Newspaper Page Text
.... :; cc-.To..-i.ivia!.! h.ui I a. r. i ut. i;. j. rnn:s. ;.rr,n pjaw nursing on ; iS-i:iS i. .12, ... ;,.r ..: i.t. , T! 5 T "TI 57 7 I " tee H"." r-isM,r.---,;,iTtP.i'i? ( .- r j: . . . T,.:ie.--i- :,t !"i!y i.--t ;. ' 1 ti? vv-i .! i.. t !.;...-. v the -i.-t. '!'... -):' . vi Lvz:iJ2. J. u2.SW vy . c v i ; -i : "s c: i'v i 1 U .tUave -ii.e.. '.u t ii- U" J the! i-V.-nt that jit ..-.i.e. It , !, .' T . j e-0""-rt-!iY, hi:t-ikif.,' If'tisls. Yl'll C:Oi - r ;i j ; I 11 1 ,j :1 ': J" m'i .' ". . i vjr.-V' u- i:;- .i hii. ia ;ie lot. si; at-d ;f i C-:t4n Sf-i t. ui :rii? V.!, rr.-' l i.lit- m:t! 2.-v. -v-.-i. C!1 - - -1 : A - t 1 iWt -.l. -i " : T --t. i -v-t ami i HI y:m j i .... ... s, J. II 1 1 t" f , - r- -r- Wit V.. UUJIt .f :t f. ; C :1 ....( ( I't 1 - - .1. -1 1 . fj7 v , . t . 1 : ! I.' I n : ; I. i :r t. : . r-i r t. til .'i. 11. nil -a-t iiir-; t ; - " i- ' !" V ti !i ii:; : viy . i'i.;. r. .3l 5;u;iW.M:V-t!. " !'';. r.o f tt: i j'.n1: r :'. A ilu.'i-r. hi.-.i i.:i i . ',! ' I. i ..!!, riJtitil l . I . i s U ': Vii-i.T Wn'tcr. i.i-n hmt ! X. ? ' r. fr:i:i .V l-r . . f:.i i-! t iic: il"is-.ncr. nuii'.uri uiiti ur. . ' n'";.: M. A MI. r, : A I Miliar, siUo.-.-; M. v.". ,V 1'.) i; i.. v.:. ;i.-.i v.-: Vl: to- t ..r,u touiiiny; t-. is. ! . Z-A I. . : .Vi i: i Mill: r. b.-:-": m-! 1 t- ii. v, to.. Lui.Kav. : i i'-kin Tt a ('.r :iv; .n:'uu: iir-js.. i-iui v r.--: ruir, i-rwbrv :.n.i a -r-: : Va:i i.-!.! rv I ! r-, L 'i - v-,rS ui.:k;; V--. IS.-.- . Lut.l:r tlt.:: St;.t- S.-r.-t f. vi I'.:; k. i:U sc-i. r ,Y l.r; '-v'.-H- i. Aia. H.i!fii iii if?t; I'rittk H. 1'eal-oay A mia r.U Ur; First I'ro-itut i:;s; l JEJ-.H-v : sLks., - lire-.., iat rvh.:tit t.iii. rs: It. I!. WrUtiivn. vt-.ti-U uit I .i'.r, T-lf:!i -t: tt ; C. !'-.-kl, Ift lUf r-; I-tis i.-i :tii. no in kit: I., iluesi-tr. .titkit.'! m A . ; -:.-t: . i'...:';- i-it'i.. ; 11 .'t iij;.c, :. i :-i :!! :.:;:,-U-.-i: ii. ill .i tr, ' r- i idX'rJi H;"w"i-i; ! .; Ai: c r .;. J.t.-v;. . r.r M 1 H:r ?.;-!o;'t-i Ai j .; .. i' .: i ; V. ii . . . . i l b:i i -J.) W'A ; ii A.- :.-.t; ht. J.tu:.-.-.' ! --...-..- ! ' ! i ' .i . . i .ii Srni'no.1 1 V.":,',."";.:,.- :' Fii--V lT. f-i-. i j r'ii. : it .'.ii i I'- : :;'i ..v- i tv-; j J -ori-a m:i !- Wi..,-!i A-ci-t : t:!3 ho-.-s.- t Ki-.r. V.'Lirr. i f tlie T. .'- :.:.; ti: -i t: -i. -t---:tt- i ! . :-. Uo-.i-i!y J : l i i i-s 7. j -i. ; V. !:. Fi.i-i. s'.,;...t-t-:y j Je- v-;-- V1"" :tr" '-r ! : -tr. -..i:s nti i . -t I,. .K tuy. ii.t ry j b's't". I li- ;iif i.i: j .-i..t' sirct . i v-i -vi-ii :i-.---ioiir .1. v n.'-r.ivo, ,ir. '.o , '.it'-.i-. .ii; A l--iLi ILtatir, 1':-nrr-7'. SIi-.t '., o irriv- f:i-t- r: 1 ..-o; t-r. Yi .ktL .V Co., i-.i-o.-In r.-; YY.-.i-v.ort'u. A.i.-.o::!i A iisi is; S. .'.'.;: r-: V- tV.. rJ'it-!hfr: IS-iViii. 1'. . L. Liinutlrv, Ei' t'sior. V. K. iiini i tsf-..;ti: i, l i'tri hi-..-: Au Jr. -us Kycn. Ir-rtrtsts: flii'-i-.;: T(ji:i l'.-tt. W.-rUs. ' ln.,in..l tl- i.iii.ln ill. I:ii'..--: I'.ivis. b -.i t:-.r if i'-i:ii -. -.:!' r M e .i.,;iii a- ra 1-. Itt i"l"f Art 1-jMitKt--; tlio. n j V-, ..nis: Uiiu-1 Sfhnru..:t. Co.: 1.,,! V.. ck. sc.; J. I, '-' : 1 ' : ' s:":I;i Su-I.;r tr....Ti..l - Ai.t!.. r.v. stun!,-: J l!;-y ." I i T .1. 1 llltl I Hit. I,v.v;iri ; l..-..t;lt-I- (v .i't.!. fl.':: t ... l,ii- .;.!.. t!:i;.i itOIi iViii e ". Y..i!i-i. i :fs r Fti.:: t! Lin' -'. J.L:i 51 I' t' i, Lo i, the New Wri C-f.' I. Cth-iiiit t:i.t.1 i f the 1'hil.i- jlpL;i t! i!inliii;io tottn:l.ip l;;:ts, sat hi i t-nij,iiii,-i are tow prtparid to ciitt jis :i.;j fivtii I.tetpot 1 to t.', ex jui.-.ting wi'h the 1'tnn syiiania Ittiiwar lYii.ij.5iiy. for the un h.arl of rnte -f $17. Thut it to say, $12 from Liwerfool to "ew York or rbilatlcl;-.hia (stetrpg), acJ ?o ly raii tt thicaso. Ho says, moreover, that the ccmpetitioD now going on may cause a rfJuctioa of eta thsse low rtt-s. The 1 jwest rates as yet are of the titchor line, which soils siugle tickets to agents at $12, and these nre retailed 1y the agents at $12.50 to passengrs. Familr tickets are selling at $11 for each member of the family. The White Star line, the Cunard line, the National line, and the Williams - Guioa lice are each giving tickets at $1-5. and return of excursion tickets at $30 to $32. Thousands of Eurojieaus are awailing themselves of these low rates to visit their old homes, ! and find it cheajier to travel than to stay at home. AuJ still the number of ships increases, new lines are forming, and competition grows cheaper and cheaper, vii ..' f. v M-t..c i Jt.-! t::i-!l It'it ; .. .- . . . It : ,1 I t . I ;..-r i (.. r. :U'. :i'r:.uit it:i!:'!'.sl j ; ivt- ir. K r :urt!.t r h:-.-i to j ! i t i ; . f o:.- i : t.'- ! :..'r ('-. -.'.ii-i.t i-:' Ii- ' 1.. to j r i Tffl fri- "A. JC.-:n iu-w .. . -:t ' 1 1 r,-'i',.- -,..- r v. r, . s, ... i V. i . I . t f ; ,,i;-!i- i.i :ilt fti 1 kill !. UK fpy 1 !! ;:ii :r. il- .:h!.:., :.'.iy !.. p-i r.' J j ... . .1... ; r I la; i' .iij;; s I'KMii- tr IUm.1 .is r.T.f.! of Td..-. H'oOilliiili's cL-irs -s j -! i'-i eci.c:', 1.0 f.i jii .iu J in a Utt.r i to tUo i'..o- i ::oiiui: i; tho c:.I:rt :-!' I r;"il' :u.t-.::. - -i Lis t U it i-tiJuUt- J V. s; I ere u-i i:i 11.-.U tliis iu.r- taLt ! A j . j jt r.f - .n. 3.1. j. j7. ; ' ' - - i at ,i ! mo a 1; . T :"t. : : .' r-.-c-Mrii : la ;v lot? w-J ' " "'! l.r.K.kiyti. it ha rr.re5y lintcr'i tlut tho Ji ie an.l j t::;If hv Utu 1- ftL-ciu-tl on qiustii i s ir f.s. I :i:a fcr tL rr.i :-. !-::: I to i fcrit.i'-s-.'t .!;;i-ti.o u.-i-iM:.i t-.a.u.h t a nt..l rextd tt wMch c;-;:iu.i.. i-t the t I i i .t? 1; ::- t( -ithi... 1 y. I h-tvp -.t r. t-jr--.tii t; i'.-i city t,i ! a I i.: to Mr,. Vi -; (.;' ti.ttu , '.VtVY--, ; -: 1 to t 1 ii;; r . : .... it.: V'u - y';';t : ;-(.,--.n... .- utiy r . i- , i ir ; c ... i-u. L. tv ! y .,.il i . i ' :; i.i : : ', :-. :. ..I tL:.? ii:i.v i v,i;i :y !.! ' I .1 'f ri Jl r n:r:i K V. :i 'i i ; . I 'f . :L, t.;,-t !.:ruor.-;.:..t..i 0 or.: ! iiu a: .i-i.-.y u..:i uu 1 st.i'.r.p tiu :.: i-r l ;-..i ..; ! ::i i. ir! ii -t' f us uiteiiv lUsj-ivtfuU..-. .-i- .;-.' AM) ii - - --- - i - ,AtA,r tfiis i '.. tl.c l.n i,l.r. f r. v. :..ko..'; tJiiu-v. C:,l.. ! , , . ,;, ,. . i;. , Vl, c--v , ;1 .;. iu. . .... . 'Ion i : r- piv-r t-jt- httle out prraiis.-viou to p to a ; n igiibi.'i's liituse to 'my. ti.-vn..i . i'a. : j cJ:i!-.hen Iwd r-i-o c ithere.l there, nut! tup I h.tiy cf tli-j Uvu-si Mr. M.itil.s p viListU to st-t t It soiiiii.- tire-cr.itkcrs f.-r ii:iir iiiuustiumt. V.'iiiie she was hii-y ahor.t hc-r bouat-lio! 1 tiS'.ii:-s, some of ti.. !:t!l. iiat s pri' : .-.- o! tha cx;.U-s-ivi"i,iii:o v. ..:- tiriii tliW.1 ct tit'.' sj.K-uriiiiii ii ii out til tin.- iui'i-f-. bu.kl.-i.iv tii? i.i.iy ..,,,1 t,,, ... .1"la tin- ,,, ,... ,.f tl,,, little i-iils i::ii.r:.i,i i;i fS ste ..!:ll .liaU'y rrt:i tnher : i stiu-.'ht to f:fi;in;ish t! 2 li imes Iv r i,t.r oa th ,.,..,.. j. Fro- ., e ic j .., i.ti 1;:;t ,, ,t Ull .ji fao tt.;;l..-s eiu mi t-urma (..., tae &in nil over mi I.'O-It trtniel to it crisp, an t in so:eo trS tiiC- lit-su i,-oiie so as to leave tn-" u.usciiio txjtoped. hakt.-d to a liDwnuU hi;. 'I lia A ivGcatf, from v.l;i.-h tVst.' pir'.i.-uLirs tihen, luhls: Jlrs. ii tthe-.vs j.vocnreil r. shwl, nctl wrap-l:t-;; th-; i:i.t!e sulett-r tu it. siaiti-.l !i-r the honst-. (Mi the way bh nitt Mr. F.'ihe, who iuq.iireil whtw chihi it w:ts. an.l on htiiig iufottned that it waa Lis. ficlaiccd iu anguish of spirit, " My God! Katie ia Lurued to death!" The child replied. " Yes, papa, I'm burned to death! " He took her home, n jihysic inn uas sent for, nnJ everything done to relieve her sufferings and save her life, hat she was beyond evthly aid, and in a few hours the -vhite-winged uies-tcLger took her spirit above. Ses-iToit NrE. Nearly every one r.ho knows Senator Xy'e will rejoice to learn that ho is favorably regarded in connec tion with the Russian mission, in which a vacancy row exists. Wa sincerely hope he may receive the appointment. The Republican party, from the princi ples of which he haa Lever deviated, ones him no leas than this. But, be yond this, he is well qualified for the place. He is a man of fine presence, luent in speech, and self-possessed un der all circumstances. Were he nomi- I nated, the appointment would be promptly confirmed by the Senate.- ...... v i-.,r;.-i., I-st.-t Hi:!, 1 ! !:-. ' n- ;,: h !. ft f-I..!:: ! ti-is viVii.iiv. I'. i U .!! '.! if uay of . ioiM-t.i a- !!'(:-:' ; :rc i.i ;:;ut-- ut w.-.M t-.v 'f. i . c ' Vi : i ir ;:' . v.-r ::0 snivel .!ti.iu tl:" i:t tv.'i '!'!. i i: .-t r jh ri! n w t;-i v :v to I. .l; ! .1 ,, 1 ut i :..!. -. ( l.d- : !.!: . IT ; ', i'i. -r i.v,::.. : . 1 .Mm Y.Vi.i.-r 1. MEW TC-SAY. tkUOtl. Vii ii t W..iS' Vlil ii'TI , ::...-.-.- re, 1ViD;!:-n"? aits ). Oil . v'lirtiinh, Iti p.itifs I..-i;iip-, C hiiit:-V! 1 r.-ri:'ir . f - 1:1 r ft :j. L"iT:..ii. A. 1 lilt i...? v.ti.j. us-: sislu r tfsTPuu; All, :.! - il AT C?r. CC!S FAMILY CHSCEPJCS, rt w v j s y sd vjj V?:ncs, L.quors, lite. X -.r ll-.e Tit.i.- f r firrat , . -i" j ; ! I T o, Ail v '- ! 1 .n j r-: : Alexander Lepc?t, : C UlMiS MWiL1. ! LL! ':. IT '. '. i ti; l.t M Y !)i ::. i r . ;-. "... A. j..i. i,u .jin u.i'y s r !. -i.iii - V lii- 1 . ro .l . ' i . i !' S I II'1.!. ' I hi c I 'it . . i I it - . i .. ' . i-l : . ! -.v. : ' . i ; a -:; ;f .-illy, l-:, ti-y .ii-.-.! i:; i- -i. '-...i.' liatii.. -.-.ii c-.-l.-' i r f-i- it.- .1 y .f..: -.-u -'.t:s t K j: : i l' s::.i 'l r. : -n- . i. t -. -ii:- t: . a .i.'.u.t -.1 :; 'oi- .. t!---ii 1 , ,;0 c-m i- i- : Tutiil ccin lJ .u t..:r..n-i vjamt.e Tv'i.l ii::-. . i . I-t!i.i.- ' i r.:..: so t 6. ti'-Cl ii' .- a .--i I., li. hit.'.! I I.V. '. i;u KM .A -. 11 i - ei" -!..o. HVin.FS tr S t..- .- I A tr-ie copy ci t!it at.-. :svi:: J. u. lTiNv::. S- -r- tury ul i:.-itril vlr, 1: "rAutTiiri P!A;i33, CSGAH3 Ai0 iEWif.G NiACHihEJ. If. FK E S TTil i J O l Backs, Stationery, Mosiesl Iastrnmeats, Baby's Bu-jsievj, Cutlery Toy, GUX9, PISTOLS AND AJiilLItilili-S'. Has ftlu-ays lor Hale: ITalli-t Pavis A: Cii.'ii Pianos, litcter Bre.'s Grand Pianow. ito. Woods A Co. b Parler Urtr-iiis, HtnTe'B Sowing MaehineH. Bulteriek's Paper patterns. Orders to any part of the State solieiti ti, fcUtl Jvlusicai Jnsiruianuts Itepairetl. Store in Binrkrl's ntw brick liuiljins r.ct to Theater Carson CHy Nevada. j28-tr PHILADELPHIA . SALOON ! ! ! C. METER Proprietor. Location: Ccruon ivtreet opposite the Ormabj Hoiiue, City, Kcvarfa. The Best Brands of Wines, Uqwon anil C'lirars Kept constantly at the liar. LAGER BEEB by the glass or bottle. Give 1 ie call. C. MEYER, mhll-tf S?nd3 of All Descripticns, i i ;;ai I -i u -,vl- r I V'vi1!' T!nr' r,! ! OX APPROVED STOCII. r. .. if nifii v rKi!.i;s S T, L. A. i L R ! ! w :x i I I ? co.iiiMr.u nic tMis;i i.iv & t K. S i'Y. Si i . i j V V 1 S ii . 1l . !"5. GEOHGa W. K!TZf;!YB .ZLiracI Z3cclcliii3' T :).- Si 'V i Ii K 1 i II Mi... it'. . i ! j On lit rri ni" f rinmi anil T'l'- irapli tlirt. j I t aiimiv c irv M V MH. I FRri''- i CH'ID FRUIT- v-t ! 1 rh i.sB. ! i ..-t.r. T lin. .-, r'.ji.'.-. it Kr-. : r v. cf H : S' i. 3 .' .ut'. ir- -n flit;, i, ' ! -. I) i . i . l ...m -. i i. . S- - j .i. D E A L Y . Z" viTolic . j-..r nlii.iri.! i. ivotnvsr Xt y A i ; i t: ! -i I rt:r; ! ! iv r.,-t .v Jf is 1:1 I 1 11 l.u .!.V i &u 1 t .' r. J-lt fc; H. i ' i t-ials, 'l-tivt in ; An ! th' .-!.:. t -i -r::t!. r:t el A !. 1 I !' . A 1. , . T11 , . '.v.: r,!iu'xv n.-.. .L.t, a- hiv-.u. Hiv.t-.iThe Fcncriirg il-.epnant, ; mt .'.-.i . i. ... in- - f A!.l irt' IAI. to anocEr.L : r,, I L L til E U '. X2. Cl O t C s . ' ni.'i.i.Mt.Mii i .1,. c; o u2w is? , e r. ft r -!--. , ; r i itv''' jss'.i.; fa.ii;::.v. r- r il in.. i a - rAt-ioi-i :o e-Aits-iN- en v. I sl-lf .lA.Mr.S I'lr FOR SALE I a 1. 1 (. i: T o .v i: - ji o it s i; W A O O X ! run SALii at J. M. Eentcn's Stable. CHEAP FOR CASH ! jyT-lna FOR sXlIT! TWE.XTV HEAD WORK OXEN, FOUR SETS TRUCKS, Yokes, Chains, &c Arplly to GEN. MAKLETTE or W. P. MclNTOSH. At Excelfior Still, Little Valley. tau-lni"1- ! I i'. l.r t7 id up t!.a ;.. i .- i. r v . ; - . Careen City : iRnr'"' V r 1274. AFTM;M)UX nn.l hYt..M(i. i u - o-.... t . ui .- - .-u-.- t . .-u t -r.;ultl mitt OrlMiuiii,'. . '. i . i n . ;: im - i Ht-t.i:. . i i: en i fi i i..u .;-. 71.. Sr. t. Air .:i i. Iti.t, -. (.r A:;n:u.! i.--t I L i'.--. j.I..u.M li.i, .r.. 5 'trj ,vr". 4y - J i 'T ' ' 4v si$.rV ',,t,i,- ' , 1 . At I. . ' "IV,IK',J... ' "LALLLH F.GtKE," Tl.. t.-st tl ; th tinct:. t r tTtv-it. I tt t c:n- A I I IX-GKAVii A1T.?..'.,V l:i..i:i.-ihs larse.-t ei ili.- Liii'l ever eslii-i:-.: in iiilv eouury. A r.nriSK PAKDAKY ZLLRA, the f.rst BLd OLJ,.' J. Liu t vt-r iIU-'oitt.ti. MOS-STIR KOYAI. UEXGAL TIGfR. The cne in IMS evtTabiitlIlll Lt i.-. the !i.lgt bl aLil tlLCst bli-i-ineii in Auiunea. A CliSit lNE AT I ICAX I lOSi, th' largest oce evt r iliipvlled to this eiu liiiy. ITTX-PI.OOLirD. I 01 "liLE-BrHPI D BAC TlilASi C'Aiii.1., liie Isrj. at on the continent. THE CAEIA EARA, or WAT1 11 EOG, thi only one new in thia euuutry. ABYSSISIAS IlliX, Kangaroo, V'ylghaii, Strirtd and shotted Uyei'vi, antl heria Cow and Calf. A LouudlcMl valiety of biitis. IJIPOSIN-G STIiEET Pi ltAl'E on the mi rLius of the cxhihiti-ju. GltASD JiEIAL ASt ENCItiS at 1 o'clock p. M. by t-I JI'LLE JEAMiTTE E1.LSI.EK. Aitutlaaiou One Dollar Children, cntlrr Ten Years of Age, Fifty Cent. jy!2-td