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DAILY 6 O'CLOCK 'KM. J A PPEAL EDITION VOL. LXVII. 25 CENTS A WEEK CARSON CITY, NEVADA WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 27, 12CS 5 CEN1S A COPY No. 76. PLEAD WHAT HAPPEOED.OR DID HOT HAPPEN TO O'FARRELL FOR LIFE OF THE R SON I Tha Lcs Angeles examiner never I cveriooks a chip when that chip will do Nevada any good or a Nevada man I any good. s The following is a story trom that I paper describing what happened to i M. B. O'Farrel, of Golaneld, who' is in. thai city cn his Honeymoon. I "This is a brief obituary oi the joke DON'T WORRY WATCH US GROW THESE ABE SHORT OSES RUEDY RANCH SOLD TO TOR TO 8E CUT AND SOLD OR ONLY . The preliminary examination of Chas. F. Bell, aflaemaa that is chargf-d with, involuntary manslaughter in Vir ginia City was net completed Tues- , I day. Eeil is alleged to have failed to Sag a train cn the S. P. thereby INVES- causing a wreck and the daath of a oH IN LOTS i fireman Brooks. RESIDENCES i . ! In spite of ths lac; that all voters j must Sam White and Jas. Audrain, witlij Gilbert Eriggs. left fcr Huntcon valley j yesterday, to be gone several days cn mining business. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES Gilbert Briggs will go frcm "Hun tcon. valley to Hawthorne, wnere he has jeen swbpoenead 'tn the Everett murder case. Flcod waters t?ve risen to that jcint where they threatea the whole San Joaquin lower country,, and armed mea are patrolling the levee3. FAMILY OF INDIAN JOHNNIE, UN DER SENTENCE OF UEATH, COMES FROW UTAH TO ASK GOVERNOR TO SAVE HIM. t that lay down' and died before it had an eastern investor. The property has about i4 acres und bounds the eastern city limits trcm the V. & T. railroad Taain line d4du't in yesterdays "Examiner" the track to ; the state prison road, ana register, they are slow to get The Ruedy ranch has been scla to 1 tlitir names down. Every voter must I j Forty-nine saloon licenses have been C. Aobry, passed through this mom- j granted in San Francisco. Over 15lMi ing to Walley springs. j ar-pllcations were made. a chance to get as tar as the first laugh:. t There might have appeared, but register cr he will not have a this- fail, when i. will he needed. Fred Trircmfr Is presiding over the destinies oi the Briggs House, during the absencti of the proprietor. vote i i Sacramento and Santa (."cur. are flgatmg to secure- the California re pubircan state convention. following "want-ads." A tragic and pathetic scene was en- "."vVanted Experienced chauffeur, salary $200 and expenses; appiy room 401 Angelus Hotel, S to 11 a. m. '"Wanted Nurse girl to care for twins salar J100; apply Mr. o Farrell acted this morning m the office o.. (.lie governor when the father, moth jr and two sisters of Indian oohnnie sat around the executive and begged tor Jchnnie's life. 4)1 Angelas hotel, Monday from 7 to Rucov. w'r.n is to ronUuue hs diarv The family came all the way troia . .1 a. m. j fannin on the ptat-c. The same Mr. O'Farrell seemed to. The Appeal is in position to sa tu?.t want a ' good cook, Irish preferred, j the property has been bought as an is one of the most valuable pieces of property in the valley. It is reported that brewery is to be built upon it. that the tract is to be suldiviflf:'! nud sold tor homes and ths: li'ic o be Ituscd as: a ranch to iLriii!i to make their plea for clemency, "and had an interpreter with them. The law that allows them to ride on trains free of charge helped them to (that portion of the expense of the journey, and the kind offices of Indian friends supplied them with lood When i hey arrived ttiis moruins J. A. "Fred" Wilson, well known a.ii over the state, died at Goldneld Mon day cf pneumonia. He. was bo years of age and ran the stage line tram Elko and Tuscarora for years. De ceased was a member of the 1. u. 0. F. and interment will be by that crder Tuscarora. . O. S. L. railroad officials are on a tour of inspection between Hazen and Mina. salary $30, ' "valet to travel witn cap- j investment, and that it will cut italist through Europe at $100 and ex-; up into town lots. Streets are to be penses. In Sundays Examiner," a week afro, there appeared an account of the aiar of M. B. O'Farrell. a mining tliuy were trawl .weary and hungry j brtfw-of Goldfleld to Miss fcstlingen, hut the interpreter hurried them u the governor's office and tuey sat in a circle. Indian fashion, around the big desk in the executive charmber while the interpreter talked. ' The father old and weary, sat in an upholstered chair for the first time in his long life. As be sank down in its depths, he lapsed and lapsed, his stolid face drooped and drooped, .until he passed into sleep, while the Interpreter and the governor talked The mother, like mothers tne world rver, cat with eyes and ears alert. "Not for one moment did she take her tfj-Ci from the governor's face and she watch; every word he said with cat like ea-rncss. trying to catch one single phrase of the little English she knows that might convey a ray of hope to af 'ng heart. The in'wpreter talked on and on, in the high 11 own language of the Indian the continent over. The governor sat and listened and listened and the mother watched and watched until at It the Interpreter concluded with a lU-nrisii and asked if his prayer for Iftjcency might be considered. t . -;s Johnnie, he hang ', replieu 'he gcj-.rnor, tor there is no doubt v'.cii. tae Indian's guilt and partici p:ti'.oii in cne of the foulest crimes :tr committed in the state. "1 guess so too, returneu me in- j avrv The mother saw that, the harangue v-ix.i o cr e.r.d sue shot a few Bvit v.otvls r.t i.r.v In'.f-rprc.itT, brt that s-. r,i:v gae her ry li.'tie satisfact- ;!. i)". it'll of nis tribe con- the pcor heart broken mother htt'.u else Hiiin a beast ol burden, ai.i- in";.;.';; no account of her suffering. A? tiir- was nothing more to say, ;r,f i:-r.-rpreier woke up the father, ' .:;!"! t-. the girls and with a flourish ; luaid-,. ihe family left the chamber, r - slteny old father, who feared his .":.. was in'(ianijer because he came u ilcwiug hiu guide philosopher r vi friend, who was able to get no reprieve for Johnnie more than the I; .v' extends. The family visited the prison and , Johnnie, and will probably go at once back to Utah, as they are gtrang ut in a strange land, and the Indian !oves his home place the best. lii- ' enographer. Mr. O FarreM. wb is r: tbe Angelus witi. ills na.-"; L-tide, is a good hiiujond yc-'JTig Man who would prob ably smiif just now if a tali block should full on him. But one would have to be over ppnguine to imagine that Mr. O'Far rell would appreciate being awakened at 7 a. m. and met by an Amazon Irish woman, wno wou announce with a tone and attitude of tlnality that she had come to take the 0 job. The bridegroom can De seen, in the mind's eye, gently begging off, but the Irish cook is the principal and mere actLve member of the imaginary plctur.. And then there would be sixteen men with "good pet dogs," "dirt cheap at $."0 and hate to let him go a that," and a file of pretty and various other styles nurses and caaufteurs and ail to make the sweet hour of 7 a. m hideous. Ail of tins must have arisen in ths mind of Mr. L. Bleakmore, a friend of Mr. O'Farieli s for na extracted much humor boih present and pros pective from writing these "p.ds" and paying for them t 'he "Examiner" busv.css c ounter. Bur they din't get i man into the pappr, which is why there was a c; a", ' room 4iil, Angelus iiri'.-'-," yesterday nvi riing. Mr. Bleak- cut through it. and trees are to be planted, and the whole will torm an addition to the city of Carson for Lome purposes. The purchase excited no end of in terest in tne city as the property has been looked upon as a most desirable one for a long time. Just wnen the plans of the purchaser w be car ried out - remains to be seen, as it will take some time to get tne proper ty in shape for the purpose reported. As has been pointed out becore by The Appeal, it only needs toe advent of a live man in this ci-.y to start things up to where they betong. The city cannot be retarded by any number of "knock." administered. o-o Examination of teachers for certifi cates w.'li be held at Reno tor Washoe county, .M:!y 'J to. 12. A pari of Salt Lake mining men have outfitted and started on a pros pecting trip that will extend frora Fairviev.' u Dea'h Valley. l nat Gler.crcok mail contract will ! orcb.ibly be let in a dav or two, as i the- bui has bsen forwarded to Wash-1 We. Taf: wars nominated tor presi dent of thA Unitsal" States at the Yale Alumni banquet by Justice Brew- gtcn and Postmaster hcier rs wait-;. voo,r,,av ing now to he:tr trcm the necessary official sout it. j Con Ahem, the Virginia City boom er who w-ints to b..? governor and, may get the nomination from the republi cans, passed thrcugti this morning. Governor Sparks, came up thi3 morning from Alama and spent the day in his ottice. A milkman. In Sas. Franclaco at tacked an old cian with a milk bottle and the victim."s daushter rushed to his rescue, with, m ax. Tae milk man is in the hospital. Messr's Price. O'Bannion, Rice awt Kingsbury left this afternoon for Wei'.-! inton on Birslness, Prtre afi! Rice are from Tacoma. .Wash. 1 The deficiency appropriation bill l the republican srtministjatioa carries an appropriation 3f J10,WO.OuO, which amount represent the graft over and above the estiuat of heads ct governmental c: -)artrrio tg attached by the. "friends" tVtt hat to X-r takern r;irfr of. It tried prelty n' da'- aftens.'Ki". f.t -tl 1o rilrr Wednes I'aiieil and a cold win j kept i.nirgs stirring. TELEG It developes that the home of Mrs. . ri strines of trout are beine Thaw, mother of Harry Thaw, was ; ,,roilght in uy tbe tew aBgJere that are j isthmus nexr robbed of S60.W0 worth of jewelry j llot afraid of swollen streams and the night before Thaw shot. Fhit. j jr.midy watt. The democrats of Pennsylvyn: i will f PEST OF BOBBERY RUMORS fuse with all other parties to the republican machine this i.u ftght j 'I. h rain washed lots of fmrrw off i Explosion of giant I'uwder in a train j near Angel's Cam p. Cat. yesterday wiped out i wo lives ad View a vheel three miles. ue and a toaf wert olL the. u-Ji'" of the hills to the west, and j it will soon, atl be gone. Wbrlc is progressing on Hie State President Roosevlt, unsVe- to ei his hands off and let the emrn ts that know their business dig th lVr-a ma canal, will spemf a- bam?! in the peoples money ui make a trip tS the Novoiufccr. Prtva'e steamers and "oncosts, at the peonies expense will blp- cwell rbi cot C government of couiw, but that iro,. 000,000 deficiency appropriation will cover it all right. The French government has declar ed that all life and tre insurance com panies that do business in that country wiil. by i he way. rxt his money When Mr. O.Furre" as hown the "". fcr the "ads" -he lov.w at ence whese the writinsr wa:. "L. Bluak- more is ihe culprit," he fcuM without lu-3!i:-!tirn. "lie and I vfi cut to gether Saturday evonirg and. the time parsed s-.o pleasantly that this merry Jcii must have cone to him then. He's a miring man who used to man age the Fa trick, Elliott & Camp Com pany of Ooldfield, and 1 bought him out. Fine fellow!' -o-o- A vigilance committee has been formed at Fairview and two cr three rr.igb. characters have been offered a chance either to leave town or stretch a nice new piece of manila hemp. ' Those insurance companies that have agreed to settle in f ill' at San Francisco have been writing more business the last week than at any similar period of time in their history. The killing of Stanford White by Harry Thaw at the Madison Square garden Monday night has cast gloom t-vt New York society. Both were millionaires and both social lions. T;uh loved the same unmarried woman, who loved both at intervals Hence the tragedy. Two nights ago, a person, known j to the police, entered a house and robbed a purse of $8. This morning no less than three robberies, or attempted robberies, were reported, and the police started at once to investigate. The three reported cases were those cf the Colcord, Culp and Chartz resi dences. The Colcord case was abso- Ki'ely without foundation. The Culp ease proved to be without foundation. .)t!nr than in the fact that a strange tsrted to enter the gate while Miss Culp was on the porch. She called to him, he saw he . had made a niisUake in the place, and he walk ed on an I entered another house further up the street, where he evi cleiualy belonged. The Chartz case consisted in an cpen screen door that banged on the sill. And tnts all- r '-o i!-i1"'ks t f!i ritvr L'c3i j wm?H iiiIit. as well as day and the tele l ln'ite is Al s ays ready for service. If any parson in this cay hears a nci:-;e thai warrants investigation, all that person has to do is to call up the office, and a man will be on the ground as quick as a horse can get him there. ' As ' a matter of fact there has not been a robbery in this city for so long that residents may become care less and get a scare from their own lack of vigilance. Instead of re porting it a day or two later, report it on the moment, bhould any attempt be made. The police cannot foresee anything; but can take precautions when matters are reported to them o-o JOLLY TIME BY A -OLLY MAN Franklin Uierce Jolly a humorist. , ; i that ha-? surrounded it is Vein;r clour- i must 'Jeposit the necessary legal re- vl rli'M't-y V ii i-;iiv.ia QiniuiivKS. luis n j compel the New York Ldfe to set astde ! An electric road is to be put in between Tacoma, Portland and Seattle. Jioxcs- of fruit congested the siclv ibout $lv.'t(.o0l Toe campany is I walks Mils morning, the first adequate i &bout to quit business in. France, as f h menf iwieved this season. ' are others. -CJ Speaker Camon h.s announced that congress wil rtinain in nession i.m,; work is f.r.ished. Halifax, at 7 to 1 wtrt longs yesterday at Sheep track in 1:1.4 4 5, the v.,r; -!uad 1. V:C ! T'cris B. Ellis, expects to get nv.oj Ijia new home, the old Kogers piac-i? ; i p.b :ut the first of next Aagust. as the i Rogers' will not be tible to vacate; i much before that time. j i COME MORE DISRUPTIOIIli REPUBLICAN PARTY The grand lodge of t!rJ ? vHU The grand lodge of the Ai-chi.-i. Reno for the district, cf Ni;vaua. The house committee has agreed to allow Los Angeles to acquire certain rights of way ii Owens River valley, c itfitr.l! ;. -water -;iiduit. Things are booming in Gardner1 il'o. I lent to preparation for the Kcvrib ' of .! ily celebration. i A " .irg.H nuinltcr of passtnyrs to'i ; the . -'tage and private coi "t y?n: cs : th!f. niorning fo.r the poui'.-rn .lii:ritf?. . Trt ?r.creasHl 10 per cent the laf.r. 30 d i.s. Mines and ti-w pro-; WASHINGTON, June 1.7. Congres sional circles are intensely interested, in a factional struggle now going on over the repuuhcan nominee lor gov statenients issuing from the .s-cxi ' ernor of Iou'a. Thuv Uitcr". t i O't iug accentuated Vy )2tr;idtciory j"ots are hur.i.-rd. . 1 1X11. m r.:cii xr.o The money on'er denarinvnt f tl" nost nlxice at nhyolMe ha s oceis a bo lhed. I" 1T i CoTV In a more or ies.p facetious tir'.i..-le, j the Sacramento Union avers that i c3ndid.iL-.- l"-r a place on th? police force, who was too slio '.. g'ew an inch in IS months, then was admit ted. 4'- Benj. F. Barnes. ihs man that threw Mrs. Minor Mcrri cut of the White House, has been siiveii a lar. job ns postmaster of W-'i'-h'.nft'on I). C. It pays to be' impo'a o s?cn;e times. P. wil! !mild si morl. J'inncsotp. si i eet nortu r.c r.:"te ro. :u- re;:. i '..ia;.ia.y rangoments havt been made. Frank Oliver, f -rmcrly of this place has gone to Santa Cm- on a vacation. I Golccnda suffered from another cloudburst last night that tore up the country round about and covered the railroad tracks with sand and gravel. No cne was killed this time. A separate episcopal diocese is be ing advocated fcr Nevada, with a resi dent bishop. Curl Wheeler and Miss Gladys -rv. of Reno, will be married in that city this evening. Mabel Stewart; of this city, is one of the bridesmaids. Frank Meffley.. about whom charges of all sorts were bandied in Rene, has will appear at Assembly Hall, in the I heen re-instated ou the police force public school building on the evening j Qf that city. The charges against him Of June 28, In an entertainment that were ignored by the grand jury, wil be out of tne ordinary in many When The Appeal said It would help get the band togetherthe editor did not promise to get in and toot a hern. He is too busy getting cut Tickets are fifty cents for adults and . newspaper. . I tweny-five cents for children. ways and , will be highly enjoyable, if All reports may be believed. The proceeds of this entertainment will be devoted to tne purrase of pic turs for tne waits ot the school rooms and fcr palms and other plants fcr the halls. The application by Round Mountain for a. post office has been tiled at Washington, and favorable action is expected shortly. ; The old Tecora mina has been spld to a lot of mining men from the south ern part of the state for 1150,000. 1 is situated in Inyo county Cal. II. K. Mitchell, an attorney of l"u- eka, remained over night and i.i hr-'e oday on business. Atty Boynton, representing the Kic key Land & Cattle Company, is busily engaged in work for that corporation, made necessary by recent decisions and the destruction of records in San Francisco. Atty Frohman of San Fran cisco, representing the Miller & Lux corporation is similarly engaged. A Maute, state printer is expected to arrive tonight from Tonopah. W. B. Harbin, has added another purchase to liis numerous investments in Carson City by taking the Wright place. Consideration not stated. o-o -" FRED EATON MARRIES AGAIN LOS ANGELES. June 27. Fred Eaton, ' former mayor of this city, and Miss Alice B. Slossom. stenog rapher for City Atty. W. B. Mathews were married at 12: 110 o'clock, Satur day ;.noon,,. by 'Justice of the Peace Pierce. Eaton engineered the deal on Owens River for Los Angeles. ot thb .va'ry xcA l'rora i'.m Wi.i.t.- il-V'.TP. 'li'vie v,t.r tiiuch r-urpriso rwiiffsscd over the secretary's, sug- : ?.;-iiOH t but he had gone to Iowa to ! take p.ti in the campaign agamsi t'.i j ciK'iiuaey of A. B. Cununings und -r the sanction ct the executive. '. Such things have been done before, i but the supposed ditferences between i tlie president an.t si'crfuary upon the . issue involved made such a mission ; improbable. The prpsi-bnit's prompt j denial of such ;tu ambassadorship has j knocked the secretary's interpretation j of the issue above referred to. This issue is tariff reform. Cunt mings is opposed by the "stand-pat" element because he has been one ct the most out-spoken for tariff reform. Congress is interested in the contest, because the tariff is coming to be more and more prominent in the prospect ive campaign. No one in Washington is now talk ing about reform of the tariff by its friends. This being the situation, among the leaders, "Insurgent" vic tory in Iowa will come a3 body blow to their expectations. The uncertain ty is vastly augmented by what the president may do. Should ne see fit to give effect to his well-Known con victions upon, tha subject, his great popularity throughout the country woulr vastly effect reform. He may take advantage of the rising tide of tar iff reform sentiment and endeavor, to nob! the party together In a crusade for tariff redaction along conservativa Unci!.