Newspaper Page Text
CARSON DAILY APPEAL Vol. tt. CARSON CITY, XEVAUA. .SATURDAY MORAHC, MARCH Ot 1813. Xo. II. ihc parson gaib jjipprai Published eyery morning (Monday excepted) ROBiNSOfT'dT M'GHELS. 7J(ST B. XIOUXLS. KASSiUIX UOBISSON. l-ubliiiLers and Proprietor. daily -newspajier, devoted to politics, Knneral news, local affaire and the interests of its neighborhood. Omrs On Second street, opposite tbe South Front of the Capitol. Terms of utf'ripinl cope, otie year, by mail - 1 12 00 One copy, six months, by mail One copy, three I .onths, by mail wl Payment on Rubsoriirtion inrariaMy in aii ronce. (There will be no deviation if .in this "taI Appeal will be delivered to the citizens at 0 arson at Fifty Cents per week, payable weakly to the carrier Rates of AdTrrtilnf l Itas square (10 lines) first insertion W 00 rch subsequent insertion, per square 1 SO THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA ACEMl. 8F VIRGINIA, m; ' " NEVADA. J. RALSTON, Geteral Agent alHim AbKMCV RKCF.IVF.S DPOS . its of Coin or Currency Wilier on Open Arre.nt op to Issue teptllicates Tlierefop Jrayable (at the option of the holderl Virginia or San iTancisco. EXCHANGE FOR SALE ON T.w York. wan Francisco. Boston, pjacrain.nto, London, Paris, Dublin, Etc Collections Made ou all Points. nullum purchased at th. me faToraol. "shocks. Bonds and Legal Tender Note. Moogbt and Sold. , Agency fop thv sale of Quicksilver. A. 1. BA LOTUS Agent, jr. MARTIN. Cashier glnla. Ssv.. Janiary 11H74-. jaMf ST. CHARLES HOTEL, CORNER (F CARBON AND THIRD HTIiKKT Carson City, Nevada. GEORGE TUFLY, - - PROPRIETOR P"l KUV PAINS WILL II K TAKEN TO 'j sustain the reputation of this oldestabiished public honse as.', to midir it worthy of a con tinuance of the liberal patronage hich it has hitherto enjoyed. The Ijodjrinif Dt-nartinrnf, the Tnble and the Baa. Will lie sustained in first-class style. Ppecia exertions are made to give to the ht. f'harles the character of a thoron.'h'y desirable and comni.Hlious FA1I1LY HOTKI . A ir share of Uiusit lit and resident patron axn is solicited. liMiKGK 1 II I.V. Tri prii tor B. F. RIOK. H. J. fETZRS. RICE fc PETERS STOCK BROKERS, arson Mtrrot, opprolt WaJla. Far, .fc fo.'H Kprs tnic. CARSON CITY NEVAD TIM. ri'Rf BASE AND SKl.I. ) strictly On Commission, MINING STOCKS. Bone's of All Descriptions, THE ORMSBY HOUSE. Corner of Carson and Second Sts., Carson City, Nevada, GEO. C. FRYER. FROP. well known hotel ban Wen enlarged a reconstrm tt d until in capacity and appearance it is, unqai ; tionably. THt BEST PUBLIC HOUSE IN NEVADA. SIUPASNKS ANYTHING OF THE KIND In this State: and its SPACIOUS DINING HALL MAGNIFICKNT PARLORS. AND Splendid Suites of Room. Combine to male it supply a wan long felt here and throughout the State. No paint or expense will be spared in the CCL1NARV DEPARTMENT And nothing tnat the markets of the Pa-lne CoaM afford will oe omitted Iron) rm fATlT.T! I To oorrsspond with the Kener sleanc f ths house. N.D. CHAMBERLIti QOmcr. ami Sui:'J-- Orbflt J'lccL.nT-5 t; i t rof faisyu i:d Si- jtrti'.rn-ts.J Warxhocbk Coi uer oi Plain and M ukhot vt CARSON CITY. NEVADA, W iioi.ksam; au kktwi, ukal. tT ID Will b kit n a pUn tweood to utthm im FnociKC; and the BljLllAZd Room Will always U nr.t-. lass in all it auents. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY Have an office in the house: and all possible .-..:U.. V- - m. I ... T P (.ants Families and I lie Traveling Public. A share of public paticuaie is solicited. CEO, D. FRYER, Groceries, Provisions, FLOUR AND FEES. Blasting and Sporting Powder, llurdv.aie. Tinware, (rockery, Clauwars, rullery. Paint and OUs. shot. Fun, Boats. Nhsnl Frrnishing Goods, &c. 1 Lsvs the larKest and best Mre-pnwf 1. the State, and am prepared torwelv Grain & General Merchandise on STOKAUK at all times, and t. makt CAaH ADTAXCES sn th asm. Goods delivered fres of chants h all of th. city and la any part .f th. aurroun.ini oountry. N. D. CUAAlliKJtLlM. J. 1VAXCOVI111, ua.i.m is " GROCERIES. EGES, ORAKCES,, FRESH ADRIEP RUIT. A. H. IilULSBAl It. M. P. IIATCU. jatil (Vt ii"'.. t-'iis, y.Tinnrs, i 'Ku'Vcimi. e." tlt-. lWf'-.'.. h.-tsll Fifli. Pmlirietur. " ' t ! 1 rn-h Kan. h liutt. r. Toba. to. t imre. 1 lc. 1 1 . l'iat-e of Bumii t-s: .;. :t Snilth i"uiih'U str. 1 1, ' oppositl tile t SMUl. l'l' Mt'ltJ. Ni'ia r'ODLrS. SAT rESm I niJ 0.w J. 1VANLOM.11. And '-; securities 3,-alt in t tho. i KA.NCl-i O i:t.v. "i 1 11 at i in, t iLUn-M w r tor .V vaila. 1 Via'" tr Ay,U ,Tl'" I 1 Stock and Exchange Board. "f'vi.siit.ia t: .w,.... wIKIXG V (-IIATTIA, on approved stock, j 1 Kctzries Fiibiic, Ccmfiiiaicaers cf Deeds fc-.'.-;f KICK A ,,' 'r,',!SJ. I w;!.t..r Uti;. i- ( Sl! ."" '' ' r.t s tht st.n. aid T. irit. ri s, -' Ji-VMAM. I . i i ,i. i . i '-a- ' tC'iVEYAKCERS. REAL ESTATE AND CSNERAL This i i i -ji 1 ' 1 1 1 -I -. J tpiMTc ' 3 ...ii'fcm(!s. ntlLi!i.i'r u J.UiLS J'LUl.i 3Kri3"W FIRM. DRIESBACH !& HATCH, CARsiON STRUCT, CARSONJCITY KEVAOA Wholoaalo and Retail fleolers ill CROC ERSES FLO UK AND FEED, WINES, LIQUORS. PORTER At ALE, A1.SO HARDWARE. CUTLERY.! Farmliiff Tools Tin and Crockery Ware. Powder and Fuse, WALL PAPER. Doors and Windows, WINDOW OUS.' , WINDOW ILINDS4 Paints, Oils and Varnish, Paint and arnisb Rrajshra, California Lime, Cement, Tlastrr I'ntU, ns!fji rs' Huir, Ciuc and Shellac, ETC., ETC. TULLER A CLUGACE'S ON AND AFTKH DATE, HTA(.Kn will leave thn ouix o Vi ills, 1- aigo a tV, liAll.V, can. mu g PHsselitfeisan.l . V. t o, ' KiprOM Genoa and .Warm Springs At nt MOXOAV.I WKDNKWDAY. AND V RIDA V 1 ron NilNE-IVIILE HOUSE, Cii.nei tint ith llenton Colnmliwa, lllahop fir.'k. Llda. IndoMndono roiitmect al , G- E N O A ilh r)tsitfir Monitor, and Silver Mountain. Mslllsthe tnpj Anrora in 14 Heart, To l4eiradrnc In Ht)a II. A. MHOWf. Canon City, Heirteailsr . Is74. i :j i n : c:' I'l,:. t Il 111- -l!..i 1 ..-l.i ll.i'-, I lv II . .a vi 1 r :. !. DR. H. B. DAVJEOfa, j Physician and Surgeon, j t-rm t : j Kmc S:- - . t. tr .i V. I: V:i!is'l tv M-'e, : t the 1 actury, t .ir Cilj . InlilO. P13KAS1C1I, San Francisco Market. VHiohi-aU an.l llitnil licaliriu FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES, COXFECTISMS, ETC r1IIKl'N:KMtK H AS OX HAM) I a I.1U1 !! oll-li ivint; nit; Property for &a.e.j1,.n!. OillXilO A tHAWKUKllAM l via u i :i i r'y a '-:' Cheap for Cash, It : 1 Uil lot es:til Lies. B-t of Confe. tlons. CHOICE HAVANA CICAKf. I'lUl.ilti, HA.Nf ttt..N. l-.'lt. X. li. Or ,' pron i ll) filled an i dUv, n il f 11 Kr.TSWa'tr ' as!.r.:ir.-.ti-tis. t.M. PriKAMfM. II. WdsWfWi- i,i, i. it to ilu- r s-al.H.i.. Aiifk'iii anil AmtUii Mc.liili Hit of Fimnsoni. m viiia i.tiixa: tt I'tliH-Ol II. N N". :i.a.-. .v ... i,.-. 1.1'IE Lit ,ts KVhHV IVeilnrMlay KAjrniut.-. .it 7 o'clock, at the Odd 1'eilowa Uall. north of the t'ar.iti l. i. T MlJIlUriilli I'l" n'nn " r- Kite, iu fioiKl MynOini.'. are coc- Ulally llivnto 10 buiihi. EUWiN A. SHfT.MAN. T.-. IV. G.". M.- Ittctilaty. yalJ- NOTICE. DiSSCLUTICN CF COPARTNERSHIP riHK fO-PARTNERSMIl' Ht'RKTIN j, ion- iMSl.n liCiUT llio l:ll;:-lilct ot j i.ol. r. patrn a; t o., is thi ilay disjoin d by Inutllbl ct lle. lit. iii". 't'- liltVIS allii -lollll 1. having solJ all their ri,ut,titltttlui tiTit in 'be snine to M. E. f-pconcr and flias. J. Paiiiu who ili colli ct til ilui said co-partiii-ivhip ami 1 ay liabitilit. Carson, ribtuaii ii. A. U. M. K. SPOONER, t HAS, J. FA'illS, tih. T. DAVlh, fe"7.1iu jiuHS t. il!iaaiAli I-1W mill at all l int n c. ive Iroiu I-i,tr.ita . 1-1 TT1 1. ! .l it t:.ll'n ili:iv ., . Mll.ll.l, ,.. 111.', . y l'a:tirti!ara.titjoii k"" " i at Xl.Vi:IitT HAILS. . l 1), ;.. .-it L'l llll - 442 MIH'l:M MI KIT,'-ll.i Mm I ral-rhns ti;liloltii wTkS 1 C NS EXCLAK G t'arn li tr ct.l-t ; wi - .1 King Unl l'ui oiu Ms., CAKSOS t'lTV, M AH.. TKE SEST IIJUDRS, WIMS AND SP.RITS Ever I n ntlht to tin Stat, oi vstlo. For Sale at the Bar. This N v. HaifO!; t n -t -tihivt 1 r-wiiU and tin- 1'ii.prieUTWiil l. n alt' i in poi-t l is Cigars Din it fioin iiixuiiu, -Aili 1 1'iillt 1e fcinitlitifU on the tsle ol he sa:i.c. Ihs Conu.vteil with the tilths ii is On u.t i-.'.wive in the ic. I I AJ.l.r.1.1. a: MMPr;N. j. W-if 1-ii.pri. ti ls. The Adams House (I.ATE l tNKOl) HOVSK.l CAIiSON t-lTV, NtVAIA. Elk'n E. Adams, - - rroprit'ires. . . THE rNDr !; KI IIKKK. bS5' by Micf notice that she will continue the ilJljLbusuicss of Hotel I3L50iDiia.. Thankful lor past utronai:e. sha solicit- contniuauce of and will enduvor to nurit the """ KLU N E, ADA1I8. Carson, Kov.l'l, 1S7. . .M., SELLING OFF AT COST ! DRIESBACH & HATCH, nnuniiNtti to:si:i.l AT i .i.-i, allll:it anot Wati Pepor, Harcwcre, Clothing. and Tin Were, As i.e tut. Hi i t arl t li ill tilt lllttllt: A STRICTLY UY IK! Now Is I lie Time for tilenl l'nrKaln. t a.l tsrl) m.d makt J cur o u si 'tn tiou. 0 l)(il'l.lN(i I Hli VI t8TIlN I " RIKMIIAt II as HATC H. FELIX H. MERZBACH. Professor of Music AM Alii. NT lull THK STEINWAY, CHICKERI.O, ANO HALLET Jk DAVIS PIANOS. UIHiw .1 . . I'O VH, I'arMiH t. Iljr. Ja.V-tf stati: 1'ni.soni BOOT AND SHOE FACTORY a mrtHiiiK a kiii p. or Heavy Bocts and Shoes For Mai. at the STATE'S PRISON. CARSON, NEVADA. uiioiiKl the trale iset,illy liivt1. to ihu at" i.ot .1.. til. it l 1 ' ii 1 '! !' U.,;.i tt 1 t . Ill l AN. Wild. . OLD "SAZERAC" SALOON CAhSCN STSEET, CAPoON tilt KLvrD. A. LEWIS Proprietor. trlllHW I I.I, h.VtiUN AMI I'tlPI I.AII J M,lis4l l.l. III li I III ! Kll"l.tlU atu If i d l.y it nib rsiiiii. . 'ine lllllluril Tallin llss N'ti s. liil to tin- Isbli.-i li -at, snl CI.l It l.t'i'M Mtnlnp Hit tu.- ! w In a i tita. niislsto ti-ilors. 1 have a trsi Hls assorttnt l.t of Wi.ivs, Li'tU'iis uiid ('igaii1, i,-,. l Ujpy In s.e wait on u,y litis. A. IJ.Viif. pecial Election. S T A lIFr.TIN. F THK Till I. s el lai .on i .' i I'.'iio i N". I I '' . .i tti" tfiili tti'ta'il. II vie I'l'.l.ti'l thai l'i .,ii filell ol raistni' a p. lul Ii A I" ilim.lan- II"''ij; Hit- It-'in .1.1- 'I lull. l.t It- li'-ii-ttll.l "I tl.'lUls, iMI'Ml by III" I'lill.llt.S ami fiilliislnliir ot in NlAl I il ltlilM, l" Illltti li t'. till 'tisl.lll 'I i it t'lls I'! KI..I I'Mnil New. I In 1' Ion-, I e It known, thai a sclnl i let tu li is tidl'tl i n tin objitl m l "lt I'lioxt . sat.t I'l' .''it'll t-i Is It' I'l St till' I' I ' tl lliniM , in sitaiu I'll; , Nt tst'.ii, on Siiinnlnj, the Sl'tUiley nf M..I1I1, 17C, IsHii.ii the l.i'tii-s of 1" oM'il; A.M. inJ oiliskl'. M., ol saiUtli'v. ' The I1.1ll.1l nt skid tl. clliu sl.a.l Is -it V,.," or "Ta No. ' 1'i.rsou t-ii.. 1 1 1.1 usi . iili, Js.... i-.'iVId J.J.I.INN. I i.s . 11. H lil:1 J Tms'.t J. tl. 1 DR. L. A. HERRICK. V W 1 tiPAl H IV. Pit 1H Oirni-li ' l lr.kit' ' I Uik, . t . HfOK CIU, MTir.