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JUDO & CO. i.4JT-.-B r-rr-KZV - IN 1) A V 31 " L"V ti. - :.:i-..l:r.i 1.1-E1K.. -- ' '" K- Th.i.i.iJ Li.sLt-rit.L, hi ; i:-:- the Orn:!-'.y !'" '-' i tiri-al -at .1 " .1 ... i ! N- w y..r.:. J a!'- -' - l 11..- . :-. f . ti llir i.r- ;'-. rtr'. i i' it-::' ! Ii;-w ;r.-'..-. ; i 'i i i: a ! w it v.. ita I '. t .... i! wr . r. I ".-'ii .V".:.. J; Cii,!. ..! is-.':'" r.d t- v.: -i .' -s W : .1 t I !' . : t-U VI! t!-.'!'!-'.--i-f , , ' ;. r : u- i- . s 1 ' ' M- .1 ... . - I . it .t a., i . - i i- .. . i -i i I '.. i. I' i I . . i - S , . ,. ... ,. . .....i I... V. ,t.ii I;' . !- ! I f.Ulv'!S TTY - NtVAi.-A. : I i , . .-. ur: t.i Hit !!! uil Kin- i I..,.' 'i! ' - ! ,.r..u --. t-v - : V t.... fiiil . - .I'.lV. . t l ' ' ' ' V'" 1 y I.: :- :I .1 5 v (V-.t-r I. c.'d OrKi.-'C V;'"-'' . . rvmJii, arm t uy uwv. vcv. s.m.e; . - v r. t 1 r : .1:,-; : . : .!.. 1'- I. . .:- - .. ii. a v.: 'i t- r . I ii. .' . I .i-. i .-v , . .i Kt-i-t I .. t!:-.' - unit. " ' ' - . it . ;. t.,-i-i-. -I M..I I- -.1 lit- sur-i:- Ar;,.::,..:v i - : ""I ..!r V-'m-VV.V.' r.' r V- I caraon Street. Carson' City -.. I ,.. . - i. :! "". s.::.-r ... .: fr. : i iV - 5 " . : v . :.t. I '-'l-'"- :'- "' '' -:;r ;..:u- 1-rri;-.'.-.. " - M-w i-i r.:.- . i- J,,,.,.., nirm. '1!.. IJ-nr-i. tii-!-!- i . ,.,x j vt.;.-a iu.-i:;y. i-nti -' V-);;' .i . :. . .1. r-i il:-.t S. -l .. . -. :s .n ; I . .: t. ? !l . v.'. ( ii.. T K : ' ii .!i :t.;.. i '.- " I' I'' ; Am'I t!:-ri it:-' ;' rAIKhl'KN & liil, rioprietors. " i - i .. i!. ,.u ii. J:i:;i ..i tii-i. I " . !t i : : .i t:r--".- !v.-, ni-l... , ... ; .r:1 ..... ,. u. . ..,; t v. -M. , ,; Il: . ,:S,iv,..t : . ..vv V '.n-a-. TUi-1 ..:t.n,..t S ' " ;S' ;l! . I " -' :..::: v-!' - i- I- ,., u- ioiu... L- ic .! V -r- i.t:- tli-.i t" -"v r ':! i n.-t I . ' f-r tV.!i f'-r c r.r. v:,-( t ::-:i. r.i. : t . i.!-!-r. r .t, i f it - ' u- ;k-- - tl. :a ; Ut -'r!"-": .iT.-siia :it -the I'.-.r.-'.-r Kia i. 'M; it' -i lit iU it tin y -.i i'.l 1-e re;'.i..-m.,l tf',.r,. v l.:l 1 I ii-.-.i -' ) r-i-.r f... V.:li h.r I.- il.t.n I.'-.- i - I . i.v v.'i tl-. i ! ;: i.i. ' i..,;', r.-.J..... , ...! i- v .:h !T.J In. : .! .'. v. 1.-- "Ill l'l : r :.- .... : 1 .1 L . n : '' ' I v.v v.; :. 1 V., :. '..V n .1 tr.i r.-f-.r o:U-r u'-.t- "t:?iLV,;'i ' .. - ' ,; . v.....l I I.. . .. . '.. ... . . .- - . in :.; I r -i r -. v '. .1 s .!r-.V ...... I - .: -. "... . ; - -.1 I.: 1 i.i::i. i:; nii.f.' irK ., . t 1l,- t ' , ..,.!., v,. i: ir.ii vi.'i t?r 1. 1" : .i.-.-.v. t ' ' : . ... ...... -.'.- it is v. i. .in-1 ti. .: '' i-i ai.a .u-..' t i : '- , - :;.; , i;:i:t', j.mux, ioua, mm,. la.-:::. A:i:l till I.ii-l-. IpUPC F O r It SAUSAGE, Li it J'uddi".-. Util(l.'. ISiiiit rail.iinjr.! ! ani. ::; 17.' r all i :xi or ?aoe. FiiaU-I) PCHK. 1 CALVE 3 HEAD AKC Etc. t l. ..-.; !li.'.i. i Wr r, .-; . . i. ,i a I.Ikt.1 !' '-f rWit ,. .-, , ... lAil::.liiS fill-. I KALKE IN ' -:rc vii;i : i an a 'Ii--' - 1 '.- -- . . ., ... . .... ;.. .1... ... 1 lv t ,3r.l,.U ,.t bor.-. t, i-nn-ta-v '.W" uu-lLux 'i tU.- i lU iu! tic ,vrra k.d, : t L W I -ay .: tiif at Tt'rr;t;.rt J ivsui ' r ! , ,v . s :t:itliv 1;;-aiu.. nr : ;iV, fr.m a I! -' f 1-:-r wbK'h ' ST -t -U'St t taaa ten p " 'i-1-1- 1 wrny aicn-' -.r-v- , . j Wiiiviyiwi '.-.t !wustVitI-v tbn U:m i a n?-V ';.' -t-j "v' ..A.vBi'K.-'.aus II. Ki:.I-a.l. tn-t SinVini Fan''. ultn t j tu- .st "!:..'! - 'X. V. - ,-:,:,.-v. Mr. K:nkt;.. a . , r,i t.. tai i.p v;t-'c"---r -'-- V--1VTvi!,;;,i:v;;:i'; Mate r.,n'.s. -1 '- ! Ui V Vi - f Vr; i Ci : l ':'.'ir. ; " '. i . .. i ;, i ..r ..: 1 t ut in ! ' . . .. f . . . . I .1 . , .. i. t' - . t !: 11 ' .. . ,. ... I ... .. . ,i !J'-t l " I' ' V. : : r rii a,,:i a-::i" : I. ;! vi-btU,iir-.:.V,,:i-H-v..I. ; :.t f''. I: -ill . ..:.-t: f-.-t s . ;: y . r .. ; . , .... : r iilfC JlU 3 Ltrs and Oils CNTL.rr.E'S W T JK 12 Kails, Gas Water ,Fipe, HOSE C i B S , ! MT.MMHiEOILII . STEAM COVERKCSS, i:riuK ciltim;. ClUBER PACl.I.'i'C, ;uubi:b hose. ZTS. OPE. "us FAILS, TUIIS, vood ecv;ls. ,r t Know. " sa f.rc rata -r t: : ;viv rtiti'.'ii'.I f ' ri..::iiiA- -N.-V'--.-v ii. j . ..... ... i .... i 1 1 , , .. .... 1 ; .. .1 u' Viiliallll""" (...;:...,m.. iStavod iikkcry Handles, .- - r- u fT ' hZVt ! --- "' , , - s Ii..t Ot t .ItrifV KIM. jti-.i ;t., ;v.v, rti..,-ii-.: t. s 1-.r..-, ;; .?; ti,. tVy , .,. n i .. , -vir c, c-i .l.ibvX'.wYiir!: i ' "i - at i:' .;r i .; . Tu ,..!a.:l(I.t. t cfe'.T 'Ll'iKihC IZUZl OF i-nb!i:i -a.u.," fc-irv yrw;:.:io -Saw.l'1'.t .-."i t."2 . i I a ! . I ...I-. iWi' I c.; v...v ,,! i ..-. , ,i, ,.- t-:.r : rr.i. n cv ;r i : i.ik. : it .'tit.-.i', " " " . ..s j.j i crntuu wwm. ... ----- i .r .-!."..'! II tire A.-..:-. ii' T . lu.ini.t- 1.1 ; : " 1 i ... 1 .... : i...K-.l 1 v ail .. .,;.tr li.iiaiparli:" '"!- i''- :''- 1 I i. i. .... 1 ... i I ia -:t m l.ti'f i "". . . i-l. r,: - V ti ! i-..:.!.a:.. .1 tvr. i'.Tj- s ni.-i tli " i i, .. :. . f ti- -t .a.', atvir. v::li tlif nua?.. u . - " is Y"ii r;ty. K-;- -rrti.-TiiP r J t!: I'ars n .f;i.?.-.-U intJ av i-i a l .c-i .- :L .; .::,.i:i Si.iti- C.'.avfi.t:-si is i.-t U. i. ti- I S i.t tli it t H". :iS if ;;:--- l li ii.n tit rii Hi' i r.i.r.i. -i :.( ntuaU ti iv!). 7:- . '). ' '. I . '."r. D.Ki.v.. tin : I & Ihi-U f-.'Kr V.i- " 'il' r f tt- Aii-Mt. J. i not I ..r. , n : wit. i-i-i.l. ut". I ,. nvroi.s am a-:i MVI-N. ,I.:u,,B!,,.,uc.v,r slt.Jt.J..tur;l,!f.:iY , i! ,i t li "' lU h-.' ci-rt iiu!y ,ir'' '" ; ;. , f y t i. K. Sba vas atvi- i;,.- t I-.x.ifc -o.vri.i. . tLot.kriii.1 tavtia.-, of fu.- ,1. . viUs f...;v, d vo:u- I'.-i'v s.-v, r.; , aJ (.s,..u :U It luMi-aiilly a Ki::l . -.-(; Vtr ,i,.v. a au I fUi-i.l.'r- j iuy "i-t of ., s,.v s r v " HOES, , .U;S.N C11V ;. NEVADA. jjTOKK.S, iiavi:.' - i lit.ii ni l' . r On' n w'. I Y!...i ii. i isi.t li.. M. t. i-liLt! ii-'l' i. 4S E 10KS, arran-.d s!'.s iu ti. A. -ut, . ---- , i fUTn'S Ar D ICVS CtCTlIIKB ai. itb.- .i:.ia :. t .? i iv-- ; '-" j ,w, CI i rurt:u.itr '- .'.""' h' v.. n in tLi- v .'a :l. ; ia tu- Fa.ue , . faJliJt...4 5it iilv.? , la n...l ii. Vrut.k swl, I,' -i' ."it." m.' .a -trM.i. 'i lie- lin-u-.m ; . . i nlirs. litankrt. fiiw-rvie, a,.-" -'i.:..,; r.-t ab ant g... r,.i; V yj hstrcEECii, I I.UTHLM. ii... 1 1 i:.M.-HLN, oMua ,i..xvu J,f,i.l- tiny r..;-.!a p t i B-, -u.u.. , - FREEMAK. . Bli i ' . , , -. : .. . . ! .... I .tt. r i . ..I. t'. In-iraiiirlits l.el . .1.- ; .r I . ... .1 111 I .11 i . ..- I ' i . ." I .... ... - .- .,.;.! . ..v-rii a:i 1 iani-.-tio:i ..,.;,,;,.., I.,, -ni li.iiiv. r.jv.ri'i i' . i '.' m "-"-" " . - rsLicii It t!iJ u. si ri. Liro ati Vu:t: si, .a- tie lite of tlic OvLtral Vj.AZs j Six Jai.iir.M.'. sMaf- of nl''n. rs-ere v. ltli t!i- i. Lor.- l'valatia i..ui'i..-v, i. i.Ue,l tiu'u thii J-Iare last Sniidav, 1 .. .. .. i. i. i.-.tiv. i-i.iiiitrv. iai-ir wiiv iv . - - EiUtray. We pretwl t.-it roiitical iies are lie'..l tomtit, r for sr.nii tbii. mure iaij-ortittit tLan tLt- boIJin,! cf cr.-vtati'ja--. acl conr, utions sliild ti f..r t-v-w otVif-r purpose tLau -ratify fuc gritd of tLe pu.iiiut.Ts of tiio tavern aaJ ruui bLops tfun-sanl. VTinneiancca ii not adapted to the hold ing of any consiJeraijIe gatLei and tLtre is r.o reason iiy it i-bocld I.e. Koue of the rray stations of tiie C. 1'. T?,;ir,i.1 have the conveniences anc" camforts which suoa'.d be witbin reaeU nf tlis JcI' Sates. Xot fren Virginia i'iv is as wtll aJaptrd to holding a con- ventiou as Carson. Simply iK-cause this the Capital, onr little city is pro vided with the ntcdtd convinituccs. There ore at least a half dozen halls here larse enonsh for accommodating conrentions; and our hotels are ly all odds the best in the State. But every body knows these facts and it is be cause thev art so generally inown and so deliberately disregarded that we feel a sense of impatience at the floating of the convention among the small strag gling vilb2PS of the desert. Canon t "Y ji-iis-tr ... ,. ;....ii a i.j'.lt cmineiu . .in , - , . .. , v. ii, ! as stilt aurnaii am u . vp.Ti u !C. t-onld siit ak Ei.'S- i"i. c'..,....l," C.r.rmnn. with flneucy. tint bad entirely forcotten bis native laiii-na'-e. Xot 'having beard it spoken fi.r nve rears be cor.lil only rtmeniotr few woids. net sufficient to bold any conversation with his fellow Japanese in that lancuace; and now he is on his way . 1.: ,.nl.f. .nn.'ll. Lome to re-iearu . They were idl smart, inttliigeni iooj..iiB i ... . .. .1 in ..... ..1 I .ll''hr-il. men, auu iuh11"1" f ., . They made inquiries citer their old friend Lh-Long, anu -- to meet him. Humboldt I&jistt.: Polsening. 1. ctT .Tntie 2C. ilnred. atOUt 10 k?.iruii "-no - , 1.1 v.mniittf(i lO llie COUUU VliilS UHI, ... ... ... . - tk- vi.i, M J Inst evlilDC, inn mi x-iitw. . . . a -inn the t T.,..,. Tt Millnr. of Crawford. I.LLUlt V t'l W"u ' . . - :ti,- i.n.i , L-0Ti ine oiri nuiu . i ..i.mttia aero. Lately she had become very unruly, and yester day attempted to poison the whole la milv by putting oil of creosote in the coffee, bbe claims to have been badly treated and professes no pennm-n. JUST RECEIVED D&VIS& FREEMAN'S A LOT OF W02DS' ASD KEW r.GSEL LOWERS, i,fr and Hollinrworta HAY RAKES, BARLEY FORKS, And a Full Line at Acrtcullwral Coods At Low- Price. jtfS-lm PAT1S A FHEE3IAX wti, mmim CAV53 & "FREEMAN, j TTATTJOWS i t - - - - , i rcccr".cr,?tcvi!cr.e, Feed j iSlts'sf Eiddss :5 ElICS K VSBEEL-BRRROWS. !aiK:i IHsiner axd Tea fsets, CROCKERY HOOTS A.N SKOKS. VVINuS Ar;-J LSQUCR3, ei.rti.ii Hint. : e -i: , r !-' . " v- II t I V r J. r., I. ..... ---'.K-..-. ai.c r iht nbox e i.aaiu ju Wanted. A VERY RESPECTABLE WOMAN , . ...... . .. ,.ni , t .... I u-ul of reler- -m VUU l n . 'it ,v (.- n.8.dirmitutiou. hke is experienced i htustkwping mail wwing. tad will Uke pleas ure in awkiDk- henielf grnlly useful in a auUl orpHvyer-niiiy. -PI" jjoTEL CAr..-0X E.T1.EKT, One Door Moiilli of h Adam. Home, Where Ue will conntaiitly k'tp on hand The Dest Fre-sh and Salt To l hid in Xtvil. I solicit a slur f tLeiublici.utrel.ii,.. n.j-5-tf i'ruprirtor. ,...AS1 LADIES' AND CLNTLLMEK'S RESTAUR A N T Hrur KaUer... ... .Proprietor. BALON A MAXOEB IN EEAB OF THE NEW SAZERAC SALODH, CARSON STREET. The nratrst and mi'St commodious Keltiu- rant in Carbon. EATING STAND IN THE SALOON. B. The best the market affords always banu and cooked in tne best Mjla of the art. n,7-tf HISEY KA1SMB. GLASS WARE, PAINTS, OILS AND VAF.NISHES, Road Scrapers, Oar assortment of MECHANICS' TOOLS is the. BEET ia market. TMm&UiII ill DONE TO ORDER. Wa rp tbe EL8T W0BKUE9, IB 4 SUV. antes all oar wark. aaM-tt JVUD CO.