Newspaper Page Text
Ifa parson 3zVq pprcl CAKSON CITY' s ThurstlaT .on-mlfr vj'i, 1S71. XU PAPER TIWIORROW. Th?re will be no paper issnej from this uiux to-morrow. AN EUITOK SHOT TO DEATH AT TRUKEE. A brief account corals from Trr.cleee of the shooting to iVath of Mr. I. B. Frink, ejitur of tii Truckee Eepuulican, Tiiis occnrreil between the honrs of 11 anil 12 of Tuf iiiav niu'ht. We are left iu eloatt by the dis-pateLcs wLetlier Frink was liit-J by aciiilent or design. l'T a frienJ or foe. The dispatches are v- rr cloajy r.kt the niattor. The llc-no " ',wn! of yester.iay briars the only in tuUigiWe iit-m we have seen. It is as follows: Trnciee was v sierJsy thrown into .Tiistt rn:ttiin over the iunr-Ie-r t'f Mr. iViui, publisher of tLe Tru'.-ke-e Il-pnb-t..'in. It :truars thut the t!tve-asel be ll: to iLe Yitriiaiit CViuUiitKe, who I id starlet in nuft f a ill sprrado. Ij- ai7.icij their f.rey wis in a saioon, th.y t tert 1 i:i search, and C"i finding tiieir mia tii.-y d. part d. s ve I'link.who - ui litii.i Lack. V.'hiiy in thtiv he was HU'jt. is siippo'l. ry the1 zv-.v.i tL-ov wanted, U:sr informant t oai.1 net give r.s tLe r.:ai!s. Trui ke e L is for a l 'C tlsxe Wtu in. f:---: 1 wi:!t us u.spiWf uul tuiirJoroas a pt cf fellows as ti.r cursed a place. Hurdi rs have beta fre-orr r.t there and i..-.3iLar.e:s are ci i:ii;u!iy occur-iJ-ic-c t'-f iate t litre has Ken an -8rt t.i ;;'?.rt-.-'.. tji- Uiiiirly ek incut and a Vu.-iiaaiu Cotumittee has been orqaiiizej. Ti.e Tat-t that Prink ws i'.klc- ia the sa l j4in. ana thus exposed to the Iauger of fct. ait j as- ialt scggi sts the probability i.f Lis iirasstnation. We are prepared to 1-ar ' f l iojjy doings there. An :;-c.-f'-ratwl roiuEinaii; is very apt to make itclU work of r-venii; so Sitrocions an k: t as th? lanrder of a worthy citizen .-pieially when that citizen is oa duty as a proiuottr f or.i.r a- in this case Trrsckce is so situate-,i as Jo te a ltatr.ral place i f resort for the runjli characters Wiiicli latest toe mountains l Califor-Z-.x an.l the mining camps and r:iilway slatii iis if JTcTitaia. It is easily acec-s- afford oaveiiient opportcuities f.r ?-partare tt all honrs of tin- day aud i.-4u;. is prosp' r.)Cs,i;nd nttra.iive to the lawless eLs.-s. Yi'e pieJitt a aiid thorough clearing out of its outlaws aait d speradjts. We i,.ivu no II!:in fjr nor btiitf ia the eioli.:: t f I.: Lyiiih, wh-'tmr Le c :ues as in .'!.:yaiice tj m organize J Suty r." Y::iai.t or to act upon the s pir i-f the Cictiv.iit: I Ltt thv fact is i.: iiii, r.evertht- thai th law-abi.'iii.-.' people of Hue::---1 L.'.vt ! t- :s l.:: an srt-ir a:- C ; .1 !y 1 f vLi ! ,ie:i I 1?:- y coa ;iinej l- i'.-i tu-Iu.-v.---.. rrlLivasaTPtur e f iaoro t.n j c :u:aca aUUtv. Lis :..:;v,:er U a :.. ;t I I;: i cat::i-eo;:s r.:;d si. Ij.It. c Clia loadly tor tin- v:-i;j.tiou cf J.:.-tij;- npen its j erpet;"..t"i. THAKSUYl.ti U.1Y. V.'LUj giviKij tUr.T:':s f ir tl.-- year's bK-Jsirjs or v.Li!j c-tti-i- r.:i.1y tj pur t.!to of tlits uiy's sli:iro i f tUc goxl tUtig-t provided far t'.s, vlictlstr ra sliuil le tLaiikful er iadidere oir tliirj, a Hi ;i:!it5..I regard for ii;e poor End sic!; as.d needy, iprinjiny from :- true ?tne of cL.irity, uii! cover u :i.i:;'.u;:l- of .sins. Ti-ey wliJ are in prison ;.nd Cistresstil :a l.ody and niiii.l, ire lik:i.-j entitled t- a share of eur power tf rt lief. V.'e l;:ve L:id a 1 uutlf.;l :.n 1 pro:p.Toas yi-.ii"; p..ue anil plenty i.:e j-Jvn xmeo r..-; tiie future is full ef promise. t-t.I! tLere .ire those anions r,s wh i are filled willi tLe Litter sorrow of ree-eut be iciisruent; and the se-onre of J-dig-Luut disease threatens to invade our Loascbolds and lay low our little ones. I.ut let us be thankful over that Mercy nrLieii thus far has spared those who Live escaped the pestilence, and let us X.op3 that the night of douht and appre hension and heavy-hearted watchfulness is passing away and the day of deliver ance and safety dawning over and about ci Not what may come, then, but what we have had and enjoyed is for our con federation; anl wa may, as a peeplo, partake of the spirit cf the day thus set apart as a token of acknowledgment of lavor3 bestoweel end blessings yet enjoy ed. The Appeal brings greeting to the coors where it is welcome, and bespeaks a full and unstinted measure of the heartiness of good cheer on all sides and everywhere. The Plasthrki-.s of San Francisco seem to bo about to be guilty of jtist snch a piece of foolishness as left the lathers without a job. The Falace Ho tel is about ready for plastering. It is a vast job and one requiring many hands. The propiietors are williug to pay $1 per day fur 10 hours' work. The San Francisco plasterers have combined to defeat this ten-hour plan. The telegraph tells ns that in case of a lack of the needed nnmlers, men will be sent for in the East, where there nre hundreds of thousands of idl hands and hungry mouths. If San Francisco should soon be further overrun with mechanics than ever, the unwise action of the workmen of that city will be the cause of the in flux. Such demagogues and mischief makers as old Winn are answerable for much of the self-inflicted mischief wrought by the eight-honr leagues and constitutional strikers of San Francisco. OaEEoiEEs in IJeso. Yesterday's Jwniiu informs us that five men were arrested Lv-t evening for parroting and robbing John O'Brien of f lSt). The rubbery eiccurred about 8 o'clock last cvecicg. One of the men tried to es cape, bnt fear or five shots from Frank La Fl int's pistol brought him to taw. The entire police force was brought into rttu:iition duriiig the trial cf the case. The men had r.n examination before Jud-o Foor, and were admitted to bail in the sum of sl,OO0 each; four of them could ni.t furnish, it and they were marched off to jail. 1"n:js TiiAXK-iiiMNG Seevices will 1 e hild it St. Peter's Episcopal Church commencing at 1 1 o'clock this forenoon. The sermon will be preached by the lltv. II. A. Tevis of the Methodist Church. This custom of holding union services, the uniting of all protestant serts in the place in duly observing the National Day of Thanksgiving is a commendable one and one which is quite ia harmony with the spiiit of the occasion. We may look for a sound and entertaining eliscjurse torn Mr. Tevis. The San Francisco Chronicle has ap parently solved the problem of How to publish and sustain a first class advertis ing and news journal in that citv. It comes io us c nlarged and with renewed evidence that it has the best newspaper brs:: : s e.a the Puciiic court bthind it. We don't admire that paper, bnt a fact is t f i-i and sui-cessiiii enterprise is ni t a (pinion of liking. 11 Tf, the notmious jockey, has br. i-ji-iL suit tgaiusi Governor Stanford for i-7'.' fe-r st-rvice-s as trainer and dri ver of " Vci lent." Eoff is a hard eas tern, r to deal with. A v;i. of gic-at density has lately prc-Tiiil-.l ill and a'HMit Ljudoa. and lad.v: y , i r:.i r tnw v Le-i-a l.-ron 'Lt to Stilllv ui iu cent.;i:ei:e' -o. John V.rM will : t liU horns over tlx bis lacs np P.ild search of .1 JUit- 1 ,ii .vmisi SutLoritus at ti in- tunuee. F.s-Sen.I ; U-r .StodJ.erd e.f Humboldt ;oinj to l'an&tutut. iLs-Ce-:;ell.L.-SJIiN Klliott of t-eBth Ciroiiii.i lias baen e!t-cted pealier ef the L r.ver 1! :i8 of tb .t State. il.u:ir I. TiioiiNios, is at nounced tiaou" the trrivais in I'itche Fatai. t-uoonse; is r.L r. KA Corsiv. Eureka, Noveinbtr -1. A suootinir af- tray occurred at Fish Creek, thirty-live utiles from here, on Sunday, iietween 11 C. I esteninaker and Thomas iJixou, TLe dispute Tas in regard to the settle ment ot worii elone by the latter in cut tin" h;:Y on shares for the former. l'c;stenuiaker tired seven shots from two pistols, and the contents of a elonble Larreleel shot 'run at liixon; hitting him twice but not indicting any fatal wounds, liien shot three times at Festeninckcr. one shot taking eteet in the abdomen, the others in the shoulder. Dixon was brought to town. Festenmaker, it is thought, will .not survive, lie is a dan gerous man and was wholly to blame for the slieioting. Cloven Spanlslt Soldier Sliot tor Desertion. New Yobk, November 21. A letter from Havana says that a party of twenty-fiva Spauish soldiers of artil lery, garrisoning Fort St. Uilaceo, in the Central Department, revolted, seized the coasting schooner of Puerto Del Fadre, on the north coast, and under threats of death ordered the Captain to take them to Key West or any of the neighboring islands. The Captain, seeming to ac cede, set sail, but ran the vessel aground on a neighboring key; then, in a small boat, went to the nearest military post and no titied the commander, who ar rested the deserters. They were tried next day by Court-martial and eleven shot and the rest imprisoned. LAllLST TELCGRAJIS. San Francisco, November 25. At an early hour this morning three garroters attacked Geo. Crandal, proprietor of the saloon on the corner of Sacramento and Montgomery streets. He made a vigor ous re-sistence at the door of the saloon, bnt the fellows secured and got away with a valuable gold chain, but elid net get his watch, Talued at Si7(K). The deep cut on the Fotrero has caved in and cars cannot run to South San Francisco for a week. The trot between Fnlleiton, Occident and Chicago, has been postponed till Saturday next. Sacramento, November 5. The Cali fornia Pacific track is overrloweel near Davisville. Trains are not running. Salt Lake, November 23. The trial of George Q. Cannon for polygamy and lascivious cohabitation has been post poned till th December term of e-ourtj Bishop Dame, lately arrested in south ern Utah and confined at Beaver, is being brought to this city feir safe keep ing. He is charged with having been connected with the Mountain Meadow massacre. Work is progressing rapidly on tla Southern and I'tah Western E ailroad. The EiiOTin:ns Oi.covie-n, famed in all this region round about for their enter prise and business sagacity, have re plenished their stork of dry-goods, clothing. ladies furnishing goods, furs, and the like, until their stock of winter supplies ia the line indicated is of the moot extensive and well selected charac ter. We direct attention to the ir recon structed advertisement ia this day's Appeal. Dog poisoning is the chief srtiv.tioa ia Vi innemucca just cow. jY?w To-Da,r CH MOB GREAT REDUCTION IX PRICES CF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hoots Sc Siiocs, i.TC. ETC. e.rpittft: Vuritty aa.i r.r'si equality cf Good.- ia the v iiO'c tate. MUSLINS, SHEETIHCS, PRIMTS Xv.. ill Vlli x uvel. SSLS STHISTLY AT COST ! 3Xt Days ! We r. Goods to i .11 czrlj uTii! nvin.'e ih-: n:S. es. OLCOYICH BROS. r.o23-tf rr B . R IiujK-rier ar..i Dr al-. r lu Kedallion antl Laurel Ranges HARD VV A R IE , Stoves & Tinware, r.l ELEIt ana LEATTIEIt LELTlXli, Lace Lfather a ml Pai-liitiir, Brass Goods, Gail Pipes and Fixtures, IKO.", COAL, STILL, REAFEHS, illowers, Plows, &c. Powder, Siiot, kFnse, SLEDCES and WEDCES, Cutlery, Silver and Plated TV ares, Croekery Wart. Lamps and Glass Ware, SCOBS Jt WlftSDWS, PAINTS, Oil ALCOHOL, Tl'IPESIISE, Lard Oil, Machine Oil, Coal Oil, Force and Lift Pumps, 3IanMfatarer ot Tin, Copper antl Sheet Iron Ware. JOSHING DO.VE TO ORDER. Large Stcna Fire-Proof Buildings, Carson Street opposite Capitol Building, Carson City.... .....Novada. U10-U SERGEANT - AT ARMS OF THE SENATE. SMCcizrk. AC G-aigo HRKKBV AX.VOIXCKS HIMSELF as a e-itneiidatc Ier Sert;rMu'-at-Arm or the Nevada Senate. lllO-td 1 It. E. KELLY T. H.He'IEli. KELLY & HOFER, Stock and Money BROKERS, Office in County Buildings, CAKSON CITY, XEV., "yTIIJL Pl-RC'IIASE AND SEI. STRICTLY on CGHMSSSiON 3iiiius: stocks, EoruJ of AM Description, all oth'- r rcuriti' s tlejiit in at the San 1 ruiit iv- htui- ianl Lichi-lit. iie:.rJ. Advances made on cp- Prcvetl Etcck end ether," Securities. Lo.nal Tenders Boudit ci: I Sch'. rr. e'Ci-i!'. Lt. S:.:i 1 laiKiK'o: ' i;.s. J. II. LATHAM & e e. DAVIS & FREEMAN, Italt-rs iu Crcccries.PicvisIors, Feed STOVES, TIXYA!:i:. HOOTS A..'1) SllOKS. WiriES AND LirjUTRS, Carion tie-t, Cnrson City, Xevada Great Excitement IN THE MHS. AKf.A S. BROOKS, -vot riEsnot's or r.niNd urTDDNE ly iii iLe S:a!- uf va.a. hus rtv iv u iirn-t iriMn Ihel'ans, l.t-LJfli. l.tiiiu. N. York an.l San 1 micittto luarkeb, the LaTT MILLS et Millinery Coeds lull FALL AMD WINTER WEAR. A 1. 1 t I...- i 1 e;tt I). I., .,.;):;-.:::. ,. LADIES' & CK1LCSEN UKCZRVt&R, i supt-rlr tiualit;-, atl s- M atsuri'rL-iiut'l- low jth'cs; air- a lar; uiXu'l' ui mxi jm cxa Hair, t!se H-st in tb i! ::!i.t. At tl.i n.a-nticfat dis. i-l:. y I n , t l.t 1 , , r;. iu in.- i. r Lin iht-rk Jii-i and moift fa.L:i't4iIe Sonnets, E-tats. Etc., ,:vh rs ale v.i'iu iu Lurnj , all Ca; The Jm.: r-- i e;.rs..u tn,l vi-!i;.:y crc- i, sjk r:i;'it i all a:. 1 ia:nil:- i... r .-, :, ui: 1 t.k..f l. Ha.-e ! .i: ii.., r t,i K:;z. v t L.--s.' Mi it Mitl.'.k. Jiariuss Men-, c 11 :w L. Yn-r.;- .S; e'u.V Itv s;,.i, , sri,i;i.r, t'Altsi'X e "U.S. ANNA s. PIANCS. Or.aAhX, SEWIttC MALfilr.Lj AND LLLiLIN V.'COL. Bsc-ks, Stsiioasry, Kasicsl Instrumasis, Ituljy'ai lEnie.-, Cutlery Toy, Hiis jJwevs f r sale: IIf.ll-1 Davis & Co 't? I':ar.'P, .( k T liro.'rt t-.rhi:il 1 'iLi s. KtirV. Wu-ils e'; L'".' i'iall r Lentils, ; Howe's t-fwii:? Matluiu.-, l;utttrit.'k's 1'uri r l;.u. rn-. OnltTf- to nuy I'zit vi Uv State tolicileil, and Musical Iii!-t th KtpaircJ. btore in Iiiiaitl's n-;-i brkk Tjuiluiii, nest to 'i'lit utt-r Carson City Nevada. THE GREAT CtSTHIHC HOUSE CF KOFF12L PLtAYE Corner Carson and ThirtT ptref ts, opposite the fat. Charles Hotti, CAKSON CITY NEVADA HAVE JJXTST RECKIVEO THE LAR gebt, i uicbt and liiot complete abboruuent of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! In thib State. Our block cotitiibttj of WEN'S i YCUTH'S AND COY'S CLOTH IN 2 OF THE l.ATESsT b'l'VLJjS. Furniliin Cioods, Hoots and Slioe liat ami Cap, Trunka and VaJises iilankets. And evorythini; h? rtaininu to a FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING-and 1 KNJ.SHING GOODS STOUK PIANOS! PIANOS ! $250. I WILL SELL TO ANYONE WISHING TO imrt-liae the " LOWE " Piano, with my own name or the came of the purchaser on it for SJoO. Ahso Agent for Hallet k Davis, fcTKISWAi'S, CBICKElUSti'S A5D K.N Alii '8 FlANOtS, KXC. 1LL1X II. aiEEZBACU, rrotfwor of MtnUc. NEW GOODS GEORGE W. KITZMEYER FURNITURE Lxici Bedding To the NEW lUICK rriM'IXG l.ul On I he comer of Careen and Tele irrnpli mtreet, CARSON Clt NEVADA. The Only Cce Price Store in Tcvd! STERN &10SK0WITZ, Ec-alersjn MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, . 1 urnishiiitr boods. Cats, C aps, LOOTS AND IeES, TT.l'NKS, VAI.ISE?, 1-lu.liets, M&ttrtwes, kc. County Uuildin.'. C arson City, Xev. oc4-tf e. r. kice. u. j. rrTEiis. RICE PETERS STOCK BROKERS, Car.cii Kr??(, opjitwiie V.'ells, Far' j V to.' iiiifis Otttce. " CARSON CITY KEVAD T PlT.CHAsK Aft SUM. On Ccmmissfon, ri:Kic stocks, Bcndc of All Descriptions, And i .1 i :Kfi;rilies it U iii at tLe - FItAXCIft'O Stock ami Exchange Board. Advances 3Ia!e ON APPROVED STOCK. fii.'-tf HUE .V PETERS. KfWAK HAVING KOfliHT HIT THE IXTK.r.KST .! AH JACK, in lTaixLt.wn. Nevada. . i-l..n.ler l.-.t, 1T4, ill ni.iiu-t ti.e bait 1 1 OTIOCEI1IES AND PROVISIONS At the i.lovt nan.i-J plat-e in Lift wn uhim and (n Lis own itv nut. 1 rtuk;uw i!. ?.t.v y v v.Xht 1?, lTJ. Mil! a mm. rjisi: t.B!;RM',.m OFEXS HIS Dar.cir g Academy at Corbet Hall a!tliday Kvei:in, ovi 111 bt-r 11th. nsv.;!ie;,.Ii;: Tiie.ituy hlitl 1 Ittr?v('i;y uiup. At 7 H ' !-i- SUIiXE EVUiV .Vltl:J'AY LVESISG. llsr.- i:.;; will ceu.r.ii l:t e i.ll-ti .; . bvhm-; Changieof Base ! E.D. JUDD&GO. W TAVi: KLXoVED Tel TKK NLW feTOliE Ivt j ior r.lrod's II:iy Yard, C'crion t ..Xevatla, W Law eii hand a fill ae-rtiuei:t c 1 ill kluiU HARDWARE STEEL. 3 "S1 O -XT 3E3 23 , Tinware, CROCKERY PAINTS, OILS, Windows cV Doors. Practical Tinners To el all kinds cf work in our line. C7 Call anil see our Xetv Stock. O.lS-tl MRS. H. H. GHATFiELD, Offers to the Ladies oT Carson tha ntst btoe-k of Eudics Under wear Children's Clothing Ready-IWade And Hade to Order. Also, I3r essmakln g In the latest stvles. Kcouis on SOUTH CARSON STREET, Opposite the Express Office. aulJ-ti