Newspaper Page Text
CAHSOX CITY t Tmraday Jannarjr 3. 1375. " GAMBLING. The L-p i I :lnre will soon ba occnpiej on lb irrrrre.fMe stir jct of pimMing. Tb oij la iri!! be modified, most jsro IjiMt: an.l it is cot iicic!-alle that IUI itioa milb rrinl to f-arsbiing will, in tome rrspcvtu. assuuu cr.Unrlr nf feature. The riis of gambling are t!is cfxsssed in social circles, on the streets, in the pre, and from the pulpit, in this ttate, forever, front tiia adjournniect of the preceding LyjiaL-stare throngh the sit tio of the one that fellows. There ntrtx bus beta a ttrxisliitir. enactment to Ikvnsa or restrict piaiing has ever please J one half of the people nor, afcmintjlr, z!I liere erer besat!sfitcSory tisl.ili n ia the premisfs. 'Thi reason of the tlis.-Hitifuction is patent to one who is disposed to rCect npoa the qtiee tiia wiihoat, or prrjiuice. It is a rca'cri il evil an.l conflicts with the har mony of tua government ia a Slate, ol dest pnrsly as icf ipedient acd contrary to the piblic econ-sair. There is har.ilr arh a ikicg onceirable as an r.aiform notion of pnblis morality ia a iLiitJ eociranni'jr like oars ; an I as regards pmM:ntt ia the entire s;htra legitima teljso niait J. we, aj a peop'.o, ciay be saiJ r.tthor to arjne for than to condemn it. Trt t ji'ro Et ver has b;en a kis cade to suppress or circnaiscriba gambling which jli.l not derive its force spirit from a v.igue line of theological or e'.hi 1 argnruenf. This '"Car western" re gion eau!:ot carry a seU-iujpeJ burden of lliis soil and is constarXy lifting it opcuiy to have :t settle down ajain end ia some other place. The last, a i!os one t J be sore and rather indefinite, is for society to parga itself of its on disease. In the mean time all that the most earnest Legislature can do is to play the part of homeopathic doctor, snaking it costly to gamble, an 3 helping nature by assaming to administer medi ine ia the form of license. So ranch of gsciblin, where yoa siay Ij&o or wrin, according to luck; where the gauo is considered "square." There ia a peculiar phase of gambling-, however, which Is equi Talent to robbery and robbery often times under tho most distressing cir-cum.staa-.-c. We refer to three card monte. wrhicli is practiced with such damaging effects to tbo railroad towns of Nevada along the line of the I'aciitc railroad; and which is even in full blast, it is said, on the Virinis A Truckse nail between IVno and Vir ginia. Yo have no syuirtathy for those who lose at this game. They are in conscience as guilty ol fraud and theft as those who fleece theui. Vt'e argue sgaint the three card thieves not on grounds of morality nor from any tand puint of morbid sentimen tality. Their game is destructive of some of cur lest ioterests and pros pects. It turns good substantial emi grants away from oi:r totvns; . and gives such a rrpnlatiou to localities that dacb, SI i m Jim, and Jack Wig gins are knon n to frequent that they no shunscil ly good, though nn-rt-bist:,ated people, as a pestilence and a plague. These clever scoun drels should have a law made for their beneiit, such a law as they can't dodge ly modifying their game under the cover of technicalities; and the prac tice t f their rascalities t-hotilj be made a peniteutiary oCense. THE ORGANIZATION". The Seventh KtTjda Legislature was organized, yesterday, with remarkable e&sa and dispatch. The c.Seers and attache chosen are well q -lauded, and could hardly be improved noon. The law making body is now ready for busi ness. The work of to-day will probably be the reading of the Governor's message. Thk BelmostUdts. Says the Courier of Jzo. S: It is expected that connection will be maje to-Jsy or to-morrow in the 300-foot level of the Belmont mine with toe winze ran dawn from the 200-foot level. Work will at once be started in breakicg down and hoisting to the sur face the rich body of ore, of whicn men tion has been made in detail throngh the ealomn of the Courier. The perpen Jicwlar shaft is down a depth of 40 feet below the 300-foot level, and steadily progressing night and day. THE JONES! aTPTUM The lYnttlln Conducted la Frirrj H w tli Uriel e was Prraaed A riK Wddlnar OifU "Froca the Sen Frsnciico Clirco!c!e.l The Hon. John 1. Jones, one of the United Stut- Stuators of Nevada, was married on Friday evening to Miss Geo: giana I. Sollivan. yonncot danghter cf Eugene L. Snllivan. cf tbi3 citr, anit yesterday morning the happy pair toch their depnrtnre for Gold Hill the home cf Senator Jones" mother, where they will pass a fa days of their honeymoon prior to leaving tor Wasl ington. The bet rt thai has lonj formed cue of the siaple items of aoci.-d gosnip in the f.:sh ionnble circles of San I'rancisco and daring the last few weeks expectation has been on tiptoe for the matrimonial event at any hoar. The utmost secrecy surrounded the affair. nt.d no inritntions 'ere sent out when the date was finally fised upon. It was resolved that thecer- emmy should be as private as possible and only a few relatives and the most in timate friends of the biide and groom were bidden to the marriage feast. the wrrDnsa Took place nt the residence of the brother-in-law, Ir. George J. Barker!!. 711 Lark in street. The Eev. U. D. La throp. Hector of the Church of the Ad vent, cfiiciiit-d, r.nitiug thoui in accord ance with the rites of the I'rotestunt Episcopal Church. The Iride looked lovely. She was attired in a heavy white pros-plain w!k dresi. en traia. ith a dt2zUcg taUitr ol w nite oas:es as an overskirt. Tne tabln r wrs looped np beiiiad, and the waist was clegan'.iy trimmed with white bugles and the cor sage c;;t s'jnare. ';he wore aa eleat.t pair of Kohtaire diamond ear-rings the ziit oi the pronnt, and her coiffure was arranged a U Heir, with a large Chate huae braid, throngh which the bridal veil was f istc-ncd. The floral display was eeeed:r.g!y attractive, the parlor be ing redclsnt with the parfume cf Cow ers. The ceremony took place ia the front parior. The bride was tscoited into the room by her father, the groom escorting ilrs. Bucknell the bride's sis ter. AFTER IAS VrEDDINO The Senator and bis young bride re ceived tho hearty congratulation of their friends. At "7:30 r. M. tbo party, consisting of about forty persons, s: t down to a magnificent sapper. The health and happiness of the newly weddeupair werj toasted, and an appro priate response m ide by the groom. At 10 o'clock the bride put on her traveling dress, when tho happy pair went over to Tubb'a Hotel, Oakland. Yesterday morning they departed on the overland train for GoM Hill, the Senator and bis bride enjoying the exclusive use cf air. Sharon's private drawing-roam car tor the honeymoon trip. ISE PfcttilNTS. The bride was the recipient of many costly pjestnts. Among them were two valuable diamond rins, and lcekets, chaius. etc. One of the mot noticeable gifts was sn ivory ttituo of "Ariadne." abort twelve iucb?s ia Lcihi, standing on ft of solid silver- At each cor ner, tepporting the base, stood a silver bear on its hind feet. Around the e-Igrs of the buss were arranged highly pol ished quartz specimens from all the iu;i.f in which Senator Jones is iuior eitetl. In the et ttcr cf the front ol the base was a raided circle composed of pick, fp.-.des. hammers, and other niin iug implement, in the middle of which was ti-e biide's nicncjuau, the whole iec9 being about eighteen iachrs in height. Tnis esiiuisite work of art vrts the giff of Sirs. General Simpson. Senator Jones, savs tlie San Francisco Tost c f Jannary 2, was niariit.d lust evening, at the Church of the Advent, ly tho Ee v rccd ilr. Lathrop. to Miss Georgie F., oldest clsnghter of Eageno L. Sul'ivaa, of this city. The Senator and his b:ide left this moruicg for Gold Hill, and will proceed throve to Wash ington, carrying with them the warmest wishes for hnpfinc.3 from a host of friends throrghout the whole Pacific Coast. It would be hard to tell whether the Cironic'e (Tirgiuia) cf yesterday.even ing, perpetrated a joke or made a typo graphical error in the announcement that C. A. V. Fuinani has been elected Srrgean!-b.t-Arm3 of the Assembly. Tbz Lyon County Times, a Fprightly tri.weekly, published at Silver City, be gan its second volume on January 3. It is now firmly established, the editoT says, and expect to chronicle for it a still larger sphere of usefulness and interest. Tub Keese Biver lievtill starts npon its XXI volume. Our contempoary is welcomed on every exchange. list. It has oar best wishes. A new Masonic hall was dedicated at Belmont, Xev., Kece ruber 27, Frank Owen, Grand klaater of the G. L. offi ciating. Judm Beni. Carler. of Xvo county. was married on the last day of the old year, to Adelaine Turdy both of Bel-aonf. BOKV. In Cnwn City. Jaaairr 1. !". to I wife or tiis Orout. a so a. We cciicratnlste the rir oa their Sew Tear's gilt; may the little Croat crow ttoct, never doabt, and whta he is wanted ilwija ba about EoTusrrjs. L.-isltora asd ererjbodjf else ought to ktiow. that lucre ia a Kotiaserie lure. Ko.IS, King rtrctt. crposite the T. S. Land OnW. wheie rvrrrthiDS auhstantiaJ and deli cle cxn le btained in the n ost captivating stvle. The tofst winta end liqaora tre on hand near the tablr: ard the mutt ceat and at tnlive writers skitc the bt-ard. P. Pk-SDOla is the genial irorii--tor cf the Kctissvrie. Xoiic. The cnlersigced are now prepared to furnish Ture Spring Water and plenty of it, on Curon, Curry, Ormsl'y and Nevada streets, at reason able rates. B:cs .t Hfxx. nor ei. khivip. eawx bocm oroaoa D. vara. aoraiav Abe riBiy Oio Watt E S TaTis T D Kubini'ja S B Sims C F Krff r M A Mmray J B MeCliery A S?ci!-.Ia r Awgnstna fifj VV Cssflitj N AUtn 1! n lTota P C rrci 1 M Uaxce F. Pclirod TursCruvcr J tirimta WICH!t A M-ny Frak I'owdn ct met J C Kitiy T F Davenport Jtrb Prr.icn A F. Iivis B O Carbelry S T G:' J I! M-i-re WtiHrb-rt S t Jctcs G t, I"iani O H ShephrrJ O Afartr W Alrnrwa V ItKh'i S Jor. 3 ti L HJrr II S Conjiry t I. Jon h W II I' s i; Pii-pbr-d If r Tilil'ali V Pawner J D Baldwin jr ilrtrun A V Urile ST. CE.JIU. BCTEL, Cl.O. XriLl. SWI-Bl STOS M C Xolin KGrUlt TV Ecohhrr A B ImI: J Young F Schmidt PnJ r'revert Nones. Xhe auction sale of cettain lots and dwellings advertised ly Home A. Billings, to be sold at auction on Jan nary 2, 1"75, is postponed until January C, iust. See advertisement. " Ee. F. J. V'arrr, ihjticisa and suiytcn. kaa rcteOTtd Lis cfjee frrra the Orau-ty llonse to the suiter ef rcxnia ever C. F. Cotton's Vrag Btore on Cinon street. Ke n:y there be con sulted liuru-'S all bouxs cf the tiaj and Bifiht. torsxa or ina Wits. Those who desire to indulge in the luiaiy if an extra ne imported cirar. cr domestic manufacture of super-r q-lal.ty; also Ece cut rhewicg or aiuoking tobacco, at vbolirale or retail, have only to call on tho old iture of J. Iwtsnucs, coruir Coaniy lilock. Careon City. Th Favoiaia. Xhe Eank Exchange Saloon, comer cf King and Onnsr-y atrcets, is beconUng the favorite resort cf this city. The great attraction ia l'w.i-iii itt.urj Hr. while the brvt of wini-a. l!r,om and cigara are, a!o. sold at the tar. A fcitl data liiliicr.i Table for tha amuse mert c-f fv sts. a cold lunch at all hours and heart ;! t t-tr ft-r all are its recommen dations te public fsvor. li. K. tn-wn ia the proprietor. I. O. E. St. The regular Council of Piate Tnl So. 1. cf Carsoa . it r. art U M at the Hall of Capitol I-oc'pe 1. O. O. K..on V.onday even i if cf each seven aims. A fy e-nl attt ndance ci the vhitrs and brothers iisili:t-d. ' it. a. inn. ae-tf t. of R. View Tc-IJsij. OABSON THEATRE John T.fe J. s. lia.'.i-sy Acting Manser se co nd'ni get Tha Acorajl sle.i Trjj;io Actress, MISS ZOE GAYTON Supported tj riper' tEl--atfd combinftiiun of TaesJay Evening;, Jan. 5, 1S75, "Will be jaroiluctd, GREEN BUSHES! MIAMI Siiss Z E GAYTOS GRAND ' MATINEE ON SATURDAY. Prices f Admtasloa t Orchestra One Dollar Children under li years iirty Cents Private Boxes........... Five Dollars Reserved SeaU..... Filly Cents Extra jai-td C. N. HARRIS, Attorney - at - Law, W1IX PBACTICE IN ILL THE Courts. Offica 1m Hiackel's Puilding, Canon City, Kevada. jaS-U CANTY & WACNER, Wholesale ud letail LWectunen, No. 1 07 Montgomery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. A TTEKTIOX 18 CALLED TO OCR .a. jn.nicnsc aaaortment of Candies. Toys and other goods suitable for the COMING HOLI DAYS. Warranted to keep in all elinistea. prices low and terms liberal. Orders from the in tenor promptly and carefully attended to. B28-lm FINE GIL PAINTINGS JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. or French Artificial Flowers I 'OIt; , I I I HOLIDAYS JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. IP 1 N IC Vt'alcles, Jewelry and Chains vox AT JOE" ROSENSTOCK'S. r Furnishing Goods Finest Quality, FOR THK HOLIDAYS JOE KOSENSTOCK'S. The LatestFashicn cf Hats FOB Tlio XXolicSLciyjsr. Joe EosenstockV. TUS BEST QUALITY OP BOOTS AND SHOES FOB...... Tlio EColiciayG , AT Joe Ecsenstcck's. THE BEST STOCK OF Men's Underwear In .Vtvada Is a Joe Rosenstock's. ti best mum ABE OITEKED.. FOR HOLIDAY GOODS aATa JOE ROSENSTOCK'S County Building, Carson Street, ICAIIHON CITY. de4-tf FINE JEWELRY AND WATCHES FOR THE HOLIDAYS Silver Ware, Diamond Sets, Superb Chains, Beautiful Lockets, CS2 ElopEt Drciizc (locks and s toil aaecituiect of FIRST-CLASS GOODS, Especially for the Holi days ! FCR PARTICl'lAES CALL AT C.W. FRIEND'S Watch and Jewelry L'stabiislime ut, CARSON STREET. One door tir h of O. P. Villi' Titg Store. CARSON CITY. .NEVADA. NEW I 0 GOODS GEORGE W. KSTZMEYER FURNITURE .ncl ISodciins Totlie J.LW II.1CS llUIft kltlr IU On liae comer of fiifftn and Tele lrepii fiitreeta, CARSON tlTV KEVADA, E . B . RAIL, Importer and Dealer in Kcdallicn and Laurel Rarges HARDWARE. Stoves & Tinware, Kl EttK and LFATKIB HIXT1SG. Lare nnfl PnrlTitfr. Itraa Goods. Gas Pipes and Fixtures, IRON, COAL. KTIIL, RIvAFERt?, Mowers. Piows, &c. Powder. Iiot, Fuse, S LEDGES and WEDGES, C littery, fcUrer and Flated Waiti, CrcclLCi; Ware, littre red Cltff TVare, CCCKS t WIKECKS, P 1KT3, Oil ALCCIiCl, TUBPENTINK, Lard Oil, Machine Oil, Coal Oil, Force and Lift rumps. Manufacturer cf Tin, C.pner and Sheet Iron Ware, JOBBIKG HOXK TO ORDER. Large Stcna Fire-rroof Euildings, Carson Street oppoaite Capitol Bafldisg, aultCtf " Careen Itlf. .Aeradn. NORTH CARSQN DRUG STORL EVERVTCIAG IS THK DBIO t line 2fi per ccut. cheaper than any iT other place in the btate of Nevada. V (20 fcr a set of 1 crftttly Citing and bea fol TEETH. Iorxtijstry la all its branches skillfully executed. ap21-tf DR. C. mLXIA'CS. Pbjsiciu, SurgEDit isd lcc.oc.eir. Offlce directly OTor the Postoffice, Csrsoa City, Kevada. Office Boars Until 10 a.n. and after I r.a, deS-tf