Newspaper Page Text
hc parson JCteilij 3pp?al CAUSON CITVi Kaada T Dc:mWr UK IH J I Tiie Fat-iSe Mail Company's invest-g-ttion, involving nn examiuatiun of Irwin's !-.;S iloins, still pots on. As yet, Lowtvcr. it has developed uoth iz but il'0 r misteries. Irwin is too skk to st. .11.! lunch of a patupiiig opera tion, a:iJ oat of Stink well and the rest, tlte only information ut obtained is, in effy, th;:t Irwin got a very large snia of m jui'T from the company for the pur pose of helping along the affairs of the cnnei ru iu and alwnt Congress, and that to had never yet rendered n account of Vis nianuer of ilispoMug of that money. TIit! fir nothiaj his heen brortgLt to i.Ail afTcctinij the rtpntation of any ConrrsTiirii. - The associated press lit i:i Xe-w York seems to taie W-.-.t i-aiu to belittle the Oriental and t eci ilenta: Steals shin sjlitme. Tuat project ittrrated as a "Miitf" ly the Pacific IT si! G'ja-.p 1113 . On the oilier s-i.h-, it is VAX tUit ;Lr c-ar:tiips e; the White td ! r the 5-:ar l.iue Invir Iwoa cbarir: r lilroxi.l jv-oj.Ie. Ve f.L:iIl see we shall st 0. I is stated on good author- i:y ib-.t tho I . P. It iilrca 1 Company r.ud I'ze sx.iilctl U.-ieiital tcvi-.istal tttMaiship Coainafcv have signed a"ree- ni'.iits t .co- titrate with cue another. i uu jv-nat j Las continued the aPM-;iii- rtsut cf Sir. J.iraes Crawford as Super rvci.Kct of the Carson Mint. Oa Fri- t! ;r, the K inaia Kiu. was formally re eeivel by both Xionsts of Congress. H T :s csenrttd into tho Hoase of Eepres cutaiivis by Senator Cameron and Iie-r-rescut.ttive Orth, and iutrodiiced to the heuker by Cameron, who said: "I have th hon. r to present to the Spealter, the Kin.; cf Hiwaii." Then Bays Speaker ITiaine, says he: Toar M-jrsty. on behalf of the Aaie t':sa.a Congress I welcome yon to these kalis, itii.1 with the Senators from onr f-tates ac.l .-preventatives of oar peo f ! cure in cordial congratnlations npon j oar suspicions jonrney and express the traiiaeati-m and pleasure afforded bv j jur pr. seuce in the Capital of the n i l;t.uas the nation's guest. YonrMij ety's appoannce auion ns is the first instance 111 which a reiniii sovereign 1 is Si-t foot npii the soil of the I'nited, t-.nd it is a significant cirenm-f.m.- til visit comes to v-i from est aut not from the K a t . l'ro I aWv no single event conld more strik iu.ji.ii tvpi'y the progress ia jour M lj.-s-ty'a eonutry and ia onr own than the sveuo lirr; and now transpiring. The rapil Kroth of the Keiialilii" on its xi:cr! coast his greatly n-.ltr-vil our i::t re Tirs;withyonr insular Kiu?dtta, and has I d r.s all to ack'io-.v!td0-e vor.r wisl tm a::.l b. ;u decline as a mUr'aiul Junr fialt.d virtue. -j m a man. Oar V hole people cherish for y.m mid vnr.r '.bj-cis tin rao-t friendly r ;irJ; they l-a-4 aad Uiiete that there! viis of thV t vo eoantiies viil slw-.ys 1 . ;iS p.i as the, -Treat s a whii li r.!U lav., en is. tiai:iaan.l ti .i divi hu ns. The Kiagtr.,1 a l a I o i l; s.-.l Sj he got his Attorney General, or t .n. -thii--, iadge Alien, to rea l his reply which v.L ia these well-chosen, t-l-U phras, :aM.5jT: Jlr. Sp. .Iir-For vir !i:i 1 v.-. r.'; ,.f welifiaiel rurst ordialiv tL i-U von. I'ut this great wars of coLS.hi.00 I'ten .11 to the h.u .ra'olo Seute aud lion e cf Itcpre-entativcs my Lihit srnti-1-iei.tsand r. !Jrd; it is ia accord with th c.niteous and Renirons trrtuicct vhiob I h-ira rccive-J fr-u the F-iecn-l;ve I.-p ir'mest of tho Jove; i.t td froi.1 ali the pe.i:Ie vLiu I La i ta" 1 !L-asure to laeet f.i-.ce I lan:!cd u ths .Lort-s of the I'aciuc. I appre- 1 a. rou:j.i:uiiiary t.rra-s 10 wfcicl an iunriiie rratr La referred to .: ix-Mniiilr. For onr success in p v. ft'r1''. ani 'oroar progress ia higher 11110 we rr- very i.iuca ir.ilrl.tcd I j the ov. ruuient and petr.le of this J. real co.mtry. Yonr laws au j vonrciv- 1.1ariou have been in a creat d:-'ree our C.0.I1I. I re:proefe most ord;a!y the 1 :fe tor the eoutiuamce and growth of Iriet ur relations between the twa conn. Iriea. I am mt happy, gectL-men. to yon on tais occasion. The Fpeaicr thea Jtsctnile.1 from his .sk end was iutrodaccj to his mniostv. The ceremony being ovtr the divinity w hich iloth loomcte a Eing ranged him to witbdraw and bctaie hluiscif ia other :eas. The lloaso then passed the gr.ishopper relief -bilL Harlunrt re- frted a biil for chartering a double track railway from tidewater on the At Untie Ij the Missouri Uivcr. The eensid, ration of the L'-islalivo Appro- liation 1 ill in Coainiitto cf tho Whole, caased litter delate between Leek and C uSeld. After sorj amcnd:i:enf, the t 111 passc T. TorJ cf Illinois ancennre J the tlea'h of Lis coileane, I;ice. Loth KttHsiJjjaiiiedtiaJXoiiJi.y. ' THS DEATH- OP UlirT. VOX 1HAXDEK CUSIIIXG. Since the death of the intrepid Decatur no man whose name is connected with the (j'lartcr deck service of the American navy has achieved the eminence as a hero that was attained by Lieutenant Commander Cashing. That daring spirit after losing its own self control in the awful mists of insanity, has been called away. Cashing died iu the Gov ernment Lunatic Asylum at Washington on Thursday last, llis many daring exploits against the rebels and in cap turing blockade runners, well told, are more wonderful than fiction. His crowning act of daring was the destruc tion of the rebel ram Albtmarlt. This was done in the midst of darkness and the most appalling perils. Cushing's escape by swimming, nnd his return to his alarmed shipmates, are more like a romance of the traditional ages than the doings of a modern mnn of war's man. This bravest of the brave men of the Xavy has long been suffering from a mental malady. It setms strange that a man Ehonld escape the many dangers to which he chose to ex pose himself to die in a mad house. He I cojM have beta but little more th;in 30 j years ot age. lie looi;eit tne Hero. tr,s Tbs Gi-t:i:n"ext if Mexico made- preliminary arrangente lit. t th. protection 01 ioreigners ia tue holding cf titles to mining and other lands in Lower California. This is a largo stride for the Mexicans to make, or even to think cf. Once lit it be m;de secure for Americans to carry on busi ness ia the peninsular of Mexico, and that rich mineral country will be speed ily settled. Ma. James Cea-wfokd has been con firmed as Superintendent of the Carson Mint. Of coarse he would be and ought to have been. We are sure that he is proving himself a very competent Head of that institution. He is a careful, practical man and always knows what he is about and exacts their full duty from all his subordinates. AVe congratulate him oa his confirmation. The SruListi of the tew Atlantic tel- egrnrh which is being laid by the Atlan tic ::nd Pacific company was expected to take place ia nid-oc?an. yesterdav. This, if done, completes the connection of this competing line with Europe. The competition thus maile possible is gre:v'y needed. GRSEtiAL Ont has scut a military force of two companies t.I infanlry to quell the Indian disturbances near Iliko and the Mad It. This was done by request cf i rouiinebt citizens of I'ioche. It h somewhat confidently hoped that aa oTcr cf $2,Z'S ' ard no ques tions asied"' will bring Churlie liojs to the surf ice. tried. The exreiiment is to he Tub CKEiioNiors reception of King Kalakaav at the hi'.e House h i3 been sat is 'ac;c i i ly pes 5 urntc-d . ::. Aanj the Mliy rn- n.ors all oat in Carson, is one to the ef fect that Suarr.n will withdraw from the Se-notorial content in favor of Chailey 1); L .nc. Vco::peet b hoar next that he is about to present all his mining and railroad property, bis interest in th bank i'f Califoriii .ml the Talace Hotel t i I're.l. JI irt, of the? ;.'. One is j',;.-t as htely to occnr ns the other. i'u- Fob I'ee-icest of ttik Senate. Hon C. S. Viiri'in, tM-nator from Humboldt cjmutv, will bo a candidate for Presi dent i-ro tm of the Senate. E:rtkrt e;;toe''. Crrm-.t Affat. A distnrbaneo oc cnrrel at the Helvetia Saloon, North Main street, on Tuesday evening, that promised to merge in a lively fracas nt one time. A number of Italians were "on their beer" nnd brcan tinarrelinc ana jaliDermg in cboice Italian. Knives were freely displayed and some catting inelnlged in. One of the numoer, named IMmas, received a ptsh over the hft eye, another had a portion of his lip mppcj on, au-i a I hint escaped witb a slight cut on his nasal organ. Friends of the parties interfered, resumed order and ende avored to keep the matter quiet. No arre-sls wereinade. LurtLrt Htutinel, Dtc. It. Tus rivotirz. The lank Exchange Saloon, corner . f Kins and Ormsor streets, is becoming the favorite report of this city. The great aiuacti .n is Frtilerietsburj; Ever, while the best of wine. H-.uors and cirs are, alio, sold at the laa-. A Cit class billiard Table fer the m- ::t of it sl. a coit luix h at all hears i.d hea.iy ;ood eh e-r lor all are il rocic m, n- Ir.:i. r.lo i.ublic uvj. K. li. Prou Is the Oj'ii'.l'jT. I Ifcw To-Day. NOTICE IS DESCRY CIYEM THAT TOG co-partnertkip hprvtffore existing between P. F. Powers ard 1. B. Davis ia tbia day dinaoU ved br mutnal const lit. Kit! er of the uudcr aiined can sigo in liqui J&tion. P. F. POWERS, J. B. DAVIS. P. S. All parts inuVbttd to said firm are requested to settle tlicir act-ouata immediately and thereby save costs. P. . TOWERS, J. B. DAVIS. Bpooucr's Station. Tre. 19. ls4. de-fl-;d Ca rs on L odge No, 4, 1 0. 0. F Til E ME31BERS OV CARSOX Lodjre o. 4. 1. O. O. F., are hiTtlij n ques Ud to meet at their hall, 021 Sunday, December 20, 1874, nt 12 o'clock, prompt, to attend the funeral of our late Brother. P. 11 IXAVTOK. P. O. All visiting atd FojonrniiiK Frcthcrs i gtod stand, inj an- rtppectfuUv invited. Uv order, JOHN P. MEPER, X. G. C. A. TVlrnEEFl.T.. lUrCurilin f tcretary. ilelti-td Danica lodge o. 2, Ivniglits of Pviliias: 4 SC.-ISI.E AT VOl ft HALL. ! Sunday. Dcccler COth, 1S71, ('. n? oYlovfc to alt' nil the fnr.eral f eur l&ift Jjrjthtr Pat t'Laucrilorp. IJ. CLAT TON". Damon I-ede V). 5. K. of P. All vi-it-iui: ami sojourning Knights are rtFpectf ully iu. viud to at .nd. I' vordtr, p. ir. Mri-CAHY, drlO-t J C. C. Iamon Lodjje, So. D. dRECEPHOJBlUld TVill be given on The Eve of the New Year hurtday, December 31, 1SJ4, AT Moore & Parker's Hail. Thf Hall will be tasufuily decorated anj the lt lloir f ijrnisi.eil. - Programme of 24 dances of the latest fashion and ktyle. Committee of Invitation: Gov. L. It. Bradley. JndgeC. X. Harris. Oen. I.. A. Buokutr. Jcwett W. Adam. H. It. Whitihiil, I'oloml A. C. Ellis. Harry Peter-". Hon. Matt. Kanovan, A lei. Brisaeher, J u.'.Re lielknaj., W. W. Hebart, J;-rry Seh'ling. Coaiiuitte of Arraust-ments: I Urd, W.itt oi'i Blue Kiisettts.) Jaeib Tobrine-r, M. L. Yager. Matt Jiinekel, Edward 1). Ju ld, John Mot Tr, ; d. sir, Drv. Committee i t ltecevtion: (r5li Kotrtt'S.) Fml"e VTe'.lr, T.OfHn, Carry Day, T. J. Pnddev, J. Bof-kowiz, N. I'rrrrv Hal t. ti. L. Porter, lii cry Martin. Floc-r 3!Mi.ars: i Uf.Ht Iti.'ttta.) Cass. E. LanLton, H. v. Jiase.n, J:aia' Kelly. I.onis s:-rn. V.m. aiclutush. p. livacaUihJr. Chi: f F! x r Ireetor: I 117..';.-. Jilue Cittrr.) A. M.aarrj.) Tj. k- be ha-.l f. l'a d. Lrls' liusie Store. .JUlt.H 111 XT, t.rneiu-1 .'lanafer. FINE JEWELRY AND WATCHES FOR THEHGLIDAYS Silver Ware, Diamond Sets, Superb Chaius, Beautiful Lockets, Ikmt Drouzc (Iofks, And a fall assortment of FIRST-CLASS GOODS, Especially for the Holi days ! FOR PARTICULARS CALL AT C. W. FRIEND'S Waitli and Jewclrr CslaMishment, CARSOfl STREET. One door Ecrth cf O. P. Wiiiis.- IimgStore, CAfifcON CITV. ..VEVADA, e-PJ-tf I. . R. . A ttentioc, Champions of tLc Kcd Crcs ! ninE NEMBERn rp nnvsnw rv J. CAMPME.NT Ko. 1. are hereby notified to . .... m . j rr . I i H-Clll)g OH Sunday, December SO 1874, at 10 o'clock a.m., sharp, aa business of impor tame will eoine beforo the Encampment. A fall attrndame is solicited. Ut arder ot H. H. HOWE. Eminent Commander. David PrcHKir, Worth Secretary, del9-td 0. F. MEMBERS OP CAnSOV EXCAMP WENT No. 2, I, O. O. F., are requested to meet at their hall oa S nnd ay, Eecember !iO, li74, at one o'clock p. v.. for the r'trrwe of at tend ins the f amoral cf P. H. CLAYTON", P. C. P. All sojourning Patrisrchs are e-ordiallv invited to attead. GEOKfiE F. VONDERHYDE. S. W. Chi. K.M:ais, Scribe. delO-td HOLIDAY DISPLAY CONSISTS OF liiell - Sets, Watclies, AYatcb Cliains, Iirac.lcte. CJiaiius, C are! Receivers, Cake Baskets, Choice Altui-js, ri.rlfuHos. l'crk Uoits, ri'riting Desl;s, Jewelry Cases, Smoking iris. Toilet Ctsvs, China Ware. R- HIED BROOKS' BEAUTIFUL FANCY STATIONERY, Toy Tools . c-ift Books, Music Books, Poems, Aietrsrhtuiu PiiK., begar Holders, rianos, Organs. Yiolics, Gnitar?. Cencertinas, Acconleons, Guns, Tistols. etc., etc., And every description e-f 7ei.'.-', Ilooi.s, Lilly Uuofjlef, lt!ghs ami Oattits. THE NEWSPAPER DEPARTMENT Is the most comi'let? in the State: never before has the Califcruia and Nevada pajier been distributed so promptly and cheaply as Curing the latt year. We are no-nr i-rrpared to renew subcrip tions for the coming year, and invite a call be-f. re subscribing elsewhere. THE BERLIN WOOL, S.-ning Mart-inr, Musical and Fscey ticoda Departiui.ts will in fnture Ik; under the niLU:.i." ic ut of an experi enced Lady flciV. who will eievoteLir w hole time iu attending to the wants e f oar Lady Tatrcns. H. FII KB. BROOKS, Test Oftoe Eloct, Carson City Nevada, I'.ex-tf Mill a hi. Dancing AcncSemy at Ccrfcett Hall Saturday tvenln;, errnil;er Ilia. C!ai will meet cn TucsfTay anil Tfcnr:!ay Kvenin", At J !, o'clock. jr- SOILLE EVEKT SATl r.DAT EVENING. I'cneing will ctnjmeccc at S o'clock. Fl.arp. . a". niUAE. ANNUAL BALL ft " ....or.... Scurry hose co. CHRISTMAS EVE, DECEilBEB S4. 1874. AT IVSOORE & PARKER'S HALL Committee of Arrangements! Henry Langle-y, J. c. Bunker, oeorge u hards. Floor Director I He-cry B. Sharp. Ifloor Itlanacens E. J. Parkinson. I L. L. Elrod. Wilb. Ilawihorne. tv. U. M. Cobb. klaii'.ters well-known Qiiaciiilo llju-d will furnif h mu'ie for the cccasicn. 1 he m niUrs will use tbeirntraost endeavors to have every one enjoy theniM lv. i'tncmg lo cen.meiicc at o o clock. Tickets.. tSi 50 JOB MfiffiTOCK'S Holiday Co I ii in is ! FINE OIL PAINTINGS roit Tlio Holidays, AT JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. Ilaiisriiis: Caskets or French Artificial Flowers 'OUl 1 XII AS HOLIDAYS AT JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. WalcLcs, Jewelry and Chains ICE AT JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. Furnishing Goods Finest Quality, FOU T1IK HOLIDAYS AT JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. The Lates t Fashion of Hats ron AT Jce Eosenstock's. HIE BEST QUALITY OF SHOES Tlio IXolicifiys, .T Joe Hcsenstock's. THE BEST STOCK CF Men's Underwear In Nevada is at Joe Rosenstock's. THE BEST 11 ARE OFFERED FOR HOLIDAY GOODS AT JOE ROSENSTOCK'S County Building, Carson Street, BOOTS AND rcn C-A.IiS30f CITY, del-tf de2-td