Newspaper Page Text
DAILY VOL. LXVII. CARSON CITY, NEVADA TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 29, 1906. No. 49 n APPEAL Kitzmeyer's Drug Store NEW GOODS FRESH DRUGS and RELIABLE 8ERVICE AT THE OL CORNER" FORMERLY THE THAXTER DRUG STORE Corner Carson and King Streets Complete stock of high grade perfumes, soaps and drug gists sundries. TELEPHONE ORDERS Receive Prompt Attention. 'Phone, Main 33:. CARSON CITY, NEVADA. C H. K'.TZMEYER, PH. G Pro . JjfR. ALBERT E..MERKLE. 'Physician and Surgeon.. .Office over Nye and Ormsby County Baits. Office Hours A. M. 10 to P. M. 1 to 3; P. M. 7 to 8. DR. CHAS von DADESKY, Physician, and Surgeon, Office opposite the BUte Capitol, Cor. King and Carson Street... Residence, Judge Hawley House. Office Hours- 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 P. M. foV OR. W. L. BERRY OfiSIeavand Residence Dr. ' Huffakers Home Office .Hours 1 to f and 7 to 8 P. M. ' . .0-0 D W. M. CAVELL, 9. O. S. Cttr Nerada. Odea cxrar State Bank Tmst Co. DR. W. W. OOODE, D. D. S. Clev Baafc Bolldlmg. Carson Cttr. Hoars f-U and ThoM It. 0-0 T. R. HOFER, Car Fire. Life and Accident Polcles, Office New Bank BuHi- lag. Canon City, Nerada. JAMES Q. 8WEENEY, attorney -at-Law. Attorney Generals Office. CaDltol Building, Carson City, Nevada. 0-0 WM.WOODBURN. attorney at Law. Office north of Cap itol Building, Carson City, Nerada. I i Sacramento Grain Dry Wood 1 Petersen & Springmeyer Phone 1-3-3 S T. Q. FARRER & CO First - watch : and jewelry repairing. Carson City, Nev ada TOURIST EXCURSION PARTIES TO I THE EAST. I Over the Scenic Line of the World. If you are going east and want to I save money, yett ravel with pleasure j and comfort, it wi.l pay you to ln j vest our personally conducted tourist i -excursions. - The parties are in charge ui i manager wno accompanies tne cars through t oSt. Lioui3, Chicago and the Atlantic Coast and gives his personal attention to the welfare of each passenger in his charge. The schedules are arranged so you pass thiough the world-famed scenery on the Denser and Rio Grande Railroad by daylight. Opentop Obeservation cars (something entirely new) are free to all passengers. Let us know where you are going and we will be glad to give you full information I about your trip, the lowest rates of I fare and send you free of charge some W. J. SHOTWELL, General Agent. 625 Market Street, San Francisco, Ca.). o-o Lost A gold mounted hair comb, finder please leave at this offic eand receive reward. 0-0 SALESMEN Sell our ?20 Soda Fountains; make 510 on every sale; collect own commissions; act quick; write for particulars. J. B. FOX tc Co.. La Salle St. Chicago. 0-0 Flowers For Decoration Day . Lovely carnations, lilies, rose-buds, gladiolas etc.. and choice evergreens anly $2 per box, C. O. D.. Write now. . . MRS. F. RILEY, (Box 95.) FruitTale, CaL o-o In the District Court ef the State of Nevada, In and Fohe County of Ormsby. In the Matter of the Bstate of Mary Hopper. Deceased. Pursuant to an order of saM Court, made on the 7th day of April. A. D. 1906, notice Is hereby given that Saturday, the 12th day of May. A. D. 1906. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. at the Court-room of said Court, at the Court-house, In the City of Carson, County of Ormsby. hare been ap pointed as the time and place for proving the reputed lost Will and testament of said Mary Hopper, de ceased, and for hearing the appli cation of Margaret Lloyd, for the Issuance to her of Letters Testament ary, when and where trtiy person In terested may appear and contest the said Will, and many file objections hi writing to the granting of Letters Testamentary to said petitioner. Dated. April 27th. 1906. H. B. Van Etten. Clerk Hartson & Moran, Attorneys for Pe titioner. Hay Yard Uoi, Stabling QV Pine Twenty ears experience as . i practical and scientific optician enables 'T. G; Farrer to fit your eyes properly with glasses. STATE CLAIMS The following Bids have been al lowed by the State Board of Exam iners. -) State Prison Rev. H. H. McCreery, Chap. ...10 00 Rev. F. W. Llyod, Chap 10 00 Rev. H. A. R. Ramsay, Chap. .10 00 Rev. D. Gartland, Chap 10 00 Christian Endeavors, services ..10 o Jas. Raycaft, stablinc 15 tj'j T. R. Gen. KIppt. Cn lie-in . ..TT .0 Dr. A. Huffaker, phsician ; 0- j J. M. Benton, ice 20 t.0 Geo. F. Vonderhyde, supplies ...12 95 j id. UUUJU5LUU, buutrs o t v Eagle Market, fish 10 3o j J. E. Richardson, supplies 1 1:5 Davey & Maish supplies ....55 'Jo Geo. Bath, grain 57 41 j S. Nev. W. & L. Co., lumber ...2S ).: Leete & Leary, supplies It Oo j Emil Petersen, grain 50 24 1 Ed. J. Walsh, supplies 2 Oo j Cushing & Kramer, supplies 2' CO i Otto T. Shultz, fish 11 10: S. G. Lamb, transp 47 50 C. P. Farrell, transp 10 00: Gr. Am. Imp. Tea Co., supplies 1 oO j Ross Lewers, supplies 5 25 W. H. Chedic, meat 241 3 I Meyers Merc. Co., mdse 479 90 i C. L. Kitzmeyer, supplies 40 25 T. R. Gen. Elect. Co., supplies ... 30 C H. Maish, supplies 6 00 E. D. Sweeney, wood 342 00 Sunset Tele. Co., telephone ... 6 S5 V. & T. Ry. Co., supplies 22 9 Carson Brewing Co., malt 4 50 Wm. M. Smith, grain 33 24 Salary, officers and guards ...1426 70 J. L. Considine. sundries 61 00 W. U. Tel'gh. co., telegraph ... 25 Total 3213 92 Meyers Merc. co. mdse. 44 96 Salary, lards 178 00 Total 222 f6 Meyers Merc. Co., mdse. .. 15 39 Salary, guard 60 00 Total 75 39 Orphans Home Employees, salary 421 60 H. Levy, mdse 171 25 ! I. Goldstein, mdse 19 ,0 M w wiar tatiOTO o n Davey & Maish. mdse. ...... .1260 r. v r-ntto iiv n..A o lft Eagle Market, mdse ..'sbs Stat. & Nov. Co.. desks 463 65 J. E. Ricnardson, mdse 4 00 O T Snhui? moat ct i : T. Schulz, meat 67 15 Grey Reid Wright, dry goods ... 19 90 J. Kelly Co., mdse 9 r0 Emporium, clothing . . ...... .31 80 E. J. Walsh, groceries ....... 21S 9 Meyers Merc. Co. mdse 20 27 J. Piatt, clothing ..... 2 00 Cusuing & Kramer, fountain ...23 50 E. Burlington, shoes 15 SO a. j. iviniaru, a o Tea Co., mdse . ..11 30 Emil Petersen, hay : ....75 98 C. L. Kitzmeyer supplies 75 Hop Wah Yuen vegetables 3 00 H. Heidenrevch, carpentering ... 4 Zo F. W. Day, dry goods ,.17 J. Morris, dry goods ..96 00 Mrs. Johnson, janiter .......... 7 50 H. Millard, washing ...50 X J. W. Robinson, spuds 10 40 Joe Josephs, misl T 6 CO Sunset Telephone, telephone ... 1 50 Electi Light Co., light and power 40 00 J. M. Hagerty, repairing shoes .11 50 M. J. Blackwell, seed'ng field ... 8 00 Jo. Sullivan, salary 85 00 Total 197tt 99 The Eagle Choicest of Fnesh and Cured Meats Cold storage and fresh meats received daily Fam ily and hotel trade supplied in any quantity . Game, Fish and Smoked Meats a Specialty p - o Ring up phone 81 for quick serviced o V o New Buiding Fund V. B. Cross, repairing house ..95 81 General Claims i G. H. True traveling exp 223 60 Claude Smith, asst. engineer ...100 00 Henry Thurtell, expenses 193 03 I. W. O'Rurke. Fph. VptArin isn nn ! I. W. O'Rourke, March eterin 150 00 j John M. Porterfield, labor 58 00 j M. A. Murphy, traveling exp. . .3' 00 j Mrs. Lopez, labor 50 "am - roii wnitney Co., Keport ..3 00 Kl- arn, care water works . 8 00 W- u- TeI- Co- servces 17 o0 Chas Crippen, sprinkling H -5 T- R- G- E- Co lights 25 00 Marchie Kelley, labor . P. J. McMahon labor P. J. McMahon, labor . Ilirsch Harris, srvices . .7 50 42 00 27 00 ....125 CO M. Y. Wiard, supplies 1 40 Stat. & Nov. Co. supplies 20 Co Peter Breen, trveling evp !3 -0 M. D. Note ware, services 125 0) Wm. Anderson, labor 3 70 M. L. Catlin, hauling 5 oo Carson Coal Gas Co., light 15 90 Louis McCarty, books ....28 00 J. B. Benning, laoor 12' 00 V. & T. R. R. Co., supplies 2 o0 J. M. Benton, ice 26 00 J. M. Benton horse 3 Oo V. M. Fr-'.o-ire'-ch. labor 30 00 Industrie ' " :v for ulind 75 00 F. H. Nash, advertising 20 00 D. T. Smith Principal Virginia School of Mines, March, April 200 00 I. M. O'Rourke, Veterian 150 00 Total 1983 15 General Claims J. E. Wilson, labor ...18 00 G. J. Guiman, labor 12 00 August Berning, labor 60 00 Total 90 00 Compiling Nevada Report W. G. Douglass 700 00 Nevada State Library Carson Stat. & Nov. Co 18 60 J. M. Davis 45 38 J. Poujade 83 60 Total 147 58 New Library Building Burke, labor 150 00 n ! uurK roiners ec anan won- tractor 2500 00 r Total 2655 00 Printing Office Claims i Louis p- McCarty 3 50 Morning Appeal 50 CO ! Labor 25 00 Labor 25 50 Sunset Tel. & Tel. Co 1 75 Carson Coal Gas Co 11 10 Labor 219 25 Labor '.72 55 Will U. Mackey 80 00 Total 743 65 EXCURSION RATES EAST On June 6th and 7th, July 2nd and 3rd, August 7th4 8th and 9th, and September 8th and 9th, special low round trip rates will be in effect to all 5 I noints East, final returning limit 90 days, but not later than October 31st. Colorado Common Po'nts ? 55 oO Missouri River CO 00 Mississippi River 60 00 Chicago 72 50 Washington and Baltimore 107 00 New York i .'.' 108 50 j For particulars see any Agent, or address, D. S. TAGGART F. A. Reno. Nevada. P, A.. Reno. Nevada., D. F. & P. A.. Reno. Nevada J5 Market The Nye and County Bank CARG0N CITY, NEVADA CAPITAL 5209,000 Frank Golden, President D. M. Ryan, Vice-President A. G. Raycr.ift, Cashier and Secretary Directors: FRANK GOLDEN, D. M. RYAN, JAS. G. SWEENF.Y, JOHN McKANE, ALONZO TRIPP, !. L. PATRICK M. SCH EE LINE, T. W. KENDAL, M. L. MacDONALD, N. McLEAN, URI B. CURTIS. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS AT 3 1-2 PER CENT. Geo. W. Cowing, Asst. Cashier Carson City Neva ia R B Meder. Asst. Cash. Tcnonah J. ' M. At The Mecklenberg 4 year-old Stallion RFRf.FR imported by Governor Sparks LIIJ1 from oideubeg. Germany, reach ing tho Alamo Ranch about a year ago. This stallion bears the seal of the German Gevern ment. Stands i6 hands. Weight 1500 lbs, Color; Seal Brown. This breed is used by the German Government for military purposes'and considered the best adapted for coach and farm purposes. At stud at James Raycraft's stable, Carson City, Nevada, and also at Gardnerville, Nevada for the next ten days FEE $25.00 INSURED OFFICIAL COUNT OF STATE FUN OS. STATE OF NEVADA. County of Ormsby, a. s. Joan Sparks aad James G. Sweeney, being duly sworn, severally say tbey are members of the Board of Examiners of the State of Nov., that on the 28th day of Apr '06 they, (after having ascertained frota the books of the State Controller tha amount of money that should be In the Treasury) made an offcial exami nation and count of the money and vouchers for money In the State Tre asury of Nevada and found the santo correct as follows: Coin 276,293 43 Paid coin vonchers not re turned to Controller 20,649 49 Total 296.942 S'2 State School Fund Securities. Irredeemable Nevada State School bond 380,000 00 Mass. State 3 per cent bonds 537,000 00 Nevada State Bonds io3,700 00 Mass. State 3 Va Per cent bonds 313,000 00 United States Bonds 215.000 00 Total 1,996,854 66 James G. Sweeney John Sparks Subscribed and sworn before me this 2-Sth day of April A. ,D. 1906 J. Doane, Notary. Public, Ormsvy County, Nev Custom suits and overcoats will he sold at reduced prices and reason able time given for payment. No advantage In waiting put in. your order and receive your goods . . . . . before Christmas. CHAUNCEY LATTA. The Easie MarkeC ' We offer you choice steats fresh ot cold storage as-you please, lard, bacoa. Hams and Boiled Hams In quantities to uit you, eggs and butter, strictly fresh. ; Our goods are all good., pat up la good shape. Our service la good, our prices are good for you. qivesMus your order for eaickeae Ormsby T P. Marshall, Asst. Cashier, Goldfleld J. Hill, Asst. Cashier, Manhattan Stud TOURIST EXCURSION PARTIES TO THE EAST Over the Scenic Line ef the World If you are going East aad want to aye money, yet trarel with pleasure nd comfort, it will pay y0a to lnree- tigate our personally conducted Tour. excursions. Tlese parties are la charge of a Manager who accompanies lue CB through to St. Louis, Chicago and e Atlantic Coast, and gives hit personal attention to the welfir. each passenger in his charge. The OUJeuuies are .a"anged so as to na. through the world-famed scenery on the Denver and Rio ran p.iiM by daylight. cars (something-entirely new) are iree to all passengers. Let us know where you are going and we will be glad to give you full information about your trip, the lowest rates of iare, and send you free of charge some beaati- fully illustrntort K1, . . UL travel. W. J. SHOTWELL. General Agent Denv er and Rio Grande 525 Market Street, San Francisco. Cal -iVS- NTl LAJJ?!',e?:,0'L Perm,;on ihe Ste ofieNevadarb"C 6f Notice is hereby g lven that on th rvLf WiIdes of Carson. vada, made application to the Stat Engineer of Nevada fr JSLS?J.???? o.?5opria? the Public waters of tha state of Nevada, finch . be made from Ash Canyon creek at ;i " In " K H of S W of 8ect!ja II, "? B;i Eyen.ofadam and headgate and fire cubic ft . . iu6, and sball 1m .!... before June 1 i9n " r w ore Juao iMg. iKuoa: HBT...T TBVRTBLL, iUtejfiaglaeoi; A