Newspaper Page Text
Mt parson gailt) gtppral CARSON CITYi Sunday .....December tt. 1874. MINIMA TOO UPOBT. PonBMa Basra. 590 Opbir 13S. 118, 122 b: Gould k Curry H2. 2a, 28, w ban 5340 Best ft Belober 3. 37 jr. a7X, 35 B5 Sivaga !. M If . S3 WO, Si 5 Cholisr 67, 68, 67 H 410 Hitle & XorrroBS 57. 57, fOKtO. 58 3460 Crown Point 57 S , 58. .'.8 but, SB P95 Yelllow Jacket 125, 128. 129H. 131 I'M Imperial 14 VHi. U'i bs. 14, 113o Empire Mill 13. 13i, 13!, 133 bM 41W H ynartz 7. 6? 1 Kentuik 19, 19 K, 19 1W0 Alpha J. 21 lGtfO Bekuir4!, 49 S, 61)4 b30. 50 s". 1460 Confidence 3S. 37 14. 38 S4 b30, 37 950 Con Virginia 310. -'35. 236. 245 H0 Sierra Nevada 19. IrtH. 18 bw. 17 V bj J24D California 23j, 230, 227 MO, 225 b5 100 Daney2i lf-5 S. li. li her 125, 12(1. 125 1805 Overman 77. C6S, 48 b30, 05 290 Justice 45, 44 K05 Suico. 4S4. 4 'i 905 Julia 8V. 8. 8 295 Cabiloiria 23 665 Knii'ki'bot'kfrC, (X,C j.m il,.b i-i,m 1275 F);,Jtim r.- , 7. 7. 1 1751 La'.y llryan 5, 4 Aftec Carson City has been decimated by tbe epidemic, which now rages there, iinel if haply the fcuurgo shall shortly abate its fury, will its journals urge upon the public the necessity of some system of Ktrcet cleaning ntcl drainage? To its filth we firmly believe much of the nia liguniioy t( the fever now r;i;;iiij there is attributable. (,'o'd HUl Seirs. The ArpKAL has many a lime and oft urged the adoption, here, of an adequate system of drainage; nud qnite as often it has inveighed the untidiness cf o'.:r streets and the reprehensible practice of throwing all kinds of garbage into the streets and gutters. Moreover, tfb have been among tho most strenuous advocates of a town or city government for the place. As to the scarlet fever bc-inn brought to its present state of ma lignity by this unclean state of our streets we are not quite as irell convinced of that as our neighbor the ,Yers. The atmospherical condition arising from de caying vegetable matter and ataguaut water, the malaria, in short, which breeds certain kinds of disease, is srtp posed to disappear -to be killed," as the saying is by the action of frost. The yellow fever is always abated if not wholly arrested iu New Orleans and other places, so soon as the nutuinnal frosts set iu. Vat the experiment of eleauiug our streets and keeping them tidy and well drained, is worth trying, nevertheless, nud we wish it might be tried, forthwith. A MisrxPKBrAXDixu caused us to make the statement in yesterday's Appkal that the Fairburn A Uhl butcher shop business had leen n lieveel of certain existing embarrass ments, anil that the samo was now ailing' along in tho serenity of al-Justtne-nt ami trootl fortune. We were m isin formed or. rather our in for in a nt misunderstood ft is informant. Tho fact of the matter is, as set forth in their advertisement, John Kosser it Co. have resumed business in tho two shops up town and down town ami will continue the ssme as of old. ll vt ill look Iiko pioneer times to see Mr. uosser once mora armed with steel and leaver, ami bis many old customers will w elcome him back. Chaiies W. FiiiKND has reiurufd irora Sua Francisco where he has been for sraue d.ijs p ist purchasing goods fur 1 lie holidays. Iu u dny or two, when ho gets thiDg nrrmgtd iind properly marked, he will make a handsome dis play of new putterns of jewelry and be pn pared to supply the demands of such fellow citizecs as are in want of hard some things in the way of je welry, silv.r w are and watches. And then ! 1'eesosal. Tom Tennaut started for a return to E;ireka yesterday. He looked ns happy as if he had jast won a lig pnt of twenty deck pecker. Archie Turner, old timer, c:.r.:e in y, i day moriiiug. He wiil linger av, bil.-iii.i..i!git us. Hon. Jim Haines put in an appearance here yesterday, as also did Senator elect Tom llickey and AsscuMyiu:iu elect J, K. Johnson. So it happened that Douglas county was largely represented. The alarm of fire yesterday morning was caused by the burning out of n Hue in the Capitol Building. The volume of smoke emitted by this burning chimney made the roof of the State House look as if It were ready to burst out with sheets of iiame. Our ever vigilant fiie meii were on hand like a felon, and the "Swift" took advantage of the opportu nity to squirt a stream upon the threat ened roof. At the Fkesbytekian Social, on Thursday evening, about sixty doliars was received and donated to Mrs. Woods, the Tastor's wife. This was thoughtful, liberal and timely ou tho part of the members and friends of the Presbyterian congregation, and gratifying to the Par son's household. Mrs. Woods will go to San Francisco and visit her children during Christmas and New Year's. M. E. Chckch A. H. Tevis Pastor. Services at 7 p. m. by the Pastor. Ko service this morning. Sabbath school will meet at 12 M. at which arrangements will be made for Christmas festivities. Subject for this evening: "Slaughtered Xouug Men." All are invited. A MjssPbistooinoto bb a Doublet. V have received, in justification of tbe foregoing ingenious heading, a note of invitation bearing the following announcement, namely: MR. & MRS. JO IIS 1S00TU Rrquat the plrarurt of your company at the WEDDING OF THEIB DACOHTEK, Tinsday, Ike. 8tk, 1874, at Jielmont, Xtuada. CERKUONT AT 8 O'CLOCK P. W. Some accompanying cards, closely united with white satin ribbon, bear the names of Laura M. Booth and James Mitchell. We regret our in ability to be present to witness this pleasant ceremony, but across the in tervening waste of sage brush, sand, alkali and gieaswood we ning the liappy pair an old man's blessing. The CrrcKCHiLL Contbovebst. Col. T. V. W. Davies left on the 10:45 train last night for Wadswortb, from whence he will proceed to Stillwater. Chnrchill couDty, to take testimony in the Church ill couuty election case. Mr. Davies acts as attorney for the Democratic party. lie expects to be absent a week or ten days. A ouand fasci dukss ball will be given by Douglas Lodge Xo. 12, F. it A. M., at the C'ouit House iu tienoa, ou Tuesday evening. December i-K Tickets of admission, 7 ii(, to be obtained of the Committee of Arraugi ments iu Genoa, and in Carsou City of Mr. Geo. Ttirly or Mr. .1. D. L imb at O. 1". Willis' drugstore. No doubt this -.viiL be the grandest ball ever gmn in our sister town. Tiik Siebi'.a Seminary will be closed nntil after the Holidays until fuither notice in fact. In thus closing their school, tho Misses Ciapp J: Uabcoek are acting vt-ry wisely as also are our clrr ical friends in closing their Sunday schools while the present epidemic is raging. State Fmintku Him. was on the street yesterday. He reported bun as just recovering from a lit of sickness scarlet fever, lie said. If he is cor rect about the nature cf his malady he is taking pretty rough chances to be thus exposing himself. It is thonght advisable by the Fastors of the Presbyterian and Kpiscopal Churches, is well as by phjsicians, that there should ba no Sunday school at those churches, until the scarlet fever becomes less prevalent. Conscbiit Fatjikcs! is thut btiuking drain at Grenige's corner never to be abated or mitigated. It is the nastiest nuisance ever put under the nose of a free people. FitKsr.TTEF.iAS CncucH. Preaching by the Fastor, Ilev. James Woods, at 11 A. si. and 7 p. m. No Sunday school to-day ou account of the Scarlet Fever. Episcopal Chcbcu. Services at 11a. m. and 7 p. M. N'o Sundav schnol to day. It 'IK VI' TKLUttit Ilichnrd Irwin, who ha3 been charged with the mis:i; piepriation of Pacific Mtil Company's Ftti-ds threatens to make revelations which wiil cause a flut ter iu certain quarters. The Q'.iid N'nncs i f Washington sny taat a strong effoit is to bo made t ad mit Wyoming and Colorado Tiiritorics into the Cni n ns States. It is thought tl...t Vice Fitsi tit Wil son is too ill to preside ovtr t!;c Senate. A special to the a?ir-"rc.M says that Senators Y.'est bad Flannagau will op pose the confirmation of Post Master General Jewe ii'e n the ground of his re moving certa'a fiieuds cf theirs from offi:e. President Grant has not been officially notified of the coining of King Kalakaua to Washing'oj. Eobiuson of the V. i. Treasury De partment has been taking evidence aa to the Emory Mint contract iu San Fran cisco. On Friday night, iu Sun Francisco, Louis Williams, a German barkeeper, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. He had threatened to kill himself if his sweetheart failed to come from the old country to meet him, and he kept his word. MARRIED. In Carson City, at t!i White House. December 1, 1874, by Hun. C. N. Harris, Mr. Moses A. Ilaarne to Miss btella B. UuUes. Ko cards. DIED. In Fmpire City, Perember 5, 1874, George Schwann a native of Holland, aged 72 years. Ths fnueral will Ukeplac to day, at J o'clock p. w., from the School ilouae in Empire City. Friends and acquaintances ara respectfully io vited to attend. HOTEL AKHIVAU), omjftmt house asoagx d. rRran, raoruimia II Chase SEJiws O It Foard J Carmichael J ack Fry C H Aron D JS Mi-Beth O F Fosdick A Fried J l)Uun A J Lachinan Noah Best ST. CHABLU HOTEL, UEO. TCtXV, IB0rBT01 A Walter 3 P bans VV P Campbell I Jc-orgu Jielson U S Chalmers P Frank T J Teuuaat JOB EDSBrJSTDCK'S Holiriaj Column ! FINE OIL PAINTINGS yon Tlio Holidays, AT JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. Ilstiiing: Ilaslw! ' OK French Artificial Flowers ITOH aUIIU HOLIDAYS Ar JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. i-' i i-: Watches, Jewelry anJ lliains Tlio Holidays, AT JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. Furnishing: Goods Finest Quality, lOli TIIK HOL,II.,V-V'H JOE ROSENSTOCX'S. The Latest Fashion cf Eats n r. Tlio JC2Iolic2.cvya, AT Jce Roscnstcck's. TIIK lJKsr Ul'ALIlY or BOOTS AND SHOES Tlio XrTTollci. ays, AX Eosenstock's. Jce THi; BEST STOtli. OK Men's Underwear In Nevada la at Joe Rosenstock's. the fissT mmi ARE OFFEHED FOR HOLIDAY GOODS AT JOE ROSENSTOCK'S IN IUE County Building, Carson Street, CAR8QN CITY. del tf II. D. CHAMBERLIN, ; Orriri! ahd BLirooi Curbett Block, cc- our oi carroti anil npear atreers. Wasehocsc Corner of Plasa and II nawr atm CAflSON;CITT,i.NEiADA. w HOLKKALK AM) UETAIUDEAL. er id Groceries, Provisions, .FLDUft AND FEED." Blasting an. Sporting Powder, Hardware, Tlawaro, treckery, Vlaunam Cutlery, Paints and Oils, ttbot, Fnats Boots, sihooa, Furnishing Goods, &c. I have the lamest and best i1r-!rof la the State, and t'.a pn-fan-d to re-ccivej Grain a: Concral McrcliHtidUc on rTOI'.A'tE at iil tlmm, and AUVA.SL'LS ll LL- eauie. to mitt CAI) Goods dilivered frt- t.f clmreMn Urrtof the city and in any part it the kurrouudiii country. i'i-tit X. 1. CIIAVl-KHLIN. A. K. M:U3.CH. It. V.' HATCH.; DHIESBACH & HATCH, CAllSO.V taTKbUTI CARS0.1 CITT iVtiolrsaU and KrtaU Iiealtrs In CROC ERIES FLOUli AND FEED, WINES, LIQUORS, PORTER & ALE, AUO HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Fstx'nilia.g Tools Tin and Crockery Ware, Powder and Fuse, WALL PAPER, Doors arid Windows, W!NuCV GLASI , WiNjjW EU.iuS, Paints, Oils and Varnish, I'nlnt mill 1 arnith Iliiih-hes, California Line, Cement, r;..stir l'iuin, r;.iiteiiia' n .ir, Clue and Shellac, ETC., ETC. aiTM'-' vill Rt all tin.n receive fro ti I'atrtiR ii;viN. i.t ixioh t.a rai i-ruauee at mak:;li' kails. CHAriLUS W. FiEf4i, Watchmaker and Jcvvctcr, Ttrve Voun South I Cot-tty 1: Jli'iiii, Carson Ktrci-t .Carson lit)-. Di aler iu all Lindi, of JEWJULX1T". Watches AND CHAINS, tLLi&'r4&i. Pearl and Diamond Sets, Eto Vati-Li s I'll aned and Tt. i'oired, X. B. The fMit-at bramla of llatntin an'l l)oniiiUr Cifrars, Tobai-i-i and p-niilne llw mi-liaum I'iii n, i-to., can be had at my atom. S Call and ait lut. jaC-tf CUAS. V. FUIEXU. PIANOS, 0RCA.S, SEWIKQ MACHINES AND HEItLIN WOOL. is. fiii:!7jh:oo ks Books, Stationery, Musical Instronents, llaby's Buaricira, Callriy Toys, U1..NS, PISTOLS AND AA1MLMTIOX. lias always for tale; Hallct Pavia a Co.'s l'isnos, lie'e-krr llrn.'s (irand l'lani-H. (i-o, Wooils It Co.'s l'arlur Organs, ' Howe's HewitiR Mai-liin-H, liutti-rii-k's l a)k r l'alti nm. Orili-rn to nny i-urt i1 tiii-Ntnto solji-iud, and llubical luKtiiiitii-ntii llcjiairi-U. Htors in ltlu. kel's new Lrlek ImilillLg, Belt to TUeati-r Carson lily Nvvaila. ju-tr; EUREKA RANGE. BUYJHE EUREKA RANGE. Int. It Utile It. Kt lima. '.'.I. It In I In llamlnoaixil lian ad. it l th iiillrkiot ball la niarki t. Ilh. It Ik Hid ll,avl.t l llkliu. Ill M.atl,.., TEN tin n iliiralili-. i ' n. ii ua i ArifTivna iDSBaiif I crthi-r l'"i,ali Kanih-. DPI CtlMt )''" 11 MVia 1 linraml Mum J. aLAOUllj Ttli. ltiwM'wa inatiy N.-sr ami lif-mriil'lti lint roi nuiita. Inih. It la lli iniml r.i-oiioinlral WHYl! af '"'li"' A'i'aratii. i .'in. ii uiii p lur Kimi'H'M amitiina rr i-k wMh tin- inallt i-4nMiniiitiin of tiir-t. H'th. A tH-raolialraaniitiatUm villi i-otilnri anv hiim thai It s .r, ullv iliv lu-at and hri-t rr- tail -U i.liKi t l Otrvd tbiuljk', TORZSALEt BY E.D. JUDD&CO. Ul'I'Mil lv j r Si tllrud Ha; Vanl, Carson City NovadO. it. pi tr JOE! N' G. FOX, Bookseller and SlaiiomT HI L1.I: IN . ... JEWELRY, WATCHES AND HECES DE VERTU, i'ixi: ciNx, risTi.r, ammvm; HON'. HMIIVU IMhl.K, l.l'C. Ai.aM r rua STEINWAYS PIANOS NHKIIT Mlslr AM) .Ml hit A I. ifi itriiK.v i'h, Toy si nd iolioiiA in tnt!Ti i:is VAKIITV. Watch Repairing. JOIIW C3r. cai;bon rnu:T, tnroonE tiik C11TT.. n-vft General Insurance Agency FIRE INSURANCE. f.i vii iua nutl l.f.tiilon anil l.lli Ins. Co. ef i.l rool. C Hal, tl, OIMt,MIO 0. l.iiiilon n itl J.n m imlili r liiMiitnio to. of l.iliilnn. tapltul, t.,Otli,.lii. Iii.umiK i- Cii. i.t Noilil Aim ilia uf riiildil-tiliiu. iiiul, kH.'-'I'.'.t no. A iiti-i it-M it l-iri lithsraai-ii f cs f I ll.liiil. Ijiliin. I (iiitlll, M, .H l,l,(,l. I iiikIiii lilul liiKtllamr t u. ill Ni-V .,li. t iii, i.,M-l,i'i i;. 1.1! K INst HANt : Tin-J'.titiiHl I. Hi- liMiir- i uf rv l oi U. nii:i KELLY & HO CP., ,Ui I M". BANK JOTBCE. rpin: i:Mt i-t-' wi.ii.s. i !tt. J a e., CF CARCCTJ CITY, Hereafter bo CIcscU WiH SUNDAY. CUnSKG THE ENTIHE DAY. h. f. race, u ."."-1 Airral. 11.aIOI4.V'N ROTISSERIE Kinn Mriit, ,-iniillf tin f. K, Laud tIUi c, Carson Illy Nevada. Meals cooked to order at all hours of day &. night.' DINNER AT3:30 P. M. TLt ItntiMM rl H almnya Iw sn j'lliil nitli TUli UhM 1UL AlAlihtl' AHl'l.i'H. ConilSeUd ItB tils IS l'ondolsiN 1:iIooii. ttuivtliilittlJrodsof Table and Othor Wlnct HijLoUb and IQAKSran had. V Uiva IU Botlav ri a (rial. B. PENDOL. ujo i:u Propriotor.