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DAILY 6OCLO0K APPEAL EDITION VOL. LXVII. 25 CENTS A WEEK CARSON CITY, NEVADA SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 21. 1906 5 CEN1S A' COPY No. 96 COfJCESSlOHS HI' iilORE BILLS OF HEW PRIWCIPftL PAWHEE IS TO WED FOR FOUND AGAIN? ! it mm TROLLEY WHAT THE STREET CAR PROJEC TORS ASK IN THE FRANCHISE AMOUNTS TO A PERMIT AND PROBABLY WILL BE GRANTED fai. ;vat, I Has the old Zirn bonanza, been i i tou-i agslr. '' - . ., Waiter Brown came in. today frora ' 'the Las: Chance mine with a. baklas ! powder can full of yellow gold La j took from a point above tie Zira poekt-. The dust weighs close to 11 ounces. : in fact weiahv lo.bik with the small amount of Mack s?nd carried, and is worth close to S200. The appearance of the stuff caused a lot or excitement among the toiders or the last Chance mine, and Brown w:U go back and try to find aw far the por-ii; runs and wnat there is in HELD UP COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT LINES HIS FORCES FOR A LEGAL FIGHT TO PREVENT SQUANDERING OF SCHOOi. MONEY THE COURTS WILL SETTLE iT. Hffi ARRIVED BE MESH PROF. TEMPLETON, EMINENT EDUCATOR OF CALIFORNIA j WILL TAKE CHARGE OF CARSON J CITY SCHOOLS HERRE TOOK j INCREASED SALARY AND MISS-' ED AN OPPORTUNITY. i OUTLET S. P. WILL ESTABLISH NEW STA TION TO HANDLE BUSINESS OF sHE NEW DISTRICT OTHER THINGS. BREVITIES t F. V. Day left this morning for Sil ver Bow to attend to the shipment of some ore in the mine he and others are working on a lease. John Edwards will join Considine's mutual improvement club for a period of. twenty years, at the order of tht; courts of Reno. Ft appears Edwards Ceid up a saloon. fib . 1- Thr- find was kas.-. ntken a .rit ihou u g.-ts his d'is" . ; 'lardnfrvilk nade ;.u week a. ihe benufi 'If' was lie b'.s8"ar; ) Thuiiday, (, . he ft n l oa n: pe I i r. :sl county commissioners met m . -.-!oi ia.j! night to listen to of a franchise lor a street an:' aiter listening to the A the irancliise wanted, ana "ton t;t the provisions oi the .. (;. look the maiier under ad r.ent until Wednesday. i'h.' franchise asked of tuc eom-n:i.-.a.iners, and of the city trusu"-s. in the nature of a blanket franchise. The iirojt-eiors ask-that the city and county j;ive them tile righ' to opera e a s. -'. am, ercctric or cable road ovet any and ali streets in ('arson City, yv.', over ad roads ami Highway., in n.e county o: Orinsby. Tn-.y mso ask thai the franchise at- i:e property of the corporation In i . empr irom all taxation or license I' ,'iiir years, after which period thj cars are To be licensed a! the rate of Si'1 per annum each, boih by the city ana by the county. T::e franchise is to run for a period of twenty years, the legal limit in tLi.- Stale for such a concession, and i the projectors agree to start work witr.iii six mouths from date of ttie. franchise ?.nd to operate at least one mib in the citv and one mile in the county inside of two years, provided ment of a tax of 2 cents per share on the commissioners and the It is now cvi in relation To ; cuaiis and desl house wili be ".aiii that the natters he purchase oi opera s for th" new sctiooi niaue ii:e subject A. H. Mayn- teft t! GoidSetu. He b some wee lis attending ;i.- tnurning foi en iu Ramsey to mining bus!- u-ss . iire eonte.-i oier Verse claim n connection wit! the location of a on adjoining ekii; the lt( ; when told to go up on ance bv Al. Livingston, and to take a chance on striking just -ui h a deposit. Sweeney is running a tunnel for tin- very spo' this pocket was found m and will drill both ways whet, tie as. he? the poi:;:. The find was mad..- on the surface and if it g lea down Sweeny-- will strike it rich. NEW YORK LAW HURTS US Wall street 'it'otivo blow; rr. proceedin The Whitakcr. Ray Co.. tiirouga lis a'iorney. Samu; i I'latt, gave notice asi Wednesday that it would lake the !i;!,iers there on a complaint based on a bill for :..:.". lit for the school desl s. wiiicli bi'l had not yei been paid, o'ving to a refusal of the school .'i!pcri!iiend"!iT to approve tne same. 'i'he bill for opera chairs lias not yet been brought into the coin rovy. ' r the reason tnaT an agreement is ekemed by wiiii h the s( hoo! trustees are ro iiay for these chairs 'in niouth iv installments. This arrangement, 't is staled was made because of the i'act that poi'uiar subscript ions were talien and tiiai the money Could not till be collected a' one tinia. An impression that tin; school I rue tees handles the cash of the school fund is in error. All the tiustecs do is to oruer the payment of moneys tine for expenses or bills cuniracied. 1 As to the legaliiy of the bills now tin question the courts will settle tha; i nialter when the complaints are tiled. District Attorney Roberts,, by his i action Wednesday night and the charg- ; i os he mane at that time, has paved 'the way for a thorough investigation t of ibe matter, and while no charges of fraud have been made against i the members of the old board, the- ! is a feeling that the matter should I be aired thoroughly in order that the i charges made by the district attorney ; I shall he proven or disttrovea. j It Ur slated that the old board mem- it fi lie run ar least once A uci aivu3 ai xvz -v"-"- , . . IS LO ill ma xi 'vai " ' art. ?fitiii!' ImiiL-s m K imip for i : txV 41 ic oiltiicr am i n-3c .riTs v 1 I tic- enure, lengin oi uie nuo. "i "i . " - J. C. Teraplefon, some time prin cipal of the public schools of Santa Ana. Oiangf county, California, arriv ed this morn ins to take up tne work of preparation for the fall term of this school. Mr. Tepjpietot) has been engaged hr the trustees in place of Prof. Howe. of i retired, to fill the office of principal. ! i'rof. lierre,, of Stanford, was the first appotntep, nut wnen he announced his i resianaticn ct Stanford, he was beg- , ued to stay Jiid increased financial -.r.dr.rc inoiit decided him to do so. i Prof Tern plot on is well Known in j Southern California as an excellent ! tlueator and a man cf up ro dare and j aggressive educational ideas. Hrs i schoej a' santa Ana is accrciited at j i-iery university in tlie -tare of Call-: f ruin, and in many orher states. This itself is a re'or;iiuend;iti(.u that can-; u.'" Ciaik strike, an attempt 'hat fail-1 ... . , ......l .... i , .... ,. . . i hoi of "iviiMUM-u. en iicn -ia tie appuea vigorot; r.tetl it is stated tnat the new principal 4 ures to protect 'his property. tie l-tli -Mayu heat, jh ne w:-.s g'Otlthi troversj also aa bv.w of o uiss th to dt? st ati.entpt ny uoy, or LiaiK strike. says,' with some show of ji stateinviits to the ft'eci that 'onipeliei". to sacrifice some in the adjustment ol ;l;.s coa are obsidutely untrue. He le was compel en to use a at ihe contestants agreement w '.is on they promised; an on Half of the ii-eiy rasn of the town ie it today for Ramsey. Good news t eral stringers Ca.-h Hoy ii.;s f tite discovery of sev or goid ore in thej been st-m in. The Schutz building htts been denud u of the porch that disaured it for so many years, in eai'iy tit'i 'Vemenr. Trust en th- chul. for spirit of 5ei-im force to 1 iy titeir ir suit i . The trouble arose e. to iiie a double locat: 1 .a man j he WtJi gi I rather ttia I from .... r. and I iO .Hello is.h :::.eres:ei in i;amsey says e goons tiway in Ramsey 1:1 .-'..-e the camp supplied. Mrs. Loub itisl .1 g..t ; Bevier leTurued. i'tor ti two davs 'o iiatdl eggs by the u.-e of hot ' wati r is the plan of a number of per- has aimed three dis til Xevada niinini :-.-' -cks .vithm as many months and her latest move seems the most effec tive of all. The. voustruet'on just placed by the Veil' York srate ant h on ties oil tin? will be given n free hand in bis :-ou- duel of the schools of this city, both j on account of his reputation a nil 1 educator and because The new board wishes to dispose of the uiea current j that is. as a board, will attend to mat- j tors of administration. j The present staff of teachers will j b retained, it is staien. and it is 1 made ledgy.- width. ! v. o otiter have bee: i.i ihe Ui.-trici and lh C:;::l aas been prospected jas to It is over '2 feet wide with no true foot wall yet. The other strikes are on oig ledges that assay away up m the shipping class. . The Southern Pacific has agreed .0 open a station at I 'aw noe. a side track sons win hat cherv 1 are atiout to construct a at Smith Snrings. stock tax law, which compells the pt- possible that a vice-principal- will be j ul the Toll ranch. Prom this point the staff recently ap- j the loads are hard, with little or no trustees all stocks, whether the par value is SI may extend that time longer than two of Sloo, wiiether selling tor Z cento . 1 1.1.,. ; v.i.r nvrc nr S4 000 tfp vilvarte hns rf- years, but cannoi exteuu me uiub - besin work. Power is to be developed suited in the annihiliation of the New in Ash Canon. Yovk Mining Stock Exchange, and The Plans tf the projectors, as the establishment, in Jersey City, by slated last night, are to build between Xmv Yor kmining stock brokers, of Shaw's Springs and this city, through what is called the Jersey City Club, the city to some poin in or opposite Trading on the New York curb has al Vall y Park or the prison. Nothing s so been sopped. said about poles or trolly lines, swit- The tax exceeds commission ehars ehes or operation, except that a car s in nearly all cases and in some caa- at least once a day along es where mining stock ot tne par vai- selected from pointed. Prof. Tenipleton lias been here only one day, and necessarily does not know jusl what he will and can do. A meeting of the teachers will be called shortly to enable them to meet the new principal and ad vise him about the next year's work. The Appeal joins with the parents of this city in wishing Prof. Temple ton the same success he has enjayed elsewhere. The staff of teachers is sand, and the station will be only a matter of nine miles from Ramsey. An operator and agent will be put in at Pawnee immediately, and Mayne and the townsite people will install a tele phone l'ne to Pawnee at once. Every Goldfielder in the district is in love with Carson City and many of them assert they will come here to live. T. L. Robinson has been here for several days, preferring to stay Anheiiser-Rusch will Le handled by Andy Todd, who is '-(just meting a cellar in which to store it in car load lots. CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY one that can not be much improved j ail(1 lis business bv wire Til! m a ft draft cop:-" ma'.': Stl ; . t; commissioners and trustees per share, the tax practically amouuis several changes in the original ;.. confiscation of the issues, of the francnise and asked for The immediate effect of this was of it. Further changes may be .o reduce the number of transactions before it is advertised for u mining shares in New oi k. and increase the business of Philadelphia, lost on and other eastern mining stock viitors, and 'incidentally bring a fair the business to Western . in it is stated that there are legal epi.-, lions in The way of grunting such a franchise, but hose are such as can adjusted without trouble. The coii.missioners eliminated the word m from ike franchise, and. amend ed iast night so that nothing in this ira .close shall prevent any other cor- , . : V. . , t-it ion irom asiving i" 1" dyed tiart of markets. The tremendous decline in mining stocks since ihe Sail Francisco fire ' .is no parallel in the history of N'o uikt. and yet, not a Nevada hank, j ! promoter or mining campany has tailed uhd in the face 7if it a thorough "house" cleaning" in school ; nntters, and that the new board will soon receive everyt r.g needed to : t apprise the members of the exact status of the school affair?. i The coumy sunerlutendent is hold- -ing .up all bills of the Whit akor, Ray i company pending set i lenient of iliei i dispute. nponi and the pupils of the schools of this city are second to none in in telligence and aptitude (.( i THREE BONOS IN PINEHUT all ! In this stand he is support- ice 1 1 " mnnv won eonieiid mat it irauu i ! as he iias charged, was committed on ; i one. it is it good idea that he hold ; i hem all up until the charges can be t carefully probed. j j There are two oilier bins, amount.- i g to over ft.ion. vvnicn Koiiens iias ; I not yet approed, and he dC'daros that j J he will not ;tpp."ove luem tinul he Is atisfied lhai ihe ntonev f the tax eretl. ELKS ADJOURN CONVENTION stuilar fr-.,r,cbiSf. over streets not occupied ...... .u..t contractors. As. : !.,. new mining camp of Manhattan . .i... f.-inchi;i. amounts simp- .;.; winessod the 'bringing into tne . . ,,,i ,i ii:-. ,.r .-.w.rj niKitlv tnvistlTl'r rtlMCllill v .i ui mill IO UIV 11.11 ivo liii !' ' ..-on:' m .iiv" w...... . .- -- ! " !" I""t 1 . ! lcrvers has not been squam , o .mtiv vsn-m along the streets .;lv ;nd other apparatus to prosecute i ... I "lir'll i I" m'.lilllir ,,. O 11T1,. oiili-i to i;e snccinco laie:. a.uu -- iw.i...s "u " .-.v.-..- , should receive th esupport of every r -.-. person interested in the welfare of MEN AND TEAMS WANTED th'j citv. Siive'- Fo;ik is the destination of an 4 troll'-y line bet woe tn Shaw's ovrusinn of the Tonopah railroad Springs and this city, to the prison, on which work will begin as soon w.v.ud pay weii. especially at a ten ilS construction crews can be prueiired cent car fare rate, and if me pro- c. n. Virgilio of the Reno employment jecuns set this permit they say they agtuvcy has been notified bv the tin'i- will start work at -nee,--They an- a.gement of. this line to uish toutn- nounced last night that they would stei-s t,o the . scene and' he was tol.i make it a mutual concern, inviting that fifteen mile or the gradins hatl stck subsrip"ons front Carson City already been completed, people who want such an investment. The new line is to run from GjhI- The projected lire is n.i part of the ftf.pi. Junction t'o Silver Peak, around Valtev Park Co enterprise but it is th eedge of the old Salt Marsh lake, an independent concern and marks -hi. distance is about twenty ndlta the second big improvement planned fn,m the iunction. It will ta a for Carscn City within the past sixty veat gold producing country and wlH days. This week three different rlainis in the Pinenut hills was bonded by out side eani'.alists who will immediately start work on their newly acquired ! property. ( Mr. C. i,. hunter representing Qak- i : laud and San Franctsco capitalists. I bonded the Jcssen llros. copper niiue 1 in Red Canyon and wiil start work at aiso bourteo ihe Buffalo i!ic-. He V Cauvou no? -o-o Tr?nsnort ore over a road that is traversed by many teams. Asents for the Virgillios are !d DENVER, JULY 21 The U. P. O. E. adiourned at j:20 hist night. The "ay was devoted to hard work on laws J and other matters of interest to the ' fraternity. Tuesday, July lrdh was set as -the date for opening the grand lodge ift 11107. A supplimental report of the committee on credentials which was read today showed the roster of the grand lodge to be 1.255 which is larg r than the P.i'.fftlo meeting. Among the important act'ons taken today was the changing of the sonr of maintenance of the National Home. The present system is to charge each subordinate lodge bavins a man in the hone $2 ; week. The grand lodge decided to levy a par Copper Mining Com puny s claims in lUifialo. and will commence operation within sixty day?.. -... ; r-v. ..... 1 ,1 ..m.I o-pi,.!itfi.. l.o-., V ill. .Ml inflini'l u mi n .-v iuii,, nn ' ' secured a lease on the old Iron mine and are alreadv hard at work dev-. dipitig -same. Mr. -McDonald is a "ormor GoldfioM man, and in the early days of that now flourishing camp, was a leaser of one of the best oro ducing mines now in that section. Mr. McDonald has three other men associated with him ana they have set to work to prospect the iron mine in a thorough and systematic manner t.p c PARENTS SHOULD KNOW while he takes a much needed rest, to rushing out from the umbrageous shade into the desert before he is com pelled to do so. Mayne is the same, as are all the Goldnelders and Tono pah men that come here on business. Ii is up to Carson City to get busy now and corral the business of Ram soy for none of these men will go to Reno for anything, for the same old reason. Carson City can supply Ram sey and is supplying it now. Mayne says it is easier to go friuu here to I r tiwitie and bacK, than u. is to urtve i into Ramsey from any c.iier point. and as tor lreignt. t' citv :s much nearer than any other wholesal ing point. o-o. HELP WANTED IN FRISCO Methodist Episcopal Church Servic es at 11 a. m. and 7:::p p. m. Mornin:! subject, "The" Supremacy of Christ." Evening subject, "The one God. Shalk we Serve Him?" Epworth League. l:.'. p. in., subject "How brethren Can Help Each Other in the Chris tian Life, in Every Day Affairs." Sun day school, 12, noon. Gooa music at all services. An invitation is extend ed to all. and especially to strangers I in the city. DON O. COLuROVE, Pastor- Presbyterian Services at li a. m. and T.t'.u p. in. Sunday school at noon. Christian Endeavor at ;::!o p. m. vnr- A Cood second hand ba h tub for sale cheap. Formerly Washoe county looking for teams and capita tax upon all the lodges in th tStf. now $10. inquire this office. ti . jnea, country for the support of the home. If yor.f- chihire'ns eyes are defective : vision, it becomes criminal neglect to refuse them protection from strain and nerve drain. Immediate attention may save your child much misery and yourself future regret. Examination 'REE. Dr. Goldberg. Graduate Re fractionist, Room ;6, Park Hotel. 'ii Have you registered The register s!ose3 this year on September 10th. SAX FRANCISCO, July 21. Georgi i reiki telis. president of tne Iron am: trass Foundry Association, has issiteu . statement about me need of skilled labor in the irn trad..: 4 While a tv huge number of nr. 'haaics have arrived in San Franciseo -inc.' the lire, all of whom have found i niploynient at good wages. The d uiand for labor is steadily increasing wing to he ranid building uy of the citv and the large contracts offered taily to contractors, many of which have to be refused owing to the scar city of labor. Wages ruling here oro higher than in any. other place in the l'nited States. no PURCHASED PRv,"cWYY V. B. Harbin today purchased the Harry Humphries property in' the southwestern edition. Theis is one of the desirable pieces of prop erty of that section of the city. MISS TORREYSON TO LEAVE Miss Jennie Tori'eyson. formerly t the Carson High School, h;TS soouw.d position in the public schools ot Reno. She has hum been regarded a.; me of the most popular young women in this ell v. and her friends i" ('a- . son ii'v win congrniuu'ie nor ii:; ecurinu so good ;i position, but rt that site is ui take tin her rest tleitci. in Reno. O n QUESTION CF SKILL Dr. Goldberg's lenses are put : question ot merchandise, but an- simply a question of skill and abilitr fo f'n the eyes. Examination FREE. Room :!;, Park Hi. lei. 2t Lost. Ret woou Goldcu's jewelry -itero ami Ktizme". or's drug store. r pocket book colli :i:"''t!K two five dot Tar gold tv'rces. Finder will be re warded by returning '!. to Mr: Sweeney. J. P tr SHIRT WAIST HOP The Junior 'til class is out with in vitations to a Shirt Waist hop to be given at Armory Hall. Tuesday. July 24. , ,.,. - Have you registered. The register closes this year on September 10th. O 3 ' A ,.ew line of Eastman Kodaks has arrived at Kitzmeyer's drug store. Just the thing for campers and to take on a vacation trir.