Newspaper Page Text
CAKSOX CITY : liuay iTi.u. l-S - ve.iv sourciTar. The Dni)erV.i; S:at? C javentioa of j Hinns, a c-.i'iv-ael :t Si:iii,'Ss!.', u tli& 'i 1 iU-At. i::t '.iliMl iu it. i-Iat-"ona tbe iullowii i..riai I 1..; i tion: Tlwr-., TL T.( ..u". U.-i-n p-rfy .ias ignored th ci;;in.s of our 4iiiUfd Bol.Uer nn l violated its pledge, rtpent ejly made, urh-rt.Y tlmnsuuds ;f the noble WiirtUof the nation ar !npe:it A to live on tU..- ruid ch.'irity of the world. tt..JvrJ. That we r.ovr demand th:it all the p.u-iions of or.r crippltd soUi-r shall le so in?T? isf J tj shield every out? cf tueti from !.i:y wuct wi:lnit compelling tliem to refuge ia ttie s cUied -SoMiets' Horn'.'." The above resolution l;as a singular aal striking signifi-Mcee coming from the soun-e which it tLc?. Tii;it party denounced the nolJe sol-lins sl;o brave ly battled fo.- the I'nion r.3 "Lincoln hireling " and when iu the field against the armed enemies of the country these men, who are now so solicitous for their 'Welfare, placed every obstacle in the way of their success. The Democratic party has an indelible history of the past plainly written upon the Eiemory of every man who wore tfce bias" in the struggle for the Union, and something mora than mere chip trap resolutions will be required to cause the survivors of that struggle to believe that it is a. bet ter friend to them than the party which stood by them ia the darkest hours of the war of the rebellion. CIVIL RIGHTS. The Sacramento Iircorrf of the 2C:h thru concludes an able ortiole on this gabject and it is worthy of serious con sideration: The Democratic piriy to-day tatrs s piare issue with the fact of netjrn citi zenship; declares it t- b a fact whiirh otghttobe abolished; and appeals to tae country to indorse that view, nnd in indorsing it t repudiate all that the civil war resulted ia. and t-j condemn all who participated iu that war on the I axon sid. Uuee more tlien tao rep r:s?i.ttives of iii''s,ice Mid inliutnaaity are L the ua:ioD w.t'u a der-iat;:! that thtir doetimes shall be sanctioned. :.J it becorat s plainer every day lhai those who a'Aindou the Krpuliii:itn p'.rty the ou!t oriaizati a that pwf. a tratworlLy rivord on tuesa idmentons : .u- must, ii- bu!;t what their p:r t -i, i-l iu rehabilitttin5 hj ijciiioc r i y. Third party movements ar- ?vr ry vl. .' gTitvttatics in this dirs ct;.u i'-e-..!y. In Illiuii.s th ImVpeu-1. nts i: .ee gone i-odilv iiito the Denit-Ttu ramp. Iu New York a s:mi!ar ren!t is iiuruiut-iit. And this is iu;it..b:e. for t is reason that tin I?:uvcr;tcy is of ill? two the only real live puty. aud ih? re fore attrtcts and aisfr'"is tUe I'-sser f..c t;. n. The pa'olie wi'l do well to sMdy tee indications in this connection-, ar.d tL )Se who do triil be speedily con-v:::oi-i! that we ha7e iot txagerafej the jravity of the situation, or raisr. pre-s.-atfd the tendencies ia tha S.jij;h and tlsewhere. THE. VOICE Oi" T3S PEOPLE. Tha Virginia Mtfi cf yesterday ra truing, under tha al cove heading, pub lishes language wh:;h will le at ence recognized as thit usod bv the corner 1 safer aui vagabond hociiittm, which the eiiitor of the 31 tz yn-i, very natural ly because of his associations, regards as "the voice of the people." The re marks have reference to the Fpacch of Mr. Sbarsa on Tuesday night last: Sai 1 oue man after finishing the re.ei ing of the .(ep'ifi. Weel. I kind o" tho'iglit mebbe bharoa was about ths best fellow to go for before this, but I'll be d d if him nor his crowd kin git any votaout of me. now, you bet!" Another sai 1: "I was for Sharon r.ll n'ovg, but last night let me out. I don't waat any of that kind in mine." The Califobxia Masssuax Wins. Saa Francis? CAr?e. of t"-e 21th instant says: The great National Shooting Festival at liiltiraore closed on Friday, and Adolph Streckcr, a San Francisco marks man, fcas carried off the rst honors. Going there comparatively unknown, to contest with the first marksmen of the country, lie has put them all to the Llaali," and to-day stands as the best nurksinan of America. Strecker made 437 bulls-eyes, 172 more than any other marksman made. On the ring bhocting Strecker won the third place, making t2 out of a possible 8'). Mr. Ehrenpfort is also credited with having done some very good shooting and winning several prions. The rraim3 and particularly the members of the shooting clubs to which he belonged, are jubilant over Strecker's magnificent victory, and pro pose to give him a reception on hi., re turn, i A SIXtl'IXARV lil'EI.. A desperate shootiu affriiy took place at Koilister. Cal., pt the 21!h inst. re sulting in iaj iiy::.ediale d.-ntb oi ore of the chief actors, iiud the probably fatal won:;i'.iut; i f the other. The scene of the tragetlv was Ooodl;ne"s saloon. At i:l o chvli "t: it ti;i-ri.iug a :aa2 r.-.iaed Leumler T. IJobii.sou, more eouuaoaly ca'.ied "Ti d r.-.i irson. entered tl-.e sa lt ..u Jind iLv.ted all hands to t."e a Iriiik. Among tl ose iu the room was a win known as Tjut Harris, between ioLi and llobi!:si.:i sMine iU feeling w iseiitii g. i; Lii.f-' !! hud ' sooi-er ti: i-ii'ii suvitatL'a than Hi; lis ro-!i.a;-hr -1 that '-Wi,::! lt.'t drink with ;i , uvii!: a if i v et.s'vne t;-iiner. Ii'j5ia.s--n replied. -Veil. I always pay for n:v ilriu's.s."' il-irris then roac from hi.s chair, sayini. "Wei!, this is a:i old grudge Let-.vecn you and iiie. and we ttiiuUt as well set.!.: it right now." ii:aw iiig a dijrii!'4er as he spoke, liobioson instantly drew his pi.stci a five .shooter a-id boih men tired almost siuinltar.c onslr. Harris" shot sfruc't Itobiason in tb n.-ck. cutting the -n'tlar vein, and the blood ga-hed forth" in a torrent. Kabiuson's l:rst shot raissed Harris. The latter, immediately after firing, threw his weapon at Eobiason. and. hiving ' 'thing else to defend himself with, raa into the l i!::;.rd-rooia, back of the saloon, hoping there to escape from his ai:t tjinist. Although mortally wounded, "however, and with his life blood gushing from the terrible hole in his nei k, Kobiiison staggered fitter his assailant, whom he now ha 1 cornered in the bilii.ird-ro.iin. Steadying himself against one of the tables, he took de liberate aim and fired at Harris, who was lacing him at the opposite side of tb? table, the ball taking effect ntar the navel and inflicting a wound wLieh is likely to prove fatal. Again the dying man'raised his pistol nnd tired, the ball striking Harris in the hand aui tearing off the thumb. Some of the men from the saloon had bv this time entered the billiard-room, supposing the shooting to be finished. Iir.t Uol inson's itugeanc was not yet satisfied, ami though the glaze of death was already in bis eyes, he again fired his pistil, r-ud then ilropt ed dead. The last shot struck the night watchman's trowsers pocket, bnt owing to the lucky circumstances of his having a bunch of keys and a police-whistle just in the right spot, the course of the deadly mis sile was stopped the only damage being the breaking of the whistle. Coroner lack held an in-iuest soju after the killing. The jury found a verdict in ac cordance with the facts above set forth, and Kobinson was buried this afternoon. which many persons an nuj here con sider rather ipiick work, even for a California town. The deceased was what is jrecera'Iy k:i"vn as a sport ier man. and is saU to have a wife living ia ilcrceil. II;s ige was about :! ye;ns. Harris. wbo. real ntiaie is sa: 1 to be C ivir. is a l.!ack s nith. :nl has no relatives California. The fcrutaliiy f pUviug !:::n under ar rest has been g tLroi;;.:"u with, hut troLi pr--nt p.-arinees he will not trouble the Comts mm h. .S. F. t'A.xi.u- Fr:Li.f optr:itions vr?re never car ried on so actively as at the present time. Ia all parts of th- city the so'ind of th h:i!n!cer mav beltcarti iroia v-;trly morn to dewv eve. AofM iTih. It sems strange to us that the p .r.ple, who are so unaniimr.sly in favor i-f the scheme cf the owuer C'f thr.t paper, fahonld go on adaiug to the property which is all to be r;n.ier-. .1 v-.l-.tless upon the completion of the "gieat here." Strange 'tis paisiug strange . A Xeat .Piece of AVo!;e. We were yesterday shown a neat piece of State Prison vtori in the s!iKT of a ciib l o.-.rd, the ban li work of iliil llogan, who has about finished his term of two years at the Warm Sptings Hotel." where he was sent for being too handy with a pistol. The bor.rd was presented to Trim hei:e of this city and contains more fine inlaid woik than anything we have yet seen from the institution named. These bits of inlaid work rep resent a banjo, revolver, bowie-krife. a nieercLauni pipe, a duck. Cower pot and flowers, r.nd we know not how miny other similar things. Tfce body e f the board is composed eif a vast number of bits of wood and must Lave cot a deal of labor sr.d patience. !'. ,4:rj-riae. A FrriE PaopaiiT. A patriarchal Piute of many grasshopper seasons, who had probably just arrived from Eastern Nevada, where he had no doubt wit nessed some of the recent pluvial dis pensations, yesterday like a second donah come to Nineveh uttered a prophesy for the benefit cf this town. Pointing up toward the summit of Mount Davidson, he said. "Poco tiempo, pretty dam soon, come one tig rain, yon bet. Koockuia down all hor.see ; heapee peop!o die mouthful mud, you bet." Having uttered this prophesy, he will probably camp on some neighboring hilltop and wait to see the cloud-burst knock the town to pieces. Xisjlni i.' HTMT TKLEIilMMS. Xew Yori, August 27. Professor Piere B'af, the cniinary artist, tliej res terday at his residence in Jersey City. Gov. has pardoned Christian Mayer, wLo was sent to prison for par ticipation in tLe Tomj.kiiis Square labor disturbance. XLeophila G.orge Kirschm, -who was arrested cn Tuesday, charged with ab sconding from Culm, Germany, with lS:l,iCO t'uiders belorgii g to a bank there, other property, was yesterday discharged from custody, its far as that case is concerned, no instructions having been received from Germany, and the German Consul-Gem ral making no ap 1 licatinn for his arrest. Kirschtin was immediate!;,- rc-arieste.l cn a Supreme Court order, on complaint of a man here, who charges him with having swindled him out of ."A t thah rs iu Culm in No vember last, nnd I.e was committed to jail. The p-e:!i-. r Investigating Committee held tour hoiii-s session it the efnee of one ot ti:e members here yesterday, dur ing which time the report previously prepared was read over and carefully re vised. It is now reaily to lw submitted to the Examining Cot.:mittee cf the Church ntit Friday, and will be pre viously printed so us to furnish it cor rectlv to the press. Tile l:lth Annual Convention cf the Fenian llrotheihood. which opened em Tuesday, was resumed yesterday. More thau loo ue'o gate's iere present, includ ing some of "the oldest Fenians in the l uited States. The o! j-ct of the Con vention is to seek a closer union be tween the Fenians of this country and those of Ireland. The Convection will be in session until Saturday nest. Nashville, August "27. Gov. Piiowa s-.-nt the following tehgrani to Gisbon county, at VZ o'clock last night: Nashville. August '2o. I have no di-ree-t information of your troubles, but it is lepoittd here, on the authority of press dispatches, that riots are imminent in your county. If this be true it is tout duty to summon a posse of your best citizens and preserve the peace by iiipersiug the rioters and preventing e-ol-lisions; but in such manner and by such means, if possible, to avoid bloodshed. Keep me advised c f the state of things, and I will render you all necessary as sistance to uphold the law and protect society. I have offered a reward of coiA) eac-h for the jail-breakers, and invoke your aid and that of all good citizens to bring all the law-breakers to punish ment. John C. Ilrown, Governor. He also issued a proclamation offering $o--H reward each for the Trenton jail breakirs and the two murderers of Julia H aydeu, the colored school teacher of Trousdale county. Nothing later from Gibson county eir viciuity. Pittsburg, "August 27. The Demo cratic Conventiuu reassembled at 9 o'clock this morning, and continued bal loting for Judge of the Supreme Court. W. J. Woodward cf Ktrks county, was nominated oa the sixth ballot. Chicago, August 27. Early yesterday memi:;g burglars entered the house of John KiiiS, tt the corner of Harrison and H yy ue streets, an i be-iug discovered by Kicks, vhf cf them shct him through the breast, indicting fatal wounds. List evening the body of Goo. Wolf wi.s found in the hike, with such marks I of violence es to Pave no doubt th:.t he 1 was robbed, murdered and thruT.n into tne w:.t-r. Saa Fjantisc. August 27. Tn? sher iff nrrhed this mottling from Yuba City to receive Andrew L. Larson, cf that place, accused cf graud larceny, lie will le takeU up this .af'.t tnooii. Plot 'eeiiings ia the Chinese v.omens' habeas corpus case arc still pt luting iu the Fourth District Court, and n..:y not be erue'.'.ldeil to-day. Weather clear find j Gri-enbaclts, VI '-"l . S.m Diego, A'igust -j?. ihe trial of Onirics Wilson for the murder of James A. Gray, was commenced iu the District Court yesterday afternoon. Wilson was indictee! ns a party with Thomas Mc Carty to the shooting of Gray at Laguna oa the '27th of .July, 1V7-J. MeCarty was tried at the February term of court and com ic'ed cf murder in the second decree. The I'nion of this morning has the fi.'.lowitig frera Arizona: TucsjL. Angnst '2U. Ycstt rd.iy a Ta pago Indian came in from Cabi'.i Dis trict with a letter fiom W. G. Poineiexter to Shctitt' Onicy. I: informed him of the murder of Leyden and Hughes of that place, l'oiudeiter arrived thtie eu the 21st and found the cabin cf Leyden and George Hugh's deserted. He afterward focnti their Lodits in an eld shaft. No positive clue was us to who the murderns are; It Iters found in the cabin date to the loth inst. The nu n were, therefore, killed between the loth and 21st. Leyden was an old settler, having been ia thi.t district for twelve years or more; Hughes was there as agent of L. J. F. Yeager cf Yuma, who has several mines in the vicinity. Goldberg returned on Sunday from Canyon del Oro, where he has been prospecting. He reports that water can be easily takcu to tLe place, and that they have rich placer Uiggiugs. They also struck a four-foot vein of gt Id-hearing quartz, and brought in tainpies for testing. au:3-tf NEW TO-DAY. o o 40 Drops. 6 NEW TO-DAY. ASJEESKEfiT KOTICE. MONTREAL COLO AND SILVER lliniLc CGmpany. Place of business: Luipire 4'itv, Ntvada. Notice is h.Tvby given that at a met-ting the Beard of Trustees of th- alwve Oiatpary. he'd on the 2'-!d day of August, A. D. 1ST., an Assessment, (No. ) of Fifty ,50) (vnts pr share was levied upon the capita! t(H k f Itr (Vmipany, payable iinme tii&tfly iu L uited Stas gold and hilvTcoin to th Secretary at his ufiiee in Empire City. The above aeebuK-nt will be dclitiuent on ihc Jj-icl day or S;1 rnalir r, l71: and r.ny itpnn wLk'Ii s:i.'Ii aesnssmfnt shall n."l havr K-u b.f'sc i i.I j &A it public hcti,n on Thuilay. October 2id, 1, tT pry au.'h assp(trt::"iit.ti sther-with erjinst-s of advertisement un-1 sj1 aaJS-t ?e.Titary. WHERE'S DICK? CO-PARTRSK!P NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY CI VEX thnt the co-Tartn-rhip herctifire xist- beiween the uuiiersiinied, imdtr the trm naiue and style of the iilenbrook Mill Couira uy, tiiic day dissolved by luutiinl conew-nt; that Gvirg C. Thaxter has sold all his icti rest and property is said co-partnership t Frank l'avis. h al'inr- is to etdloct and havu all debts due from the said co-pirtnerf-hip. FRANK DAVIS. UKO. C. TUAXLER. The above business will b continued by me, as heretofore, nuder the nrm-name and style cf The itleubrook Mill Company; and ti-eirie C. Tbaxter is my duly authiriz(d Aijent to transact uiv said buiiit e& in said name. Carson Oity, Aim'n-t 25. I.sT. auin lm NOTICE. Estray Taken Up! STKAH HKItltV HOAX I six yars old, ui-ni 14 hu.i, i L.n, without I iHirk or brjiid was t jlen np on the 1st cf Ji;ly last by the underpinned at his rai:eh, n-'ar tui 1 pire. 1 be ewner ; n' t. come i;rward, j i r'c pr'p rtr, j-ay charts acd tsLt- Lim aay othell&e I.e Lc:.ii;.t ITALIC AVCTION. i to pav ft r L: k:-iu. I " V.'ALTEii COOK. Hi:; t fir C'-ty. Ai;ust 1 -iT4. kiii- To Let. AM( KI Y KliKMjiHKO HOl'fcfi tX Urm:diy MTt b-1 ween F:f :h aiid bixih street--, to itt. In'iuire at :he 4jmL otace. LOST. VrOCKET HOOK, son strerT), ct'Etaim: i idt rs nvtich are of i!o van the undeThiii' d i'a:i-r. Tl. a iC'ctt t'&viir l-y U-avii. Kt: i AlTKALi ihtt. au2.(-lw ox CAitsnx t rotes iitd to anybody but :.n :er w:ll contVr I'm kvt Ki.k at the D. CIP.CE. NOTICE. North C on C S. Jlininf Co. Cascn I rrr, Auira-it CJ. 1ST. V I K L I V IS 1(1 UMiV X O- JL tine. ned thil the above comrauy have appro- I riuttd frrnu the joirt siocli riiteen thousand iIj.-jOm! s-liart to t? s.'i l tor ta sjM.-eiai pi;r-pi.-f cf defray .tig th- (ip-tiJes in HT7-M in lurtlur dt velopir. th-? i.:;ne snx the iu)pr-e-iuei:ts n c try l-r the v. -rkiu ot th.ore now i-btalnble. and th-it u ) shr- s that havi: btn S'-l'l '-r u:ay t hold tut f tu: i f.:;,tu thou sand (IV o; shan s &r. ars- rs-al ! .. r ihv aLoVe naed tievi l.jpm i:ts a a iii-nt. Uv ordtr tf tt.t?l ard c-f 'i rr..-Te. , 1.. 1. liiwWN, l-r.s;..r.t. N ti:am I i i ii. r r-:,vy tlMw FI&KCS, CF.CA.KS, iiV.if.'S KAtK;f,S AKO i:ti;i.;N v..yji.. is. fiseijTbkcoks IL.1LKK IS Bocks, St2ticsery, Kusical Instruments, Hub 'a IIut;n s, C utlery GUN'S, FITOLSi AND AMKL'M'floX. Has always for sale: Hallet Davis i Co.'s Pianos, Keck, r Bro.'s Orand l iacos. Oi o. VotKls & Co.'s Parlor Oracsf Hovre'a Sewing Machines, lintterick's Paper Patterns. orders to any part of the ttata solicited, a M urical Instru intxi ts Iiepaired. Store in lliiickel'B new Iritk building, ncx Theater Carson City - Nevada. iEW GOODS! GEORGE wTkITZKEYER FURNITURE And 33 o 3. ci i xx s To the KEW HIICK I,'.DIG lately bui On th. corner af r.raan nnd Tele i;raiik Street, CARSON CITY NEVADA, JUDD & CO. HARDWARE- ii HIE ii! ! Corner lilng and Orms'jy Street, Carson City Nevada, ave fob sale; Tinware, t n. o 3ar - STEEL, Nail3, Gas & Water Pipe, Sieam Valves, HOSE DIBS, STEAM COVERNORS, Rl'BBEK BEXTIXC. RIBEER PACKING, RIBBKR 1IOSK, ROPE, PAILS, TU15S, WOOD BOWLS. Shaved Hickory Handles, Shovels, HOES, PICKS, AXES, FLOWS, CBLTIFATORS HAEROVvS, Wiiceltr 4 Viito zzl Listen X CU PAT. MACHIfvE OILERS WHEEL-EflRROWS Cliiiia Dinner and Tcsi Hcit, CROCKERY AND.... GLASS WARE, PAlPiTS, OILS m VARNISHES, Road Scrcpers, Our assortment of MEC UAX1CS' TOCLS is the BEST In market. . DONE TO ORDER. YT p the BEST lYOllEHtif, tal guar antee all our work. . l8-t JTIDJJ fc CO