Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY APPEAL CARSON CITY NEVADA. OFFICIAL -ADVERTISING OFFICIAL ADVERTISING OFFICIAL ADVERTISING CFFiCS COUNTY AUDITOR. DELINQUENT TAX LIST :.a. May 13, laou. . 4 U'JOaa'j.ira ti I T5 tht Honorable, the Board of Cox j tv Commissioners, Gentlemen: j ii compliance with, tue it. . j . Lferis-xitb. submit mv nuarteriy re. ' p-,r- lowing receipts and dl-ir- j acceptance with tin t:eat3 ox' Ormsby County, auriuy I bavAi and r.h.? trust n;urtgage secur tiife. ojiat;r ending Dec. 30, 1905. j tl:e vir.i ?, ail c' the outstanding Quarterly Report. j c yer r.-t tirat 'mortgage bends Ormsby County, Nevada. j cure.. fcy tao Trust Mortgaze to tie cnJ. st -is: auarter j-'aUj . i -; Coun'y licc-nse S'J'j 15 7c the following cared persons and; :erms of tli-3 ! al property and rea! estate and the improvements thereon, 6r improve ments when assessed seperately, here inafter described known cr unknown: arcing, license Uwr licoaso I?3 g Co.-officers Fines in Justice Court . . . cf Co. biulidins ted. Inst taxes iiut iuaciii!i.e license . ... S. A. iport:o2.ment school O-liautrit taxes Cigarette license .-.; ;iai Co., read wcrl ; C. E. Hall . Iu37- 50 . .232 00 . .52i OS ..123 U'i . .3)2 Z'l ..lo:; i3. ..5424 4S is: 4u 42 3 U 'J ) 43 U'J 13 0j s ."-;:! TA" and 'i'rist 'co-nnany datei I January 2:5. 1'jjiv have been caller : for reijUi'V.iou, and will' be gall &t j tia or.ic the underslfaM at 10-Vi-i yjr c:'r.'. aaj interest on juiy 1st. 1906, ac fcicl: lit: latar'iat ;ii cease, j THi-; L...'L'. 't iTL AND. THUS! C'Oi! i'AM 'J ; S v; c- L'.-:il aai Cartas; streets i I'.-ui.ADELI-'i-ilA, Penna. j o-o ! T'ZZrZZ.V-Z FOR J "NCE AND COPING ' Fr ;..-:;:.;s 111 b received by the j S:a:e Ecard A Military Auditors 'o .T '. una :ur;i- a" ,.t:l ctr :jj an MRS. E. E. SIFFORD, and the fol lowing described property: Possessory claim to Z. of N. 'vV. It N. hi of S. V. Vi Sec. 10 Tp. lo N. R. 20 E. (ISO acres). ? 40 . The N. E. i.-i of S. E. i Sec. 'J Tp. 13 X. R. 'Kk E. (4- acres). 10 00 Ihe W. 83 Ft. of E. '2 of B. 15 Philips Div. (Dwelling I. 1030 00 Furniture $100.00 llano $i0U.00 " the property upon which the taxes are delinquent together with the j amount of taxes due upon si pro.i erty as shown by the delinquent i list for the year 1S03, as returned to this office by the County Treasurer and ex-officio Tax Receiver, ol Orrns- by county, State of Nevada, and is a true copy of said delinquent tax list for the year 1905. H. DIETERICH, County Recorder and ex- officio Audi tor of Ormsby County, State of Ne vada. o-o EXCURSION RATES EAST AUCTION SALE CARSON CITY, JUNE 11, 1906. TO THE PUBLIC: a.- Ricapitu'atipr. Jj. casli - Tb';m;i:ja a:i :-jr::zi J.-y, ::e ml : 1 DiOCK. ( Bear ai :1a i:p to the lOtn; 1 - j. - - ? Jxicl 47 Cj rchicl fund Dist. 1 10133 Cd. school fund D:st. 2 14 r. s.V:ol fund Dint. '3 277 SI--; 3.TSo.-r fu:rl D-t. 212 77 5:aie school fuel Uist. 1 ...OS"? S3 sciiocl fund D:st. 2 . IS 5:a:e school fund Dist. 2 7 " .A.?'.. Assn. fund A i,x i: Ay:. Assn.. fund B. :. Ai. Aisn. fund Spcl. It'y 3 5 "To. school fund Dist.l StcI .7::jj 2:? Co. schocl fund Dist. 1 library irs 4" Co school fund Dist. I iibriry ij 3o C?. seller fssl Dist. 4 library 0 3 o T.tal S:Ji:-77 17 . ,. " p- VA XETTEX ' woary Treasurer Oisburs;rr!eni3 Central fund Ssiiiiy. fund i :i;u. b;ni Ih or a cert: ' v.m of ona tious- :o faithful oerfcrm- "v.).-.:. i Pier.1; in :)..,:':t:ra'I.;:i rar. be had! - f 1 1 r ' 1c f I i n r c i j Pro;).t5i!s sbr:M be ailressei to' i. H. Day. Cler.c of the 3oard of ' M'iitary Aulitors. and enlorsed, ""pro-' uosa'.s f-r 7enee au 1 Copin;." J The boar i reserves tae rijbt to re-' .oet any or ill bids. j By order ;f the sika Boari of Mill-j ;ary Auditcr.-i. S. H. Day, Clerk,; Total valuation 1400 ) .bint of tax now clue 22 22 'o n?r rout delinquency - 22 1 C;-; -.v? .i-ins: vV Total S26 43 MPS. FAXXIE CATLIX. EST., aud tho I'clio'Air.g described p: opcUy: C B. 12 S. T. & S. Div. (Dwelling) ; 50 i oo The X. 14 ft of lot 10 i. ih S. T. L 3. Div. (Dtvelllngt .. 300 00 & k 10 B. B. Chedic Div. (Vacant! 25 00 The V. 35 2-3 ft of X. V cf B. 30 Van. W. k, V Div ( Dwelling) . . 430 00 Lot 1 B. 43 S. T. & S. D'.v. (D-.vel'dng) 700 00 On June 6th and 7th, July 2nd and 3rd, August 7th. 8th and 9th, and September 8th and 9th, special low round trip rates will be in effect to all points East, final returning .limit 90 d?ys, bvt r.Ct Ister than October 31st. Colorado Common Points 33 (! Missouri River (50 00 Mississippi River 60 GO Chicago .' T2 50 Washington and Balt'more . . . 10? Ofi T;tai valuation Amr of tax due lo cent delinquency C it o advertising .2075 00 . . 20 3 32 2' 00 ia O.e Ma:' .T jf 'h E?tate ct Marv H'-p.i-.'.. .b-.visMl i-'u.b'.i:.; tj an order of aa'i Court.) mudi on :b; -7ta day cf April, A. D. i lio-j, notice is hereby given that Saturday, tie 12th day of May, A. D. j i.ui, at i.j ococi a. ii or sa:a oay, j .4203 i7 I at the Ccurt-rccni of said Court, at; .2550 00 ) l" Court-hiusa, in .the City cf Carson, j r.vxaty school fund CO 00 County of Ormsby, have . been ap-j o. school fund Dist. 1 333 65 pointed as . the time and place Ior (Tx wraool fund Dist. 2 173 10 ( provias tie reputed Io3t Will and JT school fund Diot. 3 19 S3 ) testament of sail Mary Hopper, de- Tot JOHN BARRETT, and the lol'.'-.wi'is oi-.:t!i.,ed properly: 'ihe 1. 3o ft. cf lot 10 B. 23 E:n;ire. (Dwelling). Lot 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. S. & X. 40 ft. of lots 2 & 9 B. 2. (Hotel & Stable. Empire) $330 00 Cx sthoot fund Dist. 4 122 0" F.-are school fund Dist I 2011 63 F-ir-e school fund Dist 2 7740 0" Jfare school fund Dist 3 120 ) atf scftool fund Dist 4 110 U9 S. scliool fund $9 00 fix ac&eol fund Spcl building - 6377-60 Ti!al 1693S 42 Recapitulation fish" In Treasury January i, 1906 39-ys 77j tefs?itg from January 1st tr 5Ijrh Slst 1906 9104 81i !A$bnrsements from January 1st t,ii.rch.31st 1906- 1SD36 42 liiifircer c&stt In Co. Treasury April 1st 1906 3127 17 H. DtETETItiCH County Auditor o-o iOURNAL OF PROGRESS OF SAN FRANCISCO Tuo Southern Pacific company has xhtt'culy undertaken the work, in be iiaif of the entire 1'acine Coast, ot dUpollins erroneous and damaging Imyrcssicns, that effect the entire t'adiic Coast, growing out or the re-Uisasct-r at San Francisco. An aiuacenient is made that in this pub tc secvicfc ihe co-operation ot public m.a and. of the press is assured. While San Francisco was burning, vshi'i it was impossible to verity ru- ro tr lo substantiate facts, stortes rccu circulated that found their way fatw yrint that, if uncontradicted, will ini'are- not . only California, but also the other States of the Pacific Coast. Xcthing but the truth is necessary in point out that no material indus fwy agriculture, horticulture, viticul-rt"re-. mining, manufacturing, com uitTrcc has suffered interruption or tji'Tnancnt Injury.. A series of ar1 aics. peepared by men whose- reputa- .i.ts. command respect and inspire wvMeice, is required at this time. " will be arranged for and will . circulated all overr the ' world' by ffw Southern Pacific Company. The Aftwai will, la sympathy anu in jus aier to the stricken State or Callfor . fre tnem all possiole' publicity. Tbcir educational value will be great: CO ' Xnythlng you want In the way ol ': Wee pastry? Leave your - order-at ' tacsAROtONt ceased, aadipr. hearjng tie appli cation of .Margaret Lloyd, for tha issuance to her of Letters Testament ary, when and where any person in terested may appear and contest the said Will, and many file objections ia writing to the granting of Letters Testamentary to said petitioner. Dated. April 27ta. 190$. . H. 3. Van Etten. Clerk Hartsoa & Moraa, Attorney's for Pe titioner. ' O-Q COUNTY CLAIMS Clair-.s allowed by the' County Com missioners fcr the montn of May, 1905, for Orxsby county. J. P. Woodbury, salary S23 00 Cd. Reg-n, salary : 25 00 JantOj Eattcn salary 25 00 V,'. Kianey, saiary 250 00 H. B. Van Etten, salary 150 00 Diet: rich, salary 120 00 100 CO GO .jo 50 00 CO 00 90 !0 Total valuation 5300 00 Ann f.t tax now due 3 30 10 per cent delinquency .... 33 Cost of advertising 2 00 Total So J JEREMIAH BARRETT, and the fol lowing described property: L.ot VI B. 33 Lot 10 B. 51 Empire the W. 8 ft- of lot 1 & E. 10 U. of lot 2 & N. 10 ft. of lot 9 B. 2. two old buildings. Lot 2 & 3 B. A. Empire ...$50 00 ' Total valuation $50 00 Amt. of tax now due 55 10 per cent delniquency 05',& Cost of advertising 00 Xe:r York 10S 50 For particulars see any Agent, or address, D. S. TAGGART D. F. & P. A., Reno. Xevada Jo -o-o- Liberal Offer. I beg to advise my patron3 that the price of disc records (either Victor or Columbia), to take effect imme diately, will be as follows until fur ther notice: Ten inch disks formerly 70 cents will be sold for 60 cents. Seven inch records formerly 50c, now 35c. Take advantage of this of fer. C. W. FRIEND. V4 OFFICIAL COUNT OJ STATE OF NEVADA. STATE FUND'S. E. E. r.ob'.rt?, saiary . G. X. l'oisom, talary . A. D. Grant, talary .. John Savage, ;?.nitor John MtGill'.s Total $ 2 60Va HERMAN OLCOV1CH. and the fol lowing described property: The S. 13 ft. of lot 8 & N. 9 ft. of lot 9 B. 8 Proctor & G. Div. (Jewelry Store). 2000 00 Lot 2 & N. V2 of lot 3 B. 36 S. T. & S. Div. ( Old wash house)' 300 00 Lot E. 23 ft. cf lots 2 & 3 B. 16 S. T. & S. Div. (Old Appeal) 400 Ot. County of Ormsby, s. s. James G. Sweeney, being duly sworn, severally say that they are members of the Board of Examiners of the otate of Nevada, that on the 31st day or May. 1906, they, (after having ascertained frota the books of the State Controller the amount of money that should be in the Treasury) made an offcial exami nation and count of the money and vouchers for money In the State Tre asury of Nevada and found the sanio correct as follows: Coin i285,559 10 Paid coin vonchers not re turned to Controller . 22,292 37 Ve have been called upsn by cur San Francisco creditors to settle our balances, on account of great need of ready cash, since the earthquake and fiire. Only one way to do this. Sell out the immense stock of the John G. Fox store. All goods will be put on sale and closed out as rapidly as possible. As all Carson people know, the late Mr. Fox, bought only tli2 best of goods but he bought too rrany of them and we must suffer in consequence on account of the sudden demand for cash money. We have arranged to start an auction sa!e of these goods Thurs day, Ju-e 14 at 2:30 o'clock, (without reservation) and to hold two auctions daily until the immense stock 's disposed of or we can raise enough meney to satisfy the needs cf our creditors in Sar Francisco. You may depend upon it, everything in the store wi'.l be sold regardless cf first cost. When you come to the store, all you have to do is to pick out your article, an attendant will take it to the autionesr. ar.d he Will knock it down to the highest bidder, yourself. The stock consists of Diamonds, Watches. Jewelery, Solid Silver, Plated Silver, Cut Glass, Books, Stationery, Blank Books, Pictures and Picture Frames, in fact an endless variety of goods from one of the largest stationer's Stocks ever carried in Nevada. Sales will be conducted daily at 2:33 p. m.'and 7:30 p. m. and a ! special invitation is extended to the ladies of Carson to attend the sessions. Each sale, the autcioneer will hand out five handsome presents and as the sale will continue indefinitely every lady in Carson prob ably will draw a prize. The auctioneer, Mr. M. German, came here from California to manage this sale and will rVmain here until the requisite amount has been raised Watch the Daily Papers for further announcements. M. W. WIARD Total 307,851 47 State School Fund Securities. Irredeemable Nevada State School bond 380,000 00 Mass. State 3 cr cent bonds 17,000 00 Nevada State Bonds a,700 00 Ms. State 314 per cent bonds 313,000 00 United States Bonds 215.000 00 Total 2,006,451 47 . James G. Sweeney John Sparks Subscribed and sworn before me this 31st day of May. T. D. 1906 J. Doane, Notary Public, Ormsvy County. Nev. salary . . . . Chr-'., W. il. von Radesky, salary 50 00 J. E. Mack, salary 25 CO Carson Water Co., water ....12 50 W. U. Tel Co. rent clock 1 00 H. R. Mighels, county printing 40 00 Caron Gas Co.. gas 18 80 Sunset T. T. Co. phone 1 &0 A. .1. Aliilard, plumbing p f....9 15 Meyers Merc. Co., mdse p f . . .71 "' H. C. Cattlemann, grain p f 7 C6 R. Crow, blksmith p t' 4 00 Otto T. Schulz, meat p f 14 05 John Vv. Wiggins, hay p f 10 00 Ed. Burlington, shoes p f 8 50 Rasmus Peterson, road work... 36 00 A. P. Dority, road work 13 50 Emil Herring, road work 9 l0 Chris Johnson, road work .13 00 Alex Shearer, road wor 24 00 Job Smith, road work 15 00 Chris Johnson, road work .....18 00 Jas. Logan, dep. sheriff ..6 00 Meyers Merc. Co., mdse 1 KO S. N. W. ft L. Co lumber.' 5 13 Joe Rochon, meals co. Jail 2 60 H. B. Van Etten, cash adv. ...2 SO D. E. Morton, cement work ...141 '0 E. J. Walsh, mdse ....... .22 45 E. J. Walsh, hoopes ...7 03 V. u. Winter, sawing wood 8 ;R. J: Walsh, mdse "Londberg" .vS 40 lean R. 8rhnlz, school census. ..i wo Total valuation ...... Amt. of tax due lo per cent delinquency Cost of advertising ... Total .$2700 vO 43 tin 4 U2 2 00 ..$ 50 hi ASSESSMENT NOTICE You, and each of you. are hereby noli fled that the tax upon your prop erty fcr the year 11)05 is now delinqu ent, and you are further notified that unless said taxes are paid on or be fore the third Monday in July, 1906, to wit: July 16th. 1906, your property will be sold at the Court House door. in Carson City, Ormsby county, Stat of "Nevada, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, to pay said taxes, together with 10 per cent delinquency, and the cost of advertising, and you aie further notified that such sale will oe sub jeet to redemption within six months after the date of sale by payment of all said sums together with 3 per cent ier month thereon from the date of sale until paid. H. B. VAN ETTEN County Treasurer and ex-officio Tax Receiver of Ormsby County, Nevada Office of County Recorder and E Officio Auditor of Ormsby County, State of Nevada. Carson City, June 13, IMS. . ' Notice is hereby given that the fore D. A. 8malll, blacksmithlng ... u going list contain the names of all Jotto Dodson, plowing race track 25 00 delinquent tax payers, a description of Of the Prudential Investment and Se curity Company. Location of' prinv-l.t-.i place of busl- j .ess, Carson City, Nevada. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors held at the office of the comannv at No. 16. N. Carson! street, Carson City, Nevada, held on' the 7th day of April, 1906 an assess ment (No.2) of ten dollars per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation, payable to the Sec retary on or before Tuesday the 8th day of May, 1906, at the office of the company at 116 N. Carson street, in Carson City, Nevada or at tne execu tive of the company at Room 742. in the James Flood building In the City and County of San Francisco. Sta'e of California. Any stocl: upon whicn this assessment shall remain unpaid on. Saturday the 12th day of May, 1906 will be delinquent and advertised for sale at aoHe aacstoa; and anless . ment is amdo 'jofore, vffl bo soM on Thursday the i4ia oay eC m 1908, to pay the delinquent assessment together with costs of advertising and expenses of sale. By order of the Board of Directors CHA8. WILSON. Sect. Principal oflce. No. lit. N. Carson street, Carson City. Nevada. Executive ofleo. No. T42. Jamas flood building, tan Francisco, CaL OU think of snow capped mountains and coof, pure bubbling brooks with the zest of Bohemian Hops added, when you drink A. B. C BOHEMIAN BOTTLED BEER. TKE RjaTY OF A. B. C IS THE A. B. C. CF PaSITV. WHY WE CALL IT A. B. C. Because we go to Bohemia every year and obtain our supply of Hops from the best hop produc ing district of that little country which grows the finest quality of hops in all the world. We go to Canada for the best Barley ""grown in all the world. "We use only the best material in brewing A. B. C. BEERS UtfLOUtS. ""PHE only Beer bottled EXCLUSIVLY at the Brewery in St. Louis. Therefore the only Beer whose PURITY can be absolutely GUARANTEED. A. UVIQSTOn, Distributor, CARSON CITY, CEV. The complete story of the Great EXCURSION RATES EAST San Francisco Earthquake, written by 3 2nd aod 3rd: Auust 7th' h eye witness, complete set ot actual nd fth;, and September 8th and 9th: photograpaa. ft book, best terms, big T J?T ' ' In effect to all points East; final re- money. M are taking ; from 16 to t 40 order, a day. Credit glren. freight than paid. Complete outtt tree.Ix cents Colorado Coininon Polnta ..... 55 M for postage. Now ready. Free book Mlggour lRIver wm for yourself. Tha Columbia House. MtortMlDpl Rlver fi7 60 Chicago. Chicago 72 SO ttt Washington and Baltimore ... 107 00 Anything yon want in tho way of New York 108 SO , . For particulars see any Agent, or RICHAftSON'S address D. 8. TAGGART, D. P. ft P. A. Reno Nevada. S3