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DAILY 6 O CLOCK APPEAL EDITION sip VOL. LXVI1. 25 CENTS A WEEK CARSON CITY, NEVADA SATURDAY EVENING, JUNfc 9, 19C6 5 CENTS A COPY NO. 59 DISGRACEFUL BRAWL FOR OFFICE MASSEY, SUMMERFIELD ET AL EACK AND FILL CN HAWLEY'S EENCH TAKE CUE FROM JUDGE MURPHY AND DISCLAIM PERSONAL POLITICAL ACTIVITY Since Judge Murphy's announce ment in The Appeal in which he said that he would not consent to enter a campaign for the vacated bench of. Judge Hawley, the candidates for the 'ifT.-e have adopted something of his higu standing on the matter. ''''hen approached !n his office on the subject all Judge Massey would LHr:'011 alld 1 ruckce rivers and water j , , 1 I(,r any but small domestic uses must i say was that he is a receptive can-!, j iJe hauled, as none has been aevelop riidate, subject to the decision of the , . r t-, ! ed by the locators yet. The town- president and the good offices of his Nevada friends who may have in iiutnee with "the powers." Judge Massey felt that it would not be in the best' of taste, possibly, to consent to an interview on the subject. It is thought by Judge Massey's friends, however, that the Hon. Sar Jis Summerfield does not seek to control the political patronage of the great ' State of Nevada. Summerfield and Judge Massey are said to be on friendly terms, personally, but as be tween Massey and E. S. Farrington of Elko and Reno, if it came to a question of choice between the men tor the Feueral Bench. Judge Mas sey's friends expect that Summer field would feel more like favoring Farrington on account of his politi cal affiliations. There is little doubt that Judge JMasaey s friends look for support from Senator Nixon It is said by them he is closer to President Roose velt than any other man in Nevada They expect nothing from Senator Newlands. Farrington was not seen yester day. He is at Eiko engaged in trying a case in court out he is expected to be in Reno today or by next Monday. No statement consequent ly has been secured by him as to the report that he does not desire the appointment to the Circuit Judgeship. Farrington is said .o have a more than ordinarily lucrative law practice. The salary of a United States Cir cuit Judge is ?.(KM) a year, and the job lasts for life, or during good be havior. """'siflSl -o-o- NO BALL GAME SUNDAY As the Virginia ball team cannot come here Sunday to play the Capi- ! ?a! nine, the Carson aggregation has j accepted the challenge of the Dayton ! team and will go over to that city af- j ter the trophy. j The lineup of the Capital men fol- j lows: c. Meil, p. Johnson, s. s. George, lib Wilson, b Capt. Chrislef, lb Blackwell, If Meyers, cf Ashby, rt DeJarlais, Umpire, Beals, substitu te, Van Etten. o-o VIGILANCE COMMITTEE FOR GARDNERVILLE Gardnerville is about to form a vigilance committee to rid the town of the worthless characters that per- sist in selling liquor to Indians, lt is stated that life and property are unsafe on account of the drunken ness of the noble red men of Doug las county, and that despite the fact that complaints have been made, no official action that Iras diminished the abuse has been taken. The sale of the Yankee Girl mine, situated a few miles from Welling - ton, to the Golden Sceptre Mining Ho., of Goldtield whose president is J. C. McCormack is reported. The Yankee Girl was the property of Mor tis Mack of Gardnerville and John " Toylor of Smith Valley. jft S'Vu, 9' ABOUT RAMSEY Weils Fargo agent Tiekner arriv ed home from a trip to Ramsey Sat urday. A big strike was made there last week on the Woodchopper claim, owned by Ramsey. "Clark, another claim owner, struck a big tedge on his claim chat is wide and deep, and goes $01 to the ton. Every man in the camp is busy. No labor is to be had there now, and the claim owners have entered into an agreement as to the division of j work that must be done immediately, i each man confining his own to that required by law. j The district is located in the moun tains west of Stockton Flat on the Failon road beiow Dayton, and about 15 miles from tne old Huckland sta tion. It Is act mldwav between the site og Golden, it is saia. will have a supply from the Truckee. As soon as location work is done, things will begin to hum at Ramsey, tor there are great ledges of ore in the camp that will pro duce if properly opened up. Like all camps, Ramsey is starting small and many claims have been located by each party in interest. As soon "3 prospecting can be done, many c these will be realeased, or sold, and then the prosperity of the camp will begin. Tickner says that he looks for' a rush into the camp by n3xi fall. o-o ASYLUM BOARD BEGINS AN INQUIRY INTO CHARGES RENU), June 9. P. T. Ginnis and the man Freeman who escaped from the State Insane Asylum Thursday night, are still at large. Further investigation at the asylum yesterday revealed the fact that Gin nis made his escape in his night shirt. Inmates of certain wards are required to undress in the corridor before turning into bed. Ginnis fol lowed the rule as usual on the night of his escape, his clothes being found in the corridor showing that he had disrobed as usual. Dr. Gibson infers from this that Ginnis had assistance after he got out of the asylum. The superintendent thinks that Ginnis and Freeman remained in hiumg all of Friday night, and being fully equip ped by friends with clothing fand money, really began to put distance between them and the asylum beg inning with last night. Dr. Gibson says there is no doubt that Freeman was helped to escape by cm of the employes, or some other person inside the institution. He was heard to go out through and close one of the main doors which must have been unlocked for him. The board of directors for the state institution for mental diseases has commenced an investigation into the causes that led to the escape of Gin nis and Freeman. o o THIO IS TOO TRUE "The meanest corporation in the world is the Pullman Palace Car company. It charges excessive prices for the accomodations it affords and then makes the passengers pay in tips for the slight service he receives. It , hag made more money out of passen gers over the transcontinental lines than the railways operating between here and the east, but it has not had the grace to senu a sympathetic word to San Francisco since the Are. In stead oi sympathy it has steadily charged al the traffic wiu bear, ana its directors have oeen considering j the possibility of increasing their tariffs. They are a scaly lot." San ' Francisco Chronicle. A divorce from John B. Meldrira was granted Winifred Mary Meldrim by Judge Murphy Saturday morning in the district court. Petitioner was Miss Sharkey an dg-ven the decree 'without alimony or prejudice. CARSON MUST! WAKE UP QUICKLY TONOPAH WANTS POLITICAL CONVENTIONS THAT BELONG HERE THIS YEAR l Political coming to matters are once morf- utr 1:1 imereal. alia . the first show of activity will be at . .nr ul uie republican state j centra! committee, to meet i I city June I T . . this it is almost a foregone conclusion 1 ! '-hat the committee will order the j j stare convention held in Carson, 1 Tonopah is making a strong fight to j have it held there, it behooves Car- j (ii Cny thereture to get busy and ; ,uai. suuuju cuiue nere wunout a .contest. In the ordinary course ot preceeuure the convention belongs to j Carson City and it is now this city's turn In order of rotation. The sentiment cf the committee is I strong for this city, as many droad j the long trip to Tonopah and back, added to the long journey from the! eastern part of the State. As most j of the delegates must pass through j Reno to reach Tonopah, and Reno I does not claim the convention this year, it is up to Carson City to show the Tonopah people the error of their ways and bring two or three hun dred politicians to Carson City for a day of two, or three. It is money in the pockets of Carson City to get busy on this, no matter what politi cal beliefs are, for if one convention i meets here it is possible that both I will meet here. j The matter will be settled at the meeting oi tne central committee June j 2.' and as both the chairman and sec- j retary of that committee are Car- ! son men, a little boosting will lo i business and bring into this city. some extra money -o-o- WINTERS' MINE IS TO BE OF FERED TO C. M. SCHWAB GARDNERVILLE, Jan. 9. A. Jen sen, a . Gardnerville banker, has ob tained an option on the Winters mine and has gone to New York where he will make an effort to dispose of the property to Chas. M. Schwab. The Winters mine is one of the best known mining properties in the Pinenut mining district and is owned at present by a number of Carson valley people. It was a good pro ducer a score of years ago, but its title having become involved in liti gation no work was done on the mine until about four years ago, when j it was purchased by the .lessen Bros, j Since then it has yielded a fair In- j terest on the money invested. Should Mr. Jensen be successful in selling the mine to Schwab it will undoubt edly be developed on a large scale, and this country and the surrounding country will profit, materially there- -o-o- FOUR URAND LODGE MEETINGS FOR THIS MONTH The grand lodge of Masons will meet in Reno, June 11, 12 and 13; the Eastern Star will meet on the 14th. On the same day and the next, the rlnights of. Fythias grand lodge will meet, and i-ie Rath bone sisters will meet on the 14th also, all in Reno. On the 18th the grand encampment of Odd Fellows will convene in To nopah and on the 19th the Rebek- ahs will hold their state session. o-o Wanted S-tuation by two Japanese as cooks on ranch or in mine board ing houses. Competent, experienced, ready to go to work. Call or address The Appeal, or Tom Hori, at Sun Quong chong's store, Carson City, lw shortones ! Buckskin, Douglas county, has a ! J justice of the in the person of j S. H. Baker and 4o voters have form-! ed a new voting precinct by petition to the county commissioners. , Austin has a roulette wheel, the first ever seen in that city. j The supreme court has taken a re j cess to June 2fc. j The ladies cf the uelief Corps were j nanuv last nicrhf. tlw nnr-asi.m Loins the ball which they . gave to replen- i i.-h their depleted treasury. A large I , crowd, good music and a good sup-! per made the evening most enjoyable. P. C. Cunningham, foreman nf the. ' .. ...... cons' ruction gang ou the S. F., Rationed at Cnurchill, died Friday morning m San Francisco. He was run o er by a work train and both j-, were cut off below tne knee, Postmaster Hoter uas tne applica 1 tion blanks for the bids for the con- tract to carry the mails between this city and Glenbrook. No bidders have " appeared. j j ' - ". . v. ho went over to. in-! spect s eojper ledges on flhe j south side of the river near this city has returned with a bag full of sam-! pies. He is non-committal about the proposition until he receives his re turns from the assav office. Miss Mabel Stewart will be the so loist at the Presbyterian services Sunday. Til,. nlo:-, t,, I, uc ijiolc j-"1" iic uuui ; I of the State Bank & Trust company's building was put in place Saturday i morning and the building will be i rusneu to completion. Harry Kattleman, j reported. it is will go to Iruckee to take charge of the office work for Wells, Fargo & Co., at that station. . j Otto Schulz, James Sweeney, John! leira and Al. Livingston will go out to the Zirn-Schulz mine in an auto, starting Sunday. Professor Thurtell. with his fam-j ily, left Carson City Saturday morn - ing to take up their home once more in Reno. Colonel H. B. Maxson, the most perennial boomer that ever voted the wrong ticket, was in Carson City Saturday handing out results of farm experiments, with especial reference to the selection of a site for the new experimntal farm. The site is that previously reported,! at Logan. Lincoln county, nine miles southeast of Moapa Junction, on the Salt Lake railroad. The land was donated by Church and Cobo. SO acres in all, and lies at "the upper end of the Big Muddv vallev. one of the most fertile valleys in the west. In the Supreme court Saturday, Martin Lutz appealed from the decis ion of the district court, committing him to jail , for contempt. The pro ceedings were on a writ of certior ari against the district court defend ed by SamT Flatt Esq. Petition was argued by Wm. Woodburn, Esq., at torney for plaintiff. The matter was taken under advisement and Lut35 languishes meanwhile. An order for a stay of execution in the case Johnnie and Ibapah, In dians under sentence to hang was is sued Saturday morning in the state supreme court and "time for argument on appeal was set for July 2. o-o MODERN WOODMEN'S PICNIC The Modern Woodmen of America will gather at Bower's mansion Sun day, the occasion being the annual picnic of the Reno camp. Cheap rates have been made from Reno, ani many will attend from this city. TWO HOLD-UPS RELIEVE MAN OF $40 FIRST CRIME OF THE KIND ! MONTHS CAUSES SENSATION ROEBERS NOT CAUGHT The first lmhlun that has taken place in "Ormsbv countv tor manv momh. rr,,l.- i,n. 1.,., t, u- V. & T. tracks between Carson City and Empire. The victim was an Italian, unable to speak English, who was walking from Empire. When about half W2!r ,, ,.,-,, i ,a i,.. ...... "u ...o iuuu 11 uo m.lU3lt.U t u ruffiians that stood him up, searched 'him and took ?10. j The Italian, when released, ran To , this city where he reported the mat- ter to the sheriff. Men were sent out to search for the robbers, but they ad disappeared and were not locat ed up to this afternoon. The Italian was so badly scared that he could not the live an adequate description 6t men and they may never be found. The report created a sensation in this peaceful valley, where border day tricks are frowned upon by po lite society. . .o-o THE VILLAGE GRAFTSMITH tGoldfie.d Sun.' Under the spreading Graftus Tree The insurance magnate stands; The magnate, mighty fat is he. With large, capacious hands; The jaws of his big pocketbook stron as iron bauds. Hjg hair .g whj te, his eyes are bright With philanthropic plan; For virtue's sake he tries to maife A million, if he can; -r ,,.. ,..,.i (Save the committeeman.) Week week'out Irom ten t0 three You near the wheels turn round In his big mill, whose money cogs j Give forth a gohien sound (The pulp you see is folks like me Who have been duly ground.) Policy holders with meir "dough" ! I-ok in at the open door; They love to read statistics and To hear (he lug wheels roar. But some with "tin" who venture Are never heard of more. He goes on Sunday to the church And sits to hear it told How Paradise is paved with plates Of eighteen karat gold. i Tie'd like to run a Co. up there 'Sinve the angels don't grow old.) I And then ne thinks ot Dividends I (Though small) winch he must pay To Bome malignant orphans ot a Peeky widow gray, And with his jeweled hand he dries A gentle tear away. Scheming, rejoicing, sorrowing, Onward through life he goes, Each morn he starts some syndicate, Some one insured, somebody "done," Hath earned a night's repose. Hail, hail to tnee, my worthy friend, i"or all thy nerve and grit! Hail for one lesson taugi.. to me! With thanks I ponder it; j Hut-, when I get some dough aheaM I'll take insurance NIT. C. S. W. B. o-o SERVICES AT ST. PETERS SUNDAY Trinity Sunday, Holy communion at 8 a. m. Morning prayer and ser- mon 8 a. m. Evening prayer and ser- mon 7:30 p. m. The Woodmen of the World will attend In a body in the evening. 1 The district court adjourned Satur day, to sit at Hawthorne, Esmer alda county. Monday and thereafter until the calendar Is cleared for that county. , TELEGRAPHIC NEW YORK, June 'J. It is announ ced by leaders of the Independent party that its convention will meet August 1 and nomir.a'e William R. Hearst as its candidate for governor aiI aiso name a complete ticket to oppo-e those of the oitf parties. RENO. June I?. The partially de c mipused body of a man. evidently a' out 4o years of age, was found m the Truckee river near Sparks Fri day morning. Searcn of the clothing disclosed a bank book bearing the name of R. Lowenburg, issued by tha Henderson Banking Company of Elko. Th.? coroner is investigating the mat ter. INDIANA, Penn., June S. A col lision between a body of striking miners and state constabulary occur red Friday afternoon and three min ers were fatally wounded. SAN FRANCISCO. June 9 It is known that a party of San Francis cans to the number of l(jo j3 with. General Toledo's army of revolution in Guatemala. They are well armed and form the heavy end of Toledo's fighting force. HAMILTON, Ont., June 9. A ter rific storm oi rain and wind swept over this peninsula Friday ani houses and farm buildings were blown down. Wires are down and most of the cities in Ontario were without light last night. Some persons wera injured, and shipping on the lakes is delayed. NEW WORK, June 9 Miss Alice Kinnan. a widow of some means, was called to the door of her residence last night. When she appeared she was struck on the head with a blacK jack and was killed. SAN FRANCiSCO, June 9. Attor neys for defense made a strong plea for the release of Denicke, the man who shot an unknown man during the fire of April IS. 'me court has taken the matter under advisement. BODIE STAGE LINE IS SOLD Jas. Raycraft has sold the Bodie stage line, horses, wagons, harness lock, stock and oarrei to James Cain, who has been his right hand man for years in the management of the same. This stage line has been under the mijuagenifiit of the Raycrafts for years, and the sale is one of interest to every old timer in this part of the State. Rain or shine, winter "and summer, the stages have left Carson City directly after the morning train until the arrival of tne train at the de pot -without one ot tho old gray si ages would be a hock to the in- i n it a bit ants. Cain will continue the routes and will carry the mails aT'Jieretofore, the contracts for the same being renew ed July 1. o-o John Findlay Wallace intimates that he would call Secretary Tatt a liar if the practice had not become so common. o-o A Roxborough (Penn.) women st a trap to catch a thief who had been stealing her poultry, and trapped her husband. o-o President Baer of the Reading sys tem protests that his road is without taint. It is amazing what the "traf fic will bear. o-o The Washington Post believes that Professor Sergei Andreievitch Mour- j omeizeff, who has oeen appointea President of the lower house of Par- Iiament in Russia, is in a position "to make a name for himself." oo A telegram received as we go t press states that W. D. EDmond, husband ot Miss Etta Bulock of thl city, was killed this afternoon luf Goldfield. No particulars.