Newspaper Page Text
V it . 1 en ailn ipc;iil'fK ltH! UTY j ' ! Jt ii;wl.-:y i-t-u the ta.-:i. f the Tnhy rtol-.-r i:t. ISI t. Chivalry l-mic: -v t- i:i-i!--e .-iVf -l j of ir ppei:t nts. nti'l crush th.-iu ' Statu Fsnnhllna Tirkf-L ! ib-risi..u ami th. bnrv.i-. of an habited j t;K'3! -. .TaiJay, o om:ir '1, IJ S Ft r ii -m ir. J . h'ar.l-t Or. I y. ij!;ty F r l.4t a: nam .tT .ht .m 15- .. of N- t urit K r V u K r tt' IViucrf . -: -.v A".. ;-?: t ,tin ( .nm'y, '-tn r . !Jt ' -:rr. t !! t. riw. ft. li. : V. I it, F..'.-.' oi.s J:l;j i" --:('- . '(..; is.)-:t lt-riu. Wjm r F..1-1 of F!V. iti,ry F r .. rk ! Sh:j. : : ' '.;rt, --aiijr- 1 ! ii ;' trTis:y (" inty f-r Stvrri-n .-t :av 3. t. M-M;r Or Hriiit'h.t Cmnty tCtv- T.b.. : I tni:TBt l I'.-r aMtr- r. I K.-;ts Of K'ir.'km Count? FVr ur." .ii. r. n. Vk. H ;b.irt of TThii; Tinr i.'oi.aty iVr Survt i r ti-afr-i, Jj. lfv of i.yon r;inty fM- k-lly Of :;a-ka 0ii:uy F-r Mat iiiinml' -'bt. ir. K Kh.t-hiU of i.ntchiil tVaury Fr StaT4 Frmtcr. C I' 'H in:,; Of Uahoei" n?r CEPIB'JCAK STATE CZ.4T8H CSMMiTUE. s.r-rtv.aT.ri --!. I.. iili, U. A. King, 11. ft. Mariurit. !."si. 1'aviK. irru!y t' -an:j y., S. T. swttt. F ani. ri'iilv A. I', sr.tiim l.r-m lr. '. It. !-. It. W. Uunt h'T ti- (.1'iiitti Wrl'urr. n. nith.TC-unJy I II. EjlI a.I.V O. IVwnin;; fca;t.' . ...mtj A. U Cl. v. lar.i. l1T-'!:il (' !'.';!T -'t siH". i -t 1!. ir. M. So.irh. 4. s. Mayhuh. Furvfci tv-iiury A. :. Iavi. A. 11. Tnratr. Ci-.iimi'is '!".?" --J. ti. V.-Clilttoii. Kui!:: I. C-u:iy M.S. Thil:il'n. fid :ar:.;y-!. H. Tvrr. li, 1. Iritl -B.len Fur 1l" of ti !-7.-7.i: -iViSiii-ial 1'iit.trirt: S. 11. WMlliSIT.i.f rm-!v t ounty. Tr.n- th- ln'!'!r.l v. rho iu'jV:' 1 ti;t: SKVl . ;! J:)M S' rSilTSrt Of .'! ! !. ril-r.t .-.7! Si. ( ii'-i-tivc i. ! n;.-it.:!si-.; of : i'uiip.iiii if i..'t. in.Jpi .i, she v .-!r tir-t m.vI -!.'-t"f- r.-sv. cx- I,. t" "rmtpi.'.t-o!' i-. I; . Vl viSkp I 'I , i 1" ' 'I i the .!;ivt-rr -jiust; Aoiirate i-. 1'2 mi Ai'-iii:fiist fvvtx .1 rreo tvun!. .-E;!iv li. party wLich a tlcj :na1e the ol-J-M't tl lisiif lily fcotn ; it w:a m t unia afiirtby Speedfsiohist.s LikI elaj the Nrth in the fuce tli it h"le ci inc'.uu:- tirs threw off th yuki? sail dfrlrol thtiasclves frtenin. an.! . longer iFi' ti tiimcly submit to the lush .iivl aggressions of the sl.ive-powor. A fimi Iar couri of tactics to that eiap'oyeil to rriuler alolitioB!";ra tho Kroe-Suil E.II-V luent unpopnijir. Ls been set on fjt.t by th fluttered keepers c.f the l'iiivnlrT.lcT-cot, against Kend.iii. They howl 'traitor" at his heels then seek to mate hiai som au chject frr ths Boom f the houoral ie mec of 'l :r- tirs ; they misre prcient him en n!l occa r.::-!:tv j pr r.Hiif-!i!t-!- i tin- ! ttr-r mnhoss-il ly . I '!'.. . l ! .n II.!-: !.!!.:.! sn.k !i i'C:K i,ni .:.". r wv or I to ti.e Sei-retarv i'f tin ; I iihlieati S::.t.' Ci ("oui.'r.ilt.'i' peoi.lH j itittii to ci'cm-et l!."-ia!n rt jtfc r , " " ,". , , .." ri!!;.ne i a ut preclt.'i ri- repi.:-;cwi hio'ii;ii f:;r im1'.::h!h of tliii; h'itu-. en- in- v. rv t re .t st i i:e. it i. bi'WfVir, wt- nnst conutj.1 i-iusei-.cs to a f: w extract rn'.leii with a .-eri'-e of icih-cisiyn from a iloermcrt which is replete with sound do;rinis ami every !i:.e of vLich i as true as the Gospi-1 aad ;. hicid as the Snu at Loot day. We have never hern the Profes sional MJconteiits of politics fa cloieriy analysed, 1 ;lc'Ied acd ('icSced, a-i iii the following: And it is ui-in!ly the di.sil.Ied rc-feraai rf tho caucus, the men who make of politics a inru't if not a profes-i- !i. tl.o j . n'l s ' .-.uit-.-t e-s.t.i if St.. ti ll ii n - Ut ('.,.,- pot!:i:v. i.c :m ! h".! pi! .'f'Yt for the j "Vr i the c-M-ru j l NEW TO-DAY. Great Excitement M.7S. ANNA S. EHOOKS. . i.tirf .T i'i.i !i n tU-Xi t c-!-i ti- !j rt -con:;;'--; v ct be crnfrf.t v iih Hn! ; ftlso an (vri lieiniinq i-r -r;.- - ;i v;. s.-rr I f(-r liOi.ti y ivr-i Mm" t . y r .-c '.:U' rhf-iues at n ii srV.t'iiur it vut '"r iW j the people f-vt r tiicst' ho t i.IJ tlirw- t 2rJ Ihfirr::Li. Xi-rx trr.'.w. y.-;.., ; i i of i f.i.v; uni'fNr z-v !!.!:)(; V :!!::. ?v - :. I r'lin. N w V- rV tJul k ...thrhATJ-.oT i ri I. i s 'f tVliiiincfy Goods i-ve FALL AND WthiTER WEAR. . . . . r , i 1 h 'ir. iit-;r-jT;.- cf intn (inriTiij a novf Uy m A sriioa to tJf t-::.ft ti.e.t Sr. It a.! liu. ! his t xi!t-itwn soil f.--r mU ban jrithdr.iwn his ufm-e fr-w th XU- isige iovoter ptil-iicati State ticket. : tu ijcsii.-.tiou. Y hive foi:u,l m Vcter i-.nthoiity for it, L v.rt-Tiir, Ih i.i the sta. '.:: i.ts which apinartd m the . nii.ia organs oi utro t at:d Vi!!i:ims -i.r:ii i!.e ji.i. f att. n,;itinp I lii' iptiointed and unapprcci iti 1 of the I to I. Lee aDTthir. c-iS 1 i:i fi:..:r of old uurt! who ftre rtnml.t to jio:tl!e f t rs-v..-.rc 'f., - f- , i- t.. 1 -'j-r-.-.i the mr.uaceuient of new oiim. n-i w t ir YV t ui from e-tiii!ji tie rioiiiieiaris. u: UDIES' & CHiiafllf. UHCE?.WAR, Of nir-Tior -iufility. nii --"M nt snrpriw:r.ftlj It.w XXxiiiirx Hair, Ciuaij Republican Ticket rr AfmK. - T. JV ""awards t J. W. IJavui ; Alrrf 1 Hrlm ( S. E. J. !rtS . William i'stursin S. T. swit't V.J. Kiiwarris H.J. F. I. Turner -I. P. Wmnift f. I. Andfft'-n s rt:ii r.iH'Of ; u sine? wilting tho f.Tc !!;,:, iL.-u iK-le r.:'ii. . w: ( .n .;. -V ami i;Vj '.-v. trnth. for i-tice. f.r IIrrirt AttiTti-y rr Min!i" roruaty ij. rk F-?r 4 V;:itty Tr cMrt-r f., tfVuaty Km-nl' r "ocnty As F-n O'.iiity S rvi r f I :.(.t;c Ii.'.ni 'iU'C. ) Tcr riiM; .V!vi.mrra:cr t iri Tl V'v. Q-hij. i f-Vr 4ws?li- of tl-.4 i'-ne o-' ( Kori..vjpy 0'?i.m:s.M..utr. Fm m . . Jas. Mi rri-i j greaU't iaterfists of tho Stak' f.f Nv:iiiA r.T j -r.r-t;K.. ..-Tf T. TOhip T. stern i m:lke ttem .conJuv ar-1 trU- ;tarv ft S-j-.!Trtn-, fsTilp .H. a. lri..r t. his fraudulent tr.ntit! fci.etr.?. .ir.,1 K.r.-v !. . l ir.l,: .-.l :.r-,a I; IM.-: . , a .-v Trwt.t-. ar-:i ff. ... r. .. y :m ! " "-'d rote.I for t'if. Pt t:ie . ,. . . . ... . , t...,.. . si..,.U.. .,r .. ,.i. u.ijo sMii muni i rei i-jDs ; ana, niter iiavtcj ueiioeraie.y - f-".' . , . ,,- , . , I win to theruselres thf most iccompeient j the ticket, now that it ..wau,u..,. ... aa) worths of thtit -..HiPXtoas- class, cogiieiy and denied liim tue poor ppvi- The di.c-i.rde.l ri. pcu.l. i.ts of t hi p..r Ifge of coming lfore their Convention tits cannot become " imieperdeiits " 1-y and explaining his pitiou relatiT? to simple rrocess of so styling tbem , , 1 selres, ai.y moiH !b-:a men oi nutsklv theaiy Act, they, now. because he llished cracter can pain a rM.utaf.ot. has the courage to nss.--i t his msiihoo.i j for integrity l.y re.olviinr that thy alone and denonnc tht-ir trickfiT, stek to fas-1 are honest. Whcaev.- tvents create a ten upon him the character of m politic.1 ! U? f'ir ;i l srigJ- - . , most srontaueotiIv into vigorous life; nad social Panab. Let us take a hnef lut psrsotia who mistake their own retrospect, and wciali the;e matters in nciestitits for these of the pahlie are Conre: the scale of fairness and truth : Vk.t t'"t often either pior.cers cr lead- in any great movnnent ot tlie reej ie. 1 hi-pc thr.t no l:'.:blican in Xrv;.da will ha begni'ed into giving hflp to the lemocrai'T. i itlur directly by voting the Democratic ticki-i. or indirectly by vot int; with the lf-s;yhd Independents, who in trwta are not as ii: i?pini:it :s those o ho aoher? to their old-time or Caciz.itions. The lit publican partv. as caught the tcilin- th.- r.:srk. t. A: this ciasnificf rt j.:s slTf. ri. i.- f.-ai.'l fit :-th:nj in tile lt;ill- 1.:: tLf 1.1 ::- l i.:;.! iio.-t liu-ti.-ktii.' Eonnets, Hats. Etc., l hp ar.- w rn ii Enr ip-aa Tb - l'.:--.ii u:. i ;.ii.i:y ar, r.-t-j-. ctftilly ii 1.' call T: J ru Biiue h. r si-ler-iid t,t rki f j is i lc-- i r Ir.i- n-ssr i:fxt r.o t to Kil j j.o..ti i.. 1'.. rris I. .o 's l'ry Uim.-.: u re. .'. IMhfOX CITY. JiHV was this Congressman's crime, that he should be repudiated by Lis psriy and made the of its delin quencies ? What had he done to deserve this marked and publia disgrace? Had he betrayed Lis trust, or been false to " ' . j fiiiv c f the pledges made to bis party ...'. A. Witiiereil Mivh as his Carsi n n.-iLbora re.-pc. t Ool. Ellis as a man. thfy iea!!y f. c-1 as if they could cot atf.'rd to tl.-r: i.iui to His ar.d his party's . ' 1 ; a 1 -ce with Sc.tro prfchides t Su'ro himself has toid us thr.t the ::.'o m cf his .'chemes will result in tbe i!cinri;ro:i of the wood and Inmber frde i f these part ani the closing of operatic tis on the V. if- T. i:ihoad. This rni;;ht b aii very tine k:u1 veiy bent-tii.ii. tu Mr. ::ir-j cut it vfo-jiii i.e n r.-ir c nam. ions VflLUhYARY TcSTiiyluIsIAL. fJUje LSiKs:.'.f.l', allsICIA.Nf ff 1 j Vi-jji-.a ':y, a:. irsni;a.!T ac.uiit! -J.:h i i.i'l rs-i; vi Ll.iiiCli vl C-.r. n. -rr-. l;- . :;:ie h. talf iita aul raT.i'a'- I ii.l u 1 jfc: .ir. u.'l n tiiorr ulilj r .ujti nl raor. v. 3. Pvsxar.t. J EoK. JHiiS. CK. TKi'K. E. bt.!;!.!.N'ki:. n.ur. aiAXui:. 1 Her J V. I'hYOIt. I l.i V t.. lH.KY.Oi !. fa. A. II ov ... ... ' a rirty. is cuiity of ;.o arts fur which it i , -, , ,. , " ... i lad done none of these things. f tfotf-u ,L(. ,c,,rort nf i;l;T I 1'" -f Lu-im ss to Urmsi-y ..nd 1 . -- I ad stepped iu bttween SuKo j frnier auhneuts. while it Iw mo,- j a "'- S it coci.-s that Mr. N'o ; he had lnt he had snd an attempt to leal captive the j lihe j tnitch that entitles it to 11. nns'.ab.tion even t f its adiersarii s I-'.. il Irnsl.r. i :.:'. rr ir I-i'!T; s--v-rs r.-- -;-.. .1 'lr i-: . I.iiii.:-: "i f t... :; .;i.. F ?r '.'r.: , Li i;-r t r i ii-.-r : T ; ; 1 . , ::i i:--LI. ; : n y ..J: . . . . C:nv r:,..u a : : !.t. t- -v. ;tv ;-s ;-! i... . i i j -.:'l :;.:!.- . r.-;:l .:! a :.i :-.i- ..i tu ff.' t;..vr : I. K r- : a:;ii its j iiif i-Mh. t. .;!.-' i-.i!.-i..-. ; f.t i -rir :- i.ii: -.t r -l.- j. - I r!.-- . l - . - l-- f : : - . r-r.:: - a' t i - jj-i N.r..-i.j t' r.ll'i :o!: etaa A' uiibly c d t-uie ;.n t at,.i ' ' .i i:. J!:-" V.I.i '.S 1 : iit:or.:.l. .?:t. ! v i Act has p-.'h.ips si.:;. IV.hti' .ti !-.;t'. C i.ff r:v nnfo:.. ;Mcrrf f-j i f .-.r. f.iM- y. -is , t i , t .1 it .:.'. sr. people Iti ti ti,r.-.:i:.h t'. mifhtv civil tiiu-i : a:. ; 'iv. ll!li n.nt -L I S' : !w !. ..t I , . i...!t.T . rs aii'J to L;n j ' l::l: )-., t:r i.ll I. I: ha. t--1 -:!: :. f . 1 s. uv:;:r r . r. r.i i-'i .li. an.1, rl DAVIS & FftEEMAN, ra in Groceries, Provisions. Feed baste t i r-ii:,iKtp I M'Oll, TI.VK AKU i Lf r'-pit'i!.itfl ly LujltOOTS .V ,' KIHF".4, WIKES AND LIQl'TRS, s t. - : . :i. i -I '. ,,.;.r t; lU il; i:: r. 30 ..i I lit'. !,' G I '.1 " I ti. ! Tfes Os!y 0c3 Pries S;e ia Town 1 " STERN &hGSKGWITZ, I ii . . . . i t 1 r i : - U'iEh'S AND BO'tS' '. ' O Xi O jl "iJ Or , t'ir-jis.ii:i iii-!, Hjil-, iii-.i. i . i . i -1, . v S . ! i cH.s.r.i...:s w. :i.-F.r.r;, -.'utchn.i kcr cr.d vi-'.cier, k. : - y.J i. i-t (i :.. .ty. i r. , s I rly. t r; :.l t- t. I t!. . ; - . : -. in r;. hi i- r. r.c . r ; r . vl -v: . I- i 1' . f I . :i. cu ; .- ST.' I :' (' -i r. . - i- r;-L-. i.t .-t s ' - 'i ,i ? v, v.-.- i- r r.'.v r l . :. u f ir Nt; :. . . f r :::t: li':-' .--.a : .1 Iv-.i: Ir. !,- -.ri . ! t v. . ti . I., ijl ..-. r iii. r i-;:: ti... tir.-v3 r i f i- -rir l;;i I . I . - . r . : i. i I . r -. . . i i - I .--. ve f-.. r -.itc :.t U:t .; ::i I.; : .iro t,i.-. tir L-t:; el:: " . .1 (: a ii: put I:.-, i ii.tihitiii . l:t I 't'.. t j-.::.!a-. .: .'t j---l:-;.- vltl; by ';;:: . the St.. to : i : tu-.;;-i: vr- a :-.a f ...... p: it- rt. -. . .! r ; I-t i i;j th. s:-..:-i:i-u--i'. t -;i v. t!..; t .- i-i-ht .m i i.r'y C ttat-sinvi t-j 1 1 t- -ti.tL " t-isir. s- lor tLi f ' u. . sm! :Ti fr-ic.-v-ti t..f t i" t.:iit' : s f t M i- i - t :ir i'c;v it u:.v.-::.! f ' ti i ii.r l.ic IT, .c !. L-. l;.r..: r. t ?-u-ir:.-.-s iir I: t f !: p :j:.t i' TK-ti ui. n ari'l a.l r. v. f.irt-.i-.l 5 1..--X- r-. :rs aint t!i r.ia tu.- .1' IL's .'-...vuili .i, i: . !-i.t. mi I'n.-.-w srf f e li;--M-.te as int'i. tri . . :a-.r.. aiiy s:j t .1:- -i tly s hi i,..-tr in t.v:.ln.1 caiiaj-t y j-nvar ut :-.. Ut- l.-ia-.s t.-.--i lr-s; vri th-.- s HiiT-a aliLKi uf f.l.I.;.c iiir iuy.--s nl;e4M mt . 1 it: - ;rir;-. e.:t ti .:i Uisr staiitar M-rv:.-ei ci-tutuaii t i-; piir;-::it.-..! Keti!te. T i.iti Th-t tu.- eahiciti a of the rhil.!r-ti ui . Mar.- u a raa-t-r 'f i ? r-.ti.ic nai-m. Ih-' p ii.iic -hi-! exul the ai-h----t lun.l of the f.? nbao! t he iavest." I tu tam'l of tie Stat.-. a)aawuat tv.tfa in t rrt an;t r.ici. 1 hf? tV Ji:n i-. th". liae. t tti- t4.-t. ..liic a?.f tavrvac:i;a.iit lh-irejt;nblei:c; tus.l lea (Jrrai-li oj t.a-t, at;.l dia-r ..-il'jl t-tlveta(e. ii-.nd.ii la t::.Ii.c.i.-.i:icd j tei::is, i Lj l r.-ke thr-.;:;;!i ti; I ..r.ijs and I ;;'. i; i:n;..'S-d 01 l.;m l.y his !:; ; :t , aad t!t::r.rj!.c; .i lc u;lru.-tt ta 5- ra.le bis 8,t.iC.':ii: Lis ooj-1, he t.s ot M l:-r: ?pect cad tut iui:nct ff tiiil.ty ilt u. .i:lc 1 soth iu m -r... iiothing le ss ! And when ary purty mks to crus-i. tn.l de grade etie oi il.s :..ei;;l-e.s, there is 1.0 f.otu thut ei .tj t ii...t tirca izatiou the shriek1 and groaua cf the di-i)i.'r::!i::ed and chivalry, '.' red as they cimr bifort the s?oicli-iti-; toues iiu.t terms) of Kendall's jut ibUigiiatiua, tJ tho coutr.iry, notwitu Rtaudinv;. The TkCAiv of pecc lteea Su'.ro aud the Pt-ceraey extends, cf course, all the way through. Under its zncEl iguiuo;int terms Bradley, Ellis, Kiltrtil, H--rfird and Stuwart vera endorsed. t . 1. 1.- c l i . 1 - : li ; v i T r -OO :. :; t i :; t' .- si f j-i-i-i-.:::.t t;tni ITI.i I I it: v l.! 1 f . i"-tc, cf . t chrn. ;-ca the st'ul for i:." it. ii'ucti.i . r i; b. a s'i.v; i;.- c: . to:..i.:iiiil i r o; i , . :!- v;th the r-li: .id i . i; . ii.i'.'. iis, 1 am ct-nitu.ttcd aake by :i..-:i - ition. j.tdmt t.t ami pitbllo p.etl. ta ti:-- cau.-o of th- people. 0:.!y t Urough nv-tl t-y the Itrpnbiicau putty t iii this t-itise be ma in triumphant. Will citit power, pnM-ipics a;c i.t: f.mtfu! nbstri-t tun s. V.'e should feil tu rcprj daco 01:9 of tht n:cst biguiScaii! nid admirabl; parts of this letter if wo omitttd the follow ing, its closing paragraph igniliciint, as convening in unmistakable timis, Mr." wiliir.'ursa to buty tho Imtihet cf old dillerencea. admirable Iiecause cf its lofty tone tmd earurstnes3 of language. S;ty-i tho Senator, iu con clusion: Political jHiwer cm ctdy be Ktcured by adherence to ( t-Htit::.! orguuiztion. f04 i' i L thzi I vui B'-'-v rr: H7',-! '11 ci in-. v.r' n" 1," I wi.-h -; :; in but. vii th- r..i,ta:y, 1 a: v., uz I ziv ijX hu: I: a, n (!vr. uAi -n't an.l up" lisi-fl-'icu;!, L i lb?'. ILati;j aiiJijjiiMn will: Lolly Vnrtl. i:. ori:;y ct'ici-crtDirijji ,ut-i.i if tht! $nud Mil prty, wiue'i cz a umUr tlu saCT. of Ilia "t'sija F' -i;alji:'au Party." h'AMLH IIND. WAU LEE, Xi' uniting &i rolling CAMON SritF.KT, Oinm.-ito W:lis, Farga A: Ct.'s o'.i.-., m-it dj'ir tu J-ivery fttablo, W!!l with srd ir-. 'loln tLew.n-k we!l and at cb?r?p ratea. V.itl op-:a tl;e iicuo for baiicf-tj tills ila;, Oct. H, 174. olJ-lw. f ,.i. . Dji.ii. 1. .... ;..... ...". .1. s. f,t a r : !ii.e r-i. la. ' r. :;!! is A.Hi.irfillj - Toys, 1!. ittt & '-.. !;-,(.. l; ii. r j.l..V lir:.i..t i :. .. . I... o. UV-. kc . l-.ii r ti.-Kj., tii i-.t't cv;:i J.;.i. i. ,1 J. --: .. !,V l-i.: , i ir.i.-r-. iiry irt i-i M; bi'r.!!!..m!, .-! ; i ;:i i, "uiou t ily ... rfte Fi !::'.ii1. axifl l's t,i-u-1 r-.rk tiiiLuni! mit U i lit -. Xt'tiitla. Store Tliii t'N'liil.iirtl.iV l. fi i his tinani in lao e. c'Lr. CKMSEY HCUSE TUE UNIST LOT O V . . . . AJ.H ) Deuteetlc CIK, Pip Jleeraeha,,,, Pipes, ever brooj-Lt to Carson LOUIS MANDLEBAUM. i ! i 1 1 1 t-5 rt ir1 i J