OCR Interpretation

Yerington times. [volume] (Yerington, Nev.) 1907-1932, August 03, 1918, Image 1

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TUSIThe Yerington Times »««'
_ -- -___: —-—-: ■*.
The Sanitary Holstein Dairy of Ma
son will exhibit several head of their
fine dairy cows at the California State
Fair, held at Sacramento, August 31
to September 8.
Dairy stock breeders showing at the
fair will receive cash premiums total
ing $7,700.
Representing several hundred dol
lor; increase- over the largest amount
given at any previous State Fair, the
size of the prize- is concrete express
ion of the Directors’ desire to encour
age in every way possible the raising
of pure-bred dairy stock, and there
by insure heavier production of much
needed milk and butter fats.
The Fair's elai situ ations provide
money prizes of $1,114 for each of the
four leading dairy breed-, Holstein,
0 Jersey, Guernsey and \yrshire. Sup
plementing these, the Holstein-Frics
an Association of \merica offers $278
5<l, The American Jersey Cattle Club
$260 and the Atneiican Guecuffey Cat
tle Club $100.
Premium- in other breeds are:
Rrown Swiss, $595; Dutch belted,
$595.00; and Dairy Shorthorns
$795. In the dairy cattle production
classes. $330 i- offered for the three
day butter fat production contest, o
pen to all breeds, and $330 in the cow
test association class.
Adding a new clas-ilication to the
regular list, prizes of $60 in each
breed will lie given for live cows in
C (« Mtittan ami family drove ti> |
(ianlnerville tin- fore pari i»f tile week ]
where they spent several days visiting |
friend- and relatives.
Tiie Citizens' I .tint lit / Coal & Sup- !
ply Co. art* making (long* move. They
ill take over the bti< n<*s> ot the \ ei%
ington Sa«*h & Lumber Co., on Aug.

A. II Marlow and iamili started i
Tuesday for San Franei-eo. where the
(sillily will enjoy a vacation and Mr.
Harlow. will attend to business inter
ests. They followed the llunkatin
Charles Thrwilkdl drove trout hi
ranch in the south end of the t alley
Monday up to the upper ni l' oi Hope
Valley returning to hi- home early I
that same afternoon. Mrs. Thrailkill
accompanied him home, after -pend
ing a delightful vacation with the Per
ry family in Hope Valley.
Tables Showing the Increase From
1917 to 1918.
Increase $1,835,464.
Values 1917 1918
* Lands .<1.889.624 2.440,485
Improvements 130,320 145.245
City real estate 18o,611 202,875 j
City linpr'ments. 234,085 254,255 ,
City Personal. 47.120 72,080 j,
Country Personal. 110.145 202.234
Live stock 693.288 915,764
Railroads 2.697.225 3.112,503
R. R. Lands 322.454 321.474
. Public Utilities. 264.193 207..Vs)
Autos-212 90,094
Autos — 436 190,864
Pat. Mining Claims 45,000 47,500
Mine Improv. 821.70$ 766.365
Merchandise 109,108 197.130
Proceeds, Mines (>34,864 OJ'M’A)
Ranks 65^X4) 80.020
Miscellaneous .10,181 31,499
'"Total, $8,371,669 10.207.133
151.643 acres of land under private
6,900 acres of land held by C. A. Mc
Leod, 1 rustee.
10,701 Cattle. Value $406.t>38
37,905 Sheep, Value $341,145
263 Bucks Value 3,120
2.188 Morses Kr Mules. Value 1.11.620
117,381 acres of K K land. 321.474
Mine improvement- show a decrease
because Mason Valley Mines Co
paid $80,000 hack valuation in 1917.
Average value per acre of land.
1917 . $11.69
1918 . $16.09
An increase on lands of 17.52 per cent.
-n-. —
Thursday evening in this city Mr.
Mixon joined Don Phctteplace of Lud
wig and Miss \11rora Nogle 01 Reno
in the bonds of holy matrimony. The
happy couple "ill make their home at
Ludwig where the groom 1- employed
Rtiel I.otlnop returned W ednesday
front a trip to Reno, lie met Mrs.
Lothrojf at Silver City anil they went
to consult a specialist regarding Mrs.
Lothrop’s health. She is compelled
to take a long rest and careful treat
ment hut it is expected that-she will
fully recover.

' "i
Advertising! Rradstreet’s statdf
ntent that H4 per cent of all failures
are among non-advertisers is signifi
cant. Intelligent advertising has be
come an essential in every modern in
dustry, but what shall the advertiser
do in the face bf the war situation
when he finds it difficult ui till his or
ders? First of all. it should be re
membered that the foundation of ju
dicious advertising is to fix indelibly
the trade mark in. tiie pub
lic's mind. A let-up in that campaign
must be fatal to any product. So we
find George II. Charles, vice-president
of the Nmerican Rolling Mill Com
pany. declaring the company's, pur
pose to continue its advertising, al
though for two and a half years it
had been unable to supply the demand
for its .product. "We are building,"
said he, " a permanent business edi
fice, am, some day we would have to
spend millions of dollars huyipg back
the business and good will of our
clients if they are forsaken in this
emergency." Unless advertising is
kept up without a break the advertiser
loses the result of the initial effort,
ill ere is a warning to the advertiser
who neglects the dull season in sum
mer. When advertisement- are few
est is the very time when a message
to the public will get the most atten
tion. It is good "psychology" to push
the advertisement of a winter pro
duct in summer and of a summer ftro
dltct in winter.—I. e-lie’s.
-oo —
Kx-Governor Tasker I.. Odilie is!
making a -wing around the tate in
the interest of his candidacy for the
republican nomination for governor,
lli was in Mason Valley Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week seein ,
miners, intllmen and smelter me i at t
the various properties as well as «
ing with the leader- of the par*v u
< Mdie i- making the dry issue para
mount in his campaign.lie is of the o
pinion that Nevada ought to lie dry
in this crisis and he is willing that all
should know that is It’s conviction,
lli feels that not only should the in
iativc | etition lie adopted at the gen
eral election, and that the Nat l con ^
stitiitional amendment -hottld be rati
fied, Imt that Nevada should have-a
governor pledged to further the move
mentnieiit and to enforce the law to
the best of hi- ability.
Ilg has the advantage of one suc
cessful administration to help him to
the chair at this time
*T lu* preliminary hearings of two i
men charged with forgery were had
Friday morning in Judge Blanchard's
Court, l hr lirst case was that of Gus.
11 ran, Indian, charged with forging
the names of F. O Stiekney and f’. J.
Conway to checks, lie waived all
rights, refused an attorney, and plead
guilty. He wa*> hound over to the
District Court.
The second was the case of John
Ramsey charged with forging the
name of George Ratcluhlcr to two
checks. He also plead.guilty, waived
his rights and was held for the Dist
rict Court.
(>ii Monday a motion to reopen the
case of Bean vs. Jones and for a hear
ing according to law, was denied.
William Walter Marshall, infant
son of Raymond L. Marshall and Mrs.'
Phyllis Reynold*: Marshall died Tues
day morning. July .VI. The little fel
low had he.en ailing for some days
and his mother brought him to town
for treatment for summer complaint,
lie was horn in Idaho. Aug. 3, 1917.
Besides the parents he is mourned by
a little brother and his grandmother.
Mrs. Frank Cordry.
The funeral serv ices were held Tlinr
•.day afternoon. Dr. I)i\<>n officiating
and interment was in the Yeringtun
Cemetery. The sympathy of the com
munity goes out to the stricken moth
er wlio made such a brave tight for
the baby's life.
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
Mass on first Sunday of the month
at 9:3t) a. m.
All other Sundays at 10:30 a. in.
Sunday School every Sunday at 9:30
ai. m.
Week day mass at 8 a. in.
• Rev. Joseph Cunha.
Mrs. J. Tr Sweat ritnnuM I mint Monday nf
it ' sprinting a iIfl'k))tful vacation in Califor
,«• i 1 --.* t
Investigation Made by State Engineer
Assures Enough Water for
These Two Crops
A called meeting of the water Risers
of Mason Valley under the auspices of
the Farm Bureau was held in Owl
Hall Monday night, it was largely
attended by the patriotic fanners of
this district who are very anxious that
the crops should not fail if coopera
tion ami conservation will save them.
Vic Bernard, chairman of the Irri
gation committee of the Bureau pre
sided and 1£. H. Whitacre was the act
ing secretary. The purpose of the
meeting as explained by VV.-W. Cole
man. deputy State Engineer was to
arrange so that all may have water for
irrigation in spite of the shortage.
The plan adopted is the rotation of
supply, fields needing it most to have
it first, in the order of grain, potatoes,
alfalfa. 'I'll i s plan will undoubted
ly give the most economical and bene
fieial use of the water.
\ committee of five was appointed
to gather data with regard to'the
crops of the valley so that a system
in the use of the waiter can he worked
out. The men chosen were 1*. O.
Stickney. Pete Henrich, C. C. Perry,
Joe Borge ami Geo. Osborne. 1 hey
hate examined the condition of the
crops all over the valley, working
Tuesday anil \\ ednesday, and have
listed the various crops, deciding what
date each field will need water so that
a big head will he available when it
will do the most good. Tjie com
mittee will notify the farmer when it
is his turn to use the water and the
farmer must take it when it is turned
to hint. Any interference with head
gates or laterals as set by the water
conimis-inner will subject tlie guilty
party to the penalties prescribed by
la w .
Investigations made by the State
Engineer and his deputies at the head
waters of the river lead them to think
that there will be nearly enough wat
er to take care of' the crops since it
has been withdrawn from the meadow
lands in the mountains. Information
was received to the effect that pri
vate owners at Twin Lakes are will
ing to release five feet of water for
the use of Mason Valley farmers
which will help some. The offer was
made to the State Council of Defense
and the Food administration.
Cooperation between the committees
for Mason anil Smith Valleys will al
so assist at this time. The Smith
Valley meeting was held at Welling
ton. Friday evening of last week. Char
les Day. presiding, at id D. C. Simp
son. 'eeretary. The 'jme action was
taken there, the working committee
being Fred Fulstone, W. L. Klackwell
11. C. Jessen, Geo. McVicar and Lige
Dftfkingon. They have completed
their examination and listed the plac
es, the water has been turned in from
the upland meadows and Smith Val
ley is going to save every acre of
grain, potatoes and alfalfa there is
This Committee had finished the
survey of 75(1 acres Thursday night
anft had found the potato crops all
in good Condition except under the
Tunnel Ditch in Missouri Flat, which
are now suffering. Grain is not in
danger. The good condition of the
crops is ilue to the fact that the potato
men have used ri.e wat.tr belonging to
the alfalfa men. some <>i whom have
had no water for garden and stock.
The water commissioners have been
very lenient with them.
The committee will finish the sur
vey at once and will make recommend
ation.- to State Engineer Case and to
the State Council of Defense regard
ing the situation and needs of the
' farmers.
i s. -
»• <•
Mr.-. James Jones, sister of Mi
Lillie Tailleur. returned "to her lioute
in ( fakland last w eek.
The Harris family will move to
Reflo in the near future. Their new
home will be at 629 Lake Street.
Messrs. Krnest and Mason John-*
■ton of Yerington. were in«to\vii this
week ay ending to their bees here.
Miss Isabel Rising returned from
Reno Monday morning where she
lias been attending Summer School at
the University of Nevada.
Mrs, Pete Quilici received the sad
news of her father's death Sunday
night, at Le ROy. Kansas. - Mrs. Quil
ici has the sympathy of her many
friends here.
The Quilici home was the scene of
a very pleasant dinner party last week
with the visiting soldiers from Camp
Winfield Scott as the honored gue>t
This was one of the pleasantest af
fainrs for the soldiers during their
stay in Dayton.
Another picnic was held live miles
_ <f •*
down the River Wednesday night.
A halt was put on cake- and good
old-fashioned ginger-bread substitut
ed. Kvery one had a line time and
these little "get-together" parties
make life more worth while. .
j \ dinner party was held at the Har
ris home. July 28 when the Misse
I Rose and Gertrude Harri- presided
I as hostesses to a number of their
! friends. Those present were Misse's
Thelma llratin. Louise Adams. Kdith
Harri-, Mr. Ernest Sanders and Pri
vate Prank Yates of Fort \\ in held
Johnny Stewart, better known as
"Johnny Stewpot” by the children of
Dayton, was believed to have been
killed by Indians Sunday.. The old
Indian disappeared that day, and noth
ing was seen of him until Wednesday
.when hi- body was found with the
skull crushed in. There has been con
siderable quarreling among the In
dians lately and it would be a good
idea for people to be on the lookout
for the sellers of whiskey to these red
The following candidates have tiled
their declarations with Clerk \lcLeod ,
and will seek nominations for the des- j
ignated offices at the primary election j
September .1.
C. C. Tidd. Assembly.
C. .1. Guild. District Attorney.
Rucl K. I.othrop, Assessor.
\V. 1,. l.amkin. Sheriff.
C. K. Wedertz. Short Term Comini.-'r.
J. I". Barton. Auditor ft Recorder. i
I lemocratic.
Chas. A. Mcl.eod, Clerk ft Treas.
J. W. Fierce, Justice at Smith.
W. \\ . Cogsw ell, Justice at Kernley
T. C. Hart, District Judge.
CALL NO. 972.
August 8, 1918, Camp Fremont, Cal.
Ord^r. Name. Address. Serial. (
295 Guissvppi Quiriconi, Dayton 555
516 Herman W. Sayre. Smith 64U
404 Mcrvin D. Haggerty, Reno 77
704 Charles Harris. Kimberly. .199 J
7.1.1 Klizo Strugar. Hiawatha, N'v. 220
650 Roy W. Bonham, Yerington. 4H4
72X Clias. R. Morse, San I'ron. 11R
The Fuel Administration has order
ed the registration of all dealers in
coal and coke on or before August 15.
Everyone who is handling coal for
sale is included in the order.
Fuel Administrator Pohe has the
necessary blanks on hand and will
issue the ceuiticatcs for Lyon Coun
■ -00 ■ —
bEn pukishima loses son.
The infufit son of \fr. and Mrs. Ben
J'ukishima died of pneumonia follow
ing a severe attack of summer com
plaint, at 2 p.m. on Thursday. Aug 1.
The baby had hovered between life
and death for two days and finally
succumbed. He was only three
months old.
The funeral will be held this after
noon, from the home, Dr. Dixon offic
Ben is a well known and respected
business mail of this city where he
has owned the Royal Cafe for the
past several years. He and his wife
are receiving the sympathy of their
many friends in these - ad hours. They
have a little daughter about three
years Old to console them.
Xmas With
Out Gifts
National (fmutril of
Srfrnor Aitaisfa
“The Council of National Defense
and Advisory Commission have re
ceived inquiries as to the attitude of
the government toward Christina- buy
ing. Manufacturers and merchants
are flesirous to be advised at this
time in order intelligently to plan for
their Christmas trade. Therefore tTTc
Council of Defense and Advisory Com
mission now announce that it is their
belief that Christina- giving, which in
volves hte purchase of gifts should he
discouraged as relieving to that ex
tent the present heavy burden placed
upon labor, transportation and other
resousces .of the nation, and also as
being in harmony with the previous
announcement of the Council, urging
thrift and economy upon the country.
“Although these principle- involve
far reaching modifications in our
Christmas customs, they can he ac
complished without impairing the es
sential value of Christmas as an in
“In the meantime, manufacturers
and merchants should be notified re
garding the Government's policy, in
order that they may plan their Christ
mas stocks with knowledge of the
call which will later be made On the
general pubSic.
C. C. Tidd, prominent farmer of
Smith Valley announced last Wed
nesday that he wauld seek re-elect
ion to the state assembly from this
county. Mr. Tidd was a member of
the last legislature and has the ad
vantage of previous experience
and a good record to recoininen
him to the voters. .
lie is firmly convinced that tire
state ought to be dry and is a can
didate with the object of drying it in
. iew. The ratification of the federa
prohibition amendment will he before
the next legislature and Tidd wants
all of the voters of I.yon County to
know that it he i-. elected he will vote
for that amendment, lie is the div
est dry around here, favoring no kali
way measures and no compromises.
Mr Tidd liled his declaration with
the Comity Clerk seeking the nomin
ation of the Republican Party, lie is
the lir-t candidate for the office to
which two must he elected. It is
without thought of personal gain that
Mr. Tidd enters the light, but being
the father of a growing family, he
kcls that Nevada needs to he made
safe for the tising generation.
S. P>. Pray. Mrs. Pray and daughter.
(oi Ferflley were among those who en
joyed a couple of wfceks at Lake Ta
hoe fishing. They returned to their
^tonie the latter part of the week
The alfalfa crop is reported to he
excellent and the growers are con
trading at a good figure. \o ca.-e of
worrying over a water shortage with
the Fernlty farmers.
Geo. Bounty and wife returned to
their home after an enjoyable vaca
tion and fishing trip spent at Lake Ta
■■ ■ 'OO—
Dr. VV. R. Martin of Las Vegas ac
companied by his family recently start
,ed from I<as Vegas to l’ioche by auto
mobile. The doctor lost his way and
rau out of gasoline 75 miles from Hi
,ko, the nearest town. Starting to
tfvalk at 3:30 in the afternoon he con
tinued for 28 hours, most of the time
.without water and suffering severely.
He reached lliko and. eating a light
Lineal and without sleep returned by
automobile to his stranded car and
rescued the other members of his
family, who were suffering severely
ifroni lack of food and water. It is
believed nothing but the remarkable
stamina of the doctor saved the eu
tiitt party from death, o
Methodist Episcopal Church
Sunday Services
It) a. m. Sunday school.
11:1X1 a.m. Dr. John !•'. W ilson. Sup
erintendent of tlic Nevada Mission
district. will preacli* and iinmed
, iateLy after the service hold the
l-ourth Quarterly Conference.
.8:00 p. m. Song service cud a -erinon
by the pastor on "Religion with a
Everybody Welcome.
J. A. Dixon, Ph. D. Pastor.
Word was received last Sunday
night by Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.
Mollart, of Artesia. that their son,
George Mollart, had died that day of
pleurisy at a hospital in Washington,
T). C. It came as a great shock to the
parents as they had recently received
a letter from him at Cam]) Hum*
plwey,Va., where he was stationed
that he had recovered from the measl
es and was feeling tine.
George volunteered for service in
the army and lelt here June 14 with
a large contingent for the coast. He
was only nineten but was a big boy
and welWdeveloped so be passed the
examination at Fort McDowell where
he went first and was ordered to
Camp Humphreys, near Washington,
where he was receiving his training.
He was born April 19, 1899 at As
pen, Colorado, and came to Nevada
in 1906 with his parents. He attended
school here in Yerington with is broth
er and sister and was greatly admired
by teachers and students for his ster
-ling qualities. He was an obedient
vson and a loving brother. The home
life of the Mollart family has been
ideal, the.family tie very strong, the
children being rarely seen alone. To
add to the sadness of their loss the
family realize how lonely and home
sick he had been for them all during
the -i.\ short weeks of bis absense.
A full military funeral will be held
on Sunday afternoon from tile Mstli
odist Church at two p.m. Dr. Dixon
and R L. Waggoner will officiate and
the remains will be accompanied to
the grave by a firing squad for the last
sad honors which our government
pays to the men who give up tneir
lives in the service. The remains
will arrive Saturday night accompan
ied by Eugene Carpenter, who was de
tailed for -the service at Washington,
fl’he pallbearers have been selected
from among his school friends, James
Kyker. Clarence Kyker. Arthur Rey
mers. Stank) Martin. Lee Perry and
Frank Lucas.
Resides RiV grief stricken parents,
one sister. Elinor, and three brothers
survive. Warren. Richard and Ken
neth. lie was the nephew of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Mollart. of this City,
with whom he was a great favorite.
The sympathy of the whole county
ha- gone to these patriots who have
given their first-born to the tlag and
country. "I heir personal sorrow is
the sorrow of all for he laid down his
life for the cause as truly as if he had
died on the battle held.
To The Voters of Lyon County: —
I take this means of informing the
voters, tax payers. and citizens of
l.yon County that 1 will he a candi
date for the office of \sse--or at the
coming election.
If elected to that important office
1 promise to devote all ol my time to
the office, and promise efficiency and
economy of the administration of the
duties of that office.
1 realize fully the importance of the
office and will earnestly stri\e to ful
fil all of the duties in connection
therewith, looking forward earnestly
toward giving all parties a square
1 have had considerable experience
already with some of the important
duties, by reason of having served as
Deputy County Treasurer for the past
f ear ami a half.
Thanking the citizens for their
kind consideration of my candidacy,
1 am very respectfully,
Ruel E. Lothrop.
_ - oo —
The Charlie Perry family have been
camping up at the range ii» Hope Val
ley. _
' Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Week camped at
Hope Valley for several weeks en
route to San Francisco where they
will make their future home.
Mr. ami Mrs. Kreunite! ami Miss
Atida went to Hope ami Charity Val
leys by auto They are enjoying an
extended vacation.
Mrs. Ralph Tidd, sister of C. H.
Dukes, came from C.ardnerville with
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Tidd and will
visit in Smith Valley and Mason Val
iev for some weeks. Her home is in
Mrs 11 C. Dukes who has been in
very poor hea 1th for some time was
operateil upon for appendicitis last
Wednesday in Oakland. She has been
in a very precarious condition. Mr.
Duke- returned home on Thtttylay.
Mrs. George D. Fraser is recover
ing from an operation for appendicitis
ecently performed at the Yvrington
1 lospital.
Donald Gav, son of Mis V. Gharlebois, was
operated on list week, having his adenoids re.
moved, lie is recovering nicely,

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