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Ehf parson Hail? ppral CAIMON CITYi Jmrnmrnrr I. IW A DCTT OX BORAX. We feel oatHho gradually being t ereoj from eld time Whig convictions of lb aeed ami justice of a protective tariff. Tbe Befinblie baa got out of it swadJ- fing clothes and cot ita leading strings; and somehow we feel aa if tbe industries of tbe country should be left to shift for themselves and no longer be dependent on doty whose avowed purpose it a to - keep out foreign competition. Still tba asagnitnd of tba Question ia so vast aad ita aidea so many and ao puzzling that aona bat tba most careful students of tba facta and workings tbe science of tbe Tariff hare any right to an un qualified opinion pro and com ia tbe mat ter. We tare noticed oca peculiar fact ia relation to this Tariff Question, bow ctct, wbieb aeema to be inseparable from local interests, namely. That those wbo want tbe Tariff kept up or newly applied, bare an ax to grind, and rice rersa witb tbe advocates of Free Trade. This Question no longer divides tbe two great parties. Democrats in Pennsylva nia and Connecticut are high protective tariff men: Republicans in Illinois and Iowa are Free Traders. Ia its way, the Borax Jfiuer illustrates this irresistible impulse of self-interest. Tbe Proprietor of that paper is a Democrat. All his life long be has fought the Tariff as an iniuiton measure. Tbe subjoined arti cle shows hia present attitude. We quote from a late namber of that paper: One of tbe great interests of this eoantrr. we niiubt aa? of the State and Nation, ia that of tbe borax mines of Cameralda county. The larger portion of American borax is manufactured from mineral within a radios of twenty five miles of Columbus, Nevada. It Is an interest in ita first, or experimental stage, or comparatively so. Scarcely three years have elapsed sinew tba first crystals were made and the manufactured article began to be shipped. Consider able amoanta of crude material were shipped in tbe earlier stage of this en terprise both ot borate oi lime and bo Tata of soda. Now tba borate of soda constitutes the principal part of tbe crude materia used, and that is concen trated or manufactured in close proxim ity to tba deposits. One great drawback to the operators in borax haa been tbe nominal tan II on boracie acid imported from other countries. This acid manu factured into borax at a email expense. as come into competition with oar home products, and materially affected the markets. Afore particularly was this tha ease when operators abroad found that they had a formidable rival in our markets from our home production. What the iron interests are to PennsjI- vacia. or manufacturing to ew England or borax interests may become in some tlecrre to Nevada. As tbe iron interests f lYnEsvivaBia, New Jersey and Mis souri have been protected by tariffs, as also the manufacturing interests of the atcrn States, ao ahouM this borax mining resource of Nevada. We need this and if the attention of Congress be properly directed to tbe matter, aa important benefit rnav he conferred npon - tbia great branch fit industrv. The men wbo venture large sums in a branch of business so eminently legitimate as cbacgtng tbe Borates of soda and ume to crystals for our home trade and the marts of commerce in foreign countries, art deserving of such protection. Pro ductive labcr is what aiiJa prosperity to to nn try. itches to a people, support as d prosperity to our institutions. Let this branch of industry be fostered and prosperity will be ours in the on-coming latnre. It stiixes ns that this presents a case where the equities come in. If it is fair to protect tbe iron, lumber an J cotton icttresta of the country, interests which arc fairly en their own fret or as fully so ss they ever will be this borax inter est, yet ia its infancy, should be pro tected. Indeed it ia far from just that the izoa worker who use borax in his weldings should be eficuatiy protected agsinat European labor and capital, while at the same time, the borax pro - dacer is forced to compete ander the Simsy guard of an inadequate and mere ly nominal tariff with the shippers and . importers of boracie acid. It would seem then, nothing bat fairness that the jprcposed higher duty ehoald be imposed, it weald, per bap, bo of some avail to ward seeming the desired legislation, if the Legislator now in session would Xbtmotaliae Congress on the subject. Doubtless the Esmeralda delegation in Senate anil Assembly can. if they will, secure the passage of each a resolution aa we Lava hinted at. look facts in the face not by any means a large body of the average fellow citi zen. The politics of the business he wbo runs may read, and the wayfaring Solon tho' a fool may understand. It is a battle over the last ditch. The last ditch is the final measure of Recon struction. The final measure of Recon struction is the Fifteenth Amendment. Under that Constitutional fabric the re cently enslaved blacks of the South are given tbe elective ballot. Tbia makes tbe issue. The question before the na tion then, is: The Preference between Black Lovalty and White Dialoyolty. It dates way back, that far. There is no disguising it, no dodging it. On one side is the Republican Party, on the other tha Democratic. Between these two are tha Independents. These latter chose to place themselves on what they called nautral ground. Thus far they have stood there taking their rather singular action in voting forjudge Haw- ley, a professed Republican, aa their ex pression of no-party action. This Louisiana debate will fetch them to an expression of national politics. What they do, so far as what they can do, amounts to but little; but a debate which deals with the New Rebellion in the South, must, of necessity cause every man who has'a voice.Jto speak his real sentiment. We advise, meanwhile. that those of oar Republican friends in tbe Legislature who hare not read and reflected npon the press report of Presi dent Grant's very able Message upon the Affairs of Louisiana, avail themselves of such opportuniry aa they may have to do so. The case is there stated, syn optically, with great clearness. In a few days we shall doubtless have the full text of that document. Perhaps it woald be well to not close the debate before it comes to hand. Tha better this Louisiana Case is understood, the less risk there is of any but tbe most incorrigible Democrats and Copperheads withholding their approbation from the Administration and General Sheridan for the course pursued there. fJAt.IFlBiO SCBOOL TESDKVrg. Sl'PEBIX. THE raX'RCBlLA. COCVTY CASK, Certainly if the Legislature is going to do anything at all in tbe matter of the Churchill county contested election case they ought to be about it. And yet, as api ears from the report of the Assembly proceedings, the case ia there deferred until the 23th, merely because General Clarke, the attorney for the sitting mem bers, says he cannot be ready till that tier. Should this dilatory gentleman then come in with a farther excuse, we appose the case would be again put off say 'till the 4th of II arch or July as the exigencies of Mr. Clarke's prac tice in such matters miuht demand. Either treat tbe case earnestly and promptly or let it drop altogether. We believe, roany others believe, that the Democracy of Churchill county suc ceeded only by disfranchising, in a most outrageous manner, the balk of the Re publican voters including many of the largest tax-payers of tht county. We do not believe that the present Senator and AsBcmUymen can hold their seats fer an hour after the evidence which awaits the presentation of this case is ad duced. Let the delaying resolution pass. ed yesterday be reconsidered in the As sembly and the case La brought to bar forthwith or let it bo expunged from the calendar. There is no use trying it at the last end of the session, after the Democrats now holding seats have done all the harm they are capable of. We notice that a bill has been intro duced into the Assembly requiring a proof of qualification on the part of per sons wbo are seeking the office of School Superintendents. By the terms indicat ed, the County Superintendent must be possessed of a " first grade certificate " aa a condition precedent to eligibility. Nobody who places any value upon com mon school education will dissent from the purpose aimed at. Certainly no school superintendent should be an ig noramus, certainly, also, all sueh offi cers should be men of enough schooling to entitle them to a " first grade certifi cate " whatever that may be. Bat (and we are in dead earnest in asking the question) what is the use of a County School Superintendent, anyhow? What is the necessity for such an officer? What other school authorities are needed in the various counties than Boards of Di rectors, or Trustees, in each District? There is a possibility of the existence of such a thing in the regulation of educa tional matters, as in the kitchen: there may be too many cooks. We suppose it is best that there should be in the economy of the State government a de partment equivalent to an Educational Bureau with a Head to it a State Su perintendent of Public Instruction, in fact; but a Board would, it is likely, do just as well; and just why the counties need a Superintendent and a Board too. is mora than we can comprehend. If we had the power to regulate tbe system ot public instruction in this State, we would pass an act abolishing (at the ex piration of the present term) the unnec essary incumbrance of County Superin tendents and vesting tha power now ex ercised by them in tbe Boards of Trus tees and County Recorders. W would simplyfy the machinery of oar Public Schools. But if we must have County Superintendents by all means let us (if wa can) compel them to know some- thing. BoTinasnt. Ur. Fendola has ccmrleted hi issproTtments at his popular BotifFerie Xo. II. Aibr stieet, opposite tbe V. a. land Office, and win nereatter ran It flay end night, air. Fen- Hum necurea torn semrrs or one of the Terr best cooks in San Francisco, who will superin' lead the kitchen, and oolite waiter mill to ruetomers. e.Terr delicacy the market affords will best-rvedat tbisclar-e. lh,hMttMr.b.f um oiu r wines can alio be bad. Give su nousaene s trial. Tea FiToarra. Ths Faak Exchange Saloon. corner of King and Onuslij streets. Is becoming ths favorite resort of this cMy. Tha t sttrartir.a is Fredericksburg Beer, whils the est oi wines, nqoora and cigars are. also, sold st the bar. A Bret clan Billiard Table for tba amusement sf guests, s raid lunc h st all hoars sua m any good cneer lor all are its rmimmen. datiuns te public favor, tt. li. Brown is Us yroprieiqr. xitnic-K. xne nnaer signed are now prepared to furnish Pure Spring Water ana plenty ot it, on Carson, Curry, Ormsby and Nevada streets, at reason able rates. Rick i Helm. I. O. R. M. The regular Councils of Fiats Tribe No. 1, of Carson City, an held st the Hall of Capitol Lodge I. O. O. F. .on Monday even iig of eaeh seven Funs. A general attendance of tha Chiefs and Brothers is solicited. By order of the Sachem,- ";r. e. kkixt. C. of B. Change of Base ! FOX G COMPANY, STORE, NEW A iTaV opposite Keyset 4i Elred'a Day V CABSON BTEEET, Holiday Column ! FINE OIL PAINTINGS ......roK..... JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. Hanging: Baskets French Artificial Flowers FORMTHK HOLIDAYS JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. Tut editor of the ChronirU in this city is kind enough to ascribe the authorship of a certain document to a certain pier son. That person begs lesva to say he cannot perceive where the compliment comes in. As to tne passage referred to. te natters himself lie expressed a kin dred idea in better taste more than ten years ago. as follows: Xevaria' hills sre sere, Sevsds's waste are divar. Her tempest cold; Bat to her desert breast Tbe precious ore is prrssd; tier brows sre silver-tressed, Ber veias are g"ld. Enterprise. One of these days the people of Ne vada will come to know that Joe Good man, with all his genius, is not the only poet of true metal wbo has had profes sional connection with the Enterprise which his name it is Charley tioodwin. We might as well add, that to anybody who has ever heard Sharon talk upon the subjects referred to in his speech. the idea of that address being the pro duct of anybody else but tbe new Sen ator himself, is timp!v absurd. It is Sharon, all over. Careers CUT Nevada IBavs oa hand a fall assortment of all kinds ef HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. STOVES, TINWARE, CROCKERY PAINTS, OILS, Windows & Doors. Practical Tinners. srau, AXD tKC OCB sew stock. jsl2-tf FOX ok IOMFANV. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. I. JPm FOSTEF Carton Stieet, opposite the Capitol, Carson City Nevada. DRUGS AND MEDICINES,r Chemicals A Perfumery. SOAPS, COMBS, BBISHES, Trasses. Supporters. Shoulder Braces, Toilet snd Fancy Articles. Kerosene Oil. Imtis and Chimneys. UKAtia IM) GAItUEX fcEEIMt. Glass, Putty. Paints, Varnishes and Drj-Stufls. PRESCRIPTIONS correctly pot op and close sttent ion given te all calls from the Medical Fraternity. PATENT MEDICINES, Fancy Goods. Perfumes. Cosmetics, Aperients, snd s complete aiwirlnietit of all articles ns-ce-seary Is tbe cuirlt ot A COMPLETE DRUG STOKE. s!2-tr B. F. FOSTER. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rile of Freemasonry. 'ta Tax Loteuaxa Qcsmos, wa are glad to note, baa got into tba Legislature. Ha well. Oak of tbia will develops what of party feeling exists among Sen ators and Assemblymen. Tba facts are lain Attaoga to tfcoee wbo are willing to An early adjournment of tbe Legis lature wight, as Mr. Cassidr main tains, as well be aa.I as not. If, in stead of adjourning-, aa yesterday 'a Senate did, nntil Monday, that House and tbe other at tbe opposite end of tne Capitol, would but address them selves, earnestly, to tbe business be fore them, there might be an adjourn ment sine die by the 1Mb of February. We areware that this is not tbe popular view to take of this matter, here; but tbe Legislature ought to be considered, as it ought to consider itself, made for something better than to come to Carson for a biennial junketing. It U likely, however, that our advice, like many another bit of voluntary sermonizing, will hare hardly more or directing influence npon tbe Legislative mind than our silent, unsuspected prayers in behalf of all tbe erring. Tax Skaren acea complain that titer canno find a ood sefar ia Carson. Just walk two blocks sad call at Brooks' Block. Bear las Theatre be aas tares braaea never before tried ia tat State. NEVA OA LODGE OF PEKFtnlOS No. 3. A.-. & A.' B KITE meets ETEBT Wednesday Eveaalajr, st T o'clock, st the Odd Fellows' Hall, north of tbe Csritol. 8joaroini Brethren or tne 1 Rite, in (fXHl standing, are cor- cUally invited to attend. EDWIN A. SaEBaUTV. TV. P.-. !.-. M.-. Gaoaoa B. Hilx, ei.-. Secretary. jal3-tf E. 3. R A I Importer aad Dealer ia Hedallion and Laurel Ranges HARDWARE, Stoves & Tinware, BCBEEB and LEATHER BELTING. Lara- Leather asvsl Facklaa;. Brass tiserls, baa Pin suaat Hat aires, IRON, COAL, STB EL. REAPEB8, Mowers. Plows. Sec. Pwweler. Sam, Faue, SLEDCES and WEDCES. Cattery, Silver and Plated Wares, Crockery Ware. Lsrsis scd Gists Ware, OBCM A WIMO WS, MINTS, Oil ALCOHOL, TDirtSTIXt, Lard OIL Hachlwe Oil, Ceal Oil. Force and Lift Pumps, Jtewaumetwrer mf Tim, Capper aad Sheet Iran Ware. JOBBIXe DOXK TO ORDER. Largs Stcae Fire-Iroof Bnildings, Csrsoa Street opposite Capital Building, suli-'tt"" Carswsv Cy.. .Nev THE ORMSBY HOUSE, Corner of Carson and Second Sts., Carson City, Nevada, GEO. D. FRYER, PROP. well known hotel bu ben enlarged rocoxiiitructeU until in capacity and a.pvaraisce it is, nnuetw Uonably, THE BEST PUBLIC KCUSE IN NEVADA. SURPASSES AXTTH1XG KIXD la this State; snd its OF TtlE SPACIOUS DINING HALL MAGNIFICENT PAhLORS. as Splendid Suites of Rooms, Combine to make it supply s wan loaf felt Here and tnrongnout tne State. Ko pains or expense will be spared in ths CCL1MRV DEPARTMENT And nothing tnst tbe snsrkets of the Pacific Coast aCurd will be o nutted from FINK Watches, Jewelry and Chains lEColl clays. ST JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. Furnishing Goods Finest Quality, FOB THIS HOLIDAYS st JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. The LatestFashion of Hats Joe Roseustock's. THE BEST QIAMTY OF BOOTS AND SHOES Tbo Solidays, AT Joe Rosenstock's. eleg-sace of the To correspond with the geaer aoose. Will be ktpt on a plaa second to nothing in g&n Will always be first-class ia all its aneiat- nents. THE WESTERN ONION TELEGRAPH COMPANY Have aa office ia the bouse; and all possible facilities will be afforded to Gwests, FaasUles aad tba Tr PwbUc. ivelinjr A ahars of public patronage la solicited. CEO. D. FRYER, Jaal Proprietor. TBE BEST STOCK OF Men's Underwear la Nevada is at Joe Rosenstock's. TAB BEST BARIM .ARE OFFERED. FOR HOLIDAY GOODS AT...... JOE ROSENSTOCK'S Count Buildin, ar CAKSON es-tf Carson Street, CITY.