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E DAILY APPIIAL, CAFlSoiV CITY NEVADA, DECEMBER 1906. ? Picture frames and stretchers made 1j o.iit.T. ; .-. :r. -l or Ijo.joU. Latest srjlci cf M'juiilmg-? will oe kept on han. Prices reasonable Work satisfac tory. J. S. ALBRO, IC8 Soutb Carson St. Opp. Capitol. Laundry Done the same as btltre the fire. Wt will call as usual far : our w;mU ami make prompt and regular deliveries to all parts of the cty. If we over look ycu, just ring up 133. H. B. MILLARD American Steam Lauundry. n mmiiM-WiWHiiBiii nn in m i J LEWIS & CO, I JU. 1 ! A i one ;twi l ' the eai Carson City, Nevada Avoid alum and alum phosphate baking powders. The label law requires that all the ingredients be named on the labels. Look out for the alum compounds, NOTE. Safety lies in buying only Royal Baking Powder, which is a ' pure, cream of tartar baking pow der, and the best that can be made. TOHOFAH B A i LR 0 A D Tirrv3 lafcle Local or Pacific Time j Trains leave Tonopah -- fellows: For ail points E?.st and West ta H:;zen 7.25 a. ni. For Goldfield: SiPO a. m., 4:15 ;). in., i: 1" p. ' Trains leave fioldH?;a as follow.-: For all points ?nt and west :a Hazen 5:55 n. m. For Tonopah: 5:55 a. m., 9:15 . in.. 5.30 p. m. Trains arrive Tonopah as follows: From all points east and west via Hazen 7:50 p. m. From Goldfield: 7.05 a. m.; 10:15 a. m., 6:30 p. m. Trains arrive Goldfield as follows: i"rom all points east and west via Hazen 9:15 p. m. From Tonopah. 9:00 a. m., 5:15 p. m., 9:1a p. in. Tickets and information at Station Ticket office. J. F. HEDDEN, OFFICIAL ADVERTISING NOTICE TO CREDITORS . . In the District Court of the Firs't Judicial District of the State of Ne vada in and for the County of Ormsby Estate of Frances Cochran, Deceased. Notice i3 hereby given that the un dersigned, Ellen II. Friend, was, on the 13th day of September, 1906, duly appointed and qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Frances Coch ran, deceased. All creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said de ceased are hereby notified to file them with the necessary vouchers within three months after the first publication of this notice, with the Clerk of the above entitled court at the office in Carson City, Ormsby county, Nevada: Dated September 13. 1906. ELLEN H. r RIEND, Administrator of said Estate. W. WOODBURN. Attornev for ustat. Date of first publication, Sept. 13, 1906 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Ot THE STATE OF NEVADA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORMSBY. In the Matter of the Estate of ALEXANDER 'HEARER, Deceased. NOTICE TTTTTR EDITORS. Notice ig nereTTy given That the I undersigned was, by an order cf the j above entitled court, duly made and J entered therein on the fourteenth day j , of Xovemler. 1906. appointed admin-; ' istrator of the estate of Alexander! I Shearer deceased. J All persons having claims against j the estate, due or to become dueare I required o file the same with the I jjf proper vouchers and statutory aftVH- jj ;vita attached, with the Clerk of the! li Court within forty days after the first ' H publication of this notice. ' Date of first publication. November 1 5, 1906. J. ELLIS, Administrator j aires R. Judge, Attorney for Admin i stra tor. ! o-o CHRISTMAS WORK j I Fredcrlcka Hentschel has i .v of crocheted work on hand tliaf will make excellent Christmas gifts. She also requests her customers who ' h special work done to brine in orders at once. o-o Notice of Application to Appropriate The Public Waters of the State of Nevada. j Notice is hereby given that on the. ilst. day cf December. 190, in accord- anec with Section 23, Chapter XLVI. of the Statutes of 1 905, one Western' Nevada Electric Company of Carson ' iCiiy, County ci Ormsby and State of '.Nevada made application to the I Suite Engineer of Nevada for perniis- ; i'.n to appropriate the public waters of th State of Nevada. Such ;i i- , pi'.ca :')-$ is to ht made from As!: C'anyon Creek at points N. E. 1 i. f : IS. V. 'j Sec. 10. T. 15 N., R. 10 E '- ; by moaiis of dams and 5 cubic f,.et per second is to bo conveyed to poin; - ::. !:. '. of S. W. Vv See. 11. T. 1 :.:.. i;. !.. K. by in nns of flume and pipe ' li?'fv a:i 1 thet" ued for senenitini? ' cii-f iric power. The construction of i , j-hail btg'n before May '; 1, V.'i T ;;ul sb.p.ll be completed on or j beiVre Mav 1. 10OS. The water shall ! i act .:ai!- applied to a beneficial ! ie on or before May 1, 1009. Signed: HENRY THURTELL State Engineer. Da'o of first ublication. Dei-. : 10o,. lm t X SWISS-ITALIAN COLONY WINES CHIANTl, SHEhRY. CLARETS AND BRANDIES BOTTLED AT AST!, CAL. BEST DOMESTIC WINE MADE YOU CAN'T BUY BETTER CALL OR PHONE CHAS BONDXETTI ' PROPRIETOR SWISS SALOON Cor. West 4t!i and Main CARSON CITY . ! ! j t t 2 T. Q. FARRER & CO Farrer's Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware are not Surpassed in quality Farrer's Skill as an Optician, Watchmaker and Diamond Setter is not surpassed Carson .City; If you want delicious fruit, candies, ice cream, sodas, water ices and pure syrups YOU MUST ORDER FROM W O. Fieckner The best trade catered to Fresh Unirrigated Fruit Received Dail Near the depot Phone, Main 507 Remember that you can order any t Philip Verrill Mighels' books of Miss Martin, who has been made his agent in this city. " Whenever you want a real, good, mixed drink, you must go to Dick right's to get it. Others are good, but thesc are better. Private card and wine rooms help to enjoy them. Fine, New Furniture Just receiving our large stocK but have already opened our doors to the public and doing business. Inspect our lines of goods before looking at any other. You will be pleased. Expert upholsterer in charge of that department. Work Guaranteed t, ( r ' VrSOl! KJilV f: l ' -- YOU CAN WORLD AT : .: 1 : 1 - i: ';cl Vurj-j.. . F. V. DAY- -AT THE LITTLE tiOH KENT Earye brick store anl .ick addition, "situated opposite Ca; itol square, Carson City, Nevada. Kent reasonable. Peter's Real Estate Agency. The Criterion REGAN 3R0S. Props. Finest Stook of Foreign and Domestic JVines, liquors and Cigars Only the Best Served our patrons. Ne ada lit r v VW'0t i'vs t ' RAMSEY STAGE LINE Al iY stage loaves Cm- ..nil ,v tne .rrual of the Toncpii t. jin. .'i lies eavi Carson City at 9:ZJ a. .n. and I connect with the stag.. -j t j Churchill.. . Extra stages for iLsrg par ties... Make arrangements by wire to , Towle Bros Stage Line, Churchill. Fare $3. T7 T Uttllttf T 6 CiO HAVE THE YOUR FEET by attiring yourself in hand some apparel made to y ur o w n individual measures and special instructions by 15he International Tailoring Co. The Greatest Made-to-Order Cicthes Shop m the World :itcc broadcast so that no :y"' or "faddish" or "par l' eri make his clothes for ':c swells of society as well Lo be neatly dressed. All vl :;.-utifI IHTSHNATIONAL .Va :aKe measures. STORE WEST OF PARK HOTEL. CASTOR I A For lafcnts ar.:" Oiiildren. His K!nd Ycu Kavb Always Bought Bears the Signature of i:Kitzmeyer's 2DruQ oiore NEW GOODS FRESH DRUGS and RELIABLE SERVICE AT "THE OLrf CORNEP- FG3MERLY THE THAXTER DRUG STORE Corner Carson and King Streets Complete stock of high grade porfumes, soaps and drug glats sundries. TELEPHONE ORDERS Receive Prompt Attention. Phone, Main S3:. CARSON CITY. NEVADA. C K. KITZMEYER, PH. 6 Pro Hotel Formerly the Ormsby Hou;e Is headquarters for commercial travelers Because it is central, good and clean, with clean sample rooms FREEJ BUS TO ALL Special rates by week or month Telephone, electric lights MEALS 25c Bar in connection J. ROCHON, PROP. Carson City. Nevada ) & .---, POPULAR 'j-Sbr PRICES 9 I Outfitting for Prospectors and Supplying the Famiiy Trade Are Specialties of Ed. J. Wallslh " THE NEVADA BOY ' . ;'i r ft :3 :-r.J?;-''!,& ' ?i pjt'era is tii-iMZhuit 1 ' . . . V;.- - ' - .'!. 3 skillfully put to- t4 z '.itr by a practice! fe w t ;.-) irmor '1 FT 'i, 1 JT1JQ Christmas and New Year SUGGESTIONS An Overcoat e A Dress Suit Case " -' A Hat A Smoking Jacket A Bath Robe " "' '2 Dozen ' Linen Handkerchiefs i2 doz. nice late styles Neckties A Night Shirt A Pair of Suspenders THE EHPORIUn BLUE FRONT PHONE 4-1 APPEAL JOE PIATT CtOTHIER has a fu!l line of Overcoats cuslcm made and isiacs xo uroer also soma r.5vt"p?.tterns for Winter uits and a full line of Gents' Furnishings CARPOX CITY. NEVADA EMPORRJM An Indian Basket A Pair of Moccasins A fine Washoe Bead Belt A fine pair of white Blankets A box of Golf Coat Shirts A half dozen pairs of Hose A fine Silk Muffler A fine initial Silk Handerchief A pair of Gloves ADS PAY