Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY APPEAL CARSON CITY NEVASA. OFFICIAL. ADVERTISING OFFICIAL -ADVERTISING OFFICIAL ADVERTISING OFFICE COUNTY AUOITOR To the Honorable, the Board of Cos ty Commissioners, Gentlemen : In compliance with the law. . herewith submit my quarterly re port showing receipts and disbar ments of Ormsby County, during the quarter ending Dec. 20, Quarterly Report. Ormsby County, Nevada. Balance in County Treasury xz end of last quarter 33103 77 County license 699 15 Gaming license Iu5 Sd Liquor license 232 0J Fee3 of Co. officers 52 0 Fines in Justice Court 123 00 Rent of Co. biuliding 302 5') 2ud. Inst taxes 103 43 Slot machine license 2S2 00 S. A. apportionment school money 5124 43 Deliquent taxes 131 4 Cigarette license 42 31) Douglas Co., road work ....15 00 Keep W. Bowen 4 00 Keep C. 8. Hail 15 00 Total 4o2:S 5 Recapitulation April 1st., 06. Balance cash on ' hand -...$21277 17H State fund 713 73ft Gerferal fund 4212 23 Salarr fund 7 J t i Co. school fund 47 6i Co. school fund Dist. 1 10133 43ft Co. school fund Dist. 2 133 1 Co. shool fund Dist. 3 .......277 61 Co. school fund Dist. 212 77 State school fund Dist. 1 ...3353 S3 State school fund Dist. 2 ...216 13 co. scbcui iuuu ........Bvuv Co. school fund ttpcl building ..6377 bo TouU 18936 42 Recapitulation Cash ia Treasury January , 19jo 31'Oa 77 Receipts from January 1st to Marco, ilst 1906 9104 81 Disbursements from Januar 1st to iiurch 3 1st l'J06 .16936 425 Balance cash in Co. Treasury April Ut 190(i ...312; 17 H. DrSTfafttcH County Auditor . o-o TO ISO PAH RAiLrtOAD COMPANY OFFICIAL ADVERTISING DELINQUENT TAX LIST Tc the following nazred person and all owners or claimants to the person al property and real estate and the improvements thereon, or improve ments when assessed seperately, here inafter described known or unknown: State school fund Dist. 4" ' r Agl. Assn fund A 636 12 Agl. Assn. fund B 92 16 Agl. Assn. fund Spcl ..ISiVs Co. school fund Dist.l Spcl .7290 20 Co. school fund Dist. 1 library 103 40 Co school fund Dist. 3 library ........6 59 Co. school fund Dist. 4 library :':..6 so Total - 1312-77 17 . 3. B. VA NETTEN, )''' " "County Treasurer. Disbursements General fund ....4203 67 Salary fund ......2560 00 County school fund 60 09 Co. school fund Dist. 1 333 65 Co. school fund Dist. 2 173 10 Co school fund Di3t. 3 19 85 Co. school fund Dist. 4 123 00 State school fund Dist 1 ....2611 65 State school fund Dist t h 240 00 Philadelphia, May 13, VJUfi NOTICJS u siven to bondholders of the Toaopah Railroad Cotnpany that in acccrdinco with the terms of the bonis and ib trust mortgage secur ing tha sitne. a.;l of tte outstanding 6 c?a'; ::t ETr's? bonis se-j C'-rJ by the Trust fcu-tgage to the Lani Ti'le and Trust Company dated January 26. 190. nave been called for redemption, aad will be paid at the office cf the undersigned at 102 par cent aad interest on July 1st, 1906, i at which date interest will cease. THE LAND. HTLE AND. TRUST COMPANY S VT cor Broad and Caestaut streets - PHILADELPHIA, Penna. o-o PRCFCSALS FOR FENCE AND COPING Proposals wiil be received by the State ,3oard of Military Auditors to construct a concrete .coping and furn ish and place on said coping an iron fence od the exterior boiunary of block 2 of Sears Thompso'n aad Bear dl- 4 vsion of Carson City, Nevada up to 12' o'clock m..., on Saturday the 16th day of June. 1306. No bid will . be considered unless accompanied by a bond or a eertl filed check in. the sum of one thous- and dollars for tne faithful perform ance of the work.": ' Plans and specifications can be had of the clerk of the board. Proposal! should be addressed to S. if. Day. Clerk of the Board of Military Auditors, and endorsed, "pro posals for Fence and Coping." The board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. 1 f' ' By order of the State Board of Mill- MRS. E. E. SIFFORD. and the fol lowing described property: Possessory claim to S. of N. W. V4 & N. Vs of S. W. Sec. 10 Tp. 15 N. R. 20 E. (160 acres). S 4G 00 The N. E. of S. E. V See, 9 Tp. 15 X. R. 20 E. (40 acres), 10 0Q The W. 85 Ft. of E. Vz pf B. 15 Philips Day (Dwelling). 1050 00 Furniture $200.00 Fiano $100.00 , ... 300 00 the property upon which the taxis are delinquent together with the amount of taxes due upon sTT prop erty as shown by the delinquent Uc list for the year 1S05, as returned to this office by the County Treasurer and ex-officio Tax Receiver, of Orms by county, State of Nevada, and is a true copy of said delinquent tai; list for the year 1905. H. mET-ERlCH. County Recorder and ex officio Audi tor of Qrmaby County, State of Ne vada. . M- - Liberal Offer. AUCTION SALE Total valuation $1400 00 Ann of tax now due 22 2Zy2 '0 pr cent delinquency i.' 22,t J!.fet cf advertising 2 00 Total 126 45 MRS. FANNIE CATL1N. EST., and the following described piopey: Lot 6 B. 12 S. T. & S. Div. (Dwelling) S00 00 The N. 14 ft of lot 10 B. ifi S. T. & S. Div ( Dwelling 500 00 Lots 9 & 10 B. B. Chedic Div. (Vacant) 25 00 The W. 55 2-3 ft of N. of 3. 30 Van. V. & P. Div. (Dwelling) 4-'0 00 Lot 1 B. 43 S. T. & S. D!v. " (Dwelling) 700 00 1 beg to advise my patrons that the price of disc records (either Victor or Columbia), to take effect Imme diately, will be as follows until fur ther notice: Ten inch disks formerly 70 cent I will be sold for 60 cents. Seven inch records formerly 50c. now 25c. Take advantage of this or fer. . C. W. FRIEND. tV4 . OFFICIAL COUNT OF STATE FUNDS. STATE OF NEVADA. CONTINUES THIS WEEK The unprecedented success of the T ' i - m . M. W. WIARD AUCTION SAIE ha astonished the natives and the great bargains have delighted every person in the city, , r Total valuation S2075 00 Amt of tax due S3 20 Cnt delinquency .... 3 32 C st of advertising , . 2 00 Total ...$38 52 JOHN BARRETT, and the following ce&crioed property: Ihe E. 50 ft. of lot 10 B. 23 Empire, (Dwelling). Lot 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. & N. 40 ft. of ' lots U9B. 2. (Hotel & Stable, Empire) 1300 09 County of Ormsby. s. s. James G. Sweeney, being duly sworn, severally . say that they are members of the Board of Examiners of the btate of Nevada, that on the 31st day of May. 1906. they, (after having ascertained from the books of the State Controller the amount of money that should be in the Treasury) made an offcial exami nation and count of the money and vouchers for money In the State Tre asury of Nevada and found the same correct as follows: Coin 285,559 10 Paid coin vonchers not re turned to Controller . 22,29? 37 Jewelry, Diamonds, Cut Glass, Silver, Pictures, Plated Ware, Gold ornaments, Books, Writing Paper, Watches, Frames, Stationery, Wall Pa per, even- thing in the big Fox Store is going at price, everlastingly lower. State school fund Dist 3 . State school food Dist 4 ......110 00 May.5, 1906. .120 00 tary 'Auiibars.-?! 'Zft.MjU, Day. Clerk, -- - ? 'S it' t .p. ' t j"1"4 -C7X- AMtabk?reparalioaIbr As similating UsToodMdBeuIa tog fheSloaada awtDowels of llv IVoirwlEs'Digesuon.Chctrful- iiess and lest.coniams namer Opwm:Morphine nor MineraL Not Narcotic. P&m SmJ' Mx.Sionm JtmAttUSJU- fUrmteJ Apctfect Remedy for Conslipa- ... 1 w L worms juonvuisions ,r everisn mess and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEWYOHK. ik. inii u I) urea. The SMJlave Bears tie i 'r it nii Total valuation 1300 00 Amt of tax now due 3 30 10 per cent delinquency .... 33 Cost of advertising '....2 90 Total 5 3 JEREMIAH BARRETT, and the fol lowing described property: Lot 12 B. 33 Lot 10 B. 51 Empire the W. 8 ft. of lot 1 c E. 10 U. of lot 2 & N. 10 ft. of lot 9 B. 2. two old buildings. , Lot 2- & 3 B. A. Empire ... $50 00 Total valuation $50 00 Amt. of tax now due 55 10 per cent delniquenTy 05V Cost cf advertising 2 00 Total $ 2 GOV HERMAN" OLCOVICH, and the fol lowing described property: The S. 13 ft, cf lot S & N. 9 ft- of lot 9 B. S Procior & G. Div. (Jewelry Store) $2000 00 Lot 2 & N. V-i of lot 3 B. 3G 3. T. & S. Div. ( Old acuse) ..." ..'!0 00 Let E. 22 ft.' cf lots 2 & 3 B. 16 S. T. & S. Div. (Old Appeal 40 00 Total 307,851 47 State School Fund Securities. Irredeemable Nevada State School bond 380,000 00 Mass. State 3 per cent bonds S37.000 00 Nevada State Bonds 3,700 00 Mass. State per cent bonds 313,000 00 United States Bonds 215.000 00 Total ...2,006,451 47 James G. Sweeney John Sparks Subscribed aad sworn before me this 31st day of May, T. D. 1906 J. Doane, Notary Public, Ormsvy County. Nev. The sessions, when Mr. German hards out prizes, are well at tended by keen bargain hunters and some phenomenal values have been had by the successful buyers,. One man bought three watches and drew a fourth for nothing when the drawing was announced. TWO DAILY SESSIONS, one at 2:30 P. M. and the other at 7:30 P. M. TWO DAILY DRAWINGS. Don't fail to get a ticket when you make a purchase. Several persons have neglected to do this and they lost a chance to get something for nothing. GET IN EARLY TO GET A SEAT. A good comfortable chair contributes to your enjoyment. Everything is to be sold sure and get some CHEAP WHILE IT LASTS M. W. WIARD I " "1 Total valuation Amt. of tax due 10 per cent delinquency Cost of advertising .$2700 v0 13 10 4 :J2 2 00 In Use For Over Thirty Year? Total $ 50 W ill - - A WQfmvnm'J Jyuusd) U U LI II u Lai 3 Mining men are examining the old hydraulic ground at Mono Lake and it is probable that something be done there this summer. will PIOCHE'S NEW ROAD STARTED , J. "75 ' J. '' Y- . " PioCHE, June i-6. Three carloads pf men scrapers and horses have ar rived at Calleate and have oegun work , . leveling up the old grade and making I The appearance of Capitol Park, has new grade on? the old grade on tne j been Improved 100 per cent by. vig- Pioche branch. " " orou3 hay cutting. This park ts one The work "began at the old school . of the finest on the coast and on house and a party of surveyors pre! like cedes the graders. You, and each of you. are hereb notified that the tax upon your prop erty for the' year 1903 is now delinqu ent, and ycu are further notified that unless said taxes are paid on or be fore the third Monday .in July. 11)06, t- wit: July 16th, 1900, your property will be sold at the Court House deer, n Carson Citv. Ormsbv county. State i of Nevada, at L' o'clock p. m. of sai.l day, to pay said taxes, together wUh 10 per cent delinquency, and the cost of advertising, and yea are further notified that such sale wili "jc sub ject to redemption within six months after the date of sale by payment of all said sums together with 3 per cent per mcnth thereon from the da'.e of sale, until paid. ' ' ' " H. B. VAN ETTEN. County Treasurer and ex-officio Tax Receiver of Ormsby County, Nevada. aorta 5t.TlOUisP 4 WE INVITE IHGPECTIOH" AHolste Cfognf-a ia Preparation of Food Procts b Vitsgy fcortent to AO WCC13S A ST. LOUIS BOHiSblJAN BEER tlUoaghomt its entire process of brewing and bottling comes in contact only with copper, tin lined and enameled surfaces. It is brewed in scrupulously clean copper -vessels, then piped through block tin pipes to enameled steel tanks where it is aged and layered for at least six months; then piped again through block tin pipes to air tight bottling machines, where it is, filled off into thoroughly cleansed and sterilized bottles. WE USE ONLY THE FINEST CRADE OF IMPORTED BOHEMIAN HOPS GUARANTEED TO BE ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM ADULTERANTS AND PRESERVATIVES A. LIVINGSTON, Distributor, CAROON CITY, NEV. EXCUKSION HATES EAST PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES Qn June 6th and 7th, Ju!y 2nd nno 3rd, August 7th. Etn end 2th, and September 8th and 9th, special low round trip rates will be in effect to all points East, final returning limit 90 days, but net later than October 31st. Colorado Common Po"nts 55 Missouri River '.. 60 n.r Mississippi River 60 00 Chicago : 72 50 Washington and Balt4more 107 "0 New York 1S r.i Si-ik'd proposals for furnishing sup plies of groceries provisions and meals t.f all kinds, to he delivered at the Sia.o Orphans Home, Carson City, -e- au.' i"( r the six month from and ih rli flin 1, 19(M. will be received up io noon June 29, 1900, according U the requisition furnished by the Su;k r.utendent of the said home, now t-v. li e in the effice of the secretary of the bc.ird of direct6rs. J All articles to be first class of their : i kind and to be delivered ia sacu 1 quantities as the superintendent nay Office of County Recorder and E Officio Auditor of Ormsby County, , State of Nevada. Carson CRy, June 13, 1906. , r . Notice is hereby given that the fore- con- most of them, has no keep off efinc list contains the names df all 4. A - L'enevolent and Protective Order or direct, quantity varying each raouJh Elks Convention at Denver July l'tli as may be required, to' lUih; sale dates July 10, jl U. All articles must be satisfactory or 11 14, and 15; return limit September they will be returned at the 30th I tractors expense. Vnr .M n -nt , Bids to be directed to the secretary address, O. S. TAGGART . of lhe Stte Orphans fTome Foard of D. F. ft P. A., Reno. Nevada " JS reject any ana an dim. t OR VIS R!XO. Secretary of the Board. ' Carson City. Nevada, June Z3. 199. EXCURSION RATES EAST July 2nd and :'.rd: August 7th. iitn and 6th; and September Sih and 9th; special low round trip rates will bo in effect to all .point? East: final re turning limit J' r'.ays. but not lacor than Ociober 31st. Colorado Common I'oiuts $ "" 'd Mis-sfuiri River ' ' M:sii??;p?i River '.7 ;' Chi?rR-) - i "2 V i Wahinsrton and Baltimore ... 17 Ort New York 10S Z0 For particulars see any gent. or address D. S. TAGGART, D. F. & P. A. Reno Nevada. J3 Directors, Carson City, Nevada. The lioard reserves the right to Anything you waat la the tray pastry? Leave your order ot T' complete story ot the Great San Francisco Earthquake, written by eye witnesses, complete set ot actual photograpiia. fg book, best terms, big money, agen are taking from IS to 40 orfirs day. Credit givea. freight paid. Complete outfit tree, six cen.a for postsge. Now ready! Free book Tor yourself. The Columbia House, Chicago. the grass signs. : j flelinqnent tax payers, a description ot . RICH ASOM' , . .. . . . i iwa-.', . , , . ii