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Associated Press Report Published Dolly TONOPAH METAL QUOTATIONS SILVER 99 i-8o 8ILVER (FOREIGN) 64 5-8c LEAD $720 COPPER . .14 TONIGHT AND FRIDAY BAIN OR SNOW Daily VOLUME XXII. NO. 164 TONOPAH, NEVADA, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 28, 1922 PRICE TEN CENTS Bonanza HARDING TAKES HMD IN FIGHT ON RESOLUTION! In Letler to Leader Lodge Exe cutive Asks That Borah's Proposal Be Turned Down SIX TRAINMEN INJURED IN FREIGHT SMASHUP QU1NCY, Calif., Deo. 28. Six trainmen on the Western Pacific were Injured, two seriously, in a head on collision between two freights at Qunicy Junction. The injured were brought to the hospi tal here. Itoth engines were de railed and piled up alongside the track. Four of the Injred were riding in the caboose behind the westbound engine. OBJECTIVE NEAR AT MAYFLOWER CONSOLIDATED it WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. Prest j, ul IL.nling asked the senate not to adopt Senator Borahs proposal or a new International economic conference, saying In a letter to rfpubiii an leader Lodge that for mal congressional action on the subject new would embarrass him 'a negotiations he already is conduct ing looking to such a conference.! The president's letter stated that! . rtiie , senate might properly Quartzite In Tunnel Main "advise" in regard to international j Mayflower Veill May negotiations its action on the Borah . n Near j.Ian n.iglit give "false Impressions" to European powers. The adminis- .... M ,,i ,., V. J. Tobin. general manager of frIlOU' lilt? uicsiuunt omu, ... .,, t be helpful" in the Eu.,the Mayflower Consolidated Mining ;,... which has betm . company. Plomr' m 11 .... . . ,. the Starlight tunnel has been ad , vi!i tne mosi uiuiiiiigu ami tln.ghtl'ut iiwiiili " limit"! ion vid"(i for i i.,..,i,, ,, .,, 1 vancea &u toot tieyonti inn sewn As to further armament ! tMi vultt reported a negotiations, also pro-i The tunned has about in u..i, iu ti,!lt Is esttmaed, to DISCOURAGING IRISH PICTURE IS PORTRAYED Daily Mail Correspondent Dublin Pessimistic Over Emerald Isle Conditions LOXDON, Deo. 28. Reviewing the year-end conditions in Ireland, the Uilly Mail correspondent In. Dublin paints a dlscoraglng picture. He ex presses the fear that the present lull in military operations is only temporary and that republicanism is slill strong enough to cause the gov ernment Infinite trouble. Ho attri l.utes a constantly reviving activity among the rebels to women, 75 per cent of whom, he associates, prob ably sympathize with the irregular. ELKS' DANCES ARE FOR MEMBERS ONLY Tonopah Lodge, B. P. 0. EUu No. 1062, bias issued the following state ment through the secretary, Lowell j Daniels, concerning Its decision to hereafter confine all social affairs! to members only: I "An erroneous imnression. has been circulate in Tonopah to the in effect that Tonopah Lodge of KlkB I has entered the competitive field i I as to public dances, and It Is the ; desire of the lodge to correct this .false rumor. The dance given on Christmas night had been arranged for over three months and a con tract made with an orchestra for that dance. Arrangements were also made at the same time for a dance to be given on New Years night. The dance for New Years night has now been cancelled, which event would have been la conflict with the dance given by the Pythian Sisters in their new auditorium on the same night. "For sonne time past it has been MINING TO BE RESUMED AT MASONVALLEY Consolidation Planned- Smelter and Railroad to Be Operated Again SENATE JOYOUS OVER RECOVERY OF WILSON WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. Without debate and with a chorus of ayes from the democratic senators and Bilence from most of the republican Bide, the benate adopted a resolu tion offered by Harris, of Georgia, expressing the "pleasure and joy of the senate" upon the recovery toward health of former President Wilson. He declares that even the wives of tlle custom of Tonopah lodge of some of the ministers are passively if not actively, rebels. GEORGE POLKINGHORN VISITS OLD HAUNTS .hurt time ago 4u feet to go. , tnt, resell the oh Elks to extend invitations to its friends for the various social affairs, especially dances. The lodge has al ways appreciated the attendance of (he members' friends and have tried to make all visitors feel at home. At the time of the commencement of the custom of inviting guests, the lodge felt that It should do so Hem-go Polklnghorn, conductor on first freight and passenger train ion the T & Q railroad to arrive In ,m Account of the fact that the Mv.i.vnt warned against what : Jecllve- "" U"J ; Tonopaii, niurneu mis morning iroin , , tunnel Is showing much quartzite Xt.w York city ! ,., .h.,.h ,nnt I.p fulfilled until ' ami as quartzite furnishes most -located for the the ration, directly concerned to the main Mayflower expr-ss their readiness to cooperate vein it would appear that we are to su.h end." coming into the footwall of the - vein. t Mr. Tobin also said the numiiei hero he lias past six ytars. been con- Klks dance hall was much more In viting than other places. But the building of the K. of P. auditorium, a most inviting place, has changed; the situation- and Tonopah Hume mint itnnu lof gnareg on wnti'4i the recent as- STARS TO COMPETITION sessment was not paid was very Ismail and that the company was iie.icd with the freight department ' of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, j Mr Polkinghorn was also tiio con-'0f Elks from now on will give who took out the last pas-!cai affairB exclusively for its mem senger train when the T. & G. was 1 ben), thor wiveB and lady friends, a narrow guano ro.itl from Tonopah j "The first social event will tie t.i So.laville, and which was chauged announced shortly " to a guage in twelve hours.! KOMI-:. clrcleB tiip r-; tkins to liy tile Hon to Dec. 28.--Italian tennis' welt financed for months. The In -j rt,rlllm? ,,vt morning in charge of; prnprc nil I CM SLAYER, with Interest' debtedncss of the company. !a few years ago amountea to n-.-1 i,l oOrt. has hen reduced to out are awaiting lies of allied tennis federa nvtmuloil to thodll itutlsn. In wn tennis foderu-: sum and will soon be wipea oui .; UM, ., . .. i..,a ha hin reduced send teams to panic ip.ii in i ro iiiutruicuuvoo ...... tne International hardcourt tourua-; and work kept going oy two ,, ... i .11 h1rf in Home next Mav.'ments of one cent each year. I Just llkt Tlie. reply of Germany already has! Three shifts a day are driving Uwj live t! the first broad cuage train to arrive Tonopah. Mr. Polklnghorn will """" i remain in southern Mevaua ior tne month greeting and renewing einialiHaiioes, and declares tint TAKEN TO PENITENTIARY j OIU : tln-i iic-n r iv i.i; in elved. and is in the af-; "track" tunnel aneau a -Kleinroth, who is play- possible. It is expected that whon ... ....... iut n.- wiU it.c .Miid vein is cut a body of ore in ut-oi, wi in jitm. ' mptain the Genuan team. He is ! will be opened, n w Vw- regard-,! by many experts as the begin drifting on the first vein best singles player in Europe at the , which has passed throgb at about ' . , . ... .... I . -..., ti.a twirtal of the tun- present luue. count saim, 01 aus-i niu irei n""- tru trial expiHled to lead the Ails- no!. FFSSION3 MADE lae teeaing nere is turn. ooS.u... , .- ,.. , ,i Prn will abstain.; IN MOREHOUSE CASE but that Spain will send over Us Davis cup team, the Alonzo broth ers. Haulier and Count de Gomar. BERLIN IMPOSES HIGH TAX UPON GLUTTONY BSTUOP. Dec. 28. -Two con fessions involving 45 citizens of Morehouse pari.,, in the kidnaping and murder last August of Watt Daniels and Thomas Richards, whose bodies were recovered last week from Lake La Fourche. have been Imade, it was learned. BERLIN, Dec. 28. A tax on glut-) tony Is the latest method of raising POWER SCHOONER WR"7J;" funds to be devised by the muni-1 NEAR SAN FRANCISCO cipalitv of Berlin. j SAN FRANCISCO, Doe. Gluttony is defined in the reg-1 schooner Stockton City illations as excessive consumption of wrecked In a storm last nigh o food or drink, and the fact of ex-1 Ru8Bian Gulch, approximately J cess is determined by the cost of ,miu.s north of hore. but the crew the meal. The figure In marks ; a3 saVed according to a message at which the gluttony begins la 10 recelved by tne marine be fixed and announced monthly, j Q( the chamber of commerce. The ,-ost of eating In excess of this yea3e, jg tons net register m, .iint mill hu tovfwl at 1110 rum of 25 per cent. s Sherit'f Thomas was a passenger on yesterday morning's train for the i place on earth to hIm!uorth, accompanying George Dillen, the sagebrush state, In 'the cuuvieted slayer of Wallace best people on earth. , Williams, to the penitentiary at (Carson to begin serving an lnde- llLlitL I liliiH A NEW WAY TO terminate sentence I years to life. of from teu PRODUCE SUGAR HICKERNALLS ENTERTAIN THE BROUGHER PARTY Extensive plans for the consoli dation of several copper mines in the Mason Valley mining district in Lyon county, construction of leaching plans and flotation mills, Requisition of the Mason Valley smelter and Installation there of reverberatory furnaces, and pur chase and operation of the Copper Belt railroad, which connects Mason and Smith valleys with the South ern Pacific at Waubuska and the smelter at Thompson, ona mile dis tant, have been disclosed following the visit to Nevada of Richard M. Atwater, New York mining engi neer, president of the Copper Can yon Mining company ot topper Basin, near Battle Mountain, and affiliated with the Investment bank ing corporation of Ladenburg, Thai man &('o. of New York. The mines which are being con sidered in the consolidation are the Bluestoue, Mason Valley, MeConnell, Malachite and Western Nevada The Bluestone mine is owned by Canadian and New York Interests lodge' and is equipped with an suu-iun flotation mill. The Mason nuey Mines company owns the Mason Valley mine and the smelter at Thompson. The McConned is tne nmnortv- of S. B. Elbert, formerly '. superintendent of the Ward mine 'at and O. H. Sonne. The Nevada Douglas Consolidated Copper company owns tne western and the Copper Belt railroad and the Snyders of Salt Luke hold title to the Malacliite All the mines have been large producers of rich copper ores, most of which were smelted at the Mason Valley smelter. None of the group which covers practically all of the garnltlzed limestone belt In the Sin galose range on the east side of Ma.son Valley, has been active since the close of the war. FARMERS LOSE HUGE SUMS BY USE OF MOTORS GUARANTEES ASKED OF TURKS BY U AGENT Richard Washburn Childs Joins With Allies in Making De mands of Moslems Movement Started to Bring the Draft Horse Back Into Use On the Farms LAUSANNE, Dec. 28. Richard Washburn Child, chief American spokesman, joined with the heads of the allied delegations at a meeting of the capitulations commission ot the near east conference in declar ing that some guarantees must bo given by Turkey to replace the cap itulations or extra territorial rights for foreigners which Kemalists have declared abolished. BRITISH FLEET TO REMAIN IN VICINITY OF NEAR EAST CHICAGO, Dec. 128 American farmers are losing approximately $30,000,000 a year on their oats crop and probably a like amount on their hay crops through the use of auto mobiles, motor trucks and tractors which have largely supplanted the use of horses in the cities, accord lug to Robert McDougal, president of the Chicago board ot trude in analyzing the effect of motorlud hauling on the horse and grain market. Mr. McDougal believes, however, the pendulum is swinging j jjgw YORK, Dec. 2 Alexander the other way. point out that the j Williams, who said he was an inves prices on good draft horses are I tlg;ator for the department of jus advancing. ! lice, said that over J-l.n'Himn worth "In 1910. there were 3500,000 j of liquor had been smuggled Into hm-sos In the cities." said Mr. Mo-' New York through th New Jer.-ey MALTA, Dec. 28 As a result un satisfactory reports from Lausanne, it Is understood that ships of the British Mediterranean fleet, which arrived here December 23 for a three weeks' visit, have received orders to return to the near east MUCH BOOZE SMUGGLED I IN NEW YORK FOR CHRISTMAS May Be Obtained from Soda Wa ter Which Flows from Nickel Plated Drug Store Faucets LONDON, Dec. 28. Sugar may to rfov n ohtained from soda water, the aerated beverage which flows from nickel plated faucets in thou sands of drug and candy stores throughout the country, according to two English scientists wno ior nnarlv three years have been con- Oooi-kh Hlckernall. manager ot the tMizpah hotel, and Mrs. Hlckernall 'entertained at a dinner last evening iln the hotel grill the Brougher party who are visitors here from Oakland. Covers were laid for Mrs. H. C. Brougher, Wiliam Brougher, B. F. Edwards. J. F. Peck, Mr, and Mrs. B. J. Erlckson, and the host and hostess. WHY THE HERMIT CRAB FEEDS HIS The WATCH PARTY AT ELKS HOME ON NEW YEAR'S EVE SINKING FUND REVIVED BY JAPANESE STATESMEN TOKIO, Dec. 28 One new fea- tur of the budget for the next fiscal year is the revival ot the sinking fund for the redemption ot statn loans, for which 42,000,000 yen will be -.t anirt In lha patlnlHteB. Most of the sinking fund will be used j - in buying state and municipal ocal Lodge IS Planning bonds so that the money market j pygning's Entertainmet nay he suitably regulated. j V u a o ni a nJ nAwr.PS vrn- ave a watch idiiy i- w i v w I ill iic" An 11 ... ... . t...i1. lodge will be held uy ' , fnri . .....i at 9 O'ClOCK '" so- The Young Married People's ittatir . uhll for ! . ....... ,.Hip- at . ... , " .,. nurK- liours 01 meir liberal .patronage at men i continuing until iu 'ent dance, and plan to noiu ;Nesv year's day. "" number of like affairs throughout , (g plannng an old time party, sue the winter season. This society im haH not bt!en held here for man) 1-nituw.a., ai.n..t tartv vnimir mar-'t availing will be re- ui iiwu. .v.. j i years, huu uv v OHIO LEGISLATORS WOULD PROVIDE WOMEN PENSIONS COLl'MBUS, O., Dec. 28 -Old sure pensions, a minimura wage for women and revision of the ducting laboratory experiments with taxation laws are among ; e the idea of -i" "SleS: the work donee by plants in Beu-.unio r""""-. " " , . Jll lllieuiyi iv nourishment. it alwavs has been a scientific mvsterv how living plants build up the sugar necessary for their grow in Dougal, "while in 1520 there was a trifle more than half that num ber. Most city horses are fed upon oats and hay. Oats prices recently averaged 65 cents below wheat prices, whereas before we began using gasoline they averaged 62 ents below wheat. This Is loss of three cents per bushel, wnicti based upon an average crop or one billion bushels nets the furno-r a tidy loss. "There is n coast trade Waters for the holldfiy INDOOR BASEBALL The Elks' team and the Young Married Peoples' society have ar ranged an Indoor baseball game to bo played at the Pythian auditorium on Saturday evening. Dec 3U. Both teams are hard at practice, and each is confident of carrying off the J honors. As this is the first game ,l.,iito the blu Doweriot' the season the players should be tractor has readied the saturation j greeted with a paction nou.. point. In many farming sections! The following will play for tbo high-powdered tractors were bought j Elks' team: Slip O Neil Bill by small size farmers, it was a dls-; Brown. Glen Baxter, Hugh Herd, JXio astrous venture for many. In the; Cain, and Speck Harvey. The . Ji. cities, many businesses turned their i P. 3. players will be Lmmet .Vic backs upon the horse for short hauls;, Charles Morns. Austin with frequent stops. Today the W.rdle. Francis heeler, Ko farmer is feeding a yard of colts 1 and Bert McFadden. Hie game will and the horse is coining into his be called promptly at No clock and own for short hauls. dancing will follow. MESSBUDDIES 'led couples, meeting twice a month at the Pythian- auditorium to pro mote sociability and pleasure among the young folks, and their recent social affair was their first to which the public was Invited. OOOonnnnnnnnoOOOO THE WEATHER rtalmuetit i..... ,OH mllMlC UUU ell.'" V'Kla " - . ... ,riua for members ana meir .u, - From 9 to 12 an orchestra will discourse the latest - - lions, and the club rooms . -thrown open to the ladles, card games will be played at which beai- ish the public utilities commission and to obtain passage of a uni form traffic code to leseu auto- ... . V i tnlKt 111 Hid frnmi the carbon d oxide or car- mount- n.v,.v- , - i - bonic aciJ, a component part of the citiea. also are included ,n prob- atmosphere, which they absorb, by able proposals. mixing U with carbo-hydrates anu; juc 011 ase peiiwou the starch universally founa m initiated Dy tne uuio oia.. . ... ,.f T.ilwr has been filed Their experiments convinced the ; with tne secreiaiy i scientists, Professor E. C. Baly and ; and expectea to e Professor Hellbren, that not oniy ; measure u uuum.. Tl ZhZ to Reduce formalde- fllil of enactment it wil go to a Le ? soda water by the .c rer.d..n. at the next penera Uou of very short wave length election A measure prov.ding ght but that ti is also possible f()1. a minimum wage for women u produce formaldehyde with or- pnsed the lower house of the las nar tuHght In the presence of Ural assembly but was turned malachite green fit other appro- Unvn l,y the senate. It w l pSe coloring matter. Uain be introduced, according to Carrying their investigation a lit- its advocates, tie farther thev succeeded, by act- Revamping of the ax law tie lam . itra-' ...Ki,- nill he the chief prob ing UlKin SOUtt wai in ui, n..,.. ., - -- B . . ... i...ii,h. nn sugar.1 .f, the lesis ators. Muni- violet rays, iu uuuiuft itm -r- Thev found that formaldehyde turns eipaltits are demanding a more lney IpIH ofri L.-i.l., ....tnm nf distributing i. lllTn Mil Kill. 1 UV - I I'X I lir J71.TI'.'" ,v be increased by height- th,.ir r(. venues as well as an op Biological Laboratory Expert Reveals to Science Strange Truths About Mollusc of the hermit crab, and the reason why ho always lives with "mess mates" of other speclesi, has at last been cleared up. Dr. J. H. Orton, of the Plymouth Marine Biological laboratory, whose pet oyster ibecame famous by re vealing to science the power of the mollusc to change Its sex, has studied the relationships of the common hermit crab to the ane mone and certain equatic worms which live communally with it. The conclusions reached by Dr. Orton are that both animals are hnnnfltted bv their habits. The ans- mone derives advantages from the hermit crab by being dragged about with its tentacles on the ground, and being given opportunities for picking up food left or lost by tne crab. The crab obtains protection from fish attacks owing to the un ... .o.. tho anemones as piwaonumcoa v. ..." food. in the case of the worm, one observed to crawl alongside the body of the crab and literally AMERICAN FIRMS BUILD MANY BUILDINGS FOR JAPS TOKIO, Drc 2S. Construction work under way in Japan by American contracting firms rep resents several million oi jen olfiful prizes will be offered, and t dock the guests win ie" 0 o Local observer United oitUe ban,uet bail where a sumptuous o States weather bureau: o midnight supper win be served .a o Temperatures 5 a.m. Noon ouhe en(1 0f the supper hour dancing 0 Current 37 42 Oiwln commence ana music 0 Wet bulb 32 o Relative hnuditv. 61 o TemneratureH. Extreme 1922 1921 o Maximum yesterday 44 46 o o Minimum yesterday 35 35 o ooeaoooeeooooo enlng the concentration ot carbon dioxide with sodium caroo... portunity to obtain more funds for operating expenses, uovci.. A V. Donahey, during the campaign, advocated the aho- BASKETBALL AT HIGH SCHOOL GYM FRIDAY Tomorrow, Friday, night a return game will be played at the high school gymnasium between the To nopah high school boys' basketball team and the varsity team, com- with prospects of a much larger) 1)0sed 0f former gradates of t.:o vulume. Tonopah high school now auenunm The George A. Fuller company the Reno university. The gam': already has completed several of-ipiayed between these two teams two I'iee buildings m iokio, iu.--j mgnis ago resuuou ... hama and Kobe and has started ; the home team, and now tne college on others in the capital. Stone; boys are aniious to show the homo team that they reaiiy can piay u- i,,,ii,ii Viovtnir heen here almost a week and are now acclimated. The preliminary game will be played by team of former girl gradates or C Webster, Inc., ot uoston nave in hand the construction ot a high dam hydro-electric plant on the Sho river in loyama i icicc . ...i,:v, ; th,. larcest iu Jd pan, its ultimate capacity being the Tonopah high school now at- 70,000 kilowats. It is designed to tenant we U""T tu u ' , ., : :..,iDii.;a ,.F tho Tnnonah h Eh school. This Is V 1I1A v I Hills llluu.i.i'-J ." . the west coast a well a those in the larger industrial centers. The most important of the new work for which the American firms will bid. is the building or a small industrial city at Tsurumi between Tokio and Yokohama, for it,., filiiliniirn Knerinceriug com- ii'c .-, l- i pany, which is associated with thej t.eneral fcleetric company ui America. a big double header scheduled for tomorrow night and an exciting, in teresting evening is promised, and all the fans will be on hand to wit ness the contest. CATHOLIC SUNUM.r:; - , .. :--.-. T CHRI8TIWMO ' iiiion in u" - Tomorrow evening at Knights of eductions in local reventies and roTumbus hall the teachers of St,.,,is initial message to the egsila Patr ck's . nday school will give a ,,ire is expected to deal largely S Si's tree to their pupils. The' ith this subject. nastT Father Noonan, and the ITolne rllle advocates are be Crhers have been untiring in their hin(1 1ne movement to abolish the IZrt- to make the evening one of;pubiit, tilities commission which efforts io u their ... nvv utilities m mit- oiwlll commence anu mun. 6ne happiest in -- - . win cum dancers cne uav hlld will be :;. ?. Thev desire this " tlntie to p ay as ios " rniune cnarg. -i , 100 o.In to remain. The Elk. Pro-lbered wh a gift, following powr t0 b vested m the mun.- !ana authorities an opporUinity to renaltion of a short program oipHilty. ana auiu . ra .,ned. and all. Tlin nverwhelmine defeat Oi Tl,i trn hn ilci'iiled. OWlllg ti dm luelr nf snace in the vicinity; I the body of the crab ana menu . , m0ve bod-i t take with impunity a piece ot ioo. - Tsunl'mi. Besides the; from between .the craVs Jw J ( here wDj be water, bolt it-an acUon tolerated by the( '- srept em ty worm's landlord. ;natl(.,1 s well as the Other I RYDER RAY, of Bishop, accom-! public utilitie that go to makeup; panled by his wife ana o"u mom-m "" Ultors at the home of Mr. Ray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. FORMER MAYOR OF MER I ROUGE STILL IN JAIL I BALTIMORE. Dec. 28. Dr. B. Butler Theater Today election precludes the enactment M McKob,. ftf anv mtirifll chances in the nrnh ihitinn enforcement laws. Governor-elect Donahey is not ovnvted to snnonncfi his eom- na authortties rv ,'the renuiuuu - - - . j- ... j ana u.u u.- and luB ....niraH and all. ti, mmiMi-Vialminff defeat Of fZiZt' to be iST - to be - the beer and wine amendment to to favor many of the measu J.1 "? Z xX friend. f.! I the constitution at the resent he advocated in the campaign. nana -- - uw" r,iito Iji Inst his fight for lm mediate release on habeas corpus proceedings, and was remanded "without prejudice." to give Louis!- . . . . li pletf legislative program until; ana autoritie, an opportune after h s nduction into omce. , Both branches of the assembly! Many tyrants, some h.v ng are overwhelmingly republican., p but some members have pledged , Parker of Louisiana, and Governor their support to the pernor- Ritchie of Maraud were read dur elect. a democrat, and n?? to favor many of the measures i'0"" """"' ' OI Hit) nu u JACK HOLT In "TH E GRIM COMEDIAN" UPON a dazzling Hroadway background, tells as powerful a story as has ever found Its way to the screen -of a Broadway actress,, her young daughter and a Hroadway mil lionaire. Latest Pathe News TOMORROW Mack Sennett's big six-reel comedy, "The New Cross-Roads York" of COMING Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court"