Newspaper Page Text
to (arson gailti gfal C ARSON CITY s Salaritny Dei-ember 19. 1874 MININS HI'CM'M KKPOHT. rr HarJ. 1070 Ophir 114. 115. 11. 129 b3 2210 Mexican 27. 28. 27 H iti!3 Ootllil ft Chitv S9. 40 MB, 4, 31 15!5 Best S Belcher 37. as MS, S, S5?4 3in Savage I'M, 112, 3.15 Ctaollar 79. 77, 7g 3:i5 Bale ft Nureross ft. 62H. M Wi Crown Point 4S, 4j, 44. 48 b:M 1457 Yellow Jacket II I, lr.i. 168. 1724 bj i;!)5 Imperial 18H, 17)4, 17V. 1"J M l5 Empire Mill 16. 15J, IIS 6 U Quartz 7, 7)4 !5 Keoluck'iuH.'il M 270 Alpha 251.26 3:13.1 Belcher 46!. 47. 48. 4S! 17iU Confidence 47. 48, 47 ! . 47 S7S Cou Virii'Dia 3.5". 301, 337. 354) 1IM) Sierra Nevada 19. 19), 19, I lA'JO California 298, 'M2H, 3U0 SO Daney 2! 95 Eu-heiiutT 19". 2K 135 Sc Belcher Kill. 131, 13314 1335 Ooverman "9, 79. 81 MO, 79 870 J us. ice 65. 53, 59 Evening Report Tfln YalleTSH WO IUvmoml ft Ely 24. 23, 24 240 Kmcks Con la!, Ut 1011 W ft C 75c 40 Piucha 4 (A Has 2 1500 Belmont 14)4. 14. 15, 15J, b30 455 Bve Pa'cta 3. 3i. 3 7ll Ei.ior: ilo Son h 3. 4ft, t SMI Kldorado Sor;h 1 4 820 Frsnsian 4. .1 660 Cheir Cretk 1?, 1H 60 G Ciiariot31 200 S Chariot 8. 7. 6 C5 Mahogany 4. 4)4, 4 3S5 Succor 5. 4 i . 12iO Lailv Brran4'4, 4!4, 4t 810 Julia 7te.7l4 2S0 St Patrick 1 3U5 Kni :kt-roockcr 6, 5, 5 ft 90 Globe 1 JO Balilmnr.' 8H ISiiO Bacon 7. 7). 8 200 Bullion 17. 17 19 b3, 17 J 1950 I taU 8 ) . 8 4 (.3, g bt 625 Silver Hill 11, 10, 10ft 5 F.clirwe l::)4, 14 80 Trench 13. UH. 15 680 Cnsllenje 13, UH. 13 X S3 600 Pavlon 4 -250 Dardanelles 20 1250 S Y Con 3't 3u0 Bock Island 5V. SH 620 Senator IS, 14 ion Picton 55c 22S Occldentsi 4 1175 Phil Siicridan 54c 13 Flat 7 S55S Tvler 20c. !5c 40 Tnion Con 41. 60. 59. 61 V b3 Woouv lie 3, 3S. 3)4. 3 b3 20 Alts 1 H 150 Mint S5c 60 Sej; R Island 15c 10 K.issnth 3'i, 3 400 C P Ravine 1 120 Leo IX. It 1P0 Pacific 1 10:5 Aoaes3l., 3 10 Pa lea l-i 100 North I'tah 1H Death of P. H. Clayton. Although big continued state of feeble health and alarming symptoms had in a measure prepared Mr. Clayton's friends for tba announcement of his death, the news of his demise, yesterday morning, caused a shock Ihrongbout this commu nity, none the less severe because of the more absorbing topic of the day with which all minds were more or less en grossed. He died between the hours of 7 and 8 o'clock, at the residence of his daughter. Mrs. Byrne. His disease may be described as n combination of dis orders, the result of a generally enfeebled Mate of the physical Rvstem, that condi tion being ayoravated by a species of rheumatic gout which attRcked the heart and stomach and other vital functions contiguous to those orcans. Ve do not know Mr. Clavton's age. lie must have been well along in the fifties, we should judge. He came early to this State from pacramento where he arrived from bis home in Alabama in 149 or 1850. The deceased was a man of considerable na tive ability, and in his chosen calling maintained a reputation fur a good deal of skill as an advocate in criminal casts. He was widely known and had many friends. Ha will be bnried under the (inspires of the Odd Fellows and Good, remplars, to-morrow at 2 o'clock p. v. JtTBoK Beattt pc.-e arrived at Battle Mountain yesterday, and in company with Mr. J. A. Blossom and two other gentlemen went out to examine some very promising mitn s in which they are all very much interested. Hope they may all make thf ir everlasting fortunes. Speaking of Battle Mountain, our jovial fellow countryman, Pow Huntsman, is prospering there; Forbes, we are sorry to learn, is quite sick with nn attack of nervous prostration ; the three-carders are not i8 hilarious as they used to be; Bob McBeth dropped down to Winne mucca on Thursday to help his brother-in-law to get an audience for certain lec tures of his delivering; and Battle Mountain looks on the sage-brush and the sage-biubh looks on the cirenmben dibusted Humboldt, which storied stream goes on forever. rERsoKAL. Mr. Jere Miller, one time of Columbus, passed this point going to Virginia City yesterday morning. Among those who ennie to Carson for a worthier purpose than to see Murphy hanged, were Bed Wheeler, Ditto Precip. Davis, and Sam Jones of the Crown Point mine. These worthy and exem plary men gave a moral sniff to the at mosphere which acted like hartshorn on a demoralized nose. A ebaci or baileoadebs got their kegs full yesterday and made themselves con spicuous by kicking cp a bit of a fight. A brief acquaintance with the station house seemed to have the effect of abat ing the onpleasantness and bringing on .a reeling peace. The Horrible! Can so ai Thronged by a Villainous Crowd. Red Monlhed and Gap lnir ta See) a Miserable ' Hanged t THEY ARE DISAPPOINTED REPRIEVE TIM DECEMBER 21 i Interview wi4b Murphy specially with regard 4 the Npirlia and gptritaalism...Tho Wretched Mass of Shoalder Striker', Check Ool. lllas. etc.. Swear that they are Bilked." Yesterday morning Carson was alive with loafers and the scum of creation or rather of (Jolil Hill ami Virginia City which is maybe worse. And tho glorious " pards" of Carson united with them. A" hive of dirty drones. They all gaped together in sympathy. The inhumanity of man to man was well developed in them. They were pimpislily dressed and acted accord ingly. Greasy black suits and red cravats. They were on the "bejeez" platform. Bootblacks, prostitutes, bruisers, hoodlums, horribles, de generate individuals, miserables, apol ogetic of baboons, wretche. They swarmed. They wanted anything. A hair from the murderer's black beard or a nickel picked from the pocket would have been received. Murphy was askei what he thought of the crowd. He characterized tlictu as BARBAROUS, IGNORANT, OROSS. He said, maybe, some of them hated him and wauted to see him suffocated. Thev would revel iu tho spectaclo if himself, pinioned, talking against hope and the devil. It is rather gratify ing to onr natures to see an inert mass of flesh dangling. It is startling and we sympathize. We say terrible! crack a joke, go home, know all about it, and wait for another circus as chil dren on the 2ith of December dream of the coming Santa Claus. But SiriiPBT didn't care. When he heard his death warrant read to him by the sheriff, he listened critically. " Joaan K. McCullomT" be said. " You beat me ; I've know McC'ulloiu longer and better than anvbody and I never knew he had a K' in his name before." This occurred in the gloomy jail, the sheriff and one other only being present. Murphy was IN sriRir LAND though not iu communication with the spiriti. He said his frame of mind and his jail surroundings repelled the good spirits. The bad ones were floundering around like drunken men and disgusted him. HIS METAPUYU'S "I have no reverence for the laws of man. I look up to the eternal laws of Nature and of God. The Universe breathes. Its breath is the voice of the Maker. The mountain lives. Animate and Inanimate formations are the energized will of the Almighty." HIS RELIGION "Christ actually lived. He was a good man, a great reformer, a bene factor to tho race. But he was not God. He was in advance of his age, and people can't endure that. So he was crucified." Alt of this is con denscd from a half hour's talk with prisoner before he was led out to his would be hearse. Ho is a man of strong intellect (: Scotchman) and holds abstract propositions .before his mind as clearly as the ordinary Ameri can sees the merits of a business con cern. He bad been up all the night before, talked nearly crazy by a dozen reporters who took their turn to pump his heart and soul. THE SHEBIFF said to him: "Now, John, I have never put an iron on you yet, and I don't want to, now. You can't escape, but I don't want yon to try." Swift is a big hearted man, and had a terrible job on his hands. The prisoner went unshack led to his doom. No attempt shall be made to describe the scrambling aad gaping of the curious hoodlum crowd to get a look at him. THE SCAFFOLD was placed at the foot of a hill about three-quarters of a mile north-east of town. Thither the populace hurried, in carriages, buggies, horseback and on foot. And all breathless. By the time the prisoner arrived there must have been upwards of 2,000 persona on the gronnd. The brow of the hill and the age brnfh all aronnd of the rope circle enclosing the gallows literally swarmed with jostling men, women and children. While all was expectancy it became ru mored thnt a reprieve had been ordered to December 24. The rumor was veri fied by H. G. Parker, deputized Sheriff, who read the c ocument giving tba wretch an unwilling lease on his own life. The crowd (-two or three) tried to hurra! But it was too mnch for them. They bad tried to express a feeling which they did not feel. Jk. BEPKESESTATION or ISSAMTT had been made to the Governor who, under the law, was required to grant a reprieve in order to summon a jury to inquire into the question of his sanity or insanity. To hang an insane man is plainly in the face of the law. A few of the spectators wi re delighted at the tutu iu poor Murphy's atf.tits. Thev were, however, sadly in the minor ity. A yirWa (if this bard allusion to the monkey be allowed) was heard to sav: "Jistas I expected. I never did com to this d n toan without gittiu' bilked!" Another bird of similar plum age remarked that the whole rig was a job put up bv the whiskey sellers of Carson to rob 'the boys of Virginia and Gold Hill. A double robbery robbery of their money and their anticipated sensation. To the crowd thai described there ri exceptions of courae which served to fix the rnle all the more rigidly. It is to be hoped that if the Board of Pardons can do so, they will consider the cae of the unfortunate favorably for commutation although he would rather die. The torture be endures, at present, is dreadful. MARRIED. At the residence of Miss II. K. Clap, Carson, Nevada, Dpcemlx r 17, 1874, by Kev. Goo. B. Allen, Mr. Georgo B. Hill to Miss Lizzie Wheeler. The marriage ceremony and the wed ding festivities were an occasion of rare enjoyment. The bride looked very win ning and sweet, attired in a lovely niau ner in the usual emblematic drcs?. The groom stood bis ground like a man. The bridesmaid, Miss May Br.153, looked very pretty, and was escorted in the or deal by our gallant young townsman Mr. E. Niles. Miss U. K. Clopp and Miss E. C. Babcock, onr accomplished and amiable towaswomen, opeurd their ele gant house for the occasion, and did most handsomely to entertain thcif pupil. Miss Lizzie, who wim educated in their school the Sicira Seminary. The evening grew old rapidly amid the Inj ury of a rare least ami aaneing 10 elo quent music furnished by Professor Merzbach and John Giant. A 1m ee number of c'i'e were present; the Indies weie dressed inelegant taste and fashion, and the gentlemen looked as well as they could eouipaiatively. The pleasing feat of casting Ciudcrilla'g slipper was performed iu time for the bride and groom to take the train for California where, and elsewhere, forever, may the best blessings of earth attend them. We give a list of rich presents, below, which show the appreciation iu which the, now. "old folks" are held, regretting that we have not space to describe the 1 beautiful articles separately: Berry disb, from Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Kelly. Fiiih knife, from n friend. Soup ladle, from Mr. James Frnser. t ake knife, from BIr. It. F. Pixley. Pie knife, from Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bender. One dozen silver tea spoons, from Mr. J. B. Hill. Pie knife, from Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Stevens. One doz. knives, 1 doz. forks, 1 doz. tea spoons, and ODe-half doz. table spoons and a mixed set of small spoons, from Mr. H. P. Kraus. Mixed set of spoons, kcivts, etc., from the gentlemen of the railroad oflice. Berry spoon, from Miss Hattie Verrill and Miss Annie Atchison. A set of salt and mustard spoons, from Master C. C. Whitman. Half doz. tea spoons, from Mrs. W. M. Corbett. Snar spoon, from Miss May Brag. Half dozen tea spoons, from Mr. 11, F. Bice. Pair of napkin rings, from Mrs. Cowan, Mrs. Kate Duffy, Mrs. Slinger land and Miss Gregg. Berry spoon, from Mr. E. Niles. Spoon holder, from Mrs. Barden wcrper, Mrs. Pratt and Miss Work. A pair of elegant vases, from Miss Ida Kozelle. Syrup pitcher, from Miss Anna Star ling, Miss Mary Hodkiuson and Mist Ada Pixley. Butter knife, from Miss Eate Mason. Fruit knife, from Master Johnnie Briqgs. Berry spoon, nnknown. Sugar spoon, from Sliss E. C. Bab cock and Miss H. K. Clapp. Toilet set, from Miss Anuie Dcaly. Tidy set, from Miss Jsssie Cagwin. Bememberiatr (be Orphans. Certain thoughtful ladies and gentle men of Virginia City have made up a purse of something like two hundred dollars with which they mean to pur chase some appropriate and substantial Christmas presents for the children at the State Orphan's Hume in this city. Need we say that Carson should show herself not behind hand in thns doing the handsome thilig toward those little wards of the State? Let ns not be out done in acts of kindness and charity by our neighbors and friends of the Corn stock, but give, proportionally, as much as themselves toward the object indicat ed. We shall find and make known fur ther particulars regarding the character of presents which those thoughtful Vir ginians mean to give to the Orphans, in a day or two. The new oas wobes north of the V. A T. Company's shops are progressing well toward completion. The excavation for the tank is in process of completion, and the laboratory which is a brick building, flanked north and south with frame wings, is almost ready for roofing. The sooner Ibis desirable improvement is in operation, the better for the com munity whom it is designed to benefit. KEW AfvD OlAUTIFUL COODQ THE FINEST AMD Assortment ot Jewelry EVEIi OFFERED IN NEVADA! TIIIIJMOWT KXTKMHIVK A.l MAUMr'ltKNT INVOICE OP SILVER W.AJRE ;evkk-oprked is thin mtatk i The Cbciccst Collection of Farian Suiuctts ted Fieces le kTerto KVKH PUKCIIANKD FOR TIIKJM'.V ADA MAHKITI TUK WOST rXTKSMIVE STOCK OP CHILDREN'S TCYS ever offered for sale in Carson City And, in short, tnc mrst valuatile sjT. K llf HOI. IDA V ftmiiw ev-r rtr!red In this Mate. Tun J!u.lnili lltntr emliriici ll.e I IM-nT of r- French Clocks, Diamonds,, SETS OF PEARL Af D TLF.QUCtSE, CAME S, SPLENDID BRACELETS M 21 -i lif CIi:iiiifl, Lockets.lStuds, Kings, Sleeve Buttons, Spectacle, Cold Pens, Ami every cone, article cf the. TeweWs Art. Also, I'NC.l 1HI1, r"lKH AND A 11 1.K1C A S WAH'HFB. The Wee nt MI.Vl'K WAKF. t iMi Iwive ami vnrl'0. TUK 'AN V tamilM OKPARTMIiXT is v.ry full ami attractive. STEINWAY PIANOS! f rxtrs make mJ flnWlt hare Ixx-n pmvhawM ,r lltu COMING lIOl.ll A VH. Ili iiOo b(Jit Out 1 1 lied In t.ic foniFnin, tin K-al vnrirU tUcH'k emlrtttj GIFT m BOOKS, Of the most beautiful description, such as TOEM8. COLI.ECTIOSS faun AIIT, QUHS (breech-loaders of all kinds) ; FlBtOlSf t fry variety. MEERCHAUM PIPES and SHELF GOODS OF ALB SOliTS. l.ikewis Zotions, SLzx1o1s.-XSj3.ao1s.0s Au every ccncsivab e thing tu lh lilii i f TOYS AND PLAY THINGS FOR SANTA CLAUS! All tlMre Ouods arc now being cpcui 1 asI displayed at EJECT S. 17X'S Jewelry, Book, Music and Faiicy Article Emporium, ON CARSON STREET, OPPOSITE THE CAPITOL, Oaraon Olty, Novndn. .leS-tf fi. D. CHAMBERLIFJ, Ornci and S.M-reiK .'W foilwti Mock, cor ner of Csrsen and tipear street. Wuiiodii- Corner of Plaza mi J !user .rtta CAHSON CITT, NEVADA, w IIOLkNALB AND HKT MI. DU A le er iu Groceries, Provisions, FLOUR AND FEED. Blasting and Sporting Powder, IIui dw are. Tinware, Crockery, Clasaware, Cu41er Quints and Oils, Shot, Kuae, UiwK ho, j Furnishing Goods, &c. I cava ths largest ami Ut I1rc-tucl is ths State, sail sui prepared to receive Grain ar General McrcliiuiJise on 8T0KAOE t sll tiuiea. said to make CASH AIVANC LH ma the Mill. Good delivered fTra of cliarxnln til (( the city and in any part ct ths mrroiuidiui country. je&-U A. 1. lUA311lt.UL.ia. House & Furniture for Sale. IOFFKK IOK WALE NY UWEL. I.l.Ntl Uot'tE, WITH OR WITHOUT THE FURNITURE. B. C. WHITMAN. deMf noticj: TO PERSONS HAVING IN THEIR POSSESSION BOOKS BELONG ING TO THE NEVADA STATE LIBRARY. A IX Pr KKO.VM HAVING IXTIIKIR pofwfvien Hex k,i nil. r Law or sliscrlla. n'US, lielnotiics to the Nevada htato l.ihrary, orliooksfasvitiK the Llluary Mauin on lli. m, re hirehy notified to return I hem to I ho mate Labmrian inimctliately. k (.'anon, L'tci nib IH't. I.. A. lUTKNHt, 1,. 11. IIIIADI UV, W. W. liUllAUT, Posid Lihrsiy 1 irtitors. Ctt.'JW. ! MOST CO8TLVI IL-J EUREKA RANGE. BUY .THE EUREKA RANGE. i.1t la the II. .It.) Hie. U.l. It is 1 liu lll.U'liiuiO't :oca III IIM'. !l.l. It is the nul. kerf liakir in luaiket. Ilh. It in the ll.svhvt IVrlul.lS llmii-e 111 tuBite t; Hi. refers men. diiral.le. TEN . It han I an." rovetm Ihausnt 'rili. It isvis 'I inn an. I Money. imfii r I' furi'fi', REASONS Till. II w many New aad iiiirm tin nts. iMIi. It In llt.1 lii'ifl ij oliouili al WHY!: Ci'l,itiB A iiaraiits. 1 '.'tli. Ii .!. Hi. craielet amours t.f Vki'tk w1li Hie Miialh. cn.iitiiti..n of ftit. lOlli. A n i-M.iialcliaiiilliallon will c.untiice sue one thai it s . r sll V the Cist Slid 4 liesll IVr- l.'uua yil i'lM llH'iubllc. FOR SALE BY E.D. JUDD&CO. tuitsll fccyft r k 1 1 rod's Hay Yard, Carson City Nevada. OClletf CHARLES W. FRIEND, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Three l'oor. Kouth ( t t'ciitily rulldlrws, Carson tteet. 4 arson t lit. Aesler In sll kiads of JXaWMLiRT, W atches js AK1 tUAI.NH, Pearl end Diamond Seta, Etc W ah hi a (leaned and llefsirtd, K. 11. 1 he fl lust itbii.i. f Havana an Domes! in 4 in a is, 'lila.eo and sintiitis tleernchsoui I'll", tc an w had si n.j n. If" I'all and m iue. Jsti-tf IUAB. W. tflirKD. lovans of im: Wltn. Tins Lo dislie ! iLdulcr in iLi- lull rj if sti talis l.lis lu.'rtid rlrrr, it insi.nfsrtiire f .iirhr rjosl.ty; ln I r.c cut litli l ir n.iil t tiv, si vliolotleitnl.ul.l I'ly lec.ll tn tho ihl Ktore .l J. liiiKni. iiilHf (.uiiniy Hunk,! sin u Illy. M ' r. K. J.V inn , I tiliu.n ind M.t(ns, lira t. mcvti! 1.1. t Bu Iiiui ll.e t tmty l.'n.ia III iUlli i f Iran A.r '. I'. 4 1 H a's I til mis i. i im n tiixl. I irii:il 'c Iv mi. ml'i a i it- all Ut i" i i.) itO HtM U 3