Newspaper Page Text
Occident Saloon. SFftf (Tarsaii gaily gppfsl VIRGINIA & TRUCKEE R. R. SPECIAL NOTICE. Why softer from PvspeDsia. Indigestion, and loss of appetite, when ycu can, by using Dr. Hmlty't crlebratnl 1 X L hittirt, cfiV-t a perfect cure; tbey are a ploasant and invigorating tonic, and endorsed and re commended by our most eminent Physicians (as per certificate oa each bottle) for all complaints cf the Liver and Digestive Creans. As a family medicine they have so equsl. See advertisement in anoihtr cclua.n. iuckl?-3ni flTHE rDEI!Slf..Kn 11AS CPEIVVD X on rOHNf.EOF'iXLLGKAI'HA.NDC..l fcoX STREETS, Cai'scn d'y, ATda, The above named SALOOX AMJ HKA151.G EOO.U. Corr.ectecT with which will he if Tt A Fiist-Csrcs Cigar Stand, Where the t L io -t hi ai.t's ms.j I c cbttlntil. A Iso, W i ii 1 9, I-i i uors, A I r , Vv itvi" Ar,:l rv: : th:;:' rc-iry to tl.o flitiiE & NEW STORE AXD NEW goods: GEORGE W. KSTZfEYER Haiau aiijjovr.n nie:sToti; To the KEW r.PICK ruILIIJ.'O lsulytti On tli coiner of Cnrscn Tete streets, REWARD! 0: AU AlTlll FEEKCACV 1st, THE STATE OF KEYADfi, Ej the CcYerncr, A Fraclasisfe. STATE OF XEVAPA, 1 Cum'X mv, iiarch 171.) rue J f 17:aty .T S-i.itn.Ur. A. I'. 1 1S71, sn r-i-t-rjt f i r D!s i ( cnr a: t!:" Matt 2 r-ii f Nevada. s:t:r. I a: Cars; City, in the r :;i!r oi tr:;i v, iv whith certain con vie is r-u'-tr. ;: . ;.-. L i t v.-r p-nv i -.vv irilii irx Forresl, TIicma He IVr o r ( liHrlf Jcr.r?, T. O. V.awpu, II! Ma Ii Inrjm. IT. 13. Pax r,. w c 1. xi X. J a. K : w. T: : i.rr-rrr. 7y t:t: ;" ;I.r- ai ibc r.: y i - r.f . Vy icr:"-. n it .; tne I,'-rs : . Nev:- I. I.. L. II. -ILLY. uTT . r ' i "S vi. Is. d : ; y i r :L- II v- L;. I-p.:ar 3 ' Z. t ra r. a i srd c v.i.t .z: Timotljy ?ItXamai3. Milium Toirc, T. G. Watson, Elijah li-' grain, ET. If. Parsons, and John I. Jerks. I do fcvrrl.-r r- T-k tTT ; r: P.p; ! : rT-rriL' sr-ir ?. t j s-ll.J ." V-.-t:?.'-cnt v.";:Frri r have-Ler-T-.vto s; I.: i: "1, a:." to a.";ii-;1. i"-f i:e ai Carsr Ti A. 1. IcTl. v.. : t.a: ll y. L' ti.3 CporL'r: J. 1. Jlrvrr, tccr.-larr c-f Sin!-. ULSCniTTIOX OF FCISOXtRS. TIM McXAMASA : A r.a;rctf Ir ; a?d 57 ycr: hfiU te.t 1C 54 ic 1kk) ; blue rya ; 1 v.u Lair ; ltd Lt&rI: star on Kit fcip : tt-r oa rii;i.t t-ide cf bact t:t It.r fcbouMtr 1. l.'S'V 1 V l:? "f-- Tv: " r f ri"T-t r.ITT. !ict; it-rt-y f r ni.ty Sr: l't. C, lsuT, i-.r S yi m;-. n r TuanlLU-U'tr. riiinst ; cir.rk lr:'a n:ily ltair:Mutr -y.-s ; Urewarcu lirtLiApr knui tle :f kit hand. Sirut trvjiu St. r. y cc-kbtv 1'ckJTua.ry 11, IcTi', fi 5 years, fr bnrIai-y. TIW !rTrr?"-V - "l:vo cf rK-ria : a;.d ycnrii ; Liifl.t C lVet : hazvl eyvs IattTy! : i;:k !tv,ii Lair; Kiig fat'c ; Woud vuius in rilA 1. 14 I .vJly t-.nlii; ; sar oa lift li:o ; -u tL"t:Idtr ia aittn.;::: to bn-ak y:"-T. I, 17 4k::t t.- :n tlko tcury lir: ii i.wj. Nut--.vti ft r LiV, lor burgltry. CHAI.LES JONES: Native rf Ohfc : a-d 23 ;ar; wci-ht I4'. i!)r;.: liht br-Wii iiiiir ; haa-I yr5 : Mir a rigiit huitl ; Iiip ia india itk on b-rt arm : ears. fct;t ir-vm Vi;tf 1'iue :ia:y Man ii 1 J, Ic'-i), 1- r 1-j yt--uri, lur murdiT DAVID Lr?;CIT : Satfvp rf Xcr Ycrk : age blit ;--p ; brow:: ha:r : btn Jy beard ; iour dots ia imiia ink ou l-t't Uaiid ; f tar on rifiit band ia iud:a ink: M-dttfci cf Liberty aad Aaicinaa f ifz in rtd anU bine ink en rifi.t arm, on r wmcu i thr.'w t-tars, vriratb aud fctart ; twi baiMtonbft ariu in red and blue itik. ixut frtna WLitt Pia county At-ril lo.c, f. r 3 T. C-. "WAT.- tV Vitiv- r f fii liijau : a;e 2t years : beicht tVtt It in- lit : eifdit Itit lbs.; 1 Im eyes ; iii-ik l-rovn L:r ; t:sre tare ; scar i n ba k vi l- t ic. Sf nt fn m t'tko ivunty Juue 21, f"r 23 yt-ai, fir rubbery. ELIJAH IXGKAM : "t:ve cf Xew York ; ape 41 jtara; l.Lt blue tyts; iilit lrtu bir; iitibt browa U-ard ; b-cg tiare fae ; mole tu riut eanaitit r : w ar ca uu-iUt c f ngut iiiiu; pct riyht .: of fnliiiiJ. Stut from Nyi. cinnty Mtpt. la, 137u, for At yvard, for With Uiteut t luiirdir. E. S. rAKSOXS : Native Xt-w Ilaiaibire : au 32 yean: beibt ftn t Id iiicbes; bluu eyes ; a j bin n brown kair: Fandy btard; round fate; U h forebd ; small erax ea lrft forefin.r. ftaut fraoi Wabie cvunty lor 2u j ears, for nb lvrr, Vei: 2i, W7U. JOHN I. JACKS : Nativo of IVnBlT&uii ; 3i years; beigbt t feet 3 inches ; weii!it I4.'iw.: Uru hair ; dark eyes ; one aiuall Tkcci aat aa mark on right arm Wtwien Ibow and tini ter. best frjm Nye rontiy St-j.t. 11, Idd, fur 7 fears, fcr raad larceny. THROUGH FASSEKSER TRAIKS or P.EX9, connecting with Eastern and Western keloid Faasenzer TrainJ cf ths C. P. Ii. U. Y!LL LEAVE Virginia Citv Station, .fit P.00 p. M. Gciu Hill Hound House... Carson Citv Frsnktawn Was-hoe City Steamboat Arriving at ILcco 9.12 r. M. 9.50 P. K. . .at 10.45 p. li. 11.13 p. u. . .ct 11.27 r. if. 11.43 r. sr. . .fvt A. II. VVIkL. LEAVE sus: i-u"u: .' ! '. . ". ." .a 2.r"A. M. j WasLr-c- City at 3.13 a. it. I Fr-iktctva at S.25 a. sr. Carson Citv ct 4.03 a. si. IIo'usv 4.12 a. ;i. Gold Hill at 5.20 a. sr. : Irriviag at Viiii.ia City it 5.30 a. sr. i LEAVE Virginia City FOR CARSCN CITV LEAVE Carson O i t v FC,? VJGIH.., CITY 23 in. 3 li J 1:15 p. Kl TRVZST A.'iD .CCSKftE0AT!G. TRA1HS Leav Virginia City for Keno at 7:4 a. m. and p. m. Will leave ltene for Virginia City at 8 a. mx., 1 f. lu. aad 5.:Xi p. m FREsCJ-jT trains Lear Tirpiia Oity DAILY ct 5:43 a. m., 7.45 a, m.,:4Sa. ni., 11:45 p. lu., l.ljp. ill., 3:45 p. in. and S:45 p. m. Leava Carson City DAILY at 6 a. m., a. m., 10 a. in., 12 iu., 2 J. lu., i p. m., aad H p. aa. At Tirginia City, Gold Hill and CareoB OSc Throagh Tickets can tw obtained to t?a Fran cisc?. Osdtn and intexmediat points an the C r. r. b. Tkransk Tickets can be croc tired at tas ccca- raas'a Sice, Tircinia fur Chicago, tsn.n City amd St. Louis. H. BI. TBRI.STO. Ceaeral Surintf uUmt. THE REASON WHY. The question is daily tsSeil by thosat:il cf our citizens, ' tiLv it is the 1XL Titters have achieved kuch popularity with the puVlic, end have such an immense salt: V" The reason is because tlicy are an old and mil established article, and arc made from the rncst choice herbs and roots; the many who have triidthem, testify to their beneficial qualities, and have no hesitation in rieommmdir-g tLcm to their alKioicd friends. They are ackucw!-il;.'ej to be tb" lest tonic and recuperator kr.own: they baild t:p the sys tem, and impart strength to the weak and ex hausted, and ere endorsed at:d reconiiuen-'t d by our n:ot eniintt.t Physicians (asiHT cettifictli's en a.u lo'.tl!. To these r.r-.'.ieted with the T'y?ep-ia, Indib'estiou and Lo.-s of Appetite, as a bioid puricr thty sr:risss f.U othtr talhd tonics whieh Lave Ijttly bun i laced ;n the niaTkct. So fsr;:y should l- wi.Ujat tl.Mu. evrvvi:are. li. U ;TIIN i CO., le I'np rittir-, .'I - Fr: rt St.. n;ch:--"::i Sib Prattcix-,.. ASSETS, Sr.ECO.CC-O. T n i: Ii A II T F O II I) IKS U RANGE B'AF.TFOI:D... . ..( ONXat TK I T. :ij.i;u:.. e-i.oto.soa. JAIvIES FRASBE, AGENT, CAKSO CITY NEVADA. A. B. DRiSSBACH, CAKSOX STF.EKT CAKSCN CITY, KEVAlA V. holcsu!e nd Retail lieaier in GROCERIES FLOUR AND FEED, WINLS, LIQUORS, POSTER & ALE, Also HARDWARE, CUTLERY, 37,2?X2a2as? Tools STOVES, Tin and Crockery Ware, Powder and Fuse, Doors and Windows, WINCEY GLASS , WINDOW EUHDS, Paints, Oils acd Varnish. Paint and 1 arnisk Ernalion, California Lime, Cement, riaster Paris, riasterers' Hair, Glue and Shellac, ETC., ETC. I will at all tiniea teceiTtt from Patron GliAIN, P.I TTEK, i-OOS and General Produce at MARKET KATES, aai-tf A. B. URIRSBACH. .XETADA, And with a or-w let cf Putniture JTST FX CEIVil), Las tov opened The Lnrjrrat n' JIos: Comi let FUREITURE STORE IK il'i STATE! I most ivspeet fully invite the Ui.;-cf Csr son hiiii tbe i-ul.i:c KnruZlv tj tb. trocJii and rr.;'ts, 1 bhull ct-.'.i My CotuS at Krdurrd Prices foi- Cnfc's. i And do every bing ii ity r: rcr Ta aAtis-fyall tlirs? tlmJ favor m- with at tail beiwia lurcluiair; eicWk:ie. I i a:. 1 ( '-V i: iiv :Lc Llu;m in liie.r roiiii.U uit Cuis'ii ".r.c:, Ta Ci Over to til 1'i.riiittiic Store. It is ::iipo.-riLlP to ai;jr nlltlir Ireltyml IVefulTUingi j on i.ttltfl tor Si:le in tlifat- Lulv Vi'uit-iboui ! i UPHOLSTERING! XI. o p a i r i n g I one a li- r t .f ro in tl: C i n i C: :m trnt. f-t'jH s:ti-fiis-. l'an, . t.-.r v li a.- Ail rttrnlniie for Ilc:tttis vi ill be tall- etl frr.."2 deliver 1 1'it j cf C i:ai''., ClZl-M W. KiTirt'tYEIt. i ;si'-;f ! ST ATI: Fli&0 A silTEMfiK A III It Li: Eeavy Boots and Shoes ' For fcale at tJ.e STATE'S PRISON, CARSOK, NEVADA. The atii'ntif n cf tl.e tra".a is t-y-'-i ially iavitid to the kve -Owds. Ordt rs promptly exec-uttd. no20-tf r. C. HYilAN, Warden. RESTAURANT liagnolia Skloon, Cititity lsiIUit.l Henry Kriijer PrepriL'tcr. St'ais at .11 koniT-B.l-tf IX1I EAIkEK. )cci dj:m'aIj LSVERY STABLE CAIiSON CITV KEY ADA THIS OLD ESTABLISHED AND widely known Stable has been latelv reno vated, the old stock culled out and replaced witli nne young Lcrsea. Cfcrriagc-kcf all descriptions on Land j!OD EltA'l'K CHAKGES. Hoiees boarded b the DAT or WEEK on LOWEST POSSIBLE TEEM 3. N. B. T attend strictly to cur own business 1-tl WENM2 A: DAVID. CARSOX CITV... NOTICE T0CfiED!T0RS. L'ttxie cf Acr.a Mi.itJi, Drrrtcil. VOlItE IS miKS-mv (-1VKX KV XI the uiii( r.-ii:td. l-AilrL C. MMOIH'. LxMiUor ".fil.e i-iae t A t-iriH,tI- ta-t j, tt lie t Ru;t i au'i alt j. Lav-i-ia:ii;." t';:iL!t, tut- ti iv :t-- :: ;i tii'.ii! iih tltf ii.-.f.-s-ry ci:h' :s. wiibiu t :s niciitu. i!i!-.r the i':rt j-uldi, tt ii c-f tiiS :hI:c in :!:r srtid .lLt.r.t ! C. W : ;ht at tin- lawciii. .- f i T. l. tlVAi:iS, No. 7 Kiuc 1 1. L..r.:; Cii . C-ui.iv c;' i-:i .-l y Mi .-ttii.- t :' N v:.;:,. i K.i ut C-ir iia.ili Jt:, a v Kij c. v.i;n.;ir, L:.'. -.JC.r ft- Itir ttwie t.f iidniiiiistratci's Notice, I jj .5 .t"t , .l.r j.. t'i!,",. ;"a:e I.'V !i .-Lr.e i u.r ur. :;.y j n n:..y, v;i-;:i, t,::i r- i itt- .;;;' l :o li ! r. :A bs i.tii'f.t. -AIL r K R . ; '.!ee:s:r i ! ::av c i : iv li :;ctoi! tA!..-e 1'f.r. AilOVK AI.tiON HAS III FN , i.t.r-..v r. ti.d i , . e. : i:l- :u ti.. i t. - i.-f- f.yi-. i 1st U W;. t Li ,; y -t LA: Siliiard .A! a. v. i v: , Estcto cf V.'rr:. r., Dcc:a: VOT! J. the ti: is i;n li e!, 1 t'i. r ot !Lv . .- : S .;vi:. I.l . v:-:. v. I ) ,r- i:. ;t Lt- r -1 ; iX . : u . ; i? rm. u t: the Ac ::::r.;-::;.t: .i A::.' ii-'.r;.t: r. f.t ihf h.w n.jf ii '1' i hi V, Ai.i N 7 J-Mnn, ('!.n . . l - NANt Y II. Vi:,-(..V. A. :...:,;'-.l.-.t::u. i:.. -i:lr a. i ii.i.:M-. A ;n:Ll.-T:at I I f tbtr estate f VM. F. VII,? I'N, die: ii.h.I -la-a ;w NOTICE TO CREDSTCRS. Kstate if It'flnl t. VOTIC'E IS liKRERY filVEN' DV xl th r.n.ler-'tit d F.ittutorct ti:e .stale U1.SKY L. DElCHilAN, dn-iaeed, to the era", ltors of, mid ail I'.Trot.s hhvit. ciuius K'aiL:. the s;ad tieceLScd, to t it tL. ui ih toe -e.thur.T vc uehers, w i!L:n t. n i ti.a a:ter first puV.ici.tien ef this n ri.-e. to the sii-1 l:; -cnt.-rat tne luw ct-1c;.f T. 1'. l.DWAi:L. : ?:o. T : . . j strut, t'nen Citv. 'eT.".ua. 1 i.: '.ii.-.en City. li::r. n 1,-, i,T4. r.x.-cnt. r r.f tl.e estate rf Hi: ry L. Ii., i!i-tiv :!. n.lilT-lawfT ui.lllO Incur; F-: l: as able Case Dli. LE RKIiAl'S jCOLDEN BALSAM ! Alter ten yf Mrs of trial nu thid ( oast 1:-.-proven itself tlie onW curative in a ei-rtaia cia- of disease! I'rtiioiinctd Ity njtdieal piact::H K er as inoiuublc. Er. Le Eictfit's COLBEH BALSAM Co. i curie Cbanen-b fii'(t sua -i.d f::: x-res en the Legs er Body; fct rr tar.-, i y; t, Ko'-e. te.. Copper-coloitd iil'.t.'!: s, hyj Liiit.c Cat-r:i, lXBtfcKed fciealp auu all priijtay ioims cf ti. diM-ate kno-n u ks Jyj Liii.. 1 j" per it ;; .c or two for tJ. Er. Le Eiciaa's GOLDEN BALSAM lio. 2 cures Tertiary, Mtreurial, hyphilitic l.aeuir.a tiMu, 1. tins in the Lnt?, Back of the Ntak. I'j cernt'.d Soif Throat, Syi-hilitic liuh, Luu. and Contracted Cords, isunnLbs c-f tlie EitiiW and ir&dii-fttis all Cmaseti ircm the ay.irii;! whether eaused by imliserttion cr .t mercury leavirg ibe I iocd purtr and JtL-alt; . 1'ricc, ptr bottle, or two for i'.. Dr. Le Eiclsn's GOLDEN iFANISH AS- tidote, for the Cure ct GoLnorLu-a, lile't. Irri tation, Oravel. and all t'riuary -r Grmiul dif.a rantmibtH. I'rieM.t-J.L-opfr Ktile. Dr. Le Eichcu's GOLDEN SPANISH IS- jecticn.a wnhai:d iijjtcticn icrHvere eae ci Oonnorhtf'.', InHauonatory GKtt, tsirictun. nd ail diseases cf the Kit'oieT and Lladdtr. Tiic, Jl.SU i-er bottle. Also Agents fr DK. LK ItICRAV'S G(bUKA P1L.LS fcr Animal Weaklier, Niht tmission, IiiJiKjttiicy, and all oieatf1!-arit-ing trora IJusturbation aiul ticesive abui. Price, k! per bottl. Tbi gejuii:a Goi.i)t; Balsam in put up t-uly in round lotties. On receipt of price, tbe& jnedit ims will be sent to all parts cf thecauntiy, by express r aail, securely packed aad lie trwna obaeivt. tion. Sola Ag.nts, f X Wkalesald and retail Imgists and Cbeaticts, H, W. cor. Cluf U iantora fc treat, San r racihC, Cal. jcl3-ly