to Have Been Illegally Appropriated Hill 'AGO. d Voti-rs -Mii.i William ipport-rs !::,' re. d W US.' s to five e;.T"s 'P m..-u Hab eiial'g. Tho::.i- :i tiie city t P'r.ib;l:tv f -: eitv o be', al mploy tun X.'e- what payme . :Ve and 1; d-ew three al of : roil. b i-'l t haw 1 hi. ring Tweed St NeW V' Uiel'.t ei'loileied "The li,::s York sMV ';,, ronbitig "I Sa Rl'-fs niael.'le ..f ..ffVui lit such clear pr .fits to sub" ..II' experts g. declar.-.l. Sn" ill court again son. th ' city e experts for re tile alleged m paid to the la ".-w eta . .-k t Mav, SECRETARY FALL RESIGN WILL IS REPORT DENVER BANK BANDITS MIGHT BE IN OMAHA I OMAHA jon the th. I who recent thC Deeo , conic to t: : were chec Dec. 2' orv that ' !y 'stole 2 r mint r :s city, i o ting up W. f"l!l i reaching them (source that a Yoni u rulli; had smuggled two Denvir in a stat--ro. train arriving her-' ' The report s two men cave the i r, a Sa' a- that i-r .f) bills MOONSHINER KILLED WHEN STILL EXPLODES utier Theater j Today ALMA REUBENS and LEW CODY -In "THE VALLEY OF SILENT MEN'' A James Oliver Cur wood storv of the l.icat Northwest. photographed in the heart of the rugged Canadian Rockies, and di- rected b Frank Borage. creator of 'Iluniores.pje. - ij A storv of the N'orth- west Mounted Vohoe. TOMORROW William Duncan in Fighting Guide' and A Two-reel c imcdy, The Rob- inson Crusoe. Ltd. i j WASlllNliTl IN. Pec 2'i Published report - that S r tar , Fail, interior d-partm-ti'. "ii-1 ' ' soon resign from th- e,:-,. t r suited HI a sMt-'UI"!.! In id:.! ! house spoksu:a:i l'l-siddt Harding- had if ;:.'-1o-a"-,! : about such :y..v-. :t ieilted ill other ''lal'els. Tie secretary hin.s. if will probably ( issue statement when !- r- tunt i to Washington Charles Lightl'iirn. raii.-lur, as burned, to death in hi" cabin at Willils, fire starting pre i:n:.l ly j from gasoline us.-d it: ; raf.tig a whiskv s"il! that was v the place. &J 1