Newspaper Page Text
CABSON CITYt Friday May 8. 1874. MIX INS NTOCH BIPORTt Optir 14",, 1454,14'-, 14 3M (ion Id Surry 17. 1054 IS5 beet Belcher MK :)70 Savage 01. f.l W b-VMsMO .Mil Chf.llsr r.f., 57, 67 X b30. S3 1X5 Hale s Nin-rrFS 83, 33 U 215 Crown Pciat SI. 62. 82, 2! 170 YtUow Ja-k. tf7, C7 Jt. W 840 Imperial 4. 4'4 90 Empire Mill 3,3", 3)4 65 U H Quartz 1 h AM Kentuck 12 530 AlphaS!,. 9V, 9 Bf, 8.-5 Be! her 81. 81. 89)4 bS,8U 3:i5 Confidence 7. B!i. 7 bj 3S5 Con Virginia 75, 75 MO, 74 V, 74 170 Exchequer 25 10 Sitrra Nevada. I3J 40 Peg Belcher 6-1 1275 Overman 25. 24. 24 X a30, 24 if 3,0 Ju'.ia 2, 2V 695 Caledonia UH, 17, 1"?.. It lj30 60 Sueeor IS 4U Knickerhorlser 4. 3'i 7.10 Baltimore fi 70 lobe 1)4, l' 20 Vtaii 2 '4 MO Callfi)Ti.:a 36, OCH 60 8 Hill 7)4 89 Dayton 5X, 5',, E'i.C 3 i0 K Y Coil 2 '2.0 flat 5.. S'4 iro I nion Con 11 ISO Koss-ath 5, 4 XiO Andes 1 lot) Tyler 75e, 1 Evening Report. Va!i- n, jo1; iK) Ravuond K!y 22 Mi Eureka Con 17 H l."0 liocbe 4 100 Washington & Creole t?t, lii ItO A !ps 25c t: Page fc P 1, PTVe 2f0 H.'hn Hnut 87 X s Teak 1. 1 3 Belmont 7, 7 bit, 7 s3, 7 30 V Chief Hill C2Hc 370 F!;i)!3,3i4 300 Charter Oat .re Eureka j V 14 20 Cederterg 3 5C0 Bellevue 1 1 0 Chariot Mill 4 H 21 e Chsrint 151, 4M War Eaule 2 V 210 Eldorado Soulh 7, 7 K , 7 ! , 6t) Overman 27, !!,, 27 j, 2 240 Caledonia 18. 17 J. 1 . , It blO 390 California 37. 38, 37,3 135 Empira Idaho C H 2744 Opliir 15. 15T,, 15 b30. 14'i 4f5 Con Virginia 76.76. 7) 235 Cnollar C4, 63, C2 V , fi leO Hale k Ncrcross 35, 34 X, SS boO, 351a 315 8aTafrel!,!l t0 Belccer 81, StiJa, 81, 83 . SCO Imperial 4S 100 Yehow Jacket 70, 60X, 70 1)10 114) Ft rtland See West Side Itema. They were moving the Methodist par sonage, yesterday, moved it some yurds nearer the church ; and while we didn't wonder at the display of a desire to have the parson as near to his chapel as pos sible, we were a little surprised at the removal of the residency building from ils oil position. So it happening to fall onr way to have a chat with 13ro. Fisher as he Blood, dusty as a street sweeper by his back porch, we wormed it out of him that D k K ly had purchased the north half of the block and was about building a handsome residence there. Of course he is buiWing it on ft specula tion, ani with no idea of occupying it himself. How could he, being a bach elor ? Well, the good Parson told us that it was the intention to build on a main etructare in front of the old par sonage building the money obtained from the sale of the said north half of the block being wisely applied to that purpose. We were also informed by the came authority, that the wort of repair ing the church is in progress, the painters having already taken posses sion of the inside of the building. . . . Gardening is going on with quite a furore in the western part of the city and everybody who owns trees is trim ming tbein up, and those who own none are setting soma out .... We notice the plum and peach trees are quite full of blossoms, also that the cherry trees are beginning to show their white flow ers .... The teariug down of that un sightly old brick barn in rear of Dean Hutch's premises has not only improved his lot very materially in appearancu and commodionsness, but has been the occasion of filling up the gully there at the corner. This will improve the navi gation thereabout, likewise the looks of things .... Bob ijharpe is busy put ting his trees atd shrubbery iu trim. Bob has an eye for pruning trees. No stumpy business for him. Look how gracefully his cottonwoods taper to heaven, and compare them with the cabbage-stalk shaped trees on Capitol .square. Important Land Office Notice, Following is a copy of a notice which will hereafter be prefixed to all applica tions for State Lands: notice ! ! ! The applications heretofore received at this office amount to sufficient land to satisfy all grants of land that have been made to the State of Nevada, except land embraced in Sections numbered 16 and 36 of each Township, and until all land applied for before this date shall have been acted upon by General Govern ment, it will be impossible to determine whether the State can or can not give the applicant a title to this land. Mo farther steps will be taken by the State to select this land until after former ap plications have been adjusted. State Land Office, Carson, Nevada, May 7, 1674. Join Oat, Register. "CoEDCBOT," the famous wrestler, is at present in Gold Hill. So the AVtcs I irjjrms cs. ' ThbDouoib County. Mubdeb. We learned, last evening, from Sam Gowan, the following particulars regarding the murder whiah took place at Sheridan on Wednesday. The man who was killed, Frank Ben, was a Frenchman ; the pro vocation was or is supposed to have been some statements made by Bell prejudi cial to Summers. These seem to be the facts: Summers was courting a young lady named Finley, and sometime since, when her father made inquiries as to hi, Summers', standiuR, he was informed that Summers had a wife in California. It is supposed that Ben had been repeat ing this story and that Summers killed him for doing so. As to the circum stances of the killinc, we learn that as Summers and Kit Woodford were riding along togeiher.Summers asked Woodford to stop, aDd that he got off, deliberately ' cinched" his horse, then walked to t je field where Ben then was; and that Woodford's firt,t intimation that any thing seriocs had happened was his seeing Ben throw up hia hands and fall to the ground. It is t Lt- most charitable view of Woodford's to surmise that he knew nothing of the premeditation of Summers to kill Ben tho" Me also i hear that he helptd Summers to ' t;c-t off. The rumcr came into I ovm l ist evenic? that Summers 1 had been taken. This was subsequently ! nrovtn not to be true. Woodford, how- ' ...... ,-. vl,nn ever, is in jail in uuuo.. stage left Genoa there was great excite ment there, and the crowd rushed up to it as it came in from Wellington's ex-pec-ting that Summers was on board. Numerous parties are out, fcouriug the counti v; and it is more than likely that Summers' capture will be the signal for his summary execution flt le hands of the infuriated mob. Mr. uowan ut Rorihes Ben, the deceased, as a hair brained fellow, fond of telling loose stories. Summers is a young man only about 22 or 23 years of age. Woodford was married only a few weeks since. At best, it is a very bad affair. As has been casnally mentioned in ihup veracious columns on one or two previous occasions, Mr. llatt. Riuckel, l.ntehpr. is bnildinc him a fine brick strnetnre for the housinc of his business, nn the corner of Carson and Proctor mtnata. Well, as an incident to that building, there are, convenient to the premises, sundry piles of brick and sand and unslaked lime likewise a hose at tached to the water-works, hard by. With these premises given him for a starter, the reader will readily under stand us when wc state that on the night before last, in the dead waste and middle of the same, some maliciously mischiev ous rerson or nersons unknown to our informant, turned on the water for which the hose aforesaid is a conduit, and so Dlaced the hose as that the flow of the water would be toward the pile of unslaked lime the evident purpose be ing to cause the slaking 01 tne same ana a consequent damage to Mr. Warren. We do not hesitate to denounce this as a mean, cowardly, contemptible trick and to warn its perpetrator that he had butter not let Matt. Kinckel find biro out, for Matthew would be apt to punch his head. Thk Bohax Min'Fb is responsible for the following electrifying statement Between 5 and 6 o'clock P. Jf. onSunday April 19th, says that paper, Alida Valley was visited Dy a severe inunaer-storm, dnrinc which the lightning cut some anties that kept the citizens in a state of excitement for a time. The liberty-pole of the town, which is about forty-five feet high, occupies the center of the space formed by the two main streets crossing each other, the four corners be ing 6ccupip3 by the principal business houses. The lightning struck the lib-ertr-pole about a foot below the top and split it in two parts for a distance of some rive feet. From there it strayed off in one direction to the restaurant of Antoine Barba, which is situated about seventy-five feet from one of the corn era, knocking tne stovepipe to pieces and stunning the Chinese cook, who was standing near the stove at tho time Three goats were killed at a distance of abont fifty feet from the pole. C. Nich ols & Co. have a herd of fifty or sixty goats running at large in the valley, and Mrs. Johnson owned three. Of those killed two belonged to Mrs. Johnson ftnd one to the large drove showing that lightning in its antic mood has no respect for just apportionment. On the corner occupied by Scaver & Co. a large number oi citizens were gathered, being much nearer to the pole than either the Chinaman or goats, but the lightning only got near enough to them to make it rather lively for a short time. A narrow escape from a serious fire in the Crown Point mine was effected yesterday morning. It occurred on the 1200 foot level and as the Xews of last evening informs us, three sets of timbers were burning at the time the fire was dis covered. One of the men working on the level named above, ran for a Bab cock Fire Extinguisher with the aid of which he succeeded, in a short time, in extinguishing what might have proven a serious conflagration. The fire probably originated from a lighted candle left sticking in the timbers, and which had been overlooked by the men going off duty. Pibsonal. Mr. Meacham, proprietor of that best of wayside of railway sta tions, the Humboldt House, on the line of the C. P. B. R., was in town yester day, and in company with Governor Bradley visited trie Penitentiary. He left for home on the night train. The Tecth of History compels the statement that Pendola's baloon, on King street, is the neatest place of the sort in Carson. In fact it is more than neat: it is elegant; and as to l'endola himself, he is the chief of publicans. And the bibulous say, with emphasis, that his potables are equal to the best. He has our approval and our endorse ment, as a man 'd a snloonist. it nnmerous cottonwoods and pop- lers set ont around abont the Y- & T. K. K station and car shops take root and increase, there will be some very hand some avenues of trees growing there about iu the course of three or four years. A little kindly attention in ine i,M.ti wutorinrr dnrinc? the heated term this year, and their growth , .. 1 Will DO insureu. Mb. Willis is iu receipt of a large in voice of very attractive looking medi cines, besides perfumery and fancy toi- let articles 110111 tut avini. u- - dose, and be put to your purgation. Or the present appearance of the Belcher mine, the Gold Hill -Vim of last evening says: "The ore breasts on the 1400-foot level are opening op splendidly and promising a ncn yiem for many months to come. Daily yield 550 tons of or. Mciipsr. and Scicipe. Last night's ivin train frnm Virginia broHcht the .'.11: n Villp.l a woman imHJCULX lUni "" " 1 ' ' - in that town last niuht and then shot himself. So particulars. HOTK1, ABHIVAL8, ORMJrv Bocta-oaoBoa p. vbteb, raoraiaica R IT Chase O F Carpenter C S Oorham H Wilkinson A A Prown B Dinkirwn V Larleur F McGowan C S Wright Tbcw J Sutton R E Lower W H Naileipn 11 alonehaui r,.. CBiRLM BOTH, GEO. TUFL1, raOTBUeTOl R Evana l: Ct Brvant F Frevt rt T Kay. raft W A yuiggle 8 Go en D Kinne C Strnuel O Pumlap Mrs SeuibeJB J 8 Dian W H Naileisu i JI.'CIInm W Hootnian H C Swain LOlda NOTICE. The resident Union Soldiers and Sail ors of the War of the Rebellion, con templative the observance of Decora tion Day (May 30th inst.,1 by the deco ration of the graves of deceased com rades, and other appropriate exercises, cordially extend an invitation to all civic societies and other organizations, and to all citizens to join them and assist in : - Snri oruani- tne exercie 01 iuu ,. - r,--zations as mnv desire to do so will please . , 1 : Phairmftn ftf aitaress iue uujcmkuc,., -- tne iommiLiee 01 Aiuiubvu....., --r Iving tneir acceptance, B ran. ....... as practicable, and not later than the evening 01 uv uiu mat. Wat. Hr Don, Chairman of t he Committee. Carson City, May 7, 1874. ChrLtmaa Xeveltlra, Toys, Jewelry, Ktc At R. Fred. Iirooks's noted stora for imported .-v. a vb.lra tti..ner7. musical in stnimeiit. cheap Jewelry, toys. etc.. at Theat. r HWfc. ncit door to Mat. KmckUli butcher ahon. Carbon City. Aaenry for nil the t alnor nia papera, Gold Hill Xes, l icteriala and Ma gaxinep. . lovie MOHB. BEHBI wail,. CENTRAL MARKET. fXl H E rDE HSIGrVED I have opened a new Meat War. ket ucdtr the above name on CARSON STREET. One Door Sooth of the Adanss Home, Where they will coastaiitlj keep on hand Tht? Best Fre-sh and Sa;; To b had in Kcvada. We solicit share cf the public patronage. - MOfc k WEIL-, J 5 tf Proprietors. DR. JOHN, practicIncphysician. OFFICE IN CHINATOWN ON Third Street ..fanoafllj. Tho Doctor guarantees perfect cure in VENERIAL And all Diseases of the Blood, Which may be presented to Liin for inspection. my2-lm LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S RESTAUR A N T eau-jr Kaiser. .Proprietor. BALON A HANGER IN REAR OF THE MEW rSAZERAC IAL00K, CARSON STREET. The neatest and tuost commodious Itcstaa rant in Carson. EATING STAND IN THE SALOON. BtL. The beat the market affords always en haii and cooked in tbo beat style of the art. myT-tf HENRY KAISER. WANTED. AVOliSO WOMAN TO DO GEX ERAL Souso work In a Muall family. Terms liberal. KNQCIBfi AT THIS OFFICE. Carton, Kay 6. myT tf ) a- JUDD & CO. HARDWARE Comer King anil Ornifli t'tnets. Caraen City Nevada, EA K TOR HAI.K Tin wsi rc9 X DEL STEIili. Nails, Gas & Water Pipe, St f.i 111 Gun??, Strain Vsilv, HOSE BIBS, PAT. MACHINE OILERS STEAM COVERKORS, RTJBBEN BELTING. Rl'RBKK PACKING, RVBBER ROSE, ROPE, PAILS, TUIJS, WOOD BOWLS. Shaved Hickory Handles. Shovels, HOES, PICKS, FORKS, HAKES, AXES, - .SllfV I HUH A. HARROWS, Wheeler 4 KzcJen ard Eistca X Cut J3 -A. "W fit , WHEEL-BARROWS, Cliiiisi Dinni1. and Tea Sets, CROCKERY ....AMP.... GLASS WARE, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, Road Scrapers, Our afwrtmtttof MECHANICS' TOOLS iatb.EESTin market. DONE TO ORDER. We keep tne EiST VCREM1N, tad (va antes all onr wcrk. CULTIVATORS ris-tf JIDD CO. Restaurant STER ? SALOON I CY Ccir-erof KlijatidCarmiPtinti', CARSON CITY, NEVADA. Open Pay aud lSight) mHR jrPOPRItTt'B ILt. M L(llu ttv LADIES' OYSUR AND ICC CP.lAW SALCCK'. Whi r Luiii i u.d l ui .l.nflli le wimhiUi tha CHOli KfT VIAM S T11JC MAKakT AiH-Kl l" Tu J and I y the 1 .! ( w k u. li t Htaie, vu: .HENRY .LAWKFKCK. P. I up thaiLful tr tie litx rt I tiiic bent lxt' w.tta t ( nfii.t-.i t., e 1 1 tl.i au. la n Kjttluilj i l.nUtl I U I n 4.1.. U r. nblltf L. P. FRISBIC. CHARLES W. FRIEND, Watchmaker end Jeweler, Three 11 n Krulh t Ci m.ty I KlWitti. Caraoa Street. ( aiaoii C ila- Ei ill t in all Unite of Watches jt' AM) CHAIN. Peartlend CIcrr.ord Ettc, Etc. Wati t.n tli tl.til u.d lii K.,nd, N. I). Tin l'.it liii. 'i cf liaanai. au4 Dome. tic IiUuU at-U KiLkJe Met no ham F'pf, ti , ret. U Bidal n .u.n , r fall and n me. jaCtf ( UA8. W. M.IKNK. WAR IS STILL RACING ! iiAieieis os., OF THE KliW VflRK I'RT C;OttUM STulih, atill hi Id ILeir tuli ra and are n I'lenithlnit ILur flk.-k of aa.ui.iln u, t umtul id the latiat alylei of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS And thrbot quality of I.aulle. MUMt'anti ( lilldrra Wtteea, hkhtheydeterniiM to aril lrr Ikaii any atnre in the Mate. tt ifivlte vrUil) to tall and luvutct our tioodi aud prlna. IURUI8 itnoo., Aneuta fir tl.e c1Mrat.1l tnvr Fakir 1 lihtic and Chain MluL riwitj) Mahiu. Term. ea.y. tplo II New Spring Goods WE CAM. THE ATTtMION Vf rnr Lail) lri ndn in ('.run aud to cur lar'e and ' 11 aKtrti d u k f GOODS, n- H ai Rraaaela Ket t'vrtaiaa, N'oltlaartvaat Laces, Dinutlii White Maaftn, Kheet intra. While 14 t'ularrd Kprrafta, Naklna, TowllRat, Towel.) Hoairry and ttloa-ea, Coraeta, l.adlra' l.lnra Tr.r- elinir Nulls, B' ' Colon- ' " . -TT e!ela, tarsia, Oil Clot ha. W ell Paprr LADIta' ad HII.nHK.VW HlIOKSV etc., Uef..lkiticallfn m .11 Wf. t"M c1m.wi.uc, L. MORRIS V CO., Arnl , U'4. v.i iiiirinHiu,, ltjt, , a c GEO. W. WlllTK. X Ik AJ (UM B. JCXU. 37T TICK riite ivoniMuvrn wihii to M. itiforni the H'U thai ttiiy liav. a liii.u laMTtraont cf A0 TJ Ij 30 1 K-i S, noons, w.vuoh n, INSIDE AND GUTSIUE ULIXDS, Fenca Pickets, STAIR RAILS, ETC. Order" el!.;ti! lu.l r.iL,ty filed. A lilx ral diwoutu iiiadc ,n l.rfe bills, 't dwlre tiM'ull aid ulii.u tu our tI.II Wnl l.K l'iuii;s. call and tea ua at KuKTU .1I1K -. -SI!" TlOZlfO HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Caraon Btnvt, Ulow St Bat. talut ., Canon Clly Krv.da. RIBBIXW UOMI.MCO, Proprietor. AT THE ABOVE MMED PL ACS will leterv.d th. brat lueala ahleb raa b. i rorund la tbi. city, at all buura ol (be day and nitfkt. Fresh Oysters & Ice Cream ran be had at this Botrl and Restaurant. Tbe UKf) BOOB an well ventilated aid fit an. A than cf public patniaas Is Stdu Hod. I'M-Saa INFORMATION WANTED! SHOULD THIN MEET THE BYES of AUOl'STtH MKKCHENT. or ear Mr. aon kaowiBs bis wheavabouta, tkey will coaler s favor by iilrtrieaiiig B. a. MEU.IB, 1tMIT,