Newspaper Page Text
tlhe tonsil ur.:I-j Appeal Tnrl4r iwiwj 18. Tiiii trtxr TO-aU. Sv f.r the :T.5i3 ' Senatoiiu lection ki !-n tfc intt .Tororts end clijrui . J i f anv tL it bsevr transpired cith er I-i lL Sf..!e or 13 CaTifortia. VT I- ok o:-t afar, ever roth tie field indi citel. .in-lcn nrilfc ro! thi r.t e tin rt cjI" sr : tUE Mb!; aid sc-if-n f pcttful a sa j fcs n; ru-ide iu the caucus let I Lire last Tj::r:;iy l:i.t. The &.i.r.?u iraatdj.ite!y recctims treat rad ail that las taken place since, par t.ietf thi sitae cca;iaeuA.!Ie nature. The t! tisioa tf a uwjjrity of tae Legis lature Wen thus indicated so cn- !t.t illr. tlit wkkL L t-j fukc place t -I.i -wili 1-? fia: !y a fr:u:-I tourma- cf tLe dciion cf Sl-.-.t ciutrs. It C:sj-arj-in.ct to the dignity cf L:: t-ve actios t t:.?tlii. E-ilLtr, ibucsJ, iu tLis as.itn.:j un cf tte fact the Et ticn c f tie circus wi'Ibeccn-Srui-; 1, i- the lest ciici rcf urrcin; si et-'Ire and rn.-kk?n ccsSJti.ce in the a;:o:r cf tLcc rasn.ler.-s cf tte Ecpub Lcan er r.ii'.tio3 wuo took fart ia tiuc-.-.. Jlr. Soaten. then, is as good utclf to tlia p!..ce cf LI- a.tiii..". Ti.3 very dignity of Lis course tin.-; tLIs c jftt heiri i- a bud-irnt iLfii.iii.n cf tie '.. throes charges Lav.; been laid ft Lis doer ly the cf petition. He Las it! I LiiUotlf alcof f. . -" seen: and aii cLurac'tr of men tilt in wit way detract from tie Lijju nature of tie position of a Citdi Jite f--r a scat ia the benato of tie I nufii States. YvLat uiLtLt Late Lcen an etie ia Lis parsers. lus been bat tie r.i- reunion ct gentlemen imprt-sseU m.t'a tt: t letter settsa wiiti ilisiin-tiiih-ti tie iiluiitT cf tie iZrawing-roots from tie craiioaj rioticg of the ot ioase. Tat i as it ongit always Le vben Each elections are taiins plaae. Tie Tote of t-slay Leing leeonleJ, act! tie Mice lx ir.j rtil aiiJ cjiifiruifj in to-ruotro'a euatf fclion. aa.l lie great political erent ct tiU 5 c-r ou tie 1'aciSc coat vui kae been Ctlr acccnijli.-ie-J. Wc cou gritulate the LeLJtare, ia iCvaiice, for tics iaviig uiotI of au r.rJcous an.l cuiToi.iiUeclutr.anJ one viich, iaJ it in fcvuiiiTy an 1 Iea expe-.ii-tijujiy cctiuueltil, tii-it Lave LiLuereil lei! iti.n and !efem?l nntil fir into tie cs;vn, raattirs Lici are tot scct Lda ry in iaiiortance, even to the election cf a l"L;tJ States Senator. tOVCRMIR ATAMS. Up to Jatt e have fi!el to possess oare'.nsol tie jtetttee of Lionloujut Gonrnar AJam.s. lint are iMfonucd bf e litem food actioritr, that he is a native of one cf tie New Erpl..u.l State Veimant, osi !kk5j a:J. Xtw Ilumpsiite onotbtr. Be this as it may, now that Garcruor Craiiiy ias Uctaien Lioistlf to a more c!irue, Mr. A Urus teeome the eonslitntional Gov. trnor. This, to 1 e s.-verrly historioil. is tie scond iaManre ia tie histcey of tie I'niteJ States of an A lams being ma.le the Governor of a State. None of tie rroIiSe Kew Xnglan.l Jami!y of Aiarascs of which John is the first fa mous one, nor any of tie Kentnciy or New Vo:i tlisiingaisheil men of that nan:e t vtr brcan:e a Governor. Oca ot-lr. o!J Situ. AXiais of M;?sactr.sctts, reeorJeJ as of iaving achieved Gub- ercatoiial Loners. GooJ omrn for Jewett: Sou. was Cist (ftoci 1TSL to 1751) Lieutenant Govunor of ilassa ci:utt!s: cl J he was GiTerncr for tie nut ttree years. Onr Joatg (actins) G&vnccr has tie tir of a briit man is cer'uinlv a Terr afilie at J pleasing itinsar, acj we are glaj to give hint xrtlccme to EUinore."' THE TIIET CtlcCSATS IN CAUCUS. HXCH WIXTRT TOM" Thrjr fciv tli remiiiimrntarr Vote a Hank. Jlllcfefll ! t Hi xatoe Jones was in Carson duiia a fiw Lctrs cf PunJjy. lie catte iJown firom Goil Hi!l ly private conveyance in of tie cigit train, actl wicn tiat tria arrivctl, Ltiiricg iis britle, tie Sc-sator left for tie sctce of Lis labors, lie tjah 1 tui!cJ fainl too true) aver ment that e have no representation in Congress will in a very few days no jcr jtT be a just charge against our ilvle g.ition. AYtile tere Senator Jcncs met tuacy clJ friends ac J talked over certain matters of interest, among other things tie affairs cf the Carson Mint. The Senator loots rematiably well, even for him and that is to sr.y no little, health wise. That we shall hear a good ac count of Lis uuirgi ia an way, especially telatlng to tie Carsoa Mint and tie general interests of NevaJa, no boJv need Cocbt. TUt 1 LIB. a xew cor XT V. Vfe tlvn't know, "pon onr word we don't, wLttier tut re is auytirng like truth in the followiii" frmeEt by our pej i try contruiporarv, tie SUcer St't'e, Ltrt if tuere be, its statement is au im portant one to tie friu:s of ti niorc n;er.t. an.1 for that very excellent reason we pr.Utsb it. Here is wh-t that CA.Vi t'i.' ! of new.-par rs siy3: Can any one l.nlt now that there is a deeplai.t consiira-y by the Miaron i rli. 111.' to organize a new conntyT The Great I awns-bed btld a canens last m'Kht. The thii.g to be done was to put in nomination a Democrat who should be considered as the choice of that party in Nevada for the United States Senate. The Williams men went there, like their chief, grand, gloomy, and peculiar, bet with an air as if they marcbed to the trine cf "Behold the Conquering Hero Comes." Little did tbey know of the mine they walked over. Little recked they of the fate in store for tieir ciampion. Tte Caucus was called to order. The lns:ness cf the meeting was stated ia a clear voice by one of Mr. Williams' supporters. The Mitchell men (and God kr.ons we had almost for gotten there evr was any such a person as little red-headed Iliiik,) kept shady. A resolution plt'Jgicg tio members cf tie Caucus to abide by its action was read and adopted. It as moved and scoaded that a present "nionibc-r conlJ cist his absent colleague's Tote. Tien a hoarse voice nominated General Ttouas li. Williaias of Storey county. Tien tnotier hoarse voice seconded the coaiinaiioa. Tien in liUi-ical tones a member with o beaming eye pHt in nomination lit'le Hank Mitciell of Storey county. Then acotier meniber tith a beaming eye seconded the nomi- j nation. Then camo tha vote, lfcere were tweutj-two present and represented. We will not keep the reader in suspense. Tie vote stood, as announced by tie Secretary : Mitchell WlIXlAMS Mitchell's majority... Bah for Mitchell ! 27i Somiuailun icets ftc!iJYti t(;ai;.' This knocks the bonanza from under " Wintry Tom." This will leave Eogart without any paper to edit. Ques. Who did it ? Ans. GEOBGE W. CASSIDY ! Farewell Tiia wirii!, I'm Cii2 hume : " OM Sa Exit n'i.7V?is t ("iLlaniJ. IYcw To-Isir. Change of Base FOX & COMPANY, AT THEIR KKVT STORE oj.p ne Kfj-rr & I I rod's liny Vnrd, CAKSOX STSZET, CarOH ltr rva.ln. Have on fcasd a full a;sortnicut cf all linda of HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, STOVES, TINWARE, CROCKERY PAiHTS, OILS, iikIom a Ac Ioors. Practical Tinners. CALL AND SEC OI R XEW STOCK, jali-tf FOX W COMPANY. DRUGS A.NS f'ED iGINES. ..12 ..10 o poor FOS T7iHXT , Crsta Street, or pcfitc iLc Capitol, Carson City Nevada, Staler ia DPUCS AND MEDICINES. Chemicals & Perfumery, S S0AP3, COMBS. ERUSDE?, ' Trn5'rs. Buppr.rtr. feliculdar EratM". Toilet and FaH'-v Artilf (. Brv-ene Oil. L: ihi b anil thiaicavB. tiliASS AM OALliEN" tEFiiS. Ulafcs, Putty, Paints, VaruiLeai itud I-'ry-Stull. PKESCRIPTIO.XS corrcetlT pat np anil rloae atttoivn givtc to all cilia frjui the lledical Eratn.i:7. PATENT MEDICINES Fatwy Woods. Pert mues. Cnerieiirs, ApfrieatP, aiiti a can.pltte a-fifrtaietit of all anult-a i:e-t-tssary te the i-nirlt of A COMPLETE IiEVG STORE. ja!2-tf B. F. FOSTER. Tie t'oEstitatioa Las lea ccmpli mentrily stylrd "'The pelladiuw of onr Lilertits." Just precisely wh;.t a p-el'ii-cisic is we c; tfes we do not Ilct, let it Las been reiterated k often by a-cC-ciea'i.itig and trustwcitiy people tis.1 we are inclined to di what erery Icdyelsa does, tte it ca tri-.-t as a pood tiitg to Lave re!itd 1 1 "oar liber ties." Well, enr Constitution, aiUit a palladium, is just a little (I-tsvc fuj ia atocks with rej-rd to its dcsiguatiia cf wiat shall constitute tie fiscal year. Gcd trade Time, but m.n Las taiea lie lUtty to divide it up to suit iimseif. So we isve a calendar year and a fiseij yiar. Ia tiis State tiesa two years Lave a common beginning, namely, tie 1'irst t-y cf January. Now. whereas tie financial and other cCiceis cf the State are cipected to make their Kr ports to tie LeUUtare r.p to the' end of the Fiscal Year and whereas all the Keports tlfpetd almost ttlp!es!.5y rrou tie Be- (orts cf tha Treasurer and Controller, now therefore, it seems clear cnouah to the nnpnjndicid mind that tie Besola- tion i.teiy introduced into tie Assembly providing for Amending the Constitution so as to have tie raid Fiscal Tear end cn tie 1st instead of the 31st of December ought to pass without opposition, pass again by the text Legislature, and final ly become a patt of car regular "palla dium." Tits C. P. people are like to force Tom Scott to a compromise. They want to control tie western end of tie Texas raciSc, and nnless lie consents to theii doing so, tier will give him trouble. Ths rumor that because certain buco lic Solona went through against that treacherous but amusing game ia likely to La the exciting cause of a bill to suppress Three Card-Monte. Tbx SUitr Stale says thit tha ranch ers cf IlumboiJt county dread a short - allowance cf water tiis winter. The- t Koaister TeMerilay tave a listofcon- ditiates for the various offices, who are to be named in the bill. The ritiar- te'te seem to bo thoroughly posted on evcrv move that i made. It is not likely that if tie .'riVer was not ia ac tive ro-operation with tie scheme that tie friends of tie nrrare would con- :e to it ail their piaks and purposes. It ia Leon well knovn that M. S. Jon nitield ia been fur a long time a sup porter ot n li.iara iiarou lcr the I uitetl Mates senate, ana t:ie I.-'; rffr names hita as tie district Judpe of the new comity. Since his name was announced for Jud-e we interviewed Mr. Bonni fiel.l on tie subject. lie says he is now and has been for Sharon ; that he pre fers him to any other Bepabliran that ir.s Wen named in tint connection, and to any Bourbon Dtn.oernt (we give iis exact wolds) either ia or out of tie State, but tiat ie is net in favor of a re-x county, and has nothing to do with it. It seems then that the Sharon clique are trying to make il. S. " Stand ia " by otferiu iini this tempting bait. Tie corps has also mentioned the name of E. i. Keliey in connection with one of the orlices ia the new county ; but if the diagnosis of the M. I', of the quadrilat eral is always as much ct fault as in tiis instance nmy the Lord have mercy on ttie auiicte J. It is evident from the foregoing that in wicced laamooi.iters wno are rep resented by the 5i'ier Slult feel it in their guilty hearts that there ought to be, if, indeed, there is not to be, created a new county, somewhere, where it will caasa the field of their cussedaess to be circumscribed and the scope of their mendacity hedged ia. Just where, or anywhere near where, this county is to be made we neither know nor care; we only know tha wickedest organ of the wickedest ring ia the State tha Hum boldt Eing opposes it, and as faithful guardians of the best interests in the Commonwealth, we "stand in." That Tnica: otiitht to be a railroad from Battle Mountain to Anstin nobody in the world a ho ias ary knowledge of the wants of Kastrtu Neiada will think of doubting. Tie B;!l introduced into the Senate yesterday by Mr. Furrell, providing for such a road should become a law without any hindrance or delay. Mr-sr-f. A. P. K. Harmon and James Pobiu-on have succeeded Benjamin Pe art and Bebeit Sherwood as Trustees cf the Crown Point miue. Tbat truthful and exemplary lady, Sarah Wiannuuca, vrasia Virginia City oa Saturday. T. L. Johns, editor of tie S..n Frnn cisco Fiyiro, is dead cf &u overdose of morpiine. Six car-loads of Governor Biadley's "broadhorns" were snipped from Hal Irck Station to San Francisco Inst week. Silveb Crrr, Idaio, ias been vit-itc-d by a very isavy snovr storm. FUK.";SHE3 HOUSE TO LET. A fl RMSHKI) IIOI SE IS cn red fr rei:t. cuutaimnff lour rcctak tnii kifcbcn. Mtutt-il on siitii fttretrt, bttwea UritsbT aii-i Ncvtd tiret 's. For ianualr, ecqnire corner Sixth nl Onnby AT Till OFICE. al2-tt ttrtts, cr The bh&roQ inen ccwp!ain tbat thj canatt find a good iK-tr ia Cirsm. Jnst wilk tiro hlx k-i nJ call at Crocks PirtoEe Block, near the Theatre L hth tlixc Lrauaii never belore trirti in the State. OLD "SAZERAC" SALOON CAKSCN STREET. CARSON CiTf K EVAS A. A. LEWIS Froprietcr. rrnis known and popi ear X Saloon Las 1 t r. t i.tir If rex.cra:td and le br:E.ed Ly tLe tu:il.-rte.tiu-cl. A Fine l.tlllarti Tal.! Hi bc-a adJtil to the etal lilmi'-iit, and a CEt'll KOOM Siud r.p aitu tLo view to aeon:. u.Hlfale vi. lt"T. I iii-.e iur'i.itd a LTbt c!.t.- aseortn.i.1.1 of Wines, Liquors sxivl Cigars, Acd a-ili Le ha; : y to tee ai-d aait oa mj tra!. A. LEWES. Ji iilffl'S 21olidsa' CGiumu ! FINE OIL POINTINGS roK MTlio Uoliclaye, AT JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. or French Artificial Flowers 'OR; t rX"lIi : HOLIDAYS ax JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. Amijui Clcb. Ine Adelpliis are hereby called to mett next Tuesday cvpnin.j, January 12, at 7 o'clock, r.t the office of II:s Esceller-ry Governor L. 11. Bradley. By order cf H. G. Paekm, President. Job Com, one of tha original pro prietors of tha Sacramento I'nion was burned to death ia the fire which des troyed the Western Hotel in Sacramento on Saturday. Another well-known printer, Sim Conklin by came, was also burned to death. NEW A33 BEAUTIFUL G2GC3 ! The fiiitst and most ccstly cssortment of Ever cffi rc-d in JCtTada. TLo mofit es tensive and mL:ai Scent inveice of fcILVii WA arer cptiied in the State. FREJfCH CLCCES. 1 " Vtiti" Turquoise, Camtos, Splendid Bracaletn. Mjfni Scent Chaias, Lockets, Btnda, Eingt, !Slave Batton8, bpectaclee. Gold Pens, and every coneairable article of the Jeweler's Art. Aleo Enlikh, bwi&a and Ameri can Watches. STEIN WAY fTfcn PIANOS ! of extra nuke and finish. Bsidea what outlined in the f reguing, this great mud varied stock em braces GIFT BOOKS, of the most beantiful description, such as POEXtS, COLLECTIONS from Altr OALLK P.IEK, Ac. til NS, (brcerh-loaderaof all kinds,) PISTOLS, of ever variety. MFXBCHAUM PIPES AND SHELF GOODS OF ALL SORTS, at J-OECONT G-. FOX & Jewelry, Book, Muaic and Fancy Article Empo rium, on Canton Street, opposite the State Cafitol, Carson City..... .... Nevada. jain-ii ( HOLIDAY DISPLAY COytIST3 OF Kleli Lj(ly' f'et. IVateEea, 'Watch Clialns. Eracelefa. Clinrma, Card Itecti-.eis Ccke Baskets, ChoK-e AlbuEis, Porlfoliof:, Wort Eoies. V"i;tiri: LesLs. Jtatlrj Cast;, Sruoktrg tefs, Ttiltt Csurfs, CLina Ware. It. FRED BROOKS BEAUTIFUL FANCY STATICKERY, Toy Pocks, Gift EocLs, aiiitic Focks, Poems, Pianos, Orguis, VioliLf, Guitars, Ct'nccrliras, Accordeons, Guns, Pistols, etc., etc, Acd fTcry dettcription of Toys Wagotts, Lahy JSvggits, SUiyfis and Games. IKE NEWSPAPER DEPARTMENT Is the most complete in the State; never before has the California and Nevtda paper been distributed so prcniptly and cheaply ts during the lafct year. T'e are now prepared to renew Bubtcrip tions for the comic g year, and invite a call before subscribing elf enchere. THE BERLIN WOOL, Sewing ltachine, Musical and Fancy Goods Departments will in friture ba . under the manacement of an experi enced Lady Clerk, who will devote her whale time in attending to the wants of our LaLj Patrcns. R. FRED. BROOKS, Caracal Clly.. Fost Offica Block. OeS-tf . Nevada. IValcLcs, Tlio i'"1 1 r Jewelry and Chains Uoliclnys, AT JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. Furnishing: Goods Finest Quality, FOK THE HOLIDAYS AT JOE KGSEXSTOCK'S. The Latest Fashion cf Hats Z?2o.o Xlollclfiys, Jce EoseEstcck's, THE BEST QUALITY OF COOTS A.ID SHOES Ft li 27110 IlGlidays, AT Joe Kcsenstock's. TUE BEST STC(K OF IVlen's Underwear per b- In Xtvada is at Joe Rosenstcck's. B .A EE OFFERED. FOR HOLIDAY GOODS AT JOE ROSENSTOCK'S ...... o County Buildin CAESON tci-tf IS IBS Carson Street, CITY.