Newspaper Page Text
hc parson gailg ppral CAUSON CITY i Thursday January T, 1925. miNime MTnt'k hkpoiit. 2170 Or.Mr28S. 295, 2V7, 203 7Sj1 Mexican 65, 6.S. 80, 73 17H! ( ;..h11 Curry S, fill, G... et SilO Best BelcU.r 7S. 73. 75 bSJ. 70 315 t-avase 180. Ie2, 1S5. 181 693 CbollarS", 3.1, !)4 lit, 67 1)M 330 Hale A Sorcrota 7 72, 71, 60 177 Crown Point 4f. 47 b. 4 i , 4.1 b3a 440 Yellow Jacket I.'o. 1.75. 15, 15a 2765 Imperial IS. 18. 17, 1S) 1110 Alpha 40. 33. 31, 31 1120 Belcher 56. S3, 64 H. 55 870 Confidence 41. 45, 43. 41 585 Con Virnia MO, CUO, 74" b30, 7C0 4140 Sierra Nevada S3, 25, 20 b3 1440 Daney S. iH, 4. 4 1130 Empire Mill 14 t, 14!, 14), b5, U ' 240 OH yuartz 7. en 410 Kelittlck 14. 2i4 320 California 750, 770, 7C9, 755 Evening Report 155 Valley 6H. 6 405 RavnioBd t Elv 25 2t0 Eureka Cn 11 a, 14, 11, I3'i 160 Piocfce 4 si 250 W & O lie 5 Flas 2U 1305 Belmont 14 V, 14, 14 b,13 60 N-grark 7J4o 400 Mon Belmont 2 "4 570 Kve Patch 4, 3i, i'i, 3'i 10 Eldorado S 2 10 Independent 2 100 O Chariot 4 ISO Film ira 1 1P0 Mihognny 4Ji 7'JJ S Cliariot I f'SS Cherry Creek 1, 1 'J, 2 200 Empire Idaho 11 SO See; Caledonia 3. 34 MS 3410 Vint 1',. 1. 1, 1 i 200 S Comstock 3 lSfO LaJy tYahin;r?on 5. 4.'t, 4, 4 I'Ui5 Kotula 5fc.6fc.5?4 15J5 On- Gold U;ll t. 24, 2H 7i)0 Green 2 350 fvsn IsludS, l'i,2 li'O Ward 5 100 Soirpicn 4 V. 5 200 C':uopolita 1 4 63 Fvehr"incr 4- ft, St1 690 Nor!h I'tata i. 2 H 110 Scg I'.il. htr 151, 110, 145 1560 Overman Ho, Si. St, Si 2J Justice- 120, 13.), 140, 153 795 Succor 7 " . 8 2185 Lsdv Bryan 7, 7. 7, 6 iT,) Julia 10. 17. 131i. 10 405 Caledonia 33, 30 V;, 3 !, 3il ::i0 C P l.aviue 1'.. 1, 87xc, 7;c 3Sti LcoS. 3. 3 .. 3 i: Andes 14. IU. 11 X. 11 50 Independent k Omega 1 5 0 Granada 1 4 lo Noah Caison 4 Romantic Runaway. NEVADA LEGISLATURE. SEVENTH SESSION. p-enntr Third Hay. 1873 We have to relato a holiday excur .sion ofvo young TaJies. They drove a lively but gentle horse in a buggy out to call on a neighbor iu the suburbs. Thev were detained more than an hour. It was "a nipping ami an eager air" on the outside, and when they were ready to return home, their pony was looking wild and pawing tbo frosty soil. They were frightened at the appearances of things. It was very dark, and they had to skirmish for a seat in the vehicle. The bolder of the two manaced, after much tremulous hkirmishintr, to untie the viced and pet in. Several plunges of the restive beast look her courage and breath away. With her heart in Iter mouth she leaped out. Alas! for the cruelty of animals she tumbled down. down, down, into a side ditch about I eight feet deep. She came out sob bing and thought sure she was exter minated. The neighbor's wife and all the children of the neighborhood had, nu-imvinle, gatuerea together. The weeping congregation, acl up a sad wail iij unison. The burden of their dis-tressfal cries was; "oh! for a man!" A son of Adam was passing Cakson On, January C, MOENIXG SESSION. The Senate was called to order by the President pro tern. Prayer was offered by the Hev. Mr. Woods the first prayer of the session. The winnles were read and npproved. Crittenden Thornton, the Governor's Trivale Secretary, appeared bring ing the Governor's message. " The reading was dispensed with and 250 copies ordered printed. . Senate adjourned. ASSEMBLY? House called to order, Speaker Dovey in the Chair. Minutes of the two preri ous sittings read aud approved. Tho Deputy State Controller r.ppeared and delivered the biennial repea t of said office Governor's Jlne delivered. On motion of Wren, nuicntlntory of sn amendment, 1,000 copies of the Message were ordered printed bv a vote of 21 to 23. A commtmicatioa from the State Con troller, called the attention of the House to Article IV", Section l'J of the Consti tution : " So money surul La drawn from tuu Treasury but in consequence of appro priations made by law," and thut no accounts could be drawn on the Treas urer for stationery, newspapers, etc,, un til s me fund had been created (or that purpose. Bcclt introduced the following resolu tions: That the following do "p.iss:" Vir ginia aud TriU'kee llailroad Co., No. 20'', January 1, 1S7j, Pass Hon. H. H. ISeck, Assemblyman of Nevada legislature. This pass is issued by ths above named company and accepted Ly the person herein earned oa tao conditions herein after Ret forth. Here follows certain conditions rcltising tho company from liability for damage to such free passen- tjer.j ijijiireii ji;ircu o, ioi-j. H. M. YEEBisaTcx, General Superintendent With the follow inj; amendment, strike out the name of H. H. Beck, and sub stitute that of T. J. McDonald. Hogau suggested that Beck was iu the habit of getting up late o nights which made him mistake u pass for a lesolutic icholls moved iudrfimte postpone ment ct resolution. Beck replied to Hogan that all he tie sired was to have the resolution pais u was not a ncii man, hut could pay his way over the road. His object was to have the name of P. J. McDonald the fireman of the Hous, substituted as he is a poor man and could be helped by tne rsss. mo Chair (very seusiblr ruled the whole subject mutter out of order. MESSAGE FE01I THE SENATE was received tracsDiittiLg bill Dbamatic Leah, the Forsaken, wan played at tho Carson Theatre, last night, to a fair audience. Iu this piece so iicuSt to render in the main char acter as well as in others owing to the violence of the passion kept smoulder iug for love and policy sake through transitions of situation that try lh pro- foucdest emotions end crucify the will and the affections. Miss Gajrton and her supporters showed themselves equal to tho task. "Rnlb Oakley" is billed for to-nif;ht. The discovery, the visitation aud tho final meeting are vividly por trayed. The play is new antl promises to be highly entertaining. The road to the Warm Springs near the State Prison is crowded every day from about 9 or 10 o'clock until after dark. The road to the Springs from I Carson peescnts a lively scene. The regular uiumuu is guaug uw-m nuu luim perpetually ; while the dust raised by hired teams from Virginia, Carson and Gold Hill, rises iu clouds from morning till night. Ir is thought that Governor Bradley w ill be so far rscovered as to appear iu public and tnke the oath before the Leg iilature next Saturday,' tho dale of tie legal expiration of his term of oflice. Tua Shot on men complain that tuey cannot find a good eegsr in Catron. Jir;t walk two block' and call at Brooks' Postoflice Block, near the Theatre be ba three I rands never before UicJ ia t!:s State. MEW AND BEAUTIFUL COODW HOTEL AltUIVAIS. OCMSIIT BOCSZ GEOBQB D. IHTEI), FHOraiZTOS J O'Brien AlwRlchC'T XT It King and lady Wrn H Hill W M Cary CIto 1 1-ammon J W Uaines .1 E Haihc Ha-n Tt'artia and sa WWlioardweil F Kr uiberger waiiCr cesser W W b '-I U:mt H L Josls ST. CUiEUS tlCTKL, GEO. TTfl-V, rn0rRXiTOll linere T F Towers L T Fes L t'laybnrn nollday C.oads at Cost. wLich islative passed the Senate, "Creating Le; i und. NOTICES CF BILLS. How of Liko cave notice that at an early dv he would introduce a bill to ereide a State Board of Equalization. Also, a bill to regulate i';:res aud Freights on the railroads rf this State. by on tho outsido of the enclosure. "Did you say 3 man?" cried he, "Oil! are you a man, a real live, dear. sweet, niiiiiT t-ome men to ourres cne," which bo did. tjuick to the tea: he sprang. No foolishness: lhe -thai ger bolted aud was away through tho gate Lcfore any sheep around about could have shifted its tail to either tiide. In accents wild: "My man, my bufegy, my horse, oh! sail but sober true, they are gone." The errant maidens, heavy at heart and in distrustful agiiati,u of tiie dark way started homo afovt. They had hardly made a half of tho blind trail back", over hillock and hole, stopping occa sionally to turn a double stnnersault or two for fun. when the vanished hero hove iu sigUt. At the top of his etoutorian lungs he bade tliein God speed, lie shricitcd out to them on the sombre air,as ho darted by that he was having a good time but didn't know how long ho would be forced to rido. Ali's well that ends well. The dear pony came back 111 charge of the; 'man to his dear hav. a little warm but unhurt ; while the footsore heroines of our tale are sound asever, havingonly John Gilpin with them always in their dreams. Stocks are booming. Everybody was o3' on the subject yesterday. Even the Chinamen are being drawn in. One of the "pig tails" Went up to the Board in the afternoon and put up for " Lye Patch." The telegraph operators and their pages were whizzing about with coat tails on a parallel with the ground. Go in lemmons ! Painful Accicext. Charley Par ker, of the firm of Moore A Parker, was seized with a fit of 'vertigo in liTs saloon, night before last, and fell to the floor breaking his arm between the elbow and shoulder. He is suf fering intensely but no serious results aro apprehended. The Wn.m Hoi ss bar is now under the superintendence of Messrs. S. B. Knowles and J. C. Smart. And a popular j place it is. i Also, an Act to Create and Organize State University ou.l Provide for Main tenance of the same. Senate (Appropriation) Bill read first lime, rules Fiispejuled, rend second time by title and larfe-ired to Committee of the Whole. ren and Do? wero r-ppoin'.ed to wait oa the resident clergymen and invite them to officiaio alternately as they cnose to determine. Oa motion of Hogan the House went into Committee of the Whole, Beck ia the chair.for the consideration of Senate Bill Xc. 1. The Committee considered the bill, roie and reported in favor of ifs passage. The rnlis were suspended and tho bill placed noon its third reading. lu roll call all the members voted for the pas sage of the bill except Bmtlet. At lz.lij r. u. tho House adjourned. BcsrsEss of the I. S. Mint. Carsou, Nevada, during December, 1S74: Ozs. Deposita of fiold 8,81 723 " Silrer. 154,933 04 Yalne. S1.W),311 00 137,10 S3 Total 163,540 73 $337,421 02 From this cn, till further uoliee, John G. Fox will soil off hi3 great stock of holiday goods at cost. This includes jewelry, watches, books, fancy articles, toys, notions, musical instruments, etc. Here, then, is a better chance for bar gains than was ever before offered in this market; here are prices within the range of oil; here is an opportunity to purchase tine and beautiful gords on the most favorable terms. Go and examine aud inquire the prices. notice. ice undersigned ore now prepared to furnish Pure Spring Water and plenty of it, on Carson, Curry,- urmsby and Nevada streets, at reason able iates. Bice & Hhlm. Dk. F. J. wnrrE, phytician and Burgees, baa romoved bis office from the Ormsl-y House to the suite of rocms over C. F. Colton'a ilrug Store cn Carson street. He niay there be con sulted during all bours of the day and niuht. T.HESFINESiT AND 2 MOST COSTLY Assortment ot Jewelry EVER OFFERED IN NEVADA! THIS MOST LXTEXMVKJtAXD, MAOMUt r XT INVOICE OF SILVER WiBE KVE It OFEM.D IX J .TII1.S NT.tTtC I The Choicest follfctlcn tf Faitn Suiatts ad Ficccs is Yertn ;eveh rinciiAsKD for thu Nevada mahketi THE i!03T EXTENSIVE-STOCK OP CHILDREN'S TOYS ever offered for sale in Carson City And, in short, tho most STO K OK HOI. IDA V .4)I1N evrr dial lurid lu tlaia btate.l I'ihis MauiiiiolliBazaarrBirn.etsll.p HNloTif WATCHES, French Clocks, Diamonds,. SETS CFXPKRl AfiD-.iTFQlQIF, CAfECr, SHEf C!D EPCEltT !:s iris if .'.. t'Ii:aiii, Lockets, Studs, Rings. Elccvo Buttons, And every concclval lo article of the .Teweli r's Art. Altn, EKOI ISIf kvisa WATCHES. The Stock rf rll.VKR WAKK l ext. lime Motva! i . THIS FANCY fitlODN UEfAItTMEXT 1 very mil minrtiv fcptctrc.'cf, Cold Pcr, N AMI llirAN STEINWAY f extra mate nrnl fiuiKli hnvf pnrrhw1 u r f tie COMIXO utlimil in tiie ftwcniuu, thmgriat aud vne.l htock pm)rii( t PIANOS ! HOMDAri. Uiaidrg what li Coinare executed. Xo bars executed. $452,741 M Relocated. Miss Sue II. Adams, says the Keuo Journal, has tendered her resignation as Principal of tho Primary Department af the Keuo pub lie school. Miss Adams was au ex cellent teacher and her place will be bard to fill. We understand the Trus tees have already received four or five applications for the vacant position. Miss Adams has been appointed to the place she formerly occupied in the Carson School at tho head of the Pri mary Department. New Law Fnu. As before noticed in these columns, Judge C. N. Harris lias opened a law office in Binckel's building. And now comes the information, by ad vertisement published elsewhere in the Appeal of this morning, that he has formed a partnership with T. Coffin, Esq., under the firm name of Harris & Coffin. Both these gentlemen are well known in this State, and will practice in all the Courts. Lovrns or tub Weed. Those Lo dasiro to indulge in the luxury of an txtra Cue imported clear, or demeptic manufacture of Mipenor quality; also line cut chewiuf? or emokiug rouaceo, at vuoieaaie cr retail, nave only 10 call on the eld More of .1 . ItusfcNaiot a, curlier County tJlceic, e arson city. ' LorisdKfiiE. Ur. Pcndola ba coij-U ted bia improvement at his popular ltetinserie No. 12, King street, opposite the I'. S. Land Cltfice, and will hereafter run it day and nie'ht. Mr. Peu- dola bus secured th? r rvices of one of the very best cooks in San Frauci.-o, who will suiierin tend the kitchen, and polite waiters will attend to customers. Lverydt lica y the market nn'ords will be at reed at this r-laee. The best brands of tiiblc and other wines can alio be bad. Oive the RotisMrie a trial. I?.FREi.Iii:OOKS' HOLIDAY DISPLAY co::iTa or Rii li L.rc!j-i Seta, Wntclies, M'atch (liHius, nract-leta. Charms. Card Recti ver. Cake Iiakcfs Choice Albino. Portfolios, Work Boxts, Writing Desks, Jewelry CastB, Siaoking Sttt, Toilet CaecF, CLina War. TU Fit ED BROOKE BEAUTIFUL FANCY STATIONERY, Toy Foolfi, Cift Eootft, lliific PooVg, Poems, Ueerscuauni riits, boar lioldtrh, Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Concertinas, Acconleons, GIFT BOOKS, Of tha most beoutiiul d. sedi tion, tuch a. TorMS, COLLECTIONS from AKT OA 1.1.1 ItlF.,le CS-XXXXS (breech-loaders of nil kiujs); Pistols.'i every Taiicly, jMi.iuitciiAi 1111.-) anu Biir.i.i uut'D.s c'r ALL MUlTS. Likewise ZSTOtiOjTLS, I5LXXiOlX.-Kj3L,OlS.3, And every coiict Ivab'e Ihinii In the hue of TOYS AND PLAY THINGS FOR SANTA CLAUS I All these Goods are now being cricoid aud dlridayed at tfEHRJ (Eh IPCDX'S, Jewelry, Cook, Music and Fancy Jriftic Fmpoiiiiiii, ON CARSON STREET, OFPOSITE THE CAPITOL, Onrson Oity. 3XTovcact. n. d. ci;;.hiBLiiLi.rj, Orricr and Saixshooh Corbett block, cor ner of Carson an X Spenr atn-ets. WaaEaorsi: Corner of Plaza and liuieer atrjeta CAbSSM CITY, I.EVA3A, IIOI.ESAMJ er in Grcceriei FLCUIt Au itirr.Mt. di:ai- Provisions, AtVD FEED.! Soriiapc l'o'.vtii-r, EUREKA GRANGE. BU V eTHE EUF.EKfl RANGE. 11. it i tbe r-i t .'n..' '.d. It ia ti v lii.uii t iuixt I al l Guns, Fistols.ctc, ete., And every description of Toys, Wagons, Bahy Buggies, Sleighs and Games. THE NEWSPAPER DEPARTMENT Is the most complete in the State; never before has the California and Nevada paper been distributed so promptly and cheaply as during the last year. We aro now prepared to renew aubhcrip tions for the coming year, and invite a call before subscribing cltewhtre. THE BERLIN WOOL, Sewing Machine, Musical and Fancy Goods Departments will In future be under tbe management of an xeii enced Lady Clerk, who will devote her whole time in attending to the wants of -our Lady Patrons. BROOKS, II. FRED. Post Office Elock, Carson CM)- dts-tf ..Nevada. Hardware, Tinware. CrccVery, Glastiwarr. Cutlery, rulntsaml Oils, Khot, Fuse. line!, Sh, Furnishing Gcods, t&c. I have the largest and Vest lire-proof in the State, aud am prepared to receive. Grain at General Merchandise oa STORAGE at all times, end to make CA8H ADVANCES en the same. Goods delivered free of charge In all of the city end in any part of the aurroundinf country. jci-Lf N. D. CUAM13EIXIN. EEASCIiS WHY: Itt liKe. I Id. It l Ibe (i L,r lit P inaiktt. 4th. It Is th Hi a int Tortable illilllT U luMk'tj UnMiia fj v' in' r. i i r'.:e. I etn. it naa rovt na tbul. any J ether Ie)!(,Ue rnur'"'. tl'i. It sa-i a 1 inn' ui;d Memy. . iu. ni-'.-wews iimny Irw laa I'eviriiMe liii rui iiilita. lhth. It t tho luost l-tu'UiUal " ft Cot kihtt Aj'1'.tnitli.. ' t '.'th. Il d' is lie 1:1 Mel. t auiouu ;i it iik Whili the aualk; L roniuu.i tl n of lu. I, r ltth. A Mi!.tiitli ki-iuimiion will u liiiiii au 1 .e thai II a V nnliy Ok1 l'tsl rt fl t li' ir.tst l or. table l.ILk'. )i t ell. nd H..ut In The Only One Price Store is Town 1 STERN & BOSKOWITZ, .Dealers iu. MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, nrnUhlnK (iaoda, Ilata, Cape, BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS, TALUU, Blankets, aiattrcafes, te. Connly Baildiai;. taraoa Clly, NaT. oct-tf FOR SALE UY E.D. JUDDiLCO. Oppasite KetRerai Fltud'a Hay Yartt, Carson City Ncvnda. Change of Base ! E.D. JUDD&CO. HAVE lir.MOVLD TO Tllli NEW bToIili oplioaite, Kryarr c l.lretl'e llNy Yard, Carson r Nevada Wt Lave on hand a fut assortment of all a'Bi;s HARDWARE STElaL, S3 t o xr xa s Tinware CROCKERY PAINTS, OILS, W iiMloMff At oois. Practical Tinners To d ell kinds of work la our line. W Call aad'eea e.r New.Blvtk.'M o.l-U