Newspaper Page Text
H. F. RICE. H. J. TETEI.S. Uri.OIM and RICE & PETERS STOCK BROKERS, Car.on Street, opposite V.cIIs. Far;o & fo.'a I ij-VfRu Cilice. CARSON CITY NEVAD Markets, ,GSH SWEEPSTAKE RACE CAKS(JX CITY : Thursday June 11. ISJ-1. Cgrscn Street, Csrson City.! FAIKEUKX & OIL, Freriietcr-. of " SSCO ! CIGAR STORE AT Cigar. Flvr dTi'lcrc s for ruts. S Ssrt Bias, for 25 " H Galar-te, f. 25 Viola, for -5 5 E.;s L'Arr, f. . 15 " - " Admiration, f r. . " 5 ' Era.:!, aril Co, for S: ' 2 " raradls., f.r 1", 3 Ia n..r re! JIajf . for 1.5 " It Citruiae Iorrlii f ..!::;;, 73 cts. THE VEEi" EESX CLOTH i fJ G SOLD AT COST. T mke Taoat for a Iarg. invoice of Havana and Domestic CIGARS ARD TGBAGGO. I have also rn Lsid r will tell AT COST, a ft n.j i inie k (t Furnishing Goods, IBlnTi1 slots, Trunks, Valises,! SCOTS AKD SHOES, TSats, Caps, 3Htc Call and ya will tmd I xneaa Eusictss. J- ROSE.TOC K. Pioneer C'latuinn; House, aunty liuildincs, Carson City. Assessment Notice. Pancake Coal Company. "Y"OTlC E ! HI K at art-tuix i lb t-RY CIVEX THAT t iti va tLe I.'.ik tlav t f ilr. A. I', lz'i, a- I npoa the t-sf-ital ;ook i-f tiio corp.-rrii.ii Ulh S-n tarr. at iL- aueof tL- 1 1 'Hilary ytilh Ellis & Kia;?, Carvtm :ty. etia. a;J ' -Ws Umy af Junr, I "i 4. Any s:-kL'ltr5 mkir.t! itoiault ia p&ynv-nt i iiii ar-e a &Ye r;un upon ta-ire- L, !1 liy i.:iii, will t- fiolitiiuert sail ftaiit i.k.artiZl t-e a.tex:ii lor sle a: lrtolur auo tiLn, and anlr the n'uiiinl payiut-Dt thortazi 1 BraHlo-n er "viv Jaiy :1. w tiiaiiy tt urh Lart wiil 1- ;t at haiil last Jat ait v ill W nrf.tTT it .r tlit I'y u.-ut at tlir r-c ?-iii 111 silo ail sba;-s iiUi liy stxoli thiLreLulilt'r. t petfct r wita tin? ct$ts cf atlTarti-auitat aihi i It( Kk. S. i. KINO,. J.. ' E-lawiw isi-rt-tarT. Fireman's Fund INSURANCE COMPANY ! Of San Francisco ! Tkt Mast Popular and Ralianla Hum C a as pan y om tha PACIFIC COAST'-a Batlnf withataod tba Cirrat Disaster Chica and Baton Fim and Paid all it Lasara ful'y : MCE & PETERS, Arnta at flit- Baakiag; Baate af Wells, Fare aV (a., M1ISOX CTTY. XEVAUA. CISSOLUTISH NOTICE. rilHE l'XPERSI-ED BATE THIS DAT A by niutoal nBtiiit iliw.Ivr! tbt-ir jit- i.rf:tip ss Tn pri-t ft the Oztfral M.nikct. air. lrais Mukr isuiar. all tbe liabilities vf. and n -ripts ail bills iue to, the late firm oi Mi bra; Aeil. iSiuTinli MfiHR t WEIL. .fliori) LOUS MOlili. C AR D . I hereby .xor.rn TO T8K voters of Onufrby etinnty, that 1 vill ba i-mnilitlate lc-r the Oifir af Slate Srnater. at the eBBiDjt frltrctiitn. In! pttilexit ill eTrry. thiir. Bcutrai in aotlung nufjlcdeu to Men oi I'arura. J. C. McTAESAHAX. Carson City, Kay 15, WTs. VIRGINIA & TRUCXEE R. R. QX XD AFTEIi FEBHIARV 1st, TKSC'JSH FACSLKGEH THAiKS or r.EXO. coeEf rffric i:!!: rss-t--m and TTtsttm bound Passenter Train, cl tbe C. P. K. K. WILL LEAVi Virginia City Static: Gol.lHill Mound House Carson City Franktfywn Washoe City Steamboat Arriving at lieno. . . i..ct 9.00p.m. . 9.12 r. m. ...tit 0.50 p.m. . .at 10.45 p. m. .. .at 11.13 p. v. 11.27 p. M. 11.43 p. m. . . .-t 12.15 A. M. WILL. LEAVE Reno Steamboat Washoe City. . Franktp-wn.... Carson City Jloniul House. . .at 2.25 a. m. . .at 2.57 a. m. 3.13 a. Si. 3.25 a. v. . .at 4.05 a. n. 4.42a.m. . .at 5.20 a. m. Gold Hill.... ArrivingatYirginiaCityat 5.S0 a. m. LCCAL PASSEKGE3 TRAILS LEAVE Virginia City FOR CARSON CITY iri5n-i u:4i. m. iad3t43 p. m. LEAVil G a i" s o xi Oitv FCR VRGIMA CITY a m. l'-i m. and 4:45 p. an FREIGHT AIM ACCBMWQDATICN TRAINS LwiTe Vinricia City for Rv-r.o at ?:! s. m. and 3:45 p. m. Will leave lit no for Tirvuiia City at vs. ni., i p. m. ana sn)p. si FREIGHT TRAINS LnTe Virginia City DAILY at 5:4.1 a. m.. 7.4 a. m., y :45 ft. ni., 11:4 p. iu., 1:46 p. n..t y:45 x. ni. and 5:45 p. m. Leave Canton City DAILY at 6 ft. m., 9 a. m., 10 a. in., 1 m., 'J p. m., 4 p. m., and ti p. iu. At Tirprinia City. Gold ilill and Carwn Offic Through Tiekets can be t-Ltauned to ban 1 rai siic Ogden and intermediate points on the P. R. It. Throuifh Tickets can be rvcnred at the Com turn; 's tHi v, Virginia for t bicago, Karihas Cii .iiu 6t. lsouis. II. M. Vfc.Kl.GT- iieiK-r.i supei'intf " .nt Purse mi OH JUKE IC, IC74. A Gr:id Swcri.rItJ Will tke plare it the Tills Ci'i' jf.ifcli Is 351I.J: IlEATS :: in 5, to Ihrtios i:o I'.co. to K t:ottf u tilt roil j' to :Lt n.". o LV.ZZIZLU TRulT-'fCG CONGRESS, And "ttil! be ltvtca the fellLwinj; Eimd liTPt p, to nit : A, A. Smit!i Ii. in. "Kate." W. KatibDiu's p. ki. Fanny Ft-rn.' V. J. lIllllill-ICK f I). Ii. -'I-Mtfa san.e day. 1VIXS Pririttirs. THE tsEASON WHY. The qu tftit'ii is daily fcrd y tkoun.TA$ o our citizt ns wLy it is tin- I X J l-itttri liae at ba-vid such j j Tilrity with tlse rablic, a; have tui-h an' '. The rt-att ii is bet ante they are tn old aiid well article, and are from the ni st choice herhf and lvots ; the inacy uho Lave tried tht-ut, UstiTy to thiir bt-uelH-ial iUiiitit s, aiid have do InMtntion in rtrcuiuiueiidii-y tLem to their arilicted flit lids. They are acknowledged to be the best tuiik' and recujerate.r known: they build tip tht pjp t in, ai:d iiupart strength to the ltet and es haiisted, and are (miorst d and ieeomn.f ndtd by our luost eii,iii nt rLysiciar.s ias y-er eerti;.chtt s tn each bottl. ). To those cfliicted niih the l yepiri-ia, ImI.i s'.ion tiian Lom of A it-tin , as atHod purinir :Lty t-uri'fcs til o.htr so ta.U d tunics uhich Lve lately bttu i lactd in tLt niarktt. No fan-iiy thcuM le wr-hcut tlcu:. tr-ld evtrywhtrr. II. Li-tTLIN 4 Si-Ie rr.j r!-: r, , CIS rrxnt St., rM-bl'2-. m bB Fia-i--o. SJPRII.G3 HOTEL (AT TilE STATE lCIbCN) tlIV.TKD OXK AND ONE nAI.l n-'ii. -aft ot Laitt u tuy. 'iLt Ut c- couli.ooatioL :ll MEALS, LCDGIftCS AND WiKES Connected therewith ars the FINEST BATHS IN WORLD Ei-iiecood triiVoUrt, they who have visited the w:uders o-f the Olii Worlu aliti rtvelieU is tue s-eutrj oi the Now. j-roaomioe THE CARSON V.AP.M SPRINGS HIE MOST I'ELIoiKTr l"L IS VEMI-tliATl EE I'UE MOST l'Kl'MoTlYE oE HEALTH! THE MOtT'COliJlOUIUl s IS aix KEsl'ECTb! ot ai:y Natural Wariu Eaths 111 the worid. 1 hey are a means oi PRESENT KEALTH AND CLEAKUNESS. And are unsurpassed anywhere for RESTORATIVE PROPERTIES S. is. BATHING LKESSES j.roTiiied for 6Qoh as desire Ihem. Free Carriage from Carson At h, 10 and 12,and2 and 4 p.m. Uaths Fifty Tents. 1. LACUAPELLE, Care n. Virrh 5h. Proprietor CiSSCLUTIUPJ CF C2PARTKERSKIP ;th e is hkkeby civkx that ftj.ooiH r & Loekit-. fcai l-i-n tiiKcdved by Ii.u;i;.h1 eonsi Lt, to t:ike ttTeet this day; John A. ttie ha.vm s-ld his in! ivi-t therein to M. L. IrjMJUT una Lhsrltfi J.l'atou, uuaers-ignt d, h will continue the LiiiLefct 4 1" the late linn i.iutf r tbe new name and btyle of juK'nc-r aV Pat on. and who uiil collect all demands .irui pay 11 l b's ol late nun of ti.-4jier & L-oi-kit. Or-jtu City, Nevauu., Mav I, 11. E. SPOON ET.. JOHN A. LtK'KIi:, my-Mni CfiAS. J. I'A'lON. DliJ-Ui.UT4QM tF COPARTNERSHIP lVTOTICK IS liKKKBV G 1 VKX II! T the co-psTimrsiiip ht-retr.fore exisiing br tuetn tiie unden-iuni-u uLmr the linn name anil Myl- .l Sj.o4'U' r. JLoekie .'.. is this nay dis Moivtd by n.uiual content; Jolia A. Locait hav in ti-id hiH interiNt in tbe nunm to M.. K. iSroci: r and Clirb s J. 1'utou. L6;ou, eaiua, Aay 1, 174. JOHN" A. L)CKIE, M. E. SPiNtli, G, T. i-AVlS. LS-?Aft'ftLRShtP NOTICE. iHK i:.DKKM(..M.O HAVE THIS d;.y formed i oo-uaruiervhip und rthetrni num- .nd ft vie oi bptnner, Pa'ou & Co., to eon- ttuiie tl.e bui-tj.Oa iiw- thie uriu of bpooner. Lt:rk;e ft o , .-.nn v ill co.lext nil demand and p sail di btsui i he late llrm of Spooner, Lockie ,"C Co- i ursf-n, Nevada, Slav !, 1S74. 311. E. SF'OONEH. CHAUEE J. PATOIS", aU-'J im U. X. DAY id. '.VE AND SKI. I. On Ccrsirmssfor!, ?ii I Pi I ti C STOCKS, AnJ all t::i-r sf ct:;:0 s i ra:t ;li cl li.o 6aX 1'i:aci.-cu :ck ana Lxtiurg'.- TonrJ. ON API r. GTED STC CI-I iv::-tf Kit k i rr.TEKw, L!?. L. A. KCRRiCK, j ii I-. o r a x a i vn v s i c I a .n. Office lrtli Cii;i iv ruioli?'1. Cin.n . lit'N 1 '1 V . fcKYAli ChUICE FAr..LY GRGCLF.iES. Alexander Lepcrt, AI2S)V S'l HKF'.r nweii Kiiif; aj-d S t liM biif ,.-, CkrhonCiM. JlALKi; IN" j and Groceries;! " Produce " wi carwuuj M-ieca irn a s-; c;al rt :ard for Ihe rniUirtn;.i.ui of the j hke family FicLB, j finACCAKCKI, j IKfclwn irtK.fcAI! , LntCdd. Canned Vegetables and Fruits, i FrLXCII POTTED 11E.VT5, ! sufe-cr hs Aha EPCAKfisT RiccN And t. rvtb:ng that . be found in a ! COAil'LETE FA.MIEV R TC K K lEOl'ii, OfcAIS, VEoETAEIXS. ETC., 1 1- Uthn'nenin :i j -C WliO.eSciiO una Ketcl!. .,,rr....,r T,..,,r. r, i UECA",E' a' C'"!"'1 ! FURNISHiNC GOODS.! GIVE 111: A CALL. 4 i. e X" a x n v: it i. i; p out. Vj A K lb i ILL K A G I N Q ! e TliK MIW 1CSK DRV (.ODDS 1ieiiihin their stock of tununitiou, eonsisliiig of the stjlt-s of SPrifsG AND SUMMER DRY GOODS And the biht quality cf Isjidies 9Iiesesn(l Children's Slioeg. hich they u U rmii.e to 1 lower than any i-tt re iu tht- tiitt-. We invite -verjboty to tiiil and intiJict our gotxls and frief. ilAKhlS BROS., Apents for the eeUbratt i Grovtr Jt Uaker Elut- and Chain btiteh Sewing Machnu-b. Xern.s easy. aplt-tl' BARGAINS ! BARGAINS !! THE EREAT GLOTKIKC HOUSE OF KOIlEL cV IJaATT Ct.rner Can-on and Third ft reels, opposite the St. Charles llotti. CAESON CITY NEVADA, II U E JI ST RECEIVEDTHKLAR M3L t;tt, k lnett and moti cciui lete ahfortment of SPRIKG AMD SUMMER GOODS ! In this State. Our Stock eonusts of MEN'S, YOUTH'S AKD CCY'S CLOTHING OF ALL TIIE LATEST STYLES. FnrnHliinr Good. Eots and SIioer flats a lid Caps, Trunkal andj ValUes. Ithtukft, And evejvthing pertaiuiijg to a FIKST-CLASS CLOTHING and FCKNJSUING GOODS STOKE JAMES E. D E A LY, ISTotary Putollc AND CimmIsboi. r of lt eds for Calitorula. Oftii-e Corner Proctor and Carsen stre'ts, Carson City, myltvtf 2VKW (U)ODS! GEOBGE wTKITZaTEYER FURNITURE J3lxi3l Bedding To the IsEW 1P.1CK ElIiriNG lately hui On the Cftl'tirr af Carson and Tele t rapb streets. CARSOX CITY.,.. .NEVADA, TT1I.I. riKCIIA ttri.f.y t i r;f sr: ti s mfat markets ( li.o tl.l1. Ifat 'i;i.ii: o:' i!i;ef, ::itic?c, rciiK. VKAL, I.AJIT. Aliil :!: FURC PORK SAUSAGE, X.iv r PIi!in, iliail (lictsf-j, llli.oil rinli'in-.; a:.d i-ait ail f.ixi s cf s-.u .u.f. ricKLtu rcr.K, CALVES HEAD AND FEET, Etc. r ivg ir. l!.r vi . . m 1.; . rl Al. tsi :.i:i. 1- r i. . . !i.t I iliti' .- T r n It i.l. ;s. :i.r r !-r ott;;:3r zl s jit (1 :rc irjl! J-AioLt J,;: k 11IT . I r- : in 't r jEGOT AKD SHOE FAGTG&Y j a hirEnitu; ai:iici.k or i Heavy Eccts and Shoes i . lor SnJr at tltr j STATE'S PRISON, CARSOE, hCVACA.: TLo r:;oi: nf .- Inn to tl;o jo:f. On!' ; n..vo-!f v. I . i . -in:;y inv:t-,l T. I1.J Ilv riooiltoil. 1 1AN. Wan.ui. AN aU.ULU Incurnbl o Case f K- -K HKHAl-S ACOLDEN BALSAM! Aflir t n ytars of tntl ou tLis I'oart Las fmvfn i:-it tin- inly curative in a stain clxt of diseaM s I roLoliLa d 1 y ii.tuu&l i.raolitH n- Er. Is Eicon's GCLEEN EALEAM Ko. i run tfcanrrt. SUM and k.vm staces. sens on ILt.h.s. syrhilit,.- Catirr!;. Iustaseti t-cali'. ai.d all 1'rili.aiv l:.;n.s 1 1 -,h- 'iue smut ax iLU:.-.. ii.U-, & it totiii. it iwo lor , . , , rri ,t ,, . . ,. . Dr. Le Eic&aa's GGLEEN BALSAM Ko. 2 iu .':" B, aLf-hai L ' 1 I- crjta .fcirv ihrial. 1"T i ii::;o EaI1 1 i n" and centra, ted O rds, stifinT , f ,u LnL's "1 li.ih. .'.: s ail racus n.iu the Hti,L n-t!-r e:.i:sI by ii.uit. -n-tion or nl u.-e .f i:..roury-l,-m.eiEel.Id i re aci Lea:.-L-. l'riee. Si per boliK, .,r iwo for Er. Le Kick's GGLCI3 iFiXISH AS '"r '-v '!..... oi..t. niAotiti.,0. tni e, J r ucltle. Dr. Le Eiehsu's GOLDEN SPANISH IK- j ;it.oij.a watliiiiu iiijt.tit n lr aM-s ..i I ,Ti,i--': t..iy ,!,,,. tm. n-x-,. ;oi jiwb Oi lot L.L-.d V. l'rie- i r bottle. Alo Agents fnr IJR. I.K Pit I! X " tiOLUKN flELS t..r Su.:iisl ...-aknws. Niuht En.issions. lu,i,utn-y. ilu a.'l uses, arising Itl-iii MaMurbatlolilUid t xo.Maeabuw Priee, S3 p,r bottle. The Kenuiue OutXESi Ealsai: is i ut up only in lotrd "iKjitios. On re., ij t of pn'.e. these ied; will be wnttoall iiartsol the country, bv eiimss or mail, sei'iir. ly paeluNl slid Hoe front observa tion, bole Agtnts, C. t . EICHAEDS A CO., Wholesale and lutail Lmpfnsts and Chemists, S, W. cor. Clay i Sjanson.e btreets, ban l ianeisoo, Cal. jelS-ly TO GKOCEES ! M I L L M E N ! And O tiiors. T HE rXDERSIXED IS PRE- pared to f urnieh a o. 1 article ef s o x , Soda and Acid, Having unequald facilities for their manufac ture. y TACTOKY IN CARSON CITY, i-tf JA;s IrFFY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Felix I'cnn Hliilromh, pF. c-eftofd. N OTICE IS HKREBY CIVKX BY the underigued Admnjisfralvr oi the e tate of Felix Pe n hitcexub, flecta-til, to the crtditors of, and all persons having claims against the faid dece.-ifeed, to exhibit them wit the necessary v iit h rs, within ten month, alter the !iit pubiieatiuii i-f thiu notice. tc the t-aui Administrator at the Law Othce of T. 1. L1VAKUS. No. 7 Kiny btrtet, Cuit-on Ci!y, Ne vada. Dated April 21 ut, 1S74. M. PORTER WAETsEN, Administrator cf Felix Penn Whitcomb. deceased, ai-lawltiw ifR A X KL1X AXI) GLKM A X tOX ' soiidattdOold and Silvi-r iinniK Compa ny. Location of work: l evil's Gate and -Johntown Mluing District. Lyon county, Nev. Notice is hereby giv u that at a meeting rf Trustees of taid Company, held Aiay 1l, 1874, an assessment (No tJ of fifty cents per chare was levied n the capital ttoik of said Cou.pi, ny, payable immediate ly in Vt S. gild coin to the Secretary, at the oflice of the Company, in Empire City, Nev. Any stock upon -which paid aft-cs-ineut shall remain unpaid on the Pith day of June, 1874, thall be deemed deliuqutnt, and will be advertised for sale at public auctkc; and unlebs payment Le madu btfore, will be sold on Monday. July 13th 1874, to pay delinquent aetrPsmentK, together yshh coiiU oi advertising and erpes c f psIp. JOJJJS BLACK, jSecretbrv. Office Empire City, Nev. myl-4w