Newspaper Page Text
$lt parson gat jftppfa CARHON .Rk 33. IMS ffit 1- A. MAT. Magnolia Saloon, AT OAIfiK, ooithtt buildings. Pr.prlW.tors, CABSON CITT, MTV, TasK ABOVK SALOON HAS BEEN aallli lj refitted and opened onddr the pres. at proprtrfsrship ta nm-cua style, xas nest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always be had si tbe Bar. aad them ars TWO IB8T-CLA8S Billiard Tables, fa tk aofxanaaodatioa C Jal-tt atAHK M. A. MAT. GAIGF, mm SPRINGS HOTEL Kersey & Bowden, Pronrietors. mmiH POPILAK FLACK OF sort, situated at the State Prison, on and a bait aailea from CARSON CITT. sarstl-e rrst tcrrimxdalioDft as a place of resort to tw fcui:d m itc State. THE HOTEL. an heea tlMtronghl renorsted and refitted, and ao paiaa will be spared to mass omufertable all furata -who visit tbe Bpriturs- Those Delightful Sfinmiir Baths af pure, running warm water are unequalled in Um Slate. THC BAR will Be supplied with the best Wines, Liqnora and Cigars in the market. MEALS ot the beat ia tlie market, in flmt-clias style, rniah wl to order. A Krw C.acord VigH eoBTfH gusts from Canon City to the Springa very hwur. and mill call tor them upon orders loft at an, of the hotel in Catmjb. Af-lt&E.a A JSUWllxA- JOE KTGCK'S Holiday Column FINE OIL PAINTINGS Colldayi JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. Hanging Bankets Oafs French Artificial Flowers FORI THK HOLIDAYS JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. FINK Watches, Jewelry and Chains olidayi JOE ROSENSTOCK'S. Furnishing Goods FOB Finest Quality, THE HOLIDAYS Clianse or Time CARSON CITY CREtfERY KINS STREET Wagner ft Klein, Too very beat quality of LAGER BEER Mad uywhrr n th raoflc Coast or where. Orders promptly attended to. TtM Safes. i constantly supplied with the flneat brand of wans, liquors a cioaes fMws Cm m Call. J0H5 WAGKE alti jAt. H tirl. PHILADELPHIA SALOON ! ! JOE KOSENSTOCK'S. The LatestFashion of Hats Joe Bosenstock's. THE BEST 4I1UTT OF BOOTS ADD SHOES Tlae . MEYER.. . Prwpret.r. Location: Canon street opposite the Onusby Bouse, Carson City, Nevada. Brat Braaaa r Wimoa. l.tiHr aid Clean Krw reastsntlr at tbe Bar. LAOEK BEE by tbe glass or bottle. Give l e a rail. C. METEh. mhll-tf Joe Bosenstock's. THE BEST STOCK OF Men's Underwear la Xsvada ia at Joe -Bosenstcck's- Till BEST BJUtfiM VIRGINIA ft TRUCKEE R. R. On AFTER MONDAY. FEBRC- ABY 8. 1S7. THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS For RENO, connectinc with Eastern uuTWestern bound Passenger Traini of the C. t. n. a. WILL LEAVE Virginia City Station . . at 9.00 r. it. Gold Hill at 9.12 p.m. Carson City at 10.45 r. H. Arriving at Reno at 12.35 a. m. NOTICE. Rio Vista Silver and Copper Miainjr Com pa ay. WILL LEAVE T I lj Mining IHstrict. Nevada. Nntiee is hereby Kiwi, that HrNRY 3. K1TCH. -on of the co- owneia of the min'nfir claims, located and own ed by the 'Kio Vista SilveT and Copper Mininit On." in Oenos Mining District Ponglas county, Nevada, ha ripindcd i.i tile year A. V. 1874, upon Mid cl' ins, tor labor and o'her nerep.arY expeiuiiiores. the mm of three hundred and sixty dollar", in I'nited State sold coin, in ac cordance with the Act of Concnus. en'itled "An Act to promote the devt lopcment of the mining resource of the United States' approve Mav Id. A. D. lt72. And that the co-on rs with said Fitch are required to contribute their proportion of tbe paid eipenditurrs. naniely: You, Robert I). Hopkins, the sum of $1 50; you. Hetcr '. Handle, the sum of CI Hz you. Simon T. Walsh, the sum of $1 SO: you.Jom ph A. Carrie, the sum of 1 0; you. Oharlis A. Hatins, the wi n of offl ilOiTou. Thomaa H. Wythe, the mm of SI 50: tou. Cornelius .1. Eaton, thesnmof $1 43; you, William T. Fisk. the mm of l 60: yon, Savorv W, Collins, the sum of $14 40; you, O. I. Wheaion. the mm of $1 4: you. John G. Hatch the sum of 1 1 50: yen, E. O. hellon. the mm of ft von. I.ucicn Herman, the fcmii of $1 43: Ton Abel ale and It. t;. rotter, tne sum oi $1 60: yon. the administrator, executor, or httal representatives of John TothiJl. deceased, the sum of H 43; you. the administrator, executi.r, or leifal renresentatives of Charles L. Fitch, de- ceased, the sum ol $'28 !t-x you, the administra tor, executor, or leizal representatives ol OctswaD Hood's. deceased, the of SI 4:1; you, tha administrator. center, or legal representatives of Georpe W". Jiicker-ton. deceased, tne sum of ?1 4:i; you, tbe administrator, executor, or legal representa tives of Joseph Raettee. deceased, the sum of 1 43 all in the cold and silver coin of the I'nited States; and it' at the expiration of ninety davs. after the publication of this notiie. y u, or either of you, fail or refuse to contribute such proportion upon your several shares, and iuak payment to tee undersigned, the interest of the delinquent parties in the said mining claim and property shall aud will become the property of the undersigned who has made the required ex penditures. Sail Francisco. FcVruarv 10. 175. HFNKY 8. FITCH. WiCaliforuia St Room 2 felS-oaw-Scd NOTICE- Tli R Men Vrntara Copper id Silrrr Mia in if Co. SLOOCC OB AS u ra b I e Reno Carson City. . Uokl Hill. . . . .at . . . .at 2.20 a. m. w.08 A. M. 5.& a. x. ArrmngatVirginiaCityat 5.40 a. m. LOCAL PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE Oit .ARK OFFEWvI). (XX3DEKTAX LIVERY STABLE I'ansa Stawwt. CAESON Cm NEVADA TRIM OLD ESTABLISH ED AND widt known Stable has been lately reno vated, tne 01.1 gtocK culled ont ami repiaceu witn ne yoczuj borses. Carriaieesof all descriptions ju bsid jlOD KKATE CHARUIS. Horsr.i boarded tr- the DAT or .'SS. am L4WEST PttLUI.E TERMS. ST. H. V ittend atrictly to our wn tmmnee l-f V IMMK x DA VII.. X.AKD C03IPAIVY, Ban Fimw-isco Kay, Aluioda ...Calircmtia. Till Ptrfect. lucorprat-r. TbcNKVVAP.K LAM COM FAN V i bow a miuiaM ahjiir; tbr Ouaraiitte 1-Yim! paid in. Tl-i iViniat j will 1? prr'p in Man-a to take Sum people- ty Meaiiiboai and raitnad to tknr iomtm and lauds ia one tacnnnoB wuicb in .1 be adc rtiMtV. By relVi nee to iltt- Coast burr-j Cliait itaiil stvii tbat at Pctr-ro pr int, in front e Ne .vark. the dfer waiVr romnt !I tbe waj thft'Oh tbecliarr -"Z trim the Pm t lie with tbe C 2. it. K. rutaiii- f in a dueit line hrngh I.iTeriEfrre P maL np thin tlx- i-on-mcliziK puint b t wttB ait f arta of the I'mttd statf aaiul by dtep vati-r to all parts of tbe giooe and the i-rvatevt m onfa tur np point on tbe lie? of aSaii l-'nuiriaro plt-nty f water. trcd rliiuite, eit-e.l nt oil and t avconiniunicatun. Tbia land will bt fI1 at artmn in April in yrrr and lots., Tbia Coaupany wiU- tuuaaezire xtiTT operation in buildinir. e"..'ncon. ' For al! infoniiatii-B. cirralara, naps and MilnstTip il. af i'ly at tht'ftjre of tbe CYmpauy. CkdifWniai4rct. baM-inent. opp-iIf Bank of Caiiforaia, Sac I raiKUK-o. . awtlewklrn - p .t FOR HOLIDAY GOODS JOE ROSENSTOCK'S . ni TUX Conniy Building, (arson Mreet, CARSON CITY dei-tf BLACKSMITHINC OF ALL KINDS. FOR CARSON CITV At liii ia la. aau and 45 a, aa. LEAVE son Oit VIRGINIA CITY O a r i FOR At a aw aa. 14 aa. aad 1 ft FREIGHT IN ACCOKKOOATICN TRAINS Leave Virginia City for Rene at7 :48 a. m.and 3:45 p. m. Will leave Reno fur Virginia City at 724 a. m., 12:45 p. ni. and 6 p. m FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Virginia City DA1XT at S: m., 9:10 a. m., 1'.' m.. 1A p. i 5:30 p. in. and p- ui. )0 a. m.t 7.45 a, u.f 3:45 p. m. rn.. 8 a. m WA60HS MADE AND RIMMED. Cama Work Ueatlj done HORSE AND OX SHOEING. All kinds of Hard Wood Lumber, On haiM and for sale hr W. D. TORRE1SOV Cornel of CarFon and Third atreeta. Also oor Brr oi btcmr and Carson -treeth. Lear Careon City DAILY at 6 9.3;a. ni.. li 1:46 p. m., 4p.m., p.m. and 7uiu p. ni. At Virpluia City, Gold Hill and Carson Office Tb rough Tickets can Ik- obtain d to San I ran Cisco, Ogden and intermediate points on tbe C P. B. B. Through Tickets can be procured at tba Com pany's office, Yirjrinb. and Carbon, for ail tbe principal .T 'at tern Cities. 0, M. V EB1N6TON. General Surer jntenden TOTICK IS BRKBY G1VKXTHAT HEMiV 8. FITCH, one of tbe cwLeni of tbe Uiinini; claims loi-atid andowuetl by the Buf-ua Ventura Copper anti Silver Mining Co. in hi TJOa Midiiik Distiict. loiiKiat? ceuuty. Statt of vr ia, bas iu the year A. 1. 1H4. upon said clalniP. for labor and frtber n -cesKary txj't'Duitures, tbe turn of oie hundrtd andnfteen dollart" in I'nited States pold coiu. iu accordann with the Art ot Confrere, an tit led "An Act to prumo e ibe devt'l'Ftiuciit oi the minim; ireonrcts of the t'nitnl States." ap proved Mmv ICtb, A. V. ltd; and that tbe co- ownei v,-ith scut aie required to cotitn- bnte theirpropoitionof tbe Kiid expend itnre, naiuely: Von. M. L. Winn, tm-suni of 45ctnts; you, PobtTt 1). Ho.-kir-. tb- t-um f 4' lent; you, Tboma H. Blytbe. tbe num of 45 cents; you. A. P. 1 lint, tbo riuu f 5 cent; tou, Lu citn HTBiao. i?e miiu of 4 rents: you. Charles A. H ask ins. lis ruui of 45 ouU; too. John G. Hatch, the Mim or 4ctntK: y a, the adniiniHtra tor. eiet utor or lejjal rrresent:iTe of Joseph Hasettee, decerjeu, tbe hum of 45 cent?; you, Lnian B. Rot-, the Mini of 4S cents: yn. Joseph H. a"athewson, the sum of 45 cents; yen, Corne ll ut J . Eaton, the uu; of 4ft rents; yon. o. L. wheator. tbe torn of t- yentp; yon. E. O. Kel UmfS, tbe sum of 45 cent, yon, Jacob Uedton, the sum of 48 cents; y nu. Elia Etheridge, tbe sum of 4S cents: yon. Robert MerriJI. tbosnm of Jl M centis; you, Samuel Ambrobe. tb" Hunt ut fl iO. yon.. -aroiy W. Collins, the sum of ffi 68; you, liartholomew Canty, the sum of 75 cents; you. Nellie Hasting, the sum of )oeutn; you, Eveline Hasting, the sum of 31 cents; yon. Nathaniel P. Sbt ldou, the Him of $7 4U:you, Iriaac M. Merrill tbe sum oi 441: you, the ad ministrator, executor, or lt-pal reprr-stntatives of HO. Gay lord, dMv&sed. tbe mii tf 45 ctuia; yon, the adminiBtrator, xeutor. or legal rep resentatives of Jubn TotLiU. dtceabtd, tbe sum of 45 cc nts: yon, tbe administrator, execu tor, c-r legal representatives if O tavian Hoos, deceased, the mm id cents: juu. tbe aduiiuis trator, executor, or legal representative of Jos. . Baldwin, deceased: tht uiu of J So; you. the ad minis1 rstor, executor, 'r legal reprenta tiyes ot Charles L. i ich, deceapel, the sum of fi 80.- ail in tbi- ld aud Mlv-r coin of the I uited 3tatfs:and it at tbr- expiration of W days alter tht publication ot this notice, you. or .it her ol you. rail or reiuie to contrioute men proTtorti'in, as is due. upon your several sharts and make payment of the suuit herein publish ed, to the uudcrsignc'ri. the intert of the del inquent parties in the said mining claim and pn-iK-rty shall and will become the property t.f th? wnden-jpned, who has made the required ex penditures. San Francisco, Fbniarv 10th. 1875. HENHV FiTCH. 55 Calitoruia t., itix-m . fe1-caw-0d Cut XlfC l.K RICHAr't GOLDEN BALSAM ! After ten years of trial on this Coast ha proven Itself the only curative in a certain clan of diseases pronounced by medical practition ers as incurable. Dr. LeRichan's GOLDEN BALSAH No. t cures CNancres first and second rtacs. Sores on the lg or Body; Sore Ears, Eyes, Nose, c. CApper-colortd Blotches, Syphilitic Catarrh, Diseased Scalp, and all primary forms of tba disease known as Syphilis. Frice, $6 per bottle or two for Dr. Le Bichau's GOLDEN BALSAH Ho. 2 cures Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic It he am a tism. Pains in the Bones. Back of tbe Neck, Ul cerated Sore Throat, Syphilitic Bash, Lumps and Contracted Cords, Stiffness of the Lixnba, and eradicates all diseases from the system, whether caused by indiscretion or abuse of mercury -leaving the blood pure and healthy Price, $5 per bottle, or two for $9. Dr. Le Richao's GOLDEN SPANISH AN tidote, for the cure ol Gonnorbtea. Gleet. Irri tation. Gravel, and all Fricary or Genital disar rangements. Price, fti.Mi per bottle. Dr. Le Bichaa's GOLDEN SPANISH IH- jection. a wath and injection for severe cases of Gonuorhcea, Inflammatory Gleet, Strictures, and all diseases of the Kidmys and Bladder. Price, $1.50 per bottle. Also Ajzenta for DR. 1-K RICHAlM l-CHUK.N for Seminal weakness. Night Emissions, linpotency, and all diseases arising from klastnrbationandexecstiveabusea. Price, Jvt per bottle. The genuine Goudkii Bai-sah in put up only in round bottles. On receipt of price, these medicines will be tent to all parts of the country, by express or mail, securely packed and free from obnexra tion. Sole Agents. C. F. RICHARD8 k CO., Wholesale and Retail lruggists and W Chemists, S. W. txr. Clay and Saorome Streets, San Francisco, Cal. TO WINTERCOODS K LAKtiRsT sorted sto k of T" Fall AM IIKST AS- and Winter Carpets, Oil Cloths. LAPlUt' aaal t BII.OItb-. NHUKM, etc. etc Arejitena tti be wen at the store of L. MORRIS & CO.. !Xnt to .I ijat .t Wei la, Fsrgc Co., farwB Tity. C'JIJ-tf JEW 1875 SEEDS. JUST RECEIVED AT HlLLIS' DRUG AND SEED STORE CORNER CARSON AND KINO STREETS, fSMen City- Nevada, A la-tfe FMrtnii nt of Garden and Flower Seeds DIRECT FKOM THE EAST, Warranted Reliable, .. ALSO A X. F A L FA, RED TOP. ' " ' BI.I K GKASS. ' ' ' , TIMOTHY, RED ANO WHITE CLOVFR. ITC. At Low, Prices, for Cash. fe28 tf O. P. WILLIS. NOTICE. Le Roy Silver and Copper Mlnini; Co. I OCATION OK MINF, t-FOA Ml- intf District, Nevada. Notice is htrtby gi en tbat H-NltY 8. FITCH, one of tbe co owners ot tbe mining claims, located and own ed by tbe La- Boy Silver and Cojipt-r Minim. Co., situate In Genoa Mining District, Jouglas county. Nevada, has exvx-uded in tbe year A. D. 1m74. the Ftini of twenty-five dollars in Cnitd StattrsgoiJ etitn, upon said claim, iu accord ance with the Act of Congress, entitled, "An Ai t to promote the develnpcmt-Xit of the mining resources of the l'mfd States," approvtd May 10, A. V. and that the co-owmrs vith eaid Fitch are required to contribute their pro piition nf the said expenditures, namely: Vou, Simon T. Walsh, tht- sum of 26 i ents; ytm, Peter W. Bandle, the sum oi '25 ceu'M; you, William Bums, the sum of 9i ctnts: you, ieorge God frey, thestim of 84 cents, you, John W. Brown, the. sum of cents: jvu, Jobuathan Kittridgc, the sum of fi W: you. James lb. ot, the sum ot 2.1 cents; yon. Louie H. boueshell, r'2 cent; you, Josiah Moulton, H 8o:yu, Jo-eph A. Cairie, tbe sum of $:i 15; you. D. B. Francis, the eum of 71-ctnts:you, David Bowie, the sum ofy. cents: you, Samuel Theodore, the snm of 'A' cents; you, Uardmr Elliott, the sum of 11 cents: yon, tbe aibninistratt.r, executor, or representatives of Cbiiles I-. Ftcn, deceased, the sum of 2 25; you. the administrator, ex ecutor, or legal represrntativcp of George W. Nickrfson, deceased, the sum of T2 cents. all in the gold and silver coin of tbe Tutted States, and if at the expiration of tU days, after the publication of this notice, you. or eitin r or you, fail or refuse to rordrihutr such propnrtiou uikk your s'veral shares, aud mate payirient t tiie uiid-reiginetl, the interest of delimjiienl par ties in thesnid mining claim and proNity piialJ and will ltecoiue the proerty of tbe und-r-aigJied who has madi tbe rcqrur d t xpeiiditures. San Francisco. California, 1 Iwiiaiy Utth, A. D. 1H75. HENRY H. FITCH. &' Calitornia St.. Room 2. ielaw-ittid J. W. WATERS. M. D. fl'FICK: On King Street, rear of O. P. w'iilis'Drug Store, "fete"..' CAKS0N,' XETAUa! THE UNFORTUNATE! !T.W REMCU1ES ! NEW REMEDIES t DR. 1H BOX'S DISPENSARY G.t Kearaw Street. saj 1-rancisco. stabbr.bed in 1a54, for the treatment of sexual and Seminal DiHeaaes such as Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis in all its foruis. Seminal Hcakuess, lmptteiicy, etc. Skin diseases of years standing and Ulcerated L M successfully tn-ated. Horrible Dlst-asea. H(w many thousands of persons, both male and ft male, are there who are e uttering out a mis ruble existence from the effects ol secret du'sences. or i.vai irus absorbed into the sys tem I I.ook at lut-ir paiiii, c-iiaciatc-d nd dis figured face, and their broken-down constitu tions, disqualifying thtiu for the baooineas of marriage or the enjoyment oi life. In this horrid situation thousands suffer until death closes the scene. It parents, guardiana. friends, attend to those who are suffering with any of these horrible, life-destroying maladies see mat im-y are carea tor and cured before II be too late. Stnd them immediately to DR. GIBBON, a physician who has made nrivata distases his esecial study for years, and ho is certain to cure the most invete rater ase, wilhoKl mercury or any injuriousdrugs. ftratlnal nfikafa. Seminal Emissions, the couseq.uei.oe of aehT. abuse: This solitary vice, or depraved sexual indulgence, is practiced by the youth of both sexes toan almost unlimited ttxtent, producing with nnerritig certainty, the following train of morbid symptoms, unless combated by scienti fic medical measures, viz: Sallow counten ance, dark (.pott undt-r the eyt. pain in the bead, ringing in tbe ears, noise like tbe rustling oi leaves and rattling of chariots, uneasineas about the loins, weakness of the limbs, confu sed vision, blunted intellect, loss of confidence, diffidence in approaching stranger, a dislike to form new acquaintance, disposition to shun society, loss of memoiy, bctu- flushes, pimpl- and nricus eruptions about the fact, furre1 tongue, fetid breath, coughs, corsiimptiob, night sweats, monomania aud frequt ut insanity. If relief be not obtained, should apply imme diately eithe r in fcnon or by b ttt r, and have a cure effected by his new and scientific mode ot treating this disease, which never tails ot ef fecting a quirk aud radical cure. t'IKEU AT HUME. Persons at a; mav be ct RED AT HOME, by addre ssing a letter to DB. GIBBON, stating case, symptoms, bngtb eif time the dis ease has continued, and have medicine prompt ly fcrwarded, free from damage and curiosity, to any part ot the country, wiih full and plain directions. Ry inserting Ten Dollars coin, in registered letter, through tbe Foetoihce ur through Wells, Fargo k Co : a pa kagof medi. cine will be forwarded to any part of the I'nioi. Correspondents will please inform Dr. Gibbon that they read his advert isetuentsmthe Avi'Eax Address. DR. J. F. 4.IHBON. jeiM-ly Box 1957. San Francisto. DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT SALE. Pancake Coal Company. LOCATUIX OF PRINCIPAL PLACE of l.iisinfus of Comi.any, Carson City, Ne v.oa: lix-atiim ot works, Wnl.e fine eounty, Ne. va'ls. Nolle-. There nro delinquent UJM..U the following ite.-icribed ettx t t.l bald Comi.auy, on ACi-ount ol AM-m.-ut No. 4, levied on tne 6ee ouddavof KelTuar), A. It. ltiTS, the several aluounts set oj'itow.t Ihe namea of the re-spect- ie MiareuoiiieiK iu Ala ininai.v. asloilowg: bhares. Amount. alut. Ai-hnelit, Kl!.. Urjaut. 11.. Hy'rne. .1 V Cetftn, T Drexler. L P ... Trustee. No. ot t en lIM.lf'.! ljli.l' Hi I tS. 4?, til, . J 71, 12. 73, ( 7, 117, 1M. j 33, , til. 42 J 2ID Ht) .'SO IU DO 10 UI E5 Ov (iardner. He., lierriek, L A . . . 1 iug. 8D I-ewis, A...... . J II'. 2. 21. '2'2. 4t; Sh. ,V.i, 'J4. l'JS, VJ9. If 5, I ; i!i, ma, 1H4. i ; . ; If:.. ;. I'.i7, i al,72c H.17J CO I l'.w. i"!', a o, ! ; vol, wi. 2Ui, -2v4, -Jn5. acu, i 2i7. J int. and I'm : 124, 1'.'S itu I 47, M, t'.9, W, ( 15, IK!. i 1,044 'I l-. I 1K4. es. 183, t J.: t 30 (HI 10 (V 101 4l, V.I2 4S iu; 1 H-M 1,0110 111 ;ii0 IMI lo on luu ' 110 Ml 10 Oil SO on so n Ix-ntz, D II MeTarnnhau. .1 C Uloe K Peters Kice. A J B Sho. luakcr, J 15 w ltilerell. CI.. AnJ. in aeiirdanee with law and au order of the Hoard ot Trastt es made ana enten d on the weonddny of fviirnary A. M. is. so many ol siv b dewmit( d shares i.t Ktoe k beloiujuiR tu. and standict; in. the i.auies if the harehold. rs aforesaid, as Bhall and will he uressrj to pay the asstrsmmt nHin all the Khhr, held and own eo hy sneh shari holders. iil be fold ct public auetion attre otiie- of saitl Comiiany, iu the of fice of Ellin Jt kimt. in Carwm Cm . Nevada, oh Taesdajr, the Nixtla clay of April. A. I. !.. to pay baid delinquent ai ssment, togetlier with costs or adveitisiug and exuensc. ot salt By order of the Board of Trust ets, SAM'l, D. KIX, Secretary Paueaie.Ooril Company. -Carson City, ev., Slaxeh li, 1873. n':h7-cw-M