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CARSON DAILY APPEAL Vol. 5. CARSON CITY. TCTADA, TUESDAY JUORXIXG. XOVISMllElt 21, 18? 1. io. lT. THE ORMSBY HOUSE. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, .TUILIR & CLUGAGE'S WARM SFFIKCS HOTEL Wm parson gailg Appeal Published every molting (Monday sexcepted) BT ROBINSON & MIGKELS. BUI b. MIQBILS. Stalls HAIX BOBUSON, Publishers and Proprietors. daily newspaper, devoted to politics, general news, local affaire and the interests of its neighborhood. Officb On Second street, opposite the South Front of the Capitol. Terms at Subscription: One copy, one year, fcy mail JJJ One oooy, six months, by mail 6 50 One copy, three months, by mail W Payments on subscription invariably in ad ranct. (There will be no deviation from this ""pie Appeal will be delivered to the citizens Of Uars. n at Fifty Cents per week, payable weekly to the carrier. Rates of Advertising! One square (10 Jinesl first insertion f3 Each subsequent insertion, per square 1 60 State of Nevada : BY THE GOVERNOR, A PROCLAMATION. IX GRATTFrL REMEMBRANCE TO Almighty tiod for the njanilold blessings vouchsafed tnto ns daring the year which is now drawisc to a close, it becomes tis to render r.i:to Huu hcznble and hearty thanks. 1 do. therefore, in pursuance of an establish ed custom, appoint Thursday, the 26th day of Hmnber, Instant, to be obserw-d as a dav for the annual offerings of THANKSGIVING AND PltAISE, And I respectfully recommend my fellow citizens to abstain on that day irom their ac customed ls)or; to unite in houses of public worship and family circles, and in hamiouy and charity, one wilh another, devoutedly thank our Hiaveniy l ather for his unbounded good ness unto us as a people. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at Carson City, Ihis ninth day of November, 11. l7t. L. P.. F.RAPLET. Governor of the tte of Nevada. By the Governor : J. V. MiNOft, Secretary of State. ull-td GEO. PERAS1CH, San Francisco Market Wholesale and Betail Dealer in FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES. CONFECTIONS, ETC riABEl NDERNIGEI HASOXHAXD M and is daily receiving the Choicest Fruits. Freshest Vegetables, Best of Confections, CHOICE HAVANA CICARS, POILTRV, RANCH EGGS, ETC. N. B. Orders promptly filled and delivered as per directions. btu, rttusun, Carson street, next to the Theater Saloon. SUMMIT AND GLENBROOK STORES ! -OF. DAVIS, FREEMAN & CO., Will be found s large assortment of Groceries, Provisions, .AND.. GENERAL MERCHANDISE! OF EVEBY DESCRIPTION. SAW-MILL GOODS, WOODMEN'S TOOLS, TEAMSTERS' SUPPLIES, ETC.. ETC.. ETC. ALL GOODS DELIVERED IN ALL PARTS OF THE MOUNTAINS! FREE OF CHARGE ! We also bavs S-U.XXl3r Store AT Talioe City. mr give rs a trial. DAVIS, FREEMAN & CO. jyll-tf. Corner of Carson and Second Sts., Carscn City, Nevada, GEO. D. FRYER, PROP. well known hotel has been enlarged a reconstructed until in cai-arity and appearance it is, unques tionably. THl BEST PUBLIC HOUSE IN NEVADA. srRPASES ANYTHING OF TBE KIM) In this State; sod its SPACIOUS OININC HALL MAGNIFICENT PARLORS, AJTD Splendid Suites of Rooms, Combine to make it supply s waa long felt here and throughout the State. No pains or cxpease ill be spared in the CCLINARY DEPARTMENT And nothing teat the markets of the Pacific Coast afford will be omitted from To correspond wira the gener elegance of the house. Will be kept on a plan second to nothing in San Francisco: and the IDillittX'ci Room Will always be first-cUss in all its appoint incctg. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY Have an office in the house ; and all possible facilities will be afforded to Guests, Families and the Trarellsg Public. A share of public patronage is solicited. CEO. D. FRYER, janl Proprietor. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S RESTAUR A N T Henry Kaiser Proprietor SALON A MAKGER IN REAR OF THE NEW SAZERAC SALOON, CARSON STREET. The neatest and most commodious liestsu rant in Carson. EATING STAND IN THE SALOON. The best the market affords always hand and cooked in the best style of the art. jy27-tf EFNIiY KAISFB THB BANK OF CALIFORNIA AGENCY. OF VIRGINIA. NEVADA. J. RALSTON, General Agent THIS AGENCY KfcC'r-1 V . BarUS. its of Coin or Currency Either an Open Account or to Isata Certificates 1 nereior Payabls (at the option of the holder) Virginia or ban rrancisco. EXCHANGE FOR SALE ON New York, Francisco, Boston, Sacraincnto, London, Paris, Dublin, Etc. Collections Made on all Points. Bullion purchased at the most favorable "stocks. Bonds and Legal Tender Notes Bought snd Sold. Agency for ths sale of Quicksilver B A. J. KALblON Agent. t. P. MARTIN, Cashier Virginia, Nev., Januaiy lib"-. jal-tf CORN LB OF CAU80N AM TlllJtl! eTlitET Carson City, Kevadr. EECRGE TUFLY. - - PROPRIETOR EVERY PAINS WILL BE TAKEN TO sustain the reputation of this i.Mistablisbi d public house and to rendir it worthy of s con tinnauce of the liberal 1 atror.t;e which it has hitherto enjoyed. The Lodging Department, the Table and the Ra Will be snstalned in first-class stj le. Fpeci exertions are niade to give to the M.t'barlis the character of a tbnroiii:h'y disirable and commodious FAMILY HUTEI . A fair share of transient and resident patron age is solicited. GEORGE TrFI.T. Proprietor. Occident Saloon. riBE I'NDERSIGNED HAS OPENED J. on COHNtllC'I ILLLUfcAI'H AND CAR BON oTKEETS, Carson Cly, Nevada, The above named SALOON AND HEADING ROOM. Connected with which will be kept A First-Class Cigar Stand, Where the choicest brands may be obtained. Also, Wines, Liquors, Ale. Purler' And evmthmtf necessary to the flitting of s FlRVr-CLAbS SALOON, UihS-tf JAMES ill NT. JAMES Er DEALY. Notary Putolic A'D Commissioner ot Deeds for California. Office Corner Proctor and Carson streets, Carson Cny, mjpj-tf J. IVACOYICII, CEALEB IN GROCERIES, ECGS, ORAhGES, FRESH & DRIED FRUIT, riutapjihs, Uayianns, Clttrrus, (jrnjHs, Cocouttuts, -'itjs, J.thtous, t'oii'Vcftoi e, yuts, VeyeUtuks, Ve.- iA, Fn sh I'.anch Butter, Tobacco, Citiars. Etc., Etc. Plate of business: 3o. 3 Bouth I'arMu street, opposite the Capitol, Carson City, Notua. myC-tf J. IVAXCOV1CU. WINSTON'S EXCHANGE. Carson street, between King and Carsou CAESON CITr, NEVADA. THE BEST LIQUORS, WINES AND Ever brought to the State of Nevada, For Sale at the Bar. This New Saloon has been extensive!? repairs and the Proprietor will hereafter in. port his Cigars Direct from Havana, And will challenge competition on the sale of me same, me Connected with the Saloon is the most e::.uaiv in me mate. jel9-tf T. B. WINSTON. Proprietor. DR. F. J. WHITE, Physician and Surgeon, (Late of Virginia City.) g F F E R 8 BIS PROFESSIONAL .J services sud vicinity, services to tie citizens of Carson City Office an rooms at Ornisby House jy-ii PO 33 T O L E T . A HOUSE W1TB FOL'R BED ROOM!, PA R- lor. Dining Room and Pantry on Seventh Street west of Carson. Apply at u- f THE APPEAL OFFICE. ON AND AFTER DATE. STACK will leave ILf ttlt of Ni lis. 1'kltjo Co. I'AILV, cunjil g Passenger anal W. K. tv ( a. I prr.t Genoaand Warm Spricgs anp oy MOMlAl, WEDNESDAY. AND ITIIUAV rcu NINE-MILE HOUSE, Colli rung ith Mace for Aurora. Benton Columbus, Bishop Creek, Lifla. Independence and (fire Gertls. Cenrnert st GENOA With buses for Monitor and Silver Mountain. staking the trip Is Aurora 1st 14 Honrs, To Independence In 3 Days. II. A. BROW.V, Ajrent. Carscn City, SipUiuKrS, 1J74. UNION and NEW Carson Street, Carson City. FAIRBl'RN sTtiTl., Proprietors. 1 T THESE TWO NEAT MARKETS can l'lt 1 1 ..uliii the latttst Mill Usi imslitv of Ul.KF, MITTON. PORK, 1 I. I.. lA.Uk1, Anil the Like. PURE PORK 8AUSACE, Liter Pnddinir, Head Cheese, Ulood Hudilina,-, AND IN FAIT AIL K!NTS OF PAlbAGE. PICKLED PORK, CALVES HEAD AND FEET. Etc. hfiim iii the Hlitltral line, e liavp ixtra f su-ilitit lur ftlcttiug ihf cbuict fct Auluih)i tut M rei-ptctfully a-k a libt ril rbut (.f public pafroD(if,e. AIliDl T.N t'HL, CENTRAL MARKET. rp n E l N D E It K I G N E D J hasopeneii a new Meat iisr- set uuiitr the above uauie vu CARSON STREET, Opposite Keysor as Elrod's Uayyard. When he will constantly keep on hand The Best Fre,h and Salt MCATS The finest Sausages made every day. To be had in Nevada, the public patronage. I solicit .bare of L01X8 SIOHR. Pro i ii ( r ORIOLE Opposite the Capitol SeJ.'I-tf THE WALKER HOUSE SALOON. Choice Liquor ....AND.... C I GJ R SI THR UEST OF DHIXF i AND THB best brands of Havana st Twelve-and-a-Half Cents. Old friends snd customers ara Invited to re. new their acquaintance with me sud my busi ness st my saloon, in the Walker llousa imme diately north of the Hint, on Carson street. jelC-tf ELIJAH WALKER. Keney & JJowc'cn, 1 unifiers riMns ninun ri At k of be J sort, situstid st ths elite I nub, n.e and k half unlis In lu C A II K O N CITY, cffirsthe best r t n ei !' I Li is t ) lac tf ren rt to le It ut.d iu the Hate. ;HIE HOTEL has 1 n thi'toiti l.l nm. valid aid n f.tti d, md lie 'S! l a! an d to II. .kl it Jl ! tiki It all (.iu vis vim im it,,- f nuns. These Eelightfd Swinunicg Eaihs i f 'in . runtiit y tim at t ate imvuiHid in tti. Mali . THE II A R ll be h ll.d lth the lot T. .i.i, t :Kela and t -H.1. iu ILe n.aiat l. MEALS of the Wl in tl e mailit, in fistdi.s tle, timiish, d HMirOi r, A X. (cinaeid l(irs ct iivey. cu...1s fn ni Carti-u City to il.e s ttl f s evr hour, n d ill ml H r tl,. in , u mil is lift sl at y el tLt hi ti I. in in n. .4 11 klliMY a K1IX, The Adams House (Late iimiod Hour.) CAKnON (ITY NkVADA. Ellen E. Adams, - - Proprietress. THE tNDERMICiNED HERE. Jf by yivi Cot lea that sbs will counts III SSkbUkllllfS Of ZXotol ZS-ooiplxiffo Tli.nLful for past t ., .h .olh It. s entiiiusiict of sud w Hi It ILdstet to luitlt th sains. 1LLLN E, AFAMP. tioii-tr Carson, Nov.M, lsa. orcii)i:NTAi. LIVERY STABLE arson Ml eel, CAKSOX Cl'l V NEVADA flllllN OLD ENTAIILIMHED AND J widely auon M.l.le has Ina lately reGo. vateil, the old slot k culiid out and nplsvtil with fine yoLtis lioriMs. arrlas'e.of all .leMrti tion. on Lacd AJD KI!AIK( IIAIi(,l H. ! isc. boardi d by the IMfcr on Iol inhMl I ; ti.kjih. . li. v. iu td. i tli il tmi.nwr tn.lms I 'f V INMK k IU, PHILADELPHIA SALOON ! ! C. MEIER Propi trier. Locatlm: Camu itmt inositeiLc Cin-alf llouse, Carscn t li),Neu!a. The Best lira nils of Wines, Llsor and t ltars Kept constantly st the Car. by the Kisssor bottle. Unt las call. nlill-tf Lao in itkU. I. XILYLH, CARSON CITY BREWERY KING STREET CANON CIT NtAAOl Wagner & Klein, Praprleters. The Very test quality of LAGER BEER Male an) where on lbs fariflr O at or where, tlrders pMniptly attendid to. Ths tialoon is ronsiantly supphid with tbt Uuest brands ol WINES, LIQUORS k CIGARS Civs Is Call.! J( UN (.M B, JAllU nl tf Keno ! Keno ! ! Keno ! ! ! Harry Zimmerman ....AT Till.... ORIOLE SALOON. J. .1. FHYSICIAN, SURCEON AND ACCOUCHKUR. Office At Fiuiir'a Inns Hi re. Car n strut. opposite the si llol. carniB City. Naila. urace jiorrs i mil i .a..miii r. . Iiol-ll