Newspaper Page Text
V DAI APPEAL EDITION 6 O'CLOCK 5 CENlS A COPY NO. 9 VOL. LXHI ?5 CENTS A WEEK CARSON CITY, NEVADA SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 10, 1906. LY SQri POLITICAL ECHOES The tremendous over confidence dU-. his intention of retiring from the ... j tight as f .gubernatorial candidate. He plaved by the Republicans m the re-, """ - .. ia.rU Refused to come back on the grounds cent state campaign has many Inlfen-, Attorney ' General Sweeney and sely humorous sides to it. I Controller Davis had both come into The leaders counted up the presi- j ti,e fight upon his announcement that dential votes two years ago and ar- he was not a candidate. rived at the conclusion that the Silver ; Both these candidates not only of party had gone out of business for ' fered to retire in his favor but urged good and that the democracy was a j his acceptance of the nomination and corpse forever.. it is safe to say that from the mo- They overlooked the fact that the nient he took the standard of the par nrcsidential vote was not a fair indi-. ty it meana victory for the ticket. t - - WESTERN UNION MESSAGES PROSPECT OF OIL IN THE 1 SILVER WILL CONTINUE TO LOOK AT THE 6000 THINGS BY SLOW FREIGHT It takes, according to the Western Union time, exactly 2 hours and 23 minutes to go JTb nithe corner of Second and center streets to 20 East Second street, a distance of about 150 feet. A telegram which reaches the office of the Western Union at 7:30 last evening, requiring, by tne way, an answer before 8 o'clock, arris af WALKER DISTRICT RENO, Nov. 10. Ellsworth Oldt, who went to the Walker Lake Indian reservation opening, is of the belief that he has located some ground on the west slope cf the Mount Grant sec RISE TO EAT DENVER, Cola Nov. 10. "Silver is going to reach a price of seventy-sii cents or better within two years and it is going to hold that price,"' said j tion that will prove to be good oilGeorSe w- Roberts. directOT he ground. On one of his locations he I nuta ouues mints . an .uiw ; picked up what local assayers and ; "v c chemists say is genuine asphaltum. and this is generally found where pe- chai'sed with t-? fund: cation of t lie political status ui vada. The knowing ones turned to the congressional vote as the better index of the condition of state politics. The democrats elected their con gressman and this showed that ih;? s'atp was normally democratic. The Rnospvelt wave came en wiih a mighty surge but Ihe republicans mis- .lairn an took the foam at the top tor real water. The leafier.-; assured the rank and file that a nomination on the state ticket meant ar. election and they sent the orders down the line- to the party overall? to pine up a lay of dis content and make a lor of mde to the effect that the democra1 ic efflcers were never U be fovnd in the eapito! building. While this was not true it wts thought to be a go.-.d way .o change votes. Ti.e resul: either shows that th. people of Nevada do not believe their republican newspapers or eNc, believing these stories they prefer absent democrats who don't attend to business to republicans who remain in the building all the while and lift ,2on.o(Hi from the sctiool fund. With aU their seeming confidence in the game they still went out to hunt some one with the big sack ir- The Republicans were dazed by the change of the battle lines and open er! r. campaign of vilification. The first attack was upon Sparks and Swtouey. Sparks replied to this iraducev in a way thai spitved his guns at the onset and wTien Sweeney was I believe that hundreds of sliver mines throughout the west which' ter a travel of 150 feet at the Journal j troleum eKists with depth. The shale 1 llave been s,lut dowu f"r more tnan office at 9:45. that acc0mpanies oil bearing sands:1 n years on account tne tan in Of course it isn't answered, and the . him A further ; Price wiil 1)0 opened again within only regrettable feature of the trans-1 examinatiun of thc surface showings 'Mr- &y hecat action, so far as the Western Union ma(le ,)V experts in thc oii is concerneu, is tne iac uwu n. , 1usiness an(1 in the event of a favor. But having no op-1 , . .-m i.e nrn- .lljir I' if'U vv-mfni.. ..... . -- misamironrialing the ... I , 1 for long, and a few cents tolls. position in Reno the Western Union can stand the loss. The leisurely methods of the West ern Union in Reno have been endured f the Cent rtu C inimittee. lie prc.uiK ed vouchors for every dol lar that had beer passed through his "mind.-. The lepuiiiicans, however, did not lerpiire their thain.'.an 10 show any vouchers. They on'y wanted the democrat t.i m that. Mitchell, i".:o monio-i man who ran for govern. -r and was overwhelming ly ;'e ' itl hi- ev ;: county. Mit che!'; :;:!! i lie whole republican an.oai ..n through with his money examples such as re :::;lu - e multiplied 'a and id- leg IV. 1':. . ! (if he has been r:ah arm eve The party 1 Robert? a he convent ioii. agree how he rue puil-a many dug ai wfik after chocks that ni( a or. his r since the campaign, eaders handed Attorney package at tne Tonopah They wanted him to would vote oii the pris on war.lensh.ip before the; WOtllil give him the nomination. He declin ed and was turned down. He comes back to Onnsie" county and was elect- counted above definitely. A teletiram sent to a man's wiie a-ith her lioiue audress plainlv marked is eni to the husband's onVe. lie sec the message from a neighboring town and is glad to see it unopened oa nis desk wheu he arrives aiiain in Re no but why enumerate. R.'tio business men by the hundreds have complained of thin kind ot sor vio" but tie-re is apparently no re-dres-; ttntil the I'o tal Tclearaph ce.m-,;;- atii'. Chtrenee T.Iackay come. Tliey will be as welome as th: early lis.'.vrs it; spring ".ft cr a s'onny witi-;-e; .'o'Tlliii. The eiitor of 'he Appett; sen- a mssage by the Western Union to ; Hen-, .n-er a nt.'ir.M: ago. 1; i;- still ton the way. The Western Union poli tic?.! dis'iatche- which reached this ibed and work of prospecting for oil will be started. In the event of oil no matter el v.ha grade being found it would lie worth r.tore than a g'drt mine anil there would bp no danirer of an over predttction. Southern Nevada is proh ablv the richest nunera' section In ;i.i ontire world. U is also one of the rvt barren section so far as timber and coal are concerneu. Hundreds of t'tiiies are already produeing ore and all indications are that there will be thousands more of tl'ni in a few vears. ("i'ca;) fuel i- badly wanted at t);, mines and oil at home would solve the problem. Tie re are other section.., in different directions from 'b ldfield where prospectors who have been in 'he oil fields say that the are good, but !n .:! :.nd silver ledg- been paid to mi' iv. ad no tnuieat ion rush for gol ittentton ha ty since election are a juml....l mass of figures which convey no infor : mat ion whatever. None of them were ; worth printing. The parties who ! sent them our must have been on a ! continuous drunk. MANHATTAN ALMOST DEPOP ULATE! BT G0P.PER STRIKE MANHATTAN, Nov. lo. Manhat- respective of his experience in state ; ed without opposition and is now an'airs. The offered the nomination laughing at the way i..e cat jumped. to several rich men ana none m uiem , nan ne neen nomnueeu ai .u.."m.i n Th(, p(?op,p o: Ca,.Bon Citv are also ' tan has had an excitement equal to wantea u uiiui -mi. ..lev .. ,., tl.- """"''"'! clamoring for a better service and :nal (,t opening cf the Walker I are loud in their demands for the 'e reservation, during the the price of the melal will make it worth while," Mr. Roberts continued. "And. further let me state this is no speculative or boom, market. The price of seven! y-one cents today will be better next month, ar.d it will stead and naturally advance point at a t-nie unto a l.Tlih mark, possibly near iJghiy, will be readied. BUILT UPON SAND, HOTEL COLLAPSES LONwl REACH. Cal., Nov. 1 With no waining save the cries of the work men who first, felt the iloor- sag be neath their feci, five stories of the ce ntral wing of the new fToo.o-io liix by hotel collapsed at. 'a::;., yesterday morning, carrying nine men to death in the tons of tangled wre kage. About one hundred and lil'ty artisans and laborers were scattered through the s'rticttire a; the nnunero it fell, and f;f these nearly a huii'Mo;! were carried down in the ruins. Eight bodies have beer, recovered from the mass of debris in the base- ment, and one of the injured die ', Vx'.e this afternoon at the Long Beach hos pital. The last two victims were found at nine o'clock last evening and the rescue crews are still working -:n Soups Chicken Bouillon Shrimp Salad Fish Boiled Salmon with egg sauce Boiled Beef tongue with tomato sauce Entrees Steamed chicken with mushrooms Breast of lamb, breaded, green peas Giblet sauce on toast Pineapple fritters with syrup Roasts Beef Veal Mutton Pork Desserts Pies Apple Pumpkin Pear ('itard PuiT'ling Frui's Apples Grapes Cheese Tea. foffee, milk, chocolate, cocoa H R. Mighels and H. A. Lenmion left this morning for Aurora, going by ie auto rou'o. J. A Moynahan. the commercial 'raveier, is in town. W. E. Harney, the Ramsey politi cian, who failed by only loo votes to capture an ollice. is registered at t'ae Arlington. Mrs. TiTonias Smith, formerly Miss Annie Deny, is the guest of her sister-t'j-iaw. Mrs. Susie Mcpherson. dame- Audrain lias accepted the jo.;t; ;. bookkteper with the State I'...:.:. ;'-;.: Tr.e-t (untpany. -c-o CRMSBY COUNTY CLAIMS iohowiug claims have been al y the commissioners of Orms- The lowed by county; Ed Regan, salary J. P. Woodbury, salary James East on salary .. Win Kinney, salary . . . H. U. Van Etten, salary J. . Ellis, salary unlimited money, agreed to he tne : now. standard bearer. Mitchell figured that; The republican party of Colorado Sparks was out of the fight and with ; by force of bayonets and mob law the expenditure of, say $25,000, he 'concluded to make Colorado republi would have a walkover. ; can by driving out all the democrats. As soon as he accepted, the word j ney drove them over into Nevada went down the line that the "angel" , and made thfs slate more democratic or the "sucker", put it as you will, than ever. These deported democrats! ,- Postal Telegraph to come in. n-n IN JUSTICE TO MR. VAN ETTEN had been found. There was a rush have developed our mining industries for the band wagon and seats were and are building up the state. Send in demand. over onte more. We have plenty of Well, everything looked lovely and room for them, it was a "dead skinch" until at the The fusion party still retains the fusion convention the party leaders orison, the asylum and the orphans' insisted that John Sparks reconsider home. Yesterday's Appeal contained a !ne of te assayers was off before day- statement that the ballots voted 'n light the next morning to the locality county last Tuesday were printed f'om which it came. A few others i in Reno contrary to law. ! Some friends of Mr. Van Etten j complain that the statement does not i contain all the facts of the case. In justice to Mr. Van Etten the Ap- peal desires to state that h?, as coun ty clerk, ordered them printed at were told of the find and they in turn told just a few friends, so that by evening of Sunday not a team could be obtain (1 from a stable in Man hattan, and all horses owned by pri vate parties, and even the mules lo ing service on delivery wagons, were ENTIRE FAMILY THREATENED. CHURCH NOTICES MAHYSV1LLE. November '. A j where a whole family is threat- led with extermination through the! eii'ects of typhoid fever germs is re-, i.-)ried from Sutter County. , l'K .i 1-iifl ii.gion, r.uiuer eiiv, . ' i; udfo have the disease its worst ; luges, and the doctors have small i'lpes of his recovery. wore struken this fcare't th their ca::os a S.. Peters Episcopal Holy Euchar- i.-t at 8 a. in. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon. 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon. 7:"0 p m. Presbyterian Services at 11 a. m. and ::'. n. m. Sunday school at noon. Christian Endeavor at G:.10 i) Pi. i'l with work and sent them to a Reno office. This office happened to be also rushcu with work and sent ithem to a printing office in Sacra inTonto. where the work was done. While this printing was contrary to Courier Pecord. ailtlv t-.iwnt u-itVi me .News oiuce. l ne .News was rush- ihiimi-sm-h in mi -service lor ine trip ot ( thirty miles southwest, across Smnk ey. valley to Bank Springs, where the men who had discovered the copper veins were encamped. Thc people are still aoing to view the strike, and ' is estimated that over luon claims have CH . . .25 to . . .25" '.hi ...50 O't . .150 (H .120 on , . 100 OO , ..(JO CO . . .50 (Cf . .fiU 0 ' . .50 00 ..90 00 . .50 on ...12 o0 W. U. Tel. Co. rent clock 1 o Blackie Bros, paymt on bridge loo inr John G. "Eliis. cash adv t; ;n John Smith, road work 33 o-i Margaret and John Brown ent-r- Job Smith, road work 28 5'i tained a number of their little friends F Knobloch care C. 1). Matheson 4: yr. last Wednesday evening at a Hallow- I. G. Lewis, printing res. list.. 157 'i e'en party. The evening was pleas- Ah. Ambrose, dep. sheriff 15 0a E. E. Roberts, salarv the hopes of recovering the body jf (; n- pnu,,n, c..i.lri. past another man sunposed to be bnri?d n r- . " week. On Saturday las, .ome samples there. Nine injured workmen are be- .'ohn' Savage' Janitor' ih copper ore were brought to an as- in cam, for a Thp hosIjital. but f . a cv rffi i Manh.,tf .1 1.. . ... .. " ' -"-'V, VllgUieer is believed that an will recover. Ail i,,,,, i,.f-;ii;o i a percent of copper was reiurned that nf the. mpn nn h mtrantnrs. rn),a . . . ' -v ' ' v..., ,A. lerkle. CO. nivaician are accounted for save one. supposed Carson Water Co.. water to be still in the ruins. "HE RPOWNISS ENTERTAIN lames and music BRIEF PARAGRAPHS the s'attites which provides tnri't the been located. A (lord nornitur of quail alight. must be printed in the county .at'eiii:-'. r U-ed h-red. file children week, and it 's complaint will develop 'n seriously as in me An examination of the wat ,v the fatrilv has been lr- ADVERTISED LETTERS ballot; where they are voted, if was in no vay the fault of Mr. Van Etten. flic Hi publir an county clerk. AT THE METHODIST CHURCH tat SWEET STRAINS Th.e Uoyal Hawaiian Hand will np-pe;!!- ui the Opera Hore t.- xi Tues ,;iv evening and a musical treat i? i:. store for all. The Hawaiian music is fascinating and harmonious and when rendered hv the native band, which is perfect ly drilled, ad skillfully conducted, it j receives an added charm which makes j it delightful to the ear. ; Seats are now on sale. 0-0 Drs. BARK AN & SEWALL Iv.iili-V Li--- Chariov 'l. ';ss Rose Sam. Gents' List Wiil McCrearv. Orlin j '-I Oilman. Frey Payne, C. Peterson j CM. Chas. K. Spencer, W. M. Van 1 '':n en. j T. R. HOFER. Jr.. V ' COMMITTEE MEETING he ! at M. Specialists for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat are now located at 1700 Cali fornia St., corner Van Ness Ave. San Francisco. '!'!"-' will be a meeting of the cotm-,- central committee at the Silver Democratic headquarters at 7..10 Sat urday evening. A full attendance is requested. SAM P. DAVIS. CHAS HEADY. Socfy. Chairman o-o SALE OF FANCY WORK The ladies of the Christian Endeav or Society, connected with the Pres bvterian church, will hold their an nual sale of fancy work, pies, cakes, etc.. December f in the lecture room of the church. Full particulars later. " Rev. Upton E. Patridge, pas f ihe Methodist Epic-copal church oyalton. California, will oven-'. a; the Mctnodist Episcopal Church 'at h evening during the progress ,d' !!'.; special meciings--. During the remainder or this week will pre!:."!; a senes of sermons 1'i'inn Ihe following subject. "What it is to be a Christian." "Why Should 1 be a Christian?" "How Shall I Regit-, to he a Christian?" "How May I Know Whether I am a Christian rr Not?" The subject tonight will be "What is it to be a Christian? A cordial invitation is extended to Vou. DON. O. COLP.ROVE. Pastor. c-o The price of the Sunday dinner ut the Briggs House tomorrow will be :'.5 cents to all but regular boarders, who will be charged 25 cents as usual. Miss Elsie Sauve, who was stricken n9td witn Paralysis in Reno. is no better. When one considers is menus over 2n.Miu acres, air! on Foe '.'?-h locator dor-lares he lias gotten nrely d iiite-looling ground, the size of ihe de pose may be imagined. In all nrob :::It v there will be some shrinkage .ieve;oi)ments are made, but just "ov 1-utiis are being taken on eveiy ihing wttiiin a radius of six miles of he itriemal strike, rmd Green water is 'i:e fa--t in'o the shade, prosjiec i. eiv. m. the Mi: li'' G. gone visit " it street and pv. wn thai il-.oroughfa.'e. Kitxmey.'-r and fantilv yest eru " si(!i'tt. ded ,.; to I. os Angeles whole relatives for ;i month. lev wi ih O-O lo-opd: Sauve and son are in town but will return soon to Reno. J. A. Hotaling. the engineer who pulled tiie special i:ni which carri.-d 'be machinery to GnldPeW for the Moh-r.vk mine recently at an enor mous '-ti'ie. is visi' mg relatives ';i (his city. Oreenwater two weeks ago Itadoniy : tn- woman resident, but now. not withstanding the desolate surround ings and Rob Rlrl.ard. John Chare, and s -. ( rai ot her eu'lmsias-ic spoilsmen phis afi('ino..n for ihetr clubhouse on nl-.s ,. the Carson v'wer Tte.v pect p. :!. ply the neighborhood ith gar.;.- w'lvr. they return. ';iyor Davis departed this morning ei Mineen for Carigr's station where Rasmus Petersen, road work ..42 oo Chris Johnson, road work ....21 oo Win. Kayser. hauling 4 no John Smith, road work M pii II. Heidetiieich. rep. window s ... 1 :;." John S. Graham, paiii'ing iont. lop pu John Adams, road work ::;t 00 j.. T. Krebs. mod. at tendance ... lo on Mamie Miildoon. nursing l'o R. F. Danhauser. wood 00 Oliver De Jarlais. searching for Hie leniaius of Mr. Coiistatite S. A. McPiai-oti. ntiriug .... f. M. Iielllon. ice If. P.. Van Eiteu. cash adv. . . . S Tel. Tel. Co. phono T 11. East.ui. roai! work S. N. '. ,:!).: 1.. ( i la j,!,, r . . .2-. ml . i i 1 to . . 2 "' 1 .12 21 . .1 :.' 'e wol epii-.;; .'cr to enp -ive trout and inhale tin dor of the pines. Mrs. M. M. "arweod. the 1 , 1 1 s !'"w-" -';! v. oman ia V-"- .-, arriv-t r,-,m Reno on air 1 1 ; j l ;..o: uitrr. a- rr.t 1 i : p. .1 w. Mev Ivtii; Ch-i tadnig'oi . w'alsh. H. Clio ii pees p c. nn a i .1 Ml V2 !) . .S OO .in .r Cm M.i:u c ! C Ci P t a -a)., r. Gaivi tia t; ral.i wn cx;re- 1' . i . S i e: : ' !n 1 ; 1 n Carson Cry News. W. Ii. Cavcll, ce;n Chas. I.. Kitzmi'v, .-.! .-. A!i rr. I C. L. Kilzmryer drugs, Galvin.. YV. A. Van Doin. race track tit mi 210 oa .fd ei o - ..14 4T, Ethel Davis was a nassovr- for Reno this morning whith"r she on ihe verge of Death Valley ; '-"Ps ,0 visit frionrts. he suggestive name of Funeral j Ramsey precinct was shy fwentv- ivange at the base of which the town ''vo votes on account of residents re- i is situated, there a fair percentage ! 'nrning from California being delayed of the female contingent. This is a j by a freight wreck near Auburn, verification of the venerable axiom: j II. P. Clifford was a passenger this "If all the men in the world were on; evening for Reno, whither he goes; one island and the women on another : to .see his cousin. True Boardman, I Fr building purposes, payable in how many poor women would be j who is now. Teadingman of the Elle- i small monthly installments, drowned." iford road company. Lewis and Co. n10tf lease Xev. Press. Co. tax reeppc. . Daily Appeal, printing Carson Gas. Co on MONEY TO LOAN .loco op . . .2d no . . .10 00 . . . 2ft oo