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s- sue"- ' TiE DAILY APPEAL, CAR80NGITY, NEVADA, JUNE 20, 1906. SUCCESS OF A BOY WHO IEA1IED HIS TRADE Hi THE APPEAL OFFICE TC fiirt SHAREHOUDiaV HOW ROEERT DAVIS. FORMERLY OF TIE APPEAL, OPENED THE FIGHT TH BFEF" TRUST. -o-o- What with the rale bill, the state hood, bill Panama canal bill, the Snioot case and other business. 'the senate conies mighty near working overtime these flays. . District Atemey Langan ha3 re ceived a letter from Hon. W. E..1T. i Deal it: which he stated that the i California legislature recently passed J a bill to enable the mining companies ' on the Comstock to ascertain who the . stockholders are cf the companies who3e records were destroyed and to .enable the stockholders wtiose certift- I cates were destroyed to get new cer- : ' tificates without having to give bonds Tfco last issue cf the EduoTTTTu j of indemnity by a summary proceed-1-ul.i'iher," a newspaper jouraal pub- ! inS in the superior court of the city lifched :n New Ycrk, has a full page end county cf San Francisco. Enter pirture of '"Bob" Davis, former! v of ' prise The Appeal, and a history- of what it d jsigpates as the "greaiesi scoop in lrrdern journalism." It says: "Bob Davis is known to cvtry newspaper m?.n in New York and to most of. the editors of the bis; dailies in the United States. His ;ersonality is not merely striking. It is vivid Above al! else be is. .h iitwTiaper man who wrote the t?g jrpsi beat or modern America .;un:.ii isn. considering the results whi:a tri- the exposure. . "It ns the story of "Embalr.ed iJetl soli to the U. S. Army during Ihe Spanish war. It was Davis wln exposed the inside workings of the beef trust seven years ago. Sinclair has written a book and put the facts in new form and the public mind is more receptive now tbwn w.ien Davis made his . first memorable exposure that resulted in the terrible story going to the world and the court martial of Gen. Eagen. i- "In 1&99 Gen. Nelson A. Miles, charged that the beer trust was sup- j f lying embalmed beef to the U. S.' commissary department.' and the beef, j J truss denied it. Hearst picked half a THE OPINION OF A COUNTESS London. The Countess of Warwick t6day admitted that she had sold her jewels in order to support Socialist candidates in the recent election. The countess said : "Why all this fuss about a few pal try diamonds a drawer full of Jew elry? It is foolish, considering that greater sacrifices are made daily by men and women who are giving real things for their faith, sacrificing time, health, worldly advantage and even life itself. Money or no money, social ism will come. It is only a question of time." i f SWISS-ITALIAN COLONY WINES CHIANTi, SHERRY, CLARETS AND. BRANDIES BOTTLED AT ASTI, CAL. BEST DOMESTIC WINE MADE .YOU CANT BUY BETTER CALL OR PHONE GIANDIENI AND BONDIETTI SWISS SALOON Cor. Wtst 4th and Main CARSON CITY f I It's a hot time literally and figura tively in Washington these days as I Sen. Smoot will attest. j i Kitzmeyer's Drug Store NEW GOODS FRESH DRUGS and a RELIABLE SERVICE AT THE OLD CORNER" FORMERLY THE Grand Picnic At Cook's Grove JULY 4th 1906 Under the Auspices Of the WORKERS OF THE WORLD Of Empire All Kinds Of Games and Sports Refreshments, Music Dancing A Match Ball Game ADMISSION ..50 CENTS The management will exclude undesirable characters I 4. V i! t i THAXTER DRUG STORE Corner Canon and King Stroota Complete stock of high srfumes soaps and gists oundrleo, TELEPHONE ORDERS Rocalvo Prompt Attention. Phono, Main U CARSON CITY, NEVADA, CH. KITZttEYER, PH. 6 Pro.. dozen of his crack men' to go to Pack- j , : .. . - ' ingien ami investigate the facts, but 0009000000000000 0000 9000000000000-909000 0S90M0 A tbey; all came back without any facts, j Z I f . TT A f -1 Sam Chamberlain, managing editor ; Jig iNVC H1& wTmSDV of Vhe Journal suggested Bob Davis4) . V' as the en? wah wfeo cottw land the !5 I iiitir Rarilr goods. Davis took the detail and was ten days in Fackington. Wheahe came out he had the facts and in such Kl tli.i tltsu omiU nt , iiuiuisianauic ivi ui iual iucj v uuiu wub j be coctroversed. Then followed the Investigation In which Gen. Miles. brave and honest soldier, was dis 1 credited and humiliated by the in-1 famous beef .ring. Sinclair, is t. now? using .the'docu-1 mentary evidence obtained hV'.iQavia, and the fight will go with the power-; ful Hearst newspapers . behind, it. , Dayis is now the right hand man oJi Munsey in his magazine publications ! and Ms strong personality is seen' in them an." y . o-o - r JOLLY CARSCa CITY, NEVADA " CAPITAL CS9gCSa . rrank Golden, ProaWtnt D. M. Ryan, VIct-ProsidsnL A. G. Raycrafft, Cashier and Secretary Directors: FRANK GOLDEN, D. M. RYAN, JAS. 6. SWEENF.Y, JOHN McKANE, ALONZO TRIPP, L. L. PATRICK M. SCHEE LINE.T. W.KENDAL, M. L. MacDONALO. N. McLEAN, URI .B. CURTIS. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS AT S 1-2 PER CENT. Gee W,. Cowing, AosL Cashier ' Carson City Nevada R B Meder, AaaL Cash, Tonopah J. P. Marshall, Asst. Cashier, GoldSeld M. J. HI1L Aoat. Caohtcr, ManhaMM FIRST CLASS OPERATORS FIRST CLASS INSTRUMENTS MAKE THE "(Tire." BARBER SHOP THE BEST PLACE TO GO ARLINGTON HOTEL BLOCK J. B. V'ttira, Proprietor ELECTRIC MAS SAGE APPARATUS SEASONABLE GOODS Screen doors Adjustable Window Screens Lawn Rakes Lawn Mowers Rubber Hose WALSH NEVADA BOY illy ED. J " THE frBVdBdaBlkBt - - " f t f PoPor W W W0Fr Ife000000ow00mmww0e0000 -o-o- GOOD NEWS FROM LIDA juuvrnrinri'i":r Jii"rtas-isjTrarrSrnnr-snra News from Lida district 4s . to the effect that the ramp is recovering j from the bank failure that practically! vipid out the cash balance of every , Arm in the place. m : - w ' ' . : k r i ' The Wisconsin -mine, is to e open- . dt up 'this' summer on an extensive scale, so it is reported and the new melter' proposition will, probably be carried out before the end pf' the . yekr. A smelter is an absolute ne-1 ' 4-ssity in the camp and plans , have! been held up for construf tioh''o'f a big one. Other propositions in the district--are 'bein' pushed with all speed. mm 9 i i ii BERRIES j FRESH FRUITS ' ICE CREAM SODAS V. BETTER THAN EVER FRESHER. THAN' EVER NEW. KINDS. OLD KINDS SUMMER DPINKS. ALL KIND 1 -o-o- POWER FOR SOUThET DISTRICT 'W, B. Searles, supervising engineer of the new Bodle Mining Company t wealthy corporation composed of Bodie and Salt Jake men, has arrive! j at Sweetwater. Nevada, and begun ;.J the preliminsfi worlt upon the crect- ion ora mammoth electric generating ! station that is to carry electric power to 'Bodie. Aurora and -Masonic. thrc Iage'mining districts In California) a. wl XTk& 11. n ' a-u S '. vt a ufrsittnlt ! ! ' Is to be uiHinoH theoast "Walier, ; i river and wiH cost Wer l0,IW.hie!B1 . (;mple,ted.;c,c,ordlng,to the ftjtL Plait JOLLY ; ' ' lee Cretin Psrlers Cigars and Tobacco Cest Ever Pbene yeur cnierato;K2aia 53 El RICll ARDS Carbon. NeM Bn ... , ; : ' W , V - 'J,-" The sign of the shortest line to LosAngeles Santa Fe all the way H',uldntUhtXKtllf uu the nd thmt ttia ! cltmr tknufk T Fine Summer Suits Have arrivrd and are in splendid as sortments. Thev are in latest cuts and materials. Prices everlastingly the lowest. Measurements tak?d for suits and fit guaranteed AGENT FCR THE CONTINENTAL TAILORS Iata Dl.itt "The Pioneer Clcthier" JUC IIcllL County Caildhig When it Comes to Clothes Count on Us I iaa, i jm. , - -r " A HOUSEWIFE FOR SOLDIERS , .... - . - . - Thewar weni tsient has decided to funlrt v.ry soldier in the-crmy wlt8i! a n. wieew We." -This' announcement' thoirh nr.mle with full authority need cause no flutter of Joy in the hearts juT the wMtln army' 'of spinsters,- for- the' "housewife" U nt .tjie helpmate -T.Bi partner that the boad of maUiatoa( gives to. man, but only a pari dftho; soMier s "kit", it win not exceed loer onaetaHiw weight and rwlU 5-ontayv assorted buttons, thread; Medics, safety pins, ordinary plas, and prae UcahM a pair of . small aefssfirs. j , . . .... .. .. i . i 4t-l I .'.: J, :pl m .j. ,y . -.! ...,-.11.' jfamaSKMSSSSgssssssBia I i ' . The Elo MarkeL We offer you choice neats fresh n j cold storage as yon pleaee, lard, bttco i Bams and Boiled Bams In ouantitlet to oit you, eggs and batter, strictly fresh. Our goods are all good, put ap in good . fakape. CNr servlco Is KDod, out prions, are good for -yon pives ns yonr order for cbickent 'll A ) 4 is p v'. V 0 Tltu; EMPORIUM The Ulu l-'rotit ' "I : 'Phone 41 Count on us for giving you the snappiest, most up-todate garments ever designed for young men. Count on us for selling you the best clothing made for the money the celebrated Michael-Stem fine Clcthing If you dont know this famous clothing you'll make a .most serious mistake if yeu dont be come acquainted ' with It boy this season.. .Comet young man, and see the New, Style Summer Suits tt $ToST$To- You'll find every new model here in extreme and conserva tive cut, made of guaranteed blue serges, gray toned worsted and cassimers In handsome pat terns; also black worsteds and thibeta in fact something to - suit every tests. Summer Haberdashery in the most exclusive effects for business or dress wear, at prices All the new shapes, made of finest quality straw, at S1.S9 to tesmrtv que Ormsby ' H Is headquarters for commercial travelers . Because it is central, good and clean. :wlth clean . sample rooms t - FRttE BUS TO ALL ; TRAILS v gpeciai rates by -week or month .Telephone, electric lights , , r t MEALS -25 ar . Ui connection J. ROCHON. PROP. Carson City, Nevada AHAPPSr MAN LT:t I Will Shj yCU el fnan ivho uses' the nion " - p- YvtHfi he travels S. F. Booth, Gin. Agt. N, i Moctgoznery St. ' San Francisco Pacific