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OA Y A,, ... 6 O GLOCK EDITION VOL. LXVIIj A35 .CENTS A WKCK CARSON CITY, N IV ADA. tB)DIESDAV EVENING, JULY 25, 1906. 5 CENTS A COPY No. 99 LI OPEN BIG RESERVE IN OCTOBER ARTIH LUTZ1S TURNED LOOSE This afternoon, the supreme court handed dowa a decision in .the case o" Martin Lutz, sent to jail by Judge Murphy for contempt ot. court in not paying aiimony to "his "wife. It was believed that Lutz had money and wag able to pay the alimony bul-iio one has ever been able to locate his wealth; meanwhile he has spent sev eral weeks in the county jail of Orrn- 0?NING ONLY AWAITS PRESI- b' waning for t he court to pass on r.eiiTia rrr All tTlAU f Ills CaSC. INDIAN LANDS ARE ALLOTTED- StpS I iDONT WORRY L lAiAxnii no GROW DAI ISO CSMIABK f &3 "Tr UI1I A I ITV OF THE EARTHQUAKE Geo CLAUSE NEVADA COMMISSION ER INVESTIGATES; SAN FRANCISCO, July 23. The The Nevada Investment Company was incorporated this afternoon, wita W. Cowan, president; C. F. Nichols, secretary; Geo. ' T. Mills, treasurer; H. A. Lemmon, P. V, Mighels and H. R. Mighels. directors. The purpose ot the company is to V. Casson, allotment agent for the : interior department, is in this city i I He says the allotment of ianus oi the Waiker river reservation has oesu completed and that ail that remains now to tnrcw open the .reservation; fcr settlement is tne president s proc-; iannJion setting the. date. Taio is gccu ,news as it is aimost ; certain that the land will be open for settlement by the middle of Oetouei. The Walker Uivr reservation uas ben a lode stone to mining men tor half a century, ever since li was sec aside for reservation purposes. There are immense leages of gold, silver, copper and iron ores in the mountains of this tract, and rich strikes nav been made several times by miners who were able to sneak past the lines and do a bit ot prospecting work. in addition to the mineral lands are enormous areas of agricultural lands through and past which the Walker river pours a continuous frood oi water that can be used tor irri gating these same lanas. - it is almost certain that forest re serves will be declared, that certain land.- will be neld from entry for reclamation purposes, and that the government will proceed to irrigation wors as soon a aiter the lands are thrown open -o-o The supreme court heid that there had been no proof tat he had the money to pay the aiimony, and tn.if he could not be imprisoned tor nui doing something he was unable to do, and that there was no law lmprn cnlng a man for debt in 'Nevada. Lutz was accordingly allowed to go and after the heat and raosauitoe and oedbugs oi the notel de Kinney his liberty was very acceptable The divorce trial was set in Judge Murphy's court tor Monday. o-o DAMAGE DONE IN VIRGINIA BY THAT "I SOFT. IS DEAD "FRIEND OF ALL VIRulNIA" PASS ES AWAY AFTtR A USEFUL LIFE BELIEVED ALWAYS IN FUTURE. BREVITIES j The Junior '04 class had a delight ful time at the Armory last night. Como boom. mining district Js jon th-i agent of the Pheonix-Royal insurance j handle all classes of mining securi ccmpany of Austria has received the j ties, stocks, and bonds and to promote followinz notice: j properties of merit in northern and "To thp claimants of rhf Austrian western Nevada. rheonix Royai . Imperial Priviiedged Tae company has taken office rooms j Insurance Company of Vienna, Aus- j in the. Withereii building, which will j tr;a: We wish to convey to you tne i lt thiown open to the brokers and i instructions received .from the home i mining men of Southern Nevada". A offie of this company at ienn;, Aus tria, viz.; That ail claims that have been filed against this company by That "rainstorm' a- Virginia City, .ate yesterday afternoon was a real stcrm. Tne Pioneer laundry was wrecked; the road to the Utah mine was de stroyed; every bridge in Six Mile Canyon is out; four corus of wood floated down C street; Charies Living ston was ail but drowned; a big wagon was swept away and ruined; niige boulders rolled down the streets in the flood ot water; Bob Gile-s" place was washed away; the Weirs I Fnrsro linUfliiip' was trnok hv HhT- constr ct ' -..-.---.- -- -- - -- - - --o--- 1 i ning ;the sluices at-the Buyers plant s possible ; , , , , . were uestroyeu; 10m barneys sluic es were washed out; five feet of de bris blocked traffic at the stone bridge near Billy Hill's; a wall of water three feet ueep swept down the mountain through the city, and sev cther smaller accidents happened. ' For a rainstorm that was not a I cloudburst, the effect resembles very Governor Sparks returned to Car- close, a feal e h cloudburst viewed from this distance, but it may not have been anything but a rainstorm. r'.om will be fitted up for the special ! us'-; of mining men. in which they j will fi'id mining papers, maps and data that will lend assistance to S thm iii their work with the mining ' industry of this section of the eoun 'tiy, end the stae general. ! The company will connect with the ! hjirj. distance wire between New York i and S 'n Francisco and will have the : reports both cah ooards as fast j us they a , lade. j A complete staff of stenographers wili be employed as needs arise, and j the ofhea will add another enterprise of worth to the city ot Carson. Things are moving aious at tae , ,t u ,he iutt.nUtm of the new com. prison and the cement Hoor is be- j yaay U( t.t rignt down lo t.usiue5S iiiy put in the new ceil room, to be reason of the earthquake which se cured on tne morning cf April iSth. Hit5, are invalid, as all policies of this company become null and void by said earthquake as the same was wholly responsible for the connagru tion that followed. WAV. WiTT, Delegate. Wm. Keday. Adjuster. James McKinty, superintendent 1 the C. &. C. mine and allied proper ties in lrginia City, is dead. The tlreaded miners' consumption at last triumphed over medical skill and tne friend of all Virginia passed away this morning at his home at that place. Deceased was one of the best known and most public spirited men on the iode, and has done a great dea! to keep the old camp together. He never made a promise to his directors that he did not fulfill, and when he Mrs. Dr. Goldberg is visiting her husband in thi city. Major. O. F. Alers. a brother of Mrs. A. J. Cushing is paying her a short visit before he goes to tDe southern mines. The two have not met in 42 years. Samuel Morris and Chris Yager iett today for Cat f reek, to look at some mining properties. B. J. Sweetlaud and lict. Smith wiil open the raitL theatre shortly. Kintescope. formerly tl Information as to the whereabouts advised extensions or increased work, j i t Martha is wanted bv iire. his advice always was followed A thorough optimist, be believed to the day of his death the Comstock revive, and that oy modern metn- the cid veins can be and her golden .w. U. bay, c;t Berkelev. CELLS NEAR COMPLETION the cehs are properly and a revival of mining in this and , other sections triDUtary tp Carson! City is a foregone conclusion. i Don't worry, watch us grow. Boost ; and get into line ana make some mon ey. The mines south, the mines east. 60V SPARKS "TALKS FISH AI1D A LITTLE POLITICS be opened 'or closed as desired, with out interfering with the door of any other tier. son City today from his outing m Elko county. He has been iishing on Bi Goose Creek whicn runs into Snake river. He landed' one hundred and ntty trout weighing from three quarters to a pound and a half and thy were fish native to the waters of the creek, never having been plant etl by a fith commissioner. He looked for tV.. and grouse but found none. looking weli after hl3 -o-o- One ot the prettiest sights in this pretty valley is a fieid ot wheat on either side of the, prison road. . ready when hooited up. When finished the celi room wii oe one of the best m the country j Each row of cells m each tier may be ! .. ...beu at onee a pi.ein r.evice tuat , Ine b,? lvciamation projects, the open operates from outside the tier, m ig ,,f Valley -Fark, the construction c-t case of fire or pank. or ior anv other j a street iajiway, the rejuvenation ot reason whatever, all the cells may j the whole tt,n.Uoly tributary to Car be thrown open at once, and each nr-ay ' K rirv ,, f.lamnrin fm. th. attention of those from whom at tention is due; so get ousy. o-c 1 he prisoners are doing most of the work under the direction of two skilled mechanics lurnished by the . Dr Goidlerg wno nas 1een ,n tnis contractors. Everything but the iron j c.jty for gouie dayg practiclng Qls pro. is furnished at the prison, the rock has een made happy bv and cement work betng done by the I on.iva, ot Mrs GoUiberg. prisoners themselves. j He announ(.eu thig atternoon taat io : ... ... . j i'c iiitt-utis 10 ne ueie in imure, win I buy or build a home, and add hiiu 1 self to the community. People like these are more than welcome in this city, and many more of thtm are coming. V.'l oils of mining. opened once more flood restored onco more to the "chan nels of commerce. McKinty was appointed to succeed Ryan, was 5S years of a?e, and left a family in moderate circumstances. The funeral arrangements have not ; yet been completed, i o-o .Ran Ore-,, have refused ?i:..0Ut nieir ciainis in Ilamsev. The Ramsey tuwasite tj' j:,,. iu sold lots to the amount of $24.0bC. MORE NEW RESIDENTS ABOUT ELY A doctor in Goldneld has been He is thrown out of his Duggy the thjrd trip and tne time by the same runaway horse, and jaunt has evidently agreed with him. He reports that the prospects oi Bryan being a presidential candidate in K'8 is causing men who sidestep- has suffered a broken aniue each time Champagne corks popped in Cherry C'reek on Monday nignt when the ar- ped Parker in the last election to an- rival of the Nevada Northern railroad nounce that they are coming back to was celebrated with a banquet given v ote the fusion ticket, this fall. o-c O- tr ill honor of the officials of the line. There is a great deal of work be ing uone on the copper mines at the North end of Lanaer county, and Battle Mountain is enjoying a small boom in consequence. v A write up of Ely, which appeared recently, had this among other things to say about the rejuvenated copper amp: The history of Ely is the history oi nearly all of tii oid minify camns i f the west, whicn, during the time , ':t their prosperity, prior to the year j 1S7JJ, when silver was demonetized, coasted of populations running m .nto the thousands. With the aemoi- of Carrolltou, 111, and James T THIS HONEYMOON IS TO BE A TRIPLE PLATED ONE The coming entertainment of the Leisure Hour Club promises to ie something particularly unique. The young ladies are orilling industrious ly and some ot the features are oi the most novel variety. The costuming will be something gorgeous, the musical features some thing delightful, and the general stage effects surpassing anytmng ever at temptd in Carson Cty. All th etaleht in Carson City has been grabbed to make this affair a success and the people handling It piopose to surprise tne town. o-o FIRE DESTROYS SUISUN The county commissioners and city trustees will meet tonight to take action on the application for a fran chise to lay street car tracks au.l c perate a trolly line in this city and county. The body of W. ii. Kidd, who died in Gai'dnervilie, was brought here yesterday. K:dd was enroute from lone, New, to California and becaniv ill in Gardm-rville. The body will l; sent to lone. Emeralda is the name of a new camp north of Reno, where it is said all sorts of valuable ore has been found. A new townsite has been laid out at Nashville, north ot Reno. The judges of the Supreme court will take a vacation in August. Bids for the shooting range were inadequate, and all were rejected. One was $:52j and one was $250. The property will not be sold for less thau i UOO. r DEMOCRATS OPEN UP CHICAGO, July Zo. Tile western avision ot the democratic congres sional committee will open headquar ters at the Palmer House in Chicago, .august 1. Final arrangements were SLisUN, Cai., July 25. A tire. which started hre at :40 o ciol last night burned until y o'clock caus- ol- A gou strike in gilt The Manhattan Mail Uie record by printing has broken the Rt'ovy ink. That s The deposits of antimony adjacent RAMSEY RECORDER The ' Ramsey Recorder" is the lar est addition to the journals ot the State of Nevada. The new paper will be issued on or about August 4. A olant is on the way to the, new camp, and actual to lovelock are attracting ..the at work of getting out the first issue" is mention of tne metal dealers and min well under way. -ng men from eli ' directions. We The temporary office of the Re- toitbt it there is a point in the Unit corder is at the Appeal office, and the ed States which has so much high main office will be at Ramsey by Mon-' grade antimony aijacent to it as Love--day. . lock. ' Will Harrington will have the act-- . -t - ive management of the business. Manhaian is last becoming a placer o-o" . camp. All it needs Is water to make The old way of getting a pair of :t a haven Tor piaeer miners, and al glasses by picking them " ont at a most within the town --e miners at store or selecting a pair from the work with dry washers. All of them .hritty and populous camps graduall dwindled down until neariy every ! niilding was vacant and until tne ! stieets presented an appearance or desertion and desolation; until Uui tew persistent and perserverlng tan :iies and indivudals remained, Hoping almost against nope tfiat the day or resurrection of their camp mlgnt come. And come it has. tor lu! brought in its wake a reawakening j ;n mining affairs, an era of invest- ! ment and those who nave stayed with their mine holdings Tor all these years are now reaping tneir reward. Nearly all now hare a rew thousands to their credit in the bank, while a few have "money to burn." "Ely is very prettily located near the mouth of Robinson canyon. The site is picturesque, with plenty X room for building and other improve ments. In the outskirts of the town there' are a number of pretty and tasty homes, surrounded by lawns and trees. - -o-o iioyu ot .Missouri. no- were appoint ed oy Chairman .James. M. Griggs oi tne congressional committee to direct cue-movement. i-,lod will be in charge, assisted by iiamey. The vVestein division will in iiu.u Ohio and all nortnern states -.vest ot the .vxississippi river, except - tijs, xvri-.ansas aun Louisiana. ro ww ..lri 1 i L. CL w Tne map of tne proposed route or the -Saver reak railroad from-Blair Junction on the Goldfield and Tono pah railroad to lair. m the Silver Teak district, was filed in the control; !ers office today. RAMSEY STAGE LINE ing a loss of $1im,miu. 5'ive entire blocks, including twenty residences and eight business plants were de stroyed. The fire was checked before reaching the main business distrut by the combined efforts of the local fire department and the departments from Vallejo and Benecia. o-o Ed. Patterson will leave tuis mom Ling for Hawtnorne to oo some wor.. nd look after mining claims. a new kind of yellow journalism. ' An open call for stock is now pa ot Manhattan's business. The first machinery to be installed at Round Mountain is that on the Sphinx property. Will Harrington has resigned troin the state priming office to take iiarge of the office of the Ramsey rteccrder. The telephone line is being extend ed from Manhattan to Round Moun tain as fast as possible. Samples of Miller Lrke Hat. a huge placer field, give values as high as $9 a yard. Preparations are bein?; - made to work :!Su acres of ground on a ktrge- scale. stock - of a peddler is dangerous. No are making oetter tuan wages, and thinking person who values his sight ' placer leases are much sought after will dp that now. Go to a specialist rxom the owners of claims. . . . and have your' eyes examined and visr ! ion tested scieattfreally Is the mod- ; A ,.ew line of Eastman Kodaks has era way. Examination FREE. Dn- arrived at Kltzmoytri drug store. nraiiiiatf Rrractioni9t. Just the thing for campers and to , . ...w 1 ft i-:m - . , Rcom'SC, PtkjHoteii--V' . 36, Pari; Hotel; lir. (toldberg is a graduate of one ff the foremost 1 optical Colleges f the United , States, the technical scientific training received there laces him in a position to do tliorough optical ' work, examination DAILY stage leaves Churchill on the arrival of the Tonopah train. Parties eave Carson City at 9:25 a. m. and connect with the stage watting at Churchill.. .Extra stages for large par- ies...Make arrangements by wire to Towle Bros Stage Line, Churchill. n-o Have you registered.. The register closes this year on September 10th The man that gives a newspaper a false piece of bad news is about mi a level with the man that yells fire in a theatre, or that sits in front of a business housje and makes remarks about women. ' ;'' . o-c this The Mono county supervisors have bought . a piece of property for ?:i5u that was advertised for sale at $220". and the Bodie Miner wants to know who got the $i:ioo difference. ORDER YOUR COAL NOW The Masonic Pioneer tells of a jail" break at Carson City. When did it ; ('happen, how did it happen and who WSNTEP. . FUEL. COAL: Persons! got away? The Pioneer also ha that want coal this wir.ter will please Lhlnir to sav about "Nevada's farcical specify the amount to the MEYERS MERCANTILE CO. Jn orier tht stor age arrangements can be made for it, and the situation of last winter be avoided... We hae . but a limited amount of storage, but by ordering NOW we can arange for more.' " ME ERS MERCANTILE CO. laws." Is it on account of these same farcical laws that the counties east of the Sierras are asklog for admission to Nevada? Selah. The mail was delayed two hours thls.mornlng; trouble with connecting lines.