Newspaper Page Text
Ito nr5a:t Uailg appeal o-vitstr CITY s VeJ:-;lny Aiwil 2 J, 1S7. Ml.M.VG STOCK irtKT. K. .-.noon nori. 3.-S9 OpM' S-, 13i. ?1 b"9 ll!i t'ouid furry it. 'ii. iiS 4 Ltl', 2"? 7.1 Best .V II.-l.Kr u BIO 8aTc S 07. '"My, 67 iaa t'aeii'.ri'"-. ct Mi lisle :,"c,r. :o.9 t it VJC, 45 ITS, 41 'j bo ? C:nvri IV.i-it s'', ST, 8-t SiS V-.I1--W Jjl.-t8i!v.M. H s'5!'i ) Ian- ri:-.l r.-a . H s)i li' 3i0 i'mr-ire Mill ." 101) Con li H Juirf 1 633 Ki-ntmt; 1SS, IS. !7!, ITU 225 Al-:ia 1 :!!., 11 b'. 1"'S .! lir h li rSi. b.'H. i."4. fc-'H J-2.1 (n!'lt l:cc Me. '.I. ii Irl :;s.. cm Vinrima fS, 8J IJ. 1'KI I TilleY J H ISO Kicimi'i- r :!.'.'. :T. ss-.3C:-4 2(K) Set: lii-l.-her 30. ill. J'. !'. fcm il, 1, .'.!), 51 M JnrtWe " S"i) Jul :.. :V. 3 V.I mo a.- . - . -' -. fjo fra i ; ' 1 W tr.i.-kir'wSf: f,7.i Cii'-forma 44, : K) S H)!l ! lljO 5 15U l- l .tV. luo Tji.r 'i 2S t iiii.n i'.-u IS, IT l,ll Weralvd'e 3 111' Mint 3tc tV5 K'.ssu:!i r,. r, An.ieii l1, . 1; Kvenlnir Report. -T15 Tiillrv !. 9i.9 s.1. S no Eiv A. tn. m, jMt V.n. 'a. Cn ITM C5 l'i. "u.' t S.mi Wa.dirnst-i-1 k Ore. Iff 2. i'i WIS P.1R" A I' 1., I1,. I1, 175 ri.-i-4i 7-,io s ivik 1 V. 1"; 4V 1! . lim.nt 5',5',. u'i Newark I 100 charter Pr.k I 515 live Pat.-h '. 2H tM, 2U leu Portland 7-"c 2H) Eldorado STutli Iti WO Udorado N. naif 1DU Watson 3 4 b J 140 (j;imt. ru St, 02 Ho SO Mr !'atr..'k "t Eiirt t 1 V alai 60 IVlN vTu- 2 770 i harii't 1.44. 1J. IS. 13'1 b3 lint In.l. i..-u.I nt 7 i. WO EUmure 2,, 3 b . 3, 3! i-.5 Mh. siny 6. S. 5'., S B30 00 8 ('! J9 50 Wr IjirIo i.2'- b30, 2 b5 Vit Enipir" Maho 7 Jil Oll:ir 21. 21-.. 21 ',.21 !j h3 110 C.Iif.rait 14H..44 4'. CalrJoaiaM, Kit, 27 bS. 2C 3-S lll.-htr 82, 82!,, 32T, 70 Chil!r 4. 64 H 5 Cruwo Point 7, ST 8 10 Con Virginia fi 15 Ol.rmia 6. 49H. 49'4 Hale ft Korcroaa 444. 45 i b3 120 Oouhl t Ouitt 25, 24)4 34S -fellow Jacket 4. 4 V. 83! b30, 6S W Let Eveetbodt Go. Imeuibcr that to-night is the opening night of the Episcopal Fair for the benefit of the Chnrch. Remember, also, that the ladies of this Church always giva full Talue received for all the bent fits con ferred. All who go will pet more than their money's worth in plessnre, and can materially assist in paying off a heavy debt incurred in the enlargement of this now beautiful Church. In ad dition to the programme of the enter tainmeut, as heretofore announced, the lady managers have arranged to have Tocal music, by private parties, on each Tening to-night and to-morrow night. When we consider the artistic accom plitihments of some of our resident lady and gentleman siagers, the attractive ness of the lant-inentioned part, of the entertainment is evident. At Moore & I-arker's Hull. A V.ia Rack. The Constable of this township, in the performance of his official duties a day or two since, was engaged in the service of come papers in a civil case and could not for a long time find his man (the defendant) so as to pet service. At last, after macv hours waiting and watching and seme strategy lie saw hi iudii.lual not far ahead mak ing for the nnknown regions of I'ucle Tread's fields. He hailed him and made known bis hn.sir.ess, when he took it f granted that h? hud been tapped o9' for a race and away he went. Constable fo' Imt was soon distanced by this ancient war norse, and w lien last seen by this crest fallen official he was going lip ttie nume at a two forty BDced. -teru fays if he ever due? get service on his man, he will have a huge 1 ill for mileage fo pay, as he charges doable when he has to run a mau don ii to servo a civil piocess. G one. The little house on the bl.;ck 1191th of tho Mint, and for a long time used, as the obese proprietor of the llornisby 'Odse says, as an boil room, lias gone deponent knoweth not where. But on its old site will soon be moved the large three story hotel formerly owned by J. S. Brvaut. E. Walker, the happy, jolly and accommodating pro prietor ui me -mm iionse in days gone by, has purchased the Bryant house and proposes to give it another move (it having been moved from Clear Creek), and when thoroughly refitted and re paired will open up, and keep, a first class hotel, complete in all departments. We understand work will be commenced immediately on this enterprise and puahed forward with all possible dis patch. Cigaes at tub Caob. Starkweather, the great chief of Pythian fame, and of late the oracle of nicotine, has another cage about ready fcr occupation; this time he opens the golden bars of his -ilded cat;e, in a nich of Fred's barber House to t.y: totv.d f.ik. In Oiese ilavs when tlio growiajj tulk liraong .i.,!it;. i nvj is ivlio sbiill bo voted fo:-: fur Governor, Hrtuitor, etc, a novel hIpii has been cievtloped ly Bfinio J::u-s who have provi.leil the iuaiision, nini ro pos that it shall I)? vnttal aw.-.v to-uifht at the r.i.isoopil Fair. This rhgaut tuuusiyu is ei.mpK'ie iu all its ilcjjart iBetits, i'.ml iiiitiiy rooms are n-ii('"il',enl'y'il in the npx-f.-t r:;.l umst f-sbiouaWe Btylc. The architect ii;fo:ms us it is what is UinAva, br.i'.lrr3 as tbo C.-.m"csit oruir. co; in purl of loi.ic niul Corinihian. Ths fur : if in all itnj.oi toil from, niul the c-aii ta niul nirtains nve fmni the most etcnsivr n:aTii:f:u-to:ies of Friiiie -.;:il bitzi'rl:ii;i'. This ii:ncni tics r.t comliiii.-.tinu of nit ami taste, will he on ( xUlMiion, unit i- m niiili ist.iiiil. to he v.. tod . cue of fai-s-.trs mi st heaatifn! yonn l.u li' ho is soon to ho manie.l. l,'oV.;e o'.hi r (!-. Hons you will he eom ieiie.l to pay to cxinise th ri'.;ht .f Ir.'.r.ehUc on iliis oteasion. ISat there is no law against hnjing votes f.T vt'iir, or anj t Ue's j-irl. 1"i:li.ii;ki:im'. Yesterday a i f v-i 11 known citizens, j-ihilactiy Lllai ior.H, h..d a lively little set to cn C.-trsoa str. t, vowii!;.; out of the misconstruction of tiie application of pet names, vthec ijuinbei thive, a tjeiitleninu will known to the New.da press, stepped in, in the capacity of a peace maker: but his flag of truce, was not respected both parties calcined on his face and head wilh well- directed shots Irom tne siioiuuer. inc batthi rns short and not particularly oloodx , thy forces In in" drawn oh in cood orier, and no arrests. No. Three is not certain but what that little cirens was gotten up for his especial benefit and that the result was, as anticipated. Uagi'iuk's HiNsHii.xs, under the man-i.eiu-i.t of Mr. John Tiptr, will be here to-dav, and appear at the Carson Thea ter this ev ning. This will doubtless he the greatest treat to the lovers of niin v.iel uiusic and entertainment ever given in Carson. J he troupe is a very cele '..rated one. The box sheet is already well tilled. Those who contemplate at- lendiug, if thev have not reserved seats, v. ill be wise to secure them at an early hour this morning. I'iaso Tuxiso. Prof. F. A. limning gives notice elsewhere iu our paper of this morning, that he is prepared, and competent, to tune pianos, organs, and other musical instruments, and that he will do so on the most favorable terms. lie guarantees satisfaction; if he does not give that he will receive no pay. That he is a reliable man, and skillful iu his profession, many of our citizens can testify. MrxsTBiLs. Positively for two nights only, and to-night is the first appearance in Carson. Of this splendid troupe we have no occasion to remind our readers of the great attraction of the program me to fill the house, only to let the pub lic generally know that to-night and to morrow night is all the time this talented company can be with us. Mb. B. F, Fohtib, of the firm of Fos ter, Freeman & Co., has just returned from a business trip to San Francisco. Those desiring to purchase the greatest luxuriei in the fancy grocery line will not fail to make a note of this fact, and in due season present themselves at his place of business. The Odd Felxows of Carson will have a party at Masonic Hall, on Monday evening next, the occasion being the Celebration of the Fifty-fifth Anniver sary of the Establishment of the Order of Odd Fellow ship in I he United St'ites. The date of the anniversary is the 26lh Sunday. At Genoa, we are informed the celebration will be on Saturday, the 25ih. It will be a social reunion with music and dancing. Base 15aix. We are iuformc.l that the Minstrel nine propose to play a game of base ball with the Carson club, on the grounds of the latter in Uncle Trend's field, on Thursday at 2 p. 11 . iuu aliead lor the boys. A handsome marble tombstone, de signed to be placed on the grave of Wil liam Henry Eli od, who died some months since, has been received fioia ban rraucisco. The sprinkling cart is again making its rounds through our principal streets, ana quienug me dust. The Curry Engine Company Lave elected the following; named officers for the ensuing yeai- Foreman, Jacob Mid ler; First Assistant, P. II. Mulcahy Second Assistant, A. A. Borces: Secre tary, J. C. Bunker; Treasurer, J. Tobri- ner. Insane. AVe heard on the street ye- terday that a brother of General Cradle baugh, living on the Carson river, had become insane and will be sent to the Asylum at Woodbridge, California, The Repobi or the State Tbeasl-keb of the State of Nevada for the Fiscal Year 1873, in pamphlet, is received. The arrangement and completeness of the tubular statements would seem to be perfect. Olcotich II bothers have just received a fine stock of neur goods. See their new advertisement. t.'OTKL AHItlVAI.H. rr.Mfr.T unvn okhme v. futkh, monnui V w MllllT Joa ls-r A Nnthao D U lia! ki r I, AliTM-lt") V II ( I.IU.C J l'ta J M !irbfrt ilr O Nnl Miss AJ.ii&m J B y j ittwij-n J Willutua ,1. CBARLJ5 BOTFI., fiEO. Il'IIV, riUriUKTf V W.-il J Wita 3 1.rvy ATrnis M Ar. eny F M Muijiby " J A ZiuimT'"auu MERCHANT TAILOR. JOHN UTKERL&ftD. TAiLCR and DRAPER, Xorlli lai-ii Street lanrnn Clly. rSIirt'lXMTOl'KItKXt U, KXliLlsU X aul M.'OTOI Cloths and Vestings, Ktrj4 l int-- Duullt IWk na, fccut- h all-wnol 1 ai ts rnUrns1, m:i:m h twt-MMr.iil.s, Anispmral ttMfortiiH lit oi tho bt s-t Tailors Mi.Iiti s to b- had iu twin Fraiji ise uiut Nrw York. (ittnut ntH ut. tittc-l funu&Uvu in tl:- lat si tar-t'iun arM wurr.tiitt d. t j!i aii.l t iuLuiiu' tf'-'iiii- nv.d ri. . JOHN MlltLKI.ANP. rropriv-lor. WAT STILL RA G I H Q ! Oi. the xkiv ruRK nuv oonns lil oia:, till bold tbi ir color!, and are n lai nisliiiiu tu. ir t-tot-k uf aniuuilion, coliiUiJK ol the latest styles of SPNG AND SUMMER DRY GSODS And the l-t quility of fartdir-. Mi' a li.l t'laililrrn ilior, which thry dptfrrnino 1o Ft 11 Ut-wt-r than nny Mere iu the State. We in itt f r'.-rybinljr to call atrJ irspta-t our goda and prim-. HARKI3 fIROS., Afiits for tb: rtl Urati iriver k Jakt r FlMhtu- tv.d Chain StittU Ste-cring Mnchu.m. Tt-ruis tay. il-tf TAILORING! IF VUT 1AT TO IIAVK 1 Tour eleth'.-a elealieti made like new. call on J . MARK Two llwn Below the St. s , Charles. If you want to have a encd fitting suit of clothea made, call on J. MAliKS. Fur Good Work at reasonable pricefl, call on J. liAHKb, Al reliant Tail. r. Kor work to be done ;it ph"rt notice, call on J. MARKS, Aferrbaut Tailor. J. MARK- buys and Fells east off waring apparel. apll-liu FOR SALE. T1 HE brick nm i.i.ivc Hr-Kfl and one lot. situated on the Roulneant Slljl corner of Proctor and Curry street. 1'be uniise ia well furnihed, and the furniture will be anld with the .reiiiiH. bupplied with water and near the Ou Works. ATPLY AT THIS OFi ic'E. ap9-tf SI 1 S H I IS Sf 1 1 1 1 Restaurant. jS. MEALS COOKED TO OtICER ....Oi THE.... Mississippi Steamboat Style. THE FINEST AND CLIANEST VIAM'S Always ready for aerving. Kerond Street, neat Greni-ro' liar. ber shop. CaraonCItv HUBERT EWMA, mht-lf Proprietor. FOR SALE ! 2.00O Tio. 1 CEDAR POSTS FOR SAI.K BY FOSTER, FRKE3IAX o Ct. ap'il lut Cart' n City. Piano frtTi) Tuning. PltO I' t' S S O R JACOB IN TOWN ! m HI 1VFI 1.-KNOWN PI. WO- Tl "SMI will rniam in (:muti Ciiv the w hol of this v.rt k atiil in this part i f ti, sta'c two wt-i-ks. Tt!t Prot'-Mior in t--o w-'ll kiij u lo need tUe public itinn of dtiv ri'fi-n nn .. Onlirnlvft wilh JOHN ii. KuX an-1 CHAS. W. 1 l:ltND will reveivv i rvnipt ttiutiu. NORTH CARSO!. ERUS STORE. rVKRYTHIACS IX TIIE I!U ti M J line a.) pt-r cuit. clnapcr thai other place in the State Is t vat la. line a.) pvr cuit. clnapcr than any '4 fnra tx-t of ptrfeetiy littiuic and bcauti- iiu 4va..iu. Dentistry In all its branches skillfully excnited. ap'l-tf DR. C. mi.LlNt'S. FOSTER, FREEMAN & CO. Dealers in Croceries, Provisions, Feed STOVES, TIXWARC, BOOTS AJLV rSHOKS, WINES AND LIQUORS, Carteii -icd, (nt(a t(j, Xa-tcd i ja4-if CIGAR STORE ..AT. JOB IBDSKn 8 Cigars, Tlor ite Tobaici for. . .21 Cents. S Fan Lias, for !. 8 C.aliinte, fcr 24 8 Viiila, fir 23 Hois D'Are, fcr ?j 5 ' A-ln.iration, for 2. 2 " lUiiidli; nml lio. for 15 " 2 ParaiLae, for 23 3 I.a 1 lor Pel Majo, for I 1 i'.. C. unite IHrrbam ?uck:Du'I'ol;;ccj, T5 its. ;tiir vi:i:t de-1' CLOTH i Rl C SOLD AT COST, To mate room for a tartc lcvoicv bf H&vana and Domestic CIGARS AND TOBACCO. X hftveaUo cn fcard at will tll AT CC:T, Furnishing; Goods, X5 1 11.1s. ct, T rlu n k s , Valises, BOOTS AND SHOES, XXctts, Caps. 3Z3tc Call ted you will find I naau liuniuiM. j. nosii.vsToc k. rioneer t'lvthlnj- Ilraar, C ounly Buildings t araon t lly. feJ.I-tf GEO. W. WHITE. T -.V Iv JK CUAS. U. JONES, N O T I C li fllHE tDKRiltitI) AVISH TO I iiifonu the tiublic tbat thry bava a lue a.-,Bortiuout of MOULDINQQ, UOORS, WIXUOHS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE BLINDS, Fence Pickets, STAIR RAILS, ETC. Orders lii ited and r-n.n. !:! filled. A 111 ral diseotmt tuaiie cai latv billi. Ve deoire to eall attention to our sul.ip Mtit'l.Ii lMKlltS. Call and aco tie at NORTH bll t PLA.A. -Kiajlt CAKPtWTERS and UriLDLKS. BOTTSFGRD & ANDERSON House Carpenters, COXTUACTOItS PLANMERS N.D CUtLDETS, eo)ic. ilrert, uJjnnbij f.e 'iiirc i.'iiitln.r 'mi!, CARSON CITY, N2VADA. tii.-tf BAF.GAIHS !BARGA!3S! THE CSEAT CLOihlitt hOU CF KOiTUiA. PIVT'J' Conn r Carsmi nn.l Third tti. . 's, . i . :.,iu tile M. t I: He ! li I. CAllSHOX 1 1 1 V NliVAl'A, 3 avk .'1st in. i;ivi:i i in: i,u. ,'t, 1' Hurt ati.i 14.. .t . el- I-;, te asraliui nt FALL AMD WiKTER CCCD3 ! It: lii-s Slate. (Ji:r 1 In. k of M!.', YCUTh'S AMD CCS CiilKIXB 01' All. Till: I.ATi'.-T il.l. I'tini!sl,iiii.r t.unilK, lluiita n ml Mioea llala and n , Trunka uhiI ValUes, liliini.c la. And tveij Ibilit 1'. rtaiuinn tu a l'lKST-CLASS CI.OTUI.Nti and IT r.Ntslll.NO I.OdJ'S STOIlE BLACKS.-VtlTHINC yl OF ALL KIN US. WACONS MADE AN3 REPAIRED. CarriuKo t ork neatly done. HORSE AND OX SHOEING. All kinds of Hard Wood Lumber, Oa band and fur tale by XV. D. TOKHKVSOX. Corner of Canton and TLir.t streetu. Alao cor nor of rijiear and ( arson atreelii. tTAll WOlk eki 11, t.d III Hie boil manner. "AllbuJ- U Ik. MiVAHA E.D. JUDD&CO. Curmr Ilt; am! (h CitiMtu 13 , r4J,4. l' -lit ! ,il H A RDWA R E, IRON, LTCCL, tt'AILS, Crockery, l'uiiit,t li, I'm if,', Uikl tU Mlildli lNt) IMAt., r.rnt i:ihi ri)Ai. :t, t t i ivn tiiid vannl li.' b. it' iwr ti.i. mil m Cj'A-l fcll,v rf Ulfl.h Our itol!..: Ql If H ;-'AI I AM ;.-aAli i-;iu Cur Tin and f lainbiEg SJ-xjj J in . Lr(! cf il.r 1 1 st f i ii na . i u U.a 1 u,t. 1 . ..ft. to ll;ai. tor tLvV.14; or Cim J-t-lf l:. I). .11 DO .W CO Restaurant yr-ja i-MEi: VSALCCNI Cv r. ' o( lid ai..l C.1111 a blir. ta, CAHSO.'J CE7V, tiL'.CA- Open Day and Eight 2 rn ii r putii itiKTOK u.'.f, i.i-e. X -l " J till j LADIES' CYSIE.I 11)2 ICE C?.LiK 17 LCD & .Mi. re'hti.i'.a aa.l r.ieilit ...a be 'n, v.ia liii CHOICEST VIAMii TliZ M .likliT A) 1 L'I. IT. and by II, e lit! t.- l :u L., ti. II t N It V I. A V. li E X c K . liiilik- thauLIul for lie literal tltO'ia, lleletotolt bl.lorda eolillllUkll.-- I I lttetiMli la lislm-UUlly vll. il. d ly tlie 1 lejliel. r. L. P. FRISBIL. PUBLIC SALE. J W'IM. "II tOI.U AT Till TON T el A) l.ultA, at 1'uhlic AueUua, va Urn Slh d- of May nest, the J ro) rrty known at tlie Exchange Hotel, .llunte en tie aertli t eomer if I'iihi u ii in inn. . a nrm; m the iji ra. Lai I r...t e -it.ttiit; of .sIhm., Imir.-., 'lablia, ri.-., I Um li i y In t bUd. r lor eatb iu L . fc. koid ooiu. A. U. I bill. 11. . J tii) Aurora, Mnr-h Si'. 114. .,!,.'-id CHARLES V. FRIEND, Watchmaker end Jeweler, Time L'ooni toutli . f Coi.bty 1 aildlugt. Curaon Min t f araan llj Dealer in all kiujo of Watches Pearl ana Ciarr.or.d tct,,Etc luK ( lu.Lnl and lUl iiiml. K. II. Hie tint e.t I tuLilBof llatanii mntt liolt.lktlc II; II I a. ';, n , ,,1 ,.. li 1. I'm I i , te ru U Lrd al n dn t S' t ail and . c lat . HA'. H,Ii:n, CARSOH CITY lMnY' K I . li to I tl i: 1: V USZZH tilt f'-ACi Wagner ti i.icin, lJl ltU Ivltll s. LAGilii b E U R Xiuuv aiijwli. it -u i!)-. i'( or Win it: Ur.i .1- .ki 21 , ltfh,H--l t,,, lite itn. u in t ii.i.jial t-uiji.tU wii.ii v;:kes, Li'uuohs' k cigae? Ct tl u ChIU Jl'IlN WAliNK.'t, " JACClU ttl.l.l.N, ficw Spring Goods VK Cl.l. TIIK A1HM1..V nr ourl any lit. ;,d In cm-m.u i,ai.iiii to i.ur lanie and wall ae.- rt. d at.H k of XXl"ST GOODS, I . II llruaarU Xet tutin, N'uti(,,KbaM I-nrea, liutuaaka, lilt llu.lln. Mirrtlnfra, Uhltei and uMwd Kprrada, ni.ina, Tom I in,.'. IvMela, llualeiy aud bluvra, Curarta,l.aiiira'l.larn Ttay llua kails Hint la aaid Colored Velvet, Cat prtt. Oil t lulka, U ail l-apar LAUlbis and t llll.lUtH HUOIih. eli-., .-. eeHeltanir..m all Vxfnra t-ur-baaiaa L. MORRIS it CO., Ar-il, UU. frndittto ail, 1 ifct, 4 c