Newspaper Page Text
Or parson 5ai!g Appeal cAKs-ON CITY: W4rfr Dmmbrr 30. 174 SOLDIERS' WAR CLAIM AGENCY K. 34 lnlcmry Block, SAN rK-VNCiSCO, CAL. r 14- AIKEN. ATTOBXKY-tT. f Law anil (.Vmutuiii r cf the GranJ Army ot the Kt ublic in California and Neva da, m ill give prompt attention to the eollectie-n of Additional Tiavcl bay. tow due CaliTimia and fcevada, YclnntccrB uischarged mi re thati three hundrtet aiilca f heme. Soldiers can dep. nd on fair dealing. Information ftiv.n free of charge. T hen writing enclose lamp for reply ana state company and r (timert, end whether vou Bare a disciiarye. Itcfne has extended the time for tiling i-lainis for Addi tional Bounty under Ait of July :. lSoti. to Januarv. 175, so all such claims ninst be made before that tinie. Ungual bounty of SlCn lias been allowed all voluutee rs w ho cnliate d befi ru July !d, ltI lor three years, if not raid fie same when discharged. Land Warrants can be obtained for service rendered before ISiiS, bnt not for services in the late war. Pensions fi r Xat wax and war of lbl? obtained and iucivas. d when allowed for kss tbau disability warrants, bnt no pensions ate allowed to Mexican and t'londa w ar soldier. SUte of Texas basgranted IVlisic.ns to surviving veterans of Texas Kevo latioa. New Orleans and Mobile I rizt- Hen y ia now due and bring paid. W. H. Aiken sb-i attend to taecrral l a aud Coile-ctiou busiue se5-'aw;ui .1000" won as cu ra b I e Case , r Uli. IE lilCHAC'S GOLDEN BALSAM! After ten years of trial cn this Coast ha prov jven itaelf the only curative iua certain class I diseases pronounced by medical pracUtion-J as incurable. T of era Dr. Le EiCu2o's CCLDEB BALSAM So. 1 cures chancre a trst and second atases. Son en the Legs o Body: Sore Ears. lyis. Jiese. c.. Copp.r-oUirfd bl'tehes. Syphilitic Cit-rrt, liaeased S-a!p. and all pnioary forms cf the disease known as Svphiiis. lTue. per bottle r two for f. Dr. Le Biclizu's GOLDEN BALSAM Ko. 2 cures TertiarT. Jltrcnrial. Syphilitic kbeurja tiuu. Fains in the Bones. Back of the eck, 1 1 crrattd Sore Threat. Syphilitic Ka--h. Lumps and Contrai ted CitUs. Stitfnesa cf the Liniba, and eradicat.s all uiass trim the syrfem. whether caused It indisirctien r abuse of mercury leavins the blood pure acd healthy rrice. ti pet bottle, or two for i9. Dr.Lefiicba's GOLDEN SPANISH AS tidote. for the cure ,ol tiocnerha-a. tibet. Irri tax ion. Oravel, soil all rriiiaryor tlcnital diar ranermeniK. I nee, f per bottle. Dr. Le Eiciza's GGLDES SPANISH IS- jection, a wash and injection for severe cases of tionocrbtra, lnnaixiniatory Gleet. Stricter a, and all diseases of the audi ys and b Udder. Irtce. il Jo per buttle. Alx Areata for DR. l.r. BICnAVS Gtl.UaCN PILLK fir Sen.inal vitainese. KiKht aJuuSHns. lzupotency. and all diseases anemic fnm Price. $J per bi'tlle. The cenuiue t-OLl'ES jtA.aai in put up only in round b-tflts. 4n receipt of 2-rice. these niedicinis will be sent to all arts of the country, by express or mail, securely parted kid trie from tbserra tioo. &ole Aectsr V. r. EICTTAtirs CO.. VLnlesale tld beta:! 1'toeist. acd Chemists. S. VV. cor. C'laj and ttieue fl btreets, San i riiicisco. I al. JrJ-iy STATE FRISOA BOOT AHD SHOE FACTORY A fcVFFRHIK AB11LK ":F Heavy and Shoes STATE'S PRISON, CARSON NEVADA. Tar atBcnrf tie trade it ficrjilly ai-rtte lo taw above goods. Orders! fomptly execute berltf P. C. HVMAN. Warden? VIRGINIA & TRUCKEE R. R. Ql AND ASTta FIJIRiART 1st. THRCUGH PASSENGER TRAINS or r""u."o"ictii. with Lattrn and w urtera konnd Passenger Traiat of tne 0. 1'. K. E- WILL. LEAVfc Virginia City btaUon. .at 9.00 P. M. Gold Hill a 9.12 p.m. Mound House at 9.50 p.m. Carson City at 10.45 p. m. Franktown at 11.13 p. M- Waahoe City at 11.27 p. m. Steamboat t 11.43 P. M. ArriTiae at Reno et 12.15 A. M. WILL. LEAVE Beno vt 2.25 a.m. Steamboat at 2.57 a.m. Washoe City at 3.13 a.m. Franktown ot 3.25 a.m. Canon City at 4.05 a. m. Mound House. at 4.4? a. m. Gold Hill at 5.20 a.m. AmrinpatYirginiaCityat 5.30 a.m. LOCAL P! TRAINS Virginia City FOR CARSON CITY 1 el a and lira 3 a. aw. and lilJp. sat. LEAVE O i o xx C x "V FCR VIHSIHiA CITY m M-u I M-w mmm p n riEIGHT AKD aUCCHMODATIBH TRAIK5 ugiris City lor liruv a: A3 a. m. snd 35 p. m. Will 1ct iieco ivr VirgiiuA Citj -vt S a. id 1 p. m. ami p. m freickT'trains Leave v, urniTiia City HILT at S:l5 a. m.. I.V. a, ni-. a. ci-, p. Hi., 1 -A- p. ni., 3:l- p. zu. sxd p.m. LeaT Carsci. City IAII.Y at 6 a. m.. a. m., 10a- ni., 12 m., a o. iu.. 4 p. m-, ai.t 6 p. m. At Tircinia City, C.eld Eill aid Cars- n f ftlce Thrortth Tk-kets uu lr illpitvil trSah tru cisc-. t-jrden and intun-eiiiate loinlacn the C P. K. K. Through TickrU can be procured at the Conv vany's osic. lrgiiaa for Clacaa;. kansaa city and at. Louia. H. M. TEIlI-VtSTON. Ceaeral SaperiatexdsBt. STATE OF NEVADA, BY THE GOVERNOR. A PROCLAMATION. 6TATK OF XF.VArA. ) CjifKS CITT, December 12, 1ST. ) To All to Whom these Presents shall Come. erecting : .1THFREA-. ON OR A"IT THE V third of November. 1874. a General E'cctioo was bolden for a Member of Corrress, OGicers of Siato. Jadges of I lie Supreme bench, and .f the Distrii t Courts of tlie ssvcral Juiu cial Districts: r And Vbmu. thecertiCcalc of the Board or Canvassers of the returns of raid Election is now on tie in the office of the s-.ivtary f Slate from which Ihe result of laid Lleetiou will more fully appear: Now The lefore, in pursuance of the require ments cf Sac-Xl of an "Act r. latins to I.leo tions." approved Mcrch 15. 1S.3. 1. L. R BHADLEY, ejovernnr of the State of Jevae.e. do hci.l v Mivethe People of said State to know aud be informed, that the following named per sons were duly elected and chofen to the efhees as hereinafter set forth. William Vecdhnrn, of Virginia, in the County of t-torey. to ! a Ki mberof the House of representatives in the Congress cf the t si ted States of America. Lewis It. Frmller in ttie t'..r.uty of 1-i cf Mcund Valley .-. to te fiovemcrof the State of tvaia. Jewell TV. Afcnus oi .o!d Hill, in the Cennly .t Sl.'tiy. to be LieuleKiit-Uovtriicrof tbeStatecf Savida. Vt I'Ifan If. Bealty. of Ham;!trn. in the Otnuiv t White TiUe. t.. Le an As.-VKi.-itc Jus tice fiTthr cr.R tirm of tlieminme rrarn oi th, stllU. 4 V.'arii of evda. rner 1- mil, of tl o t. wu of r ..o. m li.c.rtrf i lki. to U ;n Ari-'.v:s.o .'n-ii. e'.crt t.ruief the mijiiw tctica.'f the State of S. vfcia, riiarlrs F. Blcliitcll. cf farson Oity. in tie County of C rnilT. to bo Cl.'it of the Mi j.r nie Court of toe SUiteef vada. John R- Kittrell. ef Hiiltcn. in the Cetii lyrf White I iue. to be Altorni 3 -ticmral ef the State of cva-ia. JauM-o V. Minor, if rni.;ile. in the County et Hnn.b ldt. to l-e httrtUr ef state ot the ctate of i-itveua. William V. MoiMirt. Haiuiltrn, in the County c f vbile I inc. to be CeUtrolhr of the State It Nevada. Jerry .liro!iti jr. cf Revll!e. in the County of Nve, to Le Ireasurer of the Slate of John Da, ef Pajton. in t!ia C nuty of Lyon, to be Sorvejor-licteral of tLe State ot Nevada. tiamnel P. Kelly, cf the town of Inreka in thi County of Kurkvt be SuMrinteLdint of iablic lLstruttiou of Cue State of Nevada. Henry' H. IThitehill. of Carson City, in the County of orcisl y, to le S'stc "ici rah gist of the Stte of Nevada. John J. Hill, of Winntn'.ucca, in the County of Humboldt, to bo stale I rmttrof the State of Nevada. Richard XCisincr. Ci uiitv of sti ri y, to l-c of Virtiaia, in the .'Uiige if the J'irst Judicial District. S. IT. M riht. earson uy. m iue , t cu&ty 'i eirm.oj , io oc d..uh, i . Sevond Juuu-ial District. William M. Sranfll. 'f Dayton, in the County ot lon, to be District Jutl;e of the TtirdVudiciul DlstrUt. AVilliaiia S. It-mnilield. cf 7il.t:e D.uc ea. iu ihe c uity f liuinl-ohlt. lo bo 1 is'nct Jnil.e of th- I'eurth Judi.ialDistiict. p. c. McKonney. of Austin, in the County of 1-auder. to be District Juuce of the Fitth judicial Dist.-ict. Frederick W. Cole, f t ttinU, in the County of Lurela. to be District JuJjje Sinh JudieUl District. Henry Rives, . of Pioche, in tfce County of Lincoln, to be District Jnde of the Seventh J ndicial District. Jann S. Jamiaon. of Aurora, in the Coanlv of Esmeralda, to be District Judfce cf the tlighth Judicial District. John H. Flack, of the Couiitjr of Elko, to be District Judge of the Ninth Jaduial District. In Testimor.7 v. eerrrf. I have VcK-nntA Ket mv band. audcause-:l i the lireat Seal of State to be af filed, in nc at Carson iity.tuis ild dny of December, li'i. L. It. Hit A PL ET. By the Governar: J. D. Misob, Secretary e f State. deS3-tjal OLD "SAZEBAC" SALCOK CARSON STREET. CARSON CITY NEVADA. A. LEWIS Proprietor. Tniswm KNOW NAXD POPIXAR baloon Las been entirely rejiovated and le opened by the undersigned. A Fin Billiard Tabla Has TSe-a added to the establ:shn;er.t, and a CLl'li ItOOM fitted op with tha vie to accom modate visiters. I Lave purcbaeed a first class assortment e,f "Wi.nop, Liir.or8 and Cigars, Aid will bo harpy to see and wait cn i my fn. lid-. A. l.l-.m.--. Um. Ha H. CKATFItLD, Ciitrts to the Lr.;f f Cfcrtcc tLc f Lfkt ... .-1- Childrcii'r. Clcthire Cccjfy-Kccle At d 5'aile to Older. Also. Z3 2? c ts je xaa els. n s In t he litest styles. 1 ccms on SOUTH CARSON ST RE Opposite the Exprea Office. aul3-U PEKDOIaA'S BOTISSBBIB EirgStrcet, cpro t t!e V. S. lanl OEcc, rarson City .Xevaffu. Heals cooked to order at all hours ofday & night. DINNER AT3:S0 P. H. This Rntisw ne will al ays be snrplkd with THIS hi hT 1H1. MAhhKT Al FOlil S. Connected w ith this is Peiiriola's Saloon, Where the Etst Erands cf; Table and Other Wines, I.ItjroBS and CiaAKScanbehad. W Give the KoiiEserie a trial. B. PENDOLA. n-2n.ici Propi ietor. NOTICE 5S nniEEY fclVVX THAT THK co hfretnere tiislmg b twetn 1'. F. I ewers at d J. li. I avis is this nj rii-scl-vd by n-Btnal coustlit. h':tl er of the uuder iutl can sin in liquidation. - P. F. row EUS. J. b. liAVIi. p. s All parties indebted to said firm ere riiete,i t.. settle ttur tceoui'fc imu-idiite v alid ihtriby ave costs. n v ti. ,u e lc J.'ll. IlAVlS. ' Spovntr's Station. I) c. IS. ls't. ce-O-yd uahs at. gaiue. a. aier. fiagnoiia Sale on, . MAY GAICT, Freprictoia. COl'NTT Bl lLL'INGS, CAF.SON CITT, EV. THE ABOVE SALOO.V HAS Bl'KX entirelv refitted ai.J Ofe-td under the pres. eut pnprietorsLi in first-class style. The bes- j vt Wire?, Liquor? ar.l ( :irs ilnavs to be Lad at the Bar, tnd there are Two l'-C LASS Billiard Tables, the aceomrcodatioc C mstomers. .IAKK M. CAIOE, A. MAT. M LAC KS1W I T H i K C rVAEOft'S H,:-.ll Lh9 ntPAlHED. Carriage T" ork neatly dons HCRSE AMD OK SHOEING. All kinds of Hard Wood Lumber, On Land and for t!e bv V.". I. TORltUVSOX, Comer oi Carse.n and Third streets. Alo ci-' r.t r of Sj ear and Cwsi u. streets. sr"AU WCI fMlHliii uoii'i -I-Ie ,, "l tO (ill M'I- FlAf.OS FIAKGS !-t2EU. 1vII.I. PFLI. TO ANYt'NE HISHIXO TO lunhase tLe K V.L" wili my iwi! tLe putil it r in it for ?'ou. Also Ant for iUET & Davis. tTKINWAV'S. cmcusiM".' ab E.NA&. a Kiasos. Ire. It LUX II. HIEPZBACn, Pre-fissorof aiusic. 0 igar Store THE UNDERSIGNED i has opened iu the ORMSBY HOUSE EIQCK THE FINEST LOT OF Xjtln-vxi-i Cigars, .....ALSO...... Domestic Cljjars, Piiies Meerwhaoin Pipes, osc ewer brotaiibt to Carson. LOUIS MANDLEBAUM. je7-tf BANK JOTiCE. THE BAXK OF WELI, FARGO : CO.. OF CARSON CITY, Will Hereafter be Closed ox SUNDAY, DURING THE ENTIRE DAY. H. F. RICE. Agent. c ni-tf H. . BICE. h. J. rrTERS. 1UCE & PETERS STOCK BROKERS, Carson Street, opposite TTrlls. Farg. Co fc.airKfi tflU-r. CAPSCN CITY....: KEVAD 1ITRL PCKCHASE AX SELL 1 strictly On CorriiT.ifcri, MINING STOCKS, Bcac r of All Descriptions, And tl J securities dealt in at the . . A KANCISCO Stock and ExcLarge Board. Advances Made ON APPEOTZD STOCK fe25-tf niCK & FETEKH. ASSESSMENT KOTIGE. Tf UX1ATA COXSOMOATKp S"- J ver Minire C-tnpatiT. location of vnEcipal place of business, htn rrarcisco. California I.ocatii n of wirks. Ai.n.ra, I fniiralda cenntv, Nevada Kotice is herebv given "';,t at IM" ins of the Boanl of Tirtctors. held cn the H"th oay cf Ilccmiler. 1ST, an ass(nn(l:t Ni. two fZ) of one ($1 W) dollar pir share was levied nron the rsrital stcck of the corporsticn. pay ablo inimriliatelv. in I nitf d Stales gi ld coin, to the Secretary at ti e of Die conil'aEy, Iloom 2.1. No. 419 California street. Fan Fwn- Cisco. alifornia. Ar.yst-.-k tipon which this assessment shell remain unpaid on the 21rt Say of Jannary, 1S7. will be delinqent. and advtriised for sale at public auction: and unless payment is made be fore will be sold on Vei3nrstinj-, tbeftnth (10) d.ty cf Feb ruary, 1875, to pay the ddicniuat assessment, toptther with costs of advertitiue and e xpenwg e f sale. C11AS. S. NEAI., Secretary. Office Kcom S3. No. 4H, California street, San Francisco, California. dtllt-td IX TIIE DISTI1HT (Ol'RTOFTHE geciEd Judicial District of tLe State I Xf vads. in sr.d fi r the Com:ty of Ornisl'v. HLKOXOKE ALI EN, plaintiff, vs. ItLl l UN V. AI.I.FN, defendant. Action bronvht in ti e Idstrict Cotttt cf tl e S.cond Jil 'cinl Dislriit if theStatert Mtvada. in and f. rthe Cot-uty of Oiusby. ar.d the com I lair.t fii d in sai.i 1 1 ucty cf tii i-by. in the office of tl.c Cl i t i f suid l-l.trict t iurt. 'Ihe State i'f Nivcd.i sctis trteiit g to Iitl. W". AM.IN. e'ti-Dcait. You are hereby riquiiiiitoappear in an action brought against y,.n ly the aboe named pluili ti:f iu the Distri.t Ci-r.rt ef tl:e Seci-nd Judicial Iistiictof the State of Ni vaiia. in end for the tVunty if Ornisby. to answirthe cciiiplsint tiltd thitein la ci'py i-t' whit li acc uipalinsibis smiiiiii lis) t, it bin tin dtjs inclusive of the day of sirvici ) aft. r the service ou yoa of this suinn.oi.s if fi rvpil w ithin ibis eeuuiy: or if seivid o:it of this county. bnt in this l'istrict, within twenty days, ctheiwise wilhinfoily days or jm!fcn:enl by ditauit will Is taktn taintt yen. . The said action is to cMsfflve tl..' b( tuls i t uiatriluotiy e xistilii; between yi'trsi If ltd the leiit.i alt n the preuLdef fa'litiR to provide the coiomen nuessarits of life for mere than two etr la-t i the n I iriy elscriled in tli ci'tnl' 1C se-t i.ffli. ihe use and bene lit of tLe 1 lMi.trc. and that I be nstind tolir ii.aii'tu i;.-n-.e it Hiolitc Luuiant, and juiijrniei.t foi c, sts. And yi u are hereby notifed that if you fail to ape.ear'and au.-we r the said ceitipljitit as aliove required, the said plaintiff will apply to the Court fi-r the relief theft in pray' d. (.iv. n i:ik1i r iny habd.ind ttie seal T.,.li..i.l liieei. I of til Slftte Of Ni TTS va'da. ill and fcr the County ot Ormsl v. this id day i.f I'efen.ler.iutiie year of our lerd, one thousand eight Lundred acJ seventy-four. T. J. EDWARDS. Chrk. Wat. Patttf.sos, Attorney for l-ibiutiil. d.c-lui Summons. IX THE UISTItlt T OI RT OF THK Second Judicial l'istrict cf the State of Ne vada iu aud for the County of Orinshy. sliLt A. VAGEU. i-lainttn. vs. CLtillolO lilEK YOEK. el.fetdat.t. Action brou lit in the District eurt of the Sece n i Judicial District ot ti.e State ot Nevada in and for the County i f Ortnsby. atd the com plaint fil.elinsaid loLiity if cniisby. in the otl-.-e of the Clerk i f said District Court. TheStaie cf Nevada s. mis uieetinB to CULIa-Tol-'ULU YAtiLU, defendant. You are here by required to a; pe ar in an action br. neLt as-aicst on by theulioxe uau-id plain tiff r tve I-istrict onrt if ti e Sicund Judiual Distli tef thi -Mate if Neva-a, in and for the i . r.t tv of Cni.sbv, at.d to a' sweftlic conivlatbt 111. J tLe'e'n iscopy i f woi. h ac i tupal-ies this sun"n:oi,) wiiLtu -exclasiveof tU- o-iy of s.rvlce) ait.r tLe s.lvi.o vn J.'-n if tins sun.maa--if served v.i:Lin this i nunty; or if fervid out i f this county, let :u this District, witlin iw.ity da. oiheiwise wilhin forty di;s- vr iri(it , -u"n ' l t-Len agaii-st yon. . '1 te f aii rtion is brMiuLt to cbtain a dcirt forever annulling the bonds of matriu-ony .nd ne w ex sting lt w.-en you and plaintiff, nion the grounds of wilful cesirtion and failtLg to provide the common niccsaarits tl lite, lor m--re than 1 wo years last pat t. And you hereby nt Led that if you fail to appear aid ans-er tl.- said con.plaiut as above required, the sai.i plaintiff will aj ply to the Court for the relief tt.erein prayed. i n. fiiven nnder my hand and the seal ac' the District Court of the beeond fcF. AI- jajjt.iaji p.L-trict ot the Btate of Ke NYvai'a. in aud fur the County of cirms by. this 17th day of Novcrulicr. in the year i.f our Lord, one thousand eight hundred ami sev- tit v-ft nr T. J. tll.o i-. "." Wat. Patterson, Attorney for 1 laiutiff. d.-lK-lm S U JIMO N S . IN THK DISTRICT C'OI K I ' -JUK fiw-,.ft Jii.iUuhI llistrictof the State of e- vada. in and lor the Caointy of Ortnsby. I.OIISA PAliROTT. plain tin, vs. ua-uiior. rAKUOTT, defendant. Action brought in the District Court of the becoud Jndicial District of the State of Nevada, in and for the County of Onnsby, and the Complaint tiled in said County of ormsby, in the office of the Clerk of said District Court. The State of Hevada e nas greeting to ux OKtiE PAKKOTT, defmdant. You are hereby reeiuired to appear in an action brought against you by the above named Plain tiff in I lie District Court of the becond Judicial District of the State of Revaua, in anu ior me -!onntv of Onusbv. and to answer the complaint tiled therein (a copy of which accompanies this Summons) within ten days (exclusive of the day ot service) alter the service on you of this Sum mons if served within thiseounty: orif serve-d out of thiseounty, but in this District, within twentv days, otherwise within forty days or l,v de-fault will be taken against yeu. The said action is brought to dissolve the bonds of matrimony existing between you aud oLititift. in ion the alleged ground of failing to provide the common necesssaries of life for plaintiff and family for more than two years iasi pasl, at a taai m uumuu tuuiwuu i t minor children, Oeorge Austin, Ylilliani Heary and Ida Hay be awaided 10 piaintin, ana juug- m.iil for her cists. Aud you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint as above required, the said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relii f prayed the re in. y . (live n under my hand, and the seal SPE "S of the District Court ef the Second a,llJy Jndicial District of .te State of Ne vada, in and for the County i f Ormsby, this r.thday ef De ml. r, in the year of our Le rd one thousam: tifct t uuiiuna ami Kiraijra., 1. J. tl Alil'S. l-icra vcf . Tatte! son, Attoine y for plaintiff, delti-lni DR. L. A. HERRICK, H OJILOPAIBIC PHYSICIAN Osfick In Mstt Einetel s Sew Block, Carson LAKbOA cii, iii TO THE UNFORTUNATE I -.rar tirvriilES ! 1 NF.W HEKEDIF-SI C2 Kearny Street. San Francisco, rftabliern treatment of Sexual and Siminal Disf js- r as Ciononhea. Oleet. stricture, s in all its forms. Seminal Veakners. Imlt.y. ..c. Stin diseases of yesrs standiiit! tnd lictrat.s Lens successfully treated. Horrible JJiseases. How- trinv tin usamls e.f perfcns-, both male andf. male, are there ""'"fJl"? mi.erable existence from the i fleets of dulj;enc.8.t.rr---ni-imsabsoitied into the ryr tem! Look at toeir pallid, eiacia'.id and ois fiL'tired faces and thiir broken-down constitu tions, disqualifying th. m for the happinesf i of marriage or the enjoyment e f life. In tnis horrid situation thousands suffer until death closes the scene. Lit pannts, guardians, ft ienils. attend tot hose who are stiff, ring wltb itnyof these horrible, life-destroyms maladies see that they are cared tor and cured bofi re it be too late. Send them immediately to Eil. GIBHOS, a phvsician who has made private diseases his especial study for, and who is certain to cure the most inveterate-case, without mertuiy or any iujuriousdinps. Seminal Heaknei". Seminal Fmiseious. the-consequecce of self abuse: This solitary vice, or depraved sexual indulgence, is practice d I y the youth of b. th sexes toau almost unlimited eitint, ire.diuing with unerring certainty, the folloTvinf.' tmin e f morbid sympton.s, v-ulcss ccmbatid 1 y fci- nti fic niMlical measnres, viz: Sullow conuttn ance, ciark spots under the eyes, i sill in the head. ril:gmg in the e-ars. noise- lis-e the nistlirj; of h-av.s an-1 rattling e-f e-iiarlois, ui::-as:r.e sa ab. lit the loins, weakness ef the limits, cct.fu s.d visi ii. blunted inte llect. i ss i f coutideme, ditlid. rce in cj 1 leaching stiane. rs. a dislike to fcrm new acquaintance-s. dispoeiti. u to shun soiietv. lost, i f n.moiy. hectic tlr.sL s, l.iu-.ples and v'-iricus m i tiens abi ut the fn.s, furred tongue, fetid breath, coughs, col. sumption, cicht sweats, ni. iionianiacnd freqc, nt insanity . If relief be tot obtained, should api ly imme diately eithir in pi tson er by 1. tt.-r, siulhavj a cure .11', ct.d ly his new and scicrnitic iiic.le-1 1 treating this oil' ase. w hich in v. r fails tf ef fictit g a quick and radical Hire. IIKKII AT HOME. P. rsors at a ili.-tance may be Cl V.TT AT HOME, by addressing! Ittt.rto rit. OlbEON, statirg ca'se. symi t-ms, i f time the dis ease Lasci utinued. and hac n eiiicme i rcmpt. iv forwaid.d. free from dtn ( iwl curiosity, tb any part if tie country, v i h lull and lain dir.i-tii.ns. lty inserling T. n Lollars ccin, in reuistend letter, through the rr through Welle. largo; Co.; a paiksg-if medi cine will be forward, d to any l trt rl tLe I'aioB. Crrespoiid.-nts will please infotm Lr.Oibboi; that they read his adv. rtii-. ments m the Ai teax. Address, Bit. J. I'. CIHHON" jei'li-ly 115i. San 1 rancisco. NOTICE ! A1 LL. rERSONS INULBlkD Ttl E. D. JUDD & CO.. AEE EEQlESTrD TO bFTTLE BY TEE First of January, 1875. T All accounts regaining uneittled at that tiiuc- Will be placed in tLe bund cf an Attorney for Collection. Carson City. Lee, 15, 1S7. dlS-tel John B. Bradley mmFi-t. kowx von tik last " tw Irr jcare iii l c;gUh L'cjuiity, Will ta a candkl-t ft,r S E RCEANT-AT-ARMS OF TUE ASSSKM Iil-Y at fft-retth !r.rkD cf tie Nreia I'i-ii-Ii-ture. , "Mi-nn. Nov. C. 174. D. H. LENTZ. PRACTICAL PIU8BER, Cas and Stcsm Filter, And dealer in all kinds i f PLUMBING MATERIALS, GAS FIXTURES, ETE T...:ei:nno ei.e. .1 no with Gas. V'ati r and "e- Steam biis, at the lowest ratis. All wcrk war rioued. CORNER CARSC" AK3 FRCCTCR iTF.EET3, CARSON CITT, XETADA. K. B. - Lead Burning and Chemical Plumbirg. deU5-tf CARSGN CITY BREWERY? KINO STaLKT CARSON CI1" KEAABA Wagner & Klein, Proprietors. The Tery bebt quality of LAGER BEER Made aDTwber on th Pacilic toast o vh.r. Ordt-re Broiijitly attended to. The fcaloon is canstantly supplied with tht finest brands of WINES, LIQUORS k. CIGARS Give Is a CalL JCEX WAG NEE 1 tf JAC.'-E KLEIN. Great Excitement IN' IUfc MIIjLIEBY mrs. annas. brooks, wjut DEIHOLS OF DElXli OI lDOh' hi J3l anybody in the selling of Millineiy Goods iu the State of Nevada, has received direct from the Paris, London, lierlin. Kcw York and ban Francisco markets, the LATEST STYLES of MillineryGoods . ... . . Yull . . . FALL AND WIMER WEAR. Also being dttiroue of in t reducing a novelty in this line, elie baa ou exhibition and for sale a large iuvoice of LACiES'&CHILCREM LPJCLhV ER OI superior quality, and sold atsurxriiutlj- low l'rict; alto a large invoice of jOLvimnn IXii-, tli beet in the maiktt. AttLis nahuiticttt dis play Sture, can b. found tverjthmy nt tl;eMiiii uery Line the richest and n.obt lublaoiiiibiu Qonnets, Hats, fctc, EUfh as ire vera in vroran Ctpitals. m laditsof Canon and vicinity are rtpect fully invited to call and examii.0 her splendid ttocfcof goods. Place of but-imea: ten uoor to Kitz lutyer Bros. Stone Haddle and Burnt ss Store, oppobite L. Morris k Co.'ts jUry ocds Kcre, CARSON STBEET, CAESON CITY, EV. ol3-lm MI-.S. A A 8. LKOOlvS. 1 1 I 9