Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY APPEAL CARSON ClTY fiV Ai . ' ' CcFXCTA', ADVERTISING OFFICIAL ADVERTISING i eonventioa. Cati for Lonventiofl; james g. sweeney. Ct "tfcfc -Oe rnocratic. and fast) ci Nevuda . CtLa C-nverticr.s of t'-e s; arri Silver Parties of N.. - MMdaaarters. of Pe Central Committee ; ;.' ''-8 Party State. Centra .-- ?.. ' 4di. Rsntv Ne-. . - it 3- dt-eflUS.of ' " O- TfJttet- Contra 1 t-o:;. :.f t---iri. of the 5ilv?r i'., '"' BasBJtE&M:: of Nevaia, '.-.-Jfei ml April -1. I'S, it. a. ..ieo t&at a Ste D;-aiccratfc conr-'atioa .t-afi SUvr Parry State ccaveatiun. be (Lett at Reno. Nev. vca ..Wei-ass-iay. Aafefx-st -i-. at 12 no-a. t?r tae narjfc-x' ". auaiirtitia? -a ticket r.c is vKxd for at the aext ieaaral eier ic'X, Co tfc iiiid. Tuesday. Nevc:uy.r ff, t3;. consisting .oil Oa- itpresentative' to Uor.s.--j Oae Governor. Ore Ueuteaaat-trovera.-:::. te Ji?tic- of the S::;r;ci3 C:::. Oru; Secretary i f 3ta.:. 1 Ci"' A ' to r a e y-Ge u e r-i '. . v-:t . rty'; Treasurer. Or;- S'joe- Controller. r K'Jrv-'VAr-G'fi: -ral. Jt.v :'v:n-tu:;t o: in- .:: -'-; v. .,: .. i':::.t- ,.tMv K : : V:A- tirhiry Vi -r- -r.i.-. . tt -t .! .. . : . .. .. j le va: l:stri"ts o' .Tc-Tada. AUn for the selc-rio:. wf a S-a Con- nil CVj:r.;r;i:.; .- ;;r.- ;:.(:..-&- ':.'iv. of nil other :,-..-ir.. aji --.ay pr,p---f r -nut' !-:';.. i:. Th;- h.o-i.- ef --r.-i, . u'.nti.-.w t,f th- re :-;vc co.iu--u said r-r.v n : tor oac'.- party i-.lL '' j !lf Ut-J "jVIiltO t' e;C:4 fif?V -'-i--' or rny frai-ihn: tlx-iv-:I' apt lev-!-. v. '.vviity-nv- ir H II. f. ! Chairaiaa of Democratic State Ceatril CoaiBiittee. Attested; E. L. BINGHAM, Sec. J. E. SOUCHEREAU. - r. of Silver Party State Cea- Jjaimitttee. ' x.oeratic and Silver Farty tarougaout the State please o-o PROPOSALS FOR BIOS OFFICIAL ADVERTISING NOTICE Building contractors art hereby jotiaed that the plaas and specift catioas of the Mackay building tor the sclicol of miaes will be reaay for iusp.ectioa at the office of the Board of Regents at Reno, Nevada, frcra ani after Wednesday, July llr.h It is desired by Mr. Mackay that the contractors submit seaied bAs for the erection of said build in':, according to the plans and specifi cations, on op before 10 o'ciork a. m. ; Saturday, July 23, lSotj. ! These. sealed bids will be onvarded , to architect Wiitiani S. Richardson of the Srai of McKini, Mead and White, architects. New fork City, who hat? heea entrusted by Mr. MacUay with "h resnonsibilitv r.f lettirr rlin rr.n- tracts for the batldinu and the erec tion of the same. Eacn old should be accompanied l y a certified check for $'", as evidence of good faith on the ; of ihe contractor. Mi. Itichard-f'-'i: reserve- the riant to rt-ject any ar.r; all Lia-. OcCAR J. SMITu'. C'l.ah n.a:: of :h rd or ilt ients GEO. H. TAYi.O'i ier-rf a r- of the B:ard oi Kc aents July f. W.C. Notice is hereby givea that all ' iorsons who may desire to coaaect their premises with the city sewer rj.riis, shall apply at the office ot the C unty Clerk and obtaia a written icrniit from the city clerk before having sewer connections made with tiie city sewer maias. By order of the board of city trustees JAS T. DAVIS Presideat. Attest: H. B. VAN ETTEN, Clerk. Tonopah & Goldfield R. R Cp. Time Table O Ali.g to the oeiay attendins the ! arrival of the plans ar.d siecific-atior.s i c: the ilP.ckay imildir,; for the school ' of mint's, the time for the proposal ,'f j to be sulmiitted is herewith TONOPAH & GOLDFIELD R. J?. CO. Mountain Time Jan. 1, l&Otf. Light figures denote a. m.. dark fig ures p. ai. leaves No. 1Z . .San Francisco j.7:l3 Ileno 7:15 Minn 11:J5 Scdr-vilie . . "Tin opj h J itr.c ... 11: t'-j .... Sum:nit 1": 45 Rcckhill ln:ot'i CoaMaie U':l Silver Peak l'VOt' McLean .'.:.;.j Millers ,,,:"t .(;oMfit-ld June... ."-::' .''Columbia June .. b :;2!i . . . Lv. J . 21 . Ton: pan . . . Ar s :" Cohmibia June ... S::J2 ''Klondike .7:1 .... Goidfieid .... Lv : ')' Toncnah and Columbia Junction Tonopah - .-W '.:) "r Colur.Mia Jci-i- 1 i " Between Cclubiba Junction and Golc'.fieid Arrives No. 4. .7:00 0 S.oo 5:35 lis ;4tL'2; 8:C5l:p; 6:25 4! 4 6.4C 7:C0 447 7:"0 7:35 M S:'u' .3:20 47n 3:404M .. :0 !M Ar. 9:0 t7 Lv :40 4-! .. 9: 52 .Vt . . 10:15 "Vv Ar Between 11:1 1 1 " r CaiMIMfiJWTE From all Parts SOMETHING ABOUT WONDER j Wonder is situated between the Chalk Mountain and Horse Creek, twenty-two miles aortheast of Fair view and about eighty miles to the nearest railroad point. This dis trict was discovered in the early part of Juae. and sensational values were found on the surface. The ore is ex tremely rich in chloride of silver wita accompanying sulphides aad bromides. Float rock was picked up oa the grouad carrying values of from 12470 900. There are from 75 to 10U tents in the town, but no buildings erected as yet. A severe handicap Is lack of water, all of which must te hauled from West Gate at a cost of 56 per barrel, it is reported that water has been, found within three miles, and if so it will be of material advantage to the early development of 'the dis trict The shaft on the i'airview Consoli dated has attained a depth of twenty feet, and the bottom is now in vein matter. Advertise in The Appeal Hi Nye and Ormsby County Bank A CARSON CITY, NEVADA CAPITAL 1200.000 Frank Golden, President D. M. Ryn, V:e-Pw:snV A. G. Raycraft, Cashier and Secretary Directors; FRANK GOLDEN, D. M. RYAN, JAS. G. SWEENEY, JOHN MeXANE, ALONZO TRIPP, L. L. PATR4CX M. SCHEE LINET. W.KENDAL, M. L. MacOONALD, N. McLEAN. URI B. CURTIS. INTEREST PAID ON TIME LEPOSITS AT 3 1-2 PER CENT. Geo. W. Cowing, Asst. Cashier Carson Citv Nevada R B Meier, Asst. dsn. To-npafc J. P. Marshall, Ast. Cashier, Goldflele M. J. Hill, Asst. Cashier. Manhattan The new district ot Chlorine seems to be attracting some attention. Salt Lake pt-ople appear to have been the first in the field and have secured tome good property. The State Bank & Trust Co Carson City. Nevada Capita! Fuiiy Paid Up $200,000 Branches ai Tonopah, Goldfield and Manhattan. Nevada. It is report c-ci tha: a very rich strike has beta made on the Jumper mine near Janu-stown. t'u!., and a strong vein of very rich ore has been uncovered. DIRECTORS: . .T. B. RiCKEV GEO. LIVINGS! CM, S. L. LEE, J. r-. DER. W BROCGHER. 1 ers, vice- President; J. P. oocbury, Caihi-er; E. D. Vaaderliefa. As? t Cashier, Tom - ; J. . Llr. i -C. H. Y'.h ..Si. Casii; H. MEYERS. P. C0D3LHY, G W. As st T - .- ''artui'- Deaiocrs'ic :. r-.mi'Ahi t'ov JtisMce 'n "i, i'l-'. ,!i.: : -? rS" f T( "eh fl'IiVt!: arcniii . t. . .. . . tl72,'-'i'-'.ida Z:i-rU ... '-ifc-sre.V'Jdr XiSxA'-v . . . Ll'Mtht pj i XiVf- f)n.?l'rr W:.t.feiv. ... SB-ciosr DKi.- tenJed to ten o'clock a. m.. Sat urday August 4th. l&'Mj, at the. office of ;he Board of Regents, University i 'J: 9j Coiuir.:: .MeSv pre: ji Nevada. .j .-secretary. Kcno Nevada GEO. H. Board of Ke-'eat TAYLOR. 5:50 L' :("' 6:15 Kh C-dr: OFFiCIA1- tOUNr Or STATE FUNDS ' a Jct-F 1! ::; 7:13 ::,: I":..:; 7:C3 v"k--V ' T::,:; 6:4 el MN l'':13 6.30 J. 1'. H ED DEN, .k-n. 1'ass. Am. Carload sliipateuta ui ore have been i'le from mines in the it Cl'l lv Chariest on range, not far from Vegas. This property was opened up S by Las Vegas people. The Bank will receive deposits, buy cr-j za'i change, give ".rorrpt aitentxn to Co tz '..cns; and do a GE."ERmL BANKING BUSINESS. A SAFE DEPC'sIT DEPAF.TM ENT V,;-.;. . v Boxes has r.cer. placed in tho Ban'.:. ""-.. ?2.rifi to per year acc.-'i -lir, 3 t . IJank M(-ncy Or'-rs nr- f - a'; rr. no cr-To- cost than Postal yj-.n-r Order. "i -j ar: r.. PETERSEN, A. MAPES. C. T. 3EN- si i : u-: j. K. Mey . ..:-t.M. .Vss.. r. G j. i..5. . , sr.z Dirs;,: Ex e:: StCSKS at ii-tOSlt trum c 11 ,r t. Vj 10 sTititc- i ine 4 Vj ie IK ll'J rvtal In joint convention -21. I'lw several Democratic and Silver Ttarty Crmany Central Committees or in ; jaari.--s in which there are no such esK-ntt.t'--s. the Stale Central Com-, tntttawri.- are hereby authorized and :.-&nf.'Ht tp cail a Primary election "? -.!- ieoiIo in acctjrdance with the Aiiitntes in such cases made am! pro rVi ?. for Sal unlay. August 11, lyijtj. ?tr :h-? o'irpisi' if electing delegates ts (inventions. . in- Kccordance vt'Jx the above basis of roprescnta- The Test Ax said primary cdeclious the test to '::i-ted by those vol inn ;it the C-lra.-'H-ratic priimtrie.s .shall bo as foi ijs: i nil! a Democrat," and at the ;5,l:v ( fVi-ty irimtiries. "1 am a Silver MX" The Primar:es i--s..iived. That the delegates to the .ri3rtttions be selected at primaries -'aervt-r practicable1, and where no igi-trir-x nr.- held the Coumy Central K.ixainUx". shall, appoint STATE OF NEVADA Ccjnty ;f Ormsoy, ss. V. C Uoulas. ani U. aweeiie.. ,?ing duly sworn, severally say they are members of tlie Hoard of Examiners of the State of Ne vada; that oil the t-'Hih day ot June, Iti'i.j, they (ai';r having ascertained from the books or the State Con troller the amount of nianey which should be in the Treasury; made an official examination ana count ot the money and vouchers for money in the State Treasury of Nevada and tound same correct as follows: Coia $:;::;, l-t; us Paid Coin Vouchers not re turned to Controller 'J7.L':;s lU Total !$4l!.:;tn n ! EXCURSION RATES EAST State School Fund Securities Irredeemable Nevada state" School Hond :j:;so.tiini no Massachusetts State V, per cent bonds Nevada State bonds Massachusetts Siate ; ceii. bonds United States bonds ..-:j;.iMiii no . ;:i,7t'J "0 per , ..ij:;,iinii no ."il.j IHUI (IO Total ?-i.llx,oin J 1 G. Oouglass james G. Sweeney. Subscribed and sworn to me this 2C;th day of June. A. 1). V.miu. J. Doane, Notary Public. Ormsby County Nevada. o-o - NOTICE On June 6th and 7th, July 2nd and 3rd, August 7th. 8th and 9th, and September 8th and 9th, special low round trip rates will L: in effect to all points East, final returning limit 9C We ofer you choice neats fresh i days, but not later than October 31st. ; coid storage as you please, lard, bacoiv According to the Sait Lake Herald Grig H. Young lias returned from a trip into Nevada en the line of the Western Pacific with samples of flue looking copper tire. Active work is being advanced ou the Silver King property at Fairview and the main tunnel is now in thirty five feet, and when the vein is cross ed drifts will be run. In prospecting this claim a good showing was made. o 'I Trie llagle Market. ""OU think of snow capped mountains and cool, pure, bubbling brooks with, the rest of Bohemian Hops added, when you drink A. B. C BOHEMIAN BOTTLED BEER. THE PURITY OF A. B. C. !S THE A. B. C. OF PURITY. Colorado Common Po?nts . . Missouri River CO 00 Mississippi f River fiT Chicago I'l 5" Washington and Baltimore -- 107 (-0 New York 108 &0 For particulars see any Agent, or address, D. S. TAGGART D. F. & P. A., Reno. Nevada Jo o-o SALESMEN Sell our SL'O Soda Fountains; make 510 on every sale; collect own commiss'oas; act quick: write for particulars. J. B. FOX & Co.. La Salle St. Chicago. 53 oO j liar.-.s and Boiled Hams in quantities to uit you, esss and butter, strictly fresh. Our goods are all good, pin up in good -.nape. Our service t good, our prices are good for you itivpu (w vmir order for chicken" I nocigerurow DKY PASTl'UAGK 1 0i, n.cres of dry pasture. Stock Si a neacl a nioiun. Apply at ibis office1. tf o-o Anything you want in the way o: r.'Cf- par try? Leave your order -. R'CHARSON'S Blac'rsmithing and Wagon i Hotse hoe.n a Specialty. WHY WE CALL !T A. B. C. BOHEMIAN Because we go to Bohemia every year and obtain our supply of Hops from the test hop produc ing district of that little country which grows, the finest quality of hops in all the world. "We go to Canada for the best Barley grown in all the world. "We use only the best material in brewing A. B. C. BEERS jO0 WorV' ar.3 ftsasonable Pricta. Bottl6-Beers 5i Tte American BrawisgCsSc k R Shop opposit . the VT. & T. it. .rtiti "epot. A K i 7 ' I WF Tt. R-... UtUJ T7-VT TTCTtrr r . .f -n m I u"w 1 -'i-,"- at tnc rrewerv :n W A Ci t . T"? r t t- . . iuuis. i iicre tore ine oniy ocer whose rUKll Y can be ibsclutcly GUARANTEED. 5. LIVINGSTON, Distributor, SkftZM OIH, m oeal members of the State ysfiicX Coinmittce shall be authorized A 45ctef to appoint, and where tiizwi is ro County Centra': Commit !. r7 members of the ,tate Central Carami-ctfes. the State Exocttiive Com :ciiw of the State Central Commit Jtws af acli party shall make the ap-ponaftrat-ntH.. Saprctaries of the various County -C-:ral Commfttees are requested to Sra.t!i a certified list of the dele SZeites so-elected or appointed to the nfuarmea of the Siate Central Com-stf-aws- af- ftoth parties. A"c the1 aforesaid meeting of the Notict is lierby givei on Moa day August , li'0 at. o'clock p. m. ' in front of the court house. Tne ; delegates : Coim, Treasurer of Ornish v Count v ; will sell at public : . -. voiuum-. estate of . Nevada. "''. int" 'jl nt.,. l.n. . . . V .1... t-. ill. Ill mi 3 ML lilt' - . , , - i ..... - i 10 ine nignest iiidder l-.i ot tne : purchase price to be pa... in cash. The pioperty known as the Oivusby County Agricultural Grounds, together wttii ! I mi iuiiiniiss t,iiimitfo i uereou. io uni j ! for said property will be entertained for a sum less man Sooo.00. i Full terms of sale will be given upon j application at the office of the County j Clerk. j The Board reserves the right to ! reject- any . and all bids. By order j of the Board of County Commission- j ers.- J. F. WOODBURY, Chairman H. B. Van Etten, Clerk. j 3&a& Central Committees of both rKttts it was unanimously resolved Ladies shampooing and massage, and -recommended that the two cou-' electric apparatus, private -rooms, Ar-rt-t-tiOT-s Hereby called meet in joint lington Barber Shop. L. & M. Alexander & Co. 1820 FILLMORE ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Announce trie unparalleled success of " L. C: SMITH BROS WRITING IX SIGHT TYPEWRITERS SOME OF GREATER SAM FRANCISCO USERS ARE: Western Union Telegraph Anglo-California Bank Union Trust Company. Cat. Safe Deposit B.-.nk Mutual Savings Bank Nathan-Dohrmann Cs. " Healds Business college U. S. Siqral Corps San Fr?ncisco Board of Education W. & J. Sloan & Co. C. H. PETERS, Local Agent. Carson Cify, Nevada CHICAGO a-, Railway between the Missouri and over The On! Doubled Track River and Chicago.. THREE FAST TRAINS DAILY V I Southern Pacific, Tuion Pacific and Chicago and North Western kailwa Overland limited vestibuled leaves San Francisco at 1 1 a. m. The most luxurious Train in the World. Electric Ligted Throughout. DUO Double Drawins Room Sleeping Cars, Composite, Observation. Buffet Smoking and Library Car, Dining Cars. Meals a la Carte. Less than three days to Chicago withoutchange. Eastern Express. Vestibuled. Leaves San Francisco at : p. ni. Daily Through Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleeping Cars to Chicago. Dining Cars. ".-' v-.vlining Chair Cars. Atlantic w'estibuled. '.eaves San Francisco at 'J:W a. m. Daily St -.t ; r . ind Tourist Sleepers. PLRS;NLLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS Wednesdays, Thursdays and Frklavs. The best of Everything. R. R. RITCHIE G. A. P. C. Chicago Temporary Office 435 14th St., Cal. o.-tlvvisfcrn ?.aiiroad. or 3. P. COMPANY AGENT.