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THE DAILY APPEAL, CARSONCITY, NEVADA, JUNE 19, 1906. THE DAILY APPEAL CARSON CITY, NEVADA. Published every evening, Sunday excepted. I. G. LEWIS Lessee and Publisher. T. Q. FARRER & CO Sacramento Saloon ANDY TODD, Prep. TL best of liquid refreshments always on Up. Including Import: nd domestic goods. ; Good Cisara are a part J wsr stock. "ti " " First -class WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. Twenty y ears experience as OFFICE THE APPEAL B'LDG, CORNER OF MAIN AND 2d STREETS TELEPHONE Main 315 i practical and scientific optician 2 enables l.U. rarrer to tt your eyes properly with glasses. I i One year by mail W 0 Six months bv mail 4 00 TkrM mnnthi hv mail ... ........ 2 00 Toa never make a mistake at the old corner. Carson City, Nevada Per week by carrier 25 (Entered at the Carson Post Office as second class matter) DO YOU DO THIS Keep every cent you get, and don't do any thins of a public nature unless you can make somethjngr out oi it directly?' just decided a . West Vir ginia case, holding that, a railroad irust confine its business, to trans portation and cannot sell or deal in coal or other commodities. Will the sanctimonious Baer deny that he is daily breaking the law;" or that the Reading is tainted? The lobby against the pure food bill The present congress will go down in hisicry as the "dolittle congress," although ti e republicans are fond of bcat'ng that they belong to "a party ' las i,een too persuasive for rainy that does things". They declare that j republican congressmen to overcame, to stand pat is patriotism and to let i aiu the bill is "hung up" in tho in well oii.ugh alone is the acme ofjt(:re.3t of the beef trust and otiwr statesmanship. These anomalou3 purveyors of tainted stuff, claims will hardly satisy those who are plundered by the tariff and rob-1 bed by, corrupt corporations which a j The Fallon Herald has merged with simple law uxuld relieve. Instead of J the. Churchill Standard, the Standard "doing things" the republican congress ; to t3k tne Herald business, l.tis neglected, or feared, to pass the ! tt)Mt)n)ttttttMO4 Philippine tariff bill, the pure food j P30FESSI0NAL CARDS bill, the Santo Domingo, or Isle of j Pines treaties. They are still dally- j ing along on the railroad rate bill, J OSCAR J. SMITH the statehood -ill and the Panama i " Canal o.uestioi.t, both as to the type Attorney-at-Law, Room 3, Smith BuilJ- of canal and tte government of the canal zone and the temporizing lead ers are quibbiirc: about compromise3 on these important issues. The steal known as the sh:p -subsidy bill is ba ing pubhed as ore of the measures to coir premise on and it is . safe to say that should "the deal" go through tts who vote for it will have gre;U oifl'iculiy in compromising wita the voters to give them another lease of power. Oh yes, the republican party does tlii.'ics but from i resident to the most insigrific-ant kid and cuckoo congress man, thetr r.uiutns are much more filial ';:!t lUi-rter thTm the statute! bc.)k.3 w a record deeds done, ii-; " THE SANCTIMONIOUS BAER ing, Reno Nev.. P. O. Box 597. JAMES G. SWEENEY, The Eagle Market Choicest of Fresh and Cured Meats Cold storage and fresli meats received daily - Fam ily and hotel trade supplied in any quantity Game, Fish and Smoked Meats a Specialty o o Ring up phone Si for quick service, o o FLANIGAN WAREHOUSE COMPANY Largest Vehicle and Wagon Stock in the State of Nevada The latest novelties in Cushion Tire Runabouts always on hand. Bain Wagons, Deal Delivery and Spring Wagons. Also a full line cf Harness. Phone 253, RENO, NEVADA ttorney-at-Law. Attorney Generals Office, Cpltol Building, Carsou City. Nevada. Oiw W. H. CAVELL, D. D. S. ."arson City Nevada. Office Stato Bank & Trust Co. OV;r DR. V. W. GOODE, D. D. S. Tew Ba; Building, Carson Gity, Tev. Hours 9-12 and 1-5. Tbone ?3. T. ft. HOPEK, Sacramento Hay Y ard Grain -y Stabling Dry Wood Pine Emil Petersen Phone 1-3-3 Undertakers are sending in their cards to the promoters of boxing in New York and other eastern cities. It appears to he all over , but the funeral. ,i - - The co;il tiust magnate, George V. j Baer, who is constantly reminding; us tJinr hp is not as other men ara anl with r t a..t.f u al complacency now: inlurms the ruL'.'c that: "If all the ra lroils were fiee from taint as the lioaJin.; there k uld be no railroad investigation fleering over the coun-to--'ay" is i:adins on dangerous gro'in 1 au.l his trtn may come next. If our strenuous administration was doing its duty by investigating the coal trust and utitmacite combine, the sanctitt uiious .Faer. as head of the il legal coal trust would be behind the b.trs for in-law,' l'y combining with :I.ers to raise ihn wire of coal, one r,- the necessities of life. Xor is that the sole f.icuse for under the con stitution aul laws of the state uf Po'i-.syl -.-aiiia a. liilrcad corporation ;3 prohibited trrm holding any more land than is necessary for its actual busi- ,ent fpr Fire, Life and Acddev.t " PoicieB, Office New Bank Bull 1 lng, Carson City, Nevada. Chicago fight promoters are try ing to match Battling Nelson and Kid Herman to box somewhere just outsid-3 tho city limits of the Windy City. 0-0 -v. Carson Cemetary Water Wards DR. ALBERT E. MERKLE. Physician and Surgeon.. .Office over Nye and Ormsby County Ban. Office Hours A. M. 10 to P. M. 1 to 3;' P. M. 7 to 8. DR. CHAS von PADESKY, yslcian and Surgeon, Office opposite the State Capitol, Cor. King and Carson Street.. .Residence, Judge Mawley House. Office Hours. 1 to 3 and 7 to i P. M. PR. W. L. BERRY 4ffiice and Residence Dr. rluffakers Home ffii; ,-iours 1 to 3 ant! 7 to 8 P. M. Anything you want in the way oi nice pastry? Leave your order at t RICHARDSON'S The Briggs House GILBERT BRIGGSj - Proprietor- Cbe most Comfortable fotcl Serves the best 25 cent meal in the State of Nevada. Sample rooms for commercial travlers. Rooms electrically ,ishted- ' ' Complete telephone service to ail points South. Free bus meets all trains. Good care assured. Cor. 3d and Main Carson City SALESMEN Sell our S20 Soda ,' Fountains; make $10 on every sale; j collect own commiss'ons; act quick; write for particulars. ' j J. B. FOX c Co.. La Salle St. j Chicago. Headquarter! for Tourist and Conimc:c'a Traveler Notice is hereby given thai water has been turned on at the Cemetary and that no person in arrears will he allowed the use of water Until the amounts now due are paid. Patrons are. further notified that it is the intention of the Trustees to give a six months service this season, instead of five months as heretofore, to do this prompt payment by water users will be neccessary. April 24. 1S06 GEO. W. KEITH v Secretary and Collector. RodgerCrow $ MBioooeeuoiitt : C. W. FRIEND, Optician, "cU LJghtea Fr Sa.-npie Rood O a -r- V o e e m o o o Blacl'.smithing and Work. Wagon Hoise Shoeing a Specialty. Dayey &Maish GONFEGTIOWERS Fresh Fruits' of every season Ice cream soda and iced drinks Free delivery to all parts of the city. Country orders promptly filled Emporium B.. jck Carson City, Nfv icod Wcrk and Reasonable Prices. Shop opposita the V. & T. R. R. lTeIh Depot. Watches and Jeweir, also F.ngineerir.g and other sclentlflc Instruments, skillful? repaired 9. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. ARLINGTON HOUSE. stout & McMillan, Props Only Modern Hotel in Carson ONE BLOCK FROM RAILWAY DEPOT. Engraving : Done tYts examinea By tne most j Improved methods and al do- fects of vision properly cer- reeted. ? i r It i for Graphophone, Supplies. the Columbia Records and ll..K;':rc.jir, m.m:wi. ':! is; :a js.. ar m m. ..3E. jK:...m:..;3i:.''ai:'.Js;.at: je: MEYER'S MERCANTILE CO Successors :o. Geo. H Meyers Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Choice " Familv - Groceries f r - u , . t The Criterion REGAN EROS. Props, hnest Stock of Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars Only the Best Served our patrons. . F. J. Steinrnetz, .Drnofti; CARSOX, CITY NEVADA Stationery, Kodaks and Photographic Supplies, 5 Store op. Pcstoffice - - - Phone No. 121 'i 5 The State Bank & Trust Co Carson City, Nevada Capita I Fully Paid Up S200.000 Branches at Tonopah, Goldfield and Manhattan, Nevada. DIRECTORS:.. TB. RICKEY GEO. H. MEYERS, P. H. PETERSEN, A. LIVINGSTON, S. L. LEE, J. K. WOODBURY, G W. MAPES, C. T. BEN DER, W BROUGHER. T. .B. Rickey, President; Geo. H. Mey ers, vice President; J. P. Woodbury, 2d Vice President; Jas. T. Davis Cashier; E. D. Vanderlieth, Asst. Cashier; E. B. Cushman, Asst. Cashier, Tonora. ; J. Lindsar. Asst. Cashier, Goldueld' . C. H.. Wise. sst Cashier, Manhattan , . The Bank will receive deposits, buy and sell Foreign and Domestic' Ex-' ' change, give prompt attention to Cbllec'Jons; buy and sell Mining Stocks; and do a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. A SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT With over 'me hundred Safe Deposit Boxes has been placed in the Bank. These boxes are rented at" from'; $2.50,,to $6.00 per jear accordjng to size. Bank Money Orders sold on all principal places In the United States at no rreater . cost than Postal Money Orders. ' " . ' . The Stone Market O.T.S51ULTZ, FH2'7, Dealer in Prime Beef, Pork. Veal, Lamb, and Fish in Season Phone 504 The Bank ,. Saloon MEYER & SANGER, Proprietors ?nntr; Carsnn tr,cet Carson, fpra3a Thebest apportioned Private Card Rooms 12 the State 1 .' J ; , .Finest of Wmes,;Liqtiors and Cigars -' . -n . t -1 jt .. . . if"':!',