Newspaper Page Text
Ute parson gailg Appeal CARSON CITY s TkwMlsf - Juurjr Sa, 1874. WHAT SENATOR STEWART IS 1MIC. It has become quite too much the fashion either to ignore onr only sandy haired Senator or to mention hint with sneers and at the further end of the fin ger of scorn. It is needless to say that e do not share in this feeling toward Mr. Stewart; but it is a pretty poor in Testrrent to stand as his friend and vin dicator. As to his being a candidate for reelection, we suppose that that is out of the qrestion. In the first place he is too well aware of his own unpopu larity, (b.orght about, as we beiieve, by a persistent, not to say malignant, course of misrepresentation apd abrse, some what iuviied by his prolonged absence from the State), .in-! in the second place, we i,uess, he is too poor in purse to feel like beiu a candidate. 'Without ku : iDg anything about Lis affairs, and writ ing in ignorance of the result of Lis con nection with mining operations in I'tub, we Tery njnch doubt the flippant stories j of his having amassed ar.y great sum of money from the Emma mine, or to have done anything improper in connection therewith. In short, we believe Stewart to have been a very earnest, iudustilons and efficient representative of Nevada's interests; and we Lave the lest of rea sons for estimating him to be one of the most influential, as he is one of the ablest raenilxrs of the Senate. It is much easier to join iu the general cry of detraction, against Hr. Stewart th.ui to say this much in his favor; but fair pl y isaj-wel; and fair play exacts candor and just estimates. A dispatch from Washington dated Jan. 2G reports the Senator hard at work fcr his constitu ency, as he is herewith reported, namely : A bill was introduced in the Senate this afternoon, by Stewart, t" provide for the incorporation and regulation of railroad companies iu the I'uited States, being the general incorporation bill that j THE SALARY REPEAL BILL. The following is the exact text of the Act repealing the increase of salaries of members of Congress and other officers : "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Congress assem bled. That so much of the Act of March 30, 1873, entitled an Act making appro priations for the legislative, executive and judicial expense of the Government for the year ending June 20, lsT4, as provided for an increase in the compen sation of public officers and employes, whether members of Congress or dele gates or others, except the President of the United States and Justices of the Supreme Court, be hereby repealed, and the salaries, compensations and allow ances of all said persons, except as afore said, shall be as fixed by the laws in foice at the time of the passage of said Act; provided, that mileage shall not be al lowed for the first session of the Forty- third Congress, and that all money ap propriated as compensation to members of the r orty-second ongress in excess of mileage und all allowances fixed by law at the commencement of saiJ Col gress and which snail not have been drawn by members of said Congress, or which, having been drawn, have been returned iu any form to the United States, are hereby covered into the treasury of the United States and ate declared to be moneys of the United States absolutely the same as if they had never been appropriated ns aforesaid." The bill was approved by the President last Tuesday. THE SILVER BFLLIO.X QUESTION. C O.VGIIKSSlrtM U. Senate. p e- if.Jii. rs of was reported in ilay is, from the Sen ate Committee on llailroads, and subse ouentlv amended and reported bv the Senate Committee on Public Lands last year, and referred to tie Committee on I Kailroads; also, by Stewart a bid relat- I iug to the public lureis in Nevada. It j ,f. t.l I., tll Til. .tt"..,t .-.f I jje'iniai.ire i .vi;nu 10 lei'iiiju'u me rigbt of the State to the sixteenth and I thiity-siith sections under the Scott ! Lain) Act, provided the I silted Struts will grant to the State of Nevada in lieu thereof one million acres of ilie pTib!?e lauds to be hereafter selected for school vnrposts referred to the Committee on Public Lnuls. Senator S;tr'e!it intro duced in the Senate t.-Iay a f till to for feit t- the United States the lauds gmu ted but not patented to the Sacramento Valley Railroad Company, the grants having expiied by limitation. tiio 1 loveriitiieiit woiiM tii? P.. -iti?. making six THE LAWS DELAYS. The suspicion having been set alioi.t that Judge Lander of Contra Costa coun ty came to his death by foul play at the Lands of a Mrs. Chase upon whose porch she found his body, a shrewd writer in the San Francisco '? com ments as follows: We believe, with the Professor at the Breakfast Table, that the end and aim of our institutions are jnst this: that we may think what we like and say what w e think. V.'e have done so and will con tinue to do so in these articles. If we believed that the mysterious and sudden death of Judge Lauder, f Contra Costa county, was owing to his own neglect of duty on the Bench, in failing to decide causes, we should say so. e would not foruet that except iu the rarest of caes the dead are exempt from criticism Dut we woum still liol.l up tuts case as an example and warning to other judges. There niav be no ground for it. but we see that suspicion attributes Judge Lan der's death to the npeucy of a woman whose whole worldly possessions a e in volved in a suit which has been pending before him and his predecessor for four rears, but which seems no nearer a de cision than when the s.?it was first insti tuted. When the veil shall be lifted from this mrstery, if it shall appear that Judge has been stiicken down by the vengeance of a suitor whose patience was exhausted, the Bench will have an admonition none the less impressive be cause it required mu-der to convey it. And if the pending investigation shall, as we hope it will, show that ihedecea ;ed Judge came to his death from natural causes, still the terrible suspicion now aflort e naot fail to have a beneficial e' fect upon a lazy judiciary. Airs. Chese may rot hare taken Judge Lander's life, but there are scores of women in the land, maddened by the law's delay, wl o may, in some ungoverrablemoodwreak awful vengeance on the eru ined authors of their calamity." If they yiold to the terrible temptation, the law will not hold them guiltless, bat many wi'l rise np to proclaim that Charlotte Corday had no greater cans to imbrue her hands in blood. Washington. Jan. 27. Thnnnnn f?:ited a petition from . . Cor ii. W. Kigs and other tax p::V' Washington, askmi; for an invest- ;.ition into the affairs of the District of Colum bia. Laid on the tab'e. On niotiou of McCreery the creden tials of McMillian as Se'iator from Loc -siana were referred to the Committee on Liections. On Motion of Morton, his resolution for the creation of a Bo srd of Trun-po -tatiou Commissioners, ottered a few d;ivs since, was taken up. and he addiesscd the Senate 'u its fav.'-. At the conclusion of his speech the I'mance Committee resolution was taken - , but Bayard not being ready to ,.!: '.s further consideration was postponed .iiiiil ti-mii-jw. lie cuat-- ;e&n proceeded to file e-.r- n ot t"io cileiuar, the i'.st bil: itcing ia-it i:it-"od"iee 1 by S:i'i"ier on the first day of the s-esio:i. snpph jci:tu-v to tl-e Act to protect a'l ck'-iis in th ;: civil rights a:d to fu-.-nish menus K..-th-ir vindication. I'eivy o! (.'oniiecticTit rjuTt-il to reUr the bill to the Ju.'iciitry Committee. rvunlier orpos-.L too reiere:ice. : said hi' could see u. tiling in it b.u a mode of opposition by delay. The bil! should have been ac.ed upon the first day of the session. It was the darling desire of i.:s soul to have this great question closed now, ij thct in ver iiain iu our leiislationsiieh a wttrd as 4"v-b:'te" or "black" kIiopM uortear: but legisla tion should lie oi'ly for citizens. Ffelinuhnyse'i a uie2r.lx.-r of the com mit ee thorgbt he could assure Sumne: tnat li tne iii was retereil to tlie .imli- discoveied the reii From the Sacramento Record. Washington, January 15, 1874. The silver bullion question of the Pacific coast now agitates the minds of the Cal ifornia and Nevada Senators and Rep resentatives in Washington. On tne Pacific side of our country silver coin is a drug in the market, while on this side, the Mint at Ph 1 1 e phia cannot sup ly the demand. Ihis mouth the demand for subsidiary coins exceed the supply about $330,000. Iu San Francisco silver coins must bp shipped mostly East for a maeket, and the holder of bullion is fo -ced to sell at a greatly depreciated value. Your i o -respondent is informed by l J Lindenuan, Director of the Mint, that the San Francisco and Carson Mints might easily have coined HALF A MILLION IoLLAI:s Of silver coin more during tin- last month than were coined if then bad be, n a de maud for the increase. Onr Pacifi? in terests suffer a great Joss on account of the depreciation of silvi r. Senators Sargent aud Stewart have been investigating the matter, and wiil urge the Stcrttarv of the treasury to take some action to btuetit ti.e ino rt : of their constituents. How they pro pose to have it done is l.-iitrlv stated as follows: " j tHK LAW. Tile 2stji section of the coinage Act j provides that for two t us a!'t r the pas sage ot tin- Act li. i.rnaty 1.. is.::.) '"silver coins shall be paid out at the Mint in Philadelphia and tli- A-say of fice New York, for silver bullion jmr otiased for coinage, under such leuia tions as mav bo prescribed bv the Secre tary of the Trtasisry." Under the above aiitiioriiy silver bill- I lion has been pm-cliast d and p-tid in ub- i sitli.-tiy coin at llie I'hila.i.-l hia Mint at 1 IS cents per standard ounce, payable in ! silver coin, to which pnee it bas been re- daced from lJ 1 2 cents. Tile rate lix. i j by the Department for San Francisco is lit; c uts. i But it is believed and is urged upon ; tbe Department that Secretary Il.di ad- i st tu has power u Utter the above .pioted i pruvisiou t.f the law t.. rrKcHisE silver rri-i.tov Whenever he phases, and Jtay fo- it in ' silver coin at the Philadelphia Mint or! New York Assay-ofiice. It is therefore i suggested that the Direct, r of the Mint ' of sil- , I v. .- bullion for coir.ay,- into snbit!iarv . NEW STORE AND NEW goods: GEORGE W. KiTZMEYER JAVIN'G REMOVED HIS STOCK FURNITURE And XSedcLing; To the NEW BRICK BriI.L'ING lately bu ll On the corner f CarMin and Tele- CARSOX CITY NEVADA, An.l with a jj'-w lut of IV.rriturc Jt'sT KK- .hIVi:L, hfiS Iit;W ipi Htd T3i Iarrtt am! JIost C'untplftc FURNiTIRE STCP.E IN THE STATE! I iut r sp(c.'r.;iy irivil the citizens of Car son tt-t t'lilit:.- nliy to txaiuiiit- the FIRST ANNUAL & BALL or S. T. SWIFT Steam Fire Engine Compasj Xo. 3, IN HO30& or WASIILNGTOX'S BIRTHDAY ! The abovt VompcT'it nll 51 re their First Aioutal Hull t Moore & Parker's Hall, ... ox MONDAY EVENING, February 23d, 1874. s ma Trit , I hhull t :tVr My (om1s at lied u ced Prices for Cash. Au.l Jo verv:Lin in ixxj i- w-r To satisfy all tliose iliiif dtvurnir with a 'all before pure IkUHin elsew here. the Laiiii s in Committee of Arranmeiiti: .Kl.rt- A. U.iu: Wi'Ax. . i o. in Lassie. A. Tvrc-H C, InviUilion C'cmtaitf ee : ( AlX'N cm-. v. L. II. E-'uJli v i . D. Ileinrh. I scain ainl e iLt:r rt.ui:db iu Lun :Tly invite To Call Over t the Furniture Store. It iwpvf-S.blf tO Xauie Hilthe Pretty and I'efiilTIiinj' on liHiiii lr half in ihee Lnr Hareruum. UPHOLSTERING Win. H. Hoan'.-, : ll.'b. rt H"f r. Win. 11 (orbctt, ' S. T. Swift. I John, I H. F. ll'cc, 1 George Ti'Mv, I ' Jar. txir A. J. I.t.cliwoo.1., II. K. Klstntr, Frt.l. tt.ultinni!cr, ItAY I.. L. Croi li.-tt. lion. J.lS. (. -aW .'(Ttl S:im'l E. Jttiit-s. V. D. f. (iibsoii. Abe Jtiut s, I ieo.-j;.- 1. Fi-.vr, j li. t"..' K-.-llv, " I L. Stem, i Au.lrt-w Wri-bt, j Kicn tl-1 Mil -. j M. M. tbiiijc, i Wilnaiu i.ii.-:'ord. Kit-in. i-iiiK. i Tltor.n- Beer, .btlia H-iii..r. McCulloagh coins at the Siir. F'lanci-. Jlitits. and to issue ct'!t! ttnyabic in such .- iii at 1' New York, as ucsii t il by t THK TI.AN YW.-.-.H eiiab'.o tile koi.lis of buiii S--11 th.:;- silver at c-nts. witbont trouble or comniis-i-'ii, i:t tin- Mints the 1'aciiic cast. The ccitiiicat. v-.-i.!.l be worth a t.reinituu for excha'j :e. ar-d Ir.ii in coin from and (.arson Mtis tl'.t-rt fi.r :!!jl,ia or e tl. oosito;-. t.t XI opair in I" ijs ti.rt-lcl..: siit :. ,tt- w. t ill The 0K3 Sture ( t'arsi n I" it r-i i i tV., lis Mtil ll l-illli' lit. !.. H 117.1." tt, SLllW. H-ii. iiti.: mi.:.. Hill. V. b. Stern, A. McMartiii, M. F. Waller. All Furniture for Repji ii-s m ill he tall t-dfurand di'tirrt-il Frte f Charge. GEORGE 'A'. KiTZMEYER. .1. 15. W'lw, . W. li, i-kiu.-. s. I:lo, i-ia-iey . Siailtur.i, C Ullle, lull Co. Jo! A. 1 Win i J. r : !. Jlatitibn.i ; A. L. .!-i:!.i elan. nv. 1 1: . n JJ.-e i;.i, I ..aires 1'! I M. L. llr.-ic s, I Joe t'owim, I J. 15. N.lson, ! .Ii:i. M.d. j oivt Alniliv. Oil 1?-. Th. .iii.l 1. -iltrai at ti: tlllPTlt ill bi Hid f TS-lv, !lle ler ctut. jiri' ilea is .li .1 1 .:i it Mj t f 1 1 ' . -1 1 t-.-it: I'iiiLi.l -ijtii.i Slin'. ! ! tl.e !i . :.!.- aiioa siioi-.i.i be atl- ir.S llalit;- f- 1:1 il e i .t'-iclj ii.M be se'it to NV.y Vci!: rov -n.iie-iit aceo-.i-i:. to be i.i tilie.i ivineLit of tii cbt -Ls iu iho last-of the b;iiii..n. It is Hot o .- iii.-it-f sl.aii in:.-- : o-.I.l ami a I k-f'i the pin,! t. .li.lated that this fi t-,- -.villi the necessary il-liar coi:ii.oe: but will at work to their full capacity. Mints V.". so. V.'e clip ,o- of -J.inuarT ciary it stould be lie'-feetly reported back wtthin two weeks. On this assurance Sumner was willing to consent to its reference. Edmunds, Stewart and Morrill of M..iae favored its refcieuce. The nioiion to refer was agreed to. The j 'ut resolution proposing aa aineiidmeiit to the Constitution making the election of 3'rcsident by direct vo.e of the jieople and to abolish the office of Vice President being next on the calen dar, Sumner, who introduced it, spoka briefly in its favor. Mo. tori saitl the Committee on elec tions weie considering the subject, and would report as soon as the resolution was referred to tbe Committee oa Elections. Edmunds gave notice that he would on Thu"-sdav ask the Senate to t ike up tbe Bankrupt lhll The bill to authorize tbe organization of national banks without escalation was then taken up jjorton orleiett as an additional sec tion to his bill uc.thoiizino national banks that have reduced their capita! stock to withdraw a pioportion of their bonds upen reducing their own circulat ing notes and depositing a leal propor tion of lawful money in lien thereof. Thunnan opposed the bill, and did not think Congress had the power to charter banks in th's way without lim itation. llava-d offered an amendment to strike out that part of the bill which au thorizes the o -ionization of banks With out circulation upon depositing with the Treasurer of the United States $10,000 in registered bonds, so that the bill wojld only authorize national banks to withdraw their bonds in excess of $10,000, and national banks to withdraw their bonds on deposit as security for their circulating notes in the amount of $100,000 npon returning to the Comp troller of the Currency lawful money, to be deposited in the Treasury of the L mted btates for tha redemption of an amount of circulating notes of such banks. IICMAN ltFMAINS Fi this from the SShiisla Co il: Last Saturday, while A. Whit.-bread was out on a prospecting expedition, be uns of a man, m the uitcn wnicn was ouce used to convey water to the Fender claims at the head of ' Bnnjiue G'.i'cii." The discovery was repoited to the Coroner, who next day proceeded to the nlare designated, ili.puulii l,ci a jury, and held all iinpiest over the remains. The rlesh of the body had all been eaten away by hogs e-ctitt the feet aud ankles, which we:e encased in heavy boots. A bullet hole iu the skull, just above the left temple, and a revolver found near by wiih one empty chamber, indicated suicide. The evi dence adduced on the inquest showed that the deceased was named Jesus Lo pez, that he was a native of Chiie, and had been missing since the bth of last November. It was also shown that he had been sick and discoursed fur some time previous to his disappearance, and the jury, from all the circumstances known, concluded that the man hud committed suicide, and rendered a ver dict accordingly. Cachise. A letter from J. JenVds, agent of the Cachise reservation, was re ceived by tbe Commissioner of Indian Affairs Tuesday. He says: "The Indians are qniet and in good health. In regard to reminding Cachise of his promise to General Howard not to raid into Sonora, I would state that it is unnecessary, as he has not left his reservation since he made peace, and he has nsed every means to prevent parties from going." C L O T II 1 X G FOR THE MILLION ! At Prlee hit h cannot bo Cheapened in u n h' rant it or Chicago I THE LATEST STYLES A.NL. OF The Very Eest oi Clcih Dress Suits, Business Suits,' j Hunting Suts, TTneicrolotlilns ! Fine Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Linen & Paper Collars, Nats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Saratoga Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, BLANKET STRAPS, FINE BLANKETS w. lie (!..,'. .lo . ; Willi il. i i . CliamWiIam F. Leet. John M, It... ' J. i " ' i C. C. 1, Failed Lewis, 'i:ioti ti:iniittpe. , s Wiir-oii. Miies li. Wi 1: Cowii.o r I..;.,) I .i hi. Shear. ' li. ti. Fail. !;i iiiiy.-rs. i .'- H' -i II'...'- ;..-.,v. e A. Tyii.ii. H. l;. M.-op. J. l.It.oi..-.. j A'.'ilhalll Fil Th.i-iore A. U.ilc. Flour A. jii-et-tt.r. Lett TICKETS 7,o'S?-. I- '.'lo,. tlr.1 tn'.s S2.50. 7-n; ;--t's And genrBl aseonment of everything to b found iu ft COMPLETE FURNISHING STORE JOE RGSENSTOCK, Cunty Eailrtlitt. (' City. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP Til H E CO-PAItTNtKSHIP HF.KET0I UP.E 1. existiDt; under llie came of liie tiU-ul rt k Xlill Company tont-isliiit' tf . Itnv:. t,. c. 'I ItaxT. r aiiU M. It. Hat.-h : til's i;ty. Jai.uaO" It. tlisst.iveti by ii.uti!al Y. ti. C. Tliaxler will t-cutiiiii,-tlte buMiti-s.. i-th.-Lriii namr ef ill. k Mill Ceibpuiy. i all dftrts Hue l.y th r.rm and ,-,.lle, l ail t,ut alaaiiiity b.lln. t . I.'AV !s. li. :. I liAXTFH, M. H. l!Alt H. Carst u, Nea;lat January 1, 1T. jtiT-im Duel Brtwwa Jeff Uavii and Ei-Snt-ator FoCe. Philadeijihia, Jan. 2Gth. A special Washington dispatch says it is rumored that arrangements have b:-en made for a duel between Jefferson Davis and ex Senator Henry S. Foote, of Mississippi. The duel is probably based on the cor respondence which appeared in the Washington papers. FOSTER, FREEMAN & CO. Dealers in Croceries, Provisions, Feed STOVES. T1XWABE, HOOTS AN K1IOKS, WINES AND LIQUORS, Carson Strert, Canon City, Nevada. ja-if DR. C. BILLINGS, DEXTIST, Second Block South of lha Mint, Carson City. O.-ly S30 for ft beautiful and perfect net of teeth. All work warranted. A larce stuck of liruge and Medicines, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Stationery, Cigars and Tobacco of choice brauds all for sale 25 per cent, cheaper than any other place in town. W Toilet Articles, Perfumery and Fancy Goods for tne Holiday a. C, BILLINGS, del-tf rjentut and Apothecary. MERCHAHT TAILOR. JOHN SUTHERLAND. TAILOR and DRAPER, Xortlfe Caraon Street Cartua C ily. T1HEFIXKSTOFFHEXCU, ENGLISH and SCUTCH Cloths and Vestings, Extra Fine Double Do!. n, Sscotcb ail-wot -1 1 nuts Pattern, And a general assoruut-iit of tbe tt Tiilors FupiilifK Jo be had iu fcan Fmn-iH-o ind New York. S'Gnruit-iits cut, mteti und furiiifclitti iu tbe lut est lubUiun and wanunteU. Call and exaiuim gotKis and prk-t-s. JOHN bL Tli Ell LAND, Proprifctor. BLACKSMITH. NC OF ALL KIXDS. WAGONS KABE AND REPAIRED. Carriage Work neatly done. HORSE AND OX SHOEING. All kinds of Hard Wood Lumber, On hand and for sale by IV. D. TORREVSOM, Corner of Carson and Third afreet. Also cor ner of Spear and Carson streets. aAll work guaranteed executed in the beat TAKbUM CJTV, MYVADA