Newspaper Page Text
parson gaily Appeal CAItSON CITVs Sunday Janiury 10. 173. MINING STOCK KirOKT Praoii Hoard !5 0:ih:r 25"). CPs. Zi9. 20.1 3W JlrlM T. PJH. r: l.:',l, ?.lt H'O 'lOiild tuny ft J. 2 V, li'i 1"55 l.'et ft L'etcli t (-9. C-i.Cs.CJ 525 Savag-i 15 , ;s, is.;. IS.-, 203 4 hollar Si. SS. t-s. ST 3"-0 Hale M X.ivnsr,!, 6j. 6:!. C4' 1055 rowu Point ti. 4-.43. 4', ' 215 Yellow Jacket l.i. 137. 15.1, itij 4SI.5 Imperial 21). 21. 2i)'i , 21 Uaa lannire 11,11 li. 33 St, 16V 13 SM G H (JiK.rtz T. S' C93 Scntiut 22. 32 l. 21 If. 21 11S5 Alpha 38. 3.. 41 B', 3jH 1233 Belcher ail, S5!. 51 !. 52 ' P21 Confilenre Sl. 43, t7 if, 47 f 10 Con Virginia a . 7ts, .. 7f i bJO PI 5 .sierra Nevala i, 23 it, 25),, 2-1 433 I:,!ly 34, 3 (93 California 7 . 7. 7f0 Mf. 725 85 f-i g Belc! r 14. 1.1 't, 145, 149 ''S3 Ovtrmiu SI, a,i, s.i. 8 is.5 Justics 13n, I5,i. 153, 173 420 S.K'or 8, 71j. 7. 7 j!1 Laity trvan II. USSj, 19 4i3 I una Con Uii, 31 On motion, .Senate took a recess to meet in Join Convention. Senate adjourned to the Assembly Chamber. proceeding nottd in Assembly report. Semite met efter the inauguration, iloil wr.s called. Hon. Frank Denver imnle his farewell address. Lieutenant Governor Jewitt Adams took liis scat as i'lesident of the Senate. IX.i made a short address in which he pieced himself to be faithful to the tiro t of his. cilice. At ':',' Si u!e adjourned till Monday a; 11 o clock. THE iHAUGUHATlOHa The nrnaonSfi cf (lip Oee.l -dott Tlie Attvitetanco In t!i9 Aasfitibly Ttio ItcpjitsoiK at GuTHm-r lEvadlry'a llu-io-.Mr. Adams' Atlrirea. pe.'tiier i..od called, quo to Uucmn- Thi: Ivy Cum;. The young gentle men of this club give their first party which is altogether an invitation affair next Tuesday. They liayo spared no pains or expense to do the. elegant thing. They aume the en tiro expense of their entertainments and treat their guests like voting noblemen. We believe, as has l;e:i before, that the party next Tues day i:: ue r.f p-z,.j 01 me season. M. K. a u inn t'lu iini, A. II. Teyis, pastor, to day at 1 1 a. ;. and 7 r. m. f-'.-hm.l at 12 M. In tiieeven- :Wor will rei-eat ,liv rioueM) il-. ivetiiro on Tlie signs .' the inios." .-eats free. A!! are invite 1. r.:Esr,YTi:i!iAN Ciu iair. Preach ing by the pa-tor, Kev. J.iinej Woods, at li a. m. and 7 r. M. Suhiee: in the veil in t A leeinro upon -'Tho All Sceinar Kyc." Stbl atli hool at 1:.' '. ea:sfiee. AH invited. New LitBiSiAS. Cijr Xtw Librarian, "J.o," sHas JuLu I. Cii.t, i3 the tew S:at? Libra-am. II" is l.ringin;; his work un.l.rji rii 1 uj eseeilent tyjteia, I'riscor.vL CiriMicii. Serviecsi at 11 M. and 7 r. M. All are er.rdial I v in vited. Sunday School at I. o'eb.ek. ASSF.JI3LV. The Honfe met at 1 o'clock. Dovev in tho Chair, rum present. Leave of absence granted ham for one rhiv. Fr.vyer by Kev. James Wood. Hoan granted leave of absence for one day. Ihe minutes of yesterday read and ap proved. HF.PGI.TS OF STANDING COlIltlTTrES. The Judiciary Committee reported favorably on Concurrent llcsu'.ation No. 1, chauins day of cjniir.i-uem-r.t of the fiscal year iroai J.maary 1, to December I 31. The o! j.-ct of the resolution is to cnan.e ttie oltK'er:; t ) present their reports on the l';.st uav of the yc:-.r. r.ESOLrTIONS. By Ekiir : To print on o.i?J board 100 coiie3 of tlie Star..tii);r Commiii..-ts of tha A.-mblr. A.I 'pt. d. lly X. Aihn : To i::strne-t the Ser-eorLt-a!-Ari;:s to forLish huitaMi rooms for the Kurolling Chrk. Adopted. !y ISerijstein : That Aembly I!il! No. i, W taken from the General f ile, laid .n th - ial ?e. r.rivl. d find "....,1,. ,! ,1 order f ir next Wednesdav, :.t 1J o'clock. I ly l!:r.;-fe::i : T!; it a committee of be i r pointed to itvt sii-ate into til? oo:: liti. m of our insane convicts. Adopted. The Ch .ir appointed I?riitiu, Gray ! a:: J l'eaiik sucli committee. " ! Yesterday was the time fired upon by the Seventh Nevada Legislature to rc- mati'.irate ills Excellency Governor Ji K. Dradley. At 2 o'clock or a iittlu iattr the Senate and Assembly mtt in joint convention la the Assembly Chaai' her, the Speaker of tho House, ilr, Doyej of Lyon, and Lieut. Gov. 1'rank Denver, President of the Senate, pre siJii:. A LARGS KtrMEEB of eilizms were in attendance as well as a large majority of the two Ilnnscs of the Legislature. The lobby was thronqt J with visitors who were drawn together by the dignity and ceremonial of tho oc casion us well as by the peculiar foira which it was kuon the initiatory ser vices would take on account of the Gov- er:i"r s illness. J. here was a gocdiy number of ladies ia attendance within the raiiin?, hi!o numerous reporters were busy dotting down the more saiisnt points of service to impress and amuse the readers of their respective journab. TUU CHIKF INTECEfcT of the G-'dlieiins was mai.iteste J, Lor-j ever, in nu uiimhtakable lea;.! ad j tender fttliug for our honest, old, farmer E-.ccntiv. s:oi tiveiy cu'.it.l "Ur'-ad- ' herns," tiuie bfi;: no fnf -a lioveur I why "Sh'i! t'e-rns"' wei.' l rot st r'. f i (He i.s a ... briquet. Vi'ht::' v: r j in the cor.rse tf tha ni.t i:::)ta:h.t.on rim ir. le Lis name was inentionn!, t i; s;:.;.;l.y and atter.ti'.m of the iiu.iituc g:e.T tamest aa.l h.':e.!. las rsoc.i-rcs rEVV AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS ro TSH E FINEST AND MOST COSTLY Assortment oi Jewelry EVER OFFERED IN NEVADA THE He HOhT I XTEXSIVIJ J:AXI: t.MlfcMI H tXI mVOIGB OF BILYBH WABB ;i.VfcI5 OfKXLIl I. THI! HTATR I Ckcicfit fcl.'Eclicn tf rirfa JUtcttfs trd fitcts lie Ferto EVKK nitCIMNI.D ion TUB .VKVAIJV flM KETl TUC MOST EXTKSBITK STOCK (!F CHILDREN'S TOYS ever effered forsalo inCsrsonCity Auu.ia fcort, me n r vr.ioni.le S1()(K C I- IIOMDAY C.:li:i , v. r iIIm Iiv.U In tbu btutf.' i '1 !jig Vtu .in Hi 1 f 7nr i a.l m u IIMs'1 if 0g WATCHES, Jn Hiiiki2 French Clocks, lYintrnantlx.JM szt3 cf:ipe;.rl a;-.d Sroci; Si'iMiT. You can buy Julia for about sovontd n dollar-, ar.d Suee.;r for seven. Ai'BLrm Cctb. Tht hereby called to meet tvema?, Jannr.ry 12, at 7 o'clock, at the eraee ct llis txcc-lleccr Governor L. II Ad.Iphis next TnesJay Fraulev. Bv order of H. G. 1'akkeb, rrrsideiit. Tcr. ;;srari mc-n comiilaia tkal thay ran-iot :.! a f oo.l (tr ia Carm. Joi: walk two sml call at Pmeis' p.'ftffi Block. D'ar e Tiieatrt- !. Lt l lire braaL cevrr Lrlrre .rd m liit- LStali. HO'llCL. AKKIVA1..S. iRVEn. i-Eornrtrrr-a, x not frE OEr.K V;:, ,;. t.t-rts .i tis li, ; ". H i- e--' w I' Mailh ' J 1 r '.v:i .7 j:roi:a .u W Karrlsca 1: :: s-ln.vj l. v. ixi;. rrlf.-.lctaz i i. siicils X .Ve;.-r Jas i!jt'.-rs . cn.wiLts EoirL, cr.o. tcfli, rBopHisiB NOTHTS. By Drr;.-.!eiu : An Act to regulate pharmacy and the- sale of poisous. in rsoiircrio's or r. l i s. Py Van Il.igan : An Act for tho re moval cf convicts to the State Prison. lb:..d first us'l s.e"Ud time, rules sus pend d and r. '., rre 1 to the Comuiitteo on Ways and Mem. It provi.Jes that tLo sL r:.T afl-. r re ceiving tho ehik's eeilifieate of the jlilSmtnl of la.p: is.., nunt snail deliver the criminal to :he State prison, the ex peess to be paid out cf the State Treas ury. Do-v (by leave i introduced r. bill for the ereaaen, i raniiiati.m a::.! mainte nance of the State l'nii-(rity. Lead the first time, rules suspended, rea 1 second timo and ordcrej printed. lty McDonald : A Itill regnlatini? the number an.l salaries of the attaches c f the Assembly, increasing tha salary cf the pciter from i to 0 per day. r.:i.ts TA-SEII. Dr.eknci's amc-tv.hatnt t- tb? Con.-ti- tntion was con -i.b red en-rfrs-d, rea 1 a third time and pass.d. IM chani;os the t rniina.; nr of the fiscal year. The Chi. f Clerk was jjr.tuted Itave of fib-ence tid r.U.l.i!v. j Wuii and do-.v wire ni r.oi.'.f. .1 a eon.- mutee by the Chair to in: on; tho Senate j th :t the Assembly was r.- . ly to o into i Joiot Convtiition at - o'eb.ek. i A'tir a recess of 1". r.iat. .-, Wren i.- poited that tne eomm-tree hud i:if.,ra:'d iiie as til it -1, ia realU to ii.0 Julnt C'.nvi.ntio:i. to the Governor's Mansion we did not follow, cut of deiicacy au-.l 'scUsii . iiily. Thj necessity cf thu yititnticn, if there estate it any, is cur excuse. Why, iu consib. ration of tha old gmtlerLan's fee' ! st.-.te, he miyht not have bet n iu ttail.l with the same eri'eot and sense by any Notary Public, we fail topeioive. He nmdj no more than 1 rispnsc at tho :a.,tal- ;':u-t. rll S Kilt-U KCTsB T Terek ' NEVADA LEOlSLATURi XTJI .SE.SSIOX. KnnouLeed House uro :-at-Ar:a the a.! i am. ion. cf the ..d . s... Asssm- hu:;ale i xl 'i May. Cr:s:-v City, Januaiy 'J, !'-,7-3. XIO;M:(i stst-IwN. The Senate ::)-t at 12 ?.r., Lientennnt ( lovernor iu tb" t. 'Lnir. lbdl cai'ed-'-l -'i-unt'TS pres. nt. I r.tvt-r liT the IU A. II. Tcvis. Waiter intrn'u 1. 1 a r .. jlu'ion in r ;n to littm;,' i: a i..m for the Commi'- !.? ta i aji. and -i o.s. Adojled. MeCiinton oil. .. .1 resolution to ia intre whether sui'.h'e rooms coulu be obtained in the Cipit-d for the Enirioss in.L' an.l Lnroliing CieiLs. ile .stated that s leh chits had been iu the habit at previous sessions, cf taking their work to rooms iu town and then senuin" their bills to tho Legislature for rent, wLich he desired to obviate by Lis resolution. Adopted . Waiter introduced Senate Dili No. 2. Read first time, second time by title, rules suspended and referred to" Com mittee on Ways and Means. The bill relates to the removal of in digent insane persons to nnd from the Insane Asylum, and the trauspoitation of convicts to the State Prison. The expenses of such removai is to bo paid out of the State Treasury. Only the ac- I trial traveling expenses of the ciiicer and n per diem ot fS 00 to be allowed, p.nd tne convicts to remain in tnc-ir res;o tive connty jails until their cases have been appealed, or until the lime for so doing has expired. Kecess till 1:45. AFTIIENCON. Senate met at 1 :45, Lieutenant Gov ernor in the Chair. Call cf the Senate ordered. Messsgo from the Assembly that the House is ready to meet in Joint Conven tion, and proceed to the inauguration cf the Governor. the Sinuate. 1 the Seu- ;k (Jjj Jriut USeS b!v li, at. Li rutcr.a'.d G .vrrnor Denver to Chair and slated th? object cf the Convention. The lolls cf the ricpeeuve II, were tjuorura ir sent. The Socieiaiy of tho Sonata read tho joint resolution. Senators Vavian aal Stanipley, n::l Assemblyman J. P. Smith were appoint ed a committee to wait upon Chief Jus tice x nomas v, iia;, y, ana request him to attend on tho Jefi.t (.Vnventiou. The committee rctuiLe.l, in tio Jilting ti-.e Chief Justice. The Joint Convent!. .a then marched to the Governor's reside nee. The Con vention filed in and the oath was ad ministered to His Kxctllencv, Governor L. H. Lradley, who received the oathiy in iu bed, anil in a very fec-blo state. . The Joint Convention then returned to tha Assembly Chamber, to install Hon. Jewett W. Adams, Lieutenant Governor elect. The rolls of both Hoase3 were called Quorum present. Stevenson moved to appoint a com mittee of of two, one Senator and one Assemblyman, to notifv Mr. Adams cf tne proceedings nnd request his pres ence for the installation. The Chair appointed Stevenson ( Pres ident pro tern.) of the Senate, and Wren 01 tne House. The committee returned escortina Mr, Adams. Chief Justice Hwlcy administered the oath in a fail clear voice and aolemn tents. A large cumber cf ladies and gentle men were present and much interest was manifested. Mr. Adams was declared the duly elected Lieutenant Governor. The Governor's Private Secretary, Crittenden Thornton, read the commis sion of Mr. Adams. Joint Convention dissolved. Sena tors returned to their Chamber. At 3 p. M. Assembly adjourned till Monday. he recav.d miht have been predicted, some sai.i: "How d' do. Governor: I am fjlad to si-e yoa loukiu.; so well." Others, coining ! reeinatelv cu the heels of these, unbunheued themstlvi.s thus: 'Governor, hew d' do? I am real sorry to see you in this lis." All of which would have teen too much for a muscu lar wood chopper to endure without nau sea. The Governor, though no serious results are apprehended iu his case im mediately, is alihcted by a tlis.-ase which racks and tries the stoutest constitution, beiu;.; paralyzed iu his right limbs and p.titiaily in the light side. ms mciiiT i:xi) was held up vbilo t.ikiuy thw oath by Speaker Dovfy. the brief! t veil lati m. He had no ina'i.rir.d address, nnd-. r the circumstances, t i ifler. 'i he Leet-latiire and the aiivmpam in; crowd returned to the Assembly Chsmber.wLers the j int convention was formally Un solved bv Lieutenant Governor i'ran'.: Denver, the Assembly remaining ia their s-ats to Le adjourned and the Si na'.c re turning to their Chamber for funLe r busmiss. Lieutennnt Govern,.!' Denver took the Chair and making a farewell address, yielded his place to the Lieu tenant Governor Jewett V. Adatr.s, just installed, who delivered a lihf and ntat inhlii which deserves to le highly spoken ci because of its 1 revitv and realties. The Lieutenant Governor is a n:..n cf pu iossin;,' pcisom.l app-enr-auce, plfitai.t a Idrts.i, and, we have heard, u man of an, lis spoke as f illows : AIIMIKSS OK HON. JliV.XTI AHAMs, Sci.atoi.s ThroujjU tho siufrnges of tho pooolo of our nourishing young State, tl.o honor cf presiding over the deliberations of yo,.e honorable body Las Lcen confei r. d noon your humble servant, in a-suiioiic; mo icsnoiisi bility ol'Uis.eliarging Mich arduous and intricate (lu'.us as 1 shall liero be called upon to perforin, I am not tin mindful of my liicxpcrionee, and my dependence upon tne ituiiiisroiico of the Senate. ith the plcasins assur ance which my personal knowledge of tne uigli cliaracter and uiguity ot tho honorable Senators present gives mo that sucti liKtulgence will be consider aiely accorded. I beg leave to assuro you mat, as presiding olucer of the senate it will bo my highest ambition to discharge tho duties of my position with fidelity to the State, and without partiality, prejudice or partisan bias. indulging in the nope that ouroiliciul and social intercourse may prove mu tually agreeable and pleaeant, and that your deliberation may be crowned by wise legislation, and your ellorts by tho approbation of our common constituents, gentlemen, I liavo the pleasure of aunounciu that tho Presi dent is now ready to hear from tha Senate. Mr. Adam's manner of delivery was simple and happy, and he was several times applauded before he ceased speak ing. Thus closed the inauguration cere monies of yesterday. Tircicier, cAKEcr, jpietcd eraciiet 32;3U'Jii!i-ei3l I'Ij:. inn, Lcckcts, Etutis, Kings, Elccvo, Sftctrcler, Celd Terr, . 'el evirv enrr. ivr.l frti, ie ef llir ,!! l.r'n Ait. Alio, ) tIf. (-VIsii in il-iitiiw WA'K Ul s. ! .,. x, ,1; ,,f m VI II V. U 1 is .MM M , ,,ri..l ' ' Till: I At V l.dUUS IJ1-.IMT?I1..T l vtiy lull H..I allia l!c. STEIN WAY mil l .j'n nialK- ati.l lis !. jnm liw il I, r Hie CoMIXiJ Hol.IUtVK. l:tI,i Lal la lit:.!:-it inlh- fen : ivf. mis ,.-iat aai var.ej Mu. 1 nnl.raen " - - n - t L' 2. BOOKS, Cfj the met beantiiul scrii lien, m, li e, rClShs ICl LLc'l IuN.s illt 0At, , ( G-XZXXS3 (trcccli-loadersof H kiuJs); MLLKCHAl -M I irLS o,d SIII.LF COM???" KTotions, XSLaalcljL-lSajiafxoliiiB, Alu every ti ImiiVi iLu.j; In tLe licoof TOYS AND PlAY TKIKE6 FOR 8;HTA CLAUS! Alt tLite iiucila are Onw Hita; c (CeJ acj dix lajiil at Jewelry, L'cok, Music and Fancy Jiiirlo FiuporiniD. OH CARSOH STHEET, OPPOSITE THE CAPITOL, Onrson Oity-, 3XTovan.: ii-j.tfji H. D. CiiriMBOL!N, OiricE and SalkoSocii Cwrbcit Ll. i k. cor nerof C'arseu H; ar :rfct. Wi.tnovsn Cura.T of riasaaadUnsfxratrsv.! CARso.'i cur, niiva:;. EUREKflRflNGL CUYtTHs EiiHEKfl RfikfTT 7 tr ia Groceries, Provisions, FLCU.l A'D FtD.: Eooaia. Two fnrcitked rooocs eligiblj loca- ed few cecra (aat ct the Capitol Luildicf. rP'y at ttc re ak'tnee of Mrs. tell, I orth ror nrr cf King ctract. two Llueka from ihe Cai ltol lut. It.aiti.ntr, Ttimarr, troekeij, Olnasvvart, Caller-, I'uii.u and Clin, fcfiel, I'nsf, Inm-i, io.. T't. It th. i;,t t,-i (M..t - vu. It t tli liei,,;,, ua ! Xiablia in ii,-.. SI. li Is t!:. ,!.;, j., . 1,1,-r la li till. It l i!: ir,. I fottalila I. in. i e n n.atli. l; IHttfure 1. 1' i'i ra'ile. tit. ll Iihm,f. ril n t'linnQf 1 etln r l'olul,lr loiuu'e. eHi. it savi 'I line ri'-l Mf,l..y. Till. II many Siw aal i s.iai'le liiiOiii tin til. iiiu auii'al TEK EEAS0K3 , a , ii iinjiiiiM in J Mil. It IS tho . i why : r .-liiiij Ai i.:in,tii.. t-f la. ll ilia . til, i;ran.l if it ok w.lli ff '.'1111111 tl"ll 'f l Kill. A i rsjialeai ill ei.i ir. e ati ei r, i lly H i. I hi n I ( antrna if wi rk wi-lli tlia Miiailraj ll-Ullt tl"ll nf fuel. kaiuiriNlMitl en thai II S I i v Hi! I ill n I ( li'it Irr. tulin ri.i it i n. r. l ilc util e, FOtl ALE UY I Lara tlie largest and tub! 1 1 re-proof la the State, an Jam ireiarej to ivceiva, Crain & General MereLantlise oa STOEAuE at all tlaies, anj to make CASH AlVAvCi:3 oa ttia Bamo. Goods uellvcred free cf clicra la all cl the city and la any t art cf the aiuTOtuidiui jei-U N. D. CHAilEEKUN, FOX & COMPANY, Oiipaaite Key r It llruda Hay Tard, Cr.rson City Nevada. Change of Base ! FOX & COMPANY, UaVE It! IIuVUD TO TUE VLXt STOU1 ojilioaitll Kryarr afc F.lrod'e liny Tard, Caraon V ....Nevada v., Lara on hand a ful uaurtuitut if all aiaaJs The Only Cue Price Store ia Tea I STERN & BOSKOWITZ, Dealer in MEN'S AND BOYS' OIiOTHIXO, ralahlBir Ceoda, Uata, Caaaa, BOOTS AKD BHOE8. lUCiSES, TAUSX8, Blankets, Mstttveaae, I: Cenat, taraea City, We v. c4-tr of HARDWARE S T li Ji Mj9 S O "V7" 3D 0 , Tinware, CR OC K E R Y PAINTS, OILS, Viiio vV Doors Practical Tinners Tad atlkuiiUof wotklaewUiie. 7 tail aatTse enr New .klMtuta e.le-U.