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fct parson Jailo Appeal CARSON CITY t Friday Jmrnmrnry IMS MR. ctiumii FOR MPPRKSSIOX OK MJtElJ AXD UBOXEDIRIEii. r.Uher MlnorJinnry Bill h been iatrJajeJ into the AwmWf lj Mr. I'arut; of Lyon county-. It proiJe for aa Art l.i prohibit tii r mploymenl r Ciiint-! mi.l drimtiJarie on the puHio Li-Iiways in t'ui State. This will sound qa-rly in Extern ears, anJ. indeed, a th ear of many Xerailms as would a lili to sttpprcsi Ostiiches and Elephants frjsj obstructing the 4reets and alley of Eitoirn and other cities of the Great Ciii. Hat we ar a peculiar people and he hil peculiar experiences and o-j Ijss peculiar eiuersjeneiw in oar life and ljiness. Here, then, are some f -tJ relating to camels an 1 dromedaries it this region: Several years a oao Sylrester Mowry, ilecease.1, a member of th orp of I. S. Ea.;iue?r, having tad a large acqaaiutaaco with the Vl& and tLfir desert Valleys and hill aids, rrcommended to the Government, that in travelling across the long wastes vt th r?gion indicated, the camel the hip ot tha desert cjul 1 be ntilized profitably. Doubtless Lieut. Jlowry, who w ot a roniantintl turn of mind. Lad J exaggerated idea of the camel as an auxiliary iu traversing onr neighbor ing wastes; and it is not impossible that Le, bring a Democrat, had a feeling re pail f--r the tradition., manners and customs of the Arians and other people of the Orient as in preference to the nor modern things such as The railway Al tha steamboat. fcavj Uh thoughts thai ahaSra mankind." And so he pressed his recommenda tion wpoa "The Old Publie Function ary." the late James Buchanan, and in duced him. as President, to favor and orge the camel business. (In these de generate days, if under the recommen dation of a pablie officer, a herd of camels should be purchased for th pur pose for which these were bought, there would be an Investigation Committee; and Tare and Independent Press would urge its great and paramount ne cessity. ' to cleanse the Augean stables. ) " lint, anyhow, on Mr. Howry's recom mendation, a troop of camels and drom edaries was purchased by ths Govern ment and set at work, nnder Missouri ox-drivers and other artists, packing the nail and other commodities across the desert parts of the great plains. The thing ended in a grotesque joke as grotesque and ungainly as the akward et camel or the most defonued drome dary ever did suggest to the nice- and critical mind. To cut a long narration hort, the dozen or more of camels and dromedaries that were assigned to duty in Kevads were finally sold to some par ties in Lyon county in this State. After while they became the property of a venturesome and fanciful sju of Gaul who resides on the old Burch IUnch, 10 miles below D.iyton, on the Carson Kiver. Savillier is his came. Four or five years ago this man of France had these queer beasts employed j acking salt from somewhere t somewhere else. Now they are enjoying a prolonged holi day. Meantime they have multiplied and replenished the alkaline wastes of Lyon county with additions fr their bumpy family, until there ate now about thirty of them, big and little. -Tae Caatls are coming. long since they would have eaten their heads off but for the fact that they pre fer willows and grease a-ood and ssge brash and obsolete playing card, and old cast-off clothes and like otti comestibles of a gramniverous sort, to bay, barley and other choice food of the Manger. The complaint is, not that they browse thus promiscuously and with comparative indelicacy of taste and discrimination for there is no man of all the profligate dwellers in these desert wastes who would deny a dinner of ortrmftaa and paper rags to a hungry camel but. rather, that the no traveled mule and the provincial horse, coming ia sight of one or more of their cumber, becomes affrighted as with the appari tion of a bovine or eqaiae Devil, and se dotn rear and snort and buck in a sort which is far from entertaining to the traveler whose safety depends upon the conservative attitude and movements of bis tjd or span. In other words, it is the looks of the camel and dromedary that is the cause of complaint. Appear ing suddenly and without warning in the road, he causes the heart of horse and mule and ass to quake with supernatural and superstitious fear. Jlinc i'.Utr lack rymn: Messieurs Camel and Dromedary are a nuisance in Lyon county. Let a young man whose fancy, in the Spring time, is lightly turned to thoughts of love, start for a pleasure excursion down the banks of the placid Carson, with his lady-love beside him. and, perchance, the snddeuest shock that he ncd she and their horses experience is caused by the thrusting out of the long firey neck and the insertion of the curious, bat too familiar nose of an old stud camel right nnder the blushing lady's ear ! The reader can readily imagine the conse qnences: The ruby lips of the affrighted lady part to emit a cry of distress and alarm; the horses, if not restrained, plunge down the neighboring precipice into the bowels of the snrgicg Carson; the gallant but flustered hero-lover ie- comes excited and enraged at this abrupt intrusion upon the scene of his ardent attentions, and an anti-climax of love making is precipitated. X w, whr.t's to be done? The camel and the dromedary, beasts of incomparable valuo to the trav eler o'er Afric's burning sands, become a vast and frightful nnisance in Lyon conntv. Common safety demands tnat they be suppressed. They are of eo more utility to lions. Savaliier than so many Megatheriums, Pterodactyls or Plesiosauri, and should be abated. They are all the worse from being ex ceedingly time. They entertain and promulgate a familiarity for men and women and bug gies and horses and mules and asses an d jerk-water wagons which is almost unbearable. Indeed, there is a presumptuous display of affection about their demonstrativeness which is like nnto the being courted by an over sentimental giraffe. Xow do we recom mend, that if it be considered unconsti tutional to abate these unhandsome beasts as provided for in friend Carling's bill, another bill be devised which shall provide for the purchase of the same by the State and the presentation thereof to Mr. Woodward or other exhibitor of the curious in nature and art. At any rate. Mr. Carling's bill expresses a wish which lies very near the heart of his constituents, and in some manner, not incompatible with law and equity, it should have hearing and statutory em bodiment. Ths Pacific Mail Isvestioatiox has got our friend Wetmore into a scrape. He made insinuations in a recent letter against Beck of Kentucky to the effect that h-, Beck, had received money for his lute. He was then brought to the bar of the House and ordered to explain his coarse and give the author. He declined t. do so, but asked a day to consider whether or no he would give the came of his informant. The time was gTanted, and then he was a second time arraigned. Then he read a rather impudent state ment of bis views, accompanied by a protest against the procedure against himself. He is adjudged guilty of con tempt o! the Hou.-.- and has been scut to jail. Prior to the passage of the re solution which sent Wetmore to j ul, Garfield "intimated a belief that witness was not sound of miud, and if this was so, the punishment ought to be milder." But we must remembtr that James W. Simonton of the ISu'letia is the associa ted press ageut. and must, therefore, take its dispatches relative to this mat ter with many grains of allowance. Ir is noteworthy that, so far. there has been not a single member of Con gress implicated in the improper receipt ef moneys disbursed by the Pacific Mail Company's agents in Washington. We are left with a choice of inferences: Either that they ore iunocent of any improper conduct in the premises or that they and those from whom they re ceived their bribes Lave, been very adroit in covering cp their tracks. Lisk nnto Bedle, the Jersey Governor, Cochrane, the Governor of Delaware, denounces military interference in Louis iana. Latta, Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, talks in the same strain. It would be hard to find Democrat who would not ease his overburdened mind in the same sort. Tarn Three Card Monte men, by one of whose number it is believed the re cent attempt to murder Lcn Harris was made, sought to divert attention from themselves by starting the report that Harris shot himself to create a sensa tion. That is altogether too gauzy. Alex Pikeos has been convicted in Washoe county of grand lareeuy and sentenced to two years in the Penitentiary. rXlTtlt STATES SENATORS ELECT. By the latest Eastern telegrams we are informed as follows regarding the re cent election of and bnllottiogs for United States Senators: In the Joint Convention of the Tenn essee Legislature Andy Jobnson received 31 out of a total of 99 votes. The Secatondup in Michigan is still undecided. Zovh Chandler leceivc d on Wednesday, in joint convention, 11 1 votes. Necessary to a choice, 67. His friends are confident. McDonald, Democrat, is tlected Sena tor from Indiana. No choice yet by the Rhode Island Legislature. So names given. Burn side is probably a prominent candidate. Francis Kernan, Democrat, is elected in New York. The Republican nominee was the Hon. E. D. Morgan. In the Minnesota joint convention Ramsey received CI, Donnelly 51, Davis 21, scattering 10. Ramsey's foes ex press confidence that be will be defeated. Wallace, Democrat, is elected Senator iu Pennsylvania. The Republican nom inee Has John Allison. Ko choice in Nebraska. As many as eight candidates are named. G'.oiiouso'd Hannibal Hamlin is re elected to represent Maine. Henry L. Dawes carries eff the prize in Massachusetts. Charles Francis A3arus received 8S votes. Hoar only goto. In Wisconsin the joint convention have invited Carpenter and Washburne to address them on the condition of af fairs in the South. Carpenter accepts. What his opponent will do has not transpired. This looks like a big card for Carpenter who possesses great pow ers as a speaker. The contest between the two is very close. Francis M. Cockrill, Democrat, is elected in Missouri. Carl Schurz re ceived but 5 votes. Ex-Governor Randolph has been nom inated for the Senate by the New Jersey Democracy as represented in the Legis lature. This is equivalent to an election. He is a man of charming manners and very fair abilities. Thomas F. Bayard is elected from Delaware. " The BEEcum-Tii-ToX Business has been fairly got into Court. The thing proven most plainly by his own state mentsis that Moultou is a sneaking liar, go-between and busy-body. He also seems to have been a pimp for the mutual accommodation of Tilton and Victoria Woodhull. He is evidently the nastiest item in the whole business, Tiitou not excepted. Goveexob L'kdli has been inaugura ted in New Jersey. Being a Democratic Jereyman, he took occasion to splutter his little spurt against Grant for the Louisiana business. Two divorces were granted in the Washoe District Court ou Wednesday. One separated Olive Hurley from Wm. Harley, and the other made twain of Mary Jones and 3. C Jones. The indications are that Colorado and New Mexico will be admitted to repres entation in Congress as States of the I'niou this present session ot Congress. jSt'wV To-Daj SPIRITUAL LECTURES ! AT THE Ceorso xx Tlicatro Mrs. Eelle Chamberlain ECTl'HES AT THE THEATRE THIS (Fridjy) MUHT, And 8ATUBDAY aad SUNDAY SIGHTS, at 7 JO All shonlil hear her as she ia one ef the best speakers now in the field. Admission, 50 cents and $1.00. BV Tbe Rev. Dr. SHORTRIDGE lecturra at the Theatre at 2 F. K. SUNDAY. Admission, 25 cents. ja2-tI NOTICE. THE BVS1XEKS ARRANGEMENT heretofore flirting lietween OEO. T. 1AVIS. JOI1X E. rKEEnf AN. (Davis k Free man) and Vt . T. Buck DAVIS, was terminated by mutual agreement on the lrt day of Decem ber, It;. Geo. T. Davis and John E. Frtaman have no longer any iclerebt in tbe Summit Store, tbe Olenbrouk Store and Tahoe City Store, nor will they be responsible for any debts contracted Bince December 1st, 1874. AU snma doe i to become due at said stores for goods, merchandise or personal property sold, services rendered or labor performed prior to December 1st. A. 1. It)", belong to Geo. T. Davis and John K. Freeman and are payable to (rLORUlC OILLSOM, Iteceiver lor Davis k Freeman. GEO. T. DAVIS. J SO. E. KkELMAX. W. T. "HucA" DAVIS. GEO. GIIXSOX. Receiver for Davis k Freeman. Carson City, Nevada, January 21, lUlS. ja-.-2-lm 1. O. R. M. Tha regular Councils of Pinte Tribe tin. I, of farsen I ity. are held t the liall i)l lapnol l-:fc l. l. u. I . on Alonday even i -f t h sem suns. A gtneral attendance ci tbe Ihitts aiid brothers is solicited. By ardtr of tha Sacht m. W. A. VAN REFD, seK-tf C. of R. The search mn ccmplaiu that they ranno fiEdapxd Frfnr in Carron. Just walk two blocfcstnd rallct Eroc-ss' Postoffice Klock. near tbe Theatre be has three brands never before trie d in the State. Change of Base ! FOX & COMPANY, AT THEIR NEW STORE, opposite Key scr fc ElrocTs liny Tnrd, CARSON STREET. Carswn City Nevada. "HsTe on hand a full assortment of all kinds cf HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, STOVES, TINWARE, CROCKERY PAINTS, OILS, Window? & Doors. Practical Tinners. J- CALL AND fcEE OI R NEW STOCK. jalJ-tf FOX V COMPANY. THE ORMSBY HOUSE, Corner of Carson and Second Sts., Carson City, Nevada, GEO. D. FRYER, PROP. well known hotel has been enlarged a reconstructed until in capacity and appearance it is. unques tionably. THE EEST PUBLIC HOUSE IN NEVADA. SCHPAMSES ANYTHING OP THE KIND In this State: and its SPACIOUS DINING HALL MAGNIFICENT PARLORS. AXD Splendid Suites of Rooms. Combine to nuke it supply a wan long felt here and throughout the State. No pains or expense will be spared in tha rtLINARY DEPARTMENT And nothing tnat the markets of the Pacific Coast afford will be omitted from TTTTi rl?aRTiFi i To correspond with the gtner eltg&nc of the boct. Will to kept on plan second to nothing in Ban J- raucitoco; &ud the BlUlnrd. Room Will always be fcn4-cl in all lU apvoint- nzents. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CC ft. PA NY Have an office in the hoi: end all possible facilities will be afi'ortied to GiHits. Faniilit-s and the Traveling Public. A fhare of public pstrocaKe it solicited. CEO. D. FRYER, jazil Proprietor. E. B. RAIL, Importer and Dcakr in Hedallion and Laurel Ranges' HARDWARE, Stoves & Tinware, Kl'BCEB and LTATHtB UIXTIXG, l.are Leather and Parking-. Brass taods, dan Pipea and r'iilnrea I It OX. tU.IL, STU L. KI. APfclifc, blowers, IIows, & Poiicler. Shot, Fate, SLEDCES and WEDCES, C utler)-, silver and Plated Waira, Crockery Ware. Itiurs ard Glats T are, DQDRS L WlhEGVYS, PAINTS, Oil AlCCHCL, Tl'BPEXTIKE. I.ard Oil, Machine Oil, Coal Oil, 1'orce end lift Pumps, Manufacturer of Tin, Cier and Shert Iran Have. JOBBING DONE TO OltDEH. Largs Stcna Fire-Proof Bnildings, Carscn Street opposite Capitol Building, Carson City... Nevada. aults-tf DRUGS AND MEDICINES. 33. :f foster, Canon Stieet, opposite the Capitol, Carson City Nevada, Dealer in f DRUGS AfiD MEDICINES, Chemicals & Perfumery, SOAPS, COMBS, BBVSBE?, Tresses, Supporters, f boulder Braces, Toilet and Fancy Articles, KtrcFene Oil, Lamps and Chimneys, OKA.sw ANI GABI'EN bEEVti, Glata, Putty, Paints, Varnishes lnd Dry-htuffs. Pit RSCRI PTIO.VS correctly put up and close attention givtn to all rails from the Aledical Iraterniiy. PATENT MEDICINES, Fancy Goods, Perfumes, Cosmetics, Aperients, and complete assortment of all articles ne cessary to the outfit of A COMPLETE DBIG STORE. jalMf B. F. FOSTER. Holiday Column ! FINE OIL PAINTINGS Tlao2; Holidays. JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. Hanging Haskels or French Artificial Flowers FOR! THK HOLIDAYS at JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. p" 1 JV 1C Watctos, Jewelry and Chains FOB Tlio Ilollcinya, AT JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. Furnishing Goods or THS Finest Quality, FOB THK HOLIDAYS AT JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. The Latest Fashion of Hats roa Tlio JEEo 11 clays. AT.... Joe Rosenstock's. TIII3 REST QUALITY OF BOOTS AIID SHOES rcn Tlao ITolldays, Joe Kosenstock's. THE BEST STOCKiOF Men's Underwear In Nevada la at Joe Rosenstock's. , THE BEST SMGAIDS ABE OFFERED FOR HOLIDAY GOODS AT JOE KOSENSTOCK'S County BniWins, Carson Street, CAHSON CITY.