Newspaper Page Text
Tor. I it j- Mart-It . It?.", TUG ltESlXT!V OK iOVKKXIU If lis ex Excels u-y. Mr. lo:h, Im.l fcyar.T nt.ifir:nity or sr-.:ii!;y of lis perstii..l t'l oP.!,-! acts, j.i?.:.;;il such a conrse f . e.hirc. we s-honM che r fully hnl with him in a sjuit f chmity. and st.ive 1 d.acn iiiiu 1.1 Mil uii nrti ZIU spirit an I ni'ii hi' rcul merits hi.l ioi as f;ir s e inihi. tin- f iitils cf tem perament au.l jh;iti"ii which so beset Lis charterer as to Lim an almost to its provisions. We know this much, however, that it is iiitrinletl to riieve ih likf nmi, women nn I children of the Vnhe.l States of tho btir.len, of infe rior caste so long imposed nin them i.T cowardly n j'nlice au.l cohl bloo.lml itijusticf ; mill that nntler it leui;u pro visions, it will no Iotier be iu the power of rnf!it:i j;fs ami brutal bailiffs to iVr.y them all th:y ask tq-ml rights wi'h white Ken before the hiw. The specious, .l.-iii:iii!e ery that under the civil rights bill, negroes nre to b fiiree.l iu!o white peo; Ie" parlors, ami that plil, triitL'r, twail.lle "Mo you w nit your sister to marry a rier?" ars 11.. longer of any a:.i! jresnn:in; the Presider.t will i-i -n the hill, of which we uuv.i l ib!e object tor the analysis of j have little ouht. If the Cfule of Icia the political clitic. lut hiseourse since the California tienernS Kh'dion of 1S71 bus l.een of snch an eei-eutric and tsn-I-receileuieJ character: the wioti:; tiling lias IWn so invariably an! stitute.l by Lim fur the riut thin:;; be li often chos.-a to 0 out of his way to outrage the feelings and trample upon tbe nit s of the party at whoa he was elected t.i the !:itrc;frril chair: and. iu short, he l,.t so 1 .'.itiii"v hown a disposition totient wi'M absolute hute!ir sud liis.luin the m ijoiitv of tie II. j.n'.w I atiou muh-r whuh the most ignorant and unwa-he.l of K.iri peail immigrants may be veste.l with the full rights, po liticai, religious, social ami moral, cf a native-born American, bail set a fariiC--tibiii' X?iipo!i;aa Wjr, perforce, tilonsi.l- t!io il tuotbttra of Beacon street ami the Fifth Avenue, anil pven Prian Urine l.twrtv to smoke, niiinvite.:, hi ilulheeu in the sick-room of 11 J!"ac Kejuihlicaii sc.: "tl-tuarm, then, posilly, titer tniI.t !; m;ii ilaiier that a i-h-atiiy, come'y anil virtu-'tis ij-isdrocn rkims of this 1UI1 KtroET of the State JIiXEiiALOiiisT. The State Miueraloisi, Hon. II. 1J. Whitchil), has favored lis with a copy of his very full, .instructive ami compeiio". ions Heport. It is a Document which, coiivej ing as it d. es. ( liiciai iufonnation abroail of the condition of minea and Uiinins operations in Nevaiia, is of in calculable value. I; is fortunate, imh ed, that the I nsincs of the office of Stat ?.Iinera!o;ist k is ''i-:i into as .ooil hautls as Mr. V.'hi;ehi!rs. He l-iius to his work the fiithr.pLisui of a lover of sieiit;Sc rtsearrh, t:il to lisliepori the ermlitiou ami literary tastei of a scholar. The it-tter pn sa of this pam phlet is crcilitab to the State Tiititer. The paper is the w vist we have ever seen usett in arv State dccninci.t. lican piTtr of f alifornii. t'int we are ti.iht. uu t-.r tlu tenure.! to "ive fn l lerovtittioti to the 1 forc.J t. tiM'ry. K'tiust her will ami t Limitation or Lh.:lahon. To-day, at Merecti tn, haa been tiTetl a the limit of time beyond whhh tin re may be 110 more bilhs introduied into the present Li-pislatnre. This is wise ard prudent. In other days, the custom ; to ru.-h in j bills of a shaky and jobbish nature dur ing the ei i'iii: lion: a of the Feaston j . 1 ami ov ct riain tin-ks 01 qnii t leauii g and hun ied Atid !uiiii!vd Hi tion, make laws of thm. Tita t!:i trttiite-iook j ff;H be-saiilc!ied an.l oit kers aim su.-ilers I ai:owed to ;ri too f.mdlar wi:h Trefimry ! Wnrrauts. Tiiis 1 1 11-is at it n is ta t.'u.e- j ' what tardv) loiieration of that clause in I the Decalogue whii h fays to tl unier s-d Lobby of larcenous Luiuau Latuic. "Thou shah not sttal.' E . B . RAIL, Iinporti-r and Pealer in Hedallion and Laurel Ranges HARDWARE, Stoves & Tinware, i:i ri:t:n ud lfathm: m i ting. Lure I entlier nml Packing. TZrasti 4-oettfH Can Pipit anil Fixture, I HON. AI STfKL. Rf:APKI?!i.J Ho .vers, I5Io wss, A:, Niirl, Knse, SLEDCES End VVEDCES, Cn tin j Vni.linisau li.-t V tt DCCF.S & PAlKIS. Oil AUCHOL, TniPENTIXE, Laril Oil. ?!n l ir Oil, ( tnl Oil, M ;i n u fa "t 11 rr of Tin, i ppr r m n, Slffl Iron Vrc. J t li HI fi 1J O XK TO O IU ' b It.,:- ?t lit irt-I n -f I iiilt'int:. Cars, n Str-e; 'l P nit- 1 r.:!i!.;i:;c. Crn iiy .VerailH. The Only Cue Price Store in Town! STERN & BOSKOWITZ, Tesh rs in ' MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS ANP SlKil, TKI KS, VAlIStS, 1 J.-a kt Is MhttrtSM P, .vt. (ounfy I.iiH'lii.o-. (aimiri City, Nev. FINE JEWELRY AND WATCHES Silver Ware, Diamond Sets, Superb Chains, Beautiful Lockets, ?S3 disrouraaiiis f a t t ' l is fans s far j despite her ch l.cate tastes, aeme ljnor obsenre whoever of negative viitue he j ant, unlettered, urisoai"d aud r.tUny is pis-e-'8d of as to h ave the latter in 1 .letfradetl Caneasian troai o:i of the total, if not cor.s' i! t i-clinse. It is obiv ! tinif States, io:! this is not thii: an 1 t.v eii lent tii Mr. who ni.toii- ! the alladiuni of our libe. t'es is in u The mix iu the Senate known as a bill or.sly is a skeptic in matt- rs of religions j iuitr.' .Iju-: r. j fr tue ich. f of C. A. V. Putnam, is faith. Carrie l;U st-.tieieta iit the! ' ' i afictlr apeakiu. a relief till. It siti'plv , , , . V f akk t ? v y i;I t i...te that tae A- - 1 , 1 . oiuaiii 01 .oi;:j s; ai..i inai in so umni; , , . i - ., , . .. i ; cover s-uue 1 1 i!i: s. -enitiui.ttny line tue ' late StateJj'ii:iltfr, bt:t vihii-h, by an oer sij;ht were left out of the (J Utral lifi- t i - 1 . i f, ; rieiH V i o. e s i 111 inlin e 01 tlionvht is on H.lvaufaL'e wunu is ofteu "'. - J II r. I utii im. who dues not want to lc ri-i;ardd i!t the liht of one st .itllliate l lief."' Dfr. K. . DAVISGW, ' Physician and Surgeon, j ! orrioi : j j Kins S-irnt, nar if 0. 1'. WiHii-- I'in: St.."-, i f. r- C'AKSUN ( 1TY. :f I jEIoaiit Urciizo (locks, Las been reuiued. The so! er second ".rililte Uleat.S ; and I.h deS hT' l)Ut a b ti) a t'v,-n end; and tint iiiey ate tola- j kept or bri.k. 11 its pohcy and elicum- j et inees limy dicta'e. In lesioi.iiij.: his J 'flli-e of tivitnn r Mr. lit oth is simply j trenki? h:s plighted word of honor, oiai?:lii!y ivell at a ptli lo.i'Uli.ica'i-, .i:iri'.ii: the ciiiiv aviioein that ou th go,al f tit b of. and honest snpport by the C.rham win .f the pitty. of the ticket w hich h: headed. ili pei..:ed his ehctiop, a: d leardiuy 3Ir. Cw irham as a nudidito fr the United States Senate, Senator Booth, of his 03 voHti. n, ut a meeting at t hico, protuise.1 his betirers, Lis Party and the State of California that if he were elected to the (iuberuatoi ial chair he would, if lie lived to do s. v ive oat his term of office. Hefiirthermoro dfchired emphat ically that he was no, nor would he be white in the executive chair, a candidate for the Sfuat-. Mark his career: In liT-i when the lijh-st word him would hve cra-vhed Joliy Var.'ea into the shameless iiaw l cf po!,:its whi h she has since been discovered to be. Ls ifcic liie- taijie.i as the ren!t of a storm ot words and a-ts, wh'ii without a culminat ing tempest, bitterness and bickerin' teiopcrate actio-i. We I j;XI1;i s.Essr ,,N ? t..N.i:i:.s. The ; cs that the ditlereuce j irtRlleut Js recorted jthroii"h the Chic- i which has arisen between the Senate ! lt.r.o,.flUl ; ii h much I KlYJ AND EEAUTlFUl Tl. tattt Mi.; most ::;. t.s ii.i.ti. CDOCS ! a I'l l :it'rtn:ei t f FIP.ST-GLASS GOODS, FCR FAF.TJCUi.AnS CALL AT CW. FRIENDS Wat;!: au! .Ir.vclrv Fsli'ilsiislMiinil, CARSOFi STREET. t'te U-i rt. r to ' f I', ivi'ji- I i.iao rv. CA!tC. (IT v.. V ADA. .Li.u . '..L :t.ii:.t .!. v :. , u iii iliL- r-iu: &1uiier's O Hotel. ..Ill I'! lll'UI't. t . I nsnrti the ::! o e -f OC lucet 11 of , .. are atrona'T in ho; liiv.tss of IS.l. ... - 4 Watclios, KutM'H i Locks. I and the At'tiiii; 4jovn;or wiil yield tf wise corr.Sfls ou bcth sides; and that the dant rs of such a course as niay cnuse the necessity for an extra session may thus I e avoided. Senators and Ex ecutive may weil at! -id to waive dignity and refraim from the ttrcise of techni cal priv:!ees in a common ttVi.rt to serve the commonwealth: and in so doing, these co-oriiiiiftte branches of the y"V eriiniei;: ni:iy cii.sitently si t themseives at the 1:1 ii of that tvtr-i resent tus-k of the true ataii snsan, t:.e promctiou t-f an bcnoiable c-ii:promisc of eiiting ititu-r-ence-. Ilv itit of practical legislation on the subject i.ifttt-r fi pitubling as 011 r.vcea tii.n, the cc:opr'iu:ie 1 it! which jesti-r-. emphasis that, no matter what hap; ens, omnib'is bill or no, he wiil Lot call an extra session of t'ousfess. If (irnut has thus expressed himself, theie is no need of any further talk ou the gulject. The mule's eves is sot . j iw" m m JUST RECEIVED AT lVILLIc?' i 1 iuJiii'lids. Ire ut' I'tjirls mu Carxtus, SpTi-TH.M Bruce. s. V:.i.-:;i'. i.t raii . I.., X' ts, "i.'l I'. its, ai u c i : i 1m 1 vet i. hint I- t t rh. 4k wt-It 1 V rr. Aimi Luiac!., taiA Aa. ri- rau V nix h-. STEiKWAY m FIAKC3 ! - t,H itl aliU Vttl lt.A tlci k Hi- D'A UTEUIL & I5KULE, Trcpr. rv 11 f. rxDKKMii.vt:) rkspkit- J tutly am rmae l- il.;r fri.iii m. i i!i-- fLblic in la-Di-ral Tii:t :h- Laukd atil I i'f t-x:r:i in I Oi Die ! li j : l-rar(S; I fA, ! roi.iis. ., i : nn s. ,. , j l-i;loLS. I Stites: J'l.-t f"t a if ill 1 Jurt r a i utntr ti SOV'T ir.t 1 n'li ill L:a sold the lleimiilirM" 11.0 tv for the b:i;lt . , , . .- t- 1 d.v passed th Aeinl Iv I v such a rn-,:tid of a st- it in tae euati t i tue - ' maj irity is a fn;r ti nnpie. 1 ne thiiio to I be aimed at is ti.e IioMing of the l.nsi 1 ness of public f:amiii subject to sui h At a time when, if '11 Lad had enough : checks as shall make its Laimfnlueas us of the intuition of pirsoimi iutf-j,iity to j little as possible and k f p it within de keep his word of honor, he would have j cent relationship to soeh ty and the com -turned his back upon the temptation of j icon law of ordoiiiness and morals. As the St natorshi!. ke consorted with the I rovi ltd by thi comprotiiise I ill, gam- CCRNER C.'FSiiH &S3 K.HS STREETS, (aisfn C ity evudn, A Ur"r- ass' r n.. lit of -"Z? BOOKS, (t 1'i'f.iiti! ui ti.siTii sm. a as ;i I.l-.i'l iu..s tr.iin At:t" 't!.L1--o I N. ,.r.., i.-1- it. i, i, i aii !.iu.i-.i : i vt r. ;.iiti . MEKIICIIAI 51 1I1F.S AND Sl!l 1.1 HOOKS OJ' ALL SOKTS. at j JC 33 IvT Gr. FOX'S 1 ' 1:1 y A:t: !.- I uir- ' hnv- , ntir. v THE ROOMS, S vt-rtt t-i in 1 i:n 1". r. lii.w- Ii, n-i.-tt r it .1 r.- t .n i-l.t .1 ij r ni, .i.t . THE BEDS lave lull fi:T:,:-i . ti i;l!i I . w I: . e T 1 . .lMii..t-. nam's. .1.-.. j.-.n. all. 1.!!. i! v ::i I- .Lljii't tin: tr. 1' ' !. i,n. THE BAR '. .Hi '- i'.i- j 'i, . Willi t!. Lr.jl ' an-! tVnrs. if. l- i':i..:.i.i '; i. ... i. J vsm.s I'a;.!. of I).. 1 . ' lif. f.i'.crni: I'aVTLVII., 1'. !'!.! i :. i w. lry. 1'.., 1 i.aa. k. :u,i.- mi li i i o-'-rs :r . r. u.T- .-lait- Ca, j. Cardoii and Hoot S(TiIs!Carsonc,ty i i -Neva 3F X IS!' O joh.v p, .i:Ki:r:, Or LUIS JIAM'LIiL'AlM. Ctrn. r.t-R.i.r.: ic, 1T.".. ful:-'.i.i fropertv for Sale." ii. Ii F A L I? A , bitterest enemies cf the Ilepublieau ing should le ktj.t within doors and ; iltD -rvf. patty, and with the iufair.o:s Sacrameuto hidden from the minors whom nco'bf r itlrr oitts On' ". s his or'.aa and mouthpiece, I e- : commendable clause of the I ill excludes I came the champion and kadi r of the j altogether, under heavy penalties, from j H.'IOTIH, political banditti .f t'aiifornt.i who nr. j the rooms where license,! panics are con- j PfQ AKG WHITE CLOVER, TC. svlf-sfylcd the I.-.dpeiiii-i.t p.nty rfj ducted. The f. ct is that it is to j that State, t (at of this political adultery ; be regrettid that some concert cf j At LOW Prices, fCT Cash. was spawned his bastard SmaLir-hipI action lecarilittg the Gambling Act hv.d And IhiiT, it c. ines. tuese facts of history ! not been, invoked earlir in the session, liein duly considered, that wh. u llr. j Such a method would have saved much liootii signed his name to a cc.mmcr.ica- j profitless wrarlln ami resulted in even tion to the Secretary of State of Calit'or-i a riper ai d xuoie practicable mrasurc lilKECT rrOM THE EAST, p-a. , I ' rirrtintarl P n ! i n h I n I Oivut; to A HAXtii: t;F ham:. I vili :o. li.j j o i . ri in Clim. ti l iiy, Cheap If al l 'a'l , r o ' !l- c. fcr Cash, K. KGTE.YAriE. aft Tt Din iiiforinir..' l im f re-ist:aliou of : than this w hicli has passed the House, the Gubernatorial Uii e. he put his siun manual to the sh.-.melesj written violation of a sc'omn p'etle ever perpe tratetl by any man invif-ted with a com mission to a Senatorahip iu the Congress of the United States. That brief com lunnication is tLe fiiiishiiig stroke and base fulfillment of political perjury: and .is man leads the reform party' of the l'acitic coast ! Pledges are noth ing bat snares; party is nothing but a thin" to be sacrificed: principles are nothing but empty platitudes; duty is nothing but a weary bore, and Xewtou Booth, the embodiment of these rotten antipodes to honest priuciple furnishes whatsoever of commentary his position may offer to snch as will calmly contem plate the Independent Party of Califor nia. Tbi Civil. Eight Bill baa passed Ibe Senate. This, the crowning act of Reconstruction, has been so radically amended since its first presentation in the House, tbat we are quite at a lota as and is cow before the Senate and by which body we hope it may be passed. fi-29-tf O. P, WILLIS. MOT ! O E. WtRTERCOODS TaUT KSCITY HtAllKD LITTLK TaI'DY, Mctt .rrahau, is t;uiu before Congress in a soit of parenthetical way. Page of California acensej liutl, r of moving an appropriation to defray the" eipenses of litigating the rimocbe Grande Claim, merely as a dode preliminary to re opening the McGarrahan case. Very likely. That knurly little chunk of an Irishman will never let np while there', any breath in him. The WemlyPost. The Post publish, ing Co. of San Francisco bave issned a prospectus for "The Weekly Post," wbicb paper will be famished subscrib ers at $1 per year. Knowing tbe excel lent capacities of Mr. Henry George as an editor (in the stiict sens of tbe word) we entertain no doubt of tbe suc cess of tbe new project. It certainly will succeed, if first rat journalistic ability can bring success. DISSOLUTION CF CCPAh.Tf.tnS!.!? riM:K CO-PA UTMCKMIIP III' HKTO- J lole i xislilii.' U1,(1T U.e lirai-naii.e of Sl'iion r, 1'ati li & Co., if. llils nay t:ifoli-il ly uiiil'.lsl I'ltiiiMilii, lim. T. Laws anil JuLli r.. Lrrriiian liaviiitl M'ltl all their rit:ii:,:itl,- alul i.'i t. r..-sl ia iLe saaie to l. L. sjn i.iitr and clias. J. l4toli aliU at ill vulltil all c.i,.s due saiit cu liultlle'sLil) and pay ail Labilities. Caraoli, i;ebliial 21. A. L. lstii. At. h. ISt'KONEtt. CHAS. J. WiOS, tiEO. 1. DAVIS, f.-27-lm JoHX K. tltLLMAX. Special JEIection. AT A MEETING OP THK TKIS tees of Carson ScLuol lititrii-t No. 1. held uu tile 'i,tb instant, it was crdeied that tbu question ot raising a special tax to liquidate the outstanding indebtedness of twenty-live hun dred (f2,iau) dollars, incurred by tbe building and furnishing of the school building, be sub mitted to the qualihtd electois of said Dietm t. Sow, tberefon:, Le it known, that a epecial elec tion is hereby calltd fur the object set forth abuve, said election to be held at the fcr'chool House, in Carson City, Nevada, on Saturday, tbe 20th day of March, 1875, between the hoars of 10 o'clock A. U. and 6 o'cloek P. Al., of said 6mj. The ballot at said election shall be '-Tax les." or "Tax No." O arson City, February 24th, 185. mil: i..m!i:rt aorieu pjti i k of 1.VU UKST AS- T rail aixt Win I it ZaZeXIL-Sr GOODS, cp. i at nzcicTiofj m fricls cf 1 6I0IE liflM j Dill (iOODS, !CLO T 13 I a G , Hoofs ?: f?i's, i tc, j;tc. (; tl V-ri. : i,i..i l i t (.lailily t f CocJs :u li.t lioif Mttf. MUSLIMS, SHEETlriCS, e26-td j. j. UN . ;i li. W. . 1 KBKIS J TrnsUes. H. O. LAKkEK,) Carpets, C il Cloths, L.A1JIKS' ao.t HIIt.LiKL-'S Ssl!Ut:, etc., etc. Are riow to Lt i-et n at the stcre cf L. MORRIS & CO.. Ktit to Veils, 1 tico & to., Curscn titv. The Adams House (LATE PENKOD H01SE.) CARSON C1TV NEVADA. Ellen . Adams, - - Proprietress. THE I'XDERSIGNED 11EKE by gives notice that she will continue the business of Thankful for past patronage, sb solicits s continuance of and will endavvr to merit tbe ELLEN E, ADAMS. , Nov.10, 1S7. nell-tt SOLD next A litl all oiluT Gora ETF.iCTLY AT CCST ! Sixtv Davs! . . FOB 1HK.. We rtsj tt (fully im ite sll Lot-rv-iii ntrd Gooub to t-nii t ailj itiJti ct liviiact tLut.tx. ive. OLCOVICH BROS. no2 tf Ancient and Accepted cot!ishRite of Freemasonry. NEVADA LODGE Of PEliFECIION So. 3, A., tl. b.-. U11E metts EVLliY Wednesday KveniBir, at 7 o'clock, at the Odd Fellows Kail, north of the Capitol. bojouruing lr. thren of the Bite, in good standing, are r r a dially invited to attend. EDWIN A. SHERMAN. T.'. P.-. i.-. It.- Oioboi B, Bui, feE.-it.-..Bee;staix. ' jalS-lf