Newspaper Page Text
CARSO.X CITY: TharsJajr December 10. I"J4 OrR COCXTY UtILOIAOK. Let Vm Uavi js wr Co.rt Hmi a Mil Jail. Oae week frurn to-morrow Carson City mill be the scour of a tragc.lj which will h all tire worse for bein etMetcil ia Ibe fjee of l.iy uu.I in tin- jirrst nee of all who iui:y rhoose to look upoa its enact ment. John Mnrphv, a cvuvicteJ mur derer, will I, on that day, taken from the mjst public bull Iid,; on the meet public srrwt of this little city, conveyed tliranjh the town to such place as the Sheriff shall have chosen, and there hanged It tha neck nntil he is dead. It is, in oar notion, deplorable the law cf j;r.iiilin)iiit still exists; it is also dip!oralh that an execution nuiler the dV.ith penalty should be an icci-iett in the life of or.r town; and it win be a sad and mournful day when this con. doniutd criiuiual is t ikon through our str-vts in th--priseace of all vtlio may clioo-ie to I e on the ground, can led to the EctfToId ud th re put to death. Hut tha law is inexorable: Justice demands th nnrdervr's life; and tho Sheriff tun at do the les-t he can cede r the awful cir camst.i:itvs. It is no fault of Lis that there is no jiil-yard provided by thu canal r; and Le must pi r'oim Lis duty, let thj deoiorliatioc aad the liorror of it be what they may. And new l-t us agaiu call attention to the urn.S need of a nn.fcdy for this state of sffairs. The law of "a life for a life" will duabtless continue unrepeal ed. With nothing but the exceulioa of this bloody statute haTe the officers of oar conuiy to deal. Bat the power can reader le put ia the hands of our local authorities I ta.xkn fut are hangings comparatively private. We have already binted :.t the way that this mav be brought about. Let us petition the legislature (if a special aet be tte-essa-rj) to authorize the Board of Conuty Comuiissioaers to sell the present Coun ty Building and with the proceeds aris ing froia tuat sale, purchase, a lot tde ctuatc for the purpose of a Court House and jail and jail-yard, well removed from the cater of the city. We Lave little doa'ot that the presect county baiidin" wotl 1 stll for eninli nionty to enable the Coramissioairs to make this new anl desirable arraEgerjieiit: at any rate the sagested new buildings ought not to tv&i much in excess of what the old buildings would fetch. Look at the present j iil. It is noth ing bvtter thau a narrow stone dnn-eca kito wLL-h tLo simlight rarely or never shines, and whose ir.inr.tis are denied the needful e-xeriie of a soenre yurd. Tho one cutsid-; wiadcar of this nurow prison opens ir.! a nieau and tiiity public alley, and tho prisoners fc"tt:lv, during the dy, so si:u.:!td as that tlivy may have cemmauieation with wliuuisji t.t chooses to pieseLt himself at that window. And then, when a tangir.g ii thj erder cf lLo day, the poor wieteli aboae life is forfeit to the law, UiC-t be made a public sreetiwle aa 1 twiag fsyta a s.;fijM iu t'u- prvseicc f an entire courutmirv. ii.ea. women and cLil.lreu. It decency's ante and f r the fcake of L'irum::y, (he term e f the existence of thc3 laaienlable tLicgs ehould I-e abated. Five siorsTra sin:;, iu;i.-ktd and erraed, Capged and stopped a raii'any Iraia cn the Kan.-as laci2c line near llurci, on Tuesday afternoon and robbed Wells, Targo i Co.'s express csr of $27,000 and KouuUe Eros, ef Xew York of So.COO in dust. A Li- reward is of fered fur their arrest. Vxgsacx beat Cyrille l:oa ia their great matclt at three-bail billiards in New York on Tuesday ti-Lt. They played for a purse of $1,(X0 and 803 points. Yiguanx won by 23 points. CcsraaxDEB William B. CrsHisu of the Navy (the hero of tha Alhcrmorle?) has gone crazy and is taken to the Gov ernment Iasaaa Asylum at Waihingtoo." Tbc Standing Committees of tho V. S. Senate will continue 3 caring the last session. Ian Govebxok or Wioiuso Tce&i Toar gave the Kanaka King a reception at Cheyenne ou Tuesday. Kkw Besfoed has invited the Kanaka King to come to that city so famous iu the annals of the wht'e fishery. CONGRESSIONAL. We condense as follows from yester day's press dispatches: In tbc Senate, Wright of Iowa Las in troduced a bill repealing the act which raises the President's salary. Sargent is the author of a bill fixing the terms of the Circuit Court for California, Oregon and Nevada. West has intro duced a bill providing for telegraph lines between Washington and Boston, via Baltimore, FLiladelphia, New York and Hartford, to be operated iu the post offices of those cities nnder the direction of the Tost-Maater General. Iu the House, Poland presented testi mony m the Arkansas troubles. trell introduced a bill for the improve ment of Petaluma Creek, Feather Kiver and the Sacramento providing for the appropriation of certain moneys. Houghton of California is the father of a most righteous measure declaring the Omaha Iridgo an extension of the U. Railroad. Beck is the author of a bill to prohibit United States Senators and B.piesentatives acting as counsel lor tue tit tense in cases arisiug uuder the Keveuue Laws. Creunse wants Ne braska to have additional representation. BoLciis proposes to amend the Consti tution so that nothing Li.t gold and sil ver can be made a legal tender, atd pro hibiting Congress from passing laws impairing contracts. llerriam is for free Banking. Page of California wants to stop coolie inipo:tation. Ktliy wants to convert greenbacks into 3-C5 convert ible bouds. Butler ia advocating that measure made a tpecch, the wiud-r.p of which is reported as follows; He wanted the Government to come into the market as a borrower at a lew rate of interest, then the next range would 1 nearer it, and so on till ail rates cf interest come down. '"The Re publican party," he said, "is hi-ld res ponsible tor the distress which has been brought upon the country. We haTe be come a party invested with capital; a party of bondholders and monopolists. The Republican party began at the low est step the slave, and raised him to citizenship; but war and the neccsMtics of the Government brought the capital ists of the country to the party, and when the war closed we Lad a paity at the head of which were capitalists and at the foot negroes, with not mueh r.Cili atiou between thrm." f Laughter cn the Democratic side. Butienemirked that there was no occasion for their laughter. .Th'1 IVninoratic party wr.s now a rarty witii old Whig bondhiddeis for a head and Irishmen for the tail, and very httle aniiulkn between t:ie and tail. TOf KEVULVIIOX 'ilia stte of aiTaiis in Yieksburg is a counterpart of that which is manifested from time to time iu the leF3er half Spanish States of Central and South America. It is notLirg more nor le?s than an armed r to the expressed j will of the niaioiitv. Vicksburr is tli. ! tradii:g poht and ceu:-. ring pc.iut of the wide and fertile country lyiuj! of the ilU&isiiipj.i and south of th.3 Yazao the cuttou-Celds which iue bonuJcd oa tho east by the Ttrl River. The ceuuty of which Yick-burg is the center, is peopled largeiy by frccdaiec; and these having by their majority veto se cured a mnj-.iity of Republican cGchds in tho county, thire wa.i cothistg left "The Chivalry" to do but submit, like law-abiding citii:-us, or reTolt, like law defying rebels. They Lave chosen the latter eeurse. Jx-iuocraiic victories on ail bands Lave encouraged tho rebe population to it themselves after the f.ishioa which Catie into vogue with the "Southern Confederacy." The Slate of 3Iississipxi i now the theater cf war of a bloody conflict of races, The temper of the late slave masters is to rule or slay. They appeal from the ballot to the cartridge box. In Texas they have shown their hand iu an at tempt to Lave a vagrant act under the provisions of which the blacks may be sold into virtual tlavery. Give these unruly pccplo the encouragement of Democratic President and, so far as the tboliticn of slavery and the enfranchise ment of the blacks are concerned, the enactments which brought on those con ditions might as well never have been perfected. BY TELEGRAPH to the "afpeai." MAN KILLED OIH THE V. & T. R. R. AT COLD HILL. Gold Kili,, Dec. 0. 1874. About 6 o'clock last evening a man named Mike Hefl'ron tras run orcr by the locomotiTd Storey " and instantly killed near tLe Belcher hoisting works. lleffron waa bar-kcper in Mclntyre'a Saloon near American Flat. KiAGS OF BFS1.NESS. Mr. James Parton, in his recent lec ture at tho Cooper Iustitute, made many bold and interesting statements in regard to the "Kings of Business." The fol lowing is a sample : "Nowadays, in our modern world, the men of business come to the front, and the place of the dukes and barons of the pood old times is filled by the kings of business. The great houses e f our country are mercantile, not fendal. Rich as Cnvsus is a favorite comparison and a very frequent one. Nowadays it is applied to men of business whose un aided exertions have won for them for tunes even exceeding iu size the spoils won from captured provinces. John Jacob Astor, for instance, once said that if a man had $250,000 be was as well off as if he was rich. And Thomas Brassy, an Englishman, had work going on is eight nations at the same time, by eight thousand laborers, whose pay-roll amounted to five hundred thousand pounds sterling monthlr. And in this cocntry we have a greater than he Cornelius Vanderbi!t, whose fortune is $400,000,000, and who, at eihtv rears of as makes up his mind to construct a four-track railroad between New York and Buffalo. But there are higher spheres cf labor than makinq railroads that cf making books, as our Harpers aud Appletous can testily. As a ru.e, the ineti who become very rich begin poor. Perseverance is another charac teristic of successful business men. Astor began at fnrs and kept at furs ur til he founded the Astor House. Vi'. liam Chambers, the great Engli-h pub lisher, set np bis first stand with a capi tal of five shillings, but he kept at it un 1 1 he succeeded. David the preat hammer manufacturer, began by making a single hammer to order. But he made it well, and now employs 150 men con stantly. Aud this discloses cnother se cret of successful men. They learn hr.w to d cue thing snpeilative'y well. Another characteristic of successful basi lHss meu is that they know ail their business, even to the minutest detail. Mr. Stewart is a better judge of texture and has a better taste in colors than any one in his stores. Mr. Steinway and Mr. Chickerirg could either e,f them make a completo piano ; and Mr. Wal ter, cf the London Times, once set np with his own hands the type of an im portant dispatch which otherwise must have waited for another issue. Usually, too, kincs of business have exercised Self-denial. If you want to test a young man and see whether be is born to rule or serve, give him a thousand dollars. If Le is to Le successful in life, he will save it nntil te can spend it jndieieusly. If he is born to ssrve, he will immedi ately begin to spend it iu the gratifica tion e-f his tastts. As an illustration, the best farine: ef Pennsylvania, almost alwuys build their stoue barns before their houses. But all theoC qualities which I have mentioned perseverance, konestcess of wori', self-denial, thorough knowledge of ne's trade all these will cot make a man a king of business un less be knows Low to employ the help of others." .a 0""jiJ LIST CF LCTTEH3 :sisj in" Tiic r?" rosxor- t'i'K, lJiC-li.ij r M, 1-74. enil t'ul A jvirlix-uLi-ttiri." 11-r .. it-ii..:: j:ta, F i:i : xi. J n Uur;e, r ?-t I.ivr:iiur--. t.aLJcr P thriittr, W J I.t-T-U'-. Ailrrt Cauuron. W J Jb urc:. Juia CkUibuly. Xt Mt-rcbaM, 1 S tirtV , ii JlIiSf t, J Cuuun, J WfL-i:,j, M Cum-. i"h:.4 WrliiriL-.n. Lora'd I riiucn, McCorutkk, E ia.o iHvTr-r. J. La 3klrri5ta, Wm lie vino. X i l'ear. k. I'imick. W Partuis, TLo"iiU Dsmoo, J X Pint ti J'N:,u Uowziie, Wm Pardons, Ii ltiilj, JvLa C 1'u-bette. Joepb JIm b. Oil-. ly, iifcrbe Gac&ifi, Alb.rt tchxLiuk. Win G-rtlii, Geo W ttlnzon ! Gorsueli, Clivtcn hb. -uicy, l'ttr ! Gry, Alt-1 baydtr, J H Hwiwd, ah htaLTonl, PmridA Haad. htriat;r,Wiu limy; V W Tavine, Peter KustcB.GeoD Vt-noun-u, E-lcnr; iluiitiid, Jvlia WtUlitr, jbn Vf n. L. wiyiE, p. ii. F. & fa A. M. THERE BE A CALLED uiectiDg of Levis Chapter So. 1. it. A. TlilS tVKNiNG, Dt,-ceiuler 10, cowuienciri at 7 o'clock, shari. A fall attendance is earner-tly sclicited. OKUEU OF H. p. A. Helm. Sccretarj. di-10-lt JJ ACRES- CF GOOD IASD BITV- tt-d on the Bi Bend of the Carson Birir, 29 milt rast of Virginia City, KeTida. Cut i;o tons of Bluejoint Hay ptr yio. Tlie land is well fenced. There will be sold with the place. 130 had ef Homed Cattle, SO Brood Marc. 20 Colts, and a V. ii-.ter Eangc capable cf gr&zisg 1,000 Lead cf stock. Tltis property vlll be told cheap on applica tion to II. t. CBAilPTOK k CO., corner of Mill and C streets. Virginia, or So JAM 3 DtJFFT t the .Soap Factory, Carson City. dclo-tf , 11. FllU.II!OOKS' HOLIDAY DISPLAY 10S8I4T or Rlrli Lxdy's Set. Watcbea, Watcb Chains. Bracelets. C: liar ma. Caril Heeeirera, Cake Daakrts, Choice AlbnniH, Portfolios, Work Uoxc, Writing Desks, Jtwelry Cas s, SmekiaK Sets, Toilet rases, China Ware. R. FRED BROOKS BEAUTIFUL FANCY STATIONERY, TVy Tools. Girt Toots, Muir Pot ts, Poems, JJctrti'litUlu Viper.;, irte;r UoliikXS, Fiance, Organ, Violins, Oni&K. O nccitia?, AcconJeoLB, Ou:g, r if tola, ic,, etc.. AaJ cvrr Iei r:ptioa of and (lantfu. THE NEWSPA! Is tLe most complete in tLt Si&tt . ntvir b:-fore Las the California iaj Ntvada rper bV-rn d:s:r:buted sj i-n.Bx;Tly anj cLeiply as Ur.rJns the Ix-t year, tre Uvw jTtjiarod to rtucw saln-crip-tijns for the ccminp yenr, tnJ iuv:t a cr.U btf siiltcrib:rg tifcAlAro. THE BERLIN WOOL, Sewing UaeMne, Iturical ard I'auoy Ccod Derartiucnts will in futtuv J under the intnav aoent ef aa xperi enced LaJy Clerk, who v.-ill duote htr wLole time in attending to the sati f our Lady Patrons. R. FRED. BROOKS. Tost Office Ll jci, Vanon Uly Nevada. diStf II. rIlK IMILIW'j.XiU OPt.S HIS Dancing Academy at Ccrbett Kali . . . . os; . . . Saturday' I veuiny, November 11th. CIa.-s v,ill luttt en Turi(!aj- uml Tlinrany Kveclnjrs. At . X o i-lOl'E. J KOir.HE EVElIV f ATIT.I1AY EVEXISO. I'ancing w ill ciiiUini-nU-ti at oY!rvk. fiharp. f. mitM. Change of Base ! E.O. JUDO & CO. I ATE KKSiOVED TO TiiU NEW STOSE li oppilt: KrjT I lron'a llrty Vnrd, t'urscn ty A"eata. V.'t Lan i,u htui a ful oas, rt:uc.t i fill kind HARDWARE O 1ST. S T E K JM O V S SB . Tinware, ROCKERY G PASfiTS, OiLS, Practical Tinners To d all Linus cf vrori in cur line. e? tall a til He cur lw Woik,a'-tf ANNUAL BALL 'CUHRYHOSECO. 3, OU CHRISTMAS EVE, DECEMBER 24.1674. AT MOORE & PARKER'S HALL Committee ef Arrangement,! Henry Langky, I t. C. Bunker, Ocorge ticliarda. Floor Flrectoi t Henry B. Shari. Flor Slaaaersi ?w ..rkicscn' I L. I.. Elrod, lib. Hawiborne. M. Ciibb. Flanders wtl'-known Qnacilll. Bat-d will f uraish njusic for the cccssicn. 1 he members will use thair utmost endeavors to have every one enjoy themselves. Usncing to ci u.mince at It o'clotk. Tickets tg 50 JOE EOSfiHSMn Holiday Column ! FINE OIL PAINTINGS ......FOIt. Ttio Holidays, AT JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. Hanging: Ifaskcls OF French Artificial Flowers T1II0 HOLIDAYS AT JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. i?1 i ." Jewelry Watches, and Cliaina Tlio Xloliclfvyjs, AT v'CE ROSENSTOCK'S. Furnishing Goods Finest Quality, POIt THK HOLIDAYS AT JOE HOSEXSTOCK'S. Tke Latest Fashion cf Hats Tiio Holidnye , a r Jce Eosenstcck's. THE BEST C41ML1TY OF AND SHOES FOS Holidays, AT Jco Rosenstock's. THE BEST STOCK OF Men's Underwear In Xtvnila l at Joe Rosenstock's. THE BEST mmE ......iTJ: OFFERED FOR HOLIDAY GOODS AT JOE BOSENSTOCK'S i: County Bnildin . THE. Carsen Street, CAESON CITY. dei-tf