OCR Interpretation

Carson City daily appeal. [volume] (Carson City, Nev.) 1907-1930, January 15, 1919, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Nevada Las Vegas University Libraries

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86076241/1919-01-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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rp,. Pk l J , i Ijstruction. Men with the knowledge of dogs, such as gamekeepers,
I hp LsCLrSOn LltV UCLl'V -rliiGCI shePherds and lmnt servantf, were selieted as instructors. The first
viw j rr dog recruits came from various homes for lost dogs, and many a sol-
& . idier owes his life to a stray dog saved from the lethal chamber by
PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, EXCEPT SUNDAY, BY THE NEVADA the war. Unclaimed dogs were sent to the camp by the police, and
rMCifi riJNL tUMrAJNX many people sent ineir pets as war volunteers.
"The best breeds tor the purpose proved to be collies, sheep
dogs, Welsh and Irish terriers, Airedales and mixtures of these varie-
Entered as Matter of the Second Class at the Postoffice at Carson City, Nevada, ties.
utftier Act of Congress of March o, lv "The doss were splendid. They would mab tlJr wQV thrniierh
a tremendous barrage when no human beine could ero and would
?1200 take a vitally needed message back in ten minutes over ground which
Editor and Manager
One year by Carrier
One year by Mail
r,rnn Citv DU Anneal is the real live advertising medium of this section I times, but went on just the same
as evidenced by its carrying aj larger amount of advertising tha any paper in "During the great German push in March a Highland sheep dog
the city. - . ' Iran about two and a halt miles in ten minutes with an appeal for re
I intorcements, ana by so doing prevented a very serious disaster,
Part of our line was isolated by the barrage, and thanks to the dog,
Walt Whitman's poem to Abraham Lincoln is applicable today when the a division of French colonials came up in time and saved the situa
casualty lists follow the news of victory.
O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done;
The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
Btu O heart ! heart ! heart !
O the bleeding drops of red.
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up for you the flag is flung for you the bugle trills;
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths for you the shores a-crowding;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning:
Here Captain! dear Captain!
This arm beneath your head ;
It is some dream that on the deck.
You've fallen cold and dead.
My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still ;
My Captain does not fee! my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
The ship is anchored safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
From fearful trip, the victor ship comes in with object won :
Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
But I, with mournful tread,
Walk the deck, my Captain lies,
'Fallen cold and dead.
"Dogs did good service in following up the assualting troops
and taking back essential information about the condition of the line
I and the re-inforcements needed.
"Out in the Balkans dogs were used as sentries, and one of
them barked the news of the approach of a liulgar scout when he was
hundreds of yards away.
made to the Armenian-Syrian Relief committee.
"When this fund is completed and assurances are given that
finances are in hand Hoover states that the relief organization will
receive the support of the new inter-allied world relief organization.
United Press correspondence from Strassburg says the Germans
don't want to have anything to do with the former kaiser. They are
glad to pass him off to the Dutch, and hope he will stay there, judg
ing from what they say in Strassburg.
The United Press correspondent mentioned possibility of the
Hohenzollern's return to a group of German officers. Their opinion
was unanimous.
' The ex-kaiser is 'kaput' and he'd better stay where he is. lie
will not keep his head long if he crosses the border into Germany
Alsatians who have been in the German army felt that the Ger
mans were disliked on account of the former kaiser. The attitude
toward the Ilohenzollern family has changed materially in the last
Formerly Germans would invariably tell you the kaiser was not
to blame, but rather the military party. Now the feelinsr seems to
have turned entirely against the Hohenzollerns.
William is forsaken by the Germans, either for the effect it has
on the world, or for sincerer reasons. The order of the day is to hold
democratic demonstrations and declare republics on the steps of the
erstwhile emperor's palaces.
Do you love dogs? If you do you will be interested in the fol
lowing, published by the Manhattan Guardian :
"An official report has now been issued on the exploits of the
British war dogs at the front. Hitherto, nothing has been known
about them except the occasional appearance in the war films of
some shaggy dog rushing desperately across a piece of shell-scarred
The corps of messenger dogs was the creation of Colonel Rich
ardson, the widely-known advocate of the use of dogs in war and in
police work. The dogs were trained at a war office school of in-
Don't be discouraged because there are times in your life when
you feel that you are losing your keenness, your ability to overcome
obstacles, your conhdence m yourself to master circumstances.
All men have the same periods of depression.
What you want to fight is letting depression get the mastery.
Don t dwell on it, don t strengthen it by thinking about it so
much tins occasional or increasing loss of pep.
Looking ahead with foreboding and imagining you have lost !
your grip loosens the little grip you may have.
There is grave danger in this line of thought.
Get up get out do something which will change the current
of your thoughts into wholesome channels.
Laugh, sing, play with the kiddies as if you were one of them.
W alk briskly into the woods or along a country road.
Breathe the fresh air somewhere in the open of God's country
and thank God that you are an American that will help you.
Convince yourself that you are as capable as any man by dis
missing the thoughts to the contrary, and take heart ; you are not a
dead one till you are under the sod.
In memory of the Tuscania and Otranto victims, the American
Red Cross has begun erection of a sixty-foot stone monument on the
rocky promotory, called the Moll of Os, at Isle of Islay, Scotland.
The memorial will face the scenes of both disasters. It also will
look down upon seven graveyards in which victims from the two
ships are buried.
It will cost between $G0,000 and $70,000.
In order to send immediate aid in the shape of food to the starv
ing hordes in Armenia, Herbert Hoover, United States food admin
istrator, has diverted a shipload of Hour enroute to Southern Europe
to the order of the Armenian-Syrian Relief committee for use among
the stricken people of Asia Minor.
Hoover, in a cablegram, also says that the persecuted people of
Asia Minor who have no funds and cannot secure government loans
look to- the people of America to furnish relief through contributions
Marse Henry Watterson may not be much on prayer, but when
he says, "God bless Wilson and give him wisdom," he certainly
knows what's wanted. Buffalo News.
The Dutch proposal to put the kaiser on an island will be all
right if the island is in the tropics, and inhabited by mosquitoes and
cooties and a volcano. Richmond News-Leader.
It is said that the former crown prince of Germany spends most
of his time with his favorite greyhound, showing that a greyhound
lias not enough judgment to take advantage of its superior speed.
Chicago Daily News.
Latest World News
Published Every Afternoon
In Appeal
,,. ,, ,, 4,44 4'4-4'4t4'l4''t'''4''''
You Do Yomi
In This Great Work?
What One Boy Did I
t ' i
t SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 11. "Here's a quarter for Ar-
2 menian relief." X
A boy not over eight years of age pushed his way into X
Armenian-Syrian Relief headquarters in the Mills building
X yesterday, reached into his pocket and brought forth twenty- g
five pennies
"My name's Frank WTaters," he replied to a question,
"but that doesn't count. I don't want credit for this. You
see I play with a kid near where I live and he told me how his X
mother smuggled him out of the country where the Turks ?
X murdered all the rest of his family. He told me something
T about how they are starving over there and I just want to 2
help. He told me a quarter would buy enough food there to $
keep a kid alive a month. That's why I brought it in and I
am going out to earn more money. I'd rather use it that way X
than any way I know." j
And Frank Waters, newsboy, left to sell more papers and
earn more money for the starving kids in Armenia.
t 1M tt
The Drive Is On Jan. 12-20

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