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RESTAUR A N T CHO IT TJOTJfiTI JIagnolia Saloon, County Building. Tlenry Kair Proprietor. he (Trrscn pailg prr.l tAKON CiTV: rviiaT--- Mmt4.1i ft. 1. VIRGINIA & TRUCKEE R. R. STATE PRISON If. I". RICE. U. J, r-ETEKS. RICE & PETERS STOCK BROKERS, BOOT AND SHOE FACTORY Canon Mreet, oppi WcSIa. Fars fc C'a. Express OIHce. CARSON CITY HEVAD Mcais at all huur..-del-tf nijLt. t'EXKY KAISEK. (-.X AXI A KTEH Tt STAGE 9 lit 1; av : till oP-Ce i. .I MMAl. AD 1HJOA! ros CISOA, FifiE CHCYt A?42 A'JRSRA. C-mantu as r.a with i K k wzjult-s gr.t: to grot gpriris, TTHD.WS AXD THlRxDAlS TO INDEPENDENCE J :-rlddJ' S.R.: louCaj-s, Vrlnr5y 1 :a C .:.-'-". i-aW !?. .-tv "!.-..- will t . ltlt U'fc-" T ESt t f. Lone Fine, Swar.ssa, End Cerro Conic. . .uiri..istMmi'll!. . Y. VWL-tN. ! Irtor. tiroa l.iv. f.'.-U-ry UJ, 1- !. It.:- Lt.i i COfcO. ; . v;!i; J. VY. HAIKE3 & CC.'S CIS 3 A A?D SILVtR KCUHTWS ire J.iisr. r T,HE KI'KRSICiXEJ. H 4 V t X JL purcartd -; iterret t.i V. .. i ! j x: i li ab v - naruv I GUXOA a: i iJIWEi: MOOT AIX SvTAGE LIKE. U- Zattr : tarenn Utc JrlH-. ,' tj.t t- ' rr-iirg 1 rt t.-Mx'Il' re UHKx rin ins isa!fTs, -irMe 2Ud i" I -1-.i-J !-tu . fm , C -SOA 1 Nhrridan, YrTeTirkXrg. r Wwilod a, MarisleMlUe, Haunt Bullion ant iaumtor t SILVER XOTTiTAlX. ..... . ,.-iriv V ti'Tvr J. W. KAIJ.r v t O.. . FOSTER, rF.Ecr.:.?: & CO. 1 C ccc;.'::,?.cv;i;'on3,Fed mo'.;, t i:Ts" i! ii. VVINE3 A?;D LigL'OSS, s-,mn rr-t, Csruii til, Kou3? to !-et. A 'i.T.I."I SIX KOOJW .I.V- :!.:' r. irrlar. t is'ittl' . ;.-tJi r .r:i j eu:iv. ift- i.' r: K:. TiillIri t 'rt.-v-ibi m n.iiv. s-i?it :i ia tL: roar ui ffj.'-.-.l3.' 1 (.' .' b:..n-. at tliii 18. f.I.-Ila P:iys:c;ans ana aurgcor.Si ?i:rtf. in r.jar tf Wiiils" I'-riiif C1BSOX tJTY. THE JUKK 0? t'ALiroIA I i ! C; VSSCJSU, NEVADA. I J. K ALSTON, General Agcnl A " Coin or Currency TitJipr on - !. Accannt or o riiCcr Tcr.fur P -.ynblc (at !!ir iption vi the iidtr) Tir-Ici ar au t ra k- EXCKAKSZ FSR SALE ON -?T Yorfc. San Francixo, . liuataa, kacnaniUk Collections Made on all Tuinta. B-ilUaa purehasi.'d at the most fvuni!e utocka. Bonds and Legal Trader Notes Sacc'it ao.1 Sold. . Aamy for til sal of QuiciilTer. - S A. J. RALSTOTf A?-n. , . P. MAhTIJi, Cwhier. Tiriinia. "er.. January 1. Ie74. 3al-tf X AD AFTLR FEBBliET lat, THSOUQH FASSENjEH TEASfiS or HEXO. conr.'-ctirig ItJi Easterr led Western tencd Pasener Trains oJ til- C. 1". K. It. WILL LEAVL Virginia Citv Statio; Gold II :!!..! fecund iloi'.se (Vr .Citv . TranlAjn. Yi'aiiioe City steamboat . . .- Arriving at Reno. . . 9.00 P. ii. .12r. at. ...ti 9.50 p.m. . .at 10.43 p. u. 11.13 p. it. .. .ct 11.7 r. ii. 11.43 p. k. . . .at 12.13 A. M. WILL. LEAVE n?o pt 2.25 a. it. Kteur.Ioa at 2.57 a. K. W'asLce Citv at 3.13 a. x. FrauttoTrn." at 3.25 a. m. Carson Citv at 4.05 a. x. Sloraa Koi-.f-e at 4.42 a. x. GolJHill at 0.20 a. sr. ArrivinsatVirgiiiiiiCitj-t 5.30 a. ii. LCCL FASSIStSE?. IP.ASKS LEAVE Virsiic City FOR CARSON C!TY ;j"in l 1 :I" a. in. tml 3:15 p. in. LEAVE Carson Citv Fi3K vnairfiA csty a. bt. IS r.i. nnii 1:3" p. m FREJGKT ;D f ECEW"CDATiGN TWAINS Lrar Tirginia City for r.eno at 7iJt. m. mud 3:5 p. m. W ill lrave Keno fur Virginia City at S a. m., 1 p. m. and 5:'J0 f. lu FREIGHT TRAINS laT8 Virginia City DAILY at .-i5 a. ai.. 7.45 a, m.. f:15 a. in., 11 i5 p. ni.. 1 p. ai., 35 p. ai. alitl 5:4j p. 111. LeaT Carson City DAILY at 6 a. ., a. m.. 10 a. in., 12 m., i p. m.. p. m., aiid ti p. is. At Virginia City, Gold Hill and Carson Oflic Through Tickets can be ollainf d to San Fran cisr-, Ogden and iatermcdiat point on tha C Through Tickets can ba procured at the Ctn paay's oltice, Virgiaia for Chir.go, Eanaas City aai St. Lonia. B. M. TERIXGTOV. General guperintetdiBt. 0 A Sl ?EB!OR AIM If IE Of Heavy Scots and Shoes For SiJ at tie.. STATE'S PRISON, CARSGN, NEVADA. Th? :tLii!i n of the tral is sj-i cially iaviled to tit abuve g.jd.-s orjt rs i.-il! y rst-rutcd. noiS-:f T. C. ii:l.A". V.arJ. n. Incorporated 181 C. ASSETS, S2.COO.CCO. THE H A II T F O II D COMPANY, H A RTrOSP t OXNI.t Tit I T. np!ial.. JAMES FEASER, A C E fl CARSOX CITY NEVADA. O CC TA LIVERY STABLE Canon Street. CAESOKCITV,... . . .KEY ADA THIS OLD ESTABLISHED AND widely known Stsble has bten lately reno vated, the old stoi-k culled out and replaced with nne vomi(f horss. Carriagt'sot' all descriptions onhand jI0I. EKA'J 34 I HA1K,.S. Uoiset, l.ardni b;' tne DAT or WEEK on LOWtST PtS&UU- TEHJiS. B. We attend striotly to our own business ltf MNTilli t DAVID. rit.i. prnciiASE ad sell strictly On Commission, MINiPiC STOCKS, Bonds of All Descriptions, Au J ill otlif r wjriiif s iltult in t the S.vX ITtAXCISCO Stock and Exchange Board. Advances liado ON APPROVED STOCK. frfj-lf RICE fc PETEB.S. THE Fireman's ;Fund INSURANCE COMPANY ! Of San Francisco ! Tle Most Popular and XlcTiaLIe Home ( oropicy on tHm tT" PACIFIC COAST ! Ia in;; w itlisleod the Crrat Dis.-iitri of ( a o nnd KoJon l ire 5 ami Pnii all i laOsr fui:y I RICE & PETERS, Aji-nts at the RaiiLinr ot VVell., I"ai;o ! la.. CAP-sON CIV. XKVAD.V. LIVEY STAELE, rj 'in: 1 i; i;iI(.m:i iiAvi.r- ix- J i-iiir1.. : la- :I:t. i'i r carr; i':,: t-ii his uui- -iiiiik proi-ru itr in 2taaa r-utit f.:' TujsLti tin . I'-.' . . r LL'.'tiuiv lia: liiibUc witu 13 Hirer in.d Ci! r 1 i iie Ei j ; ; i m 1 0 11 1 ?, EiXE SPATS, Stvl'iMi Turn-outs (all new) Su perior SaJtlle Horse., And evrrytkinj! tliat a f-rtt-i lfts I.iviry tulle is suppesi d t'j lie iroviiUd itli. Picniet:, Dalls, t'oliiical Gather ings, Funerals, etc., - Supplied with vcliii-les and steatly ic&n on the shortest notice. Access to my stable can be bad at all honrs of tli day " '.nijlit. f, TERMS REASONABLE. A tCare of tJe patroiitge of the place if wilt- tWl J. M. BENTON, al-tf . - Jfropiitttx. TINWARE, STOVES, ETC itiHAin .villus Uaviiig taken tLe entire storp lately occupied by E. A. Davis. orrosiTE oLcovicn bi:os., (AHSOX ST11EET, CARSOX CITY, Is now pr ",ird to do all kinds of work in Lis line. Particular attention paid to JOEBIKQ Xli;iairin(r Pniiip, Roofs, VVater Pilies, etc A nigral -bre 01 j atrous'e is Folictr-d All work varrantci to giTemtire aatUfactioa. R. B. SHARP, !V:CKAKICAI II AS TAKF.X A Sf IT OF ROOMS Kfn Street Car&ou l ily, Tiicr Pr.r fi; t--1 xi r.!v fur OOUD AVuiiR at ltvas .x.atle JTiccs. Administrator's Sale of Rea! Estate. OTICK IS HKUIZBV GIVF.X THAT ja ;-nrsui:nT ni ru order oi ihe Iis:ru; tn:rt( 2n(i JuvJivi.".! Itrie: in arrt ft.r Oni:nly TMirty. Riat f N-v;ulo. taiade en the 2ui dh" Murrh. A. I. io Tip' iiisit. r of the c- of hAI.AH KI.iNK. drrcc-.d, x,e uiid, 1-oi;,-Dn-tl, AdniiniKtritcTo: Kaid t-fcr:.t'. -will hid! k; ViiA'aiu an 'iic-a to the hirfhas: I' tiJvr fur ci.-h. pr.' crmrf tb" 1 rj(pi.t Matt t. in on pfcrco! fcaJ buLjtit tu tx-aiHruiiiKii 1' sa.d l Court, oa SatcrJay. the riSiU Uay cf rfanli. A.D.K1, l?tvim the hr;:r? rf V!nr-l iu tlie i.rriirjacd xUv a-tUx.'a nf thrum on iht-imf- uay. w Wit: Atoiif u Viutli y. m.. in fnc; i 1" iht O-art il -ns dor in C:M..ri City. trtu-V-t county, StaU- n Nvtl''?, i-il rl.- rifht, t.fl, . mU rest tfctstf f said im-ett. Lt the tin;--of hr d.-tlj, kud hV, hi i:uut. tie iiud intti - -si t::: th- ai-A tt- La? Ly p.Tl; , oi" law cr r'h- rw:o tciprt d oth r tl.-ji;. r r in tditu.;. t. of the. f.d iiiis:nj at tin- ivr of hrr Af-ath iu saf-d to the IrnwiL- dtvriU-d prt-iiiist- to wu: Ail i.f hA MuiiUr u 11 (Ism ia block ihtr:y-::lji- iri Prcv I r il 1 t-rttn n d:its.orj ci" ti.:. i.i-aa cf City. Crrx-sT cotit'ty. ;f Vfide. t. 't iir with ull an i inuij-r tt'iu imc His. L'.-r-uii;t:-jiits cud 1 uruniu-i$ therein. to t'.lcL..n; ii iu &iiyw' pp " r:ai!..t: j?. Tt i7i.t- and conditions of fi!t C-:Mi, ? h: .- :ii : tht t i.ivd st :. ; i; 1,.: r. cf ihv p j.vhaa.'k ni'. Lipy to In- j.aid to ih-- A"'ii;mi.,itrit :c r: ii..'i!jy nf s. : h:i. rn v. i.!l.-i:i:-ti"U sal t y ?t!d litrn i Cvt:r.. died tt tTH'-i,-c o. t -n Lj'y, Mtn-b 4th. A. TV I7f. .!. KOSENS'I OCR. A ";ii;r Irtr.d.T of ti..- vt.utv of H'.i.'ah ;a.i.Ni:. d..Lc;d. i:.ho-M notice is Hereby Given v IVTHK I XDI.liSIia.NKl), AD.MI- istri.ti-i ft tL.--ti.:c of MAN Wi.NK- tl.MAN. (h .-iSM'd. r 1 :Le ivditt-rs ( f. and hi! p'ru'.to .-lai!;.- r-T:-t Laid (;'Ci:-?d, t exhibit thv i-;;:iii . v:h il-f t t' u h r.-. w;tl:iu t n ;uc-;ih )r. m t..- i:r.-t j.uldit v.ioa t f 1 his v-ti-.- to t!:t- r:i,i. :v:.'ii. i i-. his o-irtt ii. th--' riT. i( t i JoLr.-a i 3-i. -m ;u G-.iu Di :;- T. ii. JOHN0.". fe'i,Llj$j Incurable Case! a c:i. 1.1: iick.m-s jiGOLDEri BALSAM! AtttT ttn y. .r- .!' tri;il m tL i'v.i Lus- J(t'lia( Il l.-t.ll tiil of tow-S' s rr- 1, ;ly iL.t.'l:l i.1 1 ra.t.T;Mii- DrTie iku'sCuLEEN BALSAM Kg. 1 ci.r. s t. iiaii'T; r rtt ia d i.u p. t--rts on tin- Lt.'s i I--..-.;. . tt.;t- JLiis, i v-rs, Mi-tc, kc, C.-:.iv:-c.-h-:.d I:!-.:-) s. ivi : ili.h- C-rcrrh, I i;m a.d s-ctli . m-J riil r:ii. i'.-nns it'Uu-tii.-iRyc kijvi: Lb i hilts-. 1 li.t , $0 jxr Let tic or two for Er. Le Eicka's GOLEEN BALSAM Ko. 2 rurts Tcriihi-y. Mirti.i;:.!, S;. 1 Liiiiu? i:h tiaui tjtii. I'-iiasia the Lit. i 1 1" tilt.- Ntt-fc. Id- sort- ' byi it;i:tk' lhii. Lun-i's and Coiitr. ttd Cordis. b;u:a:is tf the alid truUjttti Jl oirt'trns Jl- in the iytt ui, wficttur tauK.-d by iuniiM-ri ti :i rr alas- uf iiKri'uiy havii; vhe ldocU 1 wrc aad L-ritiiiiy. Piicr, 0 ptr bjttk-, or tv, v fur V. Br. Le Eichau's CGLCEN SPANISH AK- tnictf, tor th- Cirt i f ticunorhu'E. iWrt, Irrr tution, Oravtl. and all I'rianry or 0-nithl dirac- Dr. Le Eichau's COLEEfi SPAKISH IS- jc-i'iion.a wach !ind iaj rtion for ntvere 'a-.s t f ionnorlii.-ft, iLalnri.iiiatorj filttt. Mrii.tnrc, and all diseases vt the and liiaclutr. jVrk-e, SI.i0 per bottle. Also A-ei.tH fcr I-H. I.K RKHAI 'S ;oJ.ii:. pills i.-r istuiiiiu Wc.i.u Ntht P'liiittioas, litipideiit y. .?id all (Mwna s arising from Mi: stir.-bat im: m.. xe?sive abuMh. Prior, -i P-r Lot; let. Ties uuine cioxiKj llArAai ii? p-nt ttp oniy ii'' u.U I 'ties. On reci-ipt of privt, tht - 1... im will 1 Bi-iit to all parts of theeotujlt; , iy ciprri-rf or mail, Kotnreiy pachei and Ire irom obsev?a ticu. Sole AgoatM, c. r. r.iciiAia s & co., w HjoIfsalc i.nd Litail lir-.i'icts au4 jf ChtmtfJts. S, W. ror. Clay o: ?ane( ir.e g fcrrtcts. San Trent isco, l al. jeirIy