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DAILY APPEAL 'VOL. LXVI1. CARSON CITY, NEVADA THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 3, 1906 No. 271 i Kitzmeyer's Drug Store NEW GOODS FRESH DRUGS and RELIABLE SERVICE AT "THE OLD CORNER" FCRMERLY THE THAXTER DRUG STORE Corner Carson and King Street Complete stock of high grade perfumes, soaps and drug gists sundries. TELEPHONE ORDERS Receive Prompt Attention. 'Phone, Main 331. CARSON CITY, NEVADA. C H. KITZMEYER, PH. G Pro . DR. ALBERT E. MERKLE. Physician and Surgeon.. .Office over Nye and Ormsby County Baits. Office Hours A. M. 10 to P. M. 1 to 3; P. M. 7 to 8. vt)y DR. CHAS von DADESKY, Physician and Surgeon, Office opposite . the State Capitol, Cor. King and Carson Street... Residence, Judge Hawley House. Office Hours 1 to 3 and 7 te 3 'P. M. W DR. W. L. BERRY Office and Residence Dr. Huffakers Home Office Hours 1 to J and 7 te 8 P. M. . .o-o Jhm W. H. CAVELL, O. O. 8. City Nevada. Office over State Bank Trust Co. oo DR. W. W. GOODE, D. D. 8. flew Bank. Building. Canon City. Nev. Hoars and M. Thorn It.. o-o T. ft. HO.FER, a git for Fire. Life and Acddeut Polctes, Office New Bank Buil t lng, Carson City, Nevada, o-o JAMES G. SWEENEY, attorney -at-Law. Attorney Generals Office, Capitol Building, Carson City, Nevada. o-o . WM. WOODBURN. attorney at Law. Office north of Cap ltol Building, Carson City, Nevada. Sacramento Grain Dry Wood Petersen & Springmeyer Phone 1-3-3 2 T. G. FARRER& CO 'I FiRST -CLASS WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. Carson City , Nevada f In the District Court of the State of f Nevada, In and For the County of j Ormsby. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary Hopper. Deceased. Pursuant to an order of satt Court, made on the 27th day of April, A. D. 1906, notice is hereby given that Saturday, the 12th day of May, A. D. IWG, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the Court-rcom of said Court, atj i the Court-hou3e, in the City of Carson, County of Ormsby, have been ap-1 pointed as the time and place for; proving the reputed lost Will and ! .testament of said Mary Hopper, de-j ceased, and for hearing the appli-1 cation of Margaret Lloyd, for the issuance to her of Letters Testament- i ary, when and where any person in j terested may appear and contest the j said Will, and many file objections in j writing to the granting of Letters Testamentary to sa!d petitioner. Dated, April 27th. 1906. II. B. Van Etten. Clerk Hartson & Moran, Attorneys for Pe titioner. VSF Pound to Open The City Marshal nas received or-. ders from the City Trustees to em-1 and Perkins deprecated the intro pound all loose stock found on the: duction of the resolution at th?s lime, streets of thi3 city. From this date. The resolution was referred to the the Marshal will follow the aw to the; Committe on Finance, letter and all stock found upon thej Acts in interest of All streets will be empounded and re-j Senator Newlands said he offered main there until the owners pay the the' resolution without with damages. WM. KINNEY. City Marshal o-o TOURIST EXCURSION PARTIES TO THE EAST. Over the Scenic Line of the World. If you are going east and want to aave money, yett ravel with pleasure and comfort, it wi.l pay you to in vest our personally conducted tourist excursions. The parties are in charge of a Manager who accompanies the cars through t oSL Louis, Chicago and the Atlantic Coast and gives his personal attention to the welfare ot each passenger in his charge. The schedules are arranged so you pass through the world-famed scenery on the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad by daylight. Opentop Obeservation cars (something 'entirely new) are free to all passengers. Let us know where you are going and we will be glad to give you full information about your trip, the lowest rates of fare and send you free of charge some handsome illustrated books of travel. W. J. SHOTWELL, General Agent. 625 Market Street, San Francisco, Ca). o-o Dr. Curnow, an inmate of the Ag- news' asylum recovered his reason by the shock that destroyed that build- j Hay Yard Stabling Pine i Twenty ears experience as . practical and scientific optician enables T. G. Fairer to fit your eyes properly with glasses. PROMPT ACTION SENATOR NIXON WANTS CON GRESSC TO iOVE WASHINGTON, May 2. That the California Senators do not consider that there should at present be an effort to secure Government aid in the general reconstruction of the cHy of San Francisco was made evident in the Senate to-day. The question came up on Senator Newlands' reso- ' lution directing ttie Finance Com mittee of the Senate and the Ways and Means Committee of me House to .consider the feasibility ot the Gov- ernraent's guaranteeing bonds to aid ! in the rehabilitation of toe strcken city. The Nevada Senator uiscussed the resolution at some length, contend ing for the regularity of his sugges tion and enlarging upon the desir abilny of making the city a more at tractive center of population than it aa ever been. Both Senators Flint the Californit senators feeling that they might be sensitive on the quest ion af askng aid. Wnile he and those connected with him had been heavy losers, tney would not be beneficiaries under his resolution if it should be- come a law. "We propose to recon struct our hotels and finance the mat ter ourselves," he saa, and added that his interest was due solely to his interest in Q'e pacific Coast gener ally. Newlands said that he thought that as much as ?5d,00,000 or $300 000,000 would be necessary to ac complish the complete rehaDilftation of the city. He thought United States capital would supply J109.000.000 or Thirty Third Birth Day Yesterday Dorsey Notewares horse celebrated his thirty third birthday. This antiquated animal has been a landmark n Carson for years and al ways bore a good character for faith ful work and never shirked his feed. He is still hale and harty and able to be about his regular husiness. It was a fast friend (the word fast is here used not in a speedy sense) of the venerable eo.un of Judge Bonnifield. The Bonnifield. horse was some what older and has since passed to its reward. Mr. Koteware, is very much at- i J tached to the animal and for senti- i 1 mental reasons will not allow it to I be sold to strangers. i j On the other hand strangers have ! (timing the last fifteen years) attempt- , ed to purchase t. Even strangers re i i spect the age of this animal and I the sentiments of Mr. Noteware. ..o-o ! Charley P.arkeley of Virginia City spent yesterday in th's city. Prof. Krall spent yesterday in Car- moving the San Francisco stock ex son, change to Reno TheLittleRex Gas Burner Makes its own' gas from oil and takes the place of wood and coal for cooking and heating stoves. Clean and Economical, No Smoke, No Fumes and no Soot Fits any kind of stove without drilling holes, and can. be adjusted instantly. It is so simple and use -ful that no frniily can afford to ha without it hi exhibited for a few days only ; t The Park Hotel Sample Rooms ?150,o00,0Qu and private enterprises also would do much. He believed the Government would not be called upon to guarantee more than ?100 OOO.udO. Must Help Financially "A country that can spend $2u0 OnO, 000 in freeing Cuba and ?3u0,000, 000 in instructing the Filipinos in self-government can." he saxl "afford to lecd its credit to the extent of ?d0.ioo,000 or ?10('n,ono,ooo to help the Pacific Coast in its hour ot distress." He thought it could be done under the general welfare clause of the Con stitution. "The country," he declared, "does, not yet know how hard it has beeft. h:t by this disaster for not only has San Francisco been injured, but the entire country is affected." New-lands ?'-ed tor immediate con sideratlc:: c ;'e resolution. California Has Plan Flint asked for immediate action, saying that he did not want the peo ple of his state to be buoyed up by false hopes which dd not appear to him to be good. The California dele gation he added, hope soon to have a plan of their own for seeking relief from the Government. "We are asking many thing from the National Government," he said "and are not so much concerned whether the millionaires shall have aid in restoring then: steel blocks as that we shall receive assistance for the people who are asking for bread and meat." He spoke of the necessity for the reconstruction of the Govern ment buildings of San Francisco and said that he and his colleague. Per kins, had received assurances from the committees that the bills would receive prompt attention. Preparing for the Rush it is reported from Ely that ground is be:g broken for the large con- centrarting and smelting works of the Nevada Consolidated Company. A great deal of grading will be neces sary, and it is the purpose of the management to have the work well advanced by the time the railroad completed and the structural ma terial and machinery begin to arrive. The plant will handle 1250 tons of ore daily. o-o A Sad Accident About noon today Stewart Hofer the little five year old son of Postmaster Hofer fell off a fence where he was playing and sustained a conyound fracture of his arm. It was a very bad case and Dr. Berry and Packer of Virginia are attending to it. The littie sufferer however plenty of grit and is bearing up bravely under his injuries. c-o - J. M. Fulton has put in a bid for The Nye and County Bank CARSON CITY, NEVADA CAPITAL $200,000 t i-ranic Golden, Presidsnt A. G. Raycr.ift, Cashier and L. t! M. . t w.rcctors; i-KANK. GOLDEN, JUnn IWCIANt. ALON2Q ' Z LINE, T. W. KENDAL, M. URI B. INTEREST PAID ON TIME Geo. W. Cowing, Asst. Cashier Carson Citv Nevada Walley Hot Springs Hotel UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Rooms and Baths Renovated Throughout Cottages For Those Who Wish More Quiet Quarters. The Waters are noted for their medicinal properties and ere celebrated all over the Coast for their cure of Dropsy. Rheumatism and other kindred afflictions. The table service Is the best In the State and the meals are unexcelled. Telephone communications direct with Carson City and other long distance points. Livery stable connected with the institution and all styles of conveyances procurable. Private huntg and fishing grounds, owned pre rietors, open to guests In seasor Automobile service between Carson City as . the spring Insures a speedy and comfortable trip. H. DAUGHERTY. Manager. OFFICIAL COUNT OF STATE niKirv: STATE OF NEVADA. County of Ormsby, s. s. John Sparks and W. G. Doug lass beinz first dulv awn say they are members of the Board of Examiners of the State cf Nev., than on the 27th day of Feb 06 they, (after having ascertained frou tne Dooks or the S"tate Controller tha amount of money that should b In the Treasury) made an offcial exami nation and count of the money an.l vouchers for money In the State Tre asury of Nevada and found the sanits correct as follows: Coin 237,242 aO Paid coin vonchers riot re turned to Controller 40,911 76 Total 298,154 wt State School Fund Securities. Irredeemable Nevada Htate School bond 380,000 00 Mass. State 3 pr cent bonds 537,000 00 Nevada State Bonds 26,5,700 00 Mass. State S1 per cent bonds 313,000 00 United States Bonds 215.noa 00 Total 1.900,854 66 W. G. Douglass John Sparks Subscribed and svorn before me this 27th day of Feb., A. D. 1906. J. Doane, Notary Public, Ormsvy County, Nev. Custom suits and overcoats will be sold at reduced prices and reason able time given for payment. No advantage in waiting put n vour order and receive your goods before Christmas. CHAUNCET LATTA. . . VttV ' The Eagle Market. We offer you choice neats fresh ni cold storage as you please, lard, baco Hams and Boiled Hams in quantity to uit. von. pt?s and butter, su-jcth Oi'r nods aiv :di gt.od. p.r. u; in good itape. Our service h gi.-ui. our prices are good for you j Gives fcis your order for chicken k Ormsby d. M. Ryan, Vice-President. ent. 2 iEY, 2 Secretary D. M. RYAN, JAS. G. SWEEN TRIPP I I DATDiri a oo.jr-r- ...... t . ni iiivix I VI gv n d C L. MacDONALD, N. McLEAN, CURTIS. DEPOSITS AT 3 1-2 PER CENT. R B IWeder, Asst. Cash, Tcnopah J. P. Marshall, AssL Cashier, Goldfleld M. J. Hill, Asst. Cashier, Manhattan TOURIST EXCDRSION PARTIES TO THE EAST Over the Scenic Line of the World If you are going East and want to save money, yet travel with pleasure and comfort, it will pay you to Inves tigate our personally conducted Tour ist Excursions. These parties are la charge of a Manager who accompanies the cars through to St. Louis, Chicago and the Atlantic Coast, and gives his personal attention to the welfare of each passenger in his charge. The schedules are arranged so as to pass through the world-famed scenery on the Denver and Rio rande Railway by daylight. Open-top observation cars (something entirely new) are free to all passengers. Let us know where you are going and we will be glad to give you full information about your trip, the lowest rates of tare, and send you free of charge some beauti fully illustrated books of travel. W. J. SHOTWELL, General Agent Denver and Rio Grande 525 Market SIreet, San Francisco, Cal BV Notice of Application for Permission to Approoriate the Public Waters cf the State of Nevada. Notice is hereby g iven that on th 12th day of Sept., 1305, in accordance with Section 23, Chapter XLVI of ?S statutes of 1905, one Philip V. Mights and Frank L. Wildes 'of cif?oi? County of Ormsby and State of Ne vada, made application to the State Engmeer of Nevada for permission To State of Nevada. Such application to be made from Ash Canyon creek at Points in N E M of S W of section xOT15NR19Eby means of a dam and headgate and five cubic feet ner T 15 k r jq p .W of section 11. tA 3 E--' b-v means rf ? lurno electrical pp-yic. t-.. r t - ,,. . , )i-trtitii-.n i inc." , , '"."! "It re .1,.,. ' r" a -nT7u1etod on -; -fo Jun i. m.7. Ti e n-,t- :on or be-r- jne h 1!)0;?; ' 'aT 'so ' S'-rned; i:E:...Y THFRTEI.L. S'ate Engineer.