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THE DAILY TPPEAl , CARSON CITY NEVADA, DEC THE DAILY APPEAL Published every eveui u? li ia-icy ,-xeeiUetl. jwas free from all incumbrances; but til he has exhausted all remedy ! only that it was free from some incum- against the grantor of the title in- , . .... ,1 volved or shown that such grantor -"s Ibrances. Their contention is express el . t. . 1 insolvent. And further that this ' r- 1 ' .-- i.-. Vi ;as ioiicwb. iuw h j of xhaustion of plaintiff in their said brief on the I? demurrer, compare the Morange vs showing of exhaustion of remedy against grantor or h:s insolvency is an affirmative showing on the part of 1. c'. C. LCWIS r ice Lessee and Publisher j mis. In case 44 N. Y. 315, with this plaintiff and that without such r.ocr on1 nlniTYi thnt- this rflSP is milch THE APPEAL aLDG, CO RN'ER OF MAIN AND 2d STREETS j the N. y and we TELEPHONE Main 315 I year by mail 9& 00 j S x montU by mail 4 00 t Throe months by mail 2 00 Per week by carrier 25 (Ente ed at the Carson Post. Officr as second class matter) I UNiONb-a "LAlEr call the courts attention to line 4 on m c t : ttiic ion- page 2 Ol lllfii unri "ut'c jjat sufh guage is iouna. wnne in our cuo the complaint alleges that it was to b -t free from any incuTr.brance. Web jster defines the void 'r-ny' as one out of many, indefinite. ' 'Nor Knowelh j any' man tiie Father, save The son. Matt. XI. 27.' showing his complaint would be bad on general demurrer. Is this the law? We think it is not necessary affirmative showing be made in the com!a'.:i. and is unnecessary r.ov to 1- termine whether t.e ?nrr:e would-r-ntitute a defense if pleaded by answer. It is tirgpfl in the brief . at Kanccck may have paid the vCuntinued from first page.) Mi'REME COURT DECISION. ; ppcal is taken. To sustain the judgment respon dents' counsel make, if we correctly gather them fiom their brief, many points of objection to the complaint. 1. That ti-.e plaintiffs "do not al Irg.? that said purchase depended up on the abstract that was to be after wards furnished to them j' 'said defendants, or that said p.: base in any way depended upon taid complaint does not abstract might disclose." V';t"u;;i. M.ini; into an possession or that they ever had pos session of said land and premises, tney dont show by what due course or law the Bank of Nevada ousted and dispossessed the plaintiffs of said land and premises, they simply state a coneluson of law and all the author ities held that you must state facts, ami from tiiose facts the conclusions are drawn." This allegation, too, v.e think good under the general demurrer. 5. Fifth: Counsel claim that the "show that the damages of $1100.00 to plaintiff. It is It is also defined as -some-, as in- 1ged in the complaint, however, definite number or quantity, as are tbat Hancock j,as not so paid. lt -13 there any witnesses present. , , th t Hancock may be able xr pay it on bing "sued. Defendants obligation was a direct contract to in its largest meaning f,.;t:1l iaiHff rn mmnlptp nnd Now the word any Incumbrance does not mean all incumbrances, as the word 'any We are AKvays Up-To-Date simply means some, and does not crrr0ft attract of title to the land! ebHTKT analysis of the allegation point, we deem i' sufficient Hi i, the assault r.f a general demurre: and wlvthor it was sufficient to rcp?l a speeial demurrer oji thr st:itt !! is not nvftnv i for iv ti'in. Ceunsei's second p.unt "Paid cer'plalr.t do nor it lb plaintiffs on discovering the defect in the abstract, took proper measures o:i th:.- to avert the loss- and if they fail to n " .!o so cannot hold the abstracters lia ble." This claim we think untenable. ground plaintiffs were not required to show snid r"bs;:-:".M v.ts to b irad th" ti'iie of !! issuing of tii" by. the I. P d:ite. tir e, or conveyance." We think this allegation is suffi cient. It required defendants to furn isii it "full and complete'' abstract. '','" i an see no reason why resuonden! s should rrltitrprilv take any particular bte ;iv.d s-av that prior to that date ;oVj no cauc they we:-e v" required to make defendants unt seai(h and r;-ort of the title. As r third point Counsel sav "in sec: ion five of jrp.ire three of said amended complant. the plaintiffs al lege thnt a: the time of the purchase of snid described land, that the Hank c f Nevada wr.s the owner in fee thereof and thi't "the same appearel (f record ntt the public records of Washce County, but they allege nothing to show that said mortgage was not due ar.d paid prior to the furnishing of the abstract by defend- lhis. a" the facts were otherwise M. was a n;::iter of affirmative defense to be set up by defendants. ;. Tin' sixth, noiat states tbp.t th -e from -k-os- "Xihing to chow that there ever pate-n Was a tlennnd made of said Hancock that that mean from all incumbrances." The language in the allegation, (a1 Ication IV) ;s "Tfiat ccfAndant3 in the p.vf: : -3 nee of t' ' ':s t" such employ ment, did thcita.r i.. i on or about the 25 dy of June, 1902. furnish to pTa in: iff .5 a pr.Men:'.-.--d ubstract -f title t,i xIk- --:rie litid and did report an.i repiesent 'o plaintiffs that the; ! same was a fu.l ;rie. accurate and j correct abstract of the title to said land: by which pretended abstract f j Title it appeared and was shown tbnr i the said W. H. Hancock was the owners of said land ar.d premises m ; fee simfiTe without any incumbr- j a?;res: in reliance on said pret "tided ; abstract of title, and depend ins sopdy i thcreoii. pluintif-'s wctv induced t . iii' anout t ie mu nay oi in question, such as would protect the , plaintiffs from incurring the loss tint1 they have alleged. If plaintiffs had it 5r their newer to protect them selves from such loss by any course j of action that they could be reason ably and legally required to take, that is an affirmative defense that re spondents should set up and plead to defeat plaintiffs' action. ! The case of Morange v. Mix, Ai N. j Y. :!".. throws considerable light on I this question. I We thi:ik the judgment appealed from in thK case is erroneous. Said udgment is reversed and the case emanded r the trifl court for furth- Watch our new line In foot wear... They are arriving daily, our Ladies, Misses, Boys and Children. Among the Men's are Hannan A Son's, Walk Over, Florsheirr.s and the Crcs ett Shoe that makes Lifes Walk Easy. We have a fine line of good reliable jb"r ".tfirn orices. E BL RUNGTON, CarsonCity, Nevada The Carson Exchange CARON CITY'S LEADINC HOTEL " The best iu-.p for the money lliti June It"' ni omises P nor from any oai-ticn'tar fnr tv;f, return ef said Sllno.on or any part of the same, and with.our a de mand on said Hancock tv the retiun of said $1100.00 the plaintiff cacnot say thi'.t said I fun cock would refuse to return ii;o same if a demand wa;. made, in other wrds the plain' iff s of action aga nst the all lawful means for the recovery ef said $1loo.oo. from said Hancock have failed. It must "no shown first that said Hancock is in solvent, and. nothing whatever can be collected from hTm, before the d"fe:id anf have become liable 'n damages to said plaintiff." We think there was. I: said Han cock has refused and still docs refuse to pay plaintiffs the sum of 110o.oo or any P'rt thereof." Refusal to do a thing implies a de- mi ni u .iid land and .cook and del s-iv i f Sll"o. "ni e i S.ates."' "Hancock d a. pre: net:' ants, and plaintiffs simply assume niap ma,ie TO do it. Certainly this i.iat said title was in the Bank -if w0uld be so on general demurrer. Nevada.' 7. The seventh point is that there On the contrary the allegation is an ;3 no allegation that the plaintiffs assertion not an assumption that the have suffered loss of $1100.00 or any "Hank of Nevada was the owner 'njsum: 1)in ony the statement of a fee", etc. conclusion of law that plaintiffs lnr-e 4. Under the fourth point counsel s, suffered. na so ; u-. ;:. i i: i i.e i ' , ; s 1 e : .:: ef' fS; s in tee -;oi;e :. oi -nces."" The phrr.te "'witleau any incum brance';", rueans je-t what it says, it means that titers were no incum brances. Indeed, it means there was not a single incumbrance. It could rot possibly mean there " ,i some itscumbrances. or even there was a single incumbrance. So to hold Tv tt'd be a strange perversion of lan gtiage. A few other jioinrs are made in the brief of respondents: but we think they are not of such moment as ,r.i require mention here, except the fo1 lowinc : 0. Ninth point, (f we correctly ap prehend it is this: That in case of negligence in the abstracters work and consequent los therefrom the damaged employer can not sue the negligent abstracter nn- cr proceedings in accordance : hi . opinit n, KITZGEF t ? C. We cenc lr: TAbi'Oi .'. XOlU'P.v'SS J with stage .eaves other points t:u: ujo J. t r k Nicely Furnished Rooms lor Late Tahoe and ivlsals 25 cent 0, De Jcnais Prop ' i I ! (. I i I -T- II HA1- s IMG YOU?. CHECKS A NO i0 RECEIPTS TO if GRAY WHEN YOJ GtT CF- HE DCE. TH C REST GENESAL HAULlNo. CLOCK V.'COQ FOR SALE. C. E. BRAY, Carson City, Nev. i! S, is r t" m jrrs p- n t k ANDY TGBD, Prv-p. rne best of iiiuia rofrea'ninents ?Jways on tap, lr eluding lmporxeO and domestic gooda. G'd C'gars are s part o our gtoc'i. ANHEUSKR BUSCtI BKKR OX TAP WANTED 1 A U H X T S Canvassers, diors, solicitors, mail order people. : people, etc., should by KRAMER'S iJOOK OF Tit A D1C SECRETS Regular I price $5.oo, ,m bal. of last edition for j $1.2f as long as they last, uuaran ! teed. Oriier quick. Sioux Pn.1. Co., Sutherland, Iowa. n221mo Hcii.juartcrt or Tmrlsta and Commcrcia Travctcr Sample Rood say "pla'ntiffa allege, that they were ousted and dispossessed of said land and premises by due course of law, On the contrary we think an in spection of the allegation in this le spect shovsallegation of an n'timate i 1 :3 ir 11 Spec ials FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. ARLINGTON HOUSE. STOUT & McMILLAN, Props Only Modem Hotel in Carson ONE tiLOCK FROM RAILWAY DEPOT . by the Rank of Nevada, but they jf?Pt SOO(1 as against general demur fail to show when or how they were i vov Pact ousted and disnossessed of said land and premises by said Bank of Nevad i, 1 they don't show when they went in;o S. Counsel say thorp was no report in the abstract of title furnished by respondeat ? that the land in question CE Other Stoves j LI New Eastern Silver thread sour kraut and genuine Dill Pickles at the Nevada Meat Company. Nothing but U. S. Inspected Meats handled. Every carcass stamped. We dot raise hogs at the slaughter house on offal and refuse and sell it to you to eat. NEVADA MEAT COMPANY, Formerly Eagle Market. Scott Building : : : : : : Telephone 614. 3 ..IE "If : IK. Ill lit .SL., iJl .III: M: . it. .III. Mi;, M,:.Mt. In almost every houre there is a room that the heat from the other stoves or furnace fails to reach. It may be a room on the "weather" side, or one having no heat connection. It may be a cold hallway. No mat ter in what part of the house whether room or hallway---it can soon be made snug and cozy with a PERIFECTOM Oil Mealier (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Unlike ordinary oil heaters the Perfection given satisfaction always. First and foremost it is absolutely safe you cannot tarn the wick too high or too low. Gives intense heac without smoke or smell because equipped with smokeless device. ian De easily carried trotn room to room. As easy to operate as a lamp. Ornamental as well as useful. Made in two finishes nickel and japan. Brass oil fount beautifully embossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and burns 9 hours. There's real satisfaction in a Perfection Oil Heater. Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer's write our nearest iigency Ior uestripiive circular. The T makes the home bright. . -Is the safest and best lamp ' I of ll--ounl household use. Gives a clear, steady ngnt. fitted wnn latest ) Improved burner. Made of brass throughout nd nickel plated. 'Every lamb warranted. Suitable for lihiarv. dinino- , . parlor or bed room, nfttatyqtir dealer's write to carealttciit.-y. . siwwnsii via. tumrmi X X r Davey & Maish COWFECTIOWERS Fresh Fruits of every season Ice cream soda and iced brinks Free delivery to all parts of the city. Country or.lers promptly filled Emporium B .ck Carson City, Nf F. J. Stein metz. CASTS!, : Stationery, Kodaks and Photographic $uppie$, Store op. Postoffice . - - Phone He. Zl am mmm'M'.Ms m, : :. m mrmm mm w,m.m-m MEYER'S MERCANTILE CO Successors to Geo. H Meyers Wholesale and Reail Dealer in Choice s Familv - Groceries The Stone O. T. Market I9 WKP. mm Dealer in Prime Beef, Pork. Veal, Lamb -rid Msh in Season Phone 504 The Bank Eaioonl MEYER & SANGER, Proprietors $nutl; arjsnn ti;eet Gai;snn, Nevada The best appointed Private Card 00:11? I Finest of Wines, Liquors an 1