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Associated Press Report Published Daily METAL QUOTATIONS SILVER -e SILVER (FOREIGN) 64 5-Ss LEAD V-20 COPPER . -1 TONIGHT AND SATURDAY FAIR CONTINUED COLD onopah Daily Bona n YOLIME XXII. NO. 165 TONOPAH, NEVADA, FRIDAY. EVENING DECEMBER 29, 1922 PRJCE TEN CENTS RA NDM za BO NAVA Uncompromising ! .k-.-------. BRITISH FLEET WHISKY CRAZED MAKES RUN TO 1 I! Incompromising Attitude of the . I Turk is Regarded as Reason Of Its Return LONDON, Dee. 2!L The hasty! of the British fleet to Constantinople from Malta at- ., i Hats wide attention here. W.ttii.. is forthcoming from of- -' 1 r - a - - (.. iA sources to explain the move ,:;; the obvious assumption that it is connected with the uneom-; ,,11113111$ UIUIUUI vi inc Lausanne is evervwiiere n b'pted. WOULD LOAN TO TO BUY SUPPLIES i Bill Framed on Sound Business Principles Says Sponsor Bursum of New Mexico WASHINGTON. Dec 2!. An i t.-nsion iif credits to (icrmany up to a uiiiiiniiiiu of a billion dollars for use in buyitio fond .;f, in the I'nitcd States is proposed in a bill introd 'd by So,;, tor Mursuin of New Mexico, ai: I referred to the finance com- Thc bill, whi.-li Bursum e. i ,..,,,,,i iw ,i.o as iianicu on 3"uu,i ,'uo- iic-s principles." would author- the secretary of the treasury to pav American .foducers ..f f Muff for their commodities purchased bv the German u-ov- t .i oi, .v for the ti ansportation of such products. Government From Downing St. Preferred to That From Melbourne is Claim SYDNEY, N. S. V Dec, 2D, An indictmeut of the Australian admin-! islratlon of the mandated territory j of Geranan New Guinea has been rtrlur'of'the Australia Historical society, who has, returned from a visit to Rabaul j "Many people in the territory, would prefer vernn.e Downing street to that wh cU th, are obtaining from Me.bourne. nl CONSTANTINOPLE GERMANY BILLION ADMINISTRATION NEW GUINEA IS NOW ARRAIGNED he inexperience of the . fMtw thaQ the work of rttllBB re tion is at the bottom of the trouble, ,,. inrludiiie coal at nam. EMPLOYMENT ON INCREASE THROUGHOUT CALIFORNIA .. ai SAN FRANCISCO, Dee. F.mnlnvment i the state as a! 'v,-V:: : 1 ,,er cent ole has increaned W per Ti nuuic uas iuvicu-ku g-- since November, 19-'l, vnnt. land any cent Walter U. aiainev,"", . . . . labor coinmiAsioner. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 THE WEATHEE 0 Obiter United 0 State, weather bureau: 0 Temperatures 5am. Noon ! 284 nm uuiu i o Relative humidity 80 68 o; 00000000000000 KILLS WIFE, CATS NEIGHBOR Held in Jail For Double Crime . .. . According to trie Officers MAKslIFIEl.D. re.. IX e. 2n j, w. iv;lro rane'v - a-d -- u .,, , J'. is held a! the comfy tad nr '" ' tne cdiaroo of klliniC Lis ;!, , t and a tu-iitibor ea! double tragedy, ...,. fj0ePSi Was du.- to 1 'fuav T. t' :n ,iro7v drunk , M.tishil; d his wif 14 u.,l whisky. IYare eh. to death at their i south of .Myrtle !' his eats and d"i: , to the home of J,t bachelor, shut and a: ih-i I:,, n wt. in 'ni v.-r. a w.aitided Cul- ver and then blew ! according to hernt" head off. iffi.'cl'- U. S. OFFICERS ARRESTED IN TIA JIM" BY MFJL Investigaion Started to Deter mine Cause of Imprison ment in Cuartel SAN DIK(i(. Dec. 2IL Fnited Mates customs lltl.cer t. A. . , . it. , ... Markl.'.v and Deputy t, F teiu last mht were I'ti,lttl "'"l "Ti-st by nearly a " ;,"X"'a.'.' i',"11.'"' "' llJ Juia aud confined m cuartel there, according to word to United States and San Dieeo. AND couuty officers todav. Marklev, , ,. , it wak state.!, was held in cuar- Hundreds of People Injured in . i .ii o,i .r , ,"" , el until 1:30 this morning, when, S(orm; Transportation SVV ho was released, but Stein, it. . . n a ;.- .,nf;.,.-i 1 ,, niaiill, 13 Bllll iL'UUIRU. Sheriff Myers stated the charges . , ., . utKler wnicn tne two .American, officers were arrested are Known. An invest tgauou nas Ikceii started. OF WATER IS FRANCE'S TASK Development of Country Faster 7nan Production Of Fuel L j f() kctTc Way ,ug 29.The work of waer of parations questions, including coal deliveries by Germany, that some op- - Ml tlmlsts l?lieve the country will be bejond al, need of coal from out aide before the statesmen finish 1 thRir narlevs , ' A to have nine ...,.,a ,,1 have nine: . 1, Z nower """' " u-,u " .:". .:. ,ang vlde (or the utiiiiation; ' r,,,roximately four million horse . .. .... , w go along marKeis 1"' - I n,i(ine good the big ae 0 y 0eratlon of French J- wl la ly 0ute elecUdcitV for coa, when jcrnmt job of this o The J of the r,ver o'Sone at, near the of ... furtsb an ae'f- roatier to tn ms m-me. tolerated. HARNESS POWER Attitude of Turks Cause FAILURE IS NOW ipW:llllS DEHAi FACING NEAR j: ' d EAST PARLEY A!lies Stressin? Capitulation , siit and TnLiniT Firm ?iin sue and Taking Firm Stand Against Turks LAl'SANNK. cast peac- , da;, "il it.:; ! i'riu-.r ,, 1 '. -iai c.l -y-r the ..v. i -TL n-ar: stood t - c.'itU from co!it-st M-si.l ,,.! :i of eapi-i a l"e St 1' - , i'U", tak-! i th" '-lb- iii Turkey l 1 I- T i ' I x -i .riu : Ml' I'- jtiri J"' t.i ui-i - AMICABLE ADJUSTMENT IN EFFECT WITH IRISH NKW YitllK i : :i t"tl. aria:,-' i'1'idis iob'iii-e kotini: was in . A t which pro- . pic. Irish been i;ea:is wllell i'fieiai -I :n t !..,.! h iisuia' i-r. v; I": V' V.',ln,sday V' Uiiiat, with , in. I':' . o'.'fi'-o laiin a h a:'a.. l.iiidsav t'lawt'ord in' inu' ; i,'cr "IT to,, i: , Br.s ,c. 'no ,f the Ir, 0 or it .at al an-., aad I'rawford IM1I u ,bk in a'iot!i,-r r in i-'-pre- 1 Was Ncuttm: the Free Stat". 1 indicated that this arralio uoilld .reuil until the ui:.t settled i:i courts. , 1 IS NEW YORK CITY i terns raraiicu . ,.,,t- t.. 00 Tliou r, toui. i-ee. -.. SNDWED IN AND SHOVELERS BUSY un-'SiUlds of volnteer snow hand ers.inuns a ta ok. wm, ealle.l to miovc "' d,. New Y'tr season 'Haske:. institute, after they had first big storm ot tn sta d ,he trlbal IchooIi. Here KTt yerdav'unKP" distinguished, herself as a iW f;,tf temDeratTrk acd beme tolerested, lit e which nursing. After her graduation from ifitdto 1 trans- Haskell, she went to New York city , threatened to para ijzl a , grajuaie nurje sh8 portation. The st n to k ; several years and toll m liunurcua ''"--.. and two persons reponeo - been killed m talis WILLIAM 1.EMP IS A SUICIDE j - rvmmitted pather and blSter WOmiuiuw t i kr- Suicide Sometime Ago, Ac cording to the Police ,i-:n: . i mi i iec ! :.. . former brewer, vraa n'.J ' . "" . . . .,.th in his of- found shot to i ,. h(ipe With i ..-,,. l , onetime ai;o. . smci.le s'Oi .t m ,mmi". FORMER BREWER Th'1 ' fore the advent !;hey claim, represents the differ company just " considered J ence. Their friendly neighbors, the of prohibition com- L... hv offered to advance ,f the lar.'est nrewiiiK one of tUt Wo i nvred a Hacre tract m 1 u WAS1 nf tne coy was! valued a- e- ' , t ..notion last June I Mt t i ' m- m t,-vi o i I I nteriMs i ,i,,. -j- ncul TrfniP haa ncen ... oince It was rhiu. " - rSVe hooed to get a much Xr Z vZrl different mterests i. - .AW..'" ' ' ,he Indlan- in , SYDNEY. Australia. Dec. 29. It ,ou lay yourself open to atack by man-eating shark while bathing at Coogee beach. you will be iced for your indiscretion. This is the "safety' first policy forced upon the public here by the authorises, who will not permit bathers to venture out too far. Watchers are posted at regular dis tances to look out for sharks, and electric alarms are used to warn the bathers their rrei-enee. RALLY TO THEIR The Best Material for the Job, Is Way Indians Describe Chief Lucy ; PONYA CITY. Ok'a , Dec. 29, i The Kaw Indians no; only have civ-n the woman thv right M vote, but have elevated or.e of their num ber to the highest office in the tribe, that of elective chief The , .o.:...a Mrs Tayiah Eads, now Chiff Lucy to all her iribesmea. j t'i.l -f Lucy is the first head the Kin india.'is have had slice Iv-Ji , aen I'hK-f Washhuiiga a frozen d-ath She is tlie wife of John II Eais, a white mai.. The t s j with their children live on the new chief's allotment, an inheritance of i eight thousand acres. They are among the few who have not dis posed of any of their property. They raise livestock of all kinds, are thirfty and send their children to the white schools. "The best material for the job." is the way the Indians describe Chief Lucy. Aud John Eads, who ! is a cousin of James Buchanan ! Eads. who built the Eads bridge across the Mississippi river at St. j Louis, proudly takes his place as mmm - excellent wife a fine mother the best nurse living and understands P nded3 of her people." he says, w -,.u u. K,hr. Rm. Lucy iaian im mett, were adoptea years ago u ntrt Washunsa. who led the Kaw , - r h ,0 i,. rn,mw1 to ter own iop'.e. , - (n he KaB H.-r brother also lives in the Kaw countrv. nar the little village of Washunga. named after the old tribal chief. The Kaws. like many other In dians, have sold and dissipated their holdings and are now reduced to poverty. Although their lands join those of the rich Osage, the oil derricks can be seen rising in the distance, the Kaws have reaped no mineral benefit as yet. A number of tests have gone down, but oil in paying quantities have not been found. Chief Lucy has announced that the principal task of her administration will be pressing a claim of her . f.r tribe against tne govei umeu. ... 1.., .i.(..i. tho Kaws alleged :fi.v-,--- , i.- . .... u due them as payment tor .an .w owa-d in Kansas before me.r n. ka. dui P The $15,0.0 000. enough" money to the Kaws to en .M. them to semi a delegation to w.shine,On t0 preS the,r cUlmB' in u-.r Indians Dosses a Btraln of Frencn o. . . ,-i i m nnprn m 1111 t airi a --' . . Tndians In the teuwu ""-o nays oi jio.m"- lneDt ffiember of the tribe I. Senator Ch.riee Cart., of Kan-a KAW INDIANS WOMAN CHIEF L DISTRCT HOSU WITH OIL FIELDS Ismet PashaDenies British Contention That Turks Are Not Friendlv LA USA N NT.. IVe. -Knot Pasha sci.t a I-tt-r to Cur don r.-:.:'t':r:n:.!.t Lis d-on is that t'ac M-'i! disfi- v. oh .Is . vtil't.tlde li. l is U- : ..;-:-d ...v..-r to Taik-y. The n:e d. :,. - th H-'i-h !.a-'.t t: !y to ti n:aii n. ? l .;!: ft rv the A: wat.t to iv . -r:i::;-:.t ,.f Iriak. LAI'SANNK Mar.piis fur .:!. Mr:ti'. i ei j:i se rotary -n-.d :' a ! of British .iele.-rion : !! r as! peace eoiif-r-t. , pi. i . 1, ave aud iy i' t I'ar: wj..-rc will r- iii.r.n ntrt; T'i .day the purp ,x !' 'o;;i'. ri". Premii-r l'diar Law t'e-'a",i TWO IRISHMEN EXECUTED Id Bl.; . -' - 'l'v. ):.- h. SEME1FF MONEY CAUSE OE FIGHT IN" COURTS OF JAPAN mMU H Russian Commander Deposited Money in Japan: is Now Inable to Recover TOKiO- Dec. 4-The Ja-.iir.e-e courts have been cailci upon to de cide the ownership of 1 1 .f 1 0 yen depositee! here by Ataman So:'.'.-:;-off, when he was commander-in-chief of the Russian force in ihe far east. The money was left in th- care of another Ilu;sian. MichaC Pavlovick Soshiagia wao. it :s "'A alleged. r-.n'.JSea 10 reium iv u enoff or his representative, Junta Suzuki. The latter, who has broucl.t the action, claims that Serr.encff co posited l,4.'V"'j yen with Soshlagir. in September. Vi-. CRUMLEY-'-LASS APPEAL BEFORE SUPREME COURT in r'r.e !o e'lie cc irt .-strd IV the case of Grai.t Cramlley of T.--nopah aghlnst L. E. Glass, er of Nye county, to ctupe'. 1 ' ' treasurer to iae a deel tj a cor. tain piece of real estate, bcuchf . Crumlev for taxes, on a; pea", from a!jT',-t ( rt w:! .irried an suhmitted. who, with his children today h.l nii,,fimonti im rlie Kaw reservati-n. At the recent elec'ion of Chief Lucy an old tribal otom o. hav- . . , s T,.: j.n-.'.e ing a barbecue was revived. Chief l.(.,. u;; the p--,,;,le of Ja Lucy made and served the "squaw .,.,,:.,1 ,.o;v: The sake bread." considered a great delicacy by all Indians. It Is made like a biscuit dough with the shortening omitted rolled f'at and cat in'o strips. These are dropped into large kettles of lard an.l ck-' 1 thoroughly. After the feast. Chief Lucy called her council together. She ma ie her maiden speech, thanked her peo ple for the great honor they hid given her. the first woman to oc cupy so high a position in her tribe, and assured the Kaws that she would work for their interests. The new chief spoke in English aud some of the yonger generation internreted her speech for the o.oer ndians. SonAv.. who is about tJ j mm!,er ias years vm uu mr vn.j ,of the tribe now living who came from the Kansas reservation, re- iS for the. His remarks were also lmerprcieu iur iuubc " not understand the Kaw language of Much LOUISIANA CASE NOW ATTRACTING MUCH ATTENTION Sheriff Expects to .Make Many Arrests in .Moorehouse Case in a Few Days !' 'NK 'II v::'f r.ii- I., ,,, ..,' i.t-r' oi M.nliotw- ,i :.;. x'uvT'- wi'! :!... Mi:-.!; .,i,o ki-1- . i ;av-.;:.-t'-r S y. :. vjj- 1 a :d'-r'--r :, ..j j'aVl. "im, rv ta:. !' u;:ki"n :.,, i .... i .- t o w-.r- in ' ,.r: l -VI. t'i, tia aid CELFBRATBRS OF Ml 1! it ttuunu ccrs Preparing t Ckan Ip , brators let-d ti.e:. ' . s .i-.-v-r ivial- 1 REGEN HIS BRIDE-TO-BE ,()Her( Wi; viuwht iv " wvn nvvm and Beautiful Princess TOKIO. D-"c . Further prepa rations have beer. ::.:ole fvi-he ,.. . , . , , j . i . '..,'.,., ,, ,,. , -- a-t , . ij-.e.-s a. ' "'" ' ' - ; ' "' .'. '- .. ar.d ti.e j.cL.iuiat feature and every " ,, , ,0., 'a will b-.-ar as orr.atv.eiit the ' ... ..... .. , .., K-r the ;.: e'reai-y of sending .. . . i meis.iLe to t..e D'."-::c-ss, ii.e ,-.... b. for the weitits. a bl.i, k lacquer ,,v tic' wit'.. r-.-l sllk-t: cords will written on pariV.: Til-' StO'Ud e ti:-. liking of or-:-- 11 is tl..i; tare tinow t'.-ee ,f the w-C, .. u;s and earth-r. l.ks in- (1. -' of ware and the 1 "c laid with gold load will bring to her r.ew i -e a s- t of bove.s of hinoki ,ooJ. to re;,la,e the : - i.;i. trunks ar.i eing ! a:'. :!-''' be n the anvieat styh. m ell as the n.irrors. BASKETBALL TON.GHT All the ha--.- fans shou'd on har.-l 'his fv-ning at the high s,1ho1 gym to s the two nig; one to t-e r.a.a o, T.mopah college b-'s vs. the To- ni)iih Ms!! s. aooi w. '" - ,,, game to be contest,,! for by the t ... tori, , ho, 1 girls vs. t' i,,i,i.,.u 1;ich Sl.hool girl grads. Both wi.I 0 interesting games as all are ,i,ked player, and the young folks suuu.u v ,r.ue- CONVIVIALITY TO nr nnn nrn nn i II U It ,r ti. -w Y-ar's "d oi-' w :- e.o:.i aid M- n, lav. NEW FURNITURE FOR REGENT AND Concern VOTE SOUGHT ON AMENDMENT BY SENATOR BORAH Managers Negotiate for Roll Call on Measure Before ar s Recess WASHINGTON. Do.. 2: Ad- - 'i '' a l-:::i:tr;.t;..n l-ad.-rs '"s naal i-i I att;-r.d::.-t 1'"r , li:t- , ':,J-Vvl-'- WMuid bo "tiarti.Iu! ' to aia.jL.s- :rat;-'i'5 negotiations t-. aid in l- i" economic eMid.f.-Ui. 1"i'-'r Borah said iii tiae s;:ia:e t;,t: ho would Withdraw it. W AU1N.;T N. Doc J'1. A v.-ti bt-t .in- i.i -ht i':i ti.i' li vuh !.. f, r a w i i p :.;- :o a,:iii::iisl rat o'U wa- .ui ;. . s. iia'o lot'.'S-rs w hiie tli three vdtd lii''-avtic ':'") as o-j-eeo.,,!;,,;,!.." eolic-'i'e s ..f ra:: r.e.rl, d ;:o:i-i,i,s ,.r i;is :,:i as .oab ..Led in tlio atii-rol- nt to ti.e naval appr-i .ti .1!. r.Tr.V:e.u: i: ;o..; r, tc :',.r-.- adj,,J:i.:a,-:.t ..i.d r-,v-s, el' NiW Year's dav -!.ht.,f hr.s..!: ' I CaLf-rru -pe- d ,e att.K a:.d mi: 1 ta- .!.-:ii- i:d. or pr. : h a I'n ! S-at- s it:'-, tiv Lea -rn-' f Nations. I am a ' ii-' it !. in ti.y opltti !! ;t V ii! .1 . -a tly u !-,!. xhv. far. w- !:r. ! -el.:..-,i to do. I ra a-ale it ool with 1, s at'e-ards than t; a i'.l e:;;!.r,.;l o. in Korop-ati cu r.ivefsies aod finally make t h 1 r: :.- t States. ;,t'-er or- ho'ld-ed and fifty years, a r.trt .n '.!' K-ifi-peati system." YA?HIN',D'N. Per 2- MWW Yats..n. ,'t l:i !:a'i . To; I ee!er .- it is called t s voi.t o-t foreign e ver:irvoit s r-ir,.l-.ti.' tfo caUil! of r.M-h ! .,- r.ror.os-d in a co::!-rr-ti,;e ar.i?ndmt NEVADA PIONEER PASSED TO REWARD TJOAY Thomas Smith, ag-'-d Ti y-Jf. cl e,.l .at tlfe county l-ospi'al tan II Ini i;,"niiiii: ai ? 0,1 v.,c.w heen an Inmate of that'i ... N n. j. ,a;t h..i ,.-.,., resl.i." t of th' v mi' ' ''r f.vo vcars mid of th' V'' 'l ' -'" ' " Kev'ickv. Word has be or. wire.! l-.i ,x , re'atires at Pow'.lr.s Grc-n. Ky.. .t.! f ;r-"r:: ! npndinc ins :icns 'hem. Sutler Theater J Today MACK SENNETT has J aoai u uguui 7 x-ro-l e.oiiedy-tn do- . i bv the man who J "Mickey" and A - dram liia'ic J "M..!lv (" THE CROSS ROADS OF J NEW YORK" J Action. Prama, Thrills and Laud, vs on 11 Imd ov- i, crvthm in tins picture i I.OWt ..r Kloor -2.V: Hal con v 20c: Children 1 "c mMiriKTimn X t, .7 . "V H Hoy e b Jacket. a 1 cter 1. i ne T I rtr - lllnie, tieut Monda A t on m, cut j Yankee in Km, Arthurs