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' .i', ft -. 1 .it J:s 6 O'CLOCK EDITION VOL. LXVII. 25 CENTS A WEEK CARSON CITY, NEVADA THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 28, 1906- 5 CENTS-A COPY NO. 77. DA f 07 WORRY, 6LEII8R00K ROUTE HAS BEEN 1 RESTORED GROW -INCORPORATION OF "VALLEY PARK CO." TODAY MARKS NEW ZA IN PROSPERITY OF CARSON CITY WHAT THE NEW COM PANY WILL- DO. The postmaster received word from the department yesterday to the ef fect that the mail route contract, as bid for by fcd Hadseil, has been ac- j ceptea and service must begin July 1. This reopens one. of the finest routes cn tho cc?.st. Tcurists can take the v. & T. in the at Heno, ride through the beaui.iul Washoe valley, spend SEN. DUDS BADLY HURT IS THROWN FROM HIS HORSE AND SUFFERS BROKEN COLLAP. BONE The "Valley t'ark Company" was in corporated this afternoon, ad thus another enterprise for the betterment of Carson City is launched. The new corporation has acquired i.he Ruedy ranch and declares' its in tention of subdividing, platting and aeliing the same tract for city resl- SAN FRANCISCO, June 23. WhUe riding in the hihs near &an Mateo yesterday. Senator Francis G. New- lands wa3 thrown from his hcrse an l half an hour in Carson City, .nd then sustained a broken collar-buie. ride up the back-bone or tne Sierras I me norse wnch tne senior sena to beautiful Lake Tahoe. A short stop tor of Nevada wa3 riding stepped into at Glenbrook,' embarkation on the lake 1 a gopher hole and the rider was i steamer, and a trip across the placid I thrown heavily on his left shoulder. bosom of the storied sheet of' water The surgeon states it wjli take ends at tne great Tahoe Tavern eariy at least three weeks for the fracture in the evening, train from theTe to Truckee. and from there to the east or west, as the case may be. It is now possible to leave San Fran- to knit. This will delay the senator's return to Nevada for some time, a3 there was much business to be at tended to in San Francisco In eonnev- iisco Saturday evening, spend the day I tion with the rebuilding of the Palace in Nevada and at Tahoe. and arrive Hotel. Icnce purposes. Plenty of capital and energetic man agement insures success from the start When the big addition to the city Is completed, and the' new houses are filled with the families of those of Nevada's men wno wish to come to the only palce in the state in whicu life is -not at a premium, Carson City will take its rightful place among i2f beautiful reaiuences cities of te L'cast. The new tract will accomodate LVJ lamiles. 'the corporation intends. as lota are sold, to install sewers, trees, cement sidewalks, parka and water .supply, and to secure only the best cjaas of- residents for the new add! tion. Work will be started almost Immediately, some preliminary ar rangements remaining to be made. The Valley r ark Company has plenty of capital and probably wilt not ask for any financial assistance from any cf Carson City's investors, as the project is one of the beat in the state ' and wilt make money from stare C. M. Peters, who acted as an agent in the sale of the Ruedy ranch to the projectors of the new company said .this afternoon: ., "This loks good to 'me. T have watched th real estate "business m Kiis clty-foWsome years and think I am in position, to know a good thing when I see it. The new company ceriainly should have the support of every citizen of Carson City and t tor one believe the new Section will Lc of vast benefit to the city." Geo. H. Meyers the banker said: ' It looks as if the new addition, it candied the way the projectors intend to handle it, should be a fine thing fur this city. Wide streets and trees! sood houses and plenty of the good Carson City water, snould attract pirsons that want a good home. Car son City has the best natural ad- antagees in the state and thiss is just what we need, a fine residential tract a new comer to settle with us. Then too, many of the. old homes do not suit the new people, and in this lie--- tract they can build to suit them selves. 1 am glad to"StS it starled." Others interviewed about the new company expressed themselves In simi lar vein. Since the purchase of the Ruedy ranch, other prospective sales have been all but closed up, and it scorns that Carson City is onthe verge cf a boom in real estate, especially in outlying tracts east and south of the city.' The incorporators of the Yalier.P Company are -Paul. C Lewi pi. Mil waukee, Wis., Hon. SamT, Piatt, U. S. 'dist rict attorney and 'I. O. LewlsVlately ti Los Angeles. Paul C- Lewis, is jit the head oC. the; company. at "an Francisco again Monday morning. Such a trip is a tonic for tired nerves and cannot be equalled in the country. o-o At present the senator is confiend to his apartments at 2124 California street. o-o MISS STEWART'S CONCERT The program for KTTss- Stewart's Friday evening concert has been ar ranged and includes some of the most famous compositions for voice and iano. While it is a most ambitious select ion, it is certain to be given with all the grace and charm of young singers ease three years ago in Sacramento I and players who have had" the advent- anil tha fact that hp had it was not I age of proper training and experience. apparent until it was too late to doTne concert will undoubtedly be one school building. any thing for him of permanent good-of tne Dest ever elen the city Deceased was 23 years of age add The program follows PERCY HR IS DEAD Percy Kramer, son of Anthony Kramer, died shortly after 12 ""-flock today of tuberculosis. The young man contracted the dis WRECK AVERTED BY COOL ACTION AF FRED MYRTLE KAZEN", June 28. What would no doubt have bien another awful ran calamity was nrbwiy averted Mcnday Ly the timely action of Sec tion Foreman Fred Myn.e on the Ne vada and California roal aDout three mil?-west of Benton. As it was train No. 1G, southbound, carrying passen gers and freight vas brought to a standstill on the bring cf a yawning chasm, 5u feet in width, which would have precipitated it twenty feet be low into a rushing torrent of water! Foreman Myrtie was returning to his camp when he found the bridge which spanned one cf the branches cf the Carson river had been washed away by the swollen waters, leaving the rails in place but removing ail TlTe framework. A casual glance would net reveal the fact that anything was wrong. Myrtle cnew that No. 16 as scon due and Slurried back, flagging the train just around curve a short distance from the washout. Had Myr tle not ulscovered l-e condition or the bridge nothing ccul. have sav ed the train. o-o THESE ARE SHORT ONES i "FROM HOT SPRINGS SHAVi" "POP" HAVE TROUBLES AT ST. LOUIS HE WRITES INTERESTINGLY HIS SAN FRANCISCO EXPERIENCES Jim Shaw, wno used to run Shaw's Kot Springs years ago. sends The Appeal a picture of his present abode in San Francisco. it represents a kitchen set up 'n the street, and there is a big sign ever the top which.reads, Shaws Hit Springs." Abcut it is grouped the Shaw family and the old Nevada pioneer looks as ever. Following is his letter:: "Ed Appeal: I enclose photo of how ST. LOCI3, June 2S. The first day';; session cl annual conference the national Convention of the Peoples Party came to a focus last night, when , after three hours of heated dis cussion a resolution, proposed by W. S. Williams, delegate from Indiana, as an attempt "to hand the organiza tion of the people party over to an antagonistic clement." was made the special order of business for 9 o'clock tomorrow. The session then adjourn ed. The resolution, was introduced by H J. Mullins of Tennessee, and Droviued the Shaw outfit looks- at present. We were not burned out but cur chim- that the conference authorize that thi ney was little shaky and weTiaVe been executive committee of the conference ordered to cook in the street untii provisional committee e composed or further notice. The chimney inspect- the president of the confederation 01 ors are rather slow getting round tor the people's party national committee i suppose tney want ta hoicLon to their . ,nd the presidents of all organizations jobs. What galls people down here is the miserable treatment we are re ceiving from the insurance companies People who had the saving of a life time swept away and were insured, uave to hang round the insurance of fices and think themselves lucky to get a chance to talk with an. insurance man. They got the cold nana and the Charlie Short. Joe Egan, Ai North glassy stare when they want losses j aad Joha Evans drove over from Reno which subscribe to the Sprlngfietd Illinois, platform and endorse Thomas E. Watson, c Georgia, for president. o-o JOE E6A!l TALKS FIGilT The ladies of the Degree of Honor ; held an informal party last night tor the benefit of candidates and new members. Don't forget the Jolly entertainment tonight at the assembly nail in the was a Carson Cuy boy. Ha leaves I a father and four brothers. Funeral I arrangements yet are to be made. o-o - NEW MIN7T& DISTRICT PART FIRST Charles Nuss, suffered a laceration of his right hand that threatened to One of the most promising fields in the State of Nevada will be thor oughly exploited the present season, as a number of strong corporations 1 3 Piano Solo: "Will o iae . isp, Bru!S I Piano Duet . ....... n Trovatore Sve him trouble througn blood poiston- mhs berry aN'D miss hrrrh'K I lnK. but prompt action nas averted (a) Autumnal Gale . . ,Edward Grieg tbc danger (b) If I Were King ....iOi. Tiptore c) The Year's at the Spring Frank C. Everett," charged with the irs. H. H. .A Beach I murder of &L E- Malone. at Mina, is (dl 'the Eaale E. F. Schneider on trlal at Hawthorne. He sets up in Ansa STEWAk T sanity as his plea now contemplate operations in that section thirty-eight miles northeast of laming . on the Carson & Colorado Railroad. . This section has been tlte scene of considerable development during the past six months and tlfe disclosures of ore bodies is sufficiently strong to warrant much more exten sive operations. PROTECTING SHAREHOLDERS MRS. BERRY 1 Mrs- Joe "rrls or kiko 19 visiting 4 (a) Spring Song ...AC. Mackenzie her Parents, Mrs. and Mr. Jesse Brignt (b) A Winter L.ullaby .R. be Koven MISS AMY HOTTli TART SECOND 1 Rivulet Etude Mendelssohn MRS. BEKRY 2 (a) Aus Meinen Grossen Schme.' The return of warm weather Is a most pleasant change from the cold days and dark cloudy sky. . - . At the Union Consolidated delin quent assessment sale in San Fran cisco Tuesday, l0o shares, on which the assessment was unpaid, were bought in by the company, and will be held in the treasury until it is known who owns the stock, which was probably lost or destroyed in the lire. ' Other companies will protect their stocKholders in tne same way. Chron iclo. ' ' - -00 EARTHQUAKE IN WALES Stanford White, the man that was killed in Madison Square Garden by zen..... K Franz I Harry Thaw, was the architect for (b Meine Leibe ist Grun J. Brahms tne Mackay mining building at the MISS irVWa.H.T I state university. His iirm whl com- 3 Duet from Lonengrin ....vWagner Piete me pians MISS STEWART AND AM 1 HOWE adjusted. "Where houses are completely ob literated and every thing a. total loss the adjusters take weeks and weeks fooling about and trying every sub terfuge for delay and. six. bit settle ment. When the news came that Nevada was going to kick these welcher3 out of the old Sagebrush state we all felt mighty good over it." These insurance companies who have fattened off the public and lived in clover with their blue ribboned dogs and ' high priced turnouts, blat like a big calf the first nard lick they get. . . I am not speaking for myself for we were very fortunate in noT being burned out. I met George McLaughlin, on the street a few days ago. He was as natural as ever and on his way home. We all patronize the "Foot and Walk er" line now since the cars were hung up. The boys round the mint say that he saved the building. Tbey had to use the water from the mint well, and' fought the fire until 1 Etincele (SparKs) Moszkowski MRS. BERRY Beloved. It Is Morn . . . . KOIymand MISS STEWAK - Seats are on sale at Steinmetft drug store. 0-0 JOLLY MAN SPEAKS TONIGHT Franklin Pierce Jolly the jolly en tertainer, arrived in this city last even ing, coming toy way of Lake Tahoe, and will appear this evening in As-1 Miss Mitchell, was in the city Thurs day, attending to the numerous pupils of her class. Work is going forward on develop ment at the ackson Mountain mines and the showing has improved very much. The deeper the men go on the Eddy mine east ot Diamondfield the higher the values "Set, an, the ledge is one of the oiggest inthe word. -00- 3CHOOL CLOSES TOMORROW CARDIFF, Wales, June M. Vlo-1 sembly Hall, the proceeds of TSr n lent eannquaive shocks were icu 1 tertainment to EO towards a fund for Th. managers nf th Mmimn throughout South W'ales at :45 this I tn'e , beautifying of the balls of the I mines, have decided to go to water iuurmug. nmucs iwnjru m. iuau, ui i new 8cnooinouse. I level on a 200 foot leuge, that so the cheaper ones were damages. Hunri Mr j0uy. was delighted with his far vleMa f::o a Ton dreds of chimneys-feu, occupants oil trip aound the lake although the aweiungs were laruwn iu me gruuuu 1 weather was anything but agreeable, A new strike is "reported at Copper and people fled from tneir nouses 1 but he asserts that Lake Tahoe Is one lopolis ot ore that goes from 1500 to t are charges of grafting in every direct shrieking in panic with visions of tne 1 of the preUiest lakes it nas ever been isfto a ton. a rioai i nn rr nurrhaae I ion and now they have appointed three m . every one concluded to quit and were about to seek safety by leaving the building. when Geprge . encouraged" them ' o make one more try at the game and they did so just as the wina changed and veered the flames away from the building long enougn to save it. "I enclose one of my '"Days of 49" pictures. It is not a very good one but it shows how we live and it is 1 about how every one else is living. 1 exect to move into my house in a day or so and we are all looking forward to being able to enjoy a good hot bath. : Some of my neighbors are speaking for a chance at it. I wish I had the old springs down here I would make! a fortune in a month. "Every one is kicking over the way the relief committee tried to juggle with that flour and sell it to the Sperry Co., for less than halt its value. The papers blocked the deal. It is infamous the way some of these people act with relief funds. There last night and spent most of the day in tha city. Interest centered ia Egan, who t known as a prize- fight promoter better San he is known, as a successful min ing man. ' Little Joe, had nothing to say about the probability of any fistic encount ers to be pulled off in this state un der his management and was mostly interested in a plan to put on a regu lar excursion traHv oetween Heno and Moaaa Springs. Regarding the Kelson-Herrera fiasco at. Los Angeles. Egaa puts the blame on. Nolan, Bat Nelson's aaaager. and says that the trouble came up over the lack of proper weights, Herrera properly refusing to be weighed on Nolan's scales which were known to be wront;. A challenge is out tor a return match but no one can tell when or where it will be pulled off If arrang ed. Nelson and Herrera each have declared that he will meet the other and where any time for a finish or limited go, but when it will be ar ranged Is yet to be seen. .- . o-o EMPIRE UNION PICNIC The closing exercises o? the Carsda k:tf . schools will be held tomorrow. riday.' beginning at S -o'clock. TS fcciool year just pai""aa been a very vodcefirful one, aid thi. oame' - . cation finds the teachers aaa cpsKerned at work. San Francisco disaster before them "' Earthquake shocks were also felt at Bristol. " flfracombe' and ' elsewhere. There war accompanied by loaa rmaaK j lings. & .t .;--: 00 ...VfTTl ' i Mis Jo Roberts will leave in a few days for Long Beach, CaU to conva lesce, from aa attack ot sickness that has all but prostrated her. Mrs.t. J. MCGrath wtfl accompany her. 'y. :SDovot forget tliat a; treaf . laia tore for rovers of mnsle.l ttlsa 9Urw- at'arcoacert wtH- 'W-ctvea .-Vrtiar night at the Opera housV Efeeif e I men to handle the relief funds at a The Palmetto, mill is treating ore I alary or aix tnousana oouars a year. I in its district for S7 oo a ton. E. P. EtSER IN PHILLIPtBURQ While the floor deal was being fixed op on the grounds that no one wanted flour, hundreds were trying to get .tt and were , unable to 40 so. , Well I must- deep or jroa :wUl ' think l am his lot to see. When it is Uken inio consideration that Mr. Jolly has trav eled extensively, . both in the old world and . the new, this compliment la, doubly appreciated by the friends and admirers of old Tahoe. The prices or admission tw even 1 g. P. B8ger Carson City, an old log are 40 cents- for adults and Z5 time friend and mining associate of I growling. cents tor children. Throw aside the I Harry 8tlmner. arrived in the city I . The Nevada people down here are eaffesof the"day far ar apart and go goaday evening- and in company fcaot growliag, bat facing fate with a to hear ,a Jolly taS haJorman. I mlth Ur. 8thnler left lfondav for I flood heart and yoa. mar teU . the .. IphUUpsburgj where the ittter is in-PoP of Carson that the Sagebraah a-ttUlor.of Hobart.l terested la a lease on the Copperopo-I eolef l an rlghL Tours. . J MJt T I Us property, "the shaft on this lease 1 M 9 "HAW. ? nsatrVUijslsX sows SMrt ihirtv ft. wlla ail 1 ... Oi drag atara. - .: an the way. Assays from some of 1 thf ore last Saturday gave retvrah of tl400. Oohiftld tta: - r Booghi retaraefl last night from a The Tuurth of July will be ce.'o- , bratedbj' a big picnic at Cook s Grove, which will be held under the auspices of the Empire Labor Union There will be dancing both afternoon and evening. The Dempsey orches tra will furnish the music. a line or busses will be run be tween this city and the grove. Valuable prizes will be given tor the following events: . Race by women of forty years and over, race by men of forty-nve years and over, married women's race, sin gle women's race, boy's race, girls race, standing jump, running jump, potatoH-ace and tug of war. There will also be a prize for the best cou ple in the waltz. o-o ' REWARD OFFERED The governor has issued a procla mation. In which he offers a reward of k0u. for Howard , Sharp. 4 who charged with crime; of murder, "fin ing Curtis Kendall,' Aprii 12, 1904 at Goldfield ' 8harp lias" known s Doc" Sharp, was of surely disposition aad was a miner and prospector. He was feet high, weighed ahoat IS, raw boned, with light, hair, bias eyes aad shafrp mfW .V" m 45r' -i Sharp has never been seen since e disappeared troas Goldfleld, follow ing tho killing Of Kendall. fl ,v -V ' ' , ea ' "tasssCastie's class aeld Ita aanuak ccnanlsnrsniwnt exavcissf -alsi gftsr oon. " kSiss AQaoji at tSsslcsv CkSf. is the CflKt of C tasfsh Caartt. if ... .'. ti: jr t - ) "1 i . " . .rib V J. . . . . . 1 c P "'-kv .v. K 1. ., . 'i 4 'A'i'