home and coast. Matters of Lively Interest to the General Header. Paris milliners have even got to nsing artificial tomatoes. Derg has just received a large invoice of quinces—very fine. The Grand Jury adjourned last Thurs day to Monday next. Kr»d E. M. Baum’s new advertisement in to-day s feEicTiKKi. (give our boys a good library, with plenty of useful reading. The usual religions services will be held in the Episcopal Church to-morrow. There will be Sunday school in the Catholic Church to-morrow at 2 o’clock. Tr.e incline on the Purseil No. 2 mine at Seligman is going down in fine-looking ore. The Giand Jury met last Monday, and ha< been in continuous session during the week. Croup is prevalent in Eureka, and Geo. tV. Baker, Esq., has three children down with it. Jerry Ah earn has been appointed Pub lic Administrator by the County Com inisfiionera. The Eureka Con. Mining Company shipped 200 tons of lead to San Francisco yesterday. Ninety six horses were burned and a loss of $2u0,000 was sustained in a fire at Lo» Angeles, Dec. 3. The ladies have been out in force during the week, -eliciting subscriptions for t' e Christmas tress. There is a probability of the Richmond Company's furnaces being again started up in the near future. Joe Giosso, a resident of White Pine county, d ew 3500 in the last drawing of the Louisiana Lottery. There will be preaching at tire Kuby ! Hill Methodist Church to-morrow (Sun day) morning at 11 o’clock. A fine buggy robe belonging to Mrs. P. Madheim wi:l be raffled to-morrow after noon at Joe Hausuian’s store. Sixty-four cases of powder and six cases of fuse were shipped to Seligman yester day. This looks like business. A number of big teams went from here during the week loaded with freight for the mining camps south of Eureka. Governor Stevenson offers a reward of $750 each for the arrest and conviction of tiie murderers of I. N. Woodhouse. Those who have located or relocated mining claims this year have all of next year to do their a segment work thereon. Those in arrears fur State and County taxes would do well to peruse the delin quent list in another column of this paper. Dr. J. K. N. Owen has resigned the posi tion of County Physician. The Com missioners have not tilled the vacancy as yet. The District Couit was in session last Thursday, hut on account of the illness of Judge Fitzgerald, was adjourned to next Monday. Annie Nelson, aged eight years, has just arrived at her aunt’s home in Montague, Mich., having traveled all the way from Denmark alone. Fred Gorman was deputized by Sheriff Sweeney and arrested aChinamaii at Pali sade la*»t Monday evening for selling whisky to Indians. We acknowledge the receipt of compli mentary tickets to the schoolboys social, to take piace at the Opera House on the evening of the 23d instant. Fred Denny, who has been confined in the jail at Sacramento on the charge of abducting a 15-year old colored girl, was married Tuesday to the girl. Pete Knight, A. P. Gallwey and Martin Drown went down the railroad to the Hay Ranch last Monday, to hunt in the mount ains near there for a few days. A son of T. G. Sharp of Wellsville, O., took hiH first ohew of tobacco, became dizzy and fell over a bank, breaking an arm aud receiving other injuries. Salt Lake Tribune: There is every rea son to believe that a leading Eastern xail road company is about to purchase ground in this city for a depot and round houses. The Austin lleveille has five columns of Sheriff's sales. In a few weeks the editor will go to San Francisco to purchase an outfit of white diamonds.—Carson Appeal. Put your spare dollars to a good use, by purchasing tickets to the grand social which the youths of the Eureka High iSehoul intend giving for the benefit of a library. One of the young ladies attending our public school last Wednesday lost an open faced watch, for the return of which she would smile one of her loveliest smoles on the finder. Omaha has raised $60,000 to pay the ex penses-of the Republican National Con vention in case it is held there. This is a sample of the enterprise that makes towns important. On Monday last at St. Joseph’s Home, New Jersey, a 10-year-old inmate Tin dressed a 4 year old child and sat hiui on the stove until nearly dead, and exhibited no compunction for the deed. Last Sunday, a dissolute woman named Wilson died ‘at her residence on South < street, Virginia. It is believed she suf fer M for want of care and necessaries of life before death relieved her. Elko Independent: The amount paid to witnesses in the Lewis case on Court order was $716 50. This, together with fees to jurors and other expenses, will run the co*t of that trial up to $2,000 or more. Mayor Gregory of Sacramento has is sued an order tnat the “ dudes ’ on the police force must dispense with their canes, discard cigarettes and quit mashing the girls, and doff their dude suits for those of a “ cop.” At the city election at Sacramento, December 5. M. R. Beard (Democrat) was elected by a majority of 33 votes. There must be something wrong with Sacramento, for having elected a Democrat to office. The Connecticut preacher who delivered a sermon in favor of Anarchy and thought it “ a message from Heaven,’ made the monumental mistake of the season. Heaven is not in that sort of business. It s the other place. The County Auditor will issue outstand ing scrip sa the various funds up to the foliowing numbers: General fond, No. 10,891; Current Expense fund, No SL569; Jury fund, No. 403, Eureka head fund. No. 1,199, and all the indebtedness of the Fire fund. A dispatch from London of December 3 says: The police keep a sharp watch on the movements of Sullivan, the pugilist. Mitchell is said to be determined to fight without gloves. It is thought there will he a desperate fight if the police do not prevent it, ^ Last Monday morning Mrs. Ed. Kenyon was leaving Berg’s .store on Main street, when she slipped her foot on the ice and fell heavily upon the sidewalk, hurting her ankle so badly that it was thought at the time she had broken her leg. This was not the case, but the hurt is a painful one. Officers ISIscied. At a regular meeting of St. John’s Chapter No. 5, K. A. M., the follow ing officers were elected for the en suing term: J. S. Burlingame, H. r.; John Hancock, K.; John Macaulv, Seri tie; John Torre, Treasurer; A. D. Hock, Secretary. Holiday fJins. Ladies superb dressing cases, gent’s elegant smoking sets, autograph | albums and a host of handsome pres ents for the holidays, cheap at kap ron's drug store._ Encourage home industry and buy your goods of Berg. _ t Prices to suit the times, the battle cry of Berg. + PERSONAL NOTES. flovementi of Ken and Women Here and Elsewhere. Surveyor Thorn** J. Keeil h»s b'«n in town during the week. , 9e.°- " • C'aesidy arrived here from California last Tuesday. Bishop Kip, of California, is n t ex pects 1 to live, bis illness having taken an unfavorable turn. Col. W. O. Mills left for Palisade yesterday with Supt. Gilman. They will return home to-day. John Pay, ex-Surveyor General of Nevada, died at Santa Monica on Novem ber 29, aged 80 years. ‘‘Doe ” Holmes, we learn, was confined to his bed at Sciigman a few days ago, threatened with pneumonia. Rev. Father Callan, at one time pastor of St. Mary's Church, Virginia, died at Marysville, Cal., aged 51 years. Mrs. Senator Foley is visiting at the Bay, and will probably remain there until the Senator's return from Washington. Win, Henry Mitchell, the well known proprietor of the Wisconsin Hotel,in Grass Valley, CaL, is reported dangerously ill. Gen. R. M. Clarke arrived from Cars n last Tuesday, to make an argument in the case of the State of Nevada vs. J. K. Whithington. Henry Morrison, for many years fore man of the Sierra Nevada mine, in Vir ginia, died in a congestive chill while working in the mine. # Moritz Scheeline, of San Francisco, ar- ! rived here la*t Thursday and has taken temporarily the place of II. T. Hoadley at the Eureka Count}- Bank. # Senator Jones is detained at San Fran cisco by the serious illness of his mother, whose death is expected any time. The ! old lady is 85 years of age. L. >v . Davis, Superintendent of the ; Eureka Don. reduction works left with W. D. Dimick f«»r Tybo last Thursday, aud will return home next Monday. Fred Miller, who has been in the employ of the Richmond Company for several years, left last Wednesday with his wife, who is in poor health, for San Fra«.cisc •. M. Allison Wheeler, a San Francisco mining expert, returned here from n pro fessional visit to Tybo and other points south, and left yesterday for San Francisco. County Treasurer Hoadley, who has been quite ill for the past two weeks, we are pleased to state is convalescing, and probably will be out and able to attend to business the first of the coming week. Senator Foley has gone to Washington to attend the National Republican Com mittee. He will favor New York as the place for hoi ling the convention, and about the 5th of June as the time. The widow of the late Vice President Thomas A. Hendricks anived in Sacra mento several days ago and is the guest of Hon. W. C. Hendricks, Secretary of State. She will spend the Winter in California. Judge Fitzgerald still continues ill. He was in court last Wtdnexlay, but was too sick to attend t<> business, and ad journed court to Monday next. If his health does not improve in a few days he will probably go to California, to see if a change of climate will do him good. Trial Jurors. The venire for trial jurors to apj>ear in the District Court next Monday has been drawn, and the following are the names of the gentlemen who are to serve : C Milieu S Redlich .Tas Wilson E E Phillips M D Langton Wm J Hoper Steve Maloney A McMartin Wm Miller * J C Stewart R Sadler ICC Whitmore F J Wallace Juan Molino P Ma-telletti W J Tonkin G Revere E S Wilcox Jno McKinnon H W Scholer Sam Raphael Fred I hi John Donnelly J L Smith Martin Marren R K Morrison Wm Breman Wm T Poplin M Schutzlein M Rich Alex Celia M Norton H J Lambert Don McAuley Ernest Mau K G Morrison C Rosencrantz Jas Dwyer Win M Wilson P F Mollinery Wm Mulick W J Smith Robt Stewart Wm Sampson J H Shoemaker J J McDonald W II Stow el l Louis Monaco The Schoolboy’s Social. We call attention to the advertise ment under the head of “ New To day ” of a grand social to be given by the young gentlemen of the Kureka High School, at the Opera House on Friday evening, the -3d inst., for the benefit of a school library. This is an object so very worthy of assistance that we heartily endorse it, and ask our citizens, wether they care for the pleasure of dancing or not,to give it the aid it deserves. Nothing can be more beneficial to our boys than to give them a place where their evenings can be spent in intellectual! enjoyment, as a good library' would afford them. No one who has' the least interest in tee welfare of the youths of our town will refuse to purchase one or more tickets, and wo have not the least doubt that the boys will have a crowded house. Flue bliccliueuH. We are under obligations to Dennis O’Leary, one of the future bonanza kings of Prospect Mountain, for some handsome specimens from the Dia mond mine. One of them is a stalac tite, similar to the handsome speci mens that were foimerly found in the big ore caves of the Ruby Hill mines; another of protoxide of iron formed in a stalagmite, and the third a handsome piece of heavy lead ore assaying about $600. ^___ Elce(t»u of Officers. At a regular meeting of Beatific Lodge No. 7, K. of 1’., field at tfieir Castle Hall on Friday evening, De cember 2, 1887, the following officers were elected for tfie ensuing term: p C., Tfios. Dale; C. C., W. K. Beard ; V C , A. P. Gallwey; P., James Wilson; M. of F,., C. Barbearie; M. of F. ,K. Sadler; K. of K. S., M. G. Cavanaugh; M. at A., Peter Lofi; Long Term Trustee, Sam Longley. Ore SlilpmeuU. During the ]>ast week ore shipments were made from the mines of the dis trict as follows: To the Richmond works—Geddes and Bertrand mine, 15 tons; Dunderberg, 80 tons; Seventy six, 1 ton; Hillside, 1 ton ; Mt. Hope, 10 tons. Eureka Con.—W. D. Dim mick, li) tons; Marguratta, 24 tons; Stranberg, 6 tons; Oriental and Bel mont, 42 tons; Dunderberg, 17 tons; Eugene N. Robinson, 5 tons; General Lee, 7 tons; Avon, 10 tons; Seventy six, 5 tons; Republic, 4 tons, and De witt, 4 tons._ _ HOTEL AKUIVAI.H. Bureau Hotel—Win. Fox, Ford’s Ranch; Win. Langride, John Samp son, Ely; John Moorhead, Salt Lake; Win. Laird, Adams Hill; P. Spald ing and wife, George Paul, Mrs. C. Bischoff, Hamilton; T. D. Page, Jas. G. Shaw, Fish Creek; John McDon ald, Robinson; Jako Bremen, Salt Lake Citv : M. Dougherty, Miss Mary I Darrah, James Murray, Secret Can | yon. T Ka»T E R DAY'S STOCK SALES. ETUDO BOJJID. 170 OpLir—114 114 290 Mexican—64 160 Gi cH A Cnrry—64 6 160 Be?t 1 Belcher— 84 8 120 Con. California— 234 23 1450 Savajre—S4 54 1780 Ohollar—74 74 445 Potoet—64 630 Hale A Norcroas—94 9 84 70 Crown Point—94 94 100 Yellow Jacket—7 4 blO 50 Ken tuck—2 275 Alpha—2 80 Belcher—104 315 3. NeTada-54 39 Utah—215c 320 Bullion—235c 240c 650 Exehequtr—145c 140c 475 Seg Belcher—64 64 1250 Overman—2907, Charles A. Lnkens to Dell Small. djed- 71 In Eureka, Nev., Dec. 5. 1^7, Mrs. Minnie Sheridan. At Clear Creek. Nev., Dec 5, 13$7, John Gardiner. .1 70 y.'ars. Iu Virginia City, Deo. ‘2, 13J?7, George Frick, aged 0 y- .rs and 9 months. NEW TO-DAL LIST OF UNCLAIMED LETTERS KEMADfING IN THE POSTOFFICE AT Eureka. Nev.. on the 9ih day of Decem ber, 13S7. rersoua calling for any of these letters will please say “ Advertised Dec. 10, 1.387:" Indies’ List: Stewart Mrs J C tteutlcmeu's ldst: Adams W J Posey Bill Ainsworth AG Parcy Grant Brown J G O Schencli ffm C&ssl Gomar Heatauovich F Cohn Louis L Siri Gianni Cork hi 11 Win Strong J W J husou Andrew Weaver Wm Pinson Antonio Foreieu Likt: Persons calling for any of these letters will please say, " ForelgnPAdvertised:" C . Sue A Lepulo Francois Bor* .nte Alessandro Tognoni Guiseppe Lsrson P A TorehueWm M. T». BARTLETT, P. M. Dancin^School. M£. salary. District Attorney 150 X> J auies L*iru, School Sapt.. 25 CO J. R. N. Owen, salary. . .130 90 Georg* T. knee, jailor. .120 00 J. B Singleton, salary. . 13910 J. G Douglas, janitor. 20 90 Ai. x MuKay. janitor of Sob HlI Hose Company . 50 CO J.C- Ravel!, fees. 72 96 Ben;. Sanders, fe«s. *6 15 F. ii. Uarxca. Clerk’s fees. . *1 $5 W. a. Sweeney, fees..f%5 60 Barney GsQagher, Read Super* :scr.1S2 00 '•V. S. Beard. f-«s. 20 OO W s. Beard, fees. 30 20 George Young, work... 13 GO Eureka W^ter Work*, water.. ISO GO E. S Webbxr, jar nor of Rescue Hose Co. 50 CO E. S Webber, watchman. 4 OO r. S. Doa-rias, watchman. . S00 M. G. Cavanaugh. watchman. .. 9 9© James Williams, professional services 1© OO Cassidy k Ski 1 man.printing . 21 CO Cassidy k Skillman. 30 GO G. 8. Henderson, black smithing . 35o W. J. Smith, supplies.. 14 75 Mrs A Lee. livery. JW E H. Morton, sawing wood. 10 ^0 • Jt.hu TuorougLman.'piling wood. 22 SO Mrs. E. Leventiiai. caring for Hospital patient?.292 M M. L. Gregovich, interpreter. 15 0© John McKenna and John Brass, labor.. . 5 CO E D. Vanderlieth. house rent.. 8 CO F G. Lewis, overpaid taxes. 5 25 James Wilson, collecting poll taxes... . 4 20 F. H. Hinckley, collecting p» ll taxes 26 j© R. K. Morrison, collecting poll taxes 15 Ou Indian Sax. noxious animals. .. 20 l*> Fe!;x Maggini, noxious animals. 47 25 Felix Magvini, noiions animals. 5 53 John Jury, noxious anima s.. ... 5 55 Joseph Bartsch. noxious animals. 15 40 John Hensley, noxious animal?. 5 00 A. P Gallwey. noxious animals. 6 10 Joseph Bartsch, n -xious animals_ 5 OO D. Ml Res. noxious animals. 5 15 D. Depsoli. noxious animal* . 11 50 J. 5. Raise, noxious animal* 17 55 E. .x P R. R. Oo., work on bridge. 8 00 E.tC Lumber Co., lumber. 17 60 Haskins .x Robison, boarding prisoners 75 19 J. Tv*. Lambert, supplies. . 40 70 J. Ahcarn, wood . .. 541 34 Remington, Johnson .x Co. supplies _ 10 7i Remington, Johnson k Co , supplies_ 8 25 Remington, Johnson a Co., supplies. .. 1 W R. Sadler k Co., supplies . 1165 it. Sadler k Co., supplies.. 5 10 U. T. Hoadley, Treasurer's sal try.150 60 nrciG*>-rs. The flowing named indigents were el iowe i the earns set opposite their respective nam“*e: Col. Riley.. $30 CD .'•.r? Heeler. S3 on John M Elroy. 15 00 P. C Manning. 15 »l Mr». Zotiineo .. . 25 00 Richard Mcrrieh. 31 00 j Lomas Sutmnerell. 25 05 F J Wallace. 55 50 'Iho above is a copy of the record as it now remains my office. Attest F. H. HARMON. County Clerk. dlO NOTICE -OF Delfait Tax Sales. N'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL | whom it m*y concern: Th.%t the follow ing described property situate, lying and be ing in the Ooanty of Eureka. State of Nevada, and assessed to the owner* thereof, whose nac-t* respectively *re set opposite the dc acripti n thereof, ha* been duly taxed and ftsacssed lor the year 1867. for the amounts hereinafter mentioned in connection with the desv-.riptiou thereof; that said tax*-* are delin quent: that teu per cent on scch taxes and cost of advertising will be collected in sddl tion to the original tax. or the property sold for all of said original tax, penalty and costs, to wit: JOHN ANDERSON k OO. Possessory inter est to lot of land situated west of the Ruby Hiil rai'road, on the Egau survey, to wit: lorn nie icmg at southwest corner of dwelling house, running thence east 60 feet; thence north 35 feet; thence west 100 feet; thence south 60 feet; thence east 40 feet, to the place of beginning. Improvements, small cabin; Tsx, $167; pen alty, $0 17; costs. $2; total. $3 34. MRS. THOMAS ARRIVEY. Possessory inter est In and to lot 15, block 56. in the town of Eu reka. Tax, .64; penalty ,08; costs, $2; total, 62 92. MRS. M. A. ASHIM. Possessory interest in ami to lot No 14, iu block No. 58. iu the town of Eurtk.i. Tax, .81; penalty, .08; costs. $2. Total, $2 92 JAMES ALLEN. Possessory interest in and t * the M>uth 5 feet of lot 7, iu block No, 69; also, No. 8. in block 69, all in the town of Eu r. k-v lm; rove-ueuts, tr.uue house. Tax, $6 70; pen alt \, .07; costs. $2; total, $9 s7. MRS. J. 0. AIKEN. Improvements, frame house, situated south cf and adjoining the property of Neil McCloud, in the town »f Eu reka Tax, $1 67; penalty, .17; costs, $2; total. $3 64. TllOS. N. BllIEN. Possessory interest in and to lota No. 16, blocks 58 snd 17. in block 58. of the town of Eureka. Tax, $1 67; penalty, .17; costs, total, $3 84. E. J. BUTLER. Possessory interest in and to lot No. 6, block 56, of tho town of Eureka, Tax, 64; penalty. .08; costs. $2; total. $2 92. ALFRED BOUNGARL). Possessory Interest iu and to lot 20 of block No. 66, of the town t f Eureka. Improvements, frame house. Tax, $3 36; penalty .34; costs, $2; total, $6 69. HARVEY CARPENTER. Possessory Interest iu and to lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and S, in block No. 120. in the town of Eureka. Tax, $6 70 pen alty, .67; costs, $2; total, 19 37. CONTINENTAL SILVER M. CO. Improve ments, small hoisting engine and house on the Continental mine in Eureka countv. Tax, $14 25; penalty, SI 42; costs, 2; tots', $17 67. JOHN R. COOK. Possessory interest in and to the east 60 feet of lot No. 10. in block No. 4. of the town of Eureka. Improvements, frame dwelling house. Tax, $3 35; penalty, .34; costs, $2; total, $5 69. , . . . M G. CAVANAUGH. Possessory interest in and ’ to lot No. 6, of block No. 9S. Improve ments, frame house. Potsessory iuterest iu and to lot No. 7, in block No. 98. Tax, $10 05; pen alty, $!; costs, $2; total, $13 05. ROBERT CROSSAN. Possessory Interest in and to lot 6, block 59. Improvements, frame dwelling house. Tax, $47 74; penalty, $4 77; costs, $2; total, 854 51. MRS CARRIE CASEY. Possessory interest In and to lot 5, block No. 58. Improvements, frame dwelling lmuse. Tax, $16 42; penalty, $t *4; eosts, $2; total. $22 20. . „ J L DONALDSON. Improvements, dwell ing' house on Atlas Hill, in the town of Eu reka. Tax. $21 77; ponalty, $2 16; costs, $2. 1 JOE DAVIDSON. Possessory interest in ami to lot No. 8, in block 39, in the town ot Eureka. Tt-x, $2 61; penalty. .25; co*ts, $2; total, 84 7o. JOHN EDOOOMBE. Possessory Interest in ami to lot x, lu block 74. ol the town ol Eureka. Improvement., frame home Tax, $11 7$; pen ally. $1 17; coats. *2; total, $14 89 MRS. FKED ELLIOTT. Poaaeaaory Interest In ami to lot 10, block 37, of the town of Ell ieka. Improvements, framehouse. Tax, $10 0.*, penalty. SI; coala $2; total, $1$ 06. ...M EVANS. Possessory interest iu anil to lot No 2, in block No. 4, of the town ol Eureka. Improvements, frame atablei. Tax, *.> Vi, nonaltv, .60; eosts. 2; fetal, $7 52. ' ELDORADO CON. M. 00. Improvements, machinery on Eldorado mine, Prospect Mount aiu Eureka eonutv. Nev. Tax, $19 06; penalty, $2; e ats, $3. total,$28 95. M C4 FOSTER, l'oaaesaory Interest In aim to lot 7, in block No. 5, of the town ol,Eureka. Tax, 84; penalty, .68; coata, $2; total, $2 92. MOllTuN 0. FISHER, machinery at tlio Kit Carson mine. Improvements, framehoueaat aaid mine, in the Eureka Sohool District, En reka county, Nevada. Tax, $28 50; penalty, $2 85; coata. 82; total. 833 30. , II A FISHER. PoBacaaory Interest In and to lot No. 5, lu block No. VI, of the town of Fnreka. Improvements, frame house, lax, 31 68; penalty, .17; o-ste, $2. Total, 83 86. JERRY FITZPATRICK. Poaaeaaory Interest in and to the south 12 H feet of lot No. 10, In block No. 15, and the north 12)4 feet of lot No. 11 lu block No. 15. Improvements, frame dwellinu house in the town of Eureka, Tax, »8 S; penalty, .84; coata. $2; total 311 22 A FAULKNER. Poaaeaaory Intireat in and to a'tract ol land at Faulkner's Creek, about 6 miles waBt of the llot Spring, In Antelope 7 al ley, Eur.ka county, containing 160 seres of laud Tax, $8 Mi; penalty, .85; costs, $2; total, 1 *'m4° D FOLEY. Posaesaory Interest It ’ snil'to lot 4, block 19, lot 6, block 19,anil)ol 6 in blook 19 of the town of Eureka. Tax - *2 51; ponalty, .26; costs, $2; total, $4 78. HUGH OIRSON. Poaeotsory interest In am , to lots. In block 68, and lot No.9. in block 68 ’ Improvements, frame house. Tax, $3 86, pen e ally.-34; ooats, $1; total, $5 69. f F3ANK GAVIN. Improvements, Irani. I house, east ol blook No. 3, In the tow n ot Eu NEW TO-DAT. rek*. Tax. .<4 penal tr, .- t»'J. S- v. :a $2 92 FKANa GtLLMORE p .fe- asorj! vr •: :a a* i «o v. tcm ~f twsrmtWQ land, >i. ated on Key oNd* Cre*t. abcuc I» + from T* Clows Staiicn. in Eur-xa county trrpr s menu#, fte-kali Tax, $5 72. penalty, : .57' cots, if :-r.ta. $» IT. •_ tlAi’.LEs j.'U ..AM P .-see" n: rest -a aad to lot 19 of bi «k 4. ia th* *. ■ n vf Eu reka. Tax J*4 tstat.-. .§; coats. |b tcta’. a « ANTONIO HAN>EN. Pdeesory ‘crest .z and to lot 36. bi-.cx 1, ixu; r; nt-. k .« and sheds; and lot 27. bkvk la, I r 29, s.^ ■*:* uated north of block Mo. 5*. :n ?>.♦ town .2 Eu reka. Tax, .54 kzjIxj, .5 . sta. 52: to a. *2 2. HJLNEi JOHN. IxaprcTS-neata. small L:u*e, situated on ScUiA Rc.. y Hill. xa Eureka oout j. State of Nevada Tax. $i 32. peca! y. .1A: cost*. 12 total, $3 45 D. C. KEEN Pceaeseory tetsrest ia znd t> , 140 acre* cf wood land, situated about 35 cities ■ westerly fr.zr. the town of B-reka. ard about 1 : miles south cf WClov Suuioc. ;u Burt Y* couutT Tax. $3 7- . penalty. >7 eecta. < total. 16 27. MRS L. H. LAK?. Poesesscry inWr-.st in and to lota 14 aid 13. iu l leek 1-' v: the town i Eureka. lufMrjirct?, f runic h i$e T»x. I S3 35 penalty, 54. ..s a 92. :• v $' V, LAM TIE. Pceseaeory irstcresS b u;d to * frame awed-iy? house, situate I east -f block ; No. 93. is the town of Eureka Tax. $3 35. I penalty, .34; cost*. f2: total. 9c DANE. LEWIS. Fc- ejscrj st ir. v .1 to ti • north 225 feet cf b'.ocx No * . cf : e t-.wn vf Eu-eia. is Eureka county. „rr v> aieuta, ad be house and seab-s T*x. $ir : . penalty, $2 91; costs. ?. ictai. rot *L JCSEPH LINDSAY Fosses*-.;. .i.teres: a and to 96 acres of lard, kno’vii as :: e Fr r>. Hot 5 prmge F. arch. Irafwoeme: :~. frair , sr . | adobe houses ;.a\, $79 30; p*SilT. 5" -3 1 ojste $2; Vial, Sc ' i *. JOHN HATPIN Potse?scr> interest in an* te a piece of I..cd > uated. n :he west 2e f the Lean aurrey. south cf the • bar ..r st«uo ;uarn , an*, z rtk of rho Nob E. --ater tan’ . in the t. wn of Eureka. Improre«BcE»*. r i J house Tax. $1 t$7: penalty, 17; ccstt. fl; to tal, 9i- 54 A. B. MILLVR Ponsory interest !n anl to lot 3, of block 51. in ’.he town EureV t. In provementa. frarce kO«ae Tax. 18 5 . ;d\ | .36. costs, i'2. toll v MH9. MARY McCTLLOr<; II. Posses*, ry : I tereet In and to the es-t ;• of let No.:’ . Mock No. 42, of the to»-u vf Eureka. 1:. pro's meat*, small heu*e Tax. S! > entity. cost*. $2; total ?' area. McoRii'f rontcaory xu*sre*t i-a a ; to lot 1". in block 97. of the town Eu.eka ! proveruents frame hi>-*e. Tax. $5 . . pec ! ally. .50: cost* $2 t * 1 > 53. METHODIST EFIv FA I. CHURCH. P> ! sessory interest ic ar.d to 1 *s 14 »nd 1* ‘ * Ci | Na 5. Improvemc :•= ;; ••« bouse Tax. $13 *0; penalty. $1 34. . -to i t :al, f.‘ 74. DAVID McLAN S F ry . : r s: :u aci to lot Sa 2. m block 7t I-uproverae: -mall house. Tax. $1 r7 pena.ty .17; s >, $2; total, $3 $4 ALAX. McKAY. Improvements. dwelling ho a 4 . si Luted iu Goodwin Car > or,. ;n tfce town f Eure a. Tax. $1 -V. penalty, .2V ,v«t*. $2. total. $4 76. DAN MvA^KKLL. I m ovements, frtnie dwelling house, on North Ei.bv V.” in Eureka county.' Tax. $2 65; peuaby. . . sts *2. to tal. f4 91 HENRY PEILLIFS. P -><>.- iMer.-s: and to lot 37. of block 7 in thr town of Eu rtka. Tax. $3 03. peualty. c-.\ osts. $2; tot* $7 52. OWEN KICF. I. p;*cretaet ts. stone h \-e in Goodwin Car.' or., and ? >scss ury 1* t. st in 1 t No. 12. in block No > . and the south x> feet of block N >. 6'. of the town of Eureka Improvements. frame dwelling house. Tax, $!■.) 03; penalty. $1; ■ sts. ?2; total. ?3 05. FRANCIS RE1LLEY Possessory interest m aul to a piec- of laud, ait ated i. rth of the Eureka a d /darns Hill wn,. n ro*u, ai d west of the Ruby Uiil Railroad, ea the Egan survey, i f the town of Eureka Improvements. small house. Tax. $1 67; penalty. .17; vvsts. $3; to tal. $3 S4. MRS SARAH UC-S ENT HAL Posse** ry i. • ter*at in and to let No. 7'. v block N 37 Im provements. small c welling hens . Tax, $3 07; penalty. .50; costs. $7; tots' $7 7 ' SILVER WEFT CON. MINING COMPANY. P. sj.es-ory interest ;n and to bkek N 103. iu Eureka county. State of N« v da. Imple ments. frame house and framework. Tax. $35 43; penalty. $2 34; costs. $2; total. $.~ 79. ANDREW STINSON*. Interest in and tot. acres of farming lard, situs tod about 10 miles j west front Beowaive, tiesr Shoshone PoUr.m ! Eureka county. Nevada. Tax, S3 to; penalty, .36: costs. $2; total. ?4 .1. JOSEPH 5> TORKY. Possess ry interest in and to a piece of land aituiced u« rth of he wator works lank on Nob Hill, iu the town of Eureka, Improvements, small lious . Tax. $1 68 v-enal ty, 17, co-ts, $2 total. $3 85. LOUIS SCHINDLER. Improvements, frame i house, situated east »»f block No. 16, in the town of Eureka, kn u os the Schindler house. Tax. $1 68; pena*t\. .17. costs. $7; total. 85 so. JOHN A. STEEL. Improvements, frame dwelling house in Secret Canyon. In the village of God dee. in Eureka county. Tax, $1 03; pen altv. .10: costs, $7. total. $3 13. Sirs. VIOLA TAYLOR. Possessory interest in and to lot No. 15. block 75 Improvements, two frame houses in the town of Eureka. Tax. $6 70; peualtv. .07; costs, total. $-» 57. MRS SARAH TERRY. Possessory inti rest in and to the south P?.$ feet of lot No. 9, in block 4. Improvements, two frame houses. Tax, $6 7C; peuV.tr, .68; costs, $2; total, $9 57. WKEN & CAPKON. Possessory interest in and to a piece of land known as a furnace fits in the town of Philllpsburg. Eureka county. Nevada. Improvements, water jacket furua e. frame house over furnace, frame house over office, frame water tank. Tax. $41 07; penalty. $4 11; costs, $2; total. $17 IS. JOHN A. WILSON. Possessory interest m and to 160 acres of laud, known as the Willows Kon°li, situated on the Eureka and Austin wagon road, about 33 miles westerly from the town of Eureka, in Eureka county. Nevada Improvements, nuall house, stable and oorr.ils. Tax, $15 39; penalty. $1 54; costs, $2; t tol. $18 95 WM. WALKER. Possessory interest in ai d to the north 10 feet of lot No. 37, iu block 93, and lot S, of block 95. Improvements, frame house. Tax, $5 03; penalty, .50; costs, $2; to tal. $7 53 MARTIN WHITE. Possessory interest In and to 160 acres of laud, situated on the west slope of Diamond Mountain, about 18 miles northerly from the town of Eureka, Improve ments, house and furnace. Tax, $10 60; penalty, $1 06; costs. $2; total, $15 66 THOMAS WETHEREl>. Possessory interest in and to lots 64 and 51. iu block 50 in the town of Eureka. Tax. $5 55; penalty. .31; costs, ?2; ; total. $5 69. MRS. M. WENDELL. Possessory tut*rest in and to lot No. 4. in block No. 7. in the town rt Eureka. Tax, $11 72; penalty. $1 17; costs, *2; total. $14 89 K. D. WALTI and JOHN P ATT OCR. Posses sory interest iu a1 d to 107 66-1(0 aors of land known'as the McOluskey Ranch. Improve ments, house, stable and corral; also, iu and to 160 acres of farming»and, situated on Antelope Greek, known as a part of the McCluski y Ranch, iu Eureka county, State of Nevada. Tax, $80 .<6; penahv, $8 07; costs. $2; total. $90 65. Notice is further given th .t in default of the payment of add sums the undersigned as County Treasurer of said Eureka county and ox-officio Tax Receiver thereof, will on Monday, the Itttli day of .Inuuary, A. 1L 1888. Sell at public auction, at the Courthouse'doer cf the said Eureka county, in the town of Eu reka, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the above described property, or so mm li thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount of said tax. penalty aud costs of adver tising, and that such sales will he subject to re demption within six months after the date - f sale by payment of all said sums with 3 per cent per month thereon from date of tale until naid. II. I ■ HOADLR»» County Treasurer °nd ex-officio Tax Receiver of Eureka county, Nevada. Eureka. Nev ., Dec. 3, 7 887. dlO trt DialntiM of Csparlnersiiii). The oopaktnekhhip hekktofokk existing under t:.e firm name of Mas gini Brothers, in the saloon, bo PAN HOLLIDAY. C OWNER: YOU 9 nil' hereby notified that th > undersigned bus expended the stun i f one hundred dollars In labor and improvements upon tho bolt mine ami lode, situate in the Mineral Hill Stirling District, Eureka county, Nevada, .luring the year A. D. 1880, In conformity with tin provis ions of Section 2321 Revised Statutes of tho United States, being the amount required to hold the same. And if within ninety .lays after this notice by publication yon fail or re fuse to contribute your proportion of stub ov penditure ns a co owner, your interest in said claim will locoine the propyl ty of the sub scriber under said Section 2MM. lb 1JK1U! Eureka. Eureka county, Nevada, October 20, 1887. __ KSININC TAX. Notice is hereby given tu.vl the | taxes on tho proceeds of the mines of Eureka county for the quarter ending Sept. 30,1887, are now due and nayablo t > me at iuy office in Eureka; and the law in regard to the ran month for auhti Local or traveling. Five beat sell, article* tu tbe world. Send two-rent i stamp tor terms. Address, M. F. TERRELL j* 00., Somerset Siicli au8-ly snscKi.i.AM-ors. W. 0". SMITH I> 0ST0FFICK BUILDING. EUREKA, NEVADA. Dealer in fink s i ationkhv, blank Hooks, Sch'.ol Hooks nd Helmed Hup. plies. Fancy Ho ds. Albums, Shaving Hots, Smoking S-'*s. Dressing Cast's, Full lines of l.ndUs’aml (louts' Purses, Wallets, Autograph Album*. Fine Assort ui e n t of Picture Frame*. HtrtU day Cards. Motions ! Reward Cards, Fine Cutlery, full assort ment of Hlrd Cages. Hird Seed, ©to. All the leading brands of Chewing and >mol,in;: Tobacco al\va\n iu stock, and a full nsaort incut of Pipe*, Cigar and Cigarette Tit!ti ers. Cigarettes, C i g » ret to Tobacco. Imported Key West & Domestic Cigars A specialty. A full assortment cf Playing Cards. All at the l.o\v» st Prices. Pur*ka, Aug. ;i0, IHH7. andl-tf To The Front! GENERAL MERCHANDISE. JOE HAUSMANN, Adjoining Mrs Brown's Restaurant, East Hid« of North Main street, \yiM- SELL AS CHKA1* AH ANY OTHER >V Houso in Eureka, Constantly inoroan log stock o( Groceries, Hardware, Crockory and Glassware. Keeps a full lino of tho host tnanufacturera of a utlory. Furulshiuj? Goods, Nnttonn. etc. ills Sport lug Emporium Is roploto with Shot guns, 111 lies, Pistols. Powder, Bhot ami Car tridges of all descriptions at tho lowcBt ilg gUVUS. Hpoclalty in fresh butter and Eggs. Fruit and Vegetables, Nuts and Ocndtos. New Goods received by every train. Cali and get price*. Eureka, Nevada, Juno 4, I8b7. JMI nSTOTIOE. \l.b PAHTIEH INDEBTED To THE NH tatv of Wm, Kvaus deceased, will please settle witli 1>. Pipaoli, Ydniinistmlor of said estate, within the next eight wicks, and *av*» the expense of further proceedings 1). DKPAOhl. Eureka, Deo. 1,1887. d.'hlin ONLY FORTY CENTS 1i N POSTAGE 8TAMTH FOR A NEW NIOKT.K I’latcd Stem Wluder and stem Hotter Watch, just patented Addre/s HOY J ACKSON, Box 15, 811 t ast 104th street, Now York City. Moution this paper. U9*4t