Newspaper Page Text
fyirm Sails p?l CAKS)X CITY: Tuesday February !. IS" J. A DEXOCBATIC FREE TItlXKEIl. OjirEan-ka contemporary, til S?ntln!, heretofore classed as a leniiK-ratio or gau, sjiets very frankly in ojpoMtion to snch strict party allegiance its wouM r;salt iu the reilei tiou of Oovtriit r Bradley and the reins tatemeut in iiower of that win;; of the Democracy who are represented by Lis Excellency. Ailnil iug to the announcement that GoTernor llnulley would be a candidate for a second term and to the slate agreed npoa by the Bradlerian coatiugviit.tlie entincl proceeds to say : Who put np the "job" and who i;re to compose the tii Ket. .ire known to the writer hereof, and in due time will be gireu to the j;iblie. It is bardir probable that the -shite" wi!i ever amount to much, as the whole thing is already odious anions all classes of eople. It will, no doubt, serve to con- i sign its autnors to merucu iuui.iiui t vhich. to draw it vctt n:ild, will t.rove a e;reat blessing I the t'omuiimiPilih. i'.ut we started out to say something :.bont the probable of poliiical parties in the campaign. Party ties are no louder held as bind ing on the action of voters. The people .f Nevada are ess-nthilly iudepeudi-nl. and have been so since 1n7. Iu vro-f .f this we cite th fact that not a su.irle t-juntr in the State ka returned a i strai-'lit ticket since the election above ailnded to. Mixed tickets have invari- ably been elected by the several counties, For the two last elections the result in the State was similar each party elect- j in" a portion of its candidates. The in- j dejWdenoe of voters was the cruise of tdl this. It could not have resulted ! otherwise. The railway war was not in augurated in California. Two elections have already turned on the same issue iu this State. Kendall won his last seat in Congress on it. The satiie battle will he fought over this year. People under stand the question better, however, and an overwhelming majority of the voters are now firm opponents of the rasc.illy loings of the railroad managers. Ther-j is practically no railroad party in the State. Both Republicans and Demo- crats are fudy a.,Teed tuat Nevaua uc- cheap-r fares and freight Mm- m- is tL p: ra nomit interet of Nevada. and we wan: our ruacnuieryaud supplies I :.t the lowest figures, luere ..u-ht not j to W anrMit on tun, score: but there wilIK- Lath part;, ispretiyap. to start ;.atiiatneuk.iui ivl-onsrs to me r;iiiwiy. a:hi o it win There will lie but two pur!i. s iu tbo ii. lJ the two old i-arti. s. II. puoli -aus ;iy l r sncti en ciiuizjri-ii:. me ir:iuc;ers in this State Juii't wint a re ov.ctiou cf freights, beeanse tLey have :;-iiest home market iu the worlj fe their Hoar, atul prnin and vegeta!!e. I lii;h freights jn?vrnt competition from California aud I'tah, and that's exa-t!y what suits the SaeLrus-li Grunt-r. ieiio no political grunnd-swell need lie looked for from that source; and besides, tUe leaders and prominent men tf the existing parties do not desire a third party in the iield. There are oniy fifteen or twenty thousand voters in the Stati at most, and no matter how we are sunken np we are the une people enter taining precisely the sutae sentiments, no matter where ire train. All things considered therefore, vre feel safe iu predicting that the cotnirj.; contest will t. as heretofore in Nevada, between the Democrats and IJepnblie-ans. Inde pendent tickets may le mn ia a few of th counties, lint that will be the extent of the disaffection. In the meantime, aud when it comas to the polls, the ereat mass of tlie people will vote for ju-t whom they please, regardless cf p rty ties, and "the result will be, as usual, a nr. veil ticket. Men, not meas ures, will be the main feature of the next campaign in this State. A Daeies ship canal is a project which comes np with a sturdy perticac ity from period to period, and even now assumes shape asaia. The ttleaph in forms ns as follows: Washington, Feb. 7. The Secretary of ar has designated Mainr Mcr arlaml and Captain Kwen of the Engineer corps to assist in the examination in regard to the proposed Iuter- leeauic Canal route . . . a .PI .. t; across xanen auu .iraniun. iuc .t e retary of the Navy has invited McAlpine Chandly and Eodes, prominent civil en gineers to accompany the expedition and assist in the examination. McAlpine reprets that his bnsiness engagements will prevent his acceptance, and names Walton, an eminent engineer of New Orleans. The Secretary has therefore invited Walton to join in the expedition. One of the navy vessels, not yet desig nated, will take the party to the (fnlf of Darien. leaving her about the 20th or " ith of this month. Dos Pablo d la Gckbba, once the handsomest Spaniard ever aeen in Cali fornia, and lately resigned from the District Bench of Santa Barbara county, ia dead. He has been in bad health for aeTeral months. and Demorais. Auj 1-oM testier coiii.l , :;'a t,, satnr.HvVxt. The wLe. - i H.-.y, :u::t, eieer ; :t.-- v b .-l-.-w t!u lave rtarti-J cut woaltt a anl tn-j J,,-u of Sort,.n js'ja A clt.,v. It : ,t u.'.v.iiieviteut i:. tl.eir . j iormulaWe Dolly ar.len move- , til)3;,, j,omVcr Le 5 ia ,'hi--isr, :-.s ' Tii- grtat Teuii-le f Tt-.i.e.. ! n. ! luetit. I nt there is no particular uc- I .5J..; wa m.,.iA v.Vt!r....l.-.v ' at Yeuc. was tlvt.;:ota tr liie Jai-L:.ry i Not Siakvatios bit Sciciie. Con cerning a Chinaman s koni it reported dead from Starvation, the Eureka Smii uet of the Cth has the following more correct statement : The Chinaman of whose Midden and somewhat mysterious l::;tli we inuntion ed in our last issue, was yet-teiday bu ried at the county's f xperse. lie ie louid to the You;.- Woh Company, br.t they refused to have anything t. oo with the burying of the remains. Short ly alter his death otvarred. a few of ti e Chinese visited t:ie house where the body was lyitii; and made tilt ir idola trous provisions for the departed spirit, burned iutinmcRtiile tapers and depart ed. The remains were taken charge of bv the uudcrtaUer and biiiid ill the Chinese burying t;rou::d. The ceremo nies at the f imerui were of a uov, 1 char acter. As soon as the body was taken from the house and placed on the sit-ib, a fusiiadc of lirecrackers nr. I bombs r.;-. Lent nn until the iroe s..ioa started r the place of ilitt nfacrt. The fet t f the deceased, as usual, werf tied together to keep them in place, b it some of h:s I coniitrvnieu .'eeins; :t, iiut.irdintf it cut the bands, reuiaikiu,' ttaf' Jl..JWl'e have Ioiiff walk" li-fore h.-arrivtu at tH place where stood Ceietials are npp to g' after shaking i-ff au-rtaj on!. At the crounds a quantity of n.'at. ri -. eus, e: tc, weic placi d on .,:.? . t;ie use the defcti. f. at.d t.." rs I.;.! J convenient to him ":t t!:e In j yt.-terUav's isriv state.! that it was ! supposed lis died of liegUct and sta'. Va ! tion. bat on inquiry we le-rrn-tliat it i is thought he conin.ittsd suicide. i ijt p'Tssessiuti of a country w..uiau wit.. was married to Ah Fooh. an accunt of which wedding we have fully d-eri: e.l. It seems hardiy the riht th:.: that the eo.iutv should bear the rrx-iie vi such burials, as tue companies are bound not o!v bnrv their dead but to return their remains to China, money to defray such expenses having been paid at the time the party haves his native shore. , . - Twrro s has b n leitine; the cat out of the Hing'si:.?. lie is quoted as follows : New York, February 7. The new Court house Commissioner has made some an tonishing disclosures reitardin,: the trauds which have been rreseuted iu the Courts this afternoon. Norton's allid-Tits say that after hi appointment as Court lionse Commissioner, he was uri d l y luvjsrsoll, Connoii, Watson atid Tweed to nt trove of vouchers tnvpor'.m.; to be biil for txm iu relation to i i t .r..e ... at tn-r i.t n ?-isp;i (i .ltlvthlI:L, tl Clo witU the bills, ,)Ut h!1.,!lv; ou ,;, ,sas;nll iiu,i arment, fce a,.aphVa uis siature. His afii.iav it ,y i4 in ,he nit of the National j ,uk f.,r .. torT l,,i,nllim. to , thf rIlir;ll.r ,,;;v :ht.m atjvlll0rd IO cv;.:t-'hons- Ccm- : iu 17i. f,:utisel for tL; county read s veral cia.lavits i ti n. incIndiiiL! Norton's. At the attachment of Lit sitiatiiie t. certificates, luade fur u:;!Lj:is of lars. A Ee:iaekai:i.e Skasos. The old set tlers iu Battle ilonntun charge up tLe present Winter as the most severe that has ever been known here. The coldest niomiiigs ever experienced in the town were some rive weeks ago: and the snow fall and lower workings of the mercury ate spoken of as unparalleled. Yet, it has not been so bad a season as it uiiijlit have been. X calamity has resulted ; no flood, no suffering from ;.; climatic cause; no common distress nor depres sion of any industrial interest. The suu shines for some hours almost every day, allowing comfort while the fires are al lowed to die oat. The roads are hard enough to bear up the remarkable loads of freight going out, the wood and hides and ore coming by return teams. While in other sections sheep aud cattle have been lost by hundeds, by the fetd freezing, or by sunocatiug, all about here the stock i in tine condition, safe for the season through or readv for the market ; aud shipments of cattle to the California markets are a feature ot everyday trade. To those who know how to acknowledge a iood. it must seem, on the whole, like rat her a favorable Winter. Measure .Vaisure. The Tbassfee or the "Entbf.pkis." We learn from the Virginia Chronicle of Saturday evening that on Friday the ar ticles of incorporation of the "Enter prise Publishing Company" were filed with the County Cierk of Storey county, The said Company has a capital stock of $100,000, divided into 1,000 shares of $100 each; duration of existence, fifty years; principal place of business, Vir ginia, Nevada; object, to carry on the publication of a daily and weekly news paper and the business of job printing; number of Trustees, five. The follow ing Trustees are named for the first six months: W. S. Wood, Isaac L. Kequa, D. L. Bliss, E. Strother and John W. ilackey. It is understood that the transfer of the Enttrprlst es tablishment was to take place yes terday; so we may expect to see in this morning's issue of that paper the f alutatory of the new management. ! ti.. iKcIndiM Norton'?. At t;.- c-v- j ?'.w-. iul t-ui- i.ia LATEST TEI.KGKAMS. Xew York, Feb. 'J An effort is said to be making to induce the authorities to abandon the prosecution of Michael Norton, who Med to Canada on the con viction of Genet, and who is repr setited to be the on!y member of the (oiiueriiUj: workers now'iii a hurry to tuin informer shocid the act be advantageous to them selves. The famous horse Tom Kowliu will not run at the ensuing Spring meelirj; of the Jerome Park Association, JI tirath refusing to allow any extra weutht U-ing placet! upon him, as a penally for his victories. Washiii'-'ton. Feb. 9. In t!ie, under a call of the States, bills were in troduced and referred by Dawes, to re duce the rate of letter postage lo two ceuist l v Woodford, tixiii' salaries of postmasters iu Xow York. Philadelphia, iSoston. C'hicv'o. St. Lc-nis. Cincinnati, I.;ltimore and San Francisco; also, to re-ulate th.- h of s-.Tiee in the de partments at Washington, and to reduce the iiuaiWi e.f e.eiKs. London. Feb. ;. The Tir.i. s adviso the restitnation of the Coverf.uu lit W tveell the close of the emotions at.d the as.;, n.bhi:g of Pariiatitcnt. .-ne if said to l-e at vai-i iuee with his Ministry on the or.rsuou of the re? :na: ion , f the t-mniei t. The t'.-tKi-tr is r.'rrvs' .d : s wiskitii: the Ministry t- r..:jn in:- :i; lii-teiy. whii- th y desile to Will un i ' the nw Fai .iiiU'.en: l';s laeii is stiiteu to have -hi.idy airaine 1 Lis Ministers. Five Lundrect a:i I nine miitUis of PatitauKSit ai ;Lns l..rch. Seii. as foii-.;Tt 5; (.7 i.".usrvauves and 24i Lilwrals and Hon. Kniers. One Home Kul-r has iven retnr:..'. from C ork t ltv and two tr. .in KiiKeMiy eo'.1..!-C..rd-ised ! ty. Ic is pr.'bable that Kdw trd well, t-e.-relarv e.f State, 'Ai.i L.e l the 1'etrau-. The l raii:z.iti..n of a new c mpat-.y to lay a Ihtht eabie from Great Uritaiu to Halifax via Az. .res is announced: capi ta! c3Mi,t.MJU: prospectus says it is tbe intentii u of the company to convey messages at the rate ot una shilling per word.' San Francisco, Feb. 0. There was more rain last nijbt, and tj-day is cloiuly aLd threatening. It is stated that Joliu Pritchard, who was killed yesterday, was a somnambu list, and his friends think he sprang out of the window and received his death while walking in his sleep. A convention f the vaitous lush, soei etys, held ytsttrday, inaugurated int as r.res for the proper celebration of St. Patrick's day. The CLina Trans -Pacit'c Company's s:f:fi:er Yasjo c!i Ciiima arrived last night, having made the v; yage t'ren; Y k.diama iu less than nineteen nays, which is the fastest time t ver nntdo Ik. tween tht.- polls. Sue made pas sag frotn Ib.r.'.'ki.r.g to Y:.k.iha:.i:i i;i 0 ih.ys ai .; .') h.;.rs. " Th. J,.: an was to have sailed en the The i...:na Lror. :nr : Locada Ji land. He i: don Exposition for IsTl. Tl:e relations of the Japanese G.pvern taei.t with all foreigu Ministers but the one from the United States, are growing mor and more inharmonious. No clue has yet been fe.und to the per so:is who triej to a.-assinate Iwakuruou the 11th of January L:si. Jwkv.ra has recovered frani his wounds. Greenbacks, 'JL-1, ',. .MARK TWAIN IN' EXtL.WD. Charels Warren Stoddard ia a recent letter from Liverpool to the San Francis co (7.r(.ctV has the following reference t i Mark Twain's lecturing txperinces in Euel:.nd : VVhtn Mark Twain first announced hin;self for a lecture at Hanover Square liooms, some three or four moutUs ai,e, he had but three days to acquaint the public with the fact that he would lecture, and for one week only. Nobody expected him to draw an audience unless he could be advertised at least three months in advance. He drew. He drew better every night. The week's business was something astonishing. In this same hall Dicktns used to read, and when Mark took it people weie turned from toe door on the last nights of his hist week. It was a dangerous experiment to think of renewing the season after the interval of a month, during which time he went to America and returned ; but he opened his new .season to good busi ness, and lectured seven times a week for three consecutive weeks in Loudon, clos ing the engagement in the most satisfact ory manner. Three nights ago he made his last appearance in England at Liver- Sool, and was most cordially received, ere also the American jollity aud readi ness to take a joke and heartiness of ap proval showed itself, as it has ou each of the three evenings in Liverpool. Mark takes new laurels home with him Eng lish laurels, that are not so apt to fade as ours. He is certainly to be congratu lated on his decided and uncommon suc cess as a lecturer in England. A coBREsroNDiNT of the Pioche TTccord writing from Washington, expresses the opinion that the Keservation scheme of Indian Agent Iugalls will be vetoed by the authorities there. Doubtless it should be defeated. lil-l.: bas t r . e..:i.:iii.i iler tu tlie NEW TO-DAY. MILLINERY ! MILLINERY ! MILLINERY ! At Less than Cost! TO CLOSE OUT STOCK ! MRS. AfiiMA S. BROOK5 IrtlNG AKOiT TO REMOVE from b.-r t r. seal (jusrt'-r i:itu apartiuls wiii.-l: ni'.l lult.r n.VfD.nwoate her larK ami eonsttmtlv au,'ui u!ii; Lu.-iLttss, will cfl.-r hi r choice sKsorttueiit of siniliiiery rh ils. rlifa-ail flow, rs, iitijK rte.l Ik.iii:. tb, ute . ete.. at 1 n t s lei-stliuTi llieir actual est. Ibis is :ai el.)sr tnnitT which evr laiiT fritr;i!i. v ill fce n .s" to iiuDrove. te9 Powder! Powder!! j (Alt LOAD Of I F. F. F. E lasting Powder i j jist hkci:ivi:d at FOSTER, FREEMAN &. CO.. !. CarsosiCiiy. i GRAND PREPARATIONS ! ! Art C'w nir-lt- it ti.. I NEW .YORK DRY GOODS STORE . i'er a larse arii elfan: snk of : SPRING- AND SUMMER i IliV COOPS. i BLACK SILKS AT PANIC PRICES DRY GOODS, CARPLTS, UCES, ETC. 1. MOKKI A: CO. SUCCESSORS TO SKEYER S, MORRIS, CARSON ST.. iirvt door to Wells, Faro ow 'o.s Kvprrsa Office. C ci'wn ity E'EALERS IK DRY GCCES i.'f ill lUst -r-i-ticai ar.ti f the cl:ou . y: v;t,:i.;;,M CAF.PETS CF THE EEST CUAL.TY, LACES CF THE FINEST SORTS, LAD1KS' mirl CUILDRKN'S BOOTS una NftlOKS, elc, etc. i' i. ;. if4. L. &, CO. 5i. L CH.V-Vtr IX.IS. i! P. MaWS I3AS0N & CEAK2ERLIR ti. i irB s...ii .-ni'.M I'er n. r of C;.r'- ;u au-i '!: r .rh: i. :rr is. Wai'ocs-e ("..!. r i,f 1'iara a;; '. M r at.oet CAR3C1 CITY, NEVADA, 'TTHfJI.USAI.E AXC tii:TA!1. iiKAL- Groceries, Previsions, FLGU3 AND FEES. Blasting and Opening Powder, Hani "ware. Tinware, Crockery, Glassware, Cutlery, Paints nn J Oil, Shot, Fuse, Boots, Shoes, Furnishing Goods, &c. Se taY the largest and best lire-proof in tli State, anu are prepare.! to rreeiva Grain GtLcral iterchaii'lise on STOEAGE at all tim?. acd to maka CASH ADVANCES en tht same. Goods delivered frew of charge in all j ai cf th city and in any pari cf tfca iinrxcmiditf cotiiitrv. aj.l-rf MASQy t CHAMUKKUX. CHOICE FASSjLY GRCCERIES. Alexander Leport, CARSON STREET. Between King and Second Streets. Carson Citj. DEALKE I' Produce and Groceries ; All Goods can fully selected with a special re gard for the reijuirtuienta of the CARSON MARKET. FIKE FAMILY FLOUR, MACCAR0HI, EKSLISH AKD AMERICAN CHEESES. Canned Vegetables and Fruits, FBENCH POTTED HEATS, SUPERIOR HAMS AND BREAKFAST BACON, And Terythrog that can be found in a COMPLETE FAMILY STOBB FLOUB, GRAIN, VEGETABLES, ETC., At Wholesale and Retail. : HARDWARE, TINWARE, CROCKERY, AKD FURWI8HINC COODS. GITB VE A CALL. A18I1ND1R 11FOIT. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS! GEOF.OE W. KITZKEYER II AVIXti HKMOV1-U MIS STOCK FURNITURE -Liaca 33odciing: TotheXEW Bt'.KK BVILI'ING l:tdy Lu ll On tlte corner or Cannn and Tetr 4:raiiH Streets, (AKSOX (1TV.. ...NEVADA. AtU witli a nw lot of Furniture Jl ST T.V. i Li 11L, luasi tow opt iieil The Larnt onf Moti Coxiif-lettt FURHITUSE STORE IK THE STATE! I ii. ot- rt i tiuHy iiivi:e Hie citizcrp of Ca--t;tii tiA tho i.uHu- j.. t trrJly :o Liumiui.' thc- My ct Red need rricr foi C'ali. And do vtiTi hir. in ny i-ow r Tm satisfy all these that fa or ra itli a C all brf;;re i urtlisain rleiv here. I again snj ri-i.'iBl!y iiiTitt tl.e Laui-a iu iLtir rouuus tc Cuiotui btnit. To Call Over to the Fuinilnre Store. It :s :n.p;kK;lil- to timf all tin Prclry ami l" ful ThiDgt) ou iiai.t lor a. in IIicm- iaij; Wurrrutiiu. UPHOLSTERING 37L opairing Tone as iit r t ten in th CI Str rt-1 n Cmr. ;ivi.i.:l.s::r.lVhri(,o., as u-ll a.- 111 ILH NtW ilotall.llj-iilaitlit. i Ail Furniture fcr ilT-isuir w ill be cal!- eti fur um( il-lit-iU bree off i. j CZCMGE W. KiTZtiEYEn. tv tf C L O T 15 I N G FOR THE tILLlGri ! At Vt ictai iv. li cautiLt ( hrfiiHnetl ia San E'rautiuro or C lkito ! THE LATEST STYLES The Very Eest ci Cloih Dress Suits, Business Suits, Hunting SuUs, Undcrclotiiins ! Fine Shirts, Flannel Shiits, Linen St Paper Cellars, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Saratoga Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, BLANKET STRAP?, FIKE BLANKETS Aud ft general suMrtii.f i.t cf everj tliiii to be 10UX.U ia ft CL.V.FLETE FURNiSKISG STORE JOE HOEENSTOQK, Chanty Building. Canon Ciy. Incorporated 18 1 0. ASSETS, S2.SOO.OOO. TDK HARTFORD FIRE 1 IMS U RANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD CONXECTICCT. 1 Capital ft. 000. MO. JAMES FRASER, ACENT, CAKflON CITY, , KKTADA..